The BLTS Archive -Risala Of Risa: Followup by Nyani-Iisha Martin ( --- Reminding everyone else that flaming this, ahem, person will be highly unlikely to do a jot of good. *rolls eyes* ObAntidote: I was going to post a Janeway/Torres scene from a story I'm writing, but I realized I haven't written it yet. So, instead, here's a scene I wrote once as a followup to my story "Risala of Risa": (Summary of RoR:) In it, Julian meets a young woman who encourages him to ask Garak out, so to speak. I never wrote the scene where he took her advice, but I often fantasized about it.... [BTW, they're in Garak's, having lunch. I couldn't figure out why they weren't at Quark's or the Replimat, but what mattereth it?] --- "My, how adventurous of you, Doctor." Garak looked quite amused at Julian's retelling of his days with Risala/Ellna; he leaned back in his seat and gave Julian the same look he'd given him when he met Mona Luvsitt in Julian's spy holonovel. Julian nearly blushed. "How long did you say you'd known this young lady?" "Two hours." Julian rolled his eyes, barely able to believe his actions even now. "She was...." "Just what you needed, I'd say," responded Garak, smiling wickedly. "She certainly sounds more intelligent than the average Dabo girl." Julian sighed; Garak greatly enjoyed teasing him about Nissa. "Ellna is pretty wise," agreed Julian, to change the subject. "She gave me a piece of advice that I probably should take." Garak nodded, blue eyes alight with amusement (_and maybe something more_? Julian hoped to himself), so Julian took a deep breath, speared the leftover potato with his fork, and started twirling it absently as he went on. "She told me to ask someone, whom I've had my eye on for awhile, if...if they've had their eye on me, too." "And when are you going to take this sage advice? I'd love to be there to see it." Julian hoped his smile looked inviting. "You are." He had forgotten that Cardassians could turn colors, like humans. Garak's face went several shades lighter as he gripped the edge of the table and stared so intently and seriously at Julian that the young doctor was afraid he'd offended his friend. For a long moment the two men stared at each other, neither daring to breathe. Finally, Garak said in a cracking voice, "My dear Doctor, are you joking with me?" Julian mutely shook his head. Garak, still holding his gaze, slowly and rather unsteadily rose from his seat, and Julian's heart fell. _I *did* offend him_, he thought regretfully, and was just considering whether to take it back or to stay honest--- ---when Garak swooped like a hawk and literally pulled Julian out of his seat, his kiss as overwhelming as a tidal wave. Julian barely stood on his own feet, Garak embracing him with crushing tightness, immersed in the passionate kiss that set all his nerves afire as he felt his friend's lips on his, his hair on his face, his broad chest against his, so overwhelmed that he forgot to hug Garak back. _I'm drowning in him_, he thought, clutching feebly at Garak's arms as he started to go lightheaded from arousal and lack of breath. _I'm drowning in happiness._ Garak finally let go of Julian's mouth, and Julian flopped back with a gasp, grabbing Garak's arms to steady himself. When he could open his eyes again Garak was smiling down at him, blue eyes warmer than Julian could ever have imagined. "Wise child," Garak whispered, and Julian hardly had time to wonder whether he meant him or Risala before his mouth was reclaimed even more roughly and sweetly than before. This time he wrapped his arms around the tailor's waist and felt a rough-soft hand stroke his cheek as he tilted his head and opened his mouth wider, kissing Garak deeply in return. However, when this kiss ended, Garak looked regretfully at Julian. "I wish....I wish that this was dinnertime, not lunch. I wish I didn't have to let go of you." "You don't," Julian gasped. He swallowwed, trying to will his heart to stop pounding, and continued, "I arranged to have the afternoon off..." For one moment, Julian nearly went into palpitations at the happiness on Garak's face, before Garak pulled him into another intense kiss. He stumbled when Garak started slowly walking, but soon got his feet underneath himself and allowwed himself to be led through the archway and into Garak's bedroom, being kissed all the time. Garak only let go of Julian's mouth to lower him onto the bed, where he lay, dazed by his whirlwind good fortune, as Garak sat beside him. "My dear---My dear Julian," Garak said, laying his hand on Julian's chest, "I have had more than my eye on you for a very, very long time." "As I on you, Elim," Julian said. Elim looked so happy when Julian said that that the young doctor couldn't stand the brief separation any longer and reached up to pull himself up his friend and kiss him again. As he felt Elim's hands encircle his waist and slide down to caress his behind and pull him nearer Julian thought with the small part of his brain that wasn't afire, "I'll have to thank Risala....later." --- The End