The BLTS Archive - Command Performance by Emma Woodhouse --- Disclaimer: Once again, the characters belong to Paramount. So does the ship, equipment, goods and supplies, down to the tiniest sprout in the Airponics Bay. I made up a few characters, including the Avarans, and the Late Great Miriam O'Rourke, and the plot and dialog are certainly my own, copyright 1996 by "Emma Woodhouse". Warning: If it's Woodhouse, it must be slash. One of these days, I'll write a m/f, just to prove I can do it, but not today, boys and girls. Intro: When I first began reading alt.startrek.creative, and the archives, C/P was almost all there was in the way of Voyager slash. Seeing a Need (and considering the concept as Cute as All Get-Out), I began writing P/K. While still a devotee of P/K, I felt the Call to try C/P. Why? Because, like Mount Everest, it's there. The astute and careful reader of my Works will note that I've been tinkering with backstory again. Hey, this is a different timestream. --- "I just don't get it, everything seemed to be going well." Chakotay sighed. He'd been trying to meditate, but it just didn't seem to be possible, not with the younger man pacing the room like that. He opened his eyes. Of all the people to be sharing a cell with. Paris saw that he was finally getting the Commander's attention, and sat down on one of the wooden bunks. They were in a stone cell, with no amenities, no window, only a bucket of water on a rickety table and a foul chamber pot in the corner. "Didn't you think things were going pretty well?" "So it seemed," Chakotay admitted. "But I don't really have a lot of experience negotiating with monarchies, and I couldn't quite get a handle on His Majesty." "I don't think it was the majestic kid at all," Paris argued. "He was listening and nodding, and when he learned how much duranium we were willing to trade for a few tiny vials of that serum, he perked right up. No, I think it was the old guy standing behind him. The guy in brown with the funny hat." "The vizier," Chakotay supplied. "That's the one. Everything was going fine until he started whispering in the king's ear. And now look at us." "These people are fairly primitive," Chakotay told him, uncrossing his legs and stretching. "They think the vizier is a magician." Paris was interested. "And is he?" Chakotay looked at the pilot with surprise. "Well, how would I know?" "Can't you ask your spirit guide or something? Surely it would know." Chakotay sighed. He never could tell whether Paris was being serious or not; it was one of the things that annoyed him most about the man. "I don't have a direct comm link to the universe of magic, Paris, whatever you might think." Not many people on the ship really understood Chakotay's spiritual life. They all seemed to think it was either bunkum or pure magic. "Well, shit." Paris fell silent and stared moodily at the floor. Chakotay went back to his interrupted meditation. But it was not to be. A few short minutes later, there was a creaking at the door, and then the door swung open. The two men were instantly on their feet. Expecting the surly guard who had brought them here, they were surprised at the tiny woman who slipped into the cell. She put her finger to her lips and gestured for them to follow her. Paris looked inquiringly at the Commander, who shrugged his shoulders. Might as well, he indicated, and the two followed the woman out into the dim corridor. The woman was well dressed, in a silky gown with fur trim, and Chakotay recognized her after a moment. She'd been in the audience chamber earlier, with the older woman whom he knew to be the Queen Mother. He wondered what was going on. Farther down the corridor, the three passed the guard station. Two guards were slumped in their chairs, snoring heavily. Paris paused for a moment and sniffed their breath. Aha, he thought so - drugged. This was definitely strange. Now they were out the door, into a dark muddy alley, and their little escort urged them into a carriage, some sort of primitive motorized contraption, and then they were moving. The windows were covered. Where were they going? The woman threw back her hood, and looked at the two men. She was young, and rather pretty. These Avarans were very human-looking humanoids, small, darkhaired and copper-skinned, they could probably pass easily for humans on the streets of Earth itself. Chakotay said, "Would you mind telling us what's going on?" The woman thought for a moment, and then said, "They were going to kill you, you know." "Oh?" Paris asked, "and who are they?" "The king's men, of course. The vizier frightened him. He's not really a bad boy." "Boy?" Chakotay challenged. "He's almost a man. What frightened him?" The woman looked at him speculatively. "Boy or man, he's still quite superstitious. It grieves Madam, her late husband's influence, of course." "Okay," Paris interrupted. "So they were going to kill us, and I take it that you and - Madam - aren't? Who are you, by the way?" "I am Lady Faliva, lady in waiting to the Queen Mother, whom you should call Her Highness when you meet." She frowned at Paris reprovingly. "Oh, I'll be sure and remember that." Paris tried not to sound sarcastic, and gave Faliva an ingratiating smile. He thought, hey, if we're dealing with the women now, things are looking up. He felt confident in his ability to sweet talk the ladies. "Madam Her Highness does not believe in omens and portents, and your tale of the sickness oppressing your ship moved her. Your sick Captain is a woman?" "Yes, she is," Chakotay told her. "Many high ranking officers in our fleet are women." "Very interesting." Faliva thought for a moment and then brought out a bottle. She poured a liquid into two small glasses and handed them to the two men. They looked at her inquiringly. "You must drink it," she told them. Paris looked to Chakotay for guidance. "Bottoms up, I guess," Chakotay said. He wasn't surprised when he soon became drowsy, and saw that Paris was nodding off as well. --- Another cell? Chakotay sat up and looked around. Well, it was a better cell, anyway, with plastered walls and a window, and a privacy niche for the sanitary facilities. Actual mattresses on the bunks. But what happened to his uniform? And why was he wearing this robe thing? He examined his new garment, and it reminded him of a beach coverup. A very short beach coverup. And - oh dear, nothing else. Chakotay belted the robe tighter, feeling insecure. Paris was sprawled on the other bunk, similarly attired. Chakotay thought about shaking him awake, and then thought, oh, let him sleep. He's less annoying when he's asleep. Asleep, the pilot looked different. Younger, somehow, with his hair tousled and his defenses down. Not so cynical and sarcastic. But now he was frowning, and starting to move restlessly. He mumbled something, and then said clearly, "No!" He was shaking his head, seeming to be fighting something, or denying something. "No! NO!" Chakotay went quickly to his side, and grasped his shoulder. "Paris! Wake up. You're dreaming, wake up!" He was taken by surprise when the younger man sat up suddenly, grabbing him by the throat. He was looking into wide, terrified blue eyes, and the surprisingly strong hands tightened on his windpipe, and then Paris said, "Oh!" and let him go. Chakotay sat back on his heels, and said, "Are you awake now?" Paris nodded, looking embarrassed. "Yeah. I'm awake. Sorry." Then he noticed his odd attire, which had fallen open in his struggles, and belted it back up, looking even more embarrassed. "What the hell?" "Don't ask me, I just woke up myself. We seem to have been promoted to a better class of cell, but I can't say I'm crazy about the uniform of the day." "Oh, Commander, it's You!" Paris said admiringly, and Chakotay knew the lieutenant was back to his old self again. Then the door opened, and Lady Faliva was back with them. Today she was in some kind of muslin thing, yards and yards of it, and she smiled at the two men. "Good morning." "Good morning to you," Paris said amiably, remembering his resolution to charm their new hosts. "How are you today?" She smiled at him, and gestured for the servant who followed her to put the tray he carried on the table. "Perfectly fine," she told them. "And I think we are well on our way to getting you gentlemen the serum you are seeking, and then you may return to your ship, and tend to your ailing." "Hey, that's great!" Paris said sincerely. Before they had left the ship, Harry had been diagnosed with the virus, and he had thought that B'Elanna was looking a bit wrung out too. "We'd really be grateful." Faliva smiled. It was an odd smile, seeming to hide secrets. "I hope you enjoy your breakfast. In a few hours, I will take you to Madam Her Highness, who wishes to discuss the terms of your release." As she turned to go, Chakotay stopped her. "Uh - m'lady? What about our uniforms?" "All in good time," she told him with a smile, and whisked out of the room. Paris thought he heard a giggle as she moved down the hall. --- The breakfast had been demolished, and the two officers had given up on speculating on what Faliva meant about 'terms of your release', so Paris went back to pacing, and Chakotay again tried to meditate. And soon guards came to fetch them, and they were taken to see Madam Her Highness. The Queen Mother was a handsome woman of early middle age, sumptuously dressed, and attended by several dozen of her ladies in a bright, airy hall. As the men entered, she gestured regally for them to approach her. "Welcome to my summer palace," she told them, and Chakotay thought it was a definite improvement on the gloomy pile presided over by her superstitious son. Here there were large windows, stretching from low window seats up to the high ceiling. The commander wished they had their uniforms back, because some of the younger women were eyeing him and Paris with a little too personal an interest to suit him. And now they were at the foot of the dais, where Madam Her Highness gestured for them to sit, and stools were produced by silent servants. The Queen Mother was dressed in muslin for the day, and her highest ranking ladies sat around her, and a small page boy sat at her feet. "Tell me how we can assist you," Madam commanded. Chakotay told her of the indigenous Delta quadrant virus that was wreaking such havoc on his crew, infecting even his Captain, and how their scout Neelix had told them that on a planet called Avara they could find the cure for their woes. Paris listened silently, thinking Chakotay was doing quite a good job, stating their case like a tribal story, a mythic quest. The ladies seemed to like it. And they did. Madam listened intently, absently stroking the hair of her young page, and when Chakotay finished, she clapped her hands with delight, and said, "We will help you. You shall have your serum. You have only to entertain us, and then you may leave." Faliva spoke up excitedly. "I want the one with the strange blue eyes!" And another young lady said, "And I want the one with the painted face!" Chakotay sat up straight, appalled, but the Queen Mother clapped her hands and frowned sternly at the younger women. "These are aliens, not Avarans," she told them impressively, "Do not blaspheme." The young ladies subsided into hurt silence, and Chakotay relaxed for a moment. Too soon. Because then the Queen Mother turned to them with a smile, and said, "They will please each other for us." Chakotay's jaw had dropped, and he didn't appear to be capable of saying anything any time soon, so Paris cleared his throat and said, "Uh - 'scuse me? Your Highness? We will what?" "You will please each other." "And, just how are we to do that?" "Sexually, of course." She seemed surprised by the question. "You know how, surely." "Oh, surely," Paris said faintly. "But - uh, where?" "Right here. You may begin any time." She waved her hand, signaling for the entertainment to begin. Paris saw that Chakotay was getting angry, he remembered that anger from the few weeks he'd spent with the Maquis, and knew that Chakotay's rare anger meant big trouble. So he said hurriedly, "Uh, Your Highness, may I have permission to - confer with my colleague for a moment?" A flash of irritation crossed her face, but she waved permission, and Paris dragged Chakotay off to the corner. Chakotay said, "Look, Paris, if you think I'm going to take this kind of blackmail - " Paris gave him a quick shake, he was getting angry himself. "This seems to me to be a pretty lousy time for you to be taking a stand on principle, Commander," he snapped. "She's going to let us GO, unless you make her mad and she decides to turn us back over to her son, who wants to kill us. Now, Doc said we've got a week to get back with that serum, and maybe you're willing to die rather than give these ladies a sex show, but I'm not willing for you to kill the Captain, or Harry and B'Elanna either." Chakotay closed his eyes for a moment. The Captain - He took a deep breath. "But, Paris," he said reluctantly, "I - wouldn't even know where to begin!" Paris laughed, and the sound of that derisive laugh stiffened his spine. "See what you've missed out on by avoiding Federation prison, Commander? I, on the other hand, know lots of things I never wanted to know." Chakotay looked at the younger man in surprise, and thought that for a moment he saw a flash of pain in those knowing blue eyes. "Look," Paris went on, "you want to save the Captain?" Chakotay nodded. "Okay. Just follow my lead." And Paris dragged his commander out to the middle of the room. "Right here and now, eh?" The Queen Mother nodded, and the small conversation groups broke up as the ladies of the court moved their chairs to face the center of the room. Paris removed Chakotay's robe, and the commander was embarrassed by the murmur of approving comment that swept the room. Then Paris removed his own robe, to another round of comment. Chakotay supposed that to these tiny people, they would both look quite imposing. He spoke through gritted teeth. "Paris, I really don't think I can do this. Physically, I mean. Not with all these people - " Paris gave him a look of sympathetic understanding, and ran his fingers lightly over Chakotay's chest. "Oh, yes, you can. You may think you can't, but you won't be able to help it." And then the young man knelt quickly in front of his commander and began to lick his thighs. Chakotay tried not to look at the women watching with avid interest, tried to stare off into space, tried not to think about anything. And especially tried to pretend it was anyone but Paris kneeling in front of him. As Paris slowly bathed Chakotay's balls with his tongue, the Commander began to get an erection. Now he knew what Paris meant, he really wasn't able to help it. Paris was running his tongue up and down the erect penis now, and Chakotay saw that Faliva was leaning forward, licking her lips, intently watching the show. He closed his eyes, devoutly wishing the floor would open up and swallow them. Wasn't Paris dying of embarrassment, too? "Paris," he whispered. "Hmm?" "How can you stand it?" Paris sat back on his heels, looking up at Chakotay. "Just don't think about it," he said softly, so that only the commander could hear him. As he spoke, he continued to fondle Chakotay's genitals, and his touch was undeniably exciting. "Look, just close your eyes and pretend I'm someone else. I could make some impertinent suggestions, but I'll leave the exact identity up to you." "You seem pretty cool about it all," Chakotay said with a touch of resentment. "Hey, you're in luck today, Commander," Paris said, and there was a world of bitterness in his voice. "You just happened to get an away team assignment with the only whore on Voyager. So you're in good hands. Just 'close your eyes and think of England'." And he bowed his head and sucked Chakotay's penis into his mouth. Chakotay let out a strangled cry, and closing his eyes couldn't block out the appreciative murmur that ran around the room. Pretend it's someone else, he told himself, and began pretending fiercely, something about a temperate planet and a Star Fleet emergency shelter. To keep from falling, he leaned over and gripped the shoulders in front of him, and it was difficult to integrate those hard muscles into his fantasy, but he wasn't thinking about much of anything right now. The warm, wet mouth was moving faster now, along his entire length, and he was so close, he was almost there- And suddenly the mouth was removed. He gave a gasp of disappointment, and looked down. Paris had pressed his cheek against his thighs, and was caressing the commander's hips and ass. In an undertone, the lieutenant said, "The ladies want a show, Commander, don't come too fast." Chakotay wanted to shout with frustration, and then he jumped in surprise, as he felt a finger slide into his anus. "Paris!" he hissed. "Get used to it," Paris said indifferently, "because that's where we're going next." "If you think for one minute - " "Serum, virus, Janeway, Torres, Kim ..." Paris recited softly. And then he was licked Chakotay's erection again, and the commander was incapable of responding. Chakotay seized that golden head in both hands, he was going to finish this right now, and Paris seemed to have the same idea, he was sucking now, sucking hard. And then Chakotay felt the great surge of release starting, and he began to spurt into the young man's mouth. Paris broke his hold with one efficient movement, standing suddenly and taking firm hold on Chakotay's penis, directing the ejaculation onto his own genitals. He pulled the commander against his chest, pressing his now erect penis against Chakotay's, and held his senior until his convulsions subsided. Then he reached between them and smeared his penis thoroughly with semen. "What the hell?" Chakotay said. Paris spoke into his ear. "You'll be glad I thought of lubrication once I start fucking you in the ass." The whole thing had a bizarre air of unreality about it, Chakotay thought. Surely it wasn't true that he was standing naked in front of an audience of enthusiastic women, arguing with Paris about whether or not Paris was going to fuck him in the ass! Paris had his arms around the commander, stroking his back and ass sensuously, as they conversed in heated whispers. "Surely we've given them enough 'entertainment' for one day," Chakotay insisted. "I don't think so," Paris murmured into his ear. "Look at them. They don't think we're finished yet." And Chakotay looked at the Queen Mother's court, and had to admit that they did seem to be waiting patiently for act two. Lady Faliva was staring at them intently, with her hand between her legs, and her fingers moving busily. And several other women also seemed to find something of great interest under their skirts. Chakotay sighed. "I suppose you've got a point." "Look," Paris went on, "the Queen Mother said we were to please each other. Now, if you don't want me to fuck you, you'd better start sucking." "Dammit, Paris, I told you - " "Right. You haven't a clue." Chakotay thought he heard something almost like contempt in the pilot's voice. "When we get back to the ship, Commander, you might want to take up genealogy, because I swear you've got a Puritan in your family tree somewhere!" "All right, already! What am I supposed to do?" "That's the spirit! Just get on your hands and knees and leave it to me." But when Chakotay started to pull away, Paris pulled him back to his chest and fastened his lips onto his commander's mouth. Chakotay tried to protest, but couldn't say much with that tongue in his mouth. The kiss seemed to go on and on, and there was a hubbub of approving comment, as Chakotay thought to himself that he'd never in his life been kissed like this. Finally Paris released him, and both men were panting now. "Go on," Paris gasped. "I'll make this as painless as possible." Chakotay got down on his hands and knees, thinking to himself, there was no way he was going to be able to pretend that this was the someone else he'd been picturing earlier. Oh well, he thought, let's get this over with. He sensed Paris on his knees behind him, and didn't know what to expect, but certainly didn't expect the soft caresses he was receiving on his ass and thighs. A finger was circling his anus, an odd sensation, causing a flutter in the pit of his stomach, and he was being stroked gently, as the finger occasionally slipped in and out of his tight hole. Chakotay didn't want to admit, even to himself, that this felt good, so he whispered, "Why don't you just get it over with?" "Because if I just pushed right in, it would hurt like hell," Paris answered irritably. "And I'm speaking from experience, so stop second-guessing me. Try to relax." Try to relax. Right. Chakotay tried to disassociate himself from his surroundings and circumstances, but couldn't help fixating on all the things he disliked about Paris, his attitude, his smart mouth, his dissembling with the Captain on that spy thing. He'd never liked Paris, not from the first moment they met. But then he realized what Paris had just said, about speaking from experience, and thought that however much he disliked the man, he certainly wouldn't have wished that on anyone. And he had to admit, the guy seemed to know what he was doing. Paris was thinking resentfully, of course, I have to do all the work. So he can tell himself that he didn't do anything, he just took it, and didn't like it, oh no, he didn't like a bit of it. For a moment, he was tempted to stop being careful, to just slam into his disapproving elder and give him a taste of prison life. But then he had a better idea, and reached between Chakotay's legs and began caressing his penis with one hand, while he continued his careful stretching of the tight entry with the other. A much better idea. Make the bastard enjoy it. Chakotay gasped. He couldn't believe he was getting another erection, so soon after that massive orgasm. The experienced fingers were dancing lightly on his penis, up and down so deliciously. And further back, he felt more fingers inside his anus, stretching gently and then retreating, returning again and again. A strange feeling, something he'd never felt before, almost but not quite painful. But somehow undeniably exciting. Paris felt Chakotay shiver, and thought spitefully, good! This will give you something to discuss with your damn spirit guide! And he began to push his shaft slowly into the commander's flesh. Slowly advancing and retreating, over and over, until he was all the way in. Then he paused for a moment. He ran his hands over Chakotay's shoulders, back and hips, sensual stroking, and almost laughed to hear the commander's soft moan. Oh, no, you don't like this a bit, do you? SIR? He looked up momentarily and caught sight of their appreciative, fascinated audience, and bit his lip to keep from grinning at them. Well, he always liked exciting the ladies, and he had to say that these ladies were certainly excited. And then Paris thought, Jesus, what's the matter with me? Was he actually enjoying tormenting the man? Was he no better than they were? He was remembering now, that horrible first time in the exercise yard, and the scalding humiliation of being used in front of witnesses, back before it became so routine he just didn't care anymore, out of sheer self-preservation. For the first time, he felt a sense of fellow-feeling for the commander. After today, he would be the only man on the ship with a sense of what Paris had gone through, and wasn't it crazy that it would be Chakotay, of all people? Paris leaned forward, and kissed the commander on the back, whispering, "Hang in there, Commander, we'll get through this," and reached around to take Chakotay's erection in his hand. Maybe if he got him really turned on, he'd tune out the surroundings. Chakotay was dizzy with desire now, wondering if he was going to come or pass out, as Paris masturbated him roughly while pumping into him from behind. He could hardly breathe, he was more aroused than he'd ever been in his life, he'd lost all connection to anything but the touch, the touch, that wonderful touch. But then he looked up, at the court ladies on the dais, and almost choked. The Queen Mother's skirts were raised now, and her little page boy was kneeling between her knees, with his face buried between her thighs. For a moment, Chakotay was sure he was going to vomit. Paris was leaning over his commander with his eyes closed, gasping as he explored that deliciously tight channel, and oh god, this felt good, it was the best, oh, it was perfect! He tightened his grip on Chakotay's erection, and heard his loud groan, and thought joyfully, he likes it, I'm pleasing him! He was thrusting faster now, almost there, oh, this was so beautiful. Chakotay had swallowed his bile and for the moment all thought of the little boy was lost, as he felt the tighter grip, the faster movement, the pressure and the pleasure and the thundering beat, and then he was crying out, crying aloud as he began to jerk and spurt in Paris' hand, and he heard a triumphant scream behind him as Paris began shooting into his body. Paris threw his arms around the older man and held on tightly, and finally they were both spent. They held their positions for a few moments, panting, and then Paris raised Chakotay up and spun him around. "I knew you could do it," he whispered, pulling him close and kissing him roughly. For a moment, Chakotay thought he saw affectionate approval in the young man's eyes, but then they were too close for anything else to register but the kisses, and they just couldn't seem to stop. It was as if they were magnetized, Paris thought, as soon as his lips got about an inch from the commander's, they just had to return, and he kissed Chakotay again and again, long and short, hard and soft, and damned if Chakotay wasn't kissing him back. They leaned against one another, holding each other up, on their knees in the crowded room, kissing and kissing, like they were never going to stop. And then they heard the strange thundering sound, and looked up, and all the ladies were stamping their feet in Avaran applause. Paris grinned at Chakotay, and whispered, "Aaaand, cut! Run down the curtain, hopefully, and exeunt omnes." "What?" Chakotay whispered back. "I mean I think we're through." Paris picked up their robes, handed one to Chakotay, and the two men stood up, the pilot delivering a flamboyant bow to the audience before shrugging back into his robe. And Chakotay thought with real amusement, if gall were latinum, this guy would be a billionaire! The Queen Mother gestured them to approach, smiling. "Lady Faliva will see to your belongings, and the serum will be delivered to you shortly. Thank you, gentlemen, for a most interesting afternoon." Paris interrupted before Chakotay could say anything, a few effusive words of thanks for the Queen Mother's assistance to unfortunate travellers, and then Lady Faliva took them back to their cell. Their uniforms were already there, along with their comm badges and tricorders, last seen in the king's gloomy castle. Faliva had the servants bring hot water, so that the guests might clean themselves, and then she departed, returning a few moments later. With her was the pretty little page boy, carrying three large vials of liquid, and Paris immediately seized one and ran a tricorder over it. "This is the goods, all right," he told Chakotay with satisfaction. But Chakotay was looking at the little boy, thinking that if he were human he wouldn't be a day over seven. Faliva said, "I'll leave you gentlemen to clean up, we'll be leaving shortly." Chakotay was pressing his lips tightly together, praying not to disgrace himself, and was glad that Faliva and the boy were well down the hall before he dashed to the toilet and threw up. Paris was feeling proud of himself, and turned to Chakotay, saying, "Hey, mission accomplished - " and then saw the commander leaning over the toilet, and his good mood vanished. He told himself that his feelings were NOT hurt, no, he was insulted. Hell, he'd fucked plenty of people in his life, and none of them had felt the need to puke afterwards. Chakotay was wondering what kind of viper's nest they'd stumbled into that they would allow their children to be abused like that, when he felt Paris leaning over him, and heard a light, contemptuous voice. "Next time you're talking to the spirits of your ancestors, ask them to bless the Caretaker." "Huh?" "You wouldn't have lasted a week in prison. Shit, you only had to take one man, and I didn't even draw blood. Count your blessings, Commander." Chakotay felt too tired and confused to even want to try to argue or explain. "Right," he said wearily, and the two men washed and got dressed with no further conversation. --- At Chakotay's request, the Queen Mother's carriage took them out of the capitol, and left them on a deserted stretch of road. Once the carriage had moved away, he activated his comm badge and energized the shuttle's transporters, and now they were back in the shuttle they had hidden in the woods. "Let's get out of here," Chakotay said, and Paris immediately powered up and they were on their way. Chakotay sat down in the co-pilot's chair, and felt the silence stretch out uncomfortably. Finally, he said, "I'm sure not looking forward to making the log entries for this mission." Paris shrugged. "Hey, you're the away team commander. I won't tell if you won't." They were out of the gravity well now, and Paris set course for Voyager. Was Paris suggesting that the First Officer submit an incomplete report? Chakotay said, "Hey, maybe you don't have any problem falsifying reports - ", and then saw the pilot's knuckles go white as he gripped the edge of the console, and thought, whoops, open mouth, insert foot. Chakotay was about to apologize, to say he didn't quite mean it that way, but before he could say anything, Paris said lightly, "Jeez, Commander, you're more Star Fleet than Star Fleet! How could you stand to leave?" And Chakotay had to stand up and blunder to the back of the shuttle, to keep from smashing his fist right into that mocking mouth. 'How could I stand to leave?' he asked himself, pacing a tight circle in the rear of the shuttle. God, it had been like an amputation, he'd worked so hard, all his life, he was up for command, and then the damn treaty was published, and there was his home, his HOME!, in Cardassian territory, and what choice did he have? And what would a guy like Paris know about hard work anyway, guys like him never had to do a day's work in their lives. He'd seen enough like him in Star Fleet, skating through life on charm, looks, and family connections. And Paris was worse than most, pissing away a career because he just didn't care. What would he know about the agony of that decision? Paris was making sensor log entries, thinking to himself, the goddamn prig! Carrying on like it was some kind of friggin' Fate Worse Than Death! He shouldn't have been so careful not to hurt him, Chakotay probably wanted it to hurt, then he could tell himself that Paris couldn't do anything right. Well, fuck him. Though, come to think of it, he already had. And quite nicely, too, and you'd think a guy would be grateful, but oh, no, there he was acting like he'd just had to accommodate the whole Cleveland gang. But what would Chakotay know about stuff like that? No, he'd never get his hands dirty, he'd sure never get his ass dirty, and he'd never had to make nice to some horrible old man just to buy a little protection. --- Chakotay sat down crosslegged on the floor, and tried to meditate, tried to find his animal guide. But his mood would not allow it, all he saw was a grey muzzle poking out through the leaves, and then she ran away, deep into the forest, whining in fear. He sighed and opened his eyes. The shuttle was crowded, full of all the duranium they had planned to trade for the serum, and he supposed B'Elanna would be glad to have it back. Though he wasn't quite sure what to tell her about what they HAD traded for the serum. Oh, hell. He walked up to the front of the shuttle, running his hand lightly over the containers of duranium, and Paris watched him with an unfathomable look on his face. Chakotay sat down again in the co-pilot's seat, and Paris said, "I know. Welcome to the secret fraternity of whores." Chakotay looked at him sharply, but there was no sarcasm in the pilot's voice. He sounded so - matter of fact. But then they heard a beeping sound, and Paris turned eagerly to the communicator. "Paris to Voyager." "Voyager here." It was Tuvok's voice. And even through the vacuum of space, Chakotay thought the Vulcan sounded dead weary. Things must be pretty bad. The First Officer leaned forward eagerly. "We've got the serum, Tuvok, how are things there?" He grinned at Paris; they had done it, after all. "No fatalities yet, Commander, but the crew is down to sixteen unaffected individuals. It has been - difficult. We will be gratified to see you." "We'll be there in an hour. Chakotay out." And Paris said exuberantly, "Ta-taa!" An hour later, Paris keyed the communicator again. "Open up the shuttlebay, because this dogsled is pulling into Nome!" The two men exited the shuttlecraft, to eerie silence. "We're on our way to Sickbay, Tuvok," Chakotay said. And over the communicator, Tuvok said with heartfelt sincerity, "Welcome home, gentlemen." --- They heard the murmur before they got to Sickbay, and rounding the corner, they saw the stretchers lining the hall. Nicoletti and Chell appeared to be the stretcher bearers. "Cargo Bay Two is the main ward," the lieutenant told them. "After the Doctor assesses them, we'll take them over there." In silence, Chakotay and Paris entered Sickbay. The Doctor was moving as briskly as ever, but Kes looked ready to drop. "Well, THERE you are!" the Doctor said. "What took you so long?" He took two of the vials from Paris, and said, "Get that one to the pharmaceutics replicator," and Paris said smartly, "Oh, yes SIR!" Chakotay went over to biobed two to see the Captain. She'd lost weight, just in the few days they had been gone. Her eyes were closed, and she was very pale. He took her hand, and said softly, "Captain?" The Doctor bustled up. "She's not conscious, Commander. Now, get out from underfoot, please. Mister Tuvok will be glad of some assistance on the bridge, I'm sure. But you won't need a pilot, we won't be leaving orbit until we have more of the crew functional, so I'm commandeering Mister Paris." "Okay," Chakotay said absently. The Doctor sounded like he thought he was in command of the ship, and since virtually the whole ship was a hospital at the moment, perhaps he was. He went over to the pharm-replicator, where Paris was biting his lip with concentration, adjusting the settings. "How long will that take?" Chakotay asked. Paris looked up. "Quite a while. The replication has to be exact to the subatomic level. Doc's starting the worse cases on the other vials, and in a few hours we'll be ready to go with this." "Good. You're assigned to Medical till we're over the worst of this." The pilot nodded; he'd had enough medical training to make himself useful. Chakotay turned to go, but then turned back. "Oh, and Paris?" Paris looked up, and his defensive wariness made the commander feel obscurely guilty. "Good work." And the First Officer went off to take command of the stricken ship, carrying with him the memory of the astonishment in those crystal blue eyes. --- Paris sagged, wondering why there were two B'Elannas in the bed, when he felt a hand under his arm. "Sir? You've got to get some sleep." He turned, and there was Crewman Geron, tugging him over to a cot in the corner. How long had he been working in the cargo bay? Paris couldn't remember. Most of the crew were lined up in here, with some in Holodeck Two, and a few in Sickbay. There wasn't enough modern medical equipment to go around, so they were back to Florence Nightingale era technology, Paris thought, confusing his eras slightly. IVs and bed pans. Before today, or yesterday, he supposed, he didn't even know what a bed pan was. Now if he never saw another of the filthy things, it would be too soon. Geron was pushing him down. "Get some sleep, Lieutenant," the teenage Bajoran said, emboldened by his new position as chief orderly of Cargo Bay Two. "And that's an order." Geron wasn't particularly disturbed by any of this. After the refugee camps, it would take a lot to bother him. And he wasn't going to let the ship's pilot work himself into the grave. Paris subsided onto the cot, already half asleep. God, they had almost lost B'Elanna, she'd almost left them. He didn't like it when people left, it wasn't right, wasn't fair. ...The beautiful woman sitting on Tommy's bed wasn't talking to him. She was talking to his teddy bear. She often did that when she had something difficult or unpleasant to say, when she couldn't look Tommy in the eye. "It's not that I don't want to take Tommy with me," she was telling Edward Bear, who listened impassively. "But I can't. He'd never let me go if I took his son, don't you see? He'd follow us to the end of the galaxy." Edward Bear said nothing. Neither did Tommy. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, truly I am." She bowed her head, and the long golden hair trailed across the stuffed toy in her lap. "Maybe if you explain it to him when he's a little older, he'll understand then. Oh, Mister Bear, I'm sorry to be so weak. But I have to save myself." The beautiful woman stood up then, and tucked the bear under the covers. She still didn't talk to Tommy, didn't look him in the eye. He never saw her again. She had never even kissed him goodbye... Chakotay had taken a brief nap in the ready room, some time ago. It was enough to go on. Tuvok had the bridge now, and the First Officer was touring the ship, the weird, silent, echoing ship. He had stopped in the mess hall and got a mug of coffee, and sipped it as he walked, finding it almost palatable. Neelix had remained at his post, cooking for the diminished crew. He had been surprised at the crew's reaction to a simple little thing like Waasi, he'd caught it when everyone else did, and his nose felt stuffy for a few days, but that was all. Chakotay wasn't surprised. Too many of his ancestors had been killed by a simple case of measles for him to be surprised at what a disease could do to those who didn't have the inborn antibodies. The serum was working. He was so relieved. He had wondered, for a few awful hours, if the traditional Delta quadrant cure would work on Alpha quadrant humanoids. But it did. In Sickbay, he actually spoke a few words to the Captain, before the Doctor hustled him away, demanding rest for his patients. Kes had finally collapsed, and was sleeping on a blanket in the corner. And in the cargo bay, Paris was asleep on a cot by the door. Crewman Geron tried to snap to attention, but Chakotay waved him back to ease. He walked along the rows of cots, thinking it was the first time in months he'd seen so many of the crew in the same place at one time. Rank hath its privileges, but not here. The patients were lined up in order of appearance, just as they had been brought in when finally felled by the disease. Chakotay scanned the rows, feeling a momentary amazement that they had experienced no fatalities. Everyone was going to pull through. He thought back to the Queen Mother's Summer Palace, and for the first time felt a twinge of pride. He had saved all these people. He and Paris. As he turned to go, his eyes fell on Paris, asleep beside the door. Paris moved restlessly, murmured, "Mama - ?" Lord, Chakotay thought, how old is the guy? What, almost thirty, and crying for his mama? But then he felt a cold chill - he'd been in so many battles since he joined the Maquis, so many well-nigh hopeless battles where you had to take casualties because you didn't have the equipment and all you had was 'cannon fodder'. Chakotay knew, better than any Star Fleet officer, how many men died calling for their mothers, and he turned to Geron with sudden concern. "Has Lieutenant Paris caught the virus?" Geron was surprised. "Oh, no, Commander. All of us still standing were immunized first thing once you got that serum. No, he's just wiped out. Why?" "Just thought he looked a little pale." Geron grinned at him. "Well, shit, sir, I mean, begging your pardon, but so do you. Hell, I saw Tuvok in the mess hall, and HE looks a little pale!" Chakotay chuckled. "I suppose you're right. Well, the worst is behind us, crewman." "Yes, SIR!" Geron was glad to hear it. If Chakotay said the worst was over, it must be so. And the First Officer was right. Within a few days, some of the less affected of the crew were back to working half shifts, and one of these days they'd be able to leave orbit and get back on their way. The Captain was improving, had relocated to her quarters, and was starting to make restless noises about returning to duty. So far, the Doctor's dire threats had kept her off the bridge, but any day now - Chakotay sat in the mess hall, staring blankly at the PADD. He still hadn't completed the away team report, still hadn't quite figured out how to word it, and kept remembering Paris saying, "I won't tell if you won't." It was tempting, really tempting, to just leave that part out. Paris was leaving, and detoured over to the commander, and Chakotay thought, 'Uh-oh'. Because once Paris had recovered from his exhaustion, he was back to his old self, only more so, more aggravating than ever. "Still puzzling over the log?" Paris asked. Chakotay nodded, expressionless. Paris smiled at him. "Don't forget to put in there how good I was," he said, in a softly venomous voice, "and how much you liked it." And he left, not waiting for a reply. What's with this guy? Does he want to get pounded into the ground? Because that was sure Chakotay's instinct these days, to just deck the guy, knock him to the ground, rip off his clothes - Whoa. Back up a minute. Rip off - ? Oh, hell! --- The next morning, Chakotay escorted the Captain to the mess hall. She walked slowly, still looked quite pale and thin, but her eyes were sparkling, glad to be upright and moving again. Chakotay had solved the log issue by turning in an incomplete report, and telling the Captain the report was incomplete. The narrative took the away team to the King's prison, and their rescue by the Queen Mother's party, noting that the Queen Mother had supplied the needed serum. His report ended, "Further information available upon request. However, Captain, it is my strong desire and recommendation that you do not request any further details." Captain Janeway was puzzled and intrigued. She was so tempted to ask, but this was the first time her First Officer had ever asked her NOT to ask about anything, so perhaps she should respect that. It must be something quite personal. The Captain wondered, though, what this Queen Mother looked like. In the mess hall, Neelix was dishing up scrambled eggs, and Torres and Kim were also ambulatory, being mother-henned by Lieutenant Paris. "Every bite! I want those plates clean!" he told the two convalescents. "I've been working for days to convince Neelix to leave the leola root out of the recipe, and we have to encourage him." And the two officers agreed that Neelix should be encouraged to eschew leola root. --- Two days later, Chakotay finally had some time to himself. Maybe one of the holodecks would be free. Holodeck two was in use and locked, but holodeck one was open. Chakotay entered. There was a program running. It was one of the park settings, with trees and grass, birds chirping, and a stream glinting in the distance. Well, if someone was already using the holodeck - Chakotay started to turn to leave. But then someone came around the bend of the dirt path. It was Paris. Wearing only shorts and sandals, the young man shone like gold in the artificial sun. "Sorry," Chakotay said shortly. "I thought the holodeck was free." "Oh, it is," Paris said. "Doesn't cost a thing. Are you sure you weren't looking for me, Commander?" He gave Chakotay a sidelong look, deliberately provocative. That did it. Chakotay finally snapped. He grabbed the smart ass by the arm and slammed him against a tree. He meant to punch him - didn't he? - - but somehow wound up kissing him instead. Well, this is one way to get the guy to shut up, Chakotay thought, kissing Paris bruisingly hard, and again, and again. He held the golden head in both hands, pressing his body up against the pilot, pinning him to the tree, and his lips forced open that aggravating mouth, and captured the silky tongue. Paris was moving, seemed to be struggling, but was making no real effort to get away. His hands were on the commander's ass, pressing it closer to him, feeling that powerful erection, rubbing against it. They were on the ground now, and Chakotay held Paris beneath him, as if he were trying to escape, and Paris was writhing purposefully, and both men were gasping. Paris slid a hand between them, between the commander's legs, and grasped tightly, thrillingly, and finally Chakotay realized what was going on, and wrenched his mouth from those delicious lips, staring into that beautiful, irritating face. Paris was smiling dreamily, not a mocking smile, but his hand was working its will on his senior, there was no stopping it now, and Chakotay gasped, "Oh, dammit, you SLUT!" And he couldn't hold back the powerful orgasm taking possession of his body. He rolled off the younger man, thinking, wondering, what's gotten into me, and looked at his uniform with dismay. He certainly had no intention of walking down the hall with that great big stain on the front of his jumpsuit, so he called, "Computer, arch," and the holodeck arch appeared. Not looking at Paris, Chakotay stood and walked to the arch, calling for a replicator, and requesting a new uniform. The holodeck's replicator was now revealed on the wall, and it shimmered briefly before a fresh uniform appeared. Chakotay wearily removed his stained garments, but as he reached for the new clothes, two arms came around him from behind, and lips caressed the back of his neck. "I'm sorry," Paris said softly. "Don't be mad at me." Chakotay froze. "I'm not mad at you," he said, though of course he was, "it's just - I don't understand you, what do you want?" The lips moved over his shoulders, while the hands stroked his chest and abdomen. "What do I want? I could show you - " As if hypnotized, Chakotay turned, and Paris gently stroked his face. "Computer, privacy lock," Paris said, and took the commander's hand and led him into the woods. Near the stream, he pushed Chakotay down onto the grass, and slipped out of his shorts and lay down beside him. Slowly now, their lips met, and then their arms came around each other. Chakotay caressed the young man, thinking how beautiful he was, how gentle he was being, and still, what's going on? He kissed Paris on the ear, and then whispered, "Why are we doing this?" And Paris whispered back, "Why not?" It made sense at the time. Paris was drowning in those huge dark eyes, thinking, he must like me, a little bit, or he wouldn't want me. Surely he wouldn't. He kissed the commander gently, enjoying touching him, especially enjoying pleasing him. Chakotay was already getting hard again, which made Paris feel very talented. Chakotay had given up. He'd gone crazy, that's all, and might as well enjoy it. He stroked Paris' erection, remembered the Summer Palace, and said softly, "Tom? Would you do that to me again?" Paris was thrilled, thinking, he called me Tom! He likes me! He laughed, and said, "All you had to do was ask," reaching around to stroke Chakotay's ass. And now Chakotay was on his hands and knees, being entered from behind, thinking - out of my mind. But that's where he wanted to be. Out of control and in total surrender to physical sensation. Somewhere he'd never been before. The pressure and the fullness, so unfamiliar, and the shivering with desire as he felt the younger man advance and retreat, and now the talented, experienced hand had claimed his erection, and he hissed with pleasure at the touch. The two men came powerfully together on the artificial turf, and Chakotay lay peacefully on the ground, with Paris lying panting on his back. Paris kissed him gently on the back of the neck, and then retreated silently, and Chakotay was alone. Wondering what in the galaxy he'd gotten himself into. Eventually, he got to his feet, and went to look for his newly replicated uniform. Paris hurried down the corridor, heading for his quarters, glad he'd gotten away before the next part, when lovers lie in one another's arms and nestle and murmur - murmur words, words that express thoughts, thoughts that he didn't want to hear. Because he knew from bitter experience that it was possible to want without liking, and if he heard it, then he wouldn't be able to pretend anymore. --- It was an uneventful day on the bridge, and Chakotay was trying, trying hard, not to stare at the back of the pilot's head, knowing now the silken softness of the skin below the ear, and how it felt against his lips. Once, when Captain Janeway went down to the Conn to discuss some sensor readings, her hand rested briefly on the red-clad shoulder, and Chakotay remembered the feel of those hard shoulders, and wanted to scream with jealousy. Still crazy, apparently. He thought to himself, middle-aged fool, and suddenly realized what his Academy roommate had been talking about. Orvis Petrie had been a wild one. Chakotay never understood how the man managed to graduate, since he never seemed to study. And he always seemed to be creeping past the sensors to spend most of the night somewhere else. It didn't matter much to Chakotay, wasn't his business. But once, he'd said something to Orvis about the possibility of being caught, and Orvis had clapped him on the shoulder, and said, "It's all part of my plan, Chak. Get the nonsense out of the old system. Because young fools get forgiven. You mark my words, Chak, young fools and old fools, people forgive them. But the middle-aged fools never get forgiven." Chakotay had just snorted at this advice. He just wasn't going to be a fool, it was as simple as that. He had a plan and he was sticking to it, and he wasn't going to let any irrational cravings get in the way. As for Orvis, he'd had a brief yet spectacularly eventful career in Star Fleet, finally becoming involved in a highly public affair with his Captain's wife, and leaving Star Fleet to start a successful career as a novelist. And here was Chakotay, who had subordinated his passions all his life, first to his Star Fleet career, then to the Maquis cause, and he couldn't stop thinking about the beautiful, carnal and willful young man who seemed to want to play some sort of strange game with him. --- Chakotay sat crosslegged in his quarters, trying to empty his mind of the nonsense that had possessed it lately, trying to coax out his spirit guide. But he felt only the empty whisper of the wind, and it told him nothing. Chakotay thought back. To others he had wanted. His wife, who had said he hadn't wanted her enough. Not as much as he wanted a ship to command. She was tired, she told him, of waiting to start a family, to take a vacation, to have his undivided attention. She thought she should do some other things. And she was gone. Lt. Sarah Feeny, when he was First Officer on the Hector. He thought about her too much, and knew it would be a clear case of fraternization, and he was still married then. Chakotay knew what "personal entanglements" could do to a career, and carefully researched, and managed to wangle himself a lateral transfer, out of harm's way. The Captain. He'd called her Kathryn on New Earth, and for once in his life he'd been willing to give up the planning, to live for the moment, to surrender to feelings. But she was too much like him, and this time she was the one with the plan, the one subordinating desire to duty, and he'd told himself to be patient, to let her take her own time. And now here they were back on Voyager, and what had he gotten from that experience? Only a painful knowledge, finally, of what his wife had been feeling. And Seska. Seska, who came the closest to coming too close. He was a Maquis then, a reckless thing to be, and he was feeling reckless when he bedded his friend and fellow rebel. But she seemed to want more from him, much more than simple friendship, or even the love he was willing to give her. It disturbed him, even then, that she seemed to want possession of his entire mind - of course, now he understood why. But even back then, not knowing that she was a plant and a spy, her possessiveness had alarmed him, and he had told her firmly that it wouldn't work, and had reestablished a non-sexual, friendly relationship. It had seemed easy, all his life, to concentrate on his goals. Why was it so hard all of a sudden? Chakotay tried to find answers in studying his role models. Men who, like him, had to choose to leave a cherished mother country to defend their homes. But as he read the lives and letters of Washington and Lee, he thought with frustration that the men seemed to have no libidos whatsoever. Of course, until recently, he'd thought the same of himself, and was relieved to have such control. Then too, those were more reticent times, and perhaps those men too had wrestled with inconvenient desires. Kind of hard to imagine, but perhaps. "Computer, locate Lt. Paris." "Lt. Paris is on deck four, compartment D-42." So Paris was in his quarters. Go and talk to him. Try to figure out what his game is, what he wants. Chakotay exited the turbolift, and approached the door to Paris' quarters, wondering what exactly he wanted - a calm and clear discussion or a wild and confusing physical encounter. He buzzed at the door and was invited to enter. As the door opened, he was surrounded by music. The lights were dim, and Paris was lying on the sofa, hands laced behind his head, feet crossed at the ankles. And the music - Chakotay smiled, recognizing it immediately, the soaring silver tones of the late, great Miriam O'Rourke, once heard, never forgotten. But why was Paris looking so sad? When la O'Rourke was singing joyfully that tra-la it was May, the lusty month of May, in her signature role of Guenevere, and one of Chakotay's favorites. Paris saw who had entered, and said hastily, "Commander! Computer, music off." And the incomparable voice was abruptly silenced. Paris swung his legs off the sofa and sat up, as Chakotay said, "Hey, you didn't have to turn off the music, I've always been a big O'Rourkite." The response was a toneless, "Oh, really?" and the face a featureless mask. Chakotay said with an awkward attempt at levity, "Hey, you don't have to be such a mysterious bastard, do you?" He never saw the fist coming. That must have been how Paris was able to deck him, and knock him out so cleanly. The next thing he knew, he was flat on his back on the floor, and Captain Janeway was bending over him. "Captain?" Janeway sighed, and settled back on her heels. "You want to tell me why my Conning Officer just turned himself in to the brig and called me to tell me you needed medical assistance in his quarters?" --- Captain Janeway was running a medical scanner over the First Officer, and as he tried to sit up, she firmly pushed him back down. "Doctor?" she said, over her shoulder. Chakotay saw now that the Doctor was also with them, on the computer viewscreen. "According to these readings, there is no concussion," the Doctor said. "He should have no more than a nasty headache." "Thank you, Doctor," the Captain said. "Now, if you'll excuse us?" "Of course." And the screen went blank. Chakotay sat up and Janeway helped him to a chair. He felt his head queasily - that guy could really pack a punch! He looked up to see the Captain watching him. "I'm waiting," she said. Chakotay sighed. "Captain, I wish I knew! The guy just blew up - it came out of nowhere. I had just told him to stop being such a mysterious bastard - " He broke off, seeing her eyes widen. "Oh, come on, Captain, don't tell me that PARIS would get fighting mad over a mild vulgarity!" There was a thoughtful silence, and then Janeway said, "I suppose it would depend on the vulgarity." "What?" Janeway stood and went to the replicator, getting two coffees on her account. She handed one to Chakotay and sat down. "I taught a seminar in exploration science at the Academy one year. It was Tom's freshman year, and I remember hearing that he got into a lot of fights. Seems that quite a few people were commenting that Tom bore very little resemblance to his father." Chakotay stared at her in astonishment. "Are you saying that Paris really IS a bastard?" She quelled him with an angry glance. "Pure malicious gossip without an ounce of truth to it! Tom is every bit as stubborn as any Paris who ever lived. But he gets his looks from his mother - anyone who'd ever seen Miriam would realize that." "Mir - !" Chakotay choked and tried again. "Miriam O'Rourke? The Missouri Skylark? Was Paris' mother?!" "Didn't you know?" As Chakotay shook his head, Janeway said, "Well, I suppose little boys don't pay a lot of attention to the entertainment news." Chakotay was having a memory flashback, to a young ensign going with a group from his ship to see Miriam O'Rourke in Camelot - he'd dreamed about her for months afterwards. What a crush he'd had! And now he wondered why he'd never noticed the resemblance before. He brought himself back to the present, realizing that the Captain was still talking. " - on all the interview shows, saying she was accepting the role of a lifetime, the role of Star Fleet wife." Janeway rolled her eyes. "I thought it was very romantic at the time, of course I was only about ten. But I guess that when the cameras stopped rolling, the role of a lifetime got tedious. She left Gene when Tom was about five. And left Tom behind." Chakotay felt awful. "Honestly, Captain, if I'd known any of this stuff, I would have thought of something else to call him!" "I'm sure it wasn't deliberate, Commander," Janeway assured him. "Well, what do we do now?" "Better get down to the brig, I suppose." In the turbolift, Janeway said, "You know, I always admired Gene Paris as a Star Fleet officer, but I never knew much about his personal life. Didn't care much for what I did know." "What do you mean?" "Well, he hardly ever mentioned his son. But he did say something once that - really bothered me. He said that any son of Miriam's was bound to be a weakling, but he'd done his best to turn him into a Paris, to toughen him up." Chakotay made a face. "Actually, that sounds kind of ominous." "I thought so, too." In the brig, Crewman Ayala wondered what to do. He wasn't used to people checking themselves in to the brig, they were supposed to be arrested and brought here by Security. But he'd called the Security Officer, and Mister Tuvok had told him to just leave the Lieutenant alone, that the Captain was handling it. So Lieutenant Paris sat in the cell, though the force field was off. He was sitting back, hugging his knees and staring off into space. Ayala thought it was all very weird. .... Life had gotten very strange, Tommy thought, sitting in the groundcar and swinging his legs. But then Daddy gave him a Look, so he sat still. Just going anywhere with Daddy was strange, he didn't usually do much of the childcare stuff. Right now, Daddy was just staring out the window. Mama was gone, and this time it wasn't on tour, this time they said it was for good. But nobody was talking about it. And Nana Paris moved in, and Tommy really liked Nana P - she told him space stories and played games with him. She'd been angry this morning, but not at him. "Gene, don't do this!" she'd hissed, but Daddy had just said, "Mother, I have to know," and taken Tommy to the doctor. The doctor seemed disapproving, too, though Tommy didn't know why, but he'd drawn blood and told Tommy that he was a very brave boy. Then the doctor and Daddy had huddled over a computer screen, and the doctor had said that There Was No Question About It, and Daddy had just snorted and said, "All right, then." Now Tommy looked up and saw that Daddy was looking at him. Daddy said grudgingly, "Well, you're mine, all right." And Tommy was glad to hear it, despite the tone of voice. He'd been kind of nervous since Mama left, wondering if he was going to have to leave too. But it was nice to know that he belonged somewhere, with someone. That was a good thing. Wasn't it?.... The door to the brig opened, and Crewman Ayala sprang to his feet. "Captain!" he said with relief, as the Captain entered with the First Officer. "That will be all, Crewman," she told him, and he left the brig slowly, wondering if he'd ever find out what had gone on. The two senior officers approached the cell, where Lieutenant Paris stood waiting for them, his face unreadable. Finally, Chakotay said, "You don't have to be here, you're not on report." "Yes I am," Paris said. "I put myself on report, sir." "And as First Officer, I dismissed it. If you put yourself on report again, I will dismiss it again." Paris stepped out of the cell, looking confused. Janeway said softly, "Just go on back to your quarters, Tom. We'll talk later." He started to leave, but turned back at the door. Looking at Chakotay, he said defiantly, "It's not true, you know." "What?" "That stuff about my mother. It's not true." "I'm sure it isn't," Chakotay said. "I KNOW it isn't," Paris insisted. "And the blood tests proved it!" Janeway gasped. "Oh, Tom! Did that stupid Academy gossip cause you to go get blood tests?" "Of course not," Paris answered. "I already knew it wasn't true. I'd been tested a long time ago. Right after Mama left." "Right after - " There was a long pause. Then Janeway said carefully, "Tom, who had you tested?" "My father." She took a step backward, her eyes huge. Then she waved at him, and he left. Janeway stood in shocked silence for so long that Chakotay started to worry about her. "Captain?" She pulled herself together, and asked, "What kind of a man would take a little boy for a paternity test right after he'd been abandoned by his mother?" And Chakotay had no answer for her. --- It took a long time for Chakotay to get to sleep that night. And then his sleep was interrupted. He woke up suddenly in the darkness, to a feel of a long warm body next to his, and a raging hard-on being caressed gently by practiced fingers, while lips roamed his throat and chest. He threw his arms around the naked intruder, and rolled over, pinning him down. "Computer, quarter lights." The dim light showed him a beautiful face alight with mischief, as Paris asked, "Are you still mad at me?" "How did you get in here?" "Hey, locks only keep out honest people." "What do you want?" "Isn't it obvious?" Paris squirmed purposefully beneath him, and he could feel the erection rubbing his belly. And strong hands were gently stroking his hips, pulling him down, and Chakotay groaned in surrender, before feasting on those tempting lips. The two men lay in the bed, arms around one another, kissing wildly, tongues meeting, and Paris whispered, "Doesn't this feel good?" It really did. Chakotay was lost now, lost in stroking the beautiful body beneath him, tasting the skin, slightly salty now with sweat, and he roamed all over his mysterious lover, not understanding him. He stopped for a moment to look deeply into the blue eyes, wondering what he would see there. But what he saw was nothing more complicated than desire, and he knew that he was probably showing the same. Pressed close together, Chakotay reached between them, and took Paris' erection into his hand, and felt a hand fasten around his own. They were both panting now, moving urgently against one another, not kissing now, because they had to keep the connection with the other man's eyes. And Chakotay felt a thrill of pure power to see the younger man throw back his head, closing his eyes and shouting incoherently as he began to spurt his release against Chakotay's body. And then Chakotay was lost too. Finally spent, they lay together in each other's arms, kissing gently until they fell asleep. --- When the alarm woke him the next day, Chakotay sat up with a start. He was alone. Had it been a dream, he thought hopefully, but the state of the sheets told him that it had not been a dream. He rose and prepared for work, worried. Because he'd given someone else a hold over him, someone he neither understood nor trusted. --- "Hey, I just forgot, is all," Tom protested. Harry shook his head. "Don't tell me, tell her. That's if she'll ever speak to you again. She says she won't, but then you've got a way with words." Tom tried to look worried at the prospect of Megan Delaney never speaking to him again. But then he saw the First Officer enter the mess hall, and his mind wandered. Chakotay glanced over at the table where Tom was breakfasting with Harry, and their eyes met. Tom delicately licked his lips, and Chakotay hastily looked away. Tom bit the inside of his lip, trying not to smile. Hey, he thought, don't tease the man too much, or next time he'll just kick you right out. Next time? Tom was surprised at the thought. Wasn't it just a payback, a way to get under the guy's skin? Tom was shocked to realize that he didn't just want to get under the First Officer's skin, he wanted to stay there. Next time? Damn right there'd be a next time! He'd just have to be careful, not push him too far. He tried to snap back to the here and now, and listen to Harry. " - probably the most tolerant woman on this ship, Tom," Harry was saying, "and if she won't put up with you, who will? You can't just go around standing people up and think they're going to take it forever." Tom sighed. "Oh, well. Maybe I'll just give up, Harry. Do you think I'd make a good monk?" "No!" But Harry couldn't help laughing. "I think you'd make a pretty lousy monk, Tom." But it appeared to the women aboard Voyager that Lieutenant Paris had indeed taken some sort of monastic vows. Megan Delaney consulted in hushed whispers with Sue Nicoletti, and Sue said, "No, I haven't seen him around much lately. He used to be such a pest." Megan just sighed and went back to work. She hadn't considered Tom a pest at all. She wondered who he was after now, but according to the latest gossip in the women's locker room, no one else knew the answer either. Voyager's First Officer could have told them, though of course he never would. Several nights after the brig incident, he woke up to find that he had company again. Tom lay beside him, on his side, propped up on his elbow, stroking the commander's chest and looking thoughtful. "What?" Chakotay asked. "Oh," Tom said lazily, "I've just been wondering what you would feel like inside me." Trying to control his breathing, Chakotay answered, "I suppose there's one way to find out." Tom's eyes flashed for an instant, and then he was on his stomach, saying, "Oh, let's!" Chakotay sat up, and moved behind the younger man. He stroked the smooth pale back hesitantly. He'd never done this before. Tom was reaching back, handing him something - it was a tube of lubricant. "Oh," he said. "I guess - yeah, right." "Just do like I did you," Tom told him, and closed his eyes with a happy sigh. Chakotay began to caress the tender ass, gently feeling the anus, unable to really believe that he was doing this, but so aroused he knew it was impossible to stop. He remembered the stretching that Tom had done for him, and copied it, feeling the young man shiver with desire. And then he was pushing his way in, harder than he'd ever been in his life, and this was so tight, he thought he would come immediately. He managed to control himself, and when he was all the way in, he stopped for a moment to lie on Tom's back and feel the unfamiliar connection. He thought uneasily that this could quickly become addictive. "How's that?" he whispered. Tom sighed and said, "Oh, it's perfect!" Chakotay felt rather proud of himself, remembering Tom's reputation, and knowing that his own background really was rather puritanical. But then he was beyond thinking, given over completely to physical sensation. And when he came, he couldn't deny that it was the most intense orgasm of his life. Panting, he rolled Tom over and pulled him into his arms, kissing him deeply while he masturbated him, enjoying the sensation of the man writhing in his arms, whimpering eagerly until he came screaming. --- During the day, Chakotay tried to come up with some sort of reconciliation with himself, some understanding of what was going on. But it proved to be impossible. Paris never spoke of it, seldom showed by more than the quickest glance that he even remembered what had happened in the night. Chakotay usually prided himself on his self-awareness, on his own ability to examine himself and his motives. But in this instance, he really didn't want to know. Avoiding the subject entirely, he compartmentalized. During the day, there was Lieutenant Paris, excellent pilot, merest acquaintance, who did his job, and shared meals with Torres and Kim, barely conversing with the First Officer. But at night, there was Tom, and that was altogether different. Tom was someone Chakotay never saw during the day, but welcomed eagerly at night, a vibrant young lover who took and gave pleasure with abandon, and with an astonishing openness and vulnerability. Chakotay was with Tom now, entering his body, and this was one of his favorite things. Tom lay on his back, smiling up at his lover, his legs around Chakotay's neck. And Chakotay brought him right to the brink of orgasm, and stopped. This was what he loved the most, bringing Tom to this point, and then holding him here for as long as possible. His hand held the young man's erection firmly, but he wasn't going to let him go just yet, and Tom quivered beneath him, as their eyes remained locked together. For a timeless period, they held their place, Chakotay loving the openness in the wide blue eyes, the wordless yearning, as he occupied the beautiful body. And then Tom moaned, and they were moving again, and went shoutin g together over the brink, and lay gasping in one another's arms. "You're mine!" Chakotay growled softly, and Tom echoed happily, "Yours." --- The staff meeting was discussing the Captain's suggestion about revising the traditional Star Fleet fraternization policy, in light of their unusual circumstances. Neelix and Kes listened to such arcana in bemused silence. Torres caught Kim's eye, and gave a skyward look, and he bit his lip to suppress a giggle. Kim thought it was rather amusing to hear the ivory tower discussion on deck one, knowing that belowdecks, the crew had resolved most of these questions to their own satisfaction. Captain Janeway had thrown open for discussion the possibility of simply junking the fraternization prohibition altogether, as long as personal relationships were not allowed to interfere with the work environment. "After all," she said, "we've been out for almost two years now, with the prospect of many more to come. I don't feel like I can tell someone, 'You can't fall in love with that person, because they're enlisted', or an officer, or whatever. We need new rules. Or at least a relaxation of the rules we've got." Tuvok was nodding gravely. "Indeed. Human attraction is not likely to be governed by rank. And you would scarcely wish to be put in the position of having to assign mates." A small explosion from the end of the table signalled Harry trying to stifle a laugh. He was wondering who the Captain would assign to him. Harry tried to catch Tom's eye, knowing that Tom's own adventures had never taken rank into consideration, but Tom was listening to the discussion with a politely blank face. "I don't know, Captain," Chakotay said doubtfully. "I mean about throwing out the policy altogether. That could leave us open to some wildly inappropriate matches." The First Officer was thinking about a turbulent and occasionally violent triangle that was currently roiling the Stellar Cartography staff. And he had no idea how his comment would affect an insecure young man who had been trying desperately to pretend that he was loved. --- Was Tom gone? It had been a week now since he'd visited Chakotay's quarters, and the Commander didn't understand it. Of course, he'd never understood why Tom had started the whole business in the first place. He supposed there were a lot of things he didn't understand. He slumped in his chair on the bridge and brooded. Captain Janeway wondered about her First Officer's mood. He'd been subject to strange mood swings ever since the epidemic. Ever since he'd gone to Avara, and, as near as Janeway could tell, had seduced the Queen Mother to get the vital serum. She was starting to wonder if she should demand that he complete the away mission report. Or maybe she should just ask Lieutenant Paris. The shift was over. Tom sighed with relief. Maybe he'd get used to this eventually, flying the ship with Chakotay sitting behind him; he kept wanting to turn around, kept thinking he felt eyes on his back. He headed off to the mess hall with Harry, lost in thought. "Voyager to Paris - come in Paris." Tom jumped. He'd gotten through the chow line, had a seat, and eating half his meal, without realizing what he was doing. Harry was staring at him. "Where have you been?" Tom laughed uncomfortably, "Oh, just cruising the galaxy, I guess." "See anything interesting out there?" "Not really." "Come on, Tom, what's gotten into you lately?" "Nothing!" And Tom thought - literally! Harry shrugged. "Well, have it your way. But you've really been acting weird." "I have?" "Didn't you know that?" Tom stood up suddenly. "I'm not hungry," he said, and left in a hurry. He entered his quarters and flopped face down on the sofa, abandoning himself to his miserable thoughts. Chakotay's right, he thought - I AM a slut. Why else would I have kept throwing myself at a guy who won't even talk to me when I've got my clothes on? He was hearing a voice now, from the distant past - "You miserable, worthless little piece of screwed-up shit - " - and sighed, and said aloud, "Right." --- "Captain, I think we've lost the probe." Janeway sighed. She turned toward Ops, and asked, "What do you mean, lost?" "It's not responding to remote command," Ensign Kim amplified. "But it's still there?" "Yes, it's still there. Just not doing what it's told." Voyager was in the process of scanning an asteroid belt for useful minerals, and had sent a probe to gather more detailed information. "Well, we need the information, and we need the probe, too. I guess we'll just have to go and get it. Mister Rollins, take the Conn. Mister Paris, you'll pilot the shuttle. Could get bumpy, judging by the interference. Commander," she turned to Chakotay, "you want to man the tractor beam?" "Yes, ma'am," Chakotay responded, knowing he was probably their best tractor operator, a talent that had come in handy in various underhanded maneuvers against the Cardassians. It wasn't until he was in the turbolift on the way to the shuttlebay that he realized that this would put him on an away mission alone with Paris. For the first time since - Chakotay quickly shut down that train of thought. Paris was staring straight ahead, the very model of cool professionalism. Chakotay wanted to throttle him, wanted to shout, "You son of a bitch, what have you done with Tom?" Three weeks now, and his lover had never returned. --- The Captain was right. It was a bumpy ride, and a difficult retrieval. But Chakotay was surprised to realize how well the two men worked together. Paris seemed to know which direction Chakotay would want him to maneuver before he did, and after a few frustrating attempts, Chakotay finally made the successful grab, and the probe was recovered. They set course back for the ship. With their mission accomplished, Chakotay had time to brood now, about the mystery of Tom Paris. And it seemed incredible to him now that he had let things go on for so long without getting any answers. So when the shuttle set down in the shuttlebay, he blocked the aisle, preventing the pilot from leaving. Paris looked at him and raised his eyebrows, saying nothing. "Tell me something," Chakotay demanded, and he couldn't keep the anger out of his voice. "Now that it's over, just tell me what it was about. I just want to know - why?" Paris managed not to flinch, though he wanted to, both at the angry tone, and at the words - 'now that it's over'. Over, he thought bleakly, and then smiled vindictively at the older man. "What was it about? It was about payback, Commander." He was pleased to see that he'd scored a direct hit. Chakotay looked stunned, and stepped aside to let him pass. After the pilot had left, Chakotay slumped back down into a seat, wishing he hadn't asked. Because it was bad enough to be a dupe and a middle-aged fool. But far worse was the knowledge that Tom, his exciting, generous young lover, the Tom he was still missing and mourning, that Tom had never even existed. --- Unable to sleep, Chakotay sat at his computer terminal, reading a short biography of Miriam O'Rourke. Between the lines of the authorized hagiography, he thought he was getting a sense of the real Miriam, the woman who left her son behind, who linked up with ever more important men in the entertainment industry, until her untimely death in a bizarre space accident while touring. He was starting to hate her - shallow, self-centered, with only two things going for her: that unique voice, and the ability to create fictional characters that people would fall in love with. She must have been in her mid-forties when Chakotay saw her on stage, but so convincingly did she create the young queen that he easily believed her to be twenty and naive, bewildered by her royalty, needing someone to take care of her. The ability to create fictional characters - Chakotay sighed and switched off the computer. Runs in the family, he thought. --- Tom was having trouble sleeping too. He kept hearing a voice, replayed from memory, a soft possessive growl - "You're mine!" Paris, you idiot - don't you know better than to believe what people say right after they've fucked you? He had just wanted so badly to believe it, to believe that he finally belonged somewhere again. It had been so long. Years since he'd lost his precarious footing and become an outcast, belonging nowhere, to no one. All his life, he'd tried so hard to belong, had put up with so much without a word of complaint, trying to prove that he was a real Paris, and not a weakling like Mama, that he could be as tough as anyone. And it had been gone in a moment, when the discharge was announced, and Dad had just turned and walked away, never to be seen again, as if everything he had done, everything he had lived through up to that point was simply erased. It had all been for nothing. --- "You wanted to see me, Captain?" Janeway looked up from her desk, and nodded. "Yes, Commander," she said formally. "Please take a seat." Chakotay sat, and the silence stretched out uncomfortably. Finally Janeway spoke. "Commander, I have tried to follow your recommendation, and not request a fuller accounting of your away mission to Avara." She noted with interest that he almost flinched. "But I don't feel that I can do that anymore. Something is obviously bothering you, has bothered you since then, disturbed you deeply." Still he said nothing. She softened her voice. "It's becoming quite noticeable Chakotay. Didn't you know?" No, he hadn't known. He looked down at his hands folded in his lap. "If we had a ship's counselor, I'd send you there. I don't know how to help you, I don't even know if I can help you. But if you would just tell me what happened, I'd have a better idea of what to do." Chakotay nodded. He cleared his throat and tried to start. Then he stood up and began to pace. "I told you about being imprisoned by the King, and then the Queen Mother's people breaking us out of the prison?" "Yes, and that the Queen Mother provided the serum. But you brought back all the duranium. So what did you give her for the serum?" Chakotay made a strange noise. It might have been a laugh. "We gave her and the ladies of her court a sex show, Captain." Janeway sat back and stared at him. She hadn't known what to expect, but she hadn't expected this. "Oh, Chakotay! A - with whom? Did some of these ladies - " Chakotay interrupted her, exasperated. "With EACH OTHER!" "W - " Janeway stood up. "I need some coffee. Would you like some?" Chakotay nodded, and they moved silently to the upper level of the Ready Room. Janeway ordered the coffee, wondering what to do. She knew how this must have affected her proud First Officer, but hadn't the slightest idea what to do about it. She turned and handed him a cup. "Chakotay, I don't know what to say," she admitted. He chuckled weakly. "Sorry you asked?" There was a long pause for thought. "No. I don't think so. It's better to know. But I just don't know what to do. If we were back in Federation territory, one of you could transfer, I suppose. But I need both my First Officer and my best pilot on the bridge." "I know that, Captain. It's just something I have to deal with, I guess." Janeway sighed sympathetically. "And the two of you disliking one another so much - I don't suppose this helped at all." Chakotay said honestly, "I would say it made things much worse, Captain." Because now I'm obsessed with the man, I think about him all the time, want him all the time - He squared his shoulders and looked up. "I'll just have to make more of an effort, Captain. Thank you for bringing my dereliction to my attention." She looked into his eyes, and saw that the confidences were over. "Very well, Commander. But if you need to talk to anyone, you know I'm always here." --- Conversation in a chow line: "Morning, Paris. How's everything?" ( - and why don't you kneel down right here and suck me off? - let me fuck that pretty face in front of all these people, just like you did before - ) "Oh, just fine. You?" ( - want to show you just how abject a surrender can be, lying face down on the floor, drawing up my knees and raising my ass, begging you to take me, use me, take your pleasure in my worthless body - ) "Fine." ( - hold you in my arms as you sleep, watching the sweet smile on your face, feeling my semen sticky on your thighs, and remembering how you threw back your head and screamed and sobbed as I came deep inside your perfect, precious body - ) Sandrine's. Tom headed back to the pool table with a pitcher of beer, and watched Harry take his shot. The kid was getting better. "Not too awful there, Harry." "Oh, stop it - I'm blushing!" No one was waiting for the table, so they were taking their time, not playing a serious game, just something to go with the beer. "Hey, Tom, Megan was talking to me the other day." "Yeah?" "She's wondering who you're with these days." Tom pretended to look puzzled. "Who I'm with? Depends on the time of day, doesn't it? When I'm on watch there's you and the Captain and Chakotay and Tuvok - " "Very funny. She meant romantically." "And what did you say?" "What do you think I said? That I don't know! Because I don't." "Jeez, Harry, cut a guy some slack! What rule says I've always got to be in the middle of some romance?" Harry thought about it for a minute. "Precedents?" Tom rolled his eyes. "What a reputation to have!" "Really, Tom. You mean there's nobody right now? Is that why you've been acting so strange?" "Strange? What do you mean?" Tom thought for a minute and added, "And I think I resent the implication that I'm some kind of sex addict or something." "Sorry. I mean strange like - well, not like yourself. When was the last time you told a joke?" "Oh, so that's my personality? The court jester sex addict?" "Boy, you're touchy lately." They continued their game in offended silence for a few minutes. Then Harry said, "But really, Tom. Why don't you ask Megan out? She really likes you." Tom looked up at Harry in surprise. "Harry, you can't just go around grabbing people just because they're available. They start thinking you really care about them." It was Harry's turn to look surprised. Tom said, "Didn't you know that?" "Well, yes, I knew that, but I didn't know that you did." Tom turned back to the pool table, muttering, "I must have read it somewhere." He looked down at the game, thinking - I read it in a pair of deep, dark eyes. Eyes that I could have sworn were filled with tenderness and love, until I woke up and saw them filled with anger and hate - 'now that it's over' - like I'm just some worthless piece of trash - and I'd been so sure - His next shot went wild. --- Chakotay walked down the dirt trail, feeling none of the peace that he usually experienced in this place. The chilly wind, which had once felt briskly exhilarating, now felt desolate, and he shivered. He walked alone, today, wondering where his companion was. She usually walked this trail with him, padding along by his side, and her cryptic comments amused him, teased him like puzzles. But lately, she had merely exasperated him, and it must have showed. He smelled wood smoke, and that was unusual for this place. But then he came to the clearing, and found a small camp fire, with a man sitting beside it. Kolopak turned and said casually, "Oh, Chakotay. There you are." Chakotay sat down beside the old man. "Hello, Father." "You weren't expecting me." "Not really." "Because you haven't been seeking me." Chakotay said nothing. It was true. He hadn't sought Kolopak's counsel. Didn't think it would do any good. "You're alone today," Kolopak added. Chakotay nodded. "I don't know where she is." Kolopak sighed. "She's about to wash her paws of you, Chakotay." That surprised him. Did spirit guides ever just give up? "Why?" "You don't listen to her." "I don't understand her!" "Do you want to?" Another silence. "So here I am," Kolopak added, with a twinkle in his eye. "Because I can be just as stubborn as you." "Stubborn?" "Yes, stubborn! Too stubborn to listen, to understand, to ask the right questions." After a long pause, Chakotay said, "Okay. I'm listening." "Are you? Are you really? Then listen carefully, son, because this you need to hear." Chakotay leaned forward, to hear the important advice. "Get a life, Chakotay!" He sat back, disappointed. "I have a life," he protested foolishly. "So? And when are you going to start living it? When you get accepted to the Academy - no wait, when you get your commission. No, when you get a ship to command. No wait, when the Cardassians are defeated. When you get back to the Alpha Quadrant? In SEVENTY YEARS, Chakotay, then will you start living your life? Or will your life be over before you've even started to live it?" "Look," Chakotay protested, "I have responsibilities, an important job, a lost crew - " "So did I have responsibilities. But I didn't drive your mother away with my preoccupied self-importance, now did I?" "If this is about Clara - " "No! This is not about Clara, about the past. This is about the present. And the future." Chakotay sighed. Now he got it. The last thing in the world he wanted to discuss with Kolopak. "This is about Tom." "About Tom. And about you." "Well, what am I suppose to do about it?" Chakotay cried out, anguished. "How should I know? But you see, don't you, that you must do something?" Chakotay nodded wearily. "But what do you do - " he paused and took a deep breath. God, this was painful! "What do you do when you love someone who hates you? When they only made you fall in love with them as some sort of revenge, some sort of joke?" Kolopak looked surprised. "Is that what happened?" Chakotay nodded, and his father said, "Are you sure?" "Yes, I'm sure! Dammit, he said so!" Kolopak nodded thoughtfully. "And of course he always tells the truth." Chakotay looked up sharply at this, and Kolopak went on, "And of course he's never been hurt, so would not understand or care about the consequences of hurting another." "I don't know," Chakotay whispered. Kolopak looked up, and said briskly, "Well, then, it's simple, isn't it?" "It is?" "You must either stop loving him, or make him stop hating you." "And how would I do either of those things?" Kolopak shrugged. "You figure it out. But one thing's certain. You won't accomplish either sitting on the floor of your quarters talking to a figment of your imagination." Chakotay raised his head. Outside the window, the stars of the Delta Quadrant streamed past anonymously. --- "Computer, locate Lieutenant Paris." "Lieutenant Paris is in the mess hall." Chakotay looked at the time. After eleven, he saw with surprise. He must have been meditating for hours before he met Kolopak. Well, that's good - the mess hall would probably be deserted now. As he entered the mess hall, Chakotay saw that he was right. The room was on dimmed after-hours lighting, and the only person there was the man sitting over by the window. He hadn't heard the door. Chakotay stood for a moment watching him. Tom sat in the last row of tables, facing the window, leaning back against the table. His feet were propped up on the wall, and he was staring moodily out the window. Chakotay had never seen him looking like that, so forlorn. He wondered, is this the face he wears when no one is looking? All the way here, he'd been lecturing himself, don't shout at the man, and don't grab him either. Keep your voice down, let's try to figure this out. But now he saw that the instinct he would have to fight the hardest was the one telling him to sweep this young man into his arms and cherish and protect him. Tom must have heard something, because he turned around. Now his face was arranged in more familiar lines, as he said, "Good evening. Commander." Oh, shit, the smart ass was back Chakotay advanced into the room, saying, "I'd like to talk to you." Tom chuckled. "Well, they say talk is cheap. So you've come to the right guy." Chakotay sat down on the bench beside Tom, pondering the last remark. Then he turned to the younger man, and said, "Payback for what?" as if the conversation of several weeks ago was only minutes old. Tom shrugged. "You know." "Actually, I don't." "Maybe I just wanted to prove that you could want me, that it wasn't so totally disgusting." "What the hell are you talking about?" Chakotay was honestly bewildered. Tom turned to give him an angry glare. "Shit, no wonder you're still single and unattached. Do you usually puke after sex? Some people would tend to take offense at that." After a moment, Chakotay realized what he was talking about - the Summer Palace. He exclaimed, "That wasn't about you!" "Yeah. Right." Tom turned back to stare out the window. "No. Really. It was the Queen Mother and the page, don't you remember?" "Remember what?" "Didn't you see what she had that kid doing?" Tom snarled, "I think I was a bit preoccupied at the time." So Chakotay told him, the Queen Mother with her skirts up, and the little boy with his face buried between her thighs - he was feeling a bit squeamish as he described it, but when he looked at Tom, Tom merely looked puzzled. "So?" Tom asked, in a matter of fact tone. "So what? Maybe she thought he needed to be toughened up." This was such a non sequitur that Chakotay had trouble parsing it. Then he noticed that Tom's fists were clenched, and his eyes were closed. Tom said rapidly, "Shutupshutupshutupshutup." But he didn't seem to be talking to Chakotay. Then he stood and headed for the door. Chakotay grabbed his arm before he made it out the door, and swung him around, "Tom, what on earth - " But Tom's eyes were wide with panic, and his voice was high and childish, as he said, "We don't talk about Family Stuff to Outsiders, Outsiders would never understand - " as if he were reciting a lesson. And he broke free from Chakotay's hold and was gone. Chakotay stood petrified in the door of the mess hall. He was trying to think, trying to remember - why did that sound familiar? And then he had it. Captain Janeway saying "he said that any son of Miriam's was bound to be a weakling, but he'd done his best to make a Paris out of him, tried to toughen him up." Oh, shit! Chakotay took off down the hall. Tom hurried down the hall, wondering where he could go, where he could hide. He was mentally cursing himself as he went, how close he'd come to betraying the family, just because a guy was strong and gorgeous and looked concerned. Maybe he really was a weakling, just like Mama, and the Paris part just didn't take. Where could he go? Somewhere where there were people, that would be the safest. He asked the computer, and his Sandrine's program was still running, so someone was still awake, and he'd be safe there. --- Captain Janeway was sipping wine, talking with Harry. She liked Harry, he was almost a surrogate son, and right now they were talking about science and exploration, and she was telling him humorous stories about some of her ensign pratfalls. But then the doors swung open, and Tom entered the bar, looking wild. He saw them, and took a deep breath. "Captain," he said, trying to be casual and in control. "Good evening." And the doors swung open again, and Chakotay stormed in, looking even wilder. "Stop running away from me!" he shouted. Tom began to back away. Janeway said, "Commander - " but neither man was paying attention to her. "And don't give me any of that Outsider crap, either," Chakotay continued, advancing on Tom. "I'm not an Outsider, goddammit, I LOVE YOU!" Tom's knees buckled, and he fell to the ground. Chakotay was quickly beside him, and pulled the young man into his arms. He looked over Tom's head to Janeway and Kim, directing his eyes to the door in an unmistakable request that they leave. Janeway and Kim had jumped to their feet, and Janeway said softly, "If you're sure you can handle - " But he wasn't listening to her. Pressing Tom's head to his heart, he was murmuring, "It's okay, you don't have to tell me anything, there now, honey, everything is okay now, you're with me." And Tom's arms came around him and clutched him tightly. The Captain and the ensign exchanged surprised looks, and quietly tiptoed out. Tom's face was buried in the Commander's chest, and his mind was whirling. He said he loves me? In public, with our clothes on? Does that mean he means it? But he wouldn't love me if he knew. He raised his face to look at Chakotay, and now he was being kissed, and had to kiss back. But he was feeling guilty, letting Chakotay's emotions sweep away his better judgment, sure he would regret it one day. So he pulled away, and said softly, "Chakotay, don't. You don't know about me, you wouldn't like me if you did." "Says you!" Chakotay said roughly, and reached for him again. Tom backed up, not wanting to, but feeling as if he should. "No, really. I've done a lot of stuff you would disapprove of, and I couldn't stand it, seeing you disappointed and disgusted with me - " Now Chakotay grabbed him and pulled him back into his arms. "Don't worry about it," he said. "I'm a whore too, remember?" Tom couldn't help chuckling weakly at that, but protested, "I think I started younger than you did - " but was cut off by Chakotay's mouth on his. Chakotay thought, as he had once before, this is one way to get the guy to shut up. For a long time the two men knelt on the floor in Sandrine's, kissing one another blindly, and now their hands began to roam each other's bodies - - and an outraged female voice said, "Monsieur Tom! This is a respectable establishment!" Sandrine was glaring at them, hands on her hips, and Tom started to say, "Computer, delete - " But Chakotay stood and jerked Tom to his feet, saying, "You're coming with me." As soon as the door to his quarters closed behind them, Chakotay began undressing the younger man. Tom helped him out, almost frantic to get shed of his clothes. When he was naked, he pressed himself against his lover and wrapped his arms around him, kissing him hard on the lips. Then he tore himself away and turned around, dropping to his hands and knees on the floor. Chakotay was unzipping his jumpsuit, and said, "Tom, the bedroom - " But Tom insisted, "Right here! Now!" And suddenly it had to be now, no time to undress, no time to move to the bedroom, barely time to push some saliva into Tom's body before he was pushing into him. Pushing fast and pushing hard, and he was all the way in, and Tom threw back his head, groaning, "Oh yes!" How could he have done without this for so long? An act which felt so good and gave such pleasure? Chakotay was lost now, in his lover's body, and Tom was pushing back against him, every bit as eager, and all Chakotay could think was - mine, mine - this man is mine! In a haze of pleasure, he reached for Tom's erection, and Tom was shouting now, but there were no words, and then they were panting on the floor, and Chakotay was kissing Tom's ear. Tom said softly, "Doin' good. You didn't puke that time." To which Chakotay responded, "Come to bed, smart ass." --- The two men lay together in the big bed, the stars streaking outside the window. They stroked one another gently, and now Chakotay could see the love in Tom's eyes. But he also saw fear, and uncertainty. "Okay," he said roughly. "Let's get some rules straight." Tom nodded, worried. "First rule. None of this sneaking in here in the middle of the night several times a week." He kissed Tom's lips, hard, and went on, "This is your bed now. Right here. Every night. Got that?" Tom said softly, "Yessir." "Second rule. Any pajamas you've got, throw them out. You don't wear pajamas anymore. Got that?" "Yessir." Tom's eyes were shining now. "Third rule. I don't share. The Delaney sisters will just have to get along without you. Got that?" "Yessir." Chakotay rolled over, pinning Tom beneath him. "Now say you're mine." Tom laughed breathlessly, and said, "You're mine.." "Very funny. Say it!" Chakotay reached down, and took Tom's penis in his hand, sliding his hand up and down, and then he stopped, causing Tom to moan in protest. "Say it!" "I'm yours." "Really?" "I'm yours!" Tom was moving beneath the heavier man, now desperately aroused, and repeated, "Yours, yours!" "Say you belong to me." "I belong to you! Chakotay, please!" Now both men were moving, kissing, and they were beyond words. Chakotay woke up in the middle of the night. He watched his lover's sleeping face, feeling almost dizzy. Like he'd just stepped off a cliff, and didn't know yet whether he was falling or flying. But the great thing about stepping off a cliff is that there's no going back. He lightly stroked Tom's lips, enjoying the tiny smile. He couldn't help worrying about Tom, now that he acknowledged that he loved him. He knew enough now to see why Tom was so insecure, however much he tried to hide it, and wondered if Tom would ever become secure enough to rebel against being dominated. He rather hoped so. But in the meantime, it seemed to make Tom feel safe, to be ordered about, so Chakotay would certainly oblige. He had surprised himself tonight - never before had he snapped out orders like that, or pinned someone down and demanded that they admit his ownership of them. But Tom seemed to like it. And Chakotay had to admit - he sort of liked it too. --- B'Elanna leaned over the table, smiling in disbelief and pushing her eggs away uneaten. "I'd say you were making this up, Star Fleet, if I didn't know your imagination isn't quite that twisted." Harry shrugged. "Hey, what can I say? Was I hallucinating?" "That would almost make more sense." The doors to the mess hall opened then, and the First Officer and Conning Officer entered. The two young officers watched them speculatively. As the newcomers filled their trays and walked toward them, it seemed to Harry that Tom was looking suspiciously docile. He bit his lip, wondering if Chakotay knew what he was in for. "Morning," Tom said with a sunny smile, as he and Chakotay sat down at Harry and B'Elanna's table. Side by side. After a few awkward attempts at small talk, B'Elanna retrieved her eggs and tried again to eat them, watching Tom and Chakotay out of the corner of her eye. After a few minutes, Tom said mournfully, "I have to throw away all my pajamas." Chakotay gave him a sharp look, but said nothing. B'Elanna choked on her juice, and said, "Uh - really? Why?" "I've been ordered to," Tom said meekly. After a moment, he gave a tragic sigh, and added, "I'm really going to miss the fuzzy blue ones. The ones with the feet." B'Elanna said, "Gee. That's too bad - " wondering what on earth was going on. But Harry finally lost it and exploded with laughter. When he could talk again, he said, "B'Elanna, do you really believe that Tom owns a pair of pajamas with FEET?" Tom said, "Oh! Well, that's all right then." Chakotay said ominously, "Look here, you - " But Tom stood up. "Gotta run, people, got some reports to write." As he left the table, he moved around behind the Commander, and suddenly pulled him back, and leaned over and planted a passionate kiss on his mouth. Before Chakotay could regain his balance, Tom had left. Chakotay caught the eye of the two others at the table, daring them to say anything, and finished his breakfast in silence. --- Captain Janeway was watching bridge conditions with interest, wondering if she should haul her First Officer into her Ready Room and demand an explanation. Maybe when he was in a better mood. Lieutenant Paris had reported for duty looking so angelic you could almost see the halo. A few minutes later, Chakotay entered the bridge, trailing a thundercloud with him. He glowered at the back of the Conning Officer for a moment, and then opened the terminal between him and the Captain, and tried to concentrate on administrative detail. After a while, the peace was broken when Chakotay made a choking sound. Janeway leaned over to see what he was reading. It was a report chit. Let's see. Name of Complainant: Paris, Lt. Name of Accused: Paris, Lt. Oh, dear, why was Tom putting himself on report again? Description of offense: Public Display of Affection. Janeway glanced over at Chakotay, who was biting his lip so hard she was afraid he was going to draw blood. The Captain couldn't help herself, she just had to read on. Recommended punishment: twelve hours extra duties. Nature of duties - gracious! Janeway felt her face growing warm as she read the graphic, indeed pornographic, description of the extra duties that Lieutenant Paris seemed to feel his offense warranted. Chakotay was dealing with the report, marking the space for 'guilty'. Janeway tapped him on the wrist, and he looked up and whispered, "This isn't going into the ship's Punishment Log, Captain, just - my personal files." Then he turned back to the report chit, and under recommended punishment, noted, "Concur." --- The mess hall was buzzing at lunchtime. A garbled version of the breakfast encounter had made its way throughout the ship, and the Maquis were outraged. As soon as Chakotay had sat down at a table with his tray, Dalby and Geron had joined him. He looked up in surprise. "Hey, what's up?" Dalby sat across from him and leaned forward. "Is it true, Commander? It's all over the ship that Lieutenant Paris is back to being disrespectful to you. I know he's the Captain's pet, but we can't let him get away - " Chakotay raised a hand, stopping Dalby's tirade. "Listen, crewman. It's handled." "Yes, but - " "I said, it's handled." And now Tom was joining them with his tray. He sat down beside Chakotay, saying politely, "Commander. Gentlemen. Good afternoon." "Afternoon," Dalby said, nonplussed. And then he noticed how close to Chakotay Paris was sitting. And then the Commander's hand moved down to rest possessively on Paris' thigh. "Well," he said awkwardly, "all right then, Commander." And he and Geron moved on. Tom said softly, "Aren't I being good?" Chakotay turned to look at him, and wanted to shout with joy. It was Tom! His sweet generous young lover! In the middle of the day, in the middle of the mess hall, here he was! He couldn't help it. He grabbed Tom's hair and pulled him back, fastening his lips over Tom's mouth. --- Captain Janeway sat in her Ready Room, dealing with all the boring administrivia. Fuel consumption report. Check. Crew rations utilization. Check. Report chit - Report chit? Why had this come to her, instead of going through the First Officer? She read it carefully. Name of Complainant: Chakotay, Cmdr. Name of Accused: Chakotay, Cmdr. Description of Offense: Public Display of Affection. Janeway couldn't help thinking that this voyage had just gotten significantly more interesting. --- The End