The BLTS Archive -Hero Two by Marie Whi Mitshue ( --- Comments: THIS CHAPTER IS DEDICATED TO ALL YOU WONDERFUL PEOPLE WHO READ CHAPTER 1 AND GAVE ME GREAT REVIEWS!!! YOU *SO* MADE MY DAY! (Yeah, I am aware of the pathetic-ness of that statement. Sigh.) I hope you guys like it. //thoughts// *emphasis* (the more **, the greater the emphasis) Archived to the Web site on 07/01/2002. Archived at EntSTCommunity with the author's express permission. --- Dr. Phlox glanced up from rechecking his medical supplies for the second time, aware of the underlying tension in the small confines of Shuttlepod One. He looked at Reed, whose dark head was bent over the auxiliary console just opposite Phlox, and then the Denublian glanced at the blond-brown back of Trip's head; that was all he could see of the engineer, since he was at the helm console in front of them. The doctor shook his head at them silently, and turned back to his medical kit. //They are both acting like the other is nothing more to them than a shipmate. Even I can see that that's not true; there is something between them, and the only ones who can't see it is them. Somebody needs to give them a good swift thwap to the behind! Humans!// Reed glanced up, looking towards Phlox as the Denublian muttered something in his own language, sounding exasperated and amused. His grey-blue eyes flicked up and over to stare at the back of Trip's head, almost unconsciously. He licked his lips nervously. He was afraid he had given away something of his feelings for Tucker, earlier on the bridge. First, with his reaction to Trip's closeness; when the Southerner had bent over him and whispered in his ear, he wanted nothing more than to lean back against his solid warmth, turn his face back against Trip's chest. He'd had to fight to stop himself from doing exactly that, knowing not only would Tucker be disgusted, but they'd been on the bridge for cripes' sake! He was certain that Tucker had noticed his tense, uneasy state. And then with his outburst--or what passed for an outburst from Reed-- practically demanding to go on the away team. Not because of his professional paranoia and concern, but because of his personal feelings for one crewmember. His gaze lingered on Trip a moment longer, then he firmly reined in his feelings, pushing them down and struggling to focus on the task at hand: alien starship, crewed with a barely known race. Keep his fellow crewmembers safe and unharmed, assess the security situation, and the possibility of threat, to both the Away Team and the ship. That was his task, not staring and mooning over Trip Tucker! Trip determinedly kept his eyes and attention on his console and his piloting, even though he wanted to glance back at Reed. His pathetic mind kept insisting that if he caught Malcolm off-guard, maybe he'd catch some glimpse of the armoury officer's true feelings. Then he glimpsed Malcolm's faint reflection in the viewport in front of him. The Englishman was looking towards Trip, and his face was emotionless, eyes conflicted and grim, like he was focussing on some difficult task. At the sight of Malcolm looking at him so... severely, like he could hardly keep himself from expressing his contempt for the engineer, Trip had no problem any more with keeping himself from glancing back. He didn't need a clearer affirmation that Malcolm knew Trip liked him, and was dismayed by it. The airlock shusshed open and Reed climbed up through it, and into the alien ship, one hand hovering over the phase pistol holstered on his right hip. Trip clambered up, tool kit slung over one shoulder, and helped Dr. Phlox lug his medical supplies up through the airlock. Reed scanned the area carefully in the automatic threat- search of his calling. The airlock opened onto a dimly-lit corridor with bare metal bulkheads, deck and ceiling. There was no one in sight, and no sound or noise, except for the low, stuttering hum of a ship on emergency power. Dissipating smoke hovered in the air, and it smelled of dust, overcooked meat, burnt circuitry and wiring, and oddly, something that smelled almost like cinnamon. Reed's nose wrinkled, mind automatically cataloguing the aromas, and noting that the overcooked meat smell was quite probably burnt flesh and bone. Some of the Tellurian crew were injured, according to Captain Derot, and some of them must've gotten caught in explosions, or plasma ruptures, or something of the kind. Trained to put the reactions from such thoughts to one side until the situation was over and he could deal with them in safety, Reed merely scanned the area again, with both his eyes and a scanner 'borrowed' from T'Pol. She'd never miss it, and, besides, Reed wasn't taking any chances with Trip's--with his shipmates' lives. But the scanner only picked up the away teams biosigns, and faint echoes of what could be Tellurians. Tucker wasn't trained to ignore such things. "Uggh." He coughed, made a face and said, "Doc, tell me that what I'm smellin' isn't what I think it is." Phlox merely shook his head, face grave. "I'm afraid it is, Commander." Tucker waved a hand in front of his face. "Oh, yuck." Reed was growing suspicious. "Commander, wasn't someone supposed to meet us?" Tucker nodded, swallowing, looking as if the amalgamation of smells was making him slightly ill. "Yeah, that's what was arranged." Reed gestured to the empty corridor with his free hand; his right had settled on the butt of his phase pistol. "No one in sight." "They are injured, Lieutenant, and this vessel is damaged." Dr. Phlox said calmly. "It may be taking them time to get to the airlock." Reed looked around again. "Something is... wrong." He muttered. Something didn't feel right to him, but he couldn't figure out what or why. The hatch at the end of the corridor slid up slowly, recessing into the ceiling, but stopping about two-thirds of the way up. Three beings--Tellurians, Tucker assumed--slipped through the mostly open hatchway, and slowly made their way to where the Away Team stood. All three wore brown and green outfits, obviously some sort of uniform, and had hairless craniums, patterned with brown, green and black pigmentation spots. One had reddish-black blood smeared along his cheek and forehead, one amber-coloured eye swelling shut, and a second has reddish-black blood on his shoulder, chest and arm, but neither appeared badly hurt. The third, the one in the lead, had purplish-black bruises forming around his neck and jawline, like he'd been caught against something, or been throttled. The bruised Tellurian bowed slightly to them, as the two behind him stared from Phlox to Reed to Tucker, looking nervous and scared. "I am Derot, captain of this vessel. One of you is a healer and one is an engineer, and are expected. The third, however, is not." He said calmly, looking implacably at each of the Enterprise crewmembers. "I'm the engineer, Commander Tucker," Trip said, stepping froward. Reed tensed, wanting to yank Trip back, but he had no reason to do so. Only his feelings... "And this is Dr. Phlox." Tucker continued, waving a hand at the Denublian. "And he's Lieutenant Reed." "What is your position, Lieutenant Reed?" Derot asked softly, locking eyes with Reed. He decided he didn't like the look in those ambery orbs; there was something cold and calculating about Derot. "I'm security." Reed said shortly. The two Tellurians behind Derot broke into swift, panicked speech, too fast for the translator to catch, which Derot silenced with a sharp word. He turned his cold gaze on Tucker. "Tell me, Commander Tucker, why have you brought a security officer with you? We are peaceful and unarmed, even if any of us were in any condition to fight after the vicious, unprovoked attack of the Nassicaan pirates." "Well, ya see..." Tucker began uncomfortably, but trailed off, unable to explain Reed's presence without offending Derot more. He wasn't even remotely diplomatic. He turned his gaze back on Reed and Phlox, pleading wordlessly for them to help explain. Reed shrugged. "I was not recruited for my diplomatic skills." He muttered. Phlox stepped forward. "Captain Derot, perhaps I can explain." He took a few more steps towards the Tellurian and leaned over and said something to him in a low voice, that neither Reed nor Tucker could catch. "Oh." Derot relaxed visibly and turned and said something to his nervous companions. They both relaxed, and then one of them made a chuffing sound that the Away Team realised, belatedly, to be laughter. The other one eyed Reed, then eyed Tucker, then made an amused sound, not quite a chuffing laugh. "Come, we have wounded and repairs to see to." Derot continued as Phlox moved back to pick up his medical kits. The two un-introduced Tellurians turned and headed back down the corridor, throwing occasional glances at Reed and Tucker and whispering animatedly to each other. Derot smiled at Reed, flashing sharp incisors. "You may stay near Commander Tucker, I promise." He chuffed a laugh and turned down the corridor. Reed reddened. Did even aliens see his feelings for Tucker?! Was he that bloody transparent?! Phlox started after Derot and his companions, but Tucker grabbed his arm. "What did you tell them?" He hissed. He glanced up to see the two Tellurians laughing back at them again. "I feel like I'm back in grade school, with the cool kids makin' fun a me!" Phlox looked down and away. "I didn't wish to offend Captain Derot, so I came up with the only explanation I could think of on the spot." He said uncomfortably, although he was hard pressed not to grin. "I told them the reason Reed came along was because you two had recently become mates and could not bear to be parted from one another." //There,// The Denublian thought with satisfaction, //Maybe that'll help them stop tip-toeing around each other! They need a good shock to get them to see what's right in front of them!// "WHAT?!" Reed and Tucker yelped in unison. They both looked at each other, then glanced away, neither seeing the blush and panic on the other's face because of their own reaction. "Doctor, how dare you?" Reed growled, mortified and absolutely sure Tucker could see that he wished Phlox's lie was truth. "How could you say that?" Tucker added, running a hand through his hair. He was completely, utterly humiliated, certain as he was that Malcolm knew he wanted him and was already upset. This would really upset the Englishman! Was Phlox trying to destroy what chance Tucker had left to retain al least a good working relationship with Reed, if nothing else?! Phlox looked at them innocently. "What? Do either of you have a problem with same-gender relations?" "No..." Tucker mumbled, "But..." "I don't." Reed said firmly, "But there is nothing of the sort between the commander and I." Both Tucker and Phlox noticed that Reed had retreated behind his wall of British formality and reserve. //And how it hurts to admit that.// Reed thought despairingly. //There'll never be anything between me and Trip...he won't ever... want me...// Tucker crossed his arms and stared at Reed. He was irrationally irked by the Armoury officer's statement. His irritation combined with his worry and certainty that Reed already knew of Tucker's attraction, and the thought occurred that Reed was... mocking him, taunting him with the fact that there would never be anything between them. "Oh? I'm not good enough for you, Lieutenant?" he asked bitterly, before his brain could catch up with his mouth. //Dammit!// He thought in a panic. //Just because I'm an engineer doesn't mean my mouth has to go at warp while my mind is still at impulse!// Reed stared back at him, startled. //What the...?// "I never meant to imply that you were somehow... inferior...or... unattractive, Commander." He said slowly, "I...just meant...I..." Tucker didn't want to hear Reed admit his dismay over his unrequited attraction to him. "S'all right, Lieutenant." He said hastily. "It's just the smell is getting' to me. Makes me cranky. Come on, this is irrelevant; we've got repairs to look at and the doc has patients waiting on him." Derot was waiting impatiently at the almost-open hatch. "Are you coming?" He asked irritably as they drew near. "We are." Phlox told him. The doctor bent and followed the Tellurians through the hatch. Trip and Reed looked at each other. Then some of Trip's sense of humour came back. He waved at the hatch. "After you, darlin'." He grinned at Reed. The armoury officer glowered at him. "Exceptionally amusing, Commander." He said in a tone that told Trip he was not amused. Reed bent and slipped gracefully through the partially open hatchway, not angry in the least. In truth, his heart was pounding at Trip's use of an endearment, and he wished it was for real and not just in a tease. He sighed infinitesimally. Trip's irrepressible sense of humour had obviously popped back, and he resigned himself to quips and teasing over this for the rest of the mission. Quips and teasing that would wound his heart as surely as any knife, even though he knew Trip didn't realise he was hurting him. Dr. Phlox made a pained sound as he saw the wounded Tellurians spread out on the deck of what was obviously an empty cargo bay being used as a makeshift Sickbay. "How come they aren't in your Sickbay?" He asked, kneeling next to the closest Tellurian, who looked up at him with frightened amber eyes but didn't make a sound. "Our Sickbay was depressurised in the attack, and our healers killed. This is the best we could do." Derot said curtly. He turned back to Reed and Tucker, who stood in the doorway. Tucker's momentary good humour died when he realised Reed was carefully staying a few steps away from him. His mood turned back to black and morose thoughts that revolved around the other man. Reed was well aware of Tucker's black mood, and it only served to darken his own thoughts. "While Healer Phlox is assessing the wounded for transportation to your ship, I will show you the damage to our engines. We are running on emergency power, but that will not last more than a seven hours." Derot informed them. Tucker nodded and turned to follow Derot out into the corridor. Reed didn't budge, however. "Malcolm, you comin' or what?" Trip asked impatiently. Reed ignored him. "Doctor, will you be alright here alone?" He asked. Phlox made and exasperated sort of sound. "I'm hardly alone, Lieutenant. I'll be quite alright." Phlox looked up from his patient and grinned that grin of his, the wide, mouth-stretching Denublian grin that a Human couldn't pull off if he tried for a thousand years. "Go on, keep the commander company." Reed glared at him, but Phlox merely chuckled, that impossible grin still on his face. "Mal! Come on!" Tucker snapped. Reed caught up to Derot and Tucker in the corridor. "Don't call me Mal." He snapped back. Tucker merely glared back. Derot looked at them, face confused and perplexed. "If you are done with your...mating rituals... the engineering chamber is this way." He said hesitantly, then stared back with cold eyes as his statement had both Tucker and Reed glaring at him now. "Yeah..." Tucker said sourly. "Lead on." Reed followed, as angry, upset and concerned as Tucker, both for the same erroneous reasons. He glared at Tucker's slender, muscled back, then blushed and pulled his eyes back into his head as they tried to stare at the commander's firmly-rounded ass. //God!// He thought. //Even in the middle of a situation that you know some things just not right, with Tucker upset and embarrassed because he's been identified as your husband, you still can't stop ogling him! You are so hopeless!// He shook his head disgustedly at himself. He knew something wasn't right on this bloody ship, he could feel it, and he was trained to pay very close attention to such feelings. But what was it?! --- Tucker groaned and straightened, dusting off his hands. "Your injector's fried. I'm gonna have ta crawl in there and replace it even 'fore we can do anything else. I can do it now, I brought enough with me to do that, and then the rest shouldn't be too hard, what with the parts and crew we'll bring over here." Derot brightened. "Good. I will see if our main engineer is well enough to come and help. I shall return." He hurried out of the engineering chamber. Reed bent at the waist and tilted his head to stare into the cramped crawlspace beneath the Star Freedom's warp reactor. He straightened and cocked a cool eyebrow at Tucker. "Have fun in there." He said, just a bit too acerbically. In truth, he certainly wouldn't mind crawling in there with him, pressed up so close to the muscled, beautiful body he so craved, but he was sure that Tucker was rather irked by the whole 'mates' thing, and rather displeased with him in general right now. Hell, he wasn't much pleased with him and this whole situation, either. //I know something's wrong, but I have no proof of it. And I'm so tired of loving someone who'll never love me!// Tucker scowled, and looked up from rummaging in his toolkit. "Look, Lieutenant, despite your evident problems with me, you will do your duty, is that clear?" He barked. //I am so goddamned sick of this! I know he doesn't want me, I don't need to be reminded every ten seconds!// Reed stiffened to attention, insult and anger clear in those storm-sea eyes, if not on his face. "Yes, SIR!! I know my duty..." His glare kicked up a notch, eyes a jumble of anger, hurt, insult, disbelief, and other emotions that Tucker couldn't interpret. "... **Sir!! He wasn't in any mood to try and interpret whatever he saw in Malcolm's eyes, either. He was too pissed and frustrated, a dozen other emotions chasing each other around and around inside him. "Good." He snarled. "'Cause right now, your duty is to crawl into that space with me and help to repair that damned injector!" "Yes, sir." Reed was in full formal mode, although even that couldn't hide the chaotic whirl of emotions ghosting in his eyes. Tucker glared at him a second, then gestured silently at the crawlspace. Reed, with an expressionless face, bent down and crawled into the cramped access way on his hands and knees. Tucker followed him in, angry countenance cracking for a second as he found his face only an inch or two away from the delectable sight of Reed's firm, tight ass. He jerked his eyes away, and that little slip irritated him even more. They worked in nearly unbroken silence for a while, the only conversation was curtly-voiced demands for one tool or another. "Shit!" Flat on his back, Tucker cursed as the panel he was working on kept falling down. It was on the ceiling of the crawl way, and he couldn't weld it back and hold it. "Are you alright, Commander?" Reed's cool voice drifted back to him. "Yeah, just peachy. Look, get back here and hold this while I weld the sucker back in place." He ordered, flipping over onto his hands and knees and moving back from in under the panel. "Yes, sir." Reed responded, and slithered back with all the grace of a sleek hunting cat. They tried several different positions (A.N. : Uhh... not those kinds of positions...not yet! Sorry.), but you only could hold the panel in the right position without lying flat on your back beneath it. Finally, exasperated, Tucker ordered, "Just lie down and hold it, Lieutenant!" Reed glared, then settled on the deck of the crawl space, hands holding the panel to the ceiling above him, legs spread with Tucker crouching between them. Tucker paused for a moment, regretting this already. Erotic thought and images sprang instantly to mind as his eyes took in Reed laid out before him. His body responded, and he closed his eyes, trying to control his physical reaction to Reed's position and his own between the other man's knees. Malcolm was having his own problems. Laid there, with Tucker kneeling between his legs, had his mind pouncing on the erotic aspects it evoked. One of his favourite late-night fantasies, did in fact, begin like this, with the two of them stuck in a small space, and Tucker leaning over him, taking him... He drew in a deep breath, thinking, //Control yourself, Malcolm. Don't get...hard...Bloody hell! Okay, don't get harder!!// Tucker opened his eyes, keeping them averted from the man spread out beneath him. //If I don't look at him, so close and I can control myself. If I do look at him...I don't think I could stop myself from...oh, what the hell did I do to be punished like this?!// He thought desperately. "Commander? Just fix the panel, please. It's...getting tiring to hold in place." Reed said in a hoarse voice, lying through his teeth. He didn't care about the panel, the sight and feel of Tucker so damned close drowned out all other concerns. "Right. Just a sec." Tucker said. With the plasma torch in one hand, he leaned in over Reed, free hand braced on the curving wall of the crawl space. But that was just too awkward, his angle all wrong to weld the panel into place. He shifted closer, moving up between Reed's spread legs, so close that his knees pressed against Reed's inner thighs, accidentally spreading his legs a little wider . He froze, trying to remember how to breath as heat sizzled through him at the contact. Malcolm swallowed hard, aching at the feel of Tucker so close. //Oh, God! Don't look down, please Trip, don't look down...// "This isn't gonna work." Tucker said in a rasping voice. "Stay still." Hoping Reed wouldn't get too upset, but figuring this was the only way to get that fucking panel back into place so he could get out of these close confines before he did something really stupid, he abruptly moved. He climbed over Reed, ignoring the Englishman's startled gasp, carefully avoiding touching or looking down at him. He ended up kneeling over him, one leg on either side of Reed's stomach, only a mere inch or two of space between them. "Commander?!" Reed snapped in a rough voice, but Tucker just started to weld the panel into place. "Keep your eyes on the panel, Lieutenant. I don't want it to slip out of place, and I don't want to slice off your fingers by accident." Tucker said curtly. //Hopefully,// the engineer thought, //That'll keep him from looking at me. If he does, he'll notice a very visible bulge, somewhere near his eye-level. God, this is torture! All I want to do is lean down and -// Tucker forced his thoughts back to the task at hand before he accidentally cut his own fingers off with the plasma torch. "R..right." Reed said, voice odd. He shifted one hand to let Tucker weld the corner he'd been holding, and bit his lip as Tucker leaned forward, his body almost touching Reed's. Reed closed his eyes in supplication, trying desperately to control himself. He opened his eyes, and swallowed as he saw the muscles bunched along Tucker's jaw line. "Commander, are you...almost done?" He asked tentatively. " second..." Tucker snapped, just wanting this done so he could get away from the man he wanted. "There." He flicked off the plasma torch and sighed in relief. "Done!" "Good." Reed's hands came down from the panel--and the crawl space trembled and vibrated slightly as Tucker brought the injector back online. Tucker jumped, startled, and his head hit the top of the crawl space, and he fell forward on top of Reed. With his face pressed to Reed's neck, the rest of his body plastered to the shorter man's torso, Tucker really didn't want to move. And the slight bump and resultant pain gave him an excuse he gladly took. "Ow, that hurt... that was just the injector bringin' main power back on-line." He said, voice muffled against Reed's neck. He breathed deeply, smelling the wonderful, mind-melting scent of Malcolm, a combination of the faint cologne he wore, the scents of his shampoo and soap, and the unique, heady scent that was simply Malcolm. //Oh, man, I didn't think I could get any harder...// Tucker moaned mentally. He heard Reed clear his throat softly, apprehensively, in his ear, and felt the sound rumble through the muscled chest he was currently pressed against. "Are you alright, Trip?" Reed asked, voice soft, nervous, flustered... and husky. That's when Tucker realised Reed's hands were on him, fingers spread over the lean, muscled lines of his waist. Apparently, Reed had grabbed onto him when the injector had kicked in. "M..Malcolm..." He breathed against the fabric of Reed's uniform, frozen in place, afraid to move, afraid of what he'd do. Then he realised: his crotch was pressed against Reed's lower belly. Reed would definitely be able to feel his erection pressing against him. //Uh-oh...// " that...?" Reed said softly, voice halting and rasping. Trip's head snapped up, and he stared down into those grey-blue eyes so close to his own. For the first time, he saw beyond the reserve and shyness in Malcolm's beautiful eyes, and saw something there. He saw desire in those storm-sea eyes! Could Malcolm him?! Was that why he kept pulling away, or getting all formal, or distant...was that what was bothering Malcolm, making him lose sleep and weight: being attracted to him, and thinking that he wouldn't like that?! "Malcolm...if you're referring to the erection pressing against your belly, yeah, that's definitely what it is." Tucker said bluntly, hoping against hope that his guesses were right. Reed's cheeks went faintly red. "You're attracted to me?" He whispered. Trip nodded. "Very much. I you very much, Mal." Malcolm stared up at him, and he didn't even protest the detestable nickname of 'Mal'. "I..." Reed took a deep breath, as Trip waited, getting more and more nervous as the silence dragged on. Then, suddenly, Malcolm smiled a huge, luminous smile. "That's convenient, Trip, considering I find you extremely attractive, and I was wondering how to get out of this crawl space without you noticing the fact that I am very much aroused." Trip inhaled sharply, and without thinking, slid down Malcolm's body. He came into contact with Malcolm's lap, and both men gasped as Trip's ass rubbed against Malcolm's arousal. "Trip..." Malcolm moaned, and the breathy sound went straight to Tucker's aching erection. "Malcolm..." He breathed, then leaned forward and pressed his mouth to the Englishman's. Malcolm responded feverishly, opening his mouth for Trip's passionate, hungry kiss. Suddenly, there was a loud noise, from somewhere outside of the crawl space. The two men broke the kiss, twisting to look down towards the entrance to the crawl space. "Commander Tucker? Lieutenant Reed?" A wavering, small voice called, and they could see the legs of someone wearing a green and brown Tellurian uniform through the crawl way's open hatch. Trip stared down at Malcolm. "Shit. Duty calls. But, Mal, we are gonna continue this when we get back to the ship..." He said firmly, then hesitantly added, "Right?" Malcolm smiled brilliantly up at him. "Too right, Trip. And don't call me Mal." Unable to help himself, unbelieving he was allowed to, Trip brushed his lips over Malcolm's. "You weren't complaining about it a second ago." Malcolm's head surged up and the slight kiss turned into a swift, hard kiss. As Trip tried to catch his breath, Malcolm grinned and said, "I had other things on my mind." "Tease." Trip grumbled happily and reluctantly slid back off Malcolm. "We're in here." He called out as he began to worm his way out of the crawl space, Reed right behind him. Suddenly, from outside the crawl space, there was a loud, odd sound, sort of like an overlapping angry growl and a frightened squeak. Tucker had his legs out of the crawl space hatch, head turning to find the source of the sound as Reed twisted to look, still a couple of feet inside. "What the hell was--ahhHHH!" Tucker's startled question turned into a shout of surprise and pain as he was yanked out of the crawl space and from Reed's view. "Trip!" Reed yelled, scurrying towards the hatch as fast as he could, being back on to the hatch and on hands and knees. "Malco -!" Tucker's pained voice yelled--then cut off. "TRIP!!" He shouted, dread curling in the pit of his stomach. He'd known something was wrong on this bloody ship! The armoury officer's hand flew towards the butt of his phase pistol as a shadowed, contorted dark-skinned face and hand--//Not Trip! Not Tellurian!// His mind screamed--appeared at the opening, some sort of device or weapon pointed straight at the Human. He was just a fraction of a second too slow. Even as he yanked the phase pistol from it's holster, there was a bright blue flash from the alien's device, and a sharp whine. As every muscle in his body turned to jelly, pitching the Englishman face-first onto the grilled floor of the crawl way, phase pistol tumbling from his limp hand and the world fading to grey, he thought frantically, // God, that was a Nassicaan! What have those pirates done to TRIP?!!// He saw, rather than felt, the Nassicaan grab him, hauling him out of the hatchway. Through blurred, greying vision he saw the outstretched, sprawled legs of someone wearing Starfleet grey, not Nassicaan black or Tellurian brown and green. //Trip!// But before he could see anything more, the Nassicaan looked down, ugly ridged and fanged face creasing with a scowl as he saw that Reed was still conscious. This time he didn't bother to use a stun blast. Out of the corner of his blurry eye, Reed saw the large, dark fist swinging in towards his face. Then his world went black as pain exploded in his head. --- TBC