The BLTS Archive - Crossroads: Odo by Katrine Myra ( --- Archiving: Yes to ASCEM, others please let me know. Feedback: Of course, yes! Disclaimer: Paramount owns Star Trek. No profit, just fun. --- "I love you," he says, and the air changes around them, sparkling, static. He feels it with his non-visible senses, dimmed by the shape he's in, but insistant now, stirring. She hasn't moved, her face the same, she's not said a word. Invisible things move between them, like radio-waves, an SOS from a lost starship somewhere. She blinks... Swallows. And he knows. He hears her words then, but they are irrelevant. Her skin, her eyes, her scent has already spoken for her, and he knows. He bows curtly, politely. Always a good friend, so understanding. He's left before he walks out the door. --- The End