The BLTS Archive- In Soft Darkness by Martha McDonnell ( --- Archive: Please. :) Disclaimer: Obligatory bowing and scraping to Paramount, who own Trek and its characters, but not me or this story. (And, ha. I didn't use any names, either. So there.) Feedback: Loved it, hated it, totally indifferent? Please, let me know! Feedback may not make the life worth living, but it certainly makes the fanfic worth writing. -- The taste of her skin is still warm on his lips as he watches her undress. Her movements are slow, measured, and she folds each garment before putting it away. She knows he's watching her, silently laughing at her quirks, and she turns that special, secretive smile on him. He's entranced, even now, by the luminescence of the skin, pale as, and tasting of, moonlight, which she gradually reveals. She's beautiful, so beautiful, he thinks to himself. Beautiful even at this age, older, though he can't believe it, than he was when he first met her, loved her. Some women become hard with age, letting the years sharpen and chisel them into something cold, but she hasn't. And especially now, as she shakes loose her hair -- red, just barely streaked with silver -- in the dusk of the room, she's nothing short of magnificent. She finishes, and turns, coming to sit by him on the bed. Her kisses are soft and soothing on his face and hands and chest as she gradually slips off his shirt. With a word to the air, the window is dimmed, and her delicate form vanishes into the darkness. They make love slowly, by feel, and he marvels that they know each other's bodies so well now that he doesn't even miss the light. He would never have imagined this gentle, unhurried loving in soft darkness would be able to replace the more desperate, passionate nights of the past, but now this is right. Afterward he holds her tightly to him from behind,not quite sure, not quite caring, whether his eyes are open or closed. Her hands and arms cover his firmly, not-quite-desperately, not wanting him to let go. He feels her need for this, knows how it is, knows the chair in which she now sits and the stresses and terrors it can hold. He knows that this is sometimes necessary, wishes he could do more to chase away the demons, lesser or greater, that must plague her, and wonders how he ever ever managed to do what she does without her there to support him. He marvels, as always, at the apparent contrast between her strength and her fragility. He can't remember just now, in this realm of only touch and taste and scent, how long she'll be here, this time. A day or two weeks but then she'll be gone again. He smiles against her hair, which he still thinks smells like moonlight, thinking it's somewhat ironic and more than slightly amusing that it would take their mutual reassignments to bring them together, into this decade long courtship of hurried meetings between missions, all-too-brief rendezvous on space stations and here on earth. She sighs gently and turns to face him. He captures her lips for a moment, finding them by instinct, and feels her smile softly. "I've been offered an assignment here on earth," she whispers against him, and he isn't sure he's heard correctly. "Where?" he asks finally, and in that thick and total darkness he's glad he's touching her, because he knows she's real. "Head of Medical," she says, and he makes a noise of recognition as she shifts to lie more comfortably against him. She's quiet for a long while, and he takes the time to trace the curves of her face with the pads of his thumbs, pleased with how familiar they are to him. He follows his fingers with his mouth and she sighs against him, sleepily tangling her fingers in the sparse hair on his chest. "I'm going to take it," she murmurs, and he pauses with his mouth pressed to the soft skin just next to hers. "You ... what? You're going to be here? On earth?" His words are stumbling, disbelieving. She nods against him. "Mon Dieu..." he whispers in surprise at this sudden revelation before letting his voice trail off to be swallowed by the darkness. He feels nothing but her skin on his for what seems an eternity and knows she's awake only by her breathing. "Marry me," he says suddenly and hears her intake of breath before she laughs suddenly, softly. "What, now? After all this time?" she asks half incredulously. "Yes, now. You can live here with me on the vineyard. Together." Their noses are nearly touching now, and he can envision the thoughtful expression on her face. He knows she can feel his heart beating faster as he waits. Finally he hears her exhale softly. "Yes." He swallows. "You -- what?" She giggles, if dignified starship captains do. "I said yes. I'll marry you. I will be," she kisses his nose, "your wife. If you'll have me." "If I'll have you?!" He feels like either laughing or crying, and isn't sure if these emotions so close to the surface recently are a product of his age or were always there. "I've always wanted you, and always will. And I will always, always love you." He kisses her fully, and she's breathless when he pulls back. "Good," she says, and he hears her smile. "I wouldn't want it any other way." --- The End