The BLTS Archive - Where My Answers Lie by Ronda Sexton ( --- Archive: Spock/Christine List Archive, ASC, ASCMEL, BLTS, Trekbbs Anyone else, ask first. This is a sequel to "Indiscreet Behaviors." --- I sat in my sterile quarters. I had brought very little with me when I joined the Enterprise during the V'Ger mission. One does not take common, mundane things to the austere life of Gol. So I had very little to bring with me upon my departure. V'Ger had taught me many things. T'sai had been correct when she had said 'Your answer lies elsewhere, Spock.' My meld with V'ger had been a step to discovering that answer. Logic, without emotion was a barren wasteland. V'Ger's quest had taught me that. I had fled the Enterprise at the end of our five year mission. Jim was being promoted to Admiral. Dr. McCoy was retiring. Suddenly the two people whom I was closest on the Enterprise would be gone from my life. Starfleet wanted to make me a Captain. I had no true desire to command, but they expected me to take over the Enterprise. I drew a deep breath as I recalled that fateful party. The one I had become inebriated at while attending. Dr. Chapel had also suffered from the same condition during that party. She and I had engaged in a very undignified display at the party, then we had departed for her quarters and spent the evening engaging in reacting scenes from 'My Vulcan Love Master.' We had awakened in her bed with no memory of how we got there. However, after I talked to Jim and she to Dr. McCoy, we had learned of our behavior. At the time, I could not believe I had acted in such a manner. With all that was happening at the end of the five year mission, I felt as if my life was totally out of my control. At the time, it seemed the only means of regaining control would be to purge my human emotions by undergoing the Kolinar. Now, I knew that path was not my destiny. My mind drifted to Dr. Chapel, her capable care in sickbay had been purely professional. I wondered if she still had any feelings for me. Through my attempt at Kolinar, I had recalled the night of the party. The purpose of my meditation earlier this evening had been considering that night. I admitted to myself that the Romulan Ale had merely lowered my inhibitions and allowed me to express my feelings that my Vulcan nature caused me to repress. The feelings that were still very much present. If she still felt the same, then I wanted to pursue a relationship with her. I was uncertain what sort of acceptance I would receive from her. My cold treatment of all the crew when I first arrived on board had hurt many of them. In sickbay, she had been totally immersed in my care. She had been busy doing her job and had remained totally focused on the task at hand... --- We were on a shakedown cruise now. They had given the Enterprise back to Jim. I would be staying on as First Officer and Science Officer. Dr. McCoy was staying as well. Christine would remain as Assistant Chief Medical Officer. I was pleased that we would all be together. The refitted Enterprise was proving to be a most efficient ship. Since the Science Department was running smoothly, I had extra time on my hands. I finally came to a decision. If Christine rejected me as I had rejected her all those years, I would simply have to convince her of my sincerity. After consulting the computer, I made my way to her quarters. I was not sure what to do or say, only that I had to talk with her. I did not want to deny this aspect of my dual nature any longer. My hand trembled as I pressed the chime to request entry. The door slid open, and I saw her sitting at her desk. She was in off duty attire. The soft pink silk blouse and black velvet pants clung jealously to her every curve. It was as if they had been engineered for her body alone. She rose slowly, watching me with keen assessment of my condition. "What can I do for you, Mr. Spock?" she asked me softly, as she reached for the medical tricorder on her desk. "No, that will not be necessary," I assured her. "I wish to talk with you." I stared at her, hoping my eyes could communicate my sincerity. If I could not convince her that I truly wanted to explore the possibilities I had learned from V'ger, then I would have lost. She gazed at me with a bit of uncertainty. Then, she nodded and walked over to a chair near her sofa and sat down. I sat on the sofa near her. We sat in silence for a few minutes. Finally, I found the courage to speak. "I have learned much in the past several hours," I began slowly. She nodded, and I continued. "I had thought my answers lie in achieving Kolinar, that only by purging my emotions completely would I be at peace. However T'sai was correct in concluding my answers were not to be found at Gol." "What have you learned, Spock?" asked Christine me in a soft gentle voice. Her blue eyes were pools in which I could see her very soul. She was waiting for me to continue, and seemed ready to help me in any way she could. I chose my words very carefully. Expressing myself in such terms was not easy. It went against everything I'd ever been taught. "I have learned that I can no longer ignore the duality nature. My experience with V'Ger has shown me the sterility of mere logic and knowledge alone. V'Ger asked, 'Is this all I am. Is there no more.' I find myself facing the same questions. I am discovering that I need more, so much more." I reached out and touched her hand. When she did not pull away, I took her cool hand in mine. "I wish to discuss something you may not be comfortable with, but during my time at Gol, as I was purging my emotions, memories of the night of the party returned with stunning clarity." I watched her swallow nervously. I hoped I was not making a mistake. "It was then, I realized that the only thing the Romulan Ale had truly done was lower my inhibitions so that I could freely admit what I felt for you. What I still feel for you." I stared at her, awaiting for her to respond. Those few seconds of waiting seemed as an eternity. I watched as her blue eyes welled up with tears. "What do you feel for me, Spock?" she asked me gently. "I love you," I answered her huskily. I watched as tears spilled out of her eyes. Reaching over, I wiped the tears from her cheeks. "I never stopped loving you," she whispered softly, as she gripped my that held hers. I stood to my feet and drew her into my arms. I held her close. I knew I had not lost her. She lifted her face to look at me. It was all the invitation I needed. My lips met hers in a soft lingering kiss. After our lips parted, I guided her over to the sofa, and we sat close. I brushed my fingers across her cheek. She was so beautiful. "I want us to develop a relationship," I began. "I know my past behavior has been contradictory to this. I only ask that you give the relationship a chance." "I would like for us to develop a relationship," she whispered softly to me. We sat there, just holding each other for a long time. Finally, when I sensed she was getting sleepy, I spoke up, "Christine, you are fatigued. I am going to return to my quarters. I would be honored if you would join me for breakfast." "I will be happy to join you," she said softly. "I will stop by for you at 0700 hours," I replied. Then, I drew her close and kissed her with as much passion as I was able. "Goodnight, my t'hy'la." "Goodnight, Spock," she answered softly, her eyes shining with joy. As I walked back to my quarters, I contemplated this step I had taken. For the first time in my life, I felt as if I truly belonged. Christine's easy acceptance of me, along with the rest of the crew's welcome had given me that belonging. I had found my answers here among my friends. --- I woke up early the next morning. I meditated, as was my custom. There seemed to be such a difference now that I had accepted myself for who I was. Peace suffused my inner being. After I had finished, it was time to go and pick up Christine for breakfast. We were certainly going to turn heads when we entered the Mess Hall together. I was not concerned for myself, but I did not want Christine to feel uncomfortable. I cared for her too much to permit that to happen. I pressed the chime to announce my presence to her. I watched as her door slid open. As she walked out she smiled at me. "Good morning, Mr. Spock." "Good morning, Christine," I replied warmly. I gave her a quick, small smile. "I am pleased you are joining me for breakfast this morning." "I am delighted to be joining you, Spock," she assured me with a lovely smile. We walked down the corridor together. As we entered the turbolift, I decided to take advantage of the fact that we were the only ones using it. I swiftly kissed her, not wanting to risk a longer, passion filled kiss like the one we had shared last night. There would be ample time this evening to indulge ourselves. Her surprised smile was worth the risk I had taken. The turbolift stopped, and we got off. We quickly moved through the corridor to get to the mess hall. As we entered, several people stared, but we walked in as if it were something we did everyday. From now on, we would be doing this everyday. Eventually, they would no longer stare. As we sat down with our selections, I noticed that Christine appeared to be embarrassed. "Christine," I began softly. "Do not let their stares bother you. In due time the crew will become accustomed to seeing us together." Her beautiful smile lit up her face. "I know, Spock. I'm just not used to being the center of attention." "Nor am I, but being with you is indeed worth the extra attention we are drawing," I assured her. I had to find a way to make her comfortable. I did not want to lose her. "I feel the same way about being with you, Spock," she replied with a shy smile. I saw Captain Kirk walk into the mess hall. When he spotted us together, he was surprised, but did not stare. A few well directed glares at those who were staring quickly redirected their attentions. It appeared since I had finally found happiness that he was going to make sure no one made Christine or myself feel uncomfortable. The next person I observed entering the mess hall was Dr. McCoy. He raised an eyebrow, then proceeded to a food slot and got his breakfast. I was grateful he joined the Captain instead of joining us. I focused my attention back on Christine. "Perhaps you will join me after shift for a stroll in the Arboretum?" I watched her carefully, hoping her answer would be affirmative. "I would enjoy walking with you in the Arboretum," she answered with a smile. We finished our breakfasts, then we parted at the turbolift to go to our duty shifts. I took my station and began working, knowing that in the evening I would be with my T'hy'la again. --- That evening as we walked in the Arboretum, I held her hand. It was quiet and peaceful there. A mere mention of our plans to Jim, and we had the place to ourselves. I was pleased that there was no one to hinder our interaction. I felt more freedom than I ever had known in my life. I stopped and drew her into my arms. She gazed expectantly at me, and I bent to brush my lips against hers. As we kissed, Christine placed her hand on my cheek. I pulled her into my arms and deepened the kiss. If others had been here, I would not have been able to do so. I drew her over to a bench so we could sit. I keep my arms around her. I did not wish to let her go. She nestled her head against my shoulder, and I leaned my head against hers. We sat in that manner for some time. Peace settled over us as a sunset in the desert. Finally, we had to return to our quarters due to the lateness of the hour. At her door, I carefully checked to see that corridor was clear, then kissed her goodnight --- We had concluded the shakedown and started a new five year assignment. It had taken a few weeks, but at last people appeared to have lost interest in the fact that Christine and I had become a couple. We spent quite a bit of time in each other's quarters, preferring to keep our relationship as private as possible. I found that kissing, when not forced into by others, was quite pleasant. We had spent the past six weeks exploring our relationship. Christine glowed with happiness. While I did not show it outwardly as much as she did, others had noticed a change in me as well. I was certain that I wanted Christine to be my bondmate. I did not wish to push her into something she might not be ready for, so I had not spoken of it to her as of yet. However, I knew that I must speak of it to her before long, for I deeply desired her, and did not want to engage in physical intimacy without the marital bond. The bond would enhance our physical union in ways that had to be experienced to be understood. This evening, as we sat in her quarters after having eaten a repast of both Vulcan and Human foods, I considered how much I truly wanted to bond with her. If only I could be sure she was ready to bond with me. I looked down at her head where it rested on my shoulder. Her exquisite sapphire blue eyes met mine questioningly. "You're certainly quiet tonight, Spock. Is everything all right?" she asked me. "I am content, my T'hy'la. Only one thing would make me more so," I replied. She reached up and gently caressed my cheek, and then traced my ear, sending shudders of desire through me. "What one thing would that be," she whispered seductively to me. I swallowed as desire continued to course through me. There could be no more waiting, we both wanted each other so much. We had to bond tonight. Forcing myself to remain calm, I began. "Christine, these past six weeks have been extraordinary. I know I have truly found my answers this time. I...." My voice faltered. Her gaze never left mine as she waited for me to continue. "I wish for us to bond tonight," I finished slowly. I watched as her eyes began to flood with tears. Her hand cupped my cheek tenderly. "Oh, Spock," she sighed tenderly. "I want to bond with you so much." I pulled her to me in a crushing embrace. She had agreed to become my bondmate. I knew that with her at my side I could do anything. After a time, I eased her away from me so we could initiate the bonding ritual. "It would please me for us to bond immediately," I whispered. I reached for her face, and she reached for mine. I carefully positioned my fingers on her face, and she mirrored that, placing her fingers on mine. I began the meld that would ultimately forge our bond. After tonight, we would be as one forevermore. I touched the deepest part of her mind. It was time to begin. "Christine, parted from me, yet never parted. Never and always touching and touched. I come to take thee as my bondmate, now and forever." It was her turn, and I prompted her mentally as to what she was to say. "Spock, parted from me, yet never parted. Never and always touching and touched. I come to thee as thy bondmate, now and forever. We will be as one." "We are as one." I strengthened the meld and the permanent bonding link was formed between us. It was finished. I slowly withdrew from her mind. As our minds parted, I once more gathered her into my arms. I could feel her contentment through the bond. I also felt her rising desire for me, and it further inflamed mine. I pulled her closer and lifted her face to mine. My lips descended upon hers in a mind numbing kiss. Our combined desires were nearly overwhelming. I broke off the kiss and stared at the radiant expression on her face. I did not want to wait any longer to fully claim her. I extended my right hand towards her with the first two fingers extended. She immediately copied the gesture and touched her fingers to mine. As feelings flowed back and forth between us, I made my request. "Christine, my T'hy'la, I would like very much to consummate our relationship. I have thought of this often, and want to have total intimacy with you. She smiled, then took my hand, stood and led me to her bed. As we stood at the side of her bed, I began to disrobe her at a leisurely pace, taking time to kiss and caress each bit of flesh as it was revealed. As I removed her garments, she worked on undressing me as well. Her hands trembled as she removed each item I was wearing. Finally, we stood before each other completely unclothed. I stared in awe at her comely form. She was exceptionally lovely. At the same time, she stared at my body as well. I pulled her against my heated form and kissed her with a fiery passion that surprised me. She responded with equally hot passion. I gently guided her body down to the bed with mine. Tonight, I would have what I had long desired. --- I awakened prior to Christine doing so. I lay next to her watching her. Last night, we had made love several times. Unlike that night after we left the party, we had both been in full command of ourselves. There would be no shock and regrets this morning. As she began to rouse from her slumber, I pulled her close and began kissing her. "Good morning, Spock," she murmured sleepily. "Good morning, Christine, " I answered. She cuddled up close to me and I tightened my arms around her. I could scarcely believe that this beautiful woman was actually mine. "This is so much better than the last time we woke up together," she murmured against my chest. "Indeed, it is. I myself had contemplated the very same thing as I watched you sleep," I admitted. She smiled what could only be described as a wicked smile. "I think we should watch 'My Vulcan Love Master' together sometime, and reenact the scenes with each other. This time, we won't be bombed out of our minds, and we won't have regrets in the morning." I raised an eyebrow at her statement. "Your idea has merit. Perhaps after shift this evening, we could view that program in my quarters, then experiment with the techniques used in various scenes." "Yes," she said with a sexy smile. "And this time I'll remember everything the next morning." I bent down and kissed her again. I knew I had found my answers, and with Christine at my side, I knew I would continue on the path I had started. --- The End