The BLTS Archive - Ghosties first in the Ghosties & Goblins series by R Schultz ( --- Warning! This story contains TrekSmut, which means no one under legal age in the USA may read it. Neither may those living in a locale or country which prohibits TrekSmut. So, go away, y'all. Disclaimer: All Trek belongs to Paramount/ViaBorgCom, who do not deserve it. This story mine under Berne Copyright Laws, 7,200 words long. Written October, 2002, for the FFF. Written for the FFF and archived at the ASCEM. Others may archive, but I'd appreciate notification. --- The sheer panicked pain, the compression, was what I recalled most, when later I reviewed myself. Once, in my youth, I had almost drowned. Back when I was young, sure of my invulnerability, and at my first Leader's Inner Circle Youth Camp. This was more of the same. Of course, back then, I was incredulous to discover that the immortal me could perish like any Prole in a warrants checkline. This time I had been quite aware of my vulnerability, but on a rational level only. Getting my larynx crushed and understanding my imminent death was quite a different matter on a much deeper level. Rationality had nothing to do with the way I felt. Panic ruled, as I hopelessly struggled for breath. They were efficient, here, on this strange ENTERPRISE or wherever I, we, were, I'll give them that. They had knowledge and equipment I'd never seen in the Imperium, that was for sure. No sooner had the Captain turned on me, and slammed the side of his hand into my throat, than their Security was rushing into our cell to separate us and save me. If they could. I was a jackass, of course. I'd known of the Captain's lethal mix of capriciousness and instability from the first day I'd seen him beamed aboard. Yet I'd assumed I could always stay ahead of his tantrums and his sociopathy. His paranoia was a survival trait in the Imperium's Command levels, of course. Because I'd spread my legs a few times for him I thought he'd treat me a little differently than he did the other bridge staff. Fat chance. Lying there in that BioBed gave me lots of time to reflect on my errors. When I realized that I wasn't going to be transmuted into a few bags of parts for transplants, I began to notice my surroundings. Which were pretty amazing. They spent next to no time fixing my throat, and apart from the inattentive guard lounging at attention, there was no one to monitor my activities. There didn't seem to be any stasis or cold boxes of body parts in reserve, and no one inflicted the least amount of pain on me. They were nice to me. Wonder of wonders. Their Chapel smiled at me, failed to threaten me, and didn't once grope me. Not that I'd have minded the grope. We'd had fun before, and once she'd proven to her own satisfaction who was the boss, my Chapel could even be gentle. Yet this Chapel didn't even carry any knives. She studied charts and spoke affectionately, this Chapel even smiled. She did, however, manage to evade most of my questions. Me and Scotty had already guessed this was my ENTERPRISE, but yet it wasn't. No one walked around with guards in tow, and the only ones armed seemed to be Security personnel. The Beta shift Doctor, Arnie what's-his-name, he looked to be fifteen years younger and both eyes matched. This one had been aboard two years, and my Arnie had been aboard less than a month. When I'd mentioned court martials and time in the Agonizer Chamber, this Chapel acted like she'd never given any testimony against me. So I lay back on this BioBed and observed. I watched, but I didn't act particularly healthy. So they let me lie here. Some things hadn't changed any. At one point when this Nurse Chapel was running her odd-looking medical Tricorder over my prone body, I accidentally let the back of my hand reach under her skirt to caress her belly. She flinched, but kept her equilibrium. She gave me the damnedest look, but didn't back off or knock my hand away. I think this Chapel evidently had as much of a taste for the females as mine did. We smiled at each other, sharing our little secret. However, she kept her body away from my roving hands after that. Whatever she might have shared with her Uhura, I wasn't that particular Uhura. That had been the hardest data to swallow. That there were identical ENTERPRISE's, not quite identical, and I was on the wrong one. Or should that be termed the right one? After that I pretended to doze in and out, keeping an eye on the guard, trying to determine any patterns to his movements. Chapel brought him a cup of tea during the long wait. Evidently lower ranks were addressed politely and given any number of perks here. But mostly the interval gave me a chance to reflect on the possibilities, and listen to my .... associates. When I smelled the copper of blood, I shifted my eyes and saw Number One come into the sickbay. I looked at the guard, but she waved a 'no-can-do' at me in return. The rules, she always said, she couldn't do anything for me, I had to do it myself. It always seemed so unfair they could roam freely, but I was always under some form of real-life restraint. She had a nice turquoise scarf today, fresh, she looked pretty, and feminine. She was still a Dominant Top of the first order, but she had taken to being soft and friendly since her death. "I see this Chapel still has those long legs,"she said, patting my shoulder. "Whatya think, hum? Here, in this Alternate Universe, Chapel is a cute Nurse, not a Doctor Third Class. "Here she's courtesy and kindness. Here she's turned her back on you twenty times, and doesn't even known what a NeuralWhip is for, or a hand-held Agonizer." She patted my shoulder with a big grin on her face. "I saw the way you caressed her. She liked it a little. Looks to me like once more you fell in the dumper and you're coming out smelling like the proverbial Rose." When I smelled the burning leather, I turned to find Commander Mitchell smiling that big Country-Boy grin of his at me. "Number one is right on,"he smiled. "I watched her, this Chapel likes you,"he said. "She's helped fix you up, she held your hand, she didn't once cut you. A universe of difference. "Looks to me like you've made another conquest, Lieutenant. Gonna toss her on this BioBed tonight and have her eight or ten times?" He was always urging me to unleash the animal, the predator in me. Gary was a damned agent provocateur now, just as he had been when alive. Of course I had to admit this Chapel looked at me a little differently once she'd caught me scoping her, sizing her up. There was the guard, of course. He never left, but he looked bored and distracted. I could have killed him easy, and the skinny Beta Shift doctor as well, and even this Universe's kinder, gentler Chapel. But to what purpose? I'd still be aboard the wrong ENTERPRISE. I knew enough to realize I had to take this opportunity to garner information. I also knew I was considering staying here, on the wrong ENTERPRISE. "Better play the almost-innocent with this one,"Number One told me when this Chapel nurse-person came in to check on me again. Number One smiled at the guard, sizing him up. "Try to pump her without being too obvious about it, Na? Knowledge is power, right? And if you can't learn anything, just try to fuck her. "You were always ready to fuck someone, you little bitch, even when we were sharing the same cabin. Might as well put all that experience to work for you now." Tonight Commander Gary Mitchell ignored me, mostly. He probably thought I was a big girl and I could take care of myself. The smoking bacon smell preceded Yeoman Colt. I didn't like looking at her, she looked so normal, even now. It was kind of hard avoiding her, though. I might try to ignore Number One and Commander Mitchell, but I was wearing the Yeoman's right arm and hand. She'd wouldn't take orders from me after the transplant took place, not worth a damn. She must have been deadly cute and sexy back before the Salt Creature on Crater's World. I'd never noticed. Gary kept a Holo of her on his workbench in his quarters. They'd shared the Talosian experience together, her and Number One, back before we dropped a few Lithium Cycle Events in their sun. Every time Yeoman Colt dropped by, my right hand itched. The skin pigmentation matched mine, now, but I knew who'd been the donor. McCoy, the nit-picking bastard, he'd been completely pissed because less than half of the Yeoman had been salvageable as spare parts for his CryBank. Commander Mitchell smiled at Nurse Chapel when she came by again. Always an eye for the ladies, always searching for the next step up. The way I heard it no sooner had Mitchell polished off Captain Pike, than the Talosians captured him for breeding stock. That didn't work out, and after we Nova'ed their sun, the Review Board brought in Kirk to be Captain over him instead of letting Mitchell stay Captain. Commander Gary Mitchell was under a loyalty cloud after being a prisoner of the Talosians. Exposed to contra-indicating disinformation was what they always wrote on the fitness reports. Very bad blood between Kirk and Mitchell after Mitchell had to step out of the Captain's chair. Not only had he lost the Captaincy, he'd wound up in the Second Mate's chair as well. Number One had stayed Number One. Helga had managed to make THAT Command upheaval without loss of status. It was inevitable that Commander Mitchell would have an unfortunate mishap in the back after a decent interval. Guards or no guards. Scuttlebutt said Kirk and Number One had cooperated in order to pull off that little accident. Didn't save Number One. In my humble opinion she then knew too much, and Kirk eventually, some fine day, mentally contrived justification for having her toasted. Yeoman Colt sniffed at the sight of Chapel. She didn't like any Chapel under any circumstances, and she liked even less females that went to bed with other females. Must have come from a really Retrograde colony. It was my luck I would be saddled with her. "Mind you,"she said, "I don't approve of your deviancy, but it strikes me as a positive measure if you were to explore the possibility of staying in this universe. "Especially since the Captain has already attempted to assassinate you. He'll reinforce his actions and negative feelings until it seems a rational course of action for him to get you turned into spare parts, and to hell whether or not you're useful to him. "You go back to the Imperium with him, McCoy, and Scotty, and you'll become donor segments before you can say 'Help!' Staying here seems your only viable option, Na?" "How might she accomplish that?"Commander Mitchell asked. "Obviously by engaging in yet another unnatural relationship, this time with this universe's Chapel,"the Yeoman stated. Number One bent to lick my chin, and nodded in the direction of the part of Sickbay this Nurse Chapel had disappeared into. "Unnatural relationships suits you, my love. Not only that, it sounds like your only viable option,"she said. "You'll need help from someone. Or would you care to try seducing Commander Spock? Not very likely, Na? Then Chapel it is. "It's either get her on your side or off you go back to the real ENTERPRISE. It'll become the Die Vonnisdag Masjien, the Death machine, for you, my little faithless Khaffir." Number One had always thrown in those Afrikaans phrases when talking to me. She'd still been trying to work her way through her damned possessive love of me and her damned racism when I .... she died. For that matter so was I. We never had resolved our mutual lust and our mutual distaste. It'd made for some hot nights, though. When she wasn't beating on me for a little sleeping around. I ask you, what was a woman to do, if she wanted advancement in the Empire? Rely on positive fitness reports? Fat chance, and Number One knew it. To get to her position, she'd probably known more males than an Orion bordello ship. Being Number One's woman was always like dancing blindfolded through a minefield. Yet, at nights, I still missed her lanky warmth next to mine. I almost caressed her arm, but I knew that was impossible. And besides, the guard might wonder why he saw me waving my hand in the air. Yeoman Colt sniffed her little disdain when Nurse Chapel returned. "This is .... what? The tenth time she's been back to check on you since you pretended to wake up? It appears this Chapel is as depraved sexually as yourself." Sigh. "I suppose you might as well begin weaving your debauched net of sin now as later." With that she walked away through the bulkhead wall. She wouldn't want to stand around and watch. Not this possible seduction. Commander Mitchell, however, sat down on the next BioBed. He always was a voyeur, amongst his other quirks. Helga -- Number One -- gave him the finger, to which he smiled more broadly. My ex-lover settled herself on the side of my BioBed. She was a voyeur as well. Even if she said she was studying technique. It was almost too easy. I touched here, touched there, held Chapel's hand for a second, and suggested the guard might as well stand guard in the corridor. They locked down my feet in restraints, and had already signatured the scalpels and other cupboards to the Doctor's thumb. Chapel brought me some tea, real Terran. Black, hot green Chinese, the way I liked it. Two sugars, real, not subs. My sweet tooth accepted the small favor and immediately complained how it had been weeks since my last Chocolate. "Does this ENTERPRISE's Uhura drink hers this way?" Chapel nodded a wry yes. She knew details like that about this ship's Uhura. She also let me caress her hand as she gave me the cup. She traced my chin with a stray finger. Suddenly this wasn't just another maneuver. The touch felt good. I'd always had a weak feeling whenever my Chapel was in one of her affectionate moods, when she'd been all touches and kisses, for a change. I'd wanted her to be my new Top, she always reminded me of Number One. It was the pain and sarcasm I had trouble dealing with. "Nurse .... you know I like women, don't you?" "In what way, Lieutenant?" Teasing. "I take them to bed and have sex with them,"I explained. "But the thing I most accomplish with women, is that I fall in love with them. Have you ever been in love, Nurse Chapel?" "Yes,"she smiled. "I've been in love with a few good men. It hasn't worked out very well, though." She'd just told me she was bisexual in this universe. Carefully now.... "Do you love Uhura Nyota?"I asked. By the stricken cloud that filmed her eyes for an instant, I knew something more important. "Your Uhura doesn't love women, does she?"I guessed. I carefully laid a few finger tips on her hand and placed it on my hip. "You've fallen for a straight girl, haven't you? "It's okay, believe me, it's okay. I've done the same thing. Fallen for a straight gal. "In my ENTERPRISE I'm an on-again, off-again lover of my Chapel. My Chapel is a ring-tailed bitch, but she's still my lover, at times, and she's saved my ass and my sanity more than once. "I owe her a lot, even if she's been impossible to live with on more than one occasion. "She's a very good lover, when she isn't being terrible. She can't let herself love, she's afraid of being thought weak, but still she can reach out and love me as well as have sex with me. "She's a very special person to me." When she's sane. "Are you a good lover of women? I'd like it very much if you were to show me how good...." Touchings, caresses, I kissed the palm of her hand, I tried to be gentle. Then she said; "I've never done it with a woman before. I've wanted to do it with Uhura, I've wanted to do it with her for the longest time, but I'm.... I've never done this...." Oh damn! I stifled a laugh, and Chapel caught me. I held her hand when she became red in the face, trying to apologize. "Please,"I begged. "Forgive me, it just came out that way, as a laugh. I've never had a virgin before. I think it's terribly cute and appealing." "I'm not a virgin!"she spat. "You are in this way...."I crooned. Then my hand let go of hers, so that it might find her hip and belly and groin area. "It turns me on. It turns me on a LOT, Christine. You're still Christine in this universe, on this ship, aren't you? I loved that name, when I first heard it in connection with you. With my Chapel. "You reminded me of my last lover, loved one, my last woman. "Most of my women have been cauks, Caucasians. I like blondes, have for more years than I care to remember. "My Chapel is a natural blond, and she has a pussy mound like silk. Are you blond, Christine? Does your mound feel like a thick delicate scarf of softest silk?" Massaging her through her panties and hose. Knowing I was getting hotter and hotter, doing this. Doing her with a guard on the other side of a door. Seeing the fire in her face, feeling the quivering of her as I traced her cleft with my thumb knuckle. Doing all this while still confined to a BioBed wasn't all that easy. But hearing her breath quicken, seeing the flush on her cheeks and throat, feeling how wet she already was, right through her clothes she felt slick and ready. If I could throw her on a nice bed, even this BioBed, I'd go out of my mind. A virgin Christine, a gentle Christine, a soft feminine Christine instead of the sadistic Dom butch who used to slice my nipples with her knives. A Christine waiting to open to me and my tongue and my hands and my love. I could love this one. I looked down at her groin as my shaking hand wormed it's way between her clothes and her exciting quim. The scent of excited woman hit my nostrils like a physical blow, prompting my mouth to water, and my own pussy to flood. My other hand confirmed my own steamy flow, and I now heard sloppy sexy wet noises from both seeping female cunts. Christine's and mine. "You feel fantastic,"I told this soft giving Christine. "You have the most delectable fuzzy little pussy, Christine, you always have. "I love to eat my Christine. I bet I'd die if I could eat yours. "My Christine tastes so clear and clean, she doesn't eat meat. She tastes like only slightly oily nectar of the Greek Goddesses. Do you eat meat, Christine?" "Only a few men,"she stuttered. "And even then it's been soooo long...." "Then bring that solid cute little ass of yours closer, doll. I'm about to give your first woman come. "After that you can tell me if you liked it. If you don't like it, I'll never touch you again." "Uuhuuurraaa..." I moved her until she was facing me and her hip was up on the BioBed. I moved her clothes down her hips and began sticking fingers where they would do the most good. Using Yeoman Colt's hand. Yeoman Colt wouldn't like that. Well, damn her to hell for a prude. Christine was SOOOO wet, she sounded so suckey and obscene as my fingers worked her soaked clit and big red lips and snickery sounding cunt and then I twisted my first finger into her. Before I could start a good fucking rhythm, Christine draped herself against me, hard. She hurt my shoulder and waist as she welded herself to me. Jerking, crying tears, convulsing, wriggling, shaking. I felt her soak my hand, I know she must have stained her panties and hose, I felt fluid drip off my knuckle and finger joints. She came for me. I felt as if I were a burning bush, myself. As Christine began to slack off, I forced her hand into my own panties, under my hospital gown, the BioBed blanket to the side. "Please, Christine,"I begged her. "Please, please, please, I need you. I need you NOW...." Not knowing what to do, she let me force her hand to rub me, to masturbate me. I was so damned hot, I only needed to get my clit rubbed a quarter or less of the time by her frozen hand for me to stiffen and cry out in my come. I threw my fist in my mouth, knowing I dared not be loud in my climax. For three or four minutes we stayed frozen like that. Christine's clothes were part way down her thighs, me with my hand hurting Christine's hand as I kept it tightly against my wet hairy mound. Hell, she'd only managed to even touch my clit a few times, but it was enough to get me off. "I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you...."Christine repeated time and again. "I love you, babe,"I whispered in her ear. And it was true. I'd never stopped loving Christine Chapel, and this Christine Chapel was several orders of desirability hotter and nicer and sweeter and hotter and cuter and oh my. I think I WAS in love. "Get your clothes off, sweet darling, no, not all of them, just those damned panties and boots and hose. "Then I want you to crawl on top of me on this bed and fit that gorgeous little fuzzy-haired pussy to my face and get your first ever real lesbian loving. "That thing with the fingers, I'm going to consider to just being the warming-up cycle. The real cooking cycle is about to begin." When she was on her knees, straddling my body, I stopped her for a second, then motioned for her to bring her delightful cunt closer to my face. I wanted to give it a really intense and loving inspection. "You have the most beautiful pussy I have ever seen,"I told her. If it was an exaggeration, I couldn't ever remember seeing a prettier one. So it had to be the truth. "Please,"I begged. "Place that beautiful pussy on my mouth and let me take you into heaven. "Let me be the Angelic guide who takes you through the pearly gates...." Drool ran down my chin as she carefully (if clumsily) positioned her heavily scented paradise upon my face.... We both moaned as the first contact took place. ---- We were all waiting for Christine when she returned. I had a feeling we would not have a lot of time together before some sort of a decision or crises occurred. We had to do something and do it NOW. "Well?", I asked. "What did Commander Spock say?" Christine could hardly restrain herself, it was obvious the interim Captain had decided in the affirmative. I could be kept apart from the other prisoners, and I could be left in his Nurse Chapel's care. He would even consider letting me stay on this ship in this universe. Number One rubbed my arm and caressed my hand in my lap. Even Yeoman Colt appeared pleased. Commander Mitchell had long ago stated he was in favor of staying on this ENTERPRISE. Anything that'd cause difficulty for Kirk he was in favor of, and losing me would be another black mark in his service records. A cloud passed over Christine's face as she told me the good news. "And the bad news?"I asked. "He's not sure you're worthy of my trust, and said you must undergo a mind meld. He must determine your sincerity before he'd even consider leaving you aboard this vessel in this universe. "Have you had any experience with the Vulcan mind-meld aboard your own Imperial ENTERPRISE? It's dangerous, and painful, and might take some time to accomplish." Oh yes, I knew what a mind-meld was. The Changeling had discovered it, much to it's regret. So had the Horta, and Doctor van Gelder. A mindmeld. I think my face went white, as impossible as that might sound. The bottom fell out of my stomach. Spock would know me, after the mild-meld. He would know all my secrets, all my sins, all my errors, all my scars and fears. He would know all about Yeoman Colt. And Number One. And Commander Gary Mitchell. How they died and who killed them. --- "You may leave us now,"Commander Spock said to my faithful dog, my guard. I heard the cabin door slide shut, but my eyes were already riveted on the male who would soon know more about me than any other male ever had. It had been commendable for the Vulcan to receive me so quickly. Remarkable for him to have accepted Chapel's recommendations so easily. He and this Chapel must share a great deal of trust, in this universe. If I can stay here, I might some day learn all about trust. That scared me most. The concept that I might lay myself defenseless before someone else. There weren't many preliminaries to the mind meld process, I discovered. For the most part it consisted of quieting my case of nerves and easing us into a mutually cooperative mood. He was quite rational about it all. If I was cooperating and willing, the process might even be painless. If I were unwilling and hostile, he would suffer for days afterwards. And it wouldn't be a pleasure for me either. He told me all this, letting me deliberately brace myself to be open and willing. He and I both knew I could never become completely open. Non-hostile would be acceptable in lieu of trust and loving. He talked to me, he talked to me, he had those damned scented candles burning, and he called the lights down into a twilight gentleness. All the harsh edges of the universe seemed to go away, and we both eased into a mood of wary experimentation. He kept touching my face, I allowed it, and he talked to me and he talked to me and he talked to me and.... "My mind to your mind, my thoughts to your thoughts...." Those hands seemed to .... so gentle, fearful, large, sinking through my skin and skull and I felt his touch in.... There was feedback as he .... we .... us .... the .... He continued to speak to me as we sank together. He praised me for my cooperation, he said I had such a strong and fearing and marveling mind and I could feel for the first time the borders of the Galaxy and he said I was doing so good and I was relaxing and it was becoming sooooo easy for me to be us.... I'd first heard how slushy and liquid my heart beat was years ago. It was such a moment now as I carefully slowed my heart until it only beat once or twice in a minute. Spock touched my hand and shook his head at my soul, smiling at my childishness and lifted my mind from my heart and touched it to return it to it's usual fluidic pumping.... We died. We lived. We died. We were reborn. I introduced him to Commander Mitchell, all smiles and boyish charm. I told Commander Spock of the time he had Petty Officer Palt transported to a point above the surface of an M-class planet, wired for sound, and listened to his screams as he fell eighty five kilometers. Thus perished would-be assassins. Number One shook his hand reluctantly. Yeoman Colt was skittish and shy when introduced, and flushed pink when Spock bent low and kissed her knuckles. My progenitor, the nobleman from the L'Wanda Bantisi Empire slapped him on his forearm, recognizing the warrior qualities in the Vulcan, and my child me let him touch her fingertip before she scurried back within the magical circle of my GrandMaMa's strong arms. He took me to a jungle glade, where he stripped my clothes off, without lust or hurry. He guided me into the stream, ignoring the wetness of his own immersed clothing. He cupped cold water and bathed my head and hair in it, handful after handful. By this ritual he washed me clean of the blood of Commander Mitchell, and Number One, and Yeoman Colt. Spock bent my head back and cupped more water in his hands, letting the cold water wash away my tears and the dark stains left by the passing-through of other lives. It was peaceful there, in that glade, though not quiet. No forest ever is, not if you listen carefully. The stream burbled questions and forgiveness at me. Poisonous snakes writhed across the surface, but did not come neigh me. Commander Mitchell took the clothes from Yeoman Colt, and they made the beast with two backs on the bank of my stream. Number One smiled at me, laid down, and went to sleep in the long grass. The light moved across the grass as the day waned. A dark and shambling beast parted the brush on the opposite bank, gazing at me with malevolent eyes. It stared at the giggling coupling of the naked Commander and Yeoman, then returned to the darkness from which he spewed. Spock left me for an hour while I dangled my thighs in the cold stream, thinking. Wondering. Searching for solidity in my life. Dreaming, seeing so many of my past's so clearly, so foggily, so much with a sense of rediscovery. When he came back to the glade, he was dry, and beckoned me with a hand. I did not want to go, and ignored his out-stretched hand for long minutes. His formidable strength helped lift me from the waters, my skin shivering in the sudden warm air. "We must,"he said. I rose in my nakedness, wondering if he enjoyed the black-skinned beauty he saw. Vulcans do not think as we do. Spock ran his strong hands over my many scars, including the ones inside me, and made no judgments on me, none whatsoever. The sun was down behind the trees by now, and we turned around and we sat down in his cabin and he placed his Vulcan hands on my head and I shed tears when he lifted his hands from me. I bent my head to cry into my sleeve, and he let me. After a while I lifted my eyes to see his own troubled ones. We both knew pain, we both felt a sense of loss, and I now knew why Vulcans did not casually engage in mind to mind contact. I knew now why it hurt so much. I could not for a nano-second imagine what levels of hell an unwilling mind must experience. I clung to him as a second round of crying overtook me, and he allowed it. At that moment he was just another male, and one I could lean against in my hour of need. Less than two minutes had passed in the actual mind-meld. Spock personally escorted me back to sickbay and Nurse Chapel. The guard following, confused and hesitant. Spock left me on the BioBed, with Christine holding me and the guard outside. Without asking I knew Spock had agreed to let me stay on his ENTERPRISE. How was another matter. --- There were the fourteen of us in the Transporter Room, making it a touch crowded. Five guards with drawn phasers. Spock and Lt. Kyle. My Imperial Kirk, McCoy, Scotty and me. And Commander Mitchell, Number One and Yeoman Colt. No one noticed it was crowded but me. My McCoy was distracted, and I bet myself someone would be translated into Spare Parts tonight. Scotty was pensive, and it struck me that he was worried about his precious triply-damned engines and not about himself or the Empire. The engines were his little sanctuary. He lived with his engines and he could then ignore the rest of the Empire. He wasn't a threat to anyone else, and no one worried about him. That was his survival strategy. Bury his head in the sand of his goddamned engines and the rest of the universe be damned. My Captain Kirk was all apologies and solicitous inquiries. He was sorry for his fit of temper when he'd crushed my larynx. He promised he'd make it up to me when we got back on the Imperial ENTERPRISE. We'd all been told that was where we were going. Kirk touched me, caressed me, whispered that he and his woman, Marlena, would like to have a little fun tonight and it would be best if I were to join in a little threesome. He could call in both of his guards and I could have them as well. And wouldn't I like that? I realized who it was McCoy would probably get to cut into little pieces. Come morning and it would be me. The theories of this universe's Scotty had better be right. This Spock appeared totally oblivious to doubts or questions. Kyle worked the Transporter and Spock helped him. Our guards kept phasers leveled at us, and ignored Kirk and his threats and his bragging. Then came the wobbly feeling as the universe went silver dusty.... Immediately the universe solidified and I had to close my eyes. Was I in my universe or the other? My other? "Lt. Uhura?" It was Lt. Kyle and he lacked the trimmings and dagger and medals of an officer of the Imperium. This was not the Imperial Lt. Kyle. This was not the sociopathic Lt. Kyle. I closed my eyes again and breathed a tremendous sigh of relief. Lt. Kyle touched my arm while Commander Mitchell, Number One and Yeoman Colt clapped and cheered. "Are you okay?"he asked. "I've never held anything in the pattern buffer before. I'm still utterly amazed that Commander Scott's theories were applicable to a working transporter. Do you feel okay? You're sure? "Commander Spock said I was to escort you to Nurse Chapel's quarters now. If you're okay, that is. "You ARE okay, yes?" It was hard accepting the friendly touch of a man who in my universe kept a meat cleaver in the small of his back. He had a large loose brown and rust Khaftan for me to slip over my uniform. With it on, we became just another two members of the crew, walking the calm corridors of the safe ENTERPRISE. I had a start when Petty Officer Maszererdle touched my hand and expressed sympathy for my ordeal in the other universe. She had lost two fingers to Lt. Kyle's meat cleaver and transferred to some planet's Army of Occupation almost a year ago. There were some things worst than an hour in the Agonizer Booth. The cabin's door opened, Chapel was there, and Lt. Kyle murmured something, and this sweet Chapel took my hand and pulled me inside. Believe it or not, but I wasn't expecting to be held tight and given a long kiss by this lean loving blond. I was working on automatic only at this time. Not daring to believe I'd gotten away from hell. Then I realized where I was, and whose breasts pushed against mine, whose hands roamed my back, whose thigh fitted between my own. I had come home for the first time in thirty years. "Dear?"Chapel whispered in my ear. Dear. When was the last time anyone had addressed me in that way? This was a place where words like darling and sweetheart could be used without fear of appearing weak and vulnerable. We began to kiss, and as we kissed, I began the ritual of removing our clothes. Christine shook like a leaf in a strong wind, and my knees felt weak as we tried to remove clothing at the same time our hands raced across the other's body. Dear. Darling. Sweetheart. Love. --- I leaned against the corridor walls, feeling giddy and light headed. Crewmen passed me by, some recognizing me as the alternate Uhura. Some spoke kind or meaningless words, or both at the same time. A blocky brown-skinned man engaged me in a little conversation, and we both recognized the initial moves in a possible seduction scenario. Number One sniffed her disdain at him, but I smiled inside. I might not be bedding him, or any other man, but a girl has to feel better knowing someone is paying attention to her. Yeoman Colt liked the Engine Tech, and Commander Mitchell was not happy to see her interest. Who'd have ever thought figments of imagination could be jealous? It felt delicious to close my eyes without wondering who might be sneaking up on me, or who might have ulterior motives in approaching me. The male-female dance didn't even begin to count as an ulterior motive. Not after the Imperium. Lt. Sulu came hurrying by, stopping for a second to see if I was okay. I could like this Sulu. I'd heard he did guys too, but if it wasn't for my commitment to Christine, I told myself it wouldn't be so hard to get him interested. That'd be something. Bedding Sulu and coming out the other end still alive and in one piece. I hummed a little song, feeling confident despite this ENTERPRISE's Captain Kirk. He was honest and forthright, things I was still surprised to discover in ANY Kirk. I'd never be part of his Starfleet, was his opinion. And he already had an Uhura he was happy with and trusted. But he'd keep me aboard until he could deposit me on a Fleet vessel heading back towards Terra. HQ would want to dissect me for months on end, was his opinion. Naturally I about jumped out of my skin. He caught that, it was hard not to, and I had to explain about the organ transplant program on the Imperial ENTERPRISE. He didn't care for that, but it was just another facet of a life he had escaped from. And now I, too, had escaped from. He recommended cooperation with the Fleet Powers That Be, and surmised I could come out of the interrogations with a great deal of goodwill and a few recommendations from Starfleet. There were more openings I could fill in many a trading or interstellar ship line than I could easily grasp. Speaking frankly, he had sighed to think of losing Christine Chapel. If Christine left the ENTERPRISE, she had enough time in grade and medical skills so that she could probably settle down on the planet of her choice. He also didn't much like the thought of anyone he knew becoming a lesbian, but it wasn't something he felt able to change. The Alpha male in him disliked women who failed to find him irresistible. I already knew Kirk would be unable to grasp the notion that Christine hadn't become a lesbian. She already was a lesbian, or bi, and now she knew it. All in all this Captain Kirk was faintly distracted and gentle. This Kirk was also perpetually seeing the forests before him. He felt only part of him should be bound to the more petty universe of his ship. He saw the Stars as his own holy grail. He didn't want to do anything but what he was doing right now. His entire life was bound up in these voyages of discovery. He would die by millimeters, some day in the future, when he was subjected to a desk job. I would miss Spock, when I left this ship. We had been, after all, closer than most lovers become. I hurried my steps as I neared Christine's cabin. My thighs burned to feel her touch, my breasts needed to be suckled by her gentle but determined mouth. I sang the song of Christine in my heart. I couldn't remember ever having a gentle lover before. Uhura came out of her cabin. The other Uhura. I immediately knew what had happened, of course. She'd just been in Christine's bed, Christine's arms. I stared into this Uhura's eyes and saw the new fever that had overtaken her. I stared into those suddenly guilty eyes and felt very stupid. The cabin door opened for me, it had been keyed to me for .... only a few score of hours? It seemed like forever, it seemed like seconds. We, both of us Uhura's, we were alike, after all. If I liked women as bed mates, she probably did too. She might not have previously acknowledged the fact, but she liked other women. Christine had somehow now acquired the courage to approach the woman she REALLY loved. This ship's Uhura. And unlocked the hidden lesbian in my gentler counterpart. All this Uhura needed was the right spark, the right woman, and she would gladly give herself to a lover of the same sex as herself. It was inevitable, really. When these two met for the first time as lovers, the walls should have melted. The cabin door opened for me, it had been keyed to me for .... only a few score of hours? It seemed like forever, it seemed like seconds. Christine sat up in her bunk, a hand tentatively reaching out to me. I ignored the gesture and the hand. I giggled, unable to accept the mental sight of a naked Christine in bed with a naked Uhura. Not myself. The other me. I had been supplanted by the 'real' Uhura. In this universe all these two women had needed was for one or both to acknowledge their lesbian sexuality, and the other must, MUST follow. I wonder if Christine or Uhura had made the first move in this particular dance? It didn't matter. Nothing much mattered. I retreated out the door, pausing to think on how to acquire a cabin of my own, now. I'd ask Kirk or Spock. They'd get me guest quarters, until I could be transferred off the ship. Already I didn't belong here. Yeoman Colt kneaded one shoulder, and Commander Mitchell kneaded the other. Number One took my hand, directing me to move on. Get a cabin , begin my new life. Leave. Arrive. Live. There was an entire new universe out there, waiting for me. And we'd be together. Just the four of us. --- continued in the second story in the Ghosties & Goblins series 'Goblins'