The BLTS Archive - Un series #1: Unsettling by Kiff ( --- Disclaimer: Paramount is God. I am not. I make no money from this. Promise. Archiving: Okay for my web page, ASCEM, BLTS. Anywhere else, ask first. Feedback: Anything except flames are welcome. If you wish to send it privately, e-mail me. Dedicated to DB, who'll never know... A one-hour challenge, and first in a series. --- I can't sit still. Not that I ever really could during these staff meetings. But now it's taking all of my self-control to stay in this chair. Today he's across the table from me. Yesterday he sat right next to me. Either way is hard. If he's across from me, I have to look at him. If he's next to me, I have to cross my feet to keep from bumping into him. Because if I do that, other parts of my body will follow. I don't even like him. Never did, really. I wanted him to respect me, in the beginning. But Chakotay's too sanctimonious to ever truly be my friend. I doubt that friendship is what my body's looking for right now. Damn. He's looking right at me now. No, I will *not* get an erection. *No.* Damn, damn. "Mr. Paris?" Now everyone's looking. I cross my legs again, trying not to brush against Seven, who's on my right. My stupid prick won't take "no" for an answer. "Uh, what was that, Captain?" "The modifications B'Elanna was outlining for us. How do you think they'll work?" Okay, the blood that *was* rushing to my dick is now flowing into my face. Fine. Embarrassment works. "Captain, I apologize. I wasn't listening." Harry's shaking his head. I can almost hear his thoughts. /Nice going, Tom./ I won't look at Chakotay. God, I can't believe I feel this way about him. Correction. I can't believe my *dick* feels this way about him. Janeway frowns. "Well, I don't think we have time to go into this any further. B'Elanna will just have to brief you later on." Great. Then she'll probably chew me up and spit me out. Kind of like how it was when we broke up a few weeks ago. God, *what* is wrong with me? Why is it that when I'm in the same room with Chakotay, my skin crawls, my pulse speeds up, and all I want to do is jump his bones? When did it happen? *Why* did it happen? I've never done it with a guy. Voluntarily, anyway. I *did* live in a prison for several months. Okay, so rephrase that. I've never done it *to* a guy. I've always been on the receiving end. He's talking now. I don't even know what he's saying. I like listening to his voice. It's deep and soothing. I'd like him to talk just to me, to tell me he's mine, that he'll do anything I want, that he will take away this itch. But he irritates me, too. That placid Indian facade. It's bullshit. Just once I'd like to rile him up again, like I did when the Captain roped me into that plot to find the Maquis rat who was selling us out to Seska. He's got his eyes on me again. My crotch responds. I can't tighten my legs much more. People talk back and forth across the table. I sit there like a human pretzel, trying to breathe normally, hoping Seven can't see into my lap. I want to grab Chakotay, kiss him until he can't see straight, rip off his clothes, and fuck him until I pass out. Or at least until he passes out. Okay. We're done. People are getting up now. And what's Chakotay doing? He's *smiling* at me. It's that infuriating little grin he gets on his face. Don't even get me started on the dimples. I stand up, keeping the table between myself and him, and wait for everyone else to leave. Harry shrugs as he passes me. "Tom, it would probably be a good idea to visit *this* quadrant for awhile." "Shut up," I say, harsher than I intended to be. Harry's eyebrows go up, then he shakes his head again as he departs. I feel like a complete asshole. Chakotay takes his sweet time leaving. He's fussing with some padds in front of him. It's almost like he's waiting for me to walk out first. Well, shit. He can just look at my rear end all he wants. I'm out of here. If I stay one more second, neither of us will leave at all. And you know what? The kicker of all this is that I know he feels exactly the same way. --- The End