The BLTS Archive - Ceremony: The Admiral by Kelly ( --- Posted: June 22, 2004 Archive: ASC(EM); BLTS; others please ask Disclaimer: All that is Trek belongs to Paramount. --- She attended the ceremony as she had attended most things since her return from the Delta Quadrant: with as little of her mind as necessary. The part of her that automatically furnished proper responses and expected behaviors -- that part she was content to relinquish to Starfleet. But the rest she kept for herself. It hadn't taken many days of the bureaucracy and politics of post-war Starfleet to convince Kathryn Janeway that, whatever position she might assume in the Fleet hierarchy, she would have to live her real life somewhere else, outside the confines of the organization that had once given meaning to her existence. She had expected to be grieved at the loss of that meaning, but to her surprise, she'd at first felt only relief -- and then, as she realized how fully she'd made her escape, an overwhelming sense of freedom. Today, sitting at her promotion ceremony in what she trusted was a suitably attentive pose, Kathryn tasted the tang of liberation once again. It wasn't that she despised Starfleet, or wished herself out of it. She simply no longer accorded it power over her, not in any way that mattered. Odd, she thought, as she surveyed the crowd: instead of making her feel isolated and indifferent, her new-found distance from the organization gave her greater interest in the people who belonged to it. Owen Paris, now. There he sat, his face bleak, trying not to look at her. He had been trying not to look at her ever since they had been rescued from the Cardassians, all those years ago. She wondered what he would do if he knew that she had long recognized the guilt and lust he tried so desperately to hide. He'd probably look away from her all the more. And Chakotay. He just tried to avoid her altogether. She had thought about telling him that he didn't need to, but then she'd realized that perhaps he did. The day he'd saluted her on the path -- that was when it occurred to her that Chakotay needed his distance just as she needed hers. In the old days, she would simply have rolled her eyes and pulled his arm down, and afterward, they would have laughed together at the absurdity of it. But the old days had been a long time ago. She could hardly remember what they had been like, those days before Scorpion and Kashyk and Ransom. Before Seven. Seven. Kathryn looked obliquely down the row to where the former Borg sat, her hands clasped, the sun glinting off her metal implant. Janeway was glad she hadn't leaned forward quite far enough to see that lovely face. Sometimes she let herself remember the brief, glorious fantasies she'd had on Voyager, when she had imagined the two of them having a life together. . . Ah, Seven, she thought now, what I wanted us be to each other. . .In my crazier moments, I believe you wanted it, too. I think you even tried to tell me, that time we shared shore leave. But I couldn't let you, not then. I told myself it was because the whole thing would have been insanely inappropriate, and it would have, but the truth was, I didn't want to risk losing you. . .I don't think I could have borne that kind of hell. . .and that's what it would have been. . .hell. . . ~~~ Kathryn ~~~ The word was a caress in her mind, and for a mad instant, she thought it was Seven, calling her at last. . . A quick glance at the impassive serenity of Seven's expression mocked this wild surmise. Janeway dropped her head to her hands and let the regret sweep through her, but only for a moment. Regret was something else to be left behind. The voice in her head spoke no more. Since she'd briefly been Borg, she sometimes experienced these random contacts; they meant little. Kathryn smiled at Tuvok, who was watching her with Vulcan unease. It's all right, my friend, she thought, hoping he was listening. It's all right. --- The End