The BLTS Archive - Old Flame by She-Elf ( --- Published: 01-21-07 - Updated: 01-21-07 --- I saw you staring at each other I saw your eyes begin to glow And I could tell you once were lovers You ain't hiding nothing I don't know. --- I, Ezri Dax, sat across from Julian Bashir. We were in Quark's Bar, on a date. We had just ordered dinner with wine, the expensive kind containing real alcohol. Not something I got very often. This was the first date we had been on in a while, since both of our schedules had been very busy lately. Suddenly, I noticed Julian's eyes go wide. I glanced back and saw that Garak had entered the room. Garak looked around, and saw Julian. Their eyes met. I looked back at Julian and saw a sad, longing expression pass over his face. He watched Garak go up to the second level and choose a seat. After nine lifetimes of experience, I recognized that look. It was the look of a former lover. My first reaction was incredulity; Julian had slept with Garak? Julian had just told me that his last romantic interest had left him. He hadn't mentioned being bi, or his apparent interest in Cardassians. Maybe I had just mistaken the look. Pretending not to notice anything, I smiled when Julian looked at me. But out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Garak continuing to watch Julian. And Julian continued to watch Garak. That's when I knew that I hadn't been mistaken. Julian really had slept with Garak. I worked hard to keep smiling. --- There's an old flame burning in your eyes That tears can't drown and makeup can't disguise. That old flame might not be stronger But it's been burning longer Than any spark I might have started in your eyes. --- "Julian? Is everything all right?" I asked in a concerned voice, startling Julian out of his thoughts. "Oh, um, yes. I'm fine," he answered. He gave a small, unconvincing smile. "You seem really distant today," I commented with an apparent shrug. "I'm sorry," Julian answered without an explanation. His eyes briefly followed Garak's shop as they passed it. --- It was two days later, and Julian and I were wandering the promenade together. I watched the sad, thoughtful expression on Julian's face, and knew what he was thinking about. Or, rather, who he was thinking about. I suppressed an unhappy sigh. It wasn't that I didn't think he cared. I knew he did. And what we have together is pretty strong, as far as love affairs go. But Julian had been with Garak for a long time; a lot longer than he had so far been with me. "I know how much you like it," Julian suddenly commented as he passed a bottle over to me. My eyes lit up when I saw that it was a rather expensive brand of Trill wine I favor. Thus, I don't get it very often. "Thank you," I gushed, smiling at Julian. But, really, why wine? I wondered. And no matter how weak they are, Julian still has feelings for Garak. --- You say it ended when he left you. You say your love for him is gone. But those old memories still upset you. Well I might be a memory before too long. --- One week later found us in my quarters. We were in bed after a long day of work, long for both of us. Neither Julian nor I were asleep yet. I was reading and Julian was just staring off into space, the book he had been reading in his lap. "What are you thinking about?" I asked in quiet, curious voice, looking over at him. He jumped. "Oh, sorry," I apologized with a smile. "Not much," he answered, evading the question. "Thinking about her again?" I questioned the slight sulk in my voice stronger that intended. "No," Julian answered, his voice a bit too defensive. He didn't meet my eyes. I threw him a dirty look. "Yea, okay," I sulked, a dubious look on my face. "Look, that is all over. I mean, she left me a long time ago. I honestly don't love her anymore," Julian insisted. I forced a smile, signaling that it was all right. He smiled back and we kissed. With that, we turned out the light. But I was awake a long time after Julian had nodded off. I knew that, even after six months of being with me, he was still upset about his last breakup, over a year ago. I had known that before I found out that his "girlfriend" had been Garak. And I had a suspicion that there would soon be another breakup. --- There's an old flame burning in your eyes That tears can't drown and makeup can't disguise. That old flame might not be stronger But it's been burning longer Than any spark I might have started in your eyes. --- Three days later, my prediction had come true. I was sitting at Quark's Bar, a glass of whiskey in front of me. I stared at it, my eyes glazed over. "Troubles with Julian?" Quark inquired, a sympathetic smile playing on his face. "Yea...he broke up with me" I answered with a blank tone. "Sorry to hear that," Quark answered in a low, sympathetic voice. But his eyes held an interested little sparkle. "What happened?" "He just said it wasn't working. Actually, I sort of expected it," I mumbled, a sad look on my face. "Why?" Quark inquired, brow ridge wrinkling. "Well, he's been distant lately. I mean, he was always a little distant, but it was more than usual," I explained, hanging my head. "Actually, it had something to do with his ex. They ran into each other almost two weeks ago. He didn't say anything about it, but..." I trailed off. Quark took my hand. "If he's not over his ex, that's his problem. If you get lonely, just call me," he told me with a wink. "Thanks, Quark," I smiled, feeling a little better. Still, being left for a Cardassian who is over twice my age... --- There's an old flame burning in your eyes... --- The End