The BLTS Archive - China Town Or: The Case Of The Missing Heir Or: The Case Of The Missing Hair Or: The Case Of The Missing Hare fourth in the China series by R.Schultz ( --- Disclaimer: Trek-universe belongs to ViaBorgCom, and I'm just making fun with Trek, not money and they all go back happy. Story mine under common-law copyright. June 1st, 2001. 7900 words. Spoilers: After my own "China Rose", fourth of the "China" series. Warning: Love and lust between (fictional) adults, both male and female is favorably presented in this story. If this makes your power conduit spring a leak, why not seek elsewhere for reading pleasure? No one underage according to USA or local law may enter here. Neither may those whose country or locale legally declares TrekSmut something it believes you shouldn't read. Your government, after all, is very, very, very, very, very wise and knows just exactly what you should or should not read. Goodbye. You won't be missed. Posted to the Doctor Fuh-Q Fest, later to ASC*. May be archived, but please notify. --- "Relax and enjoy yourself, Worf." I coaxed. "its going to be a load of fun." Deanna Troi looked assured as well, and if I know anything about a certain Betazoid's effect on Klingons, that meant he was about to allow himself to be convinced. Worf is a sucker for a pretty humanoid, even if he thinks he's not. Actually Worf looks outrageously dreamy in that double-breasted suit. Period costume becomes him. Wearing a pin-striped brown 1939-period suit, all you see at first is a wide expanse of impeccably attired chest that seems to fill half the room. The dark blue handkerchief in his coat pocket was simply the finishing touch. Troi carefully tilted his brown fedora on his head to give him a more rakish look. He was perfect as the muscle. "When does this HoloDrama begin?" he asked. "its already started," I replied. Smashing! I thought I looked glorious in a white polka-dot dress and a stiff beret with a veil. Call me Barbara Crawford. Or was that Barbara Stanwyck and Joan Crawford? Apply a little more outrageously red lip gloss, and pull my dress down again. It kept pulling up to where everyone could see the where my black hose hung from my garter belt straps. Maybe that was the way it was supposed to act. Troi was wearing black and blue-black to stunning effect. Her satin skirt was slit to where her hip showed a tease of her panty. A little shell of a hat on her head also held a small veil. I'd never realized she was capable of -- allure. Not to the extent she was displaying it. She was supposed to be the murderous criminal reformed by Dixon Hill's crusading spirit. Now she was a force for good, even if she looked like she'd like to see what the entire San Francisco fire department might have been capable of getting up on some weekend night. Me? I was Dixon Hill's noble reporter and slightly flaky and whacky girl friend. Or something like that. I wondered if wanting to jump the bones of everyone present made me slightly flaky or slightly whacky. So much research to do. The Receptionist was out, evidently for lunch. I had Worf keep his hat on and sit behind Dixon Hill's magnificently sturdy real wood desk. I wondered which drawer the bourbon was in. Before I could begin searching the door was flung open. A-HA!, I thought. Now I knew why the Receptionist was gone. It was a totally black figure, its sides and shape wavering a little in the breeze. Two cut-out eyes appeared under the hat, darting from side to side. its two arms were widespread as if to embrace all of us in the room. It didn't seem to have sleeves or coat bottom: Just a single unified profile. A sibilant voice rang in the air as he asked us; "Which one of you is Dixon Hill? I desperately need to hire his assistance." "Do any one of us look like Dixon Hill?", Deanna asked. "Well," the figure continued, "Dixon Hill might be a cross-dresser. And if he is, he's very authentic, and how does he feel about a date this Friday night?" Looking from Deanna to me. Worf was unhappy and he wasn't sure why. "Maybe I am Dixon Hill," he pointed out. The figure looked up and shook his head. "A detective the size of youse would be on the regular force. You just so much as enter the sweat room and there ain't nuttin' but the calls of song birds in the air. He winked at me. "A private eye the size of the doll here would be used to using his brains instead of his brawn." He sidled over to me. "Ya know a cross-dresser that's as good as you might be, I'd bet he's plenty smart too. "Ya know, I know this nice roadhouse north of the bridge, trees and quiet and a good view of the Bay. They got a few bungalows in the back, too." I still couldn't see his face, but his eyebrows were arching. "I told you I'm not Dixon Hill," I coldly replied. "No," he pointed out, "youse didn't. But it'd be sure nice if ya was." He must have understood my expression because he backed to the doorway again. "Okay," he said, "I'll go along with youse. Dixon Hill isn't here, so I'll leave a message for him. The message is...." At that moment automatic weapons fire broke out. Worf was showered with window frame and glass shards and our mysterious guest suddenly had ten or twelve holes in him. No wounds. Oval holes completely through him, showing the reception area beyond. No bleeding, no bits of person spattering the walls, no messy corpse. Just those large and clean-cut holes in him. Immediately his eyes became cross marks and he fell to the floor. I rushed over to him, pulling his dark hat off. Beneath lay an oriental man with buck teeth, obviously dying in great pain, if the spasms racking him meant anything. Well, he wasn't exactly a man. "Beverly," Troi asked, once she had gotten to the side of the oriental, "What the hell sort of an alien is this? He's got gaping holes in him that are perfectly clean-cut and he doesn't seem quite ... real." "He's a 'Toon," I explained. "A cartoon character from the golden age of 'Toon's, back in the mid-20th century. We're in a 'Toon HoloProgram, one that I didn't even know Jean-Luc had. We are not going to interact with the usual villains and perpetrators, but with Cartoon Characters." Waving my arm around. "And this is still the usual beginning for a Dixon Hill mystery. Just before the Mysterious Stranger can tell us what all this is about, he dies in front of Dixon Hill. After that its up to Dixon Hill to find the murderer and solve the mystery." The victim was still spasming, so I presumed he had something yet to say. I leaned close to his lips and he patted my rear. "This lowly servant has profoundly failed in his simple duties." Oh great, now he had a fake-Chinese accent. There still wasn't any blood or gore on the floor. *Cough*, *Cough*, the Chinaman said. Dying coughs, of course. "We have three possible thieves, they have stolen the most precious thing in China Town, we are missing our hareire." The last word was rather botched. But it was still plain enough. The Chinese community was Missing A Heir. *Cough*, *Cough*, he continued. "We have reason to believe one of the three names on this list is the vicious criminal who could and did perform this nefarious act." Most of his accents were gone. Then the dying cartoon character handed me a cartoon list. When I took it from him there was a stickiness, it didn't want to let go, but it did. Then I was holding a simple slip of paper. His cartoon head hit the floor with a solid think, and his hand fell away from my butt. I'd say he was dead now. He'd never had a pulse. Worf was cautiously looking out the shattered window, but finding no possible place where the automatic weapon fire might have come from. "Oh, come ON, Worf," I said, "This is a Dixon Hill mystery. Once the assassin has shot his intended victim before he could inform us what was going on, his task was done and we may never find out who the machine-gunner was." "What about the victim?", Worf asked. "Should we not notify the regular constabulary about the deceased - being - lying on our floor?" "Not to worry, Worf," I corrected him. "The Police will discover the body, and since it is in Dixon Hill's office, they will blame him." Worf looked confused. "The Police will begin a manhunt for Dixon Hill, but since there is no Dixon Hill in this Holoprogram, the manhunt will get nowhere. "However, as loyal friends and associates of Dixon Hill, we shall seek to clear his name as well as solve the mystery. Are we all clear on this?" Deanna looked excited. Worf still looked confused. "Will not this damaged window attract undue attention?," he asked. Poor Worf, he'll get into the spirit of the game eventually. I took the slip of paper to the desk, where there was (of course) a handy pad of paper, on which I copied the note two more times. It should be easy for the Police to rub a pencil over the pad and discover the three names. Oh, this was such a lovely game! Deanna and Worf got a copy of the list each, and I took the original. "I'll take the first name and address, all of which I assume are in Chinatown since the dead 'Toon was a Chinaman. Worf, you'll take the second name. Deanna, would you please 'grill' the third suspect?" Worf still looked confused. I hoped he'd eventually get into the spirit. its only a game, and they've promised not to schedule to begin any bizarre experiments today involving Data's brain interfacing with the computer. It should be safe on the HoloDeck. Deanna, on the other hand, was drooling. Just a tiny. She was eager to begin the search for the Missing Hare. Tally-Ho! Nobody spends much time traveling while in a Dixon Hill Holoprogram, 'Toon version or otherwise. Worf and Deanna will be at their destinations in a minute, just like me. --- I am not Deanna Troi, Betazoid ship's counselor. I'm Night Mage, former courtesan, murderer and casino owner. Now I am Night Mage, friend and ex-lover to Dixon Hill, private detective, unjustly wanted by the Police for what's-his-names murder. Yeah. I got the story straight. Yummy, yummy! This is more fun than chocolate. Well, maybe just a hair less. China Town looked very Oriental, as it should. The Cab had delivered me at a seedy-looking and closed Import-Export shop. But there was a side door and steps leading up, and I climbed to the next floor. Upstairs a 'Toon Chinaman in a little cap and his hair in a long Queue, awaited me. He was holding a large silver weapon, like a medieval ax. He directed me inside a badly-lit room where an odd figure was sitting lotus, obviously waiting for me. "Are you the honorable Melvin-The-Martian-San, leader of the honorable and numberless Sons Of The Empire's Fearless Wielders of The Silver Ax Tong, whose name alone strikes terror into the hearts of every small and simple honest shop-owner in all of China Town? Whose appetite for money is endless?" He was a small totally-black stick 'Ton figure sitting on a large pillow. He was wearing a Greek hipline skirt and a large ornate Roman helmet. He had no visible face, save two large mobile eyes. The sort which seemed the norm with 'Ton characters. *Burp* "Please pardon. Pretty Lady like yourself can call me Melvin. And its been decades since I was back to Mars. "Pardon me again, but you would not believe the ulcer I have from drinking those endless cups of tea, and listening to the whining from the rich Shop Owners who want a Flat-Rate extortion instead of the graduated one I have now, and the small Shop-Owners who figure they give their daughters to me they can cop out on the extortion. "Some of those daughters you wouldn't believe. Heifers, and the B.O. they got. For this they should get their extortion tripled, not reduced to nothing. "And the Mia Jonah Parlors, too much extortion they say. Everyone wants the extortion to fall more evenly on the other guy and less on themselves. "Hey, as a Crime Lord and Master of an illegal evil Tong, we got our problems too. "You know how much a real silver ax runs? Even Schwanxe, runs the towel-and-tip concession in the men's room of the Utterly Grandiose Imperial Restaurant, he figures we got to give him a damned silver ax. "And those San Francisco cops, they always want a boost in their pay-off rate, or they bust the Mai Jongh Parlors, those same schmoos who think they're paying more than their share of the extortion anyways as it is. "You know much I get charged to run one measly little slave market where we find good jobs for all those illegal immigrants? I lose money, now, but its tradition. The Tong Leader runs a slave market, what voice do I have in the matter? None, that's what voice I got. "its not really slave, you know, its only I got to use that title so the newspapers can periodically decry and bemoan my little enterprise. Some guy needing labor pays the shipping debt on this starving coolie and the coolie gets to labor two or five years of whatever, for this guy. He gets three square a day, clothes, a mostly warm place to sleep, and what do the reporters call me, I ask you? Years later the coolie is paid off, he speaks the language quite well now, he's reasonable dressed instead of rags, and he's accustomed to ham and eggs for breakfast. "A couple years of bondage and he's an American now." A young girl with a really bad case of acne came out and served me some aromatic and foul tasteless tea. 'Toon tea, alas. "So, Pretty Round-Eyed Lady, what is it I can do for you? Or did you come up here to be ravished by ten or twenty insatiable criminals of the Tong? For you, I'd join in. Last time I had to draft twelve of my strongest youth's, telling them it was for the honor of the Tong, and I'd marry them to one of my relatives if they didn't, and take their silver axes back too." There was an expectant pause, I supposed I was to join in now. "I'm with the Dixon Hill Agency, sort of, I'm Dixon's girlfriend, Night Mage, and I've got a problem. "I have to solve the Case of the Missing Heir. Did you kidnap anyone lately?" Silence. Then: "First off, are you SURE you ain't Dixon Hill? I've heard he cross-dresses like you wouldn't believe. A real convincing girly he is. He's a red-head now I heard, but the hair could be changed. "Ya know, we could always retire to my Evil and Seditious Seduction And Debauching Chamber for a few minutes or more of diligent research. If you ARE Dixon Hill, maybe I could interest you in a date? I own this nice Roadhouse north of the Bridge. Plenty of trees, view of the Bay, clean bungalows in back. "Is that a real panty girdle?" There was only one thing I could say in reply. "Are you a REAL Martian? I didn't think there were any Chinese Martians? Did you know you're in danger of becoming extinct if you don't take your hand off my knee?" --- Worf walked the tall risers to the Low Phat Benevolent Chinamen's Exercise, Fitness and Spiritual Oneness Club, Members Only. A rather seedy looking establishment, for all its size. From the street you could tell nothing of its purpose or intent. Inside he stepped through a double door and entered a bizarre paradise. Silks trailed from the ceiling, and the walls were decked with fabrics and vibrant primary colors. To top it all off, rich golden sunlight entered through the bifurcated dome above. Worf retraced his steps. Outside it was heavily overcast, possibility of showers later in the day, certainty of fog in the coming morning. Inside again the same as before. Sunshine making the interior glorious. Through the clear glass dome he could see one tiny white cloud in the far distance. When he crossed a golden arc in the floor, a gigantic gong sounded somewhere near. Comely maidens in gauze pants came out and threw rose petals onto the floor. Worf slowly approached a high ornate stone platform of a dozen or so steps. Sitting on it was a pile of pillows with a figure sitting lotus on the air, a foot above the pillows. Worf was at a loss for words. It looked like a black Duck with a band around his neck, wearing jewels, necklaces, rings, a fancy red silk bolero, and a immensely long Fu Manchu mustache and beard. He was heavily made-up to appear both sinister and Chinese. But he was still a black Duck. Another 'Toon character, Worf decided. When Worf put a foot on the first step, the Duck pulled a very large-appearing hand weapon. Four Orientals with large muscles and larger drawn scimitars in their 'Toon hands appeared on either side. Worf decided down on the floor was a superb vantage point from which to talk to the Duck. "Hold it right there, buster," the Duck said. "You wouldn't BELIEVE the number of people in China Town who would love to have Duck Mandarin for supper tonight. "Now whatta ya want?" "I am Worf, muscle to the great Dixon Hill. I am looking for the Mighty Supreme All-Encompassing Magician of China Town. I seek his aid in recovering something lost. I am an associate of Dixon Hill and I seek only justice, nothing more." "I am whom of which you seek, the holder of arcane secrets, diabolical stratagems, a mighty talisman or three, and numerous captive demons. I am also a CPA and my rates are quite reasonable. I am none other than the Splendiferous Shimmy Shimmy Koo-Koo Bop. For the right fee I will answer any question." The duck looked sad. *Sigh* "I would have enjoyed Dixon Hill himself. And you ain't nuttin' like him, muscles. I've been told Dixon is cross-dressed as a sexy redhead right now. Real convincing and sensual as hell. You sure you couldn't send Dixon Hill down here? He could sit on my lap and I'd answer any little questions he has? No? Too bad. "I'd consider a cut-rate fee if he went on a date with me. I know this Roadhouse north of the Bridge. View of the bay, lots of trees, a few bungalows in the back. You got any pictures on you of Dixon Hill in drag? I like redheads." Suddenly the duck looked like an aged and sinister Chinaman again. "Tell me, Round-eye, what is your miserable query? I may deign to answer it." Controlling his temper, Worf stated his quest. "I am helping Dixon Hill on the Case of the Missing Hair. Do you know anything of this matter?" "Hair? Hair???? HAIR????" the duck screamed. He disappeared then re-appeared, much shaken this time. "its gone, my beautiful Magic Hair Coat is gone!" Glaring at Worf, he asked a cold question of him. "How come you knew my Magic Hair Coat had been stolen before even I had? My Magic Powers might be lessened by this theft, but I must warn you they are still sufficient to stuff you into a cologne bottle, seal it, and leave you to enjoy Jean Nate for all eternity!" Worf didn't know what a Jean Nate was, but he shivered anywise. It sounded very, very bad the way the Duck said it. Pardon. Shimmy Shimmy Koo-Koo Bop. "Maybe if you could describe this hair shirt, I could help you find it. I am an associate of Dixon Hill, after all, and we are accustomed to finding lost things. Even Hair Shirts." Hoping that would stop him from thinking of how he had become knowledgeable about the missing hair thing. "Hair coat, hair coat. Beautiful knee- high full length black hair coat, looked like black lambs wool. In it, other than my own secret blend of cotton, black lamb's wool and the pubic hairs of ninety-nine Chinese maidens plucked at midnight, was the hair of The Buddha hisself. It was the pubic hairs that gave it that lovely gloss." "How is it magic?" "It gives protection from all harm to the wearer. I can't be shot or stabbed or none of that stuff." Worf wondered why the hell the duck hadn't been wearing it then. "Even more importantly, rubbing an egg on it turns the egg golden, and it gives good stock tips, though only on the American exchange. Any time an IRS agent sees you wearing it, they agree with all your deductions. Oh yes, and it returns any woman who wears it to a virgin state. A few more things, but they're minor. "+SOB+ And now its gone!" Somehow the oriental duck was clutching Worf's coat and crying into it. Worf presumed the tears could harm the fabric, unlike modern fabrics. "You've got to help me get it back. I loved that coat. I'll pay anything ... provided its not too unreasonable." Worf carefully removed the duck, still trying to protect the fabric of his coat. "I believe there is a connection between your loss and a 'Toon character lying dead in the office of Dixon Hill. He must have known your coat would be stolen. Therefore the most efficacious thing to do would be to pursue the thief. I shall find my murderer in the same person, I believe. Do you have any suspects?" The Duck spread wide his arms, or wings. "Think of anyone in China Town who'd like Duck Mandarin for supper. But I've got a much smaller list of villains who MIGHT have been able to steal my Coat of Hair. First off is the Head of the Silver Ax Tong, a Chinese Martian named Melvin." Worf dutifully wrote it down, looking expectantly at Shimmy Shimmy Koo-Koo Bop for another name. "Then there's the owner of the Utterly Grandiose Imperial Restaurant, a swine named Porkus. Him and his son are the biggest thorn in my side you could imagine. "Beneath his corpulent exterior beats the heart of a true moral degenerate. He is the biggest provider of ginseng and marijuana in China Town. His son has been guilty of every form of deviltry an heir can be guilty of. And they step on every crack they find in the sidewalk. Who knows how many elderly ladies are living lives of pain now, solely because of those two." Worf looked thoroughly confused, so Bop explained. Worf tried to stand back, as he had previously noted that Bop spread excessive levels of saliva when he spoke. "Step On A Crack, Break Your Mama's Back," Bop explained. "Though they've been pains in the neck to women for years, they've always wanted to produce even more pain. They are against Motherhood, the Flag, and Apple Pie. With the Magic Black Hair Coat there might be no limits to their dastardly deviousness." Suddenly the duck looked pensive. "Maybe it is not such a hot-shot idea to have you chase down that pig. I'll do the sniffing around his place." Brightening, he turned again to Worf. "There is an address in North China Town, of an elaborate brothel once owned by the mysterious and comely girlfriend of Dixon Hill, named Night Mage. its run now by this rabbity broad, and she might know who took the Hair Coat. You wouldn't believe what else she knows." He gave Worf a new address. "By the way, are you SURE Dixon Hill wouldn't like to drop by? I understand you can't tell which one of them is a gal when he steps out with Night Mage." --- "Spicy Harmony and Righteous Vigor Ladies Benevolent And Erotic Activities Association" was the title on the door. It looked like a bankrupt bank, and at one time might have been. Worf tried the door, and stepped inside. Once there he discovered both foyer windows were open to the cool air and sunshine streaming inside. Three long windows to the right let even more air and sunshine in. Worf returned to the outside. A light cold mist was coming down, making everything gray, dank, and damp. Worf decided not to wonder. Once inside again, approximately ten nearly-clad females swarmed about him. There was one silvery thin creature with gauzy wings and many sharp teeth who seemed more interested in Worf's neck than his needs. "I am interested in seeing Miss Bunny," Worf explained to the throng. They immediately went away, leaving Worf face to face with she who was Miss Bunny. Worf had never much thought about bunnies excepting the fact that he liked them barely singed and covered with lots of mushrooms. A night's pleasure, but certainly never as a night's pleasure. This was a whole new ball park he was entering. She glided to him, so smooth her movement her feet might never had touched the ground. She slithered up to him, and he uttered a low growl. Her hips seemed to undulate in the fashion of seductive females everytime and everywhere, and her breasts pendulously moved under the light restraints of her shimmering silvery blue floor-length dress. Her eyes were the pools of desire, and her alluring long upright rabbit ears were able to convey a library of emotions with every twitch. Her two giant prominent teeth seemed to promise an avenue of unendurable bliss whenever she deigned to grant him her fellatrix' kiss. Her long mobile arms eased their way around his body, her hands were strong and caressing. A scent of fresh carrot buds preceded her and Worf found it a delicious perfume in his nostrils. Then Worf found himself bending to give Miss Bunny his lips for a lingering and heated kiss. "Are you Miss Bunny?" he asked. "Close enough so that it doesn't matter, Big Guy." Her hands were already busy on him, fondling him through his pants, stroking the growing hardness hid by his trousers. "What can I do for you, Mr. Amazing Hulk?" "I'm looking for a Magnificent Magical Black Hair Coat," he managed. "It was stolen from the Supliferious and Awe-inspiring Duck Magician Shimmy Shimmy Koo-Koo Bop." "Must not be too much of a hot-shot if he got his Hair Shirt stole from him," she pointed out. "Hair Coat," Worf managed. "Whatever," she cooed. "Listen, what say we come back into my office and we'll start the search there." She took a firm grasp on his handle and led him off to the right rear. "First thing we can do is determine whether what you got is a pistol in there, or if you're happy to see me." --- I have to admit, I was impressed. For once a restaurant named the Utterly Grandiose Imperial Chinese Restaurant, carry-out available, seemed to live up to its title. There must have thirty-five square feet of neon display, and a doorman who seemed to be all mustache. "Yosemite Sam is the name," he said, as he helped me from my cab. "Lordy, Ma'am, but you are a sight for eyes, sore or otherwise. Seeing as how you got that pretty red hair, you wouldn't be that Dixon Hill feller, would'cha, hah? He's the best cross-dresser on the West Coast, I heer tell. Break a man's heart just for the sake of breakin' it. "But iffen he'd sit on my face, I'd be hornswaggoled if I couldn't tame him. "Listen, if you be this here Dixon Hill feller, I know of this really nice Roadhouse north of the Bridge. Good view of the bay, trees, and they got clean bungalows in the back." Wriggling grotesquely large eyebrows at me, he continued. "That Night Mage gal would probably add a lot of spice to the salad, if you wanted to bring her along. Is it true her body count was up to fifty-eight when you converted her from her evil ways?" Coldly: "I am NOT Dixon Hill, in or out of drag. Now get your nasty little hand off my ass, or be prepared to have it fed to the first hungry dog I see." If I wasn't so pissed, I'd find this continuous fondling exciting. Inside I found countless Chinese bowing and smiling at me. I told them I wished to see the proprietor of the establishment. I seethed as I heard the name 'Dixon Hill' whispered about by the staff. But I enjoyed the intake of breath as I lifted my skirt to straighten the lines of my hose. Let 'em eat their hearts out. A large Pig 'Toon came out to me, all bowing and smiles. I didn't trust him for a second. This pig was an outright swine if ever I'd seen one. Rumor had it that he was involved in every bit of smuggling, white slavery and drug dealing to come out of China Town. Well, maybe not white. More like soft pale bronze. "Are you Porcus Pig? And are you missing a Hare somewhere?" The Pig let out a long breath, and the mask of humanity slipped from his cunning little face, to be replaced by that universal one worn by any anxious parent. "Thank Confucius you're here, Dixon Hill." "I'm not Dixon Hill." "I'd been afraid you'd never agree to help me recover my insouciant stepson, that worthless rabbit whose mocking ways have brought so much heartbreak and grief to my heart." "Your stepson is a rabbit?" "Yes, certainly, that is true. He used to be just a soft fuzzy bundle of warmth, the joy of this heart. Now he indulges himself in every depravity known to Chinese man. Such a disappointment he has been. So cruel to his loving stepfather. And now he's been missing for ten days and we fear we have lost both our Heir and our Hare." Porcus put a paw on my ass. "You know, Dixon, I'd been hearing youse was a cross-dresser divine, but I'd never have believed anyone could pull it off so well as you do. If you used a nice provocative scent, something nice like "Eau d'Swill", the deception would be perfect. "Listen," he whispered, "after all this is over, what say we have a date sometime? I know this Roadhouse north of the Bridge, a class act. Nice view of the bay, trees, cute little bungalows in back." Coldly: "I am NOT Dixon Hill." "If you're gonna be difficult, its okay. I'm a patient guy, and I'm usted to getting my own way, eventually." "Just tell me about the Missing Hare." "Missing Heir" "Missing Heir," I surrendered. Porcus described his errant stepson to me. The rabbit he had in mind was, of course, another 'Toon character. Bipedal, long rabbit ears, loved carrots, no apparent sexual organs, two very large upper front teeth, three fingers on each hand, wears gloves, three large three-toed feet. A typical 'Toon rabbit. Hare. Heir. Suddenly, in one of the reflecting glass surfaces I recognized ... WORF? His hat was askew, he had a befuddled look to him, and he had a sensuous sexy female Bunny draped over his arm. Turning, I could also see numerous lipstick kiss marks over his face, his shirt collar , and his crest. I thought they matched the pouting lips of the beautiful 'Toon rabbit. "Worf," I said in a distinctly chilly tone, advancing towards him with my fists clenched. "What are you doing with that mammalian hussy?" Actually it was pretty plain what he had been doing with that mammalian hussy when I saw part of his shirt was caught in his zipper fly. Was it possible to kill someone on the HoloDeck? Then a voice behind me rose in a voice of shrill shock. "SON???" Porcus cried? "What are you doing dressed like that, made up like that, I thought you promised your MaMa you'd be a good rabbit from now on, and not do no more cross-dressing?" Was this hussy the missing Hare? Heir? Could it be? Worf eventually got his brain lobes into gear. "Correct me if I am wrong, but is this female not a female? Have I been duped into consorting with a willing and sexy female who is not a willing and sexy female?" He looked a lot more sober now than he had a moment ago. And a lot more unhappy. "Ah-HAH!" a duck's sort of voice squawked behind my ear. "It is YOU who have stolen my Magical Hair Coat! Give it back on the instant, or I'll turn you into a dish of fresh Ga'hK worms and Tall and Ugly there will eat you!" "That's okay," the rabbit noted. "He's already eaten me four times and it wasn't all that hot. No table manners, you know? Drools heavily." The duck hung in mid-air, his foot tapping the air rather ominously. "Okay, okay," the rabbit admitted. "I only borrowed it a little so I could have some fun. So long as I wore it everyone thought I was this really sexy female rabbit." I never saw Worf looking so green The second the sensuous female seemed to open an invisible coat, he was revealed as a tall male rabbit wearing a long black lamb's wool coat. A Hair Coat. I wondered how they achieved the glossy effect? From here it smelled somehow of ... young female? I must be getting confused from dealing with these many 'Toon characters. I felt another pair of hands on my butt. Turning I found I was looking into the lascivious face of the Chinese duck. Still floating in mid-air, ignoring the rabbit. Suddenly he snapped his fingers and the coat rushed off the rabbit and draped itself over his magical arms. "Listen, Dixon, after all this rigmarole is over with, what say we have a nice date somewhere? I am dying to pay homage to the skills of anyone who can cross-dress so convincingly and be so lovely doing it," the duck leered. "We could go over to The Drake and have a coupla sirloin tips and Saint Emillion '39, or we could stay here and have something. They serve a great Mandarin Duck and a tangerine sherbet to die for." "Mandarin Duck? Isn't that cannibalism for you?" "I'm a 'Toon Duck, Dixon, dearie. Different species of Duck. So whatya say about the date?" "I'm not Dixon Hill." "Well, whoever you are, I gotta say you really know how to pull off your little trick. Anyone to look at you would believe you're a gal. Maybe not a LADY, if you get my drift, but for sure a gal." "I am not cross-dressing. I AM a gal." "Like I said, you could fool anyone, but your little secret is out, Mister Private Detective Dixon Hill." Before he could continue Deanna broke in on the scene, trailed by an outlandish black stick figure wearing an oversize Roman helmet and an ancient Greek metal-and-leather helot skirt. "There he is, there he is, oh, that sneaky rabbit, he's not kidnapped at all", the figure shouted. "Have you been up to your old tricks again? Oh, you deserve to be turned into four pair of children's gloves for all your many sins." "Unfortunately," Porcus added, I must agree with Melvin-The-Martian that this particular rabbit has outworn his days of usefulness or welcome. Stealing the Hair Shirt --" "Hair Coat," I put in. "-- Hair Coat is beyond forgiveness. You might have gotten me into a war with The Great Duck Magician Shimmy Shimmy Koo-Koo Bop. That might have ruined all my family and killed some of them, especially me. That cannot be forgiven." Melvin put in his two cents. "You had people pointing a finger at us, as if we would do something like kidnapping anyone. You have besmirched my family name. "And I owe you one for the coat," the Magician said. With that Porcus whipped out a pistol and emptied it into the rabbit. Before he could fall Melvin whipped out a large silver ax and threw it into the rabbit. You could see the pointy end poking out the back. Then a bolt of lightning came out of nowhere and carved a smiley face straight through the rabbits belly. He looked pretty dead to me. Scores of 'Toon characters stood around, doing nothing but looking at the multi-punctured body of the Porcus Pigus family Heir and Hare. The crowd kept shifting, and I was becoming accustomed by now to the multitudes of strange hands on my backside. For some unknown reason my left buttock was favored over the right. Truth demanded I had to yell at them. "I AM NOT DIXON HILL!!!" There, that felt better. Now where was Deanna and Worf? I think its time to leave this place. Case solved, time to go back to the world of the Starship ENTERPRISE. There were so MANY 'Toon characters here. Where was the door? There were so many HANDS! Panic. I can't move, there are so many hands, so many, they're all over my arms and legs and butt, they're all moving and murmuring, they're all caressing me. My breasts, they're such soft touchings, but its never ending. its like I'm not surrounded by 'Toon characters, but hundreds of self-existent hands. All of them touching me. My face, my throat, my hair, my shoulders, my belly through the cloth of my dress. Endless hands. Oh. Oooooh, oh, oh. Someone is touching the insides of my thighs now. Hands, hands, oh shit, this is feeling... I should be yelling now, but every time I open my mouth hands are tracing my lips, lightly touching my lips. Hands, dozens of hands, hands... My dress hem is up, and all those hands are tracing the lines of my garter belt and my hose. They love the tops of my hose. I've lost count of how many times a hand has caressed me between the tops of my hose and my thighs. Oh. Oh. Ohohohoh... So many hands in my crotch, my bottom now, through my black panties, they're touching me so softly and so constantly there, they shouldn't touch me there. They're feeling so good, I can't be, but I am, I can feel their fingers working me through my panties, all my sex is under constant caressing, I can feel how wet my panties are now. Oh. Oh. Oh. There's a finger in my backside. Two. Different hands, two 'Toon characters have a finger up my ass, and they're wriggling them around. A third, he's got two fingers in me. He keeps going in and out of me while the other two keep wriggling. ::: I am not Dixon Hill::: My panty is gone, and there's all these HANDS touching me! There's at least two fingers in me constantly, and fingers on my clit and fondling my labia, and caressing my thighs and my nipples are hard behind my dress and bra .... my bra is gone. Someone must have cut it off. "Dixon Hill," I hear in the constant murmurs. All those hands, all over me, in me, making my backside feel like its enjoying some rear-end sex there's so many fingers up me now.... "Dixon Hill, Dixon Hill, Dixon Hill, Dixon Hill....." ::: I am not Dixon Hill ::: I sound very weak to my own ears. Or very distracted. Those hands, so juicy I am, so many fingers are in me at any time, all moving on me and in me and my nipples are not pinched but they're getting rolled constantly between one set of fingers and thumb... its I'm Up the slope Over the edge. "Ooooooh, argh, no, please, arghhhh" I scream, and who gives a damn whether or not my name is Dixon Hill. I come forever, because they don't ever stop working me. I come, and I come, and I come. its a relief when I realize that hideous little Yosemite Sam is between my legs. I am floating in air, I am laid slightly back and all those hands are holding me up in the air. Yosemite closely inspects my groin, making wheezing noises from time to time. "Geeeee Whillikers, Porcus!" he loudly proclaimed. You're absolutely right. Dixon Hill has had himself made over into what looks absolutely kee-rectly a gal! Never has no man ever gone so far in his search for cross-dressing perfection." He whipped off his immense hat, throwing it away. "Gentlemen, I stand here before you, humble at the sight of what makes 'Merika great. Dixon Hill was once a simple cross-dresser who realized that in 'Merika there is no limit to what a man might accomplish! "I shall sing your praises forever, Dixon Hill, because you have done what no man ever has done before. Done the surgery so far that by now a man can't tell the difference between Dixon Hill and a natural borned female. And now it is my very proud duty to perform the ultimate test on Dixon Hill's phenomenal scale of trans- gendering accomplishment." He stuck his face forward and I suddenly realized what is was Yosemite Sam was going to do. "The ultimate test, gentlemen! Does Dixon Hill now TASTE like a woman?" Cheers, more hands on me. Then I got the full effect of those giant mustache's between my thighs at the same time his tongue-tip hit my clit. ::: I am not Dixon Hill ::: What a tongue he had! ::: I am not Dixon Hill ::: His tongue.... His teeth.... I was... It was so sharp a good, good, good divide I went quickly up and so drawn-out a wave of fire that cooled and it was burning itself inside me. Yosemite leaned forward again. That goddamned mustache was barely tickling my thighs, but already making them spasm. "I am glad to tell you all that Dixon Hill passes the ultimate test. He does indeed taste like a woman, and Boy! He really tastes like a woman a hell of a LOT, let me tell ya!!!" ::: I am not ... That goddamned mustache... Who gives a damn who I am? --- "No, Deanna, she is not outside anywhere that I can see. Could she be injured somewhere?" "No, Worf, don't worry. The HoloDeck protocols would turn the program off if she were hurt. "She's probably in her cabin already, getting changed. We'll certainly see her in Ten-Forward." "We're going to Ten-Forward next?" "Of course we are, Worf. That's where you're going to buy me a Double-Banana Sundae and I'm going to buy you some Prune Juice. After that you can tell me all about yourself. "After that I can take you back to my Cabin to show you my etchings." "You have etchings?" Worf asked. Pause. "What are etchings good for?" "They're a good excuse, Worf, a good excuse." As they left, Deanna told the Computer to end Program. It did -- mostly. The Holodeck seemed vacant. But behind the apparent back wall, part of the program was still running. --- Geordi was patiently steering another filament into Data's positronic brain when Riker came by. "I thought you two weren't going to run those tests on Data's interface weave until later? Worf was especially uneasy about a re-do of that Western Sheriff holodeck disaster." "No problem, Sir. Everything is firmly under control here. You can see by the read-out there that all is smooth and trouble-free." Riker carefully checked the display board. He turned back to Data and Geordi, sighing in resignation. "Okay, go ahead. Just be sure, the both of you that neither of you ever mention this to Mister Worf. We need'nt worry him unnecessarily." "Carry on." --- I felt so dreamy now. It was the result of all this 'Toon sex. I laid back comfy in what seemed to be a deeply padded barber's chair. It was slightly tilted up, so I could see the face of each wonderful new friend from 'Toon time. Watch them carefully as each human-sized penis disappeared inside me. My ass sort of overhung the edge of the padded chair, but as my legs swung in the air in two comfy individual padded swings, I was very comfortable. It was wonderful. Each one of these 'Toon characters had appeared sexless before this. But being 'Toon characters they could make any part of themselves grow and flourish. Any part. At first they'd had a hard time accommodating me, reducing the diameter or length until it got so I could sigh softly and enjoy myself. Everyone was a little bit longer than the human median, and slightly smaller in diameter. Whooo! Whoooo! I am pulling a lovely little train. Chugga, chugga, chugga, chugga! Some of them went for bright colors, and I liked the rainbow color mixes the best. Of course what I REALLY enjoyed were the hundreds and hundreds of knobs, barnacles and encrustation's they grew on their 'Toon thingees. There was this big Rooster, he had little wings on his, and I could feel all of them trying to beat, while he paused upon hitting bottom. Whooo! Whooo! This bald little harmless 'Toon creature was having me now. So steady he was, just plugging away. Longer, but smaller than most of the 'Toon characters. Very nice fit, I sounded so wet now. Then I looked up when a new 'Toon critter came to us. It was the rabbit! But I'd seen him killed! But then this was not only China Tow, but 'Toon Town as well. He was wearing three band-aids on his chest, so I presume he recovered from his wounds. "Elmer, ol' buddy," the rabbit began. "How's it hangin'?" "Not bad, Bugs, not bad at all. I got my contract renewed early AND got a 15% raise. Not bad, huh?" "Hey, Fuddy old Fudd, that's great, glad to hear of it. That means you'll be hunting me in more 'Toon's to come I guess." The rabbit was fingering a nipple, he was good at it. "So tell me, Fuddy, who's the dish laid out for all of us?" "its this private detective named Dixon Hill." ::: I am not Dixon Hill ::: "He's a cross-dresser, and just LOOK at the level of surgery he got done! A really dedicated type." Pump, pump, pump, pump. "He feels like a woman, he looks like a woman, he even tastes like a woman! Can you beat that, hah?" With that Fudd paused while he emptied himself inside me. I'd already taken a lick of two of some of that 'Toon sperm product. Quite tasteless, no fun at all. Bugs took his place smoothly. I boggled at his prick, though. It looked like a long straight carrot, only the green stalk end was pointed at me. Then he slid inside... The damned stalks were independently mobile! It felt like I had an octopus in there with several tentacles! We were making squelchy noises almost immediately, and I knew I was going to come all over his carrot if he kept it up just a few minutes. "So," Bugs said. "Very glad to meetcha, Dixon, how ya doin'?" ::: I am not Dixon Hill ::: "Well," he says, "if you ain't Dixon Hill, who are you?" Squelch, squelch, squelch. ::: I am Doctor Beverly Howard Crusher of the Starship ENTERPRISE. ::: Squelch, smackety squelch. "Glad to meet ya, bub." Squelch, smackety, smackety, smackety... I was getting so close, and he was speeding up.... "Doctor, eh? So then, tell me.... "What's up, Doc?" --- continued the fifth story in the China series 'China Berry'