The BLTS Archive- Threesomes #6: Angst Trilogy Three: Consolations by Nyani-Iisha F. Martin ( --- Disclaimers: First of all, all of these characters, the good ship Voyager, and the entire Star Trek universe belong to Paramount, who would never dare do this with their characters. That's what fanfic is for. However, what I've done with them belongs to me, COPYRIGHT 1996 Nyani-Iisha F. Martin; I have absolutely no intention of making any money from this story, and I ask that nobody else do so either. Please ask me before reprinting this story, etc., and don't send it to fanzines with your name on it, OK?. Secondly, this is an NC-17 story. If you are under 18 or offended/ disturbed by, to quote myself, "fairly open-minded sex involving two men and a woman", please hit that 'n' key now, OK? And if you don't and your eyes fry up and fall out because of what you read, don't flame me. (But, if you have constructive comments [lavish praise counts], please do email me at This is the last story in my unofficial "angst trilogy". First "Closure", then "Demonstrations", now this. Hopefully my threesome are all a bit happier now and can march cheerfully into the future. But, before they do.... And, now, heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere's smut! --- Harry wasn't sure who was more shocked, he or Tom. They'd been wrestling (a mistake, he now realized) and, one moment, he was victoriously holding Tom down with his body, kissing him hotly and deeply enough to lose all thought of anything else, reveling in the feel of Tom's body naked and warm and firm against his. But, the next moment Tom tensed, and then threw him off; Harry'd thought he had taken momentary advantage of the kiss and had laughed---but the laugh died on his lips when he saw the look on Tom's face, the blankness of his blue eyes, as Tom scrambled backwards away from him, mouthing "no". As Harry started after him, reaching for him, Tom planted his hand on air and nearly fell off the bed, his hand hitting the floor. And then Tom blinked, and it was over. He stared up at Harry for a second, and Harry's heart rose to see those blue eyes normal again, before they filled up with tears and Tom flipped over, hiding his face in his arms, leaving Harry to kneel helplessly over him. "Tom...?" Harry reached out a hand to put it on his shoulder, but stopped, paralyzed by fear, terrified of making Tom worse; he looked at his hand, hovering over his friend's back, for a long, long moment. Beneath his hand Tom lay unmoving, huddled tightly; then a tremor slipped the fraying leash of his control and he sobbed, just once, and Harry's choice was made. "Tom?" he called again softly, and put his arm around his friend, trying carefully to not press down on him. "Tom, it's me, it's Harry." Tom mumbled something, but it was muffled past recognition; then the leash broke altogether and he started to shake, and Harry lay across him, wrapping his arms around him, saying, "shhh, shhh, it's me, it's OK, you're safe, it's Harry," babbling soothing words in the hope that they would help turn Tom's thoughts from the horror inside his mind, and cursing himself for noticing how Tom's muscular body felt under his chest. After a little while Tom turned towards him, moaning, "Harry...," and buried his surprisingly dry face in Harry's chest; Harry held him, stroking his hair, speaking soft reassurances, and wondering with a small corner of his mind why Tom wasn't crying, until Tom gently pushed him away and sat up. Harry sat back, then, as Tom rubbed one hand over his face and took a deep breath. "Shit," Tom said wearily, looking like a man who'd run a marathon, not a man in bed with his lover. No, he looked worse; he looked raw, reinjured. Harry bit his lip with worry and fear for him, and asked "Are you OK?", and promptly felt completely inane and far too young; he wanted to hold Tom and stroke his hair and kiss him gently, wash the pain away with a torrent of love, but he knew that wasn't quite how these things work, so he sat back on his haunches and waited for Tom to gather himself back together again. Which he did, after a little while. Tom took another deep breath and visibly forced himself to look Harry in the eye; he grinned lopsidedly, trying to rely on his old persona, and Harry's heart sank. "Yeah, Harry. I'm OK. Just a blast from the past, is all." He sighed, and propped up his sagging grin. "I'm sorry---" "Tom, don't apologize!" Harry regretted the tone as soon as the words had left his mouth; Tom, startled, drew back an inch or two in surprise. Then he started to droop again, and Harry reached forward to grab his hand, to prevent him from withdrawing. "It's not your fault". "It's my fucked-up brain." "Well, it wasn't your fault then and it's not your fault now, and I love you, dammit!" Harry stopped as Tom looked up at him, and realized that he'd been yelling by the "I love you". It was amusingly ludicrous. Tom certainly thought so; he smiled, a real smile, and Harry's heart lifted as he smiled back. "So," he finished sheepishly,"don't blame yourself, OK?" "OK," said Tom, and sighed. Squeezing Harry's hand, he pulled himself towards him and laid his head in his lap, wrapping one arm around his waist. "Gods," he said in a tired voice. "I....this is really annoying." Tom laughed sardonically. "Well, it's a stronger feeling than that, know." Harry made assenting noises, encouraging Tom to go on, to talk to him. "It's's as if they reached across two years and an entire galaxy to wrap their fingers round my throat again. This shouldn't be interfering with my life now, with the way I can love you." "Don't talk about 'shoulds'," Harry advised, stroking Tom's hair. "Life is just life. We have what is now." _Any more cheesy platitudes, Harry Kim?_ he thought at himself, but underneath his hand Tom smiled, and then took his hand and pressed a kiss into the palm. "Thanks, Harry," he said, and they lay there for a little while, Tom holding onto his friend and Harry gently stroking his hair and wishing he wasn't still horny. Then Tom sat up, and, when Harry looked at him, kissed him. Harry froze. In truth (though he'd never admit it), he was thinking, _What the fuck?!_ as he felt himself go painfully hard despite his confusion. _Isn't this the *last* thing---_ Just then, Tom slid his hand into Harry's hair, still kissing him warmly, and Harry just couldn't stay frozen; Tom ran that hand down the back of his neck, setting all his nerves afire, making Harry moan into the kiss as he leaned forward against him. By the time the kiss broke Harry had his head on Tom's shoulder, and Tom was smiling down at him, his other hand on his cheek. As soon as Harry had his breath back he asked, "Tom, are you sure? You don't have to---" "I want to." Tom punctuated his statement with another kiss. "I want you. And I....I can't let them take this from me. If I do, they win." Harry smiled at that. "Tom, have I ever told you how brave I think you are?" Then he winced, as the darkness in Tom's eyes wasn't arousal anymore. "Brave?" Tom repeated, and laughed harshly, thinking of something best forgotten; Harry put his arms around him and leaned forwards to kiss him again, and though he hit Tom's cheek with his lips it was enough, as Tom turned his face into the kiss and kissed Harry back, hard and passionately, and then clutched him, trembling, his face buried in Harry's shoulder. "I'm sure," he whispered in a broken voice, as much to himself as to Harry, who could do nothing but hold him tightly; however, after a few moments, Tom stilled, and then kissed Harry gently on the ear. "Are you?" he asked, and kissed the side of his lover's head again. Harry nodded, and pushed Tom gently onto his back."If *you* are...and it looks like it," he added more lightly, and was rewarded with a smile; then he licked his hand and wrapped it around the evidence, and was rewarded with a happy gasp. Harry snuggled in beside Tom, his arm under his shoulders, and kissed him as he masturbated him, intent on making him forget everything but the arms around him. At first, Tom kissed him back gladly, holding onto him; unfortunately, after a little while, Harry could feel Tom pause and start to tremble even before Tom drew back and laid his hand on his arm, whispering, "stop for a moment." When Harry opened his eyes Tom was staring at him with wide blue eyes tinged with panic, and he raised his hand to touch Harry's face,whispering, "Harry?" "I'm here, I'm here." "I have to keep reminding myself it's you." Tom looked away and let out a deep breath. "This shouldn't be happening. This is entirely's being held down, it's what reminds me, that's usually the problem." He sighed, and turned back to Harry. "It's not that I don't want you." "I can tell," said Harry with gentle mischief, and Tom actually turned a bit pink; he smiled and wrapped his arms more tightly around Harry, and they lay there for a bit, heads together, frustrated and confounded. Then, an idea came to Harry, and he turned it over in his mind for a bit, refining it, before he spoke. "I don't think my being a guy is helping," he said gently. He could feel Tom turn his head to look at him, but he kept his eyes fixed on the ceiling light. "This time it's different, I think; the simple fact that you're in bed with another man is reminding you somehow." "Harry---" "I'm not going anywhere," Harry said reassuringly, and now did let himself look at Tom, who looked so beautiful with concern giving way to relief in his face....Harry sighed, and lifted a finger to trace Tom's bottom lip while he concluded, "but I think that something slightly different might help...and there weren't too many beautiful half-Klingon women in New Zealand, now, were there?" Tom smiled. Then he caught Harry's finger gently in his teeth, wrapping his lips around it and sucking it into his mouth; for a moment the hot, wet feeling made Harry so dizzy with arousal he thought he'd faint, before his head cleared a bit and he could kiss Tom for a good long moment before getting up and finding his communicator. "Kim to Torres." "Hey, Harry," replied B'Elanna, the noise of billiards and Sandrine's behind her voice. "What's up?" Harry couldn't respond for a moment, as Tom had reached over and pinched him on the behind; swatting at Tom, he got his breath back and replied, "Um, not much; what are you up to?" "Beating Henley at pool," she replied jauntily, and Henley's protests to the contrary could be heard in the distance. "Got enough replicat-t-k-tor rations off her yet?" Harry's stutter was caused by another pinch, and a caress; he turned to mouth "stop it!" at Tom, who merely grinned beautifully up at him, and Harry couldn't do a thing but grin back, rather glad Tom was managing some mischief, even if he wasn't up to quips. "We, um---" "We couldn't get along without you," Tom yelled, and B'Elanna laughed, hearing him. "I *suppose* I can leave off stripping Henley, nice job that it is," she said cheerfully; Henley tried to comment again, but all Harry could catch was her mock-angry tone. "Besides, I've had enough synthale for one night, so...I'll be there soon. Torres out." "Soon" was not the word. It seemed like Harry had just settled into the bed, sitting behind Tom and embracing him, when B'Elanna arrived, looking mightily cheerful. "So, what's up?" she asked. "Tom had another flashback," Harry explained; B'Elanna's expression immediately turned serious and caring, and Tom blushed red to his nipples, trying to protest. "It wasn't that bad---" "Yes it was," said Harry firmly. As B'Elanna sat down beside them, taking Tom's hand, he went on. "And there are....complications. So, I figured...." Harry still blushed when talking about these things. "B'Elanna, I figured that *you* wouldn't remind him at all of New Zealand. You, have his front, and I could have his back." "What am I, a side of beef?" Tom mock-protested. "No, a flying pig," said B'Elanna as she leaned forward to kiss Tom so warmly Harry wondered if his presence was necessary. When she let go she smiled at him; then she leaned over Tom's shoulder to kiss Harry so that he wanted to do nothing else in the world besides stay. "That's a great idea," she said, her nose touching his, and smiled at *him* so that his heart nearly stopped. Then, leaning back, she pulled off her uniform in record time; when she was done she realized that Tom and Harry were staring happily at her. "Haven't either of you seen a naked woman before?" she asked sarcastically. "I keep forgetting how beautiful you are," said Tom, holding out his arms. Harry smiled when B'Elanna actually smiled at the compliment, instead of rolling her eyes, though all he said was "Wait a minute, you two. I don't feel like getting crushed back here." Tom grabbed up a pillow and turned to hand it to Harry, teasingly saying "Can't you see we're busy?", but when Harry looked up from putting the pillow behind his back Tom was looking at him seriously. "Thanks, Harry," he said, putting a hand on his cheek, and Harry found himself too speechless to reply; Tom smiled at that, and kissed him. Then he yelped into the kiss. "B'Elanna!" Tom gasped, pulling away from Harry, who looked past Tom's face to see her kneeling over Tom's legs and grinning wickedly up at him, her arms on either side of his waist. "I only have one of those, and I need it!" "What did you do?" Harry asked, eyes wide. B'Elanna mock-pouted. "I thought he liked being bitten." "Ow!" said Harry, but Tom, now recovered from his shock, smiled. "Just don't leave me singing soprano-oooh." The last word faded out into a moan as Tom, arching his back, leaned back into Harry; B'Elanna was apparently using her teeth just perfectly enough. Rooting blindly, eyes clamped shut with pleasure, Tom craned his neck around; Harry took the hint and kissed him, but couldn't help but keep one eye open to watch B'Elanna bobbing her head up and down, her hair swinging back and forth, and those full, red lips of hers....he nearly moaned himself, almost painfully aroused just from watching her sucking on Tom and feeling him tremble in response. As Harry reached around to run his hands over Tom's nipples and felt him smile against his mouth he was reminded of the first night they'd all spent together, where his and B'Elanna's positions were switched; as if to tell him that she was thinking of the same thing, B'Elanna looked up at Harry, while never altering her rhythm, and winked, and Harry felt himself blush again. Tom, meanwhile, was delirious with sensation, burying his hand in Harry's hair and holding him so firmly it almost hurt; when the kiss broke he dropped his head to Harry's shoulder, gasping. "God," he moaned, eyes closed, neck arched. "This feels so good..."Tom's voice trailed off into another moan as he tensed, pushing back against Harry, who couldn't decide whether to watch Tom's face or B'Elanna's; they both looked so beautiful, Tom knowing nothing but his two lovers, bowstring-tense with pleasure, and B'Elanna, concentrating on making Tom come, those full red lips wrapped around him. He was watching Tom's when he did come, but that was more perforce; Tom's hand was still clenched in his hair, now holding onto him so tightly Harry was a bit afraid he'd pull some out, as he threw his head back even further with one wordless, joyous shout. Then Tom slumped, and smiled, and let go of Harry's hair, dropping his hand limply to the bed. Harry glanced over at B'Elanna, expecting to see her making a face, but she was licking her lips thoughtfully, and when she saw him looking at her she grinned, as if to laugh. "Still with us, Tom?" she asked. "No," he said softly, and Harry could see tears in the corners of his eyes. "I'm out sailing at Warp Eleven." "I guess I'll kiss Harry till you get back, then." And she draped herself over Tom, holding herself up on her hands, and did just that. Harry could taste Tom in her mouth, but it was diluted enough that he didn't mind; actually, he thought it wasn't that bad, after all. Or maybe it was just that the kiss was so nice. After a little while Tom sighed, wiggled against Harry to stretch stiffened muscles, and put his arms around B'Elanna's waist, kissing one breast; Harry could feel her smile into the kiss before she broke it to kiss Tom fondly on the forehead. Then she lay down beside him and they lay together for a moment, Tom and B'Elanna holding each other and both in Harry's lap. "We always do this," Harry said. When B'Elanna raised her head to look at him quizzically he continued, "we always pause, to catch our breath or something." "*I'm* just thinking of what we're going to do next," she replied, pushing her hair back from her face, and he smiled. _No, B'Elanna would never admit needing a break_. "Well, I was just thinking of what punctuation it was, like between the acts of a play." Harry could have smacked himself. _Well, that was stupid_, he thought ruefully, as Tom opened his eyes and looked up at him upside-down, and B'Elanna favored him with a very strange look. "OK, never mind. What are we doing next?" "Well, we just did sucking, so how about some fucking?" B'Elanna slid sideways off Tom to rest on her elbows, but before she could say anything else Tom said, rather seriously, "Actually, I was thinking about that." "Now, that's a first," said B'Elanna with teasing irony; he grinned at her and went on. "Harry, you haven't had any fun yet---" "Oh, no, this has all been fun," Harry protested; Tom smiled up at him and went on. "Anyway, I was thinking that we could modify our original plan." Harry sucked in his breath. "Um, the wrestling match was never really finished---" "Nah, you won." Tom sat up beside Harry, smiling at him, and laid a hand on his arm. "Besides, I want you to." Those words sent a wave of happy heat through Harry's gut and into his resurgent erection; he caught his breath, trying to speak, and got about as far as "Tom, I...." before his throat closed up as he looked into Tom's eyes. Before Harry could fall completely into those blue eyes, B'Elanna, still on his other side, cleared her throat. "If I'm getting this straight, you two agreed that whoever won would get to---" "Fuck the other," said Tom cheerfully. "I wasn't sure whether it'd be better to win or lose." "Men." B'Elanna rolled her eyes and sat up, those beautiful breasts bouncing gently, and between her and Tom Harry nearly lost his train of thought. "So, what were you thinking of?" she asked Tom. "Well, like Harry said, you could get my front and he could get my back." "Oh, you just want to be the center of attention." Despite her teasing words, B'Elanna looked like she thought it was quite a good idea, but Harry, despite how much he also liked it, was still worried. "Tom, you had a---" Tom shut him up with a kiss, slipping one hand into his hair like he'd done before, running his fingers down the nape of Harry's neck till he shivered happily. "Yes, I know I had a flashback tonight", Tom said, stroking Harry's hair and cheek with that hand. "Believe me, I didn't forget." He looked down at the thought, his hand going still on Harry's cheek, and B'Elanna put a hand on his shoulder; he looked up to smile at her, then at Harry. "But I do want you to, Harry. Remember, I told you, I told myself, that I won't let them take this from me.... Besides, B'Elanna's here. If any old ghosts raise their heads she can growl at them and they'll run away." Harry smiled as B'Elanna chuckled; still, Tom continued with, "But, if you don't want to---" It was Harry's turn to shut Tom up with a kiss, pushing him onto his back as he kissed him thoroughly; B'Elanna slid into the circle of their arms, and for a few wonderful moments it was harder than it was worth to figure out who was kissing whom. Then Harry pulled away before he got himself too hot; Tom and B'Elanna's eyes were already bright, and Harry could feel Tom poking him in the hip. "Where did we leave the---" "I put it under the leftmost pillow." When Harry found the lubricant where Tom had instructed, he cheerfully accused "I think you never meant to win". In reply to B'Elanna's questioning look he added, "it *was* Tom's idea, you know." "It would be," she said, and then made a surprised noise as Tom pulled her atop him; Harry watched them kiss for a moment, as they rolled onto their sides, their legs entangled. Then, B'Elanna looked over Tom's shoulder at Harry, and smiled and held out her arms. It took a bit of doing, getting themselves all arranged; once they had their arms and legs disposed comfortably, B'Elanna pulled Tom very close, cheek to cheek, and held him as Harry, leaning on his elbow so as to not put his weight on Tom, entered him, trying his absolute best to go carefully and slowly, kissing his neck and ears and talking softly to Tom as he felt him clinging to B'Elanna and trembling and nodding to show he was still hearing them, with them. As Harry draped one arm around both of them, gripping B'Elanna's waist, he thought of the picture they must have been making, all tangled together with Tom in the middle, and laughed with happiness. Tom turned his head to look up at him. "What's so funny?" "Us. We must be a sight, all tangled up like this." "A nice sight, I'd think," said B'Elanna, slipping one arm around both of them to grab onto Harry's shoulder. "I certainly like the view from here." Tom smiled at that and kissed her, and then turned his head again to kiss Harry. "I don't know how it looks, but this sure feels nice." "Good. It's supposed to." Harry wrapped his arms firmly around Tom's waist, his hands gripping B'Elanna's. He was glad she didn't mind being handled roughly, as he had to hold on pretty tightly for leverage; every time he did this he was surprised at how tight Tom was. "Ready?" Harry breathed, trying to remind himself not to get too far out of control; Tom nodded, and buried his face in B'Elanna's shoulder. Still, when they started, Tom started to tremble, and when he gasped so that even Harry could hear, they stopped. "Tom?" "I'm....OK." "Sure?" B'Elanna lifted his face with her other hand so she could see it, and he smiled shakily at her. "Yeah. It's just....overwhelming." "Haven't you---" Harry stopped himself, but Tom realized what he was asking, and turned his head to grin shakily at him. "Done this before? Yeah, but not....not with people I really care about." "Oh, God, Tom." Harry wanted to say a thousand different things, statements of pity and comfort and love, and couldn't find the words for any of them. He leaned over his friend to kiss him as passionately as he could, hoping that the kiss would say everything he couldn't; when the kiss broke, the look on Tom's face, the lightened shadows in his eyes, seemed to say that it had. Tom smiled up at Harry, that smile that he'd do anything to see, and then closed his eyes. "But, I am now," he said rapturously, and Harry could feel B'Elanna pull all three of them even more tightly together; holding them both closely he snuggled his cheek against Tom's shoulder, closing his eyes to better feel his two lovers, and they started again. After a little while they got the rhythm down, and Harry could feel it beating in his blood; he was hard put to keep it from setting him afire, but he kept reminding himself that tonight he had to be as gentle as he could. Still, it was hard---_pun intended?_ he thought at himself---to do so, tangled up with both of them, B'Elanna's sleek arms and legs contrasting with Tom's rougher, muscled limbs, Harry's cheek against Tom's broad shoulder and his chest against his back, and the only sound their three breaths, their three heartbeats, as they moved in unison. Tom clenched around Harry, which made him moan softly; as if in response, Tom started moving harder and faster, and B'Elanna started digging her nails into his shoulder. Harry had never liked consciously thinking of something else during sex---he always wanted to concentrate completely on the person, now people, he was with---but he was beginning to think that he might have to start outlining his report on the day's sensor readings in his head, or something equally antidotal, when B'Elanna gasped and Harry looked up at her. Tom had bit her shoulder to muffle himself and was clutching her as if for dear life; Harry had one blood-igniting glance of her face, lips parted and eyes heavy-lidded, before she pulled him to her and kissed him over Tom's shoulder, and he lost himself completely in his two lovers. His arms full of both of them, Tom quivering against his chest and clenching around him, B'Elanna's hand buried in his hair and her mouth firmly kissing his, Harry felt himself starting to climb to his own orgasm--- When Tom came again, and promptly burst into tears, and concern sliced through arousal. B'Elanna and Harry shared a worried look before they both concentrated on holding Tom, who was shivering as if the room were a freezer and sobbing into B'Elanna's shoulder; after a moment, Harry pulled away from him, worrying that he was having another reaction, but kept a hand on his back. And futilely told himself not to be frustrated. After a couple minutes or so Tom quieted and stopped shivering; a little while later he lifted his face from B'Elanna's shoulder and raised a hand to hers, stroking her forehead, as she looked closely at him. Harry saw her smile gently at what she saw, wiping the tears from his eyes, before he kissed her---and then was delightfully shocked when Tom rolled over, grabbed him by the shoulders, and kissed him. "Harry," he said, resting his forehead against his friend's chest. "Thank you. Thank you. God, but I love you. Thank you." At first hesitant with surprise, and then enthusiastically, Harry wrapped his arms around Tom and, when he looked up, kissed him back. "Tom." _I love you, too._ "You're OK?" "Incredible," Tom replied, his face still alight; he looked down into Harry's face for a long moment, before he sat up and turned to a flushed and smiling B'Elanna, reaching for her hand. "And thank you, B'Elanna. I---" Before he could finish, she pulled him to her and kissed him again, both for understanding and for reply. And then they sat back and looked at each other and at Harry, and then at nothing, rather overwhelmed by the emotional intensity of what they'd all just done. When the silence started to expand uncomfortably, Harry sat up, feeling dizzy and a just little bit resentful, and then got up and went to the bathroom, turned on only the cold water, and, once immersed in the chilly shower, let himself wonder if it would be better to just go back to his quarters and masturbate. _No, I can't do that,_ he thought after a little while. _Tom would think I was leaving him because of the flashback; B'Elanna might, too._ So he steeled himself and got back out. As Harry towelled off he heard a little conversation outside the door, and so wasn't very surprised when he emerged to find Tom and B'Elanna sitting side by side on the bed and looking at him with big grins; still, the looks on their faces made him blush hot again, despite all that cold water. "We are *so* cruel to you," B'Elanna said, reaching out to draw Harry into the bed and sit him between them; Tom, leaning against him, nodded in agreement. "I mean---" she paused for a moment as she leaned against Harry's other side and noticed how cold he was, and her sleek grin grew both wider and more loving---"this was all your idea, and you still haven't come." _Don't make me think about it, before I pop._"Um, don't worry about---" B'Elanna swallowed the "me" in her kiss, and as Harry fell backwards into Tom's arms he noticed that she was shading up into wildness herself as she straddled him. Tom held both of them as B'Elanna kissed Harry ravishingly, her hands roaming all over him; when she ran her fingernail in the cleft under his glans his entire body tensed as he moaned with arousal and, truth be told, relief. The entire night so far had been sweet torture. B'Elanna smiled at that moan, her mouth still on Harry's; then she let go of his mouth to kiss Tom, and Harry found his face buried in her breasts as she leaned over him. She gasped when he took one nipple into his mouth, splaying his fingers caressingly over her other breast as he wrapped his arm around her waist; one hand over her ridged spine and the other full of her warm breast, listening to her kiss Tom, Harry was quite happily overwhelmed again. Switching breasts, he slid his hand down over her ribs and her stomach, feeling her skin under his fingers, and into the wet curls in the cleft between her legs; she bore down on his fingers and he could hear her growl when he ran his thumb over her clit and bit gently down on her nipple. And all this time he was sitting against Tom, whose chest was warm and curly-haired against Harry's back; with a start Harry realized that he was sitting against Tom the same way Tom had been sitting against him when B'Elanna'd arrived. "Harder," she panted, and then he could hear her kiss Tom again, and moan, as she clenched around his hand so tightly his fingers nearly went numb. Harry was beginning to think of how to get his face under her when she let go of Tom and rose up off his hand, pulling her breast from his mouth, to sit on him, and the heat and the wetness around him made him arch his back and gasp, throwing his hips up, his head pushing back against Tom's shoulder, as B'Elanna wrapped her arms around him. When Harry could open his eyes again he looked up into her smile, and then turned his head just slightly to see Tom's as Tom slid his arms around both their waists. Harry opened his mouth to say something, but all thought vanished completely when Tom kissed him and B'Elanna pushed her body against his, so that he was warmly and wonderfully squashed between his two lovers. She was moaning loudly now, and Harry could see her out of one eye, head thrown back, bouncing atop him as he held her tightly and Tom held both of them; then he couldn't see anything anymore, his eyes clenched shut as B'Elanna screamed with wild satisfaction and came again and clenched around him so tightly that his world exploded. --- "Umph", said Harry, when he came back to consciousness. B'Elanna was slumped against him, her cheek on his shoulder, her hands on his chest; he was slumped back against Tom, who had his arms around both of them, his hands in the small of her back, and his chin on top of Harry's head. Harry'd never been so warm in his life, nestled between the two of them. However, B'Elanna *was* lying on his ribcage, and his back was beginning to hurt; as much as he hated to disturb their lovely arrangement, Harry needed to sit up. "B'Elanna?" She opened her eyes slowly and gave him a puzzled look, just as he realized that she'd been falling asleep; then she blinked, and was wide awake. "Oh, sorry," she said, and rolled off him. Tom startled awake as Harry slid off his lap, stretched, and lay down. "I think we fell asleep," he told a befuddled and sleepy Tom, while rubbing his eyes. "Computer, time?" B'Elanna asked; it turned out to be around 2. "Yeah, we definitely fell asleep," she agreed, and yawned. "We might as well go back." "I wish I didn't faint so much of the time," Harry said, holding out his arm to Tom, who fell into his embrace, wrapping his arm around his waist, and closed his eyes again; B'Elanna, lying on her stomach, laid her hand on Harry's chest and smiled. "It's part of your enthusiastic charm." Then she rose up on her elbow and kissed him on the forehead. "You're some guy, Harry Kim." "Yeah," Tom mumbled sleepily, prying open his eyes with an effort. "Thanks for thinking of this, Harry. And...thanks for putting up with me." B'Elanna slid her hand across Harry's chest to take Tom's, and Harry could feel Tom squeeze hers back; he also felt his face, and his heart, grow warm at Tom's words. "You already thanked me more than enough. And how could I not put up with my best friend?" Tom, his eyes shut again, smiled. "I've never been so happy in my life," he said softly, as his face relaxed into a beautiful peace that Harry smiled to see. B'Elanna, watching over his shoulder, smiled too; she kissed Harry once more on the temple, and when he turned to look at her whispered, "you *are* a great guy, Harry, and I love you for it." She laid her head down beside his, laying her hand flat on his chest, and smiled when he whispered, "I love you, too." Snug between Tom and B'Elanna, in a wide bed on the good ship Voyager, Harry's last thought as he fell asleep was that he agreed with Tom; he, too, had never been happier. -- The End