The BLTS Archive- My Wild Irish Rose #3: My Wild Irish Rose by Reanne Moreau ( --- After all the angst from "30 Days" I thought we needed a little cheering up. This is pure fluff and smut (flut? smuff?). Somebody does get tied up, but anyone looking for real B/D will be disappointed. Tom and Kat are much too inclined to giggle. The idea for this story came from a scene in "Year of Hell" where Chakotay gives Kat a watch for her birthday. I knew Tom could come up with something better. Any ideas for their next adventure? I'm open to suggestions. Star Trek Voyager, Tom, Kat and the gang are the property of Paramount. No copyright infringement is intended. --- When I first saw you, I saw love, And the first time you touched me, I felt love, And after all this time, you're still the one I love. You're still the one I run to The one that I belong to You're the one I want for life You're still the one that I love The only one I dream of You're still the one I kiss goodnight. Shania Twain --- People shifted restlessly as the staff meeting drew to a close. The tension on the bridge that day had everyone on edge. Those not involved could sense something in the air, although they had no idea what was going on. The captain had been withdrawn and tense, spending most of the day in her ready room. Chakotay spoke only to issue orders or reply to a direct question. Those who paid any attention to that sort of thing thought it odd that he barely glanced at the captain all day; he usually spent quite a lot of time looking at her. They were perfectly civil, but the usual friendly banter was missing. Both of them treated Paris more formally than was their habit. The captain never once leaned over his station, resting her hand on his shoulder. He never turned in his seat to acknowledge an order or make some offhand remark; instead sitting ramrod straight in his chair and replying crisply to any order directed at him by his superior officers. The staff meeting had proceeded with the same formality. They could have been making a training video on proper conduct by senior officers. The minute Janeway dismissed them, Chakotay disappeared and the captain shifted in her chair. She raised a hand to stop their departure. "If I might have a moment of your time ..." B'Elanna looked at Harry and shrugged. Maybe they were finally going to find out what was going on here. Janeway looked around the room at the faces regarding her expectantly. "I didn't want to bring this up until we were off duty. It's of a personal nature." Her mind went blank, the carefully thought-out speech completely forgotten. She squirmed a little and shot Tom a lethal look when she noticed him grinning at her like a Cheshire cat. "Is something wrong, Captain?" Neelix looked at her with concern. It wasn't like her to be at a loss for words. "Everything is fine, Neelix. I'm just not sure how to say this. For the last several weeks ..." She paused and took a deep breath, figuring it was best to just blurt it out and get it over with. Tom got up and walked over to her chair. It wasn't often he got to see Kathryn flustered. She was positively adorable when she blushed. He jumped in before she could continue, resting a hand on her shoulder and grinning at the assemblage. "For the last several weeks Kathryn and I have been seeing each other and we thought it was time to get everything out in the open." Kathryn reached up and entwined her fingers with his. They shared a warm glance, then turned to face their friends. There was a moment of stunned silence, then everyone started talking at once. Everyone except Tuvok, of course, who merely raised a questioning eyebrow. Neelix continued to babble joyfully. B'Elanna stalked up to Tom and punched him none too gently in the arm. "Pig! Why they hell didn't you tell us? We've been walking around feeling guilty for nothing!" Tom rubbed his arm and grinned. "We kind of liked having it be our little secret for a while. Besides, you two are never vertical for more than five minutes after you get off duty." B'Elanna bit her lip and smiled at him almost shyly. Harry came up behind her, wrapping his arms around his girlfriend's waist. "So, how did all this get started?" He addressed the captain, who still had possession of Tom's hand. Kathryn somehow found a tactful way of describing how they had gotten together, without mentioning Chakotay, B'Elanna's sickbay declaration of love to Harry, or rug burn. Tom pulled Kathryn to her feet, wrapping her in his arms and planting a kiss on her nose. "I guess you're stuck with me now that the cat's out of the bag." "I have a feeling I was stuck with you the day we met." It was such a relief to have their relationship out in the open, at least this far. No one had voiced an objection, although Tuvok had yet to comment. The momentary silence in the room caught their attention. Tom and Kathryn became aware that everyone was looking at them. Harry shook his head. "This is going to take some getting used to." "Not that we aren't all happy for you. I'm sure the entire crew will want to offer you their congratulations." Kathryn could see that Neelix was practically planning the wedding already. She quickly informed him that they hadn't decided yet when or how to inform the rest of the crew. He departed for the mess hall looking as if he would burst from the strain of keeping the information to himself. "I take it Chakotay knows?" Torres had been dying to ask that question. Kathryn nodded glumly. "He came up behind me on the holodeck yesterday and I mistook him for Tom. I had planned to tell him myself before the meeting." B'Elanna would have given her right arm to have seen *that.* It had to happen sooner or later; the captain had been keeping him at a distance for years and it was about time he moved on. "He had to find out some time; just give him a little while to cool off." She was already running through lists of eligible crew members who might be willing to distract the first officer from his brooding - and knowing him, he *was* brooding. "Maybe now Chakotay can find someone who'll make him as happy as these idiots make us." She glared at Paris. "Not that my ego isn't a little bruised that Tom got over me so quickly." Harry slanted an affectionately exasperated look at B'Elanna. "To tell the truth, we were both feeling a little guilty, Tom. Maybe now we can get back to normal. I've missed the way it used to be, the three of us just hanging out and talking." He belatedly included Kathryn with a smile. "Except now there'll be four of us." The captain knew it would be some time before Harry and B'Elanna could see her as just one of the group. However, she was beginning to realize that being with Tom had the added benefit of bringing her closer to the people she already considered friends, despite the difference in rank. Kathryn left Tom chatting with Kim and Torres and drifted over to speak to Tuvok. Her old friend still hadn't uttered a word. "Well, Tuvok, aren't you going to say anything? I thought you would at least scold me for keeping this a secret from you." "I have not been completely unaware of your relationship with Lt. Paris, therefore nothing was, in fact, kept from me." Kathryn just looked at him in astonishment. He moved a fraction of an inch closer and spoke quietly. She could have sworn there was a twinkle in those dark Vulcan eyes. "Shall I tell you how often you left your seat unnecessarily to observe something on Lt. Paris' console? Or how many times you stole glances at each other when you thought no one was watching?" His captain was turning decidedly pink. "And you seem to have forgotten that, like all Vulcans, I am somewhat telepathic." That was something she hadn't considered. Her mind racing, Kathryn catalogued some of the highly improper thoughts she'd had about her helm officer during slow moments on the bridge. Not to mention what Tom's fertile imagination had come up with. If Tuvok had caught even the faintest flavor of some of them ... Tuvok decided that he'd let her squirm long enough. "I consider Mr. Paris an acceptable choice for your mate, certainly preferable to ... other choices you might have made. He is a senior officer, but not in a position to challenge your authority. He is well regarded by the crew, and except for a somewhat questionable sense of humor, a man of good character." Coming from a Vulcan, that was high praise. Kathryn briefly rested her hand on his arm. "Thank you, Tuvok, but I didn't make a list of his virtues and vices. I fell in love with him - and he makes me very happy." "Love is an irrational emotional state." "It certainly is." They shared a conspiratorial glance. For a rational, unemotional being, Kathryn had never seen a man so completely in love with his wife. "Let's hope we never come to our senses." --- The message was on the captain's computer terminal when she got off duty. It simply instructed her to go to holodeck 2 to collect her birthday present. Kathryn wondered to herself when Tom could have found the time to prepare a gift. The days since they had revealed their relationship to the senior staff had been complete chaos. First the exhilaration and disappointment of their contact with the Alpha quadrant, then the sheer terror of the Hirogen occupation. Kathryn nearly broke down in tears the first time Tom looked at her without recognition after being implanted with one of the alien devices. After the crew took Voyager back they were all busy with repairs. There had been so little time for being together. Finally, the day before her birthday, repairs were nearly finished and Kathryn had looked forward to spending the evening alone with Tom. Tomorrow was her birthday party, which meant she would be busy socializing well into the night. The crew was badly in need of a celebration. An impressive sight greeted her as the holodeck doors parted. Tom had created a room that could have been taken from a grand mansion of the eighteenth or nineteenth century. The bedroom was simply but richly furnished. Kathryn explored it slowly. Dark mahogany paneling covered the walls. At one end of the room a fire blazed beneath an ornately carved wooden mantle. The night sky shone through tall windows draped with green velvet curtains. The only light came from the fireplace and from candles in sconces on the walls and placed on every available surface around the room, suffusing it with a warm languid glow. There was a small table set for two near the hearth, firelight sparkling off the silver and crystal. Two comfortable wing- back chairs flanked the table. A sofa separated the sitting and sleeping areas. The canopied bed was covered in champaign colored silk, from the curtains to the comforter and sheets. The material caught and held the flickering candlelight, glowing warmly. Neatly folded in the middle of the bed was a nightgown and robe; a single white rose lay across the top with a note beneath it. Kathryn read Tom's message with a smile. 'I hope you like your birthday present. I'll join you as soon as the Doctor lets me escape from sickbay.' She unfolded the nightgown and held it up against her body. It was made from the palest lavender silk, so sheer and delicate she was afraid it would tear at the slightest touch. Her uniform and boots were quickly discarded, and after some hesitation, her underwear followed. Something like this was meant to be worn next to the skin. It flowed down her body like water. Crossing to the dressing table, she admired herself in the mirror. Whisper-soft silk caressed her as she spun around. The neckline left the tops of her shoulders bare and emphasized the creamy column of her throat. Kathryn brushed her hair until it fell gleaming around her shoulders, then pinned it up loosely with the holographic rosebud as an ornament. Returning to the bed, she picked up the robe and examined its long bell-shaped sleeves and full skirt. It was probably intended as a bribe for the return of the old blue bathrobe she had appropriated from Tom in a fit of sentimentality. "Not likely, Mister." The new robe and slippers were stowed neatly on a nearby chair. After being in uniform all day the freedom of the loose nightgown and bare feet felt wonderful. Climbing into the bed, she couldn't resist reclining among the many pillows to wait for her lover. Surrounding herself with this kind of luxury was something she never would have done on her own. The nightgown and matching robe and slippers must have cost Tom every replicator ration he had. Not to mention the time it took to program this setting. Kathryn closed her eyes and stretched luxuriously. Everything that touched her body was made of the softest silk. The only thing that could possibly feel better against her skin was Tom. For a moment she considered calling sickbay to see when he would be off duty. She rejected the idea. Tom would only be distracted, the Doctor would get even more irritable, and whatever task he had assigned Lt. Paris would take even longer. Kathryn laughed at her own impatience. She could wait awhile longer. After everything that had happened they were still together and that alone was worth celebrating. Everything could so easily have gone differently. She'd had nightmares of waking up in sickbay, freed of the Hirogen mind control, only to realize that the Nazi or Roman Centurion or Visigoth she had killed in battle wore Tom's face. The two of them had barely spent a night apart since throwing the Hirogen off the ship, although they were usually too exhausted to do more than fall asleep in each other's arms. The captain was working herself into a fine state of melancholia when the holodeck doors opened. Tom Paris stepped inside, a gym bag slung over his shoulder, and let his eyes adjust to the dimmer illumination. She sauntered up to him slowly, knowing perfectly well that the light silhouetted her body against the thin material of the nightgown. Tom's eyes were riveted on her until she pressed herself to him, devouring his lips in a passionate kiss. "I take it you like your birthday present." He was slightly breathless and still couldn't take his eyes off her. Kathryn turned around slowly for his inspection, a mischievous smile on her face. "The question is, how do *you* like it?" He leered comically. "Let me get out of this uniform and I'll show you." He scooped her into his arms, surprised as always by how easy it was. The captain was slightly over five feet in height, but attitude added at least another foot. He deposited her next to the bed, tilting her chin up to place a delicate kiss on her lips. "You do realize that you're the most beautiful woman in the galaxy." "I am when you look at me." Tom grinned in pure delight. No matter how stressful his day had been, holding Kathryn, listening to that warm purr in her voice, renewed him. He tossed the gym bag on the bed and pulled out a new green bathrobe and pair of white pajamas. He couldn't wait to get comfortable, have dinner, then proceed to Kathryn's *real* surprise. A hand stopped him as he reached for the fastening of his uniform jacket. "Don't I get to unwrap the rest of my present?" Tom wasn't about to argue with her. The jacket was soon disposed of, then the hem of his sweater untucked from the pants. Kathryn ran her hands under the edge of the sweater, palms flat against his chest, spreading their warmth down to his stomach and around to stroke his back. She felt the muscles stretching beneath his skin as Tom pulled the sweater over his head. As usual, it ended up on the floor. Her hands swept upward to tease his sensitive underarms and ended up clasped behind his neck. His arms encircled her and held her close. They stayed that way for a moment, then began caressing again, as if they needed to relearn each other's body. "Tom, I love this program. But when did you have the time to do all of this? You've been working in sickbay almost every day after your duty shift." An embarrassed flush tinted his cheeks. Or maybe it was because of the way she was running her fingertips lightly over his chest and stomach. "I didn't really create the whole thing. I looked for a Gothic holonovel in the library computer - the kind of junk you used to like - and copied one of the rooms. I just did a little redecorating." "It's still wonderful. Thank you." She continued mapping his back and shoulders, noting the tension that drew the muscles tight. Tom held her closer and inhaled her scent. Her hair, as always, smelled like lavender, the inspiration for the nightgown he had given her. He sighed deeply. This was the best thing that had happened to him all day. "Tom, your back is one giant knot. What on Earth have you been doing?" He flexed his shoulders and stretched. "I must have slept funny last night, and pulling extra duty didn't help. But I have good news. The Doctor said that now I've got the basic routine down I can start taking it a little easier." The scowl on Kathryn's face was only half in jest. "Good. You've been spending more time with the Doctor than with me lately, and it's making me cranky." "We can't have a cranky captain; it's bad for crew morale." "Then, for the sake of morale, drop your pants and get in bed." She grinned wickedly at the expression on Tom's face, so exactly like her dog's at the prospect of a juicy treat. "I'm going to massage the kinks out of your back so we can enjoy the rest of the evening." She went to the nearest wall and called for a replicator. Now, what to use on that wonderfully soft skin? Finally she settled for a cool peppermint-scented lotion. It should leave him feeling relaxed but invigorated. Relaxed and asleep would be bad. By the time she turned around Tom was lying on his stomach on the bed, naked, head pillowed on his arms. Kathryn unhooked the single button on the back of the nightgown and let it fall in a puddle around her feet. She draped it neatly over the foot of the bed. "I can't get lotion on my new nightgown." "Nope, we can't have that." Tom lazily admired her naked body. Climbing onto the bed, Kathryn straddled his waist and poured some lotion into the palm of her hand to warm it. She started with his neck and worked down the length of his back, fingers searching out every smallest area of discomfort. Tom moaned and groaned as small, strong hands kneaded the knots out of his muscles. As his tension melted away, her touch became more intimate, searching instead for the places that gave him the most pleasure. Leaning forward, she sprinkled small kisses over his shoulders. "When was the last time I told you I love you?" she whispered. "Much too long ago." Tom turned his head further to receive her kiss before she went back to work. The expression in his eyes and his sighs of pleasure told her how much he enjoyed this. Kathryn savored the erotic thrill of running her hands over her lover's beautiful body. But most of all she enjoyed watching his reactions, watching tension melt into boneless relaxation, turning to arousal as his body awakened to her touch. There was no way to hide the pleasure touching him gave her. The moist heat of her sex against his skin told Tom that. Kathryn moved lower, straddling his legs. She massaged lotion into his lower back, her touch becoming a teasing tickle on a sensitive place along his spine. Tom squirmed and laughed until she relented, leaning forward to lavish kisses on the spot she had tormented. Moving on, slick fingers worked his ass cheeks and thighs, lips following in their wake. She lingered over the backs of his knees, flicking her tongue over the creases. Finally she reached his feet with their long, slightly crooked toes. Looking back up the length of that magnificent body, she knew he was the most physically beautiful man she had ever seen, but that was nothing compared to the gentle soul inside. The tragedy was that Tom had been used so many times by people who only wanted to possess that beauty that he had a hard time believing someone could love the man. It broke Kathryn's heart at the beginning of their relationship to see how little he expected from a lover in return for everything he gave. He was surprised by the outpouring of affection he received, the small acts of kindness, but he was finally learning how to be loved. By the time Kathryn finished massaging the soles of his feet, sucking a toe or two for good measure, Tom was moaning and surreptitiously rubbing his erection against the mattress. "Would you like me to do the other side?" Tom rolled over and sat up slightly against the pile of pillows. His hair was adorably mussed. Eyes sparked with blue fire. The candle light that turned his fair skin to warm ivory gilded the light covering of body hair. His voice was rough with desire. "I don't think I could stand it." "And I don't think I can stand another minute without kissing you." Despite her assertion, Kathryn managed to take her time running fingertips lightly up his long muscular legs as she moved closer. A small amount of lotion remained in the palm of one hand and she massaged it into his balls with a gentle touch. She enjoyed his heart-felt moans as the cool lotion and the warmth of her palm nearly made him come against his will. Leaning down she lapped the fluid that leaked from the swollen purple head of his cock. "Kathryn ... god, what you do to me." Tom wrapped one arm around her waist, pulling her down on top of him. She straddled his hips, her hot sex against the length of his erection. Her heart was beating as wildly as his own. He cupped the back of her head, devouring her lips, feeling his questing tongue sucked into her mouth and taking the opportunity to delve into its depths. They kissed until there was no more breath left, as if they would consume each other. Finally, Kathryn pulled her mouth away, gasping. She caressed his face gently with her fingertips. "I've missed you so much." "Then let me love you." Everything Kathryn felt was shining in her face: tenderness, love, desire and the laughter that was never far away when they were together. Tom kissed her sweetly, sitting up a little farther and running his fingers through the auburn curls between her legs. The probing fingers drew a moan from her lips and came away wet. "I enjoyed that massage almost as much as you did." She knelt astride his hips to guide him to her entrance. Strong arms embraced her, kisses brushed her throat as she lowered herself onto him. "I love you, my wild Irish rose." Kathryn cried out as she took his entire length inside her at once. Arms wrapped around his neck, she hungrily sought his mouth. Making love with Tom always felt so right, like coming home. She could spend the rest of her life making love to this man. Tom's tongue dove greedily into her mouth as she tightened around him, savoring the sensation of being filled with his heat. Giving up the sweetness of his lips, Kathryn leaned backward against his raised knees. He had managed to undo the clip that held her hair. She shook it free to stream down her back. Skillful hands roamed her body, cupping and kneading her breasts, lightly raking fingernails from thigh to shoulder and finally drawing her closer. Fingers gripped her buttocks, guiding her as she slid up and down the length of his erection. The breath rasped in his throat as that tight channel massaged his cock, letting the head almost slip out, then taking him hungrily back in to the hilt. They began rocking gently together, letting the tension build. Her clever tongue traced the contours of his ear, teeth nipping at the lobe, moving on to the soft skin at the juncture of neck and shoulder. He pulled away with a groan. "You know how crazy that makes me." "Uh-huh." "You asked for it, lady." Kathryn wound her fingers in Tom's hair, gasping, his lips trailing flame from her neck down to her breasts, covering each one with that hot mouth as if he would devour them whole, nibbling her nipples for dessert. Every nerve ending in her body was on fire. "Ohhh ... Tom ... don't ever stop doing that." A low chuckle rumbled up from her tormenter's chest, sending delicious vibrations through their connected bodies. He left off his task long enough to reply. "I wouldn't mind at all, ... ahhh ... but it might be a little hard ... to steer the ship this way." They fell back onto the pillows laughing and kissing. Tom drew Kathryn's leg over his hip, thrusting even deeper into her. They moved together in ever faster rhythm, their need too great for subtlety. He shuddered with the effort to control himself, knowing it was a losing battle. "I'm afraid I'm not going to last very long." "You won't have to." She was already quivering on the brink. It had been so long since the last time they had made love; the fire inside her was burning out of control. He grasped her buttocks and ground their hips together. It felt so good she wanted to scream. "Ohhhh ... god, yes!" She bit his shoulder. "Come for me, Tom ... please ...please." She ached to feel him explode inside her. "Kathryn ... my sweet Kathryn ..." She was deliberately tightening and releasing the muscles that enveloped his aching shaft. He couldn't hold on a second longer. Tom buried his face in her hair as release swept over him, sobbing her name, shaking with the intensity of his climax. The sound of his voice would have been enough. The jets of hot fluid erupting inside her sent waves of heat washing through Kathryn's body. She cried out again and again, the shock waves seeming to reach deep into her bones, and finally collapsed with a heavy sigh against Tom's chest, the aching need for him temporarily satisfied. They lay there panting, hearts racing, finally rolling onto their backs to let some of their body heat dissipate. Tom lifted her hand to his lips and pressed a kiss on the palm. "That was the perfect appetizer. Intense enough to take the edge off, but not nearly long enough to spoil the main course." Kathryn laughed a little breathlessly. "And what's the main course?" "You are." Tom let his eyes roam over his captain's beautiful body, planning just what he wanted to do to her later in the evening. Kathryn shook her head. It was hard to tell in the candlelight, but Tom thought she was blushing. "Don't tell me I've embarrassed you." "I'm just not used to being lusted after like this - not that I mind." "Come to think of it, I don't know *what* you're used to. You know all about my love life, but I hardly know anything about yours. Doesn't seem quite fair to me." "There's not that much to tell." She nudged him over with her hip and moved out of the wet spot to drape herself lazily over one side of his body. There was no reason not to tell him; Tom wasn't the jealous type. It was obvious he was simply curious about her past. "I'll start at the beginning, since it's such a short story. My first time was with a boy I'd been dating off and on all through high school. He was going to college off-planet and I was going to the Academy. We wanted to say a proper good-bye." She hadn't thought of Alan very often over the years, but when she did, it was with affection. "I sneaked out my window one night and met him in the woods behind my house. It was awkward and brief and very sweet." Tom was rubbing her back lightly. He closed his eyes, imagining the incredible sweetness of being the first to touch her. "I can't tell you how much I envy him." Kathryn rested her cheek on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. "You may not have been the first, but I want you to be the last." She held her breath a moment, afraid that her confession would scare him into backing off. When he was completely silent, she looked up to find Tom staring at her, dazed. He seemed to have forgotten how to speak. All he could do was envelope Kathryn in his arms and rain soft kisses on her face. There was a suspicious moisture at the corners of his eyes. They clung to each other for a moment before she resumed her comfortable place on his chest. Tom cleared his throat and strove for his usual light tone. "Don't think that gets you off the hook. You were telling me about your many conquests." She wasn't fooled for a minute. Heart singing, she resumed her narrative, happy to indulge her lover's curiosity. Her past life seemed impossibly remote and completely irrelevant. "I had a brief affair with my roommate my first year at the Academy. She was a little older than me, a medical student. I thought she was terribly beautiful and sophisticated. I was all skinny arms and legs and hair that wouldn't behave. My family loved her, although I think they wondered what she saw in me." The memory made her laugh. "Then I spent a semester at the Vulcan Science Academy. Her letters got farther and farther apart, then I got a 'dear Jane' letter saying she had met someone else and they were getting married." "The woman obviously had no taste." Kathryn scowled. "I was teaching a seminar at the Academy a couple years before we came out here and her *son* was in my class. I felt positively ancient. Thank you for reminding me of that on my birthday." "Poor Kathryn. It must be rough to be that old. Ouch!" Tom rubbed his stomach where she'd smacked him. An evil smile stole over his face. "So, did you continue the family tradition? It would've been a great way to get your revenge." She would have bopped him with a pillow to wipe that annoying smile off his face, but that would have involved moving. So Kathryn settled for kissing him until he nearly suffocated. Her point made, she continued. "The boy had all the personality of a turnip. Besides, I wasn't mad at his mother. I met Justin almost as soon as I got back to Earth." The memory still made her smile. "He was the most damn irritating man I've ever met - well, until I met you." She was about to continue when her stomach growled loudly. "Didn't I see a table set for dinner? I'm starved." Tom couldn't help laughing. "I can see where your priorities are. Okay, I'll feed you. Just don't put on too many clothes. You won't be needing them much tonight." They showered and dressed quickly in their night clothes, sitting down to a light but delicious dinner. Dessert was chocolate mocha mousse, something Tom knew his favorite coffee-fiend would love. Kathryn quickly finished off her own dessert, then appropriated Tom's. She compensated him by curling up in his lap and sharing plenty of chocolate-flavored kisses. Cleaning the spoon of the last drop, she thrust her tongue into his mouth, letting him lick off the cool confection. They were quite content to sit there for a while, listening to the fire crackle while she nuzzled his neck and Tom's hands stroked her body through the delicate silk. Finally he rubbed a thumb over an already hard nipple. She made a small sound in the back of her throat and he chuckled. "Getting hungry again?" "For you, my love, always." She shifted and attempted to unbutton the top of his pajamas, but found her hands restrained. "Not tonight. I have something special planned." He stood with Kathryn still in his arms and crossed to the bed, setting her down on her feet. She squirmed and laughed as Tom undressed her, doing her best to get the pilot out of his own clothes. He finally wrestled his naked captain to the bed, although he'd lost the top of his pajamas and the bottoms were getting distinctly tight. "If you don't stop wriggling, I'm going to lick you until you pass out. Then you'll never know what your surprise was." Kathryn stopped moving immediately. She knew from experience that he could do it. He'd once demonstrated this remarkable talent in the public head outside the briefing room, after their shift was over, of course. It took a moment to decide whether she preferred the reward or the 'punishment.' With a dramatic sigh, she released Tom from her embrace and scooted up to recline against the pillows as directed. "What exactly does my surprise involve?" "Actually, I got the idea from one of Megan Delaney's little games." He very much enjoyed the look on Kathryn's face. "Don't worry, I've modified it a little." He leaned down to brush a kiss over Kathryn's lips and whisper in her ear. "I intend to torture you with pleasure." There had been a few alterations made while Kathryn was showering earlier. The sheets had been changed and two strips of material were tied to the bedposts next to the headboard. They were made of the same champaign-colored silk as the rest of the bed coverings. Tom picked up the loose ends and showed them to her. He laid down next to her, touching her face gently. "You know I would never hurt you, Kathryn. I never want to give you anything but pleasure. Do you trust me?" "With everything I have." She kissed the palm of his hand, eyes blazing with emotion. He was caught in her gaze, drowning in it. It was moments like this that he wanted to fall at her feet in gratitude for letting him experience a kind of love he'd never even imagined. Kathryn leaned her forehead against Tom's, rubbing noses. The look in his eyes was the best birthday present she had ever gotten. "Didn't you say something about torture?" She was quickly tied in the soft restraints. They left her with enough room to bend her arms a bit, so they wouldn't be locked uncomfortably over her head. Tom showed her how to undo the knots whenever she wanted to escape, not that she imagined she'd want to. Tom sat back on his heels admiring his work. Kathryn was sitting up slightly against a pile of silk pillows, the candle light gleaming on her fair skin, throwing flickering shadows over her sleekly muscled form. She was breathing deeply from the kisses he had lavished on her beautiful body, which was spread out before him, a feast of sensual delights, and he intended to savor every morsel. Another silk cloth was tied around her eyes. Opening them, she realized that although she couldn't see around the blindfold, the light from the fire and candles filtered through, enveloping her in a warm, golden glow. Tom's hand rested lightly on her stomach. She felt the bed shift as he leaned toward the bedside table. There was the sound of liquid being poured, no doubt the champaign she had noted chilling on the table. The bed shifted again and the glass was waved under her nose, the bubbles tickling. "Would you like a drink before we start?" Kathryn, who had never refused champaign in her life, nodded her assent. It was cold, and fizzed as it slid down her throat. She felt Tom straddle her legs. He placed a gentle kiss on her lips. "Happy birthday, Kathryn." She could hear the smile in his voice. Suddenly, something cold and wet dripped onto her chest. The liquid sizzled against her skin as it trickled between her breasts. Kathryn gasped in surprise, then again as the cold liquid was followed by a hot tongue. "*Tom!*" "Surprise. I hope you like your present." She didn't have time to answer before another shower drenched her left breast. She could feel the droplet hanging from her nipple as it puckered from the cold. Another rivulet trickled into the crease below. She was aware of every bubble as it sizzled against the incredibly sensitive skin. Shivering in anticipation, Kathryn breathlessly waited for Tom's hot mouth to descend on her. She moaned and arched into his touch as the droplet was licked from the nipple, his mouth greedily sucking at her flesh. The performance was repeated with the other breast, then a small pool was poured into her navel and left there while the rest of her body was attended to. It felt as if the champaign had gotten under her skin, fizzing and popping along her nerve endings, radiating from the pool in her navel to the throbbing, needy place between her legs. Kathryn was nearly writhing off the bed. There was no more thought in her mind except where the next droplets would fall. Every part of her felt alive and electrically charged in a way she had never experienced before. Tom left none of her skin unattended to. Underarms, thighs, toes. He even drank from the hollows at the base of her throat. He was almost completely silent, not wanting to distract her from the exquisite torture for one moment. At last, Kathryn felt Tom lower himself to the bed between her legs. Beyond words, she lifted her hips in supplication. Gentle hand caressed her thighs, followed by butterfly kisses. Fingers parted her lips, revealing the dripping folds within. She could smell her own arousal. She waited, not breathing, not moving, for what was to come. Even so, Kathryn cried out and strained at her bonds when the cold liquid drenched her heat. It seemed to reach into every crevice, sending electric shocks through her entire body. Tom let her lie there a moment savoring the sensation before his tongue began thoroughly cleaning her of every drop. Kathryn's universe narrowed until there was nothing left but the sensation of that rough tongue and soft lips. He licked her in broad, firm strokes, tongue repeatedly flickering into her opening. As Tom sucked and tugged at the swollen flesh with his lips, the mewing sounds coming from Kathryn's throat became frantic moans. If she could have spoken, she would have begged. Finally, finally, he swirled his tongue over her apex, diving in for the kill with his lips. Kathryn didn't know and didn't care if she was screaming out loud or only in her head. She frantically clutched the soft material of her restraints, bucking wildly as Tom's hands fought to hold her still. Wave after wave of pleasure slammed into her, crackling through her veins like phaser fire until everything faded into a searing white haze. The warm golden glow of candle light filtered through her blindfold. Kathryn felt Tom's hands on her, stroking gently. He was calling her name in an amused voice. She slipped out of the restraints, curling her entire body around her lover. The blindfold could stay on a while longer; she looked forward to seeing how much of his body she remembered by touch alone. "You lied. You said you would lick me until I passed out if I *didn't* cooperate." "Any complaints?" "Only one." Her wandering hand had found his neglected and achingly hard erection. "But it's a big one." She neatly flipped him on his back, settling in to remedy the complaint as soon as possible. Tom regarded the ruin around them. It was a good thing this was a hologram; the bed was soaked with a wonderfully pungent combination of champaign and Kathryn. His love lay sticky and purring in his arms. With a sigh that quickly became a moan, he relaxed on the wet sheets as her strong hand worked its magic. The best part was that this was for keeps. With any luck they would still be wrecking furniture together fifty or sixty years from now. Sheer bliss. --- Emerald-green velvet swirling around her, Kathryn Janeway greeted her guests. She basked in their admiring glances. The dress fell to her ankles, loosely skimming the body beneath, but managing to cling to all the right curves. Shining auburn hair hung below her shoulders, unrestrained. She felt beautiful and loved and it showed. There was a small pile of presents forming on one of the pool tables. Sandrine's was packed with people who had come in to celebrate the captain's birthday and/or the defeat of the Hirogen. Kathryn surveyed the loot as she added another brightly wrapped package. She always asked people not to bring gifts, but they always did. The present Chakotay had given her earlier was there - a beautiful silver pocket watch. He had volunteered to stay on the bridge this afternoon so some of the beta shift officers could attend the party. Harry and B'Elanna had given her a collection of musical recordings from their last stop at an alien planet. There was the sheer nothing made of red lace that the Delaney sisters had intended as a joke, and which Tom would probably have shredded in no time. Almost by instinct, she located him across the room, talking to a member of the holographic band. He looked up and smiled, caressing her with his eyes. Kathryn sighed contentedly. Last night had been one of the most powerfully erotic experiences of her life. She could still feel the warm glow of Tom's touch on her skin. Afterwards they had wallowed in the freshly changed bed until late morning, making love, talking and eating breakfast. "If you two keep looking at each other like that people are going to start talking." Kathryn started and turned around to greet B'Elanna. The short gold sheath she wore complimented the warm brown of her skin. "So what did Tom get you for your birthday, and why did it involve me taking holodeck 1 out of service until this morning?" The younger woman didn't really expect an answer, but her captain's deep flush of embarrassment told her it would have been an interesting one. "I'll make you a deal, B'Elanna. I'll tell you about Tom's birthday present if you tell me how you ended up *swallowing* Harry's rank insignia the other day." "How about I buy you a drink?" B'Elanna good naturedly conceded the point. Harry had to request permission to replicate another collar pip and swore he would kill her if she told anyone about how much he loved to be bitten. The engineer wondered briefly if the captain and Tom ever got that wild, but dismissed the thought. Janeway was much too stuffy. The women found places at the bar as Harry joined Tom and whispered conspiratorially with the holographic band. Finally a drum roll caught everyone's attention. Tom addressed the crowd. "I had a tough time deciding what to get the captain for her birthday." He flashed Kathryn a grin full of the memory of last night. "It's hard to find the perfect gift for a woman who has her own starship. So I wrote a song and I'd like to dedicate it to her. It's called 'My Wild Irish Rose.' The title isn't original, but the lady is one of a kind." He and Harry and the band launched into the song he had written for Kathryn weeks before. Everyone in the bar was looking from Kathryn to Tom in surprise. Several people knew that he played the piano, but they also knew he didn't like to play in front of an audience, much less something he had written himself. B'Elanna looked impressed. "I can't believe he's actually playing in front of people. I've been bugging him for years to get out there." Kathryn dropped her head into her hands. *I can't believe he called it that.* She liked it when Tom called her his wild Irish rose when they were making love, but if he ever explained the title to anyone ... She threaded her way through the crowd toward the piano thinking dire thoughts. By the time she got there all she could think about was the look on Tom's face, the joy he so obviously got from playing. His eyes were fastened on her the entire time and she knew he was playing only for her. A sudden sense of freedom pervaded her as Kathryn realized what she was going to do. This secrecy had gone on long enough. They had already wasted too much time. As the last notes died away and Tom stood to bow to the applauding audience, Kathryn stepped up beside him. He knew she was planning something from the determined set of her jaw, but he was totally unprepared for the kiss. She quite deliberately wound her arms around his neck and caressed his lips with her own. Laughing eyes looked up at him as he automatically took her in his arms. As Tom realized what Kathryn was doing, he responded passionately to her kiss. It seemed she was giving *him* a present for her birthday. So much for discretion. She relinquished his lips, but remained in the shelter of his embrace. "I love you, Tom Paris." Her warm throaty voice was loud enough to be heard by the audience. Throwing a glance over her shoulder, Kathryn addressed the crowd gaping at the couple on the stage. "Anyone who has a problem with that can go stick their head out an airlock." --- The End