The BLTS Archive - Soliloquies #5: Never Said Goodbye by Mari ( --- Disclaimers: Paramount is the overlord of Star Trek. This humble peon is merely borrowing them with no financial renumeration expected or desired. --- We're home. We put into Starbase 23 last night. Enterprise was there. They were leaving early this morning. Last night, I started to walk over, to see my friends and their families. Then I stopped. I knew what to say. how to act. What to do. But I didn't want to. I didn't want to hurt anymore. I went home, to my quarters, and I went to bed. Knowing it was over. In the morning, when I got up, Enterprise was readying for departure. I beamed over, saw Jean-Luc and Data. Shot the breeze for twenty minutes. Discovered that she was expecting again. The *normal* way. No more morning sickness. In fact, nothing at all. Then I left. Without seeing Deanna. I know I can't say goodbye to Deanna. She is a part of me that I value tremendously. I don't want to say goodbye to that. I still love her. But Deanna Troi-Roshenko is a dear friend. What we had is a might-have-been. It hurts, but more as a twinge than as an ever-present ache. I'm still lonely, but one victory at a time. I'm free, Dad. I'm moving on. Vaya con Dios, Deanna. --- The End