The BLTS Archive -Hero Three by Marie Whi Mitshue ( --- Comments: My stories love going off on tangents!! They never go where I first think they're going to go! Oh, well. SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG!!! Zen Hugs and chocolate bunnies once again go to my great beta, C-chan. //thoughts// *emphasis* (the more **, the greater the emphasis) Beta reader(s): C-chan Archived to the Web site on 07/01/2002. Archived at EntSTCommunity with the author's express permission. --- Dark. The world was grey and flat. Empty and blank. Images skated across the empty landscape of his mind: Malcolm Reed laughing with Travis Mayweather in the Mess Hall. The satisfied glow in the Armoury officer's storm-sea eyes as he was called upon to use his weapons. The surprised, touched look on his strongly chiselled face as he was presented with a pineapple birthday cake... Malcolm's desire-hazed eyes as he moved against him in the crawl space. The taste of Malcolm was suddenly on his lips and he felt heat burn through him as the Englishman kissed him passionately. Suddenly, Malcolm was torn from his embrace, with a desolate cry, and he was left alone again. The world faded back to numb, grey blankness, even as he screamed Malcolm's name. No, it was red, red as blood and suddenly full of liquid bursts of agony, pulsing, the pain rising then fading slightly, over and over. Slowly the pain faded into dull aches, most centred in his head, and he realised that the waves of pain coincided with the beat of his heart. His cheek was pressed against a cold, smooth surface, possibly metal. His arms were twisted up behind him, shoulders and elbows aching with the pain and strain of the angle, wrists tied tight and chafed by whatever had been used to restrain him. //What...where...?// Trip Tucker thought dazedly, then his eyes snapped open as he remembered what had happened: crawling out of the access way--after he and Malcolm had revealed their mutual attraction--and being grabbed by a hulking Nassiccan pirate. He'd been subdued and knocked out almost before he could cry out to warn Malcolm--//Wait!// He thought frantically, seeing only the dull unadorned metal of the Tellurian deckplate beneath his gaze. //Where's Malcolm?! What did they do to him?! And Phlox?! Dear God, we left him alone!!// He twisted around, trying to spot either member of his team, ignoring the sharp spikes of pain up his skull as he did. The familiar slight weight of his phase pistol was gone from his hip, and the pocket on his upper arm that had held his communicator was distressingly empty. He recognised where he was. He was back in the cargo bay the Tellurians were using as a makeshift Sickbay. But the wounded Tellurians hadn't been treated. Dr. Phlox was nowhere in sight and all the Tellurian crewmembers were tied up and lay along the far wall. All were wounded; bleeding, burned, with broken mattered not. They were all restrained and gagged, with no thought to the additional pain or aggravation to their injuries this would cause them. One of Dr. Phlox's medical scanners lay on the deck a few meters away, carelessly or accidentally dropped. Trip twisted again, squirming around to scan the other side of the room. There! Lieutenant Malcolm Reed was sitting on the deck, one leg sprawled out straight, the other tucked in, leaning forward limply, head hanging, his back against a large, solid pipe that jutted up from the deck and curved far above Malcolm's head to vanish into the wall. His arms were pulled back; obviously his hands were cuffed together behind that thick piping. Trip's sea-blue eyes ran over Reed anxiously. He was unconscious, and unarmed, only an empty holster at his hip, but he appeared unharmed for the most part. It was a sure bet that his communicator was gone as well. His head hung down, so the engineer was unable to see his face, only the top of his dark head, but even as he watched a large bead of blood dropped from Malcolm's unseen face, slipping from the curve of cheek or chin. Trip swallowed, eyes locked on the drop of red as it fell through the air and splashed onto the deck, barely missing Malcolm's leg. The small puddle of sinister red on the dull grey deck, and the wet splotch that darkened the knee of Malcolm's uniform, attested to the fact that however the Nassiccan had subdued Malcolm, it hadn't been as gentle as the stun blast that Trip had taken. Sure, it had left the Southerner with a whopdinger of a headache, but that was all. Malcolm was bleeding, and Tucker saw red as rage rose up inside him, so thick and terrible it almost choked him. Whoever had hurt the man he loved was going to die, a slow, agonising death. Tucker forced the rage down, took a deep breath. He had to stay calm. He couldn't help Malcolm, or Phlox, wherever they had taken him, or even the Tellurians if he let his emotions control him. He grimaced and thought //I've been spending too much time with T'Pol.// He wiggled around some more and managed to roll from his stomach to his side. He lifted his knees up to his chest, hoping to hook his bound hands around his feet and slip them up so his arms would be in front of such luck. His restraints were too tight, and done by a pro, and his body was deadened and numb, lingering effects from the stun blast; it felt like it wasn't even his own. Then all of the engineer's attention flew to the armoury officer as he moaned, low and hoarse. "Malcolm?!" He yelped, then squirmed a few inches closer to the bound form of the Englishman. "Darlin', can ya hear me?" Unconsciously the endearment slipped from his lips. The dark-haired lieutenant moaned again, then mumbled something. Tucker only caught part of it. "Called me darling... have to be dreaming..." Tucker chuckled despite their circumstances. He hadn't even realised he'd said 'darlin'. "C'mon, Mallie, I'll call ya darlin' as much as ya want, but we got a problem here." " head..." Malcolm groaned. "Did you happen to note the number of the lorry that hit me?" He asked. His head rose and he carefully laid it back against the pipe he was tied to. "And don't call me Mallie. That's even worse that 'Mal'!" Blood covered his face from eye to chin on one side, and streaked down his neck. His nose was swollen and bleeding, his cheek split and discoloured, weeping tears of blood, the bruising dark on his pale skin, but his eye had escaped damage. He drew in a deep breath and spat out a mouthful of blood with a distasteful noise. Tucker swallowed hard at the sight, muscles bunching in hard little knots along his jaw line. "Malcolm..." He choked out. "Oh..." Awareness came back into the armoury officer's storm-sea eyes. "Yes, I seemed to have lost a fight with a Nassiccan. Their stun is not quite calibrated for Humans, though it did do a fine job on you. I wasn't quite out of it after the Nassiccan shot me, so... he hit me." He paused to breathe, wincing in pain. "God, Malcolm, I'll kill him!" Trip snarled. Malcolm blinked, stunned by the fury and feeling on Trip's face, in his voice. "What? Why?" "WHY?!" Trip yelped, finally managing to swing his numb legs up around and wiggle upright into a sitting position, only an arm's reach from the other Human. "He hurt you! He hurt the guy I love! He's SO going to -" He stopped, mind belatedly registering what his mouth had said, as Malcolm's eyes widened, mouth dropping open. "Trip..." He whispered. "Did I hear you right?" He gasped. "Did you just love me?" "Aw, hell..." Trip hung his head. "Yeah, Malcolm, I'm in love with you. There. This isn't exactly the situation I'd imagined I'd be tellin' ya that in--I imagined a nice candlelit dinner, maybe some nice, soft music, some slow, passionate lovemaking ..." "That would've been lovely." Malcolm told him softly. Trip's head came up and his sea-blue gaze met Malcolm's eyes. There was joy shining in those grey-blue orbs, so brilliant that Trip couldn't look away. "But the trappings of the situation doesn't matter. I love you as well, Charles, and when we get back to the ship..." A smile lifted the corner of Malcolm's mouth. "That dinner and music and..." Malcolm's voice lowered huskily, "...and slow, passionate lovemaking sounds wonderful." Trip stared back at him, and a huge grin spread across the engineer's face. "Wonderful! It sounds like I've died and gone to heaven!!" He chuckled. "Charles, you called me Charles. Nobody calls me that, not even my mom." "I won't call you that, if you don't want me to, it seemed to just slip out." Malcolm said. "Naw, call me Charles. I kinda like the thought of you, and only you, calling me that. And I like the way you say it...'Chawles'." He imitated Malcolm's British accent. Reed's swollen mouth twitched, and his eyes glowed. "Charles..." He repeated softly, and Trip shivered at the emotion and desire in Malcolm's low voice. "How...lovely." A harsh voice snarled. Both Humans twisted to see the tall, ridged and fanged form of a Nassiccan pirate, armed with a heavy-calibre disruptor rifle, standing in the open hatch. It was the same Nassiccan that had captured them. "Where is Dr. Phlox?!" Tucker demanded immediately. The Nassiccan laughed. "Your doctor is performing his duty and tending to my wounded soldiers. I am Nhorr, in command here, and you are my prisoners." "More Nassiccans..." Reed groaned in dismay. Nhorr stared at Reed venomously. "You weren't supposed to be here. It's your own fault for being so disgustingly attached to your mate that you had to go where he went." He snorted in disdain. "Weak. You can always find another body, willing or unwilling, to sate your lust. Only weak beings develop emotional attachments." "I recommend you try it, obviously you don't know what you're missing." Reed said coolly. Tucker snorted derisively. "Don't bother. It's obvious that this moronic muscle-bound sonuvabitch wouldn't know a good thing if it bit'im on the ass. He--" Pain exploded in Tucker's face, and then the second blow sent him sprawling backwards. He lay there, the room spinning lazy circles around him, distantly hearing Reed yelling his name, as if the lieutenant was miles away, fear and fury making Reed's voice harsh and sharp. //Funny.// He thought dazedly. //I never even saw Nhorr move. He's fast...I... think I'm going to pass out now...// The hard blows had reminded him that the receding aches and weak numbness from the stun blast were still there, and fresh pain and dizziness swamped him. Blackness yanked him under, even as he struggled against it, trying to find his voice, to say something--anything--to quell the terror for him that was starkly evident in Malcolm's voice. "Trip! Are you all right? Charles! Charles!! CHARLES!!!" And blackness engulfed him for the second time that day. --- Malcolm Reed stared for one long moment at the sprawled, still form of the man he loved. Then his eyes flew to the Nassiccan standing over Tucker and those grey-blue eyes turned hard and cold; the eyes of a soldier willing, even eager, to kill. "You'll pay for that with blood." Reed snarled, voice almost unrecognisable, thick with hatred, rage and fear. Nhorr laughed at him. "With your blood, maybe." He told Reed scornfully. Nhorr shoved a booted toe beneath Tucker's sprawled and twisted body and carelessly turned him over. Tucker moaned pitifully, despite being unconscious, and Reed suddenly understood Tucker's earlier rage at seeing the armoury officer bleeding. A trickle of blood was oozing down the Southerner's beautiful face, lower lip swollen and split. Reed felt his rage increase tenfold, vision turning as red as his lover's blood. "How many crew on your vessel?" Nhorr asked absently, staring down at the unconscious engineer. It took Reed a second to find his voice. "Go to hell!" He growled. The Nassiccan's boot thudded hard against Tucker's side. He groaned in pain, even though he was out cold. Reed's jaw clenched so tightly his face muscles ached. "You are a security officer. What is the weapons capability of your starship?" Reed just stared at him, eyes almost incandescent with hate. If looks could kill, Nhorr would have been dead already, of some horrible, horrible death. Nhorr growled, then lifted Tucker into a sitting position, propping him up against a cargo container that had doubled earlier for a makeshift bed. He took out a slim, cylindrical object and pressed it to Tucker's neck. The Southerner's eyes flew open with a strangled gasp. As Tucker sucked in air, blinking in pain and confusion, Nhorr looked at Reed. "What is the weapons capability of your ship?" He repeated quietly. Reed glared, mouth pressed shut in a thin, hard line. Nhorr sighed and shook his head, but it was clear he wasn't unhappy about what he was about to do. His massive fist slammed into Tucker's stomach, and he lost all his breath in an agonised groan, doubling over, wheezing. "Tell me." Nhorr commanded. "Why...don'tcha...go...screw yerself?" Tucker wheezed, grimacing in pain. His head snapped back as his remark only earned him a hard blow across the face. "Leave him alone!" Reed snarled, squirming and yanking against his bonds, desperately trying to free himself. He felt warm wetness trickle down his hands as his restraints cut into his wrists, but that didn't deter him in the least. He kept twisting against his bonds, dismissing the blood slicking his skin as irrelevant, tortured gaze locked on Tucker. "That's very unlikely." Nhorr informed him. His heavy boot slammed against Tucker's knee, and the commander cried out. "Stop it!" Reed gasped anguishedly. "Please, stop!" His voice broke slightly, shaking and full of mingled hate, rage, fear, and love. "D..don't...tell'im any...thin', Mal..." Tucker growled through clenched teeth. "That' order...aahhh!" Nhorr's foot connected with the engineer's side and Tucker fell to the deck with an involuntary shout as pain shot through him. "Charles!" Reed shouted. As Tucker gasped and wheezed in pain, sprawled on the deck, the Nassiccan took two swift strides over to where Reed was bound. His fingers tangled in the armoury officer's dark hair, yanking his head up. "Tell me what I want to know!" Nhorr snarled in Reed's face, fingers twisting viciously in the Englishman's hair. "Why don't'cha...uh...bend over..." Tucker rasped furiously from the deck, "...turn sideways...ahh...and go...fuck yerself!" Nhorr turned his ugly, ridged face towards Tucker, glaring at him. Reed tried to jerk his head out of Nhorr's grasp, but failed. "You..." Nhorr growled--then stopped. "Hmm. Engineers are useful. And it's obvious I'm not going to get anything from him." As he indicated Reed, with a tone of loathing, he yanked the Englishman's head roughly around. "Yes, a security officer...not very valuable to me, is he? More trouble than he's worth..." He mused. He slammed Reed's head back against the thick pipe as he straightened. Reed let out an involuntary cry, starbursts of pain and light going off inside his head. Nhorr smiled at Tucker, an ugly smile made worse by the cruelty and thirst for suffering visible on Nhorr's face. "So, if he's not valuable to me, what do I do with him, eh, engineer?" Tucker struggled up into a sitting position, the pain in his body forgotten as dread rose inside him. "Wh..what...?" Nhorr strode casually towards an open equipment container. "Well, when something's not valuable anymore, don't you throw it away? Get rid of it?" "No! SonuvaBITCH, you leave him ALONE!" Tucker snarled hoarsely, fear glittering in his sky-blue eyes as the darted between Nhorr and the dazed armoury officer. Nhorr spared Tucker a disdainful glance, then reached into the container and pulled out a long, sharp-edged knife. It was obviously from an alien galley or mess hall, but it was six inches long and razor-sharp, and would cut into Reed just as well as it would cut into a joint of meat. All the blood drained out of the commander's face, as Nhorr walked slowly towards Reed, knife held capably in his large hand. "Don't..." he whispered, voice failing him. His mind screamed //NO! GOD, NO!!! I JUST FOUND HIM, JUST DISCOVERED HE LOVES ME TOO, IT CAN'T END LIKE THIS!! IT CAN'T!! NOOOOOO!!!!// Reed blinked hazily at the Nassiccan, eyes still confused and dazed with pain. Then those storm-sea eyes cleared, and his jaw firmed. He glared at Nhorr with contemptuous eyes. "So," Nhorr said conversationally, "One of you will tell me what I wish to know, or I gut the security runt, and take the engineer back to my ship when she arrives. You will not enjoy being my slave, or sold to Orion pirates. Either way, you won't live much longer than your mate." That nasty, horrible smile was on his face again. "Tell me, and maybe, just maybe, I'll let you both live. As slaves, of course. Still not a long life, but at least you'd be together until you died." The Nassiccan laughed, the sound heavy with contempt and arrogance. He looked from Tucker to Reed, and lifted the knife. "It's your choice..." Tucker's desperate eyes locked with Reed's burning eyes. 'I love you', his eyes said. 'I can't lose you, I have to tell him, I'm no hero. I CAN'T lose you! I can't watch you DIE!' Reed's eyes narrowed, the silent message received as clearly as if spoken. He shook his head slightly, gaze clinging to Tucker's. 'NO!' His tempest-coloured eyes said. 'I'm not worth the death of our ship and crew. I love you, too, but not even for you will I betray them. And I won't let you betray them for me. No.' Tucker's eyes begged, pleaded, wanting only to save Reed, all other thoughts torn form his mind, but Reed's remained adamant. Those grey- blue orbs were calm; the only fear in them was for Tucker's fate, not for himself. "No." He said out loud, eyes still locked with the engineer's. Then he broke the intense eye contact between them, although it hurt to do so, and turned his gaze on Nhorr. "No." He repeated, voice calm as a still pond and firm as granite. Nhorr's face twisted in fury, and the knife slashed down. --- Captain Archer paced like a caged tiger around his command chair. If he had had a tail, it would have been thrashing. "Hail them again." He ordered, voice tight with concern and control. "Yes, sir." Ensign Hoshi Sato pressed one slim hand to her earbug as the other flew over her communications console. "ENTERPRISE to Commander Tucker. Please respond. ENTERPRISE to Lieutenant Reed. Respond. ENTERPRISE to Dr. Phlox. Respond, please!" Hoshi shook her head, elegant eyebrows drawing together in worry. "No response, sir." Archer stopped pacing, one hand on the back of his command chair. His sharp blue eyes narrowed as he gazed at the Tellurian freighter on the viewscreen. "Then try the STAR FREEDOM again." Archer snapped. As Hoshi complied, Ensign Travis Mayweather glared at the viewscreen and muttered, "For the fifth time..." "No response, sir." Hoshi reported unhappily, biting her lip nervously. "T'Pol." Archer snapped. The Vulcan straightened from her console, unperturbed by his curt tone. "Sir?" "Prepare a shuttlepod. We're going over there." "Yes, Captain." The Science Officer started to rise then halted as a shrill beeping came from her console. Her head snapped around and she lifted one eyebrow. "Sir, a Nassiccan ship has just dropped out of warp. They're charging weapons!" Polarise the hull plating! Bring our weapons on-line!" Archer ordered. "Put us between the Tellurian ship and the Nassiccans." "Aye, sir!" Mayweather snapped, capable hands dancing over his controls. "Weapons on-line! Hull plating polarised!" Ensign Donovan reported tersely from the Tactical Station. Archer glanced at the Tellurian freighter as they slid past it, worry for his three crewmembers burning in his belly. Then T'Pol called, "They're firing!" and Archer had no more time for worrying. --- TBC