The BLTS Archive - Soliloquies #4: One Step Forward by Mari ( --- Disclaimer: Paramount owns them, I'm just borrowing them for no monetary use whatsoever. --- I got hurt. Bad. We were on our way home after our mission extension. I don't remember what actually happened. My X.O. tells me that Ensign Martin snapped and stabbed me. There was poison on the blade. I was comatose for two weeks. Death's door. While I was in limbo, for lack of a better term, all the progress I've made got shot to hell. I created a dream world where Deanna and I were married, with several children. It was great. Then I woke up. Everytime I close my eyes, I see that dream. I wish I hadn't woken up. --- We're six months from home. Everyone's looking forward to hitting Federation space. I've left standing orders that if Enterprise shows up to chat, fire the phasers. We aren't going back. In some ways, my near-death experience has had some interesting ramifications. I've realized something. I *always* did all the work in Deanna and I's relationship. I chased her. I convinced her to date me. I always made the first move. When we met again, I was willing. She said we couldn't.Not while we were serving together. She didn't want to risk out positions, then our friendship. But I made her wait too long. I never showed her that I was willing to commit. I still love her. But I will get over her. --- The End