The BLTS Archive - ShadowingBoxing by Lori Summers ( --- Don't ask what the titles mean - I've gone the X-Files route and just call them the first thing that comes into my head (well, the first thing that's non-pornographic or an obscenity). --- It's quiet here. Gods, what a stupid way to start a log entry. Of course it's quiet here, I'm the only one *on* this bloody station. Except for Gowron - and if I ever get my heads on whoever had the bright idea to send along a *cat* for company... Well, they'd better hope that medical science has figured out how to remove cats from certain parts of their anatomy! Ok, starting over. Deep breath to calm down. Oh, I suppose I should start by giving my name and stuff - just in case Star Fleet forgets just who it was they stuck out here on the ass- end of nowhere. This is Delanna Selah, holder of various Ph.D's in biochemistry, neural anatomy, computer science, genetic manipulation, and all-around Federation whiz kid. And before any of you listening to this get any ideas like "Gee, modest isn't she?", I can't help it if I'm brilliant. *You* try having a Vulcan for a father and a genius for a mother, see how many degrees you end up with. Anyhow, that's stuff for my therapist to work out and I'm getting off track again. Delanna Selah - got that. It's been, oh, six weeks since the Enterprise dropped me off here on this rock. I wish Captain Riker could have stayed for awhile - he was cute even if he was too arrogant for my taste! (Oh, as an aside to whichever Star Fleet peon is listening to this - if you want official Star Fleet logs, then send an official Star Fleet person. *Not* a normal, everyday scientist!) All the materials that I'd asked for where here - the computers, medical equipment, fully stocked laboratories, the works. And the cat. The thrice-damned cat. If I may diverge for just a moment, Star Fleet, may I thank you once again for the cat? I can't begin to tell you how much fun I've had - being woken from a sound sleep by 15 pounds of fur landing on my head, the incessant noise it makes when hungry and mustn't forget! The time I had to scrap 2 weeks worth of work because it got into the lab and walked across the control panels. My, *that* was fun! The basic premise of my research here is human life extension - seems some fool thinks that 120 years on average just isn't long enough. Preliminary research to this end indicates that manipulation of the genome will be possible, but that there may be unknown side effects. Star Fleet has agreed to fund my research, as long as they get to run the show. Hence the secret base, the solitary scientist (me, you nitwit!), and the cat. Mustn't forget the cat. Like I said, early research is promising and a preliminary report should be done in about 4 more weeks. That is, if someone remembers I'm out here! Ok, no more screaming.... signing off, ending recording, whatever the hell it is you say at the end of one of these things. --- Whew! Gods above but I hated talking to machines! Well, not really talking to them (I do that all the time under my breath - scared one of my last lab assistants. How was I supposed to know that his culture believes in animism?). But I *do* hate recording things - logs and reports and such - it always makes me sound so pompous. Time for a big yawn and stretch - the last couple of weeks had been kind of rough. First trying to re-do all the work that Gowron had ruined, even if it was by accident and then coding all the equipment for the second stage of the experiment. Not too bad when you have flunkies around but, when you're your own flunky, it gets a bit tedious. A thud on the desk next to me heralded the arrival of Gowron and I glared at him balefully. Cats and I were not the best of friends to begin with and when Gowron's accident with the control pad pointed me in an entirely new direction that showed more promise than my original research,...Well, let's just say that I'm not a forgiving person by nature. Idly I picked up the antique dagger that I kept on my desk, still keeping a watchful eye on Gowron. It was a beautiful piece - silver and inlaid with semi-precious gemstones. Soran had given it to me 3, no, 4 years ago as a parting gift. Just thinking of him could still give me tingles all over - that was another thing wrong with this damn station. No men (or even women) and some prudish programmer had neglected to add in the codes and schematics for any toys. An oversight I fully intended to rectify at my earliest convenience. Soran... Tolian... What a lovely creature he was... Hugely intelligent so conversation was always interesting but delightfully bawdy. If any of our colleagues ever found out about that night with the silk and chocolate..... Hmmpf! This wasn't getting any work done. Time to get cracking again. I tossed the dagger back on the desk, scattering Gowron (who in turn scattered data padds and iso rods everywhere). Oh well, they could stay where they fell - who was around to complain about my slovenly housekeeping anyway? Beep! Beep! Shit, what's that? The sensor alarm! Damn - I hope it's that Riker coming back for a quick one but just in case.... there. All the records are encrypted and stored - including the new area of research Gowron pointed out. Now to see... The main doors of the facility slid back with a loud *thunk*. This place was massive - at one time it must have been a base the Feds used as an early warning system. This thing could withstand several direct hits from plasma bolts before the shields even *thought* about weakening. The sun outside was glaring into the doorway, shining directly into my eyes and backlighting whoever was standing there. I backed up until my legs hit the desktop, one arm shielding my eyes, the other groping for the dagger that I'd just dropped. It wasn't much but, if whoever this was wanted to steal my work, they'd have a fight on their hands. "Hello, Delanna." That voice! Gods, speak of the devil and next thing you know he's on your doorstep! "Tolian?" Oh great, I sound like a Teklan water rat - try again stupid and try to sound a bit more excited ok? "Tolian!" "Out of my way, Soran! Where is this scientist who will help me?" What the...? Just who the hell did this pushy bitch think she was? She came closer and I could see why she was so pushy. Klingon! Elath! What diseased mind of the Gods could ever have come up with a race such as the Klingons? Boorish, argumentative, and the smell! What in the nine circles of Hell was Tolian doing with a Klingon? "Easy, B'Etor... I told you more than once. Delanna will help you, but only if you behave yourself." He moved into the room, turning his gaze on me. "Isn't that right, my dear?" Huh! "I don't think so, Soran. In fact, I doubt I have anything here that you'd find helpful or interesting. Unless... perhaps you're looking for a cat?" I kept the dagger hidden behind me - I didn't want to have to use it on Soran. That Klingon bitch, yes, but never on Soran. "Now, now... don't be so hard on yourself. I'm certain you have many things that we'd find fascinating?" Down, hormones, down! The man doesn't even have to touch me and already I'm ready to jump on him. And, worse of all, that smug smile of his - he knows he has this effect on me! Soran leans closer, his lips just a hairsbreadth away from mine, his hands reaching out to pull me closer ... Ouch! Damn him! That Klingon bitch took my knife! "B'Etor, I believe our dear Dr. Selah will need some convincing before she's ready to part with any information. If you'd please?" B'Etor pushed me out the way, sweeping one arm across my desk top, sending data carts and monitors crashing to the floor. One quick movement and Soran had me spread- eagled on the desktop and was using some cloth strips he'd had in his pocket to secure my arms and legs to the frame. Frantic, I started tugging wildly but couldn't get more than a couple of inches of play - the man was good I had to admit that. "Now what Soran? We torture her to make her talk?" "In a way, B'Etor. Why don't you go back to the ship - I'll signal when I'm done here." B'Etor was obviously put out by the thought that she might miss the chance to inflict pain on someone but she gave in. When the shimmer of the transporter beam faded, it was just Soran and me, together again. "Ok now, Tolian. She's gone. You can let me up and tell me what you really want." He just smiled, leaning over me but not touching. "I don't think I'll be letting you up just yet. And what I want is just what we told you before - the research you've been working on here." Oh Gods! If he wasn't letting me up... maybe he really did intend on torturing me. And if there was one thing Soran had, that was patience in extracting information from unwilling sources. I'd seen him one time sit in front of a stubborn terminal for over 36 hours straight, trying to drag information from its corrupted guts. He'd done it too. I swallowed hard and screwed my eyes shut - better get this over with. "Go ahead Soran, do your worst. But you'll be wasting your time. I can't tell you anything about my research because I don't have any results yet." I hoped the Gods would forgive me for *that* lie! Silence stretched out - it seemed like hours. I was ready to scream, waiting for the first pain to start. Here it comes... Oh Elath! He's going to use the very dagger he gave me to.... What? Instead of feeling the metal plunge into my body, a cool breeze washes over my bare legs. Bare legs? What? I cracked one eye open slowly. Instead of killing me, Soran is using the knife blade to cut away my usual research grubbies. Hey! Those were my favorite... oh well, too late now. He cuts away pants, shirt, undergarments, until I lay on the desk, clad only in my own skin. I should have been terrified but, for some reason, being completely helpless and at Tolian's mercy was one of the most incredibly erotic things I'd ever felt! "What next?" He just stood there for a moment, smiling, his hand resting lightly on my stomach. "I think that there are more.... interesting ways to get the information we want than by torture." "Tolian! Please!" This *was* torture! He kept bringing me to the peak and then walking away until I cooled down. Three times now - the ache to feel him inside me was so strong I would have snapped the bonds that held me if I'd had the strength. The desire in my groin was so fierce it was almost painful. Soran came closer to the desk, placing his hand on my hip, fingertips grazing the edges of my pubic hair. My hips arched convulsively, silently begging for release from this torment. "Tolian." I couldn't help pleading - anything to end this! My gaze wandered over him, stopping to rest on the sight of his erection straining at his trousers. "You're not unaffected by all this. Untie me - I can at least give you release." He merely laughed. "If my needs get too strong, I can simply call B'Etor back to the planet. She may be a Klingon but she's incredible in bed." Ouch! That remark was calculated to hurt - and it did. I turned my head away, trying to ignore him even when he put his hand on my breast and lightly pinched the nipple. I couldn't help it - I moaned and arched my back, my breast filling his hand. "You can tell me what I want to know, or we can continue this waiting game. I should warn you though, I have much more stamina than you do." Twice more now.... to the edge and then he stops. Every nerve ending feels like it's on fire... I can't take anymore. "All right, Tolian! You win! I'll tell you whatever you want. The computer files are locked under encryption code "peek- a-boo". Now please... I'm begging you..." At least Tolian has the grace to not look smug. He's been waiting for this at least as long as I have - perhaps longer since he knew beforehand what the end result would be. Swiftly he frees himself and, with one thrust, plunges deep inside. I can't help it - I scream as the first orgasm washes over me, immediately building to yet another. Tolian comes quickly but keeps thrusting, never losing his erection and indeed, seems to get even harder. For what seems like hours but still isn't long enough, we mate like wild animals, tearing at each other until we're both finally sated. "You realize, that was almost worth the wait?" I punched Tolian in the arm - almost worth the wait indeed. I *know* that no Klingon bitch has *ever* made him howl like that. "What are you going to do with my research? Sell it to that..." I broke off quickly at his expression - there are some things you just don't press Soran about. Not if you value your skin. "Nothing. I had no intention of ever giving it to B'Etor." I couldn't help it - I was so mad for a minute that I was sputtering. "Not giving... never... what?" Soran winced as the last came out as a shriek. "I've kept a close watch on what you've been doing since we last saw each other. When you dropped out of sight, I knew you must be close to finishing your research on human life extension and wanted to see you." He sobered for a minute. "You know that what you're doing is extremely dangerous, don't you?" I snorted. Of course it was dangerous! By Elath, *life* was dangerous most days! "Yes, it's dangerous. And now that you and your *girlfriend* have found it, it'll be even more dangerous." He shook his head, one hand smoothing the hair back form my face. "B'Etor thinks you were developing some sort of super weapon. When I tell her it was human genetics you were researching... Well, I doubt you'll have any more problems from her." "So you're just going to go away and leave me alone?" "After erasing all your data banks, yes." He brought his face closer to mine, cerulean eyes piercing. "You can't continue your research - humans just aren't ready for near immortality." This was going to get us nowhere - except maybe angry. And there were other ways to occupy the little time we probably had left before that Klingon came barging back in. "Tolian, do we *have* to discuss this now?" I reached up and grabbed a handful of hair - somewhere along the way one or the other of us had broken the bonds that had held me to the desk. "Can't you think of anything better to do?" He moved suggestively, sliding his hand down my stomach. "Oh, I believe I can think of something..." --- The End