The BLTS Archive- The Becoming by Karen ( --- Disclaimer: Paramount owns them. I imply no copyright infringement. c1998 Karen --- "This is *not* looking good, Commander." Chakotay had to agree, as much as he hated to agree with anything that Tom Paris had to say. They had come to this planet for supplies and were assured that everything would be fine for both trade and shore leave for the crew. However, none of them had planned on any of the crew being included in the trading. Everything had gone well, the cargo bays were full of fresh food stuffs and the crew had begun to visit the planet in two day shifts. People were relaxed and happy, and plans had begun to be made for exiting the system in two days time. Chakotay had even invited Kathryn for dinner in the main seaport, but as usual, duty came first. She pointed out that one of them should be in command of the ship at all times. At least, she had looked regretful while saying it. Instead, the Commander had found himself wandering the market and admiring the wares for sale at the numerous stalls. Stopping at a jeweler's, he was surprised to find Tom Paris bartering for a small gold hoop. "Evening, Commander," Paris said as he placed two credits in front of the jeweler. The man looked pensive and then smiled, wrapping the earring and handing it to Tom. "I think I've just been taken, but it feels so good to get off the ship, I don't really care." Tom tucked the small packet inside his front shirt pocket. Chakotay snorted. "Who's the lucky girl?" "Actually, it's for me. You start buying jewelry for women and they start sending out wedding invitations." A very large grin accompanied the statement. The Commander just shook his head. "Well, my time is almost up. I'm supposed to meet Harry Kim at a cafe near here before we beam back." Tom turned to go and then stopped. "You want to come?" "Thanks, but I think I'd put a damper on the meal. Ensign Kim tends to get a little nervous around me." "Don't feel special, Commander. Harry is nervous around anyone with more than one and a half pips." "Thanks anyway." Chakotay noticed a man gesturing to them from a nearby alley. "That a friend of yours?" Tom looked askance. "Not my type." A pause to look behind them. "He's definitely gesturing to us. Commander?" "It won't hurt to see what he wants." Chakotay started towards the man, and after a moment Paris followed. "Gentlemen, you are from the ship above, yes?" Tom and Chakotay looked amused. "Yes, I'm Commander Chakotay and this is the ship's senior pilot, Lt. Paris." The old man beamed. "Yes, you'll do fine." Chakotay heard Tom start to say, "Wha-?", before all went black. --- Tom and Chakotay woke up and found that they were sharing a cell in the cargo hold of a small freighter. Dark and fetid, the two men had found nothing of use to help them escape. A lone guard appeared twice daily to bring food and water. Thankfully, there was a toilet in one corner and they had been provided with a blanket. "I wonder why they're feeding us so well? I feel a little like Hansel and Gretel." Chakotay looked up and frowned. "I'm not familiar with the pair." Tom gave a wry grin. "They were two kids who were taken by an old witch who tried to fatten them up to eat. They ended up baking her instead." "As long as we're not the ones baking, that's fine. And as for the food, I'm not going to question the practice, I'm just going to eat." The older man settled back into the corner next to the barred door. Tom made another circle of the cell, executing a rather feline stretch of arms and back as he did so. "Well, I'm going to wonder. This whole set-up is very weird. A starship with old fashioned prison cells, with bars no less. Did you see the weapons? Projectile pistols!" "I think that we'd better behave for the time being. Those pistols may be antiquated, but they're also very deadly. I would prefer to keep all my body parts until Voyager catches up with us." "That's another thing. I hope we're the only ones they took." Tom frowned. "We've been missing at least two days, and if they haven't caught up with us yet....." Chakotay was worried about that too. "Unless someone saw us being taken, they wouldn't have missed us until Harry started to look for you. Unless he wouldn't normally worry about you being late??" Tom grinned. "I may be sort of relaxed about things like meeting for meals, but we were due to beam back to Voyager in an hour and a half. That's something I *don't* slide on. I would prefer to keep on the Captain's good side, thank you." Chakotay raised his eyebrows. "I'm surprised. I thought you were her pet project." "The prodigal son? Something like that?" Tom's voice had taken on a dangerous tone. "Look, *Commander*, you may think I'm worthless, but one thing I do not fool around about is the Captain's trust." Tom turned and leaned with his forearms through the bars, staring down towards the far entrance of the cargo bay. The Commander was almost tempted to apologize, but the whole Seska-spy affair still rankled a bit too much. While Paris may have brought Voyager back to them, he was still a traitor of the worst kind. In Chakotay's eyes, he had no morals. He would betray comrades in a heartbeat to get what he wanted. The only people he seemed to have any allegiance to were the Captain and Harry Kim. "Whatever you say, Lieutenant." --- At least a week had passed, some days with nary a word spoken. Paris had taken to doing calisthenics twice daily, while Chakotay preferred to meditate. Whatever it took to keep from talking. Then, as Tom was seriously considering asking the Commander to teach *him* how to meditate, the guard returned with a friend with an even bigger weapon. They were taken at gun point to a cabin where they had been able to shower and shave. New clothes waited on the bunks. Their own clothing had disappeared while they were bathing. "This isn't the most attractive thing I've ever worn." Tom looked down at the drab brown shorts and vest that hung rather loosely on his lean frame. "I just hope that the weather is reasonably warm or we're going to freeze." The guard Tom had begun to call 'Bob' entered the cabin. Ignoring Paris' breezy greeting, he gestured towards the door. "You'll be leaving the ship now." "Was it something I said?" "Paris." "OK, Commander. I just hate to think that I've hurt Bob's feelings." The guard looked confused and Chakotay had to stifle a grin. "This way... now." The guard poked Tom in the side with the pistol. "I think we'd better do as 'Bob' says, Lieutenant." --- An hour later, both men were beginning to miss their cell. They had been taken into a nearby city to be handed over to men the others respectfully called the 'Overseers'. When Chakotay had tried to question their fate, he had been threatened with a whipping. All they could do was wait. "Commander, there's another group of humanoids in a pen across the square. They look like they're for sale." Chakotay crossed to the window and looked over the younger man's shoulder. The group Tom had been referring to were being led onto a platform by a group of beings who looked like a cross between Cardassian and Kazon. Gray, stocky, somewhat reptilian and with wildly braided black hair; the Overseers clearly commanded the respect of those waiting for the auction to begin. The group of buyers, an eclectic group to say the least, were quiet and respectful, almost humble in their attitude towards those in front of them. The slaves were clearly terrified. "Those Overseers aren't the most attractive creatures I've ever seen." Chakotay was inclined to agree. However..."I'd keep that opinion to yourself or at least keep it quiet." Tom looked on as one of the Overseers took a whip to one of the slower prisoners. "You may have a point." Both men turned as the door behind them opened. Two uniformed guards entered. While Chakotay looked on, one of the guards held a pistol to Tom's head while the other looped a length of chain around his waist and fastened it. Toms' hands were then placed in manacles. The gun remained pointed at Paris' head as the guard then approached Chakotay with the other end of the chain. The meaning of the weapon at Tom's head was clear. "I'd take it kindly if you'd behave, Commander," Tom said with a grin. The pistol rapped behind his left ear and he dropped to his knees. "Idiot! They go onto the block in minutes. Tindrah will have our heads if you decrease their worth!" The guard moved from behind Chakotay to check Tom's head. Convinced that he would be all right, the alien pulled Paris to his feet and towards the door. Chakotay could do nothing but follow. --- The noise from the crowd below was growing. From the moment that the two had been led onto the platform, Tom had become the center of attention. It was obvious that blonds were a rarity in this sector of space. Chakotay turned to Tom. "I've noticed that all the Overseers and most of the crowd are wearing those devices around their necks. Their version of a universal translator?" "Makes sense. I was wondering how in hell I could understand them back in the cell." Paris looked uneasy. "I'd feel better if they weren't looking at me like I was the last truffle in a box of chocolates. Although, you're getting your share of attention." Tom was right. While he clearly fascinated their potential buyers, many were beginning to gesture towards the Commander and were obviously discussing his size. Removing the larger man's cuffs, one of the Overseers turned Chakotay and removed his vest. An approving murmur went through the crowd as he was forced to lift and flex first his arms and then his back. Tom could see the embarrassment begin to color the older man's face and chest. He could also see why the others were impressed. *He could snap me like a twig.* Chakotay relaxed slightly as his vest was returned and he was allowed that much covering. He watched as Tom was subjected to the same treatment. He noticed that the noises from the crowd were different, almost taunting. The Commander began to admire the younger man as he was led to the edge of the platform and a few of the more adventurous buyers subjected him to a more thorough 'once over'. Not once did his eyes drop from the skyline. Chakotay began to wonder if Paris had previously been subjected to something similar to this and then thought of prison. At last, the preliminaries were over and the bids began. Chakotay was pleased to notice that the bidding appeared to be for the two of them together, rather than separately. It would be hard enough for Voyager to track them down as it was, without having to do it twice. The bidding seemed to go on forever. One by one, buyers dropped out until there were only two left. From the sounds of amazement coming from the crowd, the bids were very high. Finally, one of the two threw his marker to the ground with a gesture of disgust. A roar went up and a tall humanoid with dark blue skin and black hair walked proudly to the side of the platform. A bag traded hands and Tom and Chakotay were led back to their holding cell. "I wonder if our new *owner* lives on this planet or if we're in for another little trip?" Tom was pacing the length of the cell, periodically returning to the older man's side to look out of the cell window. "I'm hoping that he's local. Each time we change locations is going to make it that much harder for Voyager to catch up with us." Chakotay had to work at sounding positive that they *were* going to be found. Paris seemed to pick up on the Commander's doubts. "Chakotay, you know the Captain won't give up on finding us. She'd have a mutiny on her hands if she left you out here." A slightly bitter smile. "Me, I'm not so sure about. Nothing personal, but I guess I'm glad you're here." "Try not to sound so excited about my company, Lieutenant." "Sorry, Commander. I was *trying* for just that right mixture of relief at your company and sorrow at your being in this predicament." Chakotay looked at the other man for his trademark smirk and found it missing. Somehow, that worried him more than he expected. Before he could reply, the door to the hall opened and their new owner entered with one of the Overseers. "Tindrah, you have outdone yourself this time. Prime stock." Moving closer to the cell, "After the 'Becoming', they will make an excellent breeding pair." Tom unconsciously moved closer to the Commander. The movement was not lost on the others. "You are mates?" asked their owner. Chakotay looked shocked and blurted out a 'No!'. "Pity. It would have made things easier. I suppose in time you will grow closer out of necessity." Before either man could question this, Tindrah gestured for the guards. "I trust you have brought your own men to protect your new investment, Seshway?" "They're waiting outside." Their owner turned to go as the guards pulled Tom and Chakotay from the cell. They were passed off to three others of the same species as Seshway, and led out of town to an awaiting shuttle. --- "Captain, we've lost the last of the ion trail from the trader." Harry looked about to cry. "It's unlikely that they would suddenly change course in a sector as empty as this." At least they were still headed in the general direction of the Alpha quadrant. Janeway was slowly pacing a circle in front of the too-empty command center. "Helm, continue on this heading at Warp 7. Mr. Tuvok, you have the bridge." Kathryn strode towards her ready room and a *large* cup of coffee. The holoDoctor had informed her that her chronic headaches of the last two weeks were from stress, fatigue and too much caffeine. She had been tempted to answer him with a brisk "No shit?" just to watch the response; but decided that it would probably have gotten her a sedative and a nice uncomfortable biobed. When Chakotay and Paris had first turned up missing, a number of hours were wasted on scanning the surface and the polite harassment of the local government. Neither man had turned up and the local merchants had suddenly gone deaf and blind, remembering virtually nothing from that afternoon. Tuvok had turned up two ships that had left orbit during that time. The first, a Talaxian freighter, was captained by a friend of Neelix who was more than happy to cooperate with a search. The second ship was harder to track down. Supposedly returning to the Daazi home world, the ion trail had already begun to decay and disperse. Several false tries over a period of almost sixty hours finally forced Voyager to initiate an old fashioned search in ever-widening circles. Harry Kim had picked up some promising ion residue on long range scanners and they had taken off after it at maximum warp. The Captain's risk had at first appeared to be paying off as the trail had grown even stronger, but then had strangely started to disperse about twenty-four hours later. There had been no problem in getting the crew to work double time to keep the search going. In fact, she had finally ordered section heads to make sure that everyone was taking their meal and sleep breaks. Kathryn was pleased to hear that the efforts were almost as much for her helmsman as her second-in- command. *Now, if I can just find them to let Tom know that public opinion is beginning to change.* --- It had only been two days, but it seemed like a lifetime. They had dragged themselves to their cabin the night before too tired to prepare a decent meal. Tom had simply sliced some fruit and bread and peeled some of the more appetizing vegetables that he had found in their larder. Chakotay had brought in some water for a brief scrub, and in silent agreement, the men had collapsed side by side onto the bed. This morning had brought more of the same. There were about thirty of them. Male and female humanoids of various species, some recognizable, most not. The largest group worked the crops; weeding, picking and watering. A few of the stronger men such as Chakotay were preparing the newest field. Hot. Hot. Hot. Tom was ready to drop as he moved from row to row, watering what looked like string beans with a large bucket of water. Chakotay was about a hundred meters away, digging rocks from the next plot to be planted. When his bucket was empty, Tom slowly made his way towards the pump in the center of the main yard. A large guard moved to stop him, then stepped back. Tom refilled his bucket and took a hollowed out gourd from next to the pump. Chakotay didn't hear him approach. "Water break, Big Man." Chakotay straightened and stretched the kinks out of his back. As he took the gourd, Paris got a glimpse of the palms of his hands. He set the bucket down and took the Commander's right hand in his own. "Damn! Were you going to say anything at all?" Tom took his vest off and began to tear strips to bind the older man's wounds. "I'm fine." Chakotay tried to pull his hand away, but Paris held fast. "Fine is the last thing that you are, now hold still." Tom's head was bent over the bleeding palms, intent on his bandaging. Neither man noticed the guard until it was too late. The heavy leather belt raised a bright red weal across Tom's fair skin. The sound of a second blow was drowned out by Tom's cry. Chakotay grabbed Tom and pulled him behind his own body. Two other guards joined the first and held the big man's arms behind him. "Bind him." Paris followed as Chakotay was dragged to a large blood stained block of wood in front of the guard shack. He was forced to kneel in front of the block with both arms stretched over the top and then tied down. The captain of the guards stepped out into the bright sunlight followed by Seshway himself. "What is his crime?" "He attempted to interfere in the punishment of the bright one." "And the bright one's crime?" The guard looked at the ground. "He stopped working." "Why?" Seshway glanced at Chakotay's hands and frowned. Silence. Seshway turned to the captain. "Release him and tie the bright one to the block." Chakotay looked on as the guards did as ordered. He felt an odd sense of pride as Tom quietly knelt, his face reflecting a combination of fear and defiance. Seshway turned to Chakotay. "You are too valuable to damage. You are strong and when correctly trained, will become an asset in controlling the others." "You," he said to Tom, "are here primarily to bear his children." The man smiled coldly. "Something that you don't really need hands to do." He nodded at the guard. The Commander pulled away from the guards holding him and stepped between Tom and the ax. "The only way you get to him is to go through me." "Enough!" Seshway motioned the guards back and waved Chakotay towards Tom. Bending down, Chakotay shakily untied the younger man's hands and pulled him to his feet. "Excellent. I told you that in time you would grow closer." Turning to the captain, "Contact the center and schedule the bright one. It is time for his 'Becoming'." --- "Bridge to the Captain." Kathryn sighed. "Yes, Mr. Tuvok." "We are approaching the next planetary systems." A pause. "There are one hundred and thirty-two planets within likely range that are capable of supporting life." *Gods.* "Very well. Set up a schedule and charts for the quickest coverage of all the planets. We've got six shuttles. I want them manned and ready to assist in the search just as soon as the Doctor finishes downloading Tom and Chakotay's DNA samples, skeletal scans and biological imagery into the computers. Advise me when everything is ready." "Aye, Captain. Bridge out." One hundred and thirty-two blasted planets to cover centimeter by centimeter. This could take weeks, if not months. Janeway was startled from her thoughts by the discrete clearing of a throat. Looking up, she found Ayala, Geron, and Chell standing at her table. Scanning the mess hall, she knew that everyone there had heard the previous conversation. Ayala spoke. "Captain, we'd like to volunteer to man one of the shuttles." Geron and Chell silently nodded. Kathryn smiled. "Contact Lt. Tuvok and tell him that I okayed you for the mission." From the looks on their faces, she knew that she was doing the right thing. All three were Maquis and it was imperative for morale that they be deeply involved in the search. The Captain stood and directed her next words to everyone in the hall. "I'm sure that everyone wants to volunteer for the mission, but I want you to know that those who stay behind will play just as important a part in the rescue as those that actually man the shuttles. We're *all* in this together and it will take every member of this crew either actively searching or supporting the search to find them." Kathryn smiled. "And we will find them." --- The rest of the day had gone more smoothly. Chakotay had been taken to the infirmary, such as it was, and his hands had been properly bandaged. Tom was given additional bandages and salve to use that evening and a cotton shirt to replace his vest. "I wish that we'd used my vest to bandage my hands. Maybe I could have gotten a shirt." Tom looked over at the man leaning against the table in the center of their cabin. "If you want the shirt, I'll trade you." Looking down at himself, he laughed. "It's more your size anyway." The Commander smirked as he took in the other man's appearance. "You do look like you've raided your daddy's closet to play dress-up." A snicker. "You look about six." Tom placed his hands on his hips and tried to look indignant. It wasn't easy with the neckline of his new shirt hanging off one shoulder, or the fact that it was so long that you couldn't see his shorts. "I look ten! Besides it would be even longer on you. I'd hate to run into the person that they made it for," he said flopping down on the bed. Chakotay's laughter rang out. "After we eat, I'll cut part of the bottom off the shirt and you can use it as a belt." "Oh, great! Then I'll just look like I'm wearing a dress." Tom's grin slowly died. "Chakotay, I'm beginning to get a little worried about this 'Becoming' that they keep mentioning. What are they going to do to me so that I can bear your kids?" The older man crossed to where Tom was sitting on the bed. "I'm going to try to ask Seshway or the guard captain tomorrow. There's an outside chance that they don't know that the males of our species can't bear children without a lot of help." "Somehow I don't think that's the case." Tom frowned. "I lied earlier. This 'Becoming' that they keep talking about doesn't just worry me, it scares me shitless. What if it's just what it sounds like? I have grown kind of fond of all my parts." Chakotay grinned. "You and a number of the women on Voyager." Tom rolled his eyes. "A lot fewer than everyone makes it sound like. If I was having sex with everyone that they claim I am, I'd be exhausted." "I have to admit that I wondered." A sidelong glance. "Do you realize that we haven't had an argument since we got here?" Tom gingerly lay back across the bed, mindful of his sore back. "I don't know about you, but I'm too damned tired. I never knew gardening was such hard work." Chakotay laughed and leaned back next to Tom. "This is just a bit more involved than *gardening*. Did you ever do anything like this before?" "Sort of. My mother's father had a huge vegetable garden that we used to help with when we went to visit. When you're a kid though, something that you do that rarely can seem more like play." Tom smiled. "Especially when it involved my Grandpa. He was the greatest. He didn't give a shit about Starfleet. I was just his grandson. I just wish that we could have seen him more often." "Why couldn't you?" "He and my Dad didn't see eye to eye on much of anything. Definitely not about the way my dad treated my mom. She was more a trophy than anything else." "How about you?" Tom looked away. "How about me, what?" "You and your father. Were you a trophy too?" Chakotay began to wish he hadn't asked at the look of sadness on the younger man's face. "Believe it or not, I love him. He's disowned me, but I more or less deserved that." Tom looked back at Chakotay. "All I ever wanted was for him to be proud of me. When he talked about any of my accomplishments, it was as if he was taking the credit. *He* got me into Starfleet. *He* made sure that I was the best pilot around. *He* would ensure that I became the youngest captain ever. *He* would choose what was best for my life. It was always about what he wanted." Tom sighed. "I just wanted to fly." --- It turned out that Chakotay never had the chance to ask Seshway about the Becoming. Just before dawn, four guards entered the cabin and took Tom away in a shuttle. When the older man had tried to prevent it, he was restrained and placed in a cell in the guard shack. That afternoon Chakotay lay on a cot with his arm over his eyes. Any attempt at questioning the other man's whereabouts had been met with silence. The Commander was a patient man in most things, but not when the welfare of someone in his charge was at stake. Even Tom Paris. "I understand that you have questions regarding your mate's condition." Chakotay sat up and glared at the man before him. "His name is Tom. He is not my mate. We are both males. Our species needs a female and a male to reproduce." Any attempt at diplomacy was long gone. "Your names do not concern me. Neither does your sex. That can be corrected." The big man's stomach dropped through the floor. "What do you mean corrected, and why is it so necessary that I reproduce? And for that matter, why is it so important that I reproduce with him?" Chakotay was beginning to lose patience. Acquiescence had never been one of his strong points. "You are prime stock and it would be a shame for your kind to die out in a single generation. I am not a proponent of mixing species; there are too many chances for genetic errors. The bright one is the only other of your kind the Overseers were able to acquire. Therefore, we will adapt." "It sounds like Tom will be doing the adapting." Seshway's smile reminded the Commander of a jungle cat. "You are quite correct. Your *mate*," he emphasized, smiling again at Chakotay's frown, "is well on his way through the change as we speak. However, it takes several days for the genetic adaptations to be completed and monitored for any errors. It would not do for there to be any mistakes in a creature with such potential. Your offspring will be quite valuable on the open market. Strong and attractive." Chakotay was up and at the bars to his cell. "Valuable on the open market? You tear the children away from their parents?" Seshway stopped on his way out the door and turned. "I find it difficult to keep families together. It causes obedience problems. Your mate will produce and once the little ones are weaned, they will be sold to others. All compounds such as this have nurseries where new stock is prepared for life in service." Chakotay sank back onto the cot and fought to keep from becoming ill. The thought of infants being taken from their mothers and sold further into slavery was appalling. The whole scenario hit too close to what his people were enduring at the hands of the Cardassians. --- Searing pain coursed through his body. It felt as if his internal organs were melting. Paris screamed and fought his restraints. A figure in a deep red smock injected a fluid into a line leading into Tom's left arm. Blackness began to crowd the edges of his vision as he fought to focus on the figure above him. *Please God, make them stop........* --- "In the past twenty-four days, we have scanned approximately thirty-five percent of the planets in this area. In comparison to most of the life forms in these two systems, Terrans are distinct enough to accelerate most of the planetary scans." Janeway was surprised to hear her temporary second-in- command actually sigh. From the glances in his direction, she wasn't the only one. Tuvok continued. "There is a high rate of interplanetary travel however, and monitoring this to prevent the Commander and Lt. Paris from slipping through our search pattern has been tedious." Kathryn fought back a smile. After years of friendship, she was an old hand at reading the Vulcan's unspoken thoughts. The previous statement had been as close as she would ever come to hearing him come out and wish that everyone would just stay the hell in one place for a while. "Thank you, Tuvok. Everyone, pass on the word that I am impressed with the level of dedication and ability that the crew has put forward in the past weeks." The two empty chairs to her left and the response of her senior staff every time they looked in that direction was painful to see. She made a decision to move any further briefings from the formal conference room to her ready room. The Captain looked down towards the far end of the table. "Mr. Neelix, I would like you to open up all the mess hall replicators for unlimited use and make an announcement of the fact." Neelix nodded eagerly and Kes diffidently spoke up. "I think that is a wonderful idea, Captain, but may I make a suggestion?" Janeway smiled at the elfin blonde. "Of course, Kes." "I'm not suggesting anything that would actually resemble a celebration, Captain, but I think that it's important that you be in the mess hall to talk with the crew. I believe that they need the reassurance of seeing you and being able to directly ask you questions instead of filtering things through department heads." Kes looked as if she were concerned at the Captain's reaction to her statements. Kathryn wondered again at Kes' innate ability to read others. *Of course, with telempathic ability, it might not be that hard.* "That's an excellent idea. I would like the rest of you to attend also. Let's plan on putting some effort into rumor control tonight. Dismissed." Tuvok stayed seated as the others filed out of the room. "It would seem that you are aware of the rumors of abandoning the search." Janeway leaned back in her chair and momentarily closed her eyes. "I'm afraid so. Even after everything we've been through together, there is still a definite schism between the former Maquis and the Starfleet crew." "Most of them do not consider themselves to be *former* Maquis, even now. They became members of this crew at the orders of *their* captain and now he is missing. You have proven yourself to be a worthy leader to the Maquis and normally they would follow you to their deaths. But if the search were called off, an attempt at mutiny could be a real threat." Kathryn's first inclination towards her friend was anger that he would actually consider the possibility that she might cancel the search. Then she realized that as both a Vulcan and her friend, Tuvok would consider that possibility only from the viewpoint of the ultimate good of Voyager and expect her to do the same. There was no emotion involved. "At this point in time, there are no plans to cancel the search. It would take a lot more than the time constraints on our voyage home to get me to cancel it. That is what we have to get across tonight, and I'm trusting you to help me." --- Chakotay quietly entered the cabin with a bucket of fresh water. Tom had spent almost a week and a half at the center. Upon his/*her?* return, the Commander had been excused from field work until his mate was completely well. The big man pulled a chair over to the bed and wet a cloth in the newly filled basin. He carefully wiped the sweat from Tom's face and neck, and then began on the arms. Chakotay purposely tried to refrain from thinking about Tom in terms of gender. It would be difficult enough when Tom regained consciousness and had to deal with it personally. "Please... no." Deep sapphire eyes opened and made an attempt to focus. The soft alto voice surprised the Commander. He removed the cloth that he had placed on the smooth forehead. Gently easing an arm under Tom's shoulders, he lifted the slight body and held a cup of cool water to Paris' lips. "You're staring." "Sorry." Chakotay tried to look any place else as he helped Tom to drink, but the transformation was fascinating. The facial features were basically the same but the whole effect was softer, a little more rounded. Tom turned away when he finished drinking and the Commander was graced with the view of an elegant throat as he placed the cup on the small table next to the bed. "Do you feel like trying to sit up?" Tom shook her head and Chakotay moved back. "I'll be just outside if you need anything." Chakotay crossed to the door and escaped outside. *Damn it, that is Tom Paris.* Granted, they had been getting along better since this whole thing had started, but the feelings that he had now were beginning to drive him insane. The Commander slumped down onto a stool next to the door. *And what was that scent?* Ever since they had returned Tom, Chakotay had been assailed by the smell of peaches. He had given Tom two complete baths since returning three days ago, *Don't go there, Big Man,* and still there was the lingering scent of fresh peaches. *Spirits, I can't even go near Tom without my mouth watering. That would get a reaction.* "Chakotay...." The Commander jumped up and hurried into the cabin. "What's wrong?" Tom looked startled and then smiled shyly. "Umm, nothing's really the matter. Oh hell, I have to go pee." The combination of that melodic voice and Paris' speech patterns was a bit shocking. Chakotay gave himself a mental shake and moved to help Tom from the bed. Two weeks without physical activity had taken its toll. "Shit! How long have I been out. I can't even stand up." Tom's eyes grew large as the change in her voice finally dawned. She clutched at the Commander, closing her eyes. "I had completely forgotten why I was ill..." Tom opened her eyes and slowly looked down. "Oh, my god..." Chakotay caught Tom as she collapsed. "So much for calm acceptance." Chakotay lifted Tom and turned back to the bed. Once again, he was hit with the scent of peaches. Sitting back against the head of the bed with a lap full of Tom Paris, Chakotay was tempted to laugh. Then he was tempted to kiss her. *Shit, where did that come from?!* The Commander not-so-gently rolled Tom onto the bed and back away. Paris groaned. Chakotay was pulled from his chaotic thoughts as a shadow filled the doorway. Seshway and two guards entered. Stopping at the foot of the bed, the men leered down at Tom as she slowly pulled herself to a sitting position. "Oh, yes. They have outdone themselves this time." Seshway moved slowly towards Tom and inhaled deeply. Opening his eyes, he looked towards the Commander. "I don't normally indulge, but I may be forced to make an exception. She is quite breathtaking." The man sat on the edge of the bed and ran one dark blue finger up Tom's thigh. The contrast in their skin colors was striking. "You smell like summer fruit, pretty one," he murmured huskily. Turning to Chakotay, "You have noticed your mate's new scent?" The big man nodded. "That is a pleasant side effect of the procedure. However, you may find yourself having to make sure that the other males understand that you do not plan to share.....unless you do?" "I do not." Chakotay moved forward to stand next to the bed. Seshway smiled coolly and stood. "I told you that you would become closer through necessity." He laughed. "The scent just insures it." The two watched as Seshway and his guards left the room. "Chakotay, what does he mean, 'my scent'? I can't smell a thing." *Spirits!* The big man was reduced to silence as he watched Tom lift her head and inhale in curiosity. This Tom was similar to the male Tom in that she was long and lean, but gods, she had curves in all the right places. The Commander's eyes slowly moved down the slim body, taking in the pert breasts and the narrow waist which flared into lean yet curvy hips. He continued his silent wandering down the luscious alabaster thighs and calves to take in the slim ankles and long narrow feet. The fact that they had dressed her in a cropped lace-up version of his vest and a pair of very brief shorts didn't help in the least. Chakotay had the feeling that he was going to have to fight the other males off with a club. He never even noticed that his mind had just made the adjustment to Tom as a woman. "Uh, Chakotay? I'm up here." The older man started and blushed as he met Tom's eyes. "Don't be embarrassed, I'd probably do the same if it were you." Tom smiled. "After all, it has been a while since either of us has seen a human female." "I don't think that I'd look quite as good as a woman. And I do have to apologize. I get pissed off at them and then do exactly the same thing." "I'll get mad later. Right now, I'm in shock." Tom closed her eyes and drew a breath, blushing. "Umm, Chakotay, I still have to go to the bathroom." The Commander laughed. "Let's see what we can do to fix the problem." --- "Chakotay, you never did answer my question. What scent was Seshway talking about?" The Commander looked across the table at Tom. Dinner had been fairly quiet; each party had a lot of adjusting to do. "You smell like peaches." Tom's eyes widened. "Peaches? I still don't smell anything," she said with a sniff. "Believe me, it's there." Chakotay colored when he realized how much he had given away. "I'm bothering you?" Tom took their plates and moved to the counter under the window. Taking the kettle from the cook stove, he heated the wash water and left them to soak. " peaches." Their eyes met and Tom looked away. "But it *really* bothers you that it's Tom Paris that smells so good." Chakotay moved to stand in front of her. "I don't know...a little, I guess." Tom's gaze hardened. "All right...a lot." Tom slid out and around the Commander and walked out of the cabin. Chakotay sighed and followed. Tom was standing beneath the shade tree next to the end of their cabin. Everyone else had long retired. Everyone else still had to work in the morning. "Chakotay, I know that you'll never forgive me for agreeing to help the Captain. Hell, I don't think *I'll* ever forgive myself for it." Tom turned and sought out the older man's eyes. "All I will say is that I had to get out of there." Chakotay wanted badly to ask what had been so bad that Tom would be willing to betray people that he had worked and fought along side, but refrained. There was something in the other's stance that said, *Don't ask me, I can't speak of it aloud.* Instead he just nodded. "I have come to the conclusion that it's impossible to say what I would or wouldn't have done in your position." Tom gave a small choked laugh. "Well, I know. You would have been your same noble self. What's that old saying? Death before dishonor? You should have that tattooed on your chest." Chakotay started to retort and then noticed that Tom was not joking. "I'm far from noble, Tom. I've done some things supposedly in the name of freedom that came dangerously close to plain old revenge." Tom looked up blankly. "What's wrong with revenge? They killed your father and stole your home world, for gods' sakes! When my dad came home after being captured by the Cardassians, I wanted to kill them all and I was just a kid. All I knew was that what little understanding and love that my father used to dole out was completely gone and it would never be coming back." Tom pulled her foot back as if to kick the tree and then thought better of it. "I know that my father lived, breathed, and ate Starfleet, but I never understood why he was so vehement against my joining the Maquis. They are doing the very things he used to rave about doing." "He did?" "Hell, yes! Every once in a while, my old man would come home and lock himself in his study. He'd start drinking and after a while you'd hear talking...only you knew that he was the only one in there." Tom grimaced and then sat down at the foot of the tree. Chakotay sat beside her. "After a while, he'd start yelling about how the 'Fleet was making it impossible for him to do his job. The only people that were really accomplishing anything were the Maquis. Then he'd grow quiet. If we were lucky, he'd go to sleep and not remember any of it in the morning. If not...." Chakotay waited quietly. "If not, he'd start on us. Why were my sisters refusing to join Starfleet? Why weren't my grades any higher? How the hell did I expect to become a captain and carry on the Paris tradition if I was too stupid and lazy to try? On and on. Occasionally, it ended with us getting knocked around some, but he seemed hesitant to touch my sisters. Maybe they reminded him of Mom..." Tom leaned back and closed her eyes. Chakotay thought about parental expectations and how they could drive a child into something that they wouldn't normally have done. Finally, "I guess I know what you mean. My father wanted me to adopt the old ways and I was so sure that the time for the past was in the past. I was going to Starfleet and I was going straight to the top." Chakotay shook his head. "Maybe you should have been a Paris. Sounds like you had enough drive to please even my father." Chakotay stood and reached down to pull Tom to her feet. "Nothing personal, Poocuh, but I'll pass." Tom grinned. "I don't blame you. Most of the time, I would have passed too." --- Tom was deemed fit to return to the fields the next afternoon. Her return was met with a mixed reception. The women treated her with suspicion, even though a few of them had gone through the Becoming themselves. But then, none of them had come out looking quite like Tom Paris. The men seemed quite pleased with the changes that had been made and a number of them had approached the Commander with the offer to trade mates for a day or so. Chakotay politely turned them down. His answer that he wanted some time to 'get to know' his new mate brought grins and slaps on the back. The older man had seen Tom's look at this response, and he figured that he'd hear about it that evening. He did, but not in the way that he expected. Tom had been very quiet. Chakotay had at first decided that she was still tired from the change. But after a while, he noticed a slight agitation in her movements as if she were fighting to keep calm. "Tom, do we need to talk?" A shake of the down-turned head. Chakotay's gaze was caught by the bouncing silky curls. He sighed and put down the plate that he was washing. "I think that we do. I get the feeling that I've done something and I'm not sure-" He suddenly remembered the talk from earlier in the day. Crossing to where Tom still sat at the table, he pulled a chair up next to her and sat down. "I had to say that, Tom. Some of those men were getting pretty insistent. Apparently, wife trading isn't that uncommon around the compound." A pair of blue eyes sparkled in the lantern light. "I know that. I thought about it while I was working, and I know that you have to keep up appearances. What worries me are the comments from the others, including Seshway. If we're here much longer, they going to expect me to start putting out." Tom reached out and placed a gentle hand on the big man's arm. "Try not to freak out on me here, but I have to say this. There is no type of birth control here and the thought of carrying a child scares me half to death. But the idea that it could belong to any of them, especially Seshway scares me even more." Chakotay choked. "What are you trying to say?" Tom closed her eyes and shuddered. Taking a deep breath, she re-opened them and looked into the dark brown ones before her. "I want you to get me pregnant." --- "Captain." Kathryn slowly turned and looked up at her senior Ops officer. "Yes, Harry." The young man's smile faltered slightly as he took in the extreme weariness in the woman's stance. "Captain, we've finished the Conari system and are ready to head into the next section of our search." "Thank you, Ensign. Helm, take us out of the system and take up position for the next set of scans. Mr. Tuvok, advise the shuttle crews that we will be ready to start the search again at 1700." "Aye, Captain." There was a pause. "Captain, may I speak to you for a moment?" The face before her gave nothing away. "Very well." She looked to her right. "Lt. Torres, you have the bridge. Mr. Tuvok?" The two silently made for the Captain's ready room. Kathryn went straight to the replicator and ordered a coffee and a Surellian tea. Handing the latter to her friend, she relaxed onto the couch. "Let me guess. You have observed that I seem to be overworked and approaching exhaustion." A perfect eyebrow raised in response to the statement. "Indeed. My newest observation is that you have heard this before." Kathryn laughed out loud. Very few were privileged enough to experience Tuvok's rather arid humor. "Thank you, my friend. I needed to laugh. But you're right. The doctor, Kes and Neelix, hell, even B'Elanna Torres has come out and commented on my fading good looks." "Somehow I doubt that was exactly what was said." "No, most of them simply offered to take care of things and would I *please* go get some rest. The Doctor simply ordered me to quarters." "You do not appear to have taken their suggestions." Janeway looked at her friend. "I know that this won't leave the room." Tuvok inclined his head. "The latest failures to find Chakotay and Tom have me somewhat worried that we may never find them." Kathryn stood and began to pace. "What if they weren't taken to another planet? What if they're being used as labor on another starship?" She took a deep breath. "What if they aren't even alive?" Tuvok moved to stand in her path. Gently taking her arm, he led her back to the couch. "Captain, I understand your worry. And I do not wish to voice this, but it is highly probable that we will never find our crew mates. There were simply too many possibilities to make an efficient search." At the pain in her eyes, "You have made all the correct choices. Whether we ever find them or we are finally forced to go on with our journey without the Commander and Mr. Paris, you can know that every member of this crew is aware of just what you have done to find them." "Now, at the risk of sounding redundant, you must rest." He gently guided her back to rest against the end of the couch. Kathryn was so tired, she didn't even question her friend's very unusual actions. "You have given all the necessary orders and we will carry on for you." Fingers touched her temple and a command went deep into her subconscious. "Sleep." And she did. --- Chakotay jumped back as if he had been burned. A first attempt at a response failed completely, and he was left gasping like a beached fish. "Chakotay, you don't have to answer now, but please think about it from my point of view." Tom stood and took the lantern over to the bedside. Glancing up, she saw that the Commander seemed to think fresh air was in order and was quickly making his escape. Sighing, she put out the lamp and crawled to the far side of the bed. *What the hell is she thinking of?* The big man had been pacing for the past half hour and felt no calmer. Deep inside his mind, he understood Tom's request, but...... --- Tom was inside the cabin preparing her next set of arguments. They had been gone for almost two months and there had been no sign of Voyager. It wasn't as if she were asking him to marry her and go off to live in some vine-covered cottage. Although, she thought with a laugh, that was a little too close to what was going on. What was it then? If they were already as good as married, and some time, some *one* was going to get her pregnant, why shouldn't it be Chakotay? Tom sat up with a gasp. *What the hell was I thinking of?!? I'm a guy! Granted, I'm a guy in a girl's body right now, but I'm a freaking guy!* Tom thought back over the last week. It had been frighteningly easy to adjust to being female. It had to have been something in the treatments. It was a cinch that *he'd* never be asking Big Man for a kid otherwise. Fighting back a hysterical giggle, Tom lay back and pulled the blanket up. *I just need *lots* of sleep, that's all.* --- Chakotay slipped back into the darkened cabin and stood looking down at the figure in his bed. There was just enough moonlight to outline the slim body lying on its back on the far side of the bed. As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he began to pick out the regal features, a couple of curls on the pale forehead and a slim hand curled next to the cheek. Chakotay was hit with a wave of desire so deep that it frightened him. *This is Tom Paris!* said a voice. *You've been using that as an excuse ever since you first met,* said a second. Chakotay thought back to what he had told Tom before and really began to question the circumstances that had led to both of them being on Voyager. He might never know what forced Paris to accept the Captain's offer. All he really knew was that he no longer hated Tom be honest he hadn't for a long while. But it had been much easier to keep from examining other feelings by ignoring that fact. The other and far more painful fact being that he had wanted Tom Paris from the first moment they had met. --- For the second time in a recent memory, Chakotay found himself in his bed with a lap full of Tom Paris... and two arms full, and everything in between. Waking slowly from a dream of his mother baking deep dish peach cobbler, the Commander had found Tom's head snuggled into his neck. The long slender body was lying against his and Chakotay was embarrassed to find that he had both arms and a leg tightly wrapped around the warm form in front of him. "Mmmmmmm. Don't wake me." Tom suddenly stiffened as she obviously remembered just who she was talking to. Chakotay had to chuckle. "Is there a problem, Lieutenant?" Tom began to carefully disengage from the older man. "Well, considering the conversation we had earlier this week in which we decided that there would be no baby, this is probably a mistake." Chakotay nuzzled Tom under the left ear. "There are things that we can do that won't result in a baby, Poocuh." Tom pulled back and looked into Chakotay's eyes. "Where *is* this coming from? You just have a yearning for peaches all of a sudden?" Chakotay smiled. "To tell you the truth, this would have happened sooner, but this is our first day off. Getting up a couple of hours before dawn and working twelve hours a day under the hot sun just isn't conducive to romance." Ton looked skeptical but didn't argue. Instead, she ran one warm hand into the back of the big man's shorts. Chakotay grinned and reciprocated. After a certain amount of giggling, kisses and disrobing, the pair lay skin to skin. The Commander pressed Tom onto her back. "This is your maiden to speak. Just let me do the work." Tom purred as he placed a series of kisses across her collar bone and then gently licked her left nipple. "Oh, gods! Women definitely have the better half of the deal on those." Chakotay worked at first one nipple and then the other, trading back and forth until Tom was a shivering mess. *Step two.* The big man then kissed his way down the pale belly, paying special attention to the navel. "Chaaa....." Chakotay decided that he liked his new nickname. "Say it again, baby." Tom smiled and Chakotay nipped and then sucked on the inside of her right thigh. "CHAAAA!!" *And we have a winner.* Chakotay repeated the action on the left thigh and then placed a gentle kiss just above the nest of reddish curls. The Commander had gone into peach overload. It was all he could do to keep from burying himself deep inside the lush wetness just below him. Parting the curls, he took an experimental lick and was rewarded. "You even taste like peaches!" Tom began to laugh and after a moment Chakotay joined her. Making his way back up her body, the Commander pulled Tom into a searing kiss, running his hand down her stomach. A finger found its way into her body. Another soon followed. Tom's back arched and she wrapped her legs around her lover. Chakotay forced a pillow under her hips and quickly entered her body. Tom stiffened with a hiss, and the big man tried to withdraw. "No!" Clutching at her lover, Tom just shook her head at his look of worry. Any discomfort was soon forgotten as the perfect rhythm was soon found. The two lovers soon lured each other to orgasm with heated caresses and kisses. --- "I think we got carried away." Tom stretched and then pulled Chakotay's head to her breast. "That's a possibility. But my opinion has come full circle. As unpleasant as the thought may seem, if we stay on this damned planet much longer, I will probably end up pregnant, and I can't think of anyone else that I would want to be the father." "Considering the competition, I not sure that's a compliment." Tom bit Chakotay on the neck. "That's *not* the reason I made love to you, smart ass." "Insolence is a punishable offense, Lieutenant." "Oooh, hurt me, Big Man." This was met with a choked groan. "Hey, I struck a nerve there, but it feels like a good one!" Tom reached down between them and quickly brought her lover to full arousal. The result was even more explosive and pleasurable than the first time. Chakotay lay back with a moan. Next to him was a luscious heap of fragrantly exhausted female. "Spirits, baby! We keep that up and they won't have to work us to death. We'll kill ourselves first!" --- Tom and Chakotay had quickly adapted to their new relationship and enjoyed exploring each other thoroughly every morning and evening. Their next day off was spent gathering food for the coming week, cleaning what they laughingly called home and washing their 'good' clothing. The guards had finally provided them with more clothing, some more cooking utensils and a broom. Tom grumbled about being assigned the duties of house 'wife' while Chakotay gathered the food and wood. "You seem awfully happy to enforce everyone's idea that I'm the 'little' woman, Commander." Chakotay grinned. "First of all, at six foot you're hardly the 'little' anything." The older man ducked as a soggy cloth sailed past. "Now, now, dearest, don't get upset." He seemed to have forgotten that Tom had taken the same self defense courses he did, and suddenly found himself lying across the bed with his not-so-petite mate astride him. "Take it back, *sweetheart*." Chakotay grinned and shook his head. "OK, *lovebug*, we're going to play 'Find his hot spots'. My own special brand of torture." Tom pulled off her smock and smiled as evidence of the Commander's interest in the game arose to meet her. "Very nice." Tom grabbed her smock and pulled it quickly over her head as Seshway entered the cabin. Chakotay slid out from under her and stood. "Is there something that you need?" Seshway smiled and sat down at the table. "Actually, I was here to make sure that your mate had adjusted to her new life. It's obvious that she has." Chakotay moved to stand between Tom and the other man. "My mate is doing just fine. There is currently nothing that we need." *Except to get the hell out of here.* "That is good to hear. Come here, pretty one." Tom hesitated and then moved towards the table. Seshway looked her over and then placed one hand on her stomach. "Are you carrying yet?" Tom looked nonplused. "I have no idea. I wouldn't even know how to tell." Seshway looked amused. "Report to the infirmary in the morning. Once you are bearing, it will be all right to allow the others to lay with you." Tom went chalk white and swayed slightly. "I told you that I didn't plan to share her." It was obvious that Seshway resented Chakotay's tone of voice. "What you want and what I allow may be two different things." Their owner nodded and left the cabin. The Commander embraced Tom and then helped her to the bed. Although it was still light, he closed the door and the shutters. Moving back to the bed, he spooned up behind Tom and held her tightly. "Chakotay, I can't do that, I just can't," she sobbed. The big man turned her gently and pulled her head against his shoulder. Chakotay sighed. He wasn't sure that there was any way to prevent it. --- Chakotay looked down at the form in his arms. He had gotten little if any sleep; his mind too busy running through plans for their escape. After observing the guards for the last couple of months, he was sure that they had no type of tracking equipment. If he could get himself and Tom out of the compound and and away, they would stand a chance of escaping. But where to? They had no idea of what lay in any direction or how difficult it would be to survive without means for providing food, shelter or clothing. Tom stirred and looked up at the man who held her. It still worried her at times at how easy it was to simply accept the changes to her body, but all in all the experience had its perks. One of them was the big warm hand insinuating itself between their chests. "Morning, love." The term of endearment seemed to startle both parties. "Cha?" Even in moonlight, the question in Tom's eyes was clear. "I guess that sort of sneaked up on both of us, but yes, I do love you." Chakotay tenderly kissed the tear that slowly slid down Tom's cheek. "I guess we're in trouble then, because I feel the same way." Tom abruptly sat up and wrapped her arms around her knees. "Hell, Big Man, when did that happen?" The Commander smiled and pulled at her waist until she stretched out beside him again. "I'm not going to worry about the when's and how's." Rolling over to cover her with his body, he gently cupped one breast. "I'm just going to enjoy it." --- Janeway blew through the door from her ready room and strode to the command chair. "When did you first start picking up the warp signature?" "About ten minutes ago. It definitely matches the cargo ship that the trader met at Conari Prime. I think we hit pay dirt, Captain." Harry's eyes were shining. "I hope so, Ensign. Mr. Batehart, find that ship. We're going to get some answers." --- Tom sat at the candlelit table and tried to hide her fear. When the guards had escorted Tom from the fields, Chakotay had tried to intervene. Fortunately, he was too valuable a commodity to severely injure and was merely taken to the holding cell in the main guard shack. Tom was escorted to Seshway's home about a kilometer away. Subjected to a thorough bathing by a pair of weary looking Kazon women, she was then forced into a sleeveless blue gown and matching slippers. Skin tight, it left nothing to the imagination. Tom was then taken into a library and left to wait. Seshway had soon joined her and they had spent an unnerving half-hour making 'small-talk'. Another servant announced that the meal was ready to be served and the two made their way to a dining room big enough to house half of the crew of Voyager. The dinner was excellent but Tom was hesitant to sample the drink, fearing some kind of drug. As if reading her mind, "That's nothing but fermented fruit juice, pretty one. I want nothing to interfere with our coming together tonight." Tom fought her rising panic. "You said that I would be with no one until I was carrying Chakotay's child." "That will not be a problem; you need not worry. And I assure you that you will enjoy yourself tonight." Seshway gestured for the maid to refill his glass. "Tell me, is your mate an adequate lover?" Tom choked. Glaring, she replied. "He's more than adequate, he's wonderful. I have no wish to be with anyone else!" Seshway smiled. "Your wishes are of no consequence. Just my desires." Another smile. "I knew that you'd look wonderful in that gown." --- The 'male' Tom was more than capable of defending himself. The 'female' Tom, didn't have the bulk and brute strength to count on. Seshway soon had her pinned to the bed. "Get off of me, you son of a bitch!" Tom shrieked. Seshway just laughed and then slapped her hard. --- "Captain, I've got a match on a human male." B'Elanna looked up. "It looks like the Commander." "No readings from Tom?" Torres shook her head. "Do we go for it?" Janeway gave a brisk nod. "Get him and then we'll go from there. Beam him directly here to the bridge." --- Seshway ripped Tom's gown from neck to waist and began to roughly paw her breasts. "If this is your idea of something I'd enjoy, you're crazy!" The man stopped. "I did promise that you'd enjoy yourself, now didn't I? Oh, well, at least I will." --- Chakotay opened his eyes to find Kathryn standing over him. He looked around wildly. "Where's Tom!" B'Elanna looked frustrated. "I'm not picking up any other humans in the compound." "She's not in the compound. Seshway has her at his house." Janeway placed a hand on the big man's arm. "Her?" Chakotay ran a hand over his face. "It's a long story, Captain. But we've got to look for a human female somewhere within a couple of kilometers of the main compound." --- Tom knew it was a lost cause but still refused to give up. Seshway was bleeding from several scratches, but unfortunately seemed to have enjoyed their little wrestling match. "That was quite stimulating, pretty one, but I feel the need to complete our dance." Tom was roughly thrown back across the bed with her owner holding her hands above her head. She could feel him hard against her belly and knew that no one could help her. --- "Damn it! How hard is it to scan a few square kilometers!" Kathryn placed a hand on her second-in-command's arm, calming him. "We'll find Tom. We just have to be careful." "Captain, there's no time for careful. That bastard has taken her up there to rape her." Janeway turned to Torres. "B'Elanna?" The young woman bit her lip as her hands flew over the console. "What about you, Starfleet? You got anything?" "No. Wait! Wait a minute!" A frown. "What the hell is this house made out of?" Harry smiled. "Whatever this house is made out of was blocking the scanners." "Captain, I have located a Terran female. Basic scans match Lt. Paris." Tuvok looked up. "She is not alone. We will have to beam them both up." Chakotay reached down between the command seats and came up with two phasers. Handing one to the Captain, he said, "We don't have much choice short of going down there." Kathryn nodded. "Less possibility of outside interference this way. Mr. Kim, transport them to the bridge." An armed Tuvok joined his superior officers in front of the command chairs. --- Tom was too exhausted to fight any longer. Seshway had forced himself between her thighs and was attempting to penetrate her. He was too involved in his efforts to notice as the transporter beam whisked them away. "Get away from her!" Tom heard phaser fire and tried to open her eyes as she felt gentle arms lift her. They began to carry her towards the lift. Giving in, she let the darkness fall. --- "God....what hit me?" Tom's eyes finally opened and there was the Doctor, the Captain, and Chakotay. "How long have I been out?" Kes approached from the other side and lifted her head for a brief sip of water. "About twenty-four hours." The Doctor looked at the Captain. "You're feeling residual shock from your attack and the phaser blast used to stun your attacker. "Tom? How do you feel?" Kathryn blushed. "I'm mean, aside from the fact that you're a woman." Tom smiled. "I'm used to that part. All in all, I feel OK...sort of like I've been on a two day drunk." She took another drink and then froze. "What happened with Seshway?" Chakotay looked grim. "We beamed him back down to the planet. Due to the Prime Directive, we couldn't even release the slaves." Tom could tell that it was more than a sore point with the big man. She also noticed that the Captain and the Commander weren't looking at one another. "Doc, will you be able to change me back?" The holoDoctor smiled. "I've been checking your scans and while it will take a bit of work, we can give you back your Y chromosome. There is one thing, however." He paused. Tom fought to keep from hitting him. "What?!" Chakotay took her hand. "You're pregnant." Tom had never seen his eyes look so dark. "You're carrying our son." --- Aghast. That was the only word for the look on everyone's faces as Tom began to laugh. Concern quickly replaced it and the Doctor began to prepare a hypospray. "Don't! I'm all right. It's just...." Tom looked at Chakotay and gave a rueful grin. "Now that I don't have to worry about the other men, I'm pregnant?" The Doctor looked mildly amused. "Actually, you are approximately three weeks pregnant." Tom silently counted backwards and came up with the probable episode that caused her pregnancy. "Our first time? Chakotay, I'm impressed." The Commander turned brick red and Janeway coughed to cover a laugh. She waited until the big man managed to look everyone in the eye again and then spoke. "I don't know how you two will want to handle this. Tom, are you comfortable with the crew seeing you this way or do you want us to get the official word out first?" Kathryn didn't explain that the rumor mill had pretty much completed the task. *Gods!* "Captain, I think I need a little time. Could you get them to beam me directly to my quarters first?" Kathryn met her first officer's gaze and nodded. "Take all the time you need. I'll send out a shipwide notice that the two of you are back and are resting for a day or so before you have visitors." She grinned. "Doctor's orders. Isn't that right, Doctor?" A smirk. "Yes, I feel them coming on now, Captain." The holoDoc turned to his patients. "I want the two of you to rest for the next twenty-four hours. No visitors. Did I leave anything out, Captain?" "No, that will do just fine." Kathryn turned to the couple before her. "I imagine that the two of you have quite a bit of talking to do." --- Tom lay in her lover's arms and listened to the strong heart beat under her cheek. It was a comforting sound; one that spoke of security, peace and love. Chakotay stirred and then settled again, drawing his arms just a little tighter around his precious burden. "Still awake, baby?" "Yes, and it's beginning to drive me crazy. I keep thinking about the three options that the Doc gave me. Abortion, which in my mind isn't an option at all..." Chakotay relaxed a bit upon hearing that. Tom continued. "I could also find another woman to carry our child so that I can have the procedure to change back, *or* stay a woman for another year or so in order to carry the baby myself. Gods!" Chakotay raised a hand and began to stroke the soft red-gold hair lying on his chest. "You're already almost a month along; why would you have to stay a woman for another year?" Tom blushed. "If I'm going to do it, I'm going to do it right. That includes breast feeding for a few months after the birth." The big man was floored. "You're a better man than I am. I mean, I would consider having the baby, but breast feeding? Ouch!" Tom giggled. "Right now, I'm not a man at all. Maybe that's why I can even consider it." She raised her head from Chakotay's chest and looked into his eyes. "Cha, that's another thing I need to talk to you about. Where are we going with all of this? Do you want to stay together even if I do go back to being a guy?" The Commander pulled into a sitting position, leaning back against the head of the bed. Running his hands through his hair, he grinned. "I realize that we weren't exactly close before this all happened--" Tom rolled her eyes. "--but I have finally faced the fact that I've always been attracted to you." He lifted Tom so that she was sitting sideways with her rump comfortably wedged between his legs. Pulling her head to his chest, he continued. "No matter what has gone on before, I saw a side to Tom Paris during the last few months that I had never considered before." A kiss. "Tom Paris is brave, compassionate, a generous lover..." Another kiss more heated than the first. "...and someone that I can't comprehend not spending the rest of my life with." Chakotay ran a gentle hand down the soft, soft cheek under his chin. "I know that there will be some adjustment once you go back to being a man, but that was the Tom that I was attracted to first." "So you're saying that you have no problem with someone else carrying the baby? That we're a trio whichever way this kid is born?" The big man grinned. "You're not going to let me take the easy way out on this, are you?" Tom just shook her head. Chakotay let out a big sigh. "OK. Truthfully, I wish that you would wait until after the baby is born to have the procedure. I feel that the birth will mean more to both of us if just the two of us are involved." Tom nodded. "One truth deserves another. I feel the same way, but I'm scared to death. We still haven't faced the crew. The last time that they saw us, we were barely speaking and now....gods.... now I'm a female and carrying your child! The thought of facing all the shit that's going to come our way...." Chakotay held her tightly and waited for the tremors to stop. "Love, I know it probably isn't much but it's all that I can offer when I say that I'll be beside you all the way. I also realize that I'm asking a hell of a lot. If it's going to be too much, then we'll figure out something else." --- Sleep was a long time coming for the pair, but Tom was amazingly refreshed when she woke the next morning. "Cha, I want to eat in the mess hall this morning." The Commander looked doubtful. They both had heard the announcement that they were safe and to wait a day before visiting. By now, the rumor mill would be in warp mode. Kathryn had commed them the night before saying that she had advised the section heads of Tom's gender change. "Do you think that's wise? Maybe we should wait a bit and give everyone a chance to get used to the news." "Nope. I want to go before I chicken out." She gave a wicked grin. "Besides I read on the ship net that breakfast might actually be palatable." "Tom, after the crap that we've eaten for the last few months, leola root stew would be palatable." "Big Man, leola root *anything* will never be palatable. Now, c'mon. If we don't hurry, Harry and B'Ela will be done and gone. I want to see their faces." --- Breakfast had been relatively low key. The highlights had been Harry and B'Elanna's synchronized dropping of their breakfast trays and Jenny Delaney's very vocal relief that she and Megan were still the best endowed women on Voyager. Tom was in a daze. There had been no catcalls, no smirks; just seemingly honest relief at having the two back safely. As she sat in sickbay going through yet another series of tests, Tom thought about her dilemma. "Doc, how long do I have to make my decision about carrying the baby?" "Of course, if you are going to find someone to carry the child for you, it's obvious that the sooner the transfer is completed, the better. But such fetal transfers have been completed safely as late as five months into the pregnancy. There are risks to waiting that long however." Tom smiled at the doctor. "I have no intention of waiting that long to make my decision, but it's nice to know that I have some time to really think it over." Stretching, Tom hopped down from the biobed. "If that's it, I want to go find the other person involved in this decision." --- Tom stood in the turbolift with Chell and Henley. The pair's conversation ground to a halt as Chell raised his head and sniffed the air. "Paris, is that you?" Tom blushed furiously as Henley looked confused. "What are you talking about? I don't smell a thing." Donna looked at her blue friend as if he'd lost his mind. Gathering her nerve, Tom replied. "Um, actually it *is* me. The procedure that they did also caused a change in my pheromones." "Well, it smells great! I think that Neelix should hire you to just sit in the mess hall. If that scent were around, I don't think anyone would even notice what they were eating." "I think it only works on men." Donna sniffed again and nodded. "I still don't smell anything." Grinning, "Does Chakotay like it?" "Yeah, he told me that he really likes peaches." "Is that what you smell like?" Tom just nodded. She decided not to add that her lover said that she tasted like them too. As the lift doors opened, Chell took another deep breath. "I bet the Commander will miss that when you change back. Mmmmm, miss a lot of things." Donna frowned at the man and pulled him from the lift. "Ignore this pig, Paris. If you want to talk, let me know." Tom nodded her thanks and walked slowly towards her quarters. Inside she quizzed the computer as to Chakotay's whereabouts. Finding that he was on the bridge, she decided on a quick nap. --- "Tommy? Baby, wake up. We really need to talk." Tom smiled and then opened her eyes. "I missed you." Holding up her arms, Tom was drawn into a warm embrace. "Tommy, I have some news and I'm not sure how you're going to take it." There was a frown line between those beautiful chocolate eyes that she loved so much, and it frightened her. "Cha, wha-at's wrong?" Chakotay pulled Tom to a sitting position and leaned back to kneel next to the bed. "Everyone knows that you're pregnant. Tuvok has found where someone hacked into the sickbay med files.....into yours in particular." He stopped the explanation when he noticed that his lover was beginning to hyperventilate. "Baby, slow down! C'mon, slow, deep breaths...slow down." Tom fought her first inclination for tears; refusing to show any sign of what had been deeply ingrained as a weakness. Taking a deep shuddering breath, Tom turned so that she was sitting on the edge of the bed with the big man kneeling between her thighs. Pulling his head to her chest, she continued to try and calm her thoughts. Rubbing a slow hand across her lover's upper back, she spoke. "We'll deal with this. It was going to have to come out sooner or later anyway. I wanted to make the decision whether to have the baby myself first, but what the hell. If they can deal with me being a chick, they can deal with a little Chakotay Jr. in the making." Chakotay just shook his head and grinned. Every day brought forth a new facet of Tom's strength and endurance for him to admire. Rising, he lifted Tom until she was lying completely on the bed. Covering her with his body, he sighed in pleasure. "I was really worried about how you'd take this, Poocuh. Again you've proved to be a stronger man than I am." Tom grinned. "I keep telling you that's because I'm not a guy right now. Normally, I'm just a bowl of mush." Chakotay kissed one side of a long, elegant neck. "You're full of it, Lieutenant. Even when we didn't get along, I admired your courage 'under fire'." He trailed a line of licks and kisses along her jaw. "Gods, Big Man, I'm really enjoying the blaze you've got going right now." Tom smiled as she felt the evidence of his 'fire' pressing into her belly. Chakotay pulled to one side a bit in order to open her shift. Drawing the light cloth aside, he nuzzled the firm breasts, nipping and suckling their nipples into hard points. Tom writhed, eventually working her long legs around her lover's hips and then running her feet down to tickle the backs of his knees. "Feels good, baby." Chakotay moved back up to cover her soft lips with his own and then teased them open with the tip of his tongue. Tom had finished working open the top of his uniform and began to pull it off of his shoulders. Without releasing her lips, he slipped first one arm and then the other free. Running his hands up her sides, Chakotay moved to circle her soft reddish-pink nipples with his thumbs. Tom arched her back and groaned. She renewed her efforts at pulling her lover's uniform off his hips. Chakotay anticipated the movement and kicked his boots off. Finally with a growl, he released her swollen lips and frantically finished undressing. Tom's shift went sailing to the far corner of the bedroom. Moving back to cover her body, Chakotay thrust his tongue deep into the sweet mouth that waited for him. Tom whimpered and opened wider for the invader. Tom's hands were far from idle. Caressing her way down his broad back, she moved to clasp his firm ass and pull the waiting hips closer to her own. Wetting her fingers with her own juices, she slipped a slim finger down into his cleft and massaged lazy circles around his entry. "Gods, baby, that's good." Tom laughed softly. "Just a preview of what's to come once I get my old body back." The finger dipped quickly inside and massaged the heated passage. "Spirits....we may have to find a way to add that to our repertoire now. That feels great!" "You mean this?" Tom added a finger and listened as her lover moaned. "Or this?" Chakotay howled as the expert fingers found that special spot. "Oh, fuck! Do that again." Chakotay was panting and pushing back against Tom's waiting fingers. She was happy to comply. Chakotay's erection was made of durasteel. Unable to wait any longer, he lifted the slim hips under him and slid home. Tom smiled wickedly and pulled his head down for a heated kiss. Chakotay began a slow thrusting into the welcoming heat. Placing his face in the hollow of her throat, the big man ran his hands under her shoulders and up to the delicate neck and head. Cupping her head in his hands, Chakotay moved to tenderly retake her waiting lips. Their pace quickened and Tom circled his waist with her legs, drawing him even deeper. "Love me, Cha!" Tom was panting with the need for completion. Soon a spiraling warmth spread out from her belly to encompass her whole being. "Yesssss!" A few frantic thrusts later, Chakotay froze and then exploded deeply into his beloved. Gently kissing away the tears that ran down Tom's flushed face, Chakotay felt a strength of emotion that was almost frightening in its intensity. Assured that his love's tears weren't from pain or sorrow, Chakotay pressed a gentle kiss against her warm lips and then carefully pulled from her body. Tom sighed at the loss of possession. And that's exactly what it was. Chakotay owned her heart, mind, body and soul. Looking deeply into his eyes, she realized that the reverse was just as true. Chakotay carefully settled his body above hers, balancing most of his weight on his knees and elbows. "Did you feel it?" Chakotay smiled against her neck. "I don't think it has ever been quite that intense before. I mean, the sex has always been fantastic, but something else was going on this time." Tom hugged him tightly. "That's what I meant. I knew I loved you before. But now? It's beyond that....I don't know how to explain it, but it's way beyond just love." Chakotay kissed her throat. "I looked down into your eyes and knew that I would quite cheerfully kill anyone that tried to hurt you. It was love and an almost scary feeling of possession. Not me owning you, but the other way round." Tom gave a start. As Chakotay raised to look into her eyes, she spoke. "That's almost exactly what I was thinking; that I was completely yours, but I could see in your eyes that you belonged to me, too." Chakotay sighed and rolled them so that they lay on their sides, entwined. "That's the way it's supposed to be, my love." --- Megan Delaney was given two months in the brig for breaking into the sickbay computer and spreading the news of Tom's pregnancy. Tom amazed everyone with her calm acceptance of the act, and then further surprised everyone by visiting Megan almost every day. When pressed for a reason, she simply shrugged. "God knows that I've done my share of stupid things in my life. In fact, mine were far worse. If people can forgive and accept me, then who am I to judge her?" Upon hearing of Tom's comments, the Captain reduced Megan's sentence to time served but added *three* months of 'civic duties', which included assisting Neelix in the kitchen, cleaning out Jefferies tubes, and the re-calibration and testing of the waste disposal units. Ms. Delaney was heard to say that she might have preferred the brig time. --- "Your son is doing fine, Lieutenant. Would you like to see him?" Tom nodded and turned to look at the terminal next to the biobed. "Am I missing something?" The Captain and Chakotay walked up and the big man planted a soft kiss on Tom's lips. "The Doc's gonna show me the baby." Chakotay grinned and leaned over to look at the screen. Kathryn moved around to stand next to the doctor. "At three months, the fetus is extremely small but quite clear." Tom reached up and wiped a tear from her lover's cheek. He took her hand and gently kissed the palm. "That's our son." His face had a look of wonder. Tom winked at the Captain. "He has your nose, Cha." Chakotay glanced up and grinned. "And your eyes." The Doctor looked askance. "It's a little early to affix blame to either parent for anything.... except the sex, of course. That's wholly your fault commander." Chakotay grinned widely. "I made myself a son!" Janeway rolled her eyes at Tom. "I think that you had a little help." "No, let him keep those thoughts, Captain. That way when I kick his butt out of bed at two a.m. to change the little monster, he can just keep that in mind." The holoDoctor cleared his throat. You'd could really forget that he wasn't human some times, thought Tom. "You are almost three months pregnant, Ms. Paris. I hate to remind you of this, but there could be repercussions should we wait much longer to transfer the fetus." Tom looked surprised. "This is going to sound crazy, but I haven't thought about any of that in days." She looked up at Chakotay who grinned at her. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Chakotay pulled her up into a hug. "You'll make a wonderful mother." --- Sam and Naomi Wildman sat side by side on the couch. Tom leaned back on the chaise longue that Chakotay had insisted on buying during their last shore leave. "You didn't have *any* morning sickness? I think I hate you!" Tom grinned. "What can I say? I'm blessed." She ran a tender hand over her swollen belly. "It has been six months and I really haven't had any problems at all." "Just you wait. In another month or so, your ankles will start to swell and you'll feel like you're smothering every time you lay on your back and you'll have mood swings bad enough to make the Commander sleep in a Jefferies tube." Both women laughed uproariously as a cautious Chakotay entered their quarters. "What'd I do?" Sam grinned. "Uh-oh. If he's acting like that, I'd say he's already been on the receiving end of a few mood swings." The big man grinned and started to answer. At the look on Tom's face, he instead shrugged and moved to the replicator. Tom's smile was feral. "Naomi, I think that it's time for us to go. Commander, if she gets to be too much, you can borrow our couch." Chakotay laughed. "Thanks, I'll keep that in mind." As the pair left, he moved to sit beside his reclining lover. "What'd you do today, baby?" Tom smiled. "Come see. They finally finished combining our quarters and I spent most of my time moving the baby's things into my old closet and chest of drawers." Gods, they really would have to do something nice for the maintenance and engineering crews thought the Commander as he took in the workmanship. "Where'd the crib come from?" Under the port stood an old style Jenny Lind crib, complete with blue sheets and blankets. "I had a few rations to burn." Chakotay noticed that the walls started as a soft pastel blue at the floor and gradually grew darker as one's eyes moved up. The Commander then noticed the mural on the ceiling. "Who..." The big man was stunned. The entire ceiling was awash with stars, nebulae, and planetary systems. Voyager sat just over the crib. "Jenny and Megan Delaney. Jenny felt so bad about what Meg had done that she browbeat her into helping paint the ceiling." "It's wonderful." Tom turned to hug the man beside her. Chakotay absently began to rub her belly. Tom grinned. "That's your favorite pastime, isn't it?" "Well, there is one other...." --- Tom sat pouting at the conn. She knew that it would be idiotic for her to have been included on the away mission, but that didn't stop her from wishing that she could be at the helm of the little shuttle easing its way into the atmosphere below them. "We've achieved synchronous orbit, Captain." "Excellent, Lieutenant. Mr. Kim, keep an eye on that shuttle, that ion field was somewhat unstable." "Aye, Captain." Harry turned back to his console and tapped the controls. "Everything looks good, Captain. They're right over the area where we read the dilithium." "Open a channel to the shuttle." "Go ahead, Captain." "Voyager to Chanteuse, come in please." Tom grinned. The Chanteuse was the newest shuttle; the first to be entirely constructed here in the Delta quadrant. Tom had won the naming contest and smiled every time that it was mentioned. She and the Captain were the only ones on the ship who knew that the shuttle was named for Tom's mother. Tom came to herself when she realized that the shuttle had not responded. Turning slightly, she met Chakotay's eyes as the Captain continued the hail. "Captain, sensors are still reading the Chanteuse. She's circling the landing site. I don't see any problems with communications." --- "The Chanteuse has landed, Captain. No incoming hails." Harry looked down at Janeway. "I show no mechanical reason for their failure to answer." "We could take a second shuttle down." B'Elanna looked as if even *she* doubted the wisdom of her suggestion. "I think we'll wait. Procedures give Mr. Carey twenty minutes before he has to respond. If we aren't talking to them by then, or they aren't headed back, then we'll do something." It was a *very* long twenty minutes. B'Elanna threatened to harm Harry if he ran one more diagnostic of the communications systems, and he replied by running one. "That's not funny, Starfleet! Every time you do that it slows the response time." "By about .0001 of a nanosecond. Give me a break." "I'll give you a break....." "Enough!" Harry and B'Elanna came back to the bridge with a rush. "Save the lover's quarrel for Sandrine's. Tuvok, go prepare the Cochrane. Take Dalby with, B'Elanna, you're not going. I already have your assistant missing, I cannot risk losing you too." "Captain, we are preparing to enter the atmosphere." "Take her down slowly and talk to us the entire time. At the first sign of a loss of communications, I want you back up here and we'll try something else." "Aye, Captain. Entering atmosphere...." Tuvok kept up a monotonous dialog of every move that they made. Slow minutes passed and then sudden silence. "Communication is gone, Captain." "So I've noticed, Ensign. What's the Cochrane doing?" Harry tapped the console. "Tuvok has initiated a 180 degree turn, Captain, and is heading back this way." Kathryn closed her eyes. "I'll be in my ready room. When Tuvok returns, I want everyone to join me. Be thinking of some viable alternatives, people." Tom and Chakotay were the last to enter. Kathryn took in Tom's somewhat wan appearance. "Are you up to this, Tom?" A small grin. "I'm fine. I just have a killer of a backache right now. I don't think Starfleet engineers ever expected to have pregnant helmsmen." Kathryn grinned. "Certainly not seven months pregnant helms*persons*," she said with emphasis on the last word. She looked around the room. "Any ideas?" As usual, B'Elanna was the first into the fray. "We are showing no reason for the problems with communications. Obviously, there's something in those ion clouds that we aren't picking up." "I have to concur with the Lieutenant. Mr. Dalby and I have gone through the shuttle logs and diagnostics three times and there is nothing as to what the problem might be. In fact, the diagnostics that we ran while we were having the problem showed that communications still existed between the Cochrane and Voyager." Kathryn stood and began to pace. "Curiouser and curiouser. All right, it has been three hours since we lost contact with the Chanteuse. As much as I hate to say it, I think we're going to have to land Voyager. You have one hour to prepare." --- Voyager shuddered as if she were a toy. Just as in the shuttle attempts, everything had gone fine for the first few minutes of entry. Then all hell broke loose. Tom was aware of two big hands on the back of her chair and knew that Chakotay was there to support her should the turbulence become too great. "Captain, we've lost shipwide communications!" Harry had to shout to be heard above the interference on the shipwide comm. "Shut it down for now, so that we can at least hear ourselves think!" Kathryn grinned as she shouted the last of the order into the suddenly silent bridge. "Mr. Paris, status." "We're doing OK, Captain. The turbulence is beginning to ease and I've located the Chanteuse. We'll be able to land less than a kilometer from her." Anticipating the Captain's thoughts, she added, "From the looks of the landing site, cargo bay four would be the best exit." Janeway gave a pleased nod. "Good work. Chakotay, take a team and prepare to head over to the Chanteuse. I don't need to tell you to be careful, but I will anyway, Papa." The reminder was effective. Chakotay hesitated and then gave a curt nod. "We'll be back soon." --- The results had been anti-climactic. The shuttle had full power but the turbulence had been so bad during the landing that Lt. Carey had chosen to stay on the planet and attempt to boost stabilizers before making the return trip. He had been mortified to learn that he had caused the atmospheric entry and landing of Voyager. "Mr. Carey, the only thing that is keeping me from ordering you to read the entire fourteen volumes of Starfleet Rules and Regulations is the fact that you have already mined the dilithium and saved us the effort." Kathryn rubbed her eyes. "In the future, follow orders. If there are no orders applying to the circumstances, follow the regulations, *UNLESS*, to do so would endanger yourself and those under your command. Since you made it down here OK, one would assume that you could have made it back. Dismissed." Carey slipped quietly out of the door. "Janeway to bridge." "Aye, Captain." "The meter's running, Commander, let's hit the road." --- "Chakotay, are you asleep?" The big man mumbled and patted Tom on the shoulder sleepily. "Chakotay?" "Yeah, baby." "I think it's time." Tom watched in amusement as the older man's eyes shot open. "Now?" "Well, soon. I didn't want to wake you because you were up for two days straight working on the EPS maintenance, but-" "Tommy! Fuck the maintenance! Are you in labor?" Tom's face grew red. "No. I just thought I'd wake you up and tell you that one of these days we're going to have a baby!" Chakotay ran a tired hand over his face. "Sorry. Like you said I've been up for-" "Ohhhh, shit that hurts!" Tom curled around her belly and began to pant. Chakotay signaled for the Doc and then ran to put on some clothes. When he returned, he found Kes running a tricorder over his lover. "How far apart are the pains, did you say?" "About ten minutes." Tom was rubbing her belly and frowning mightily. "This really sucks." Chakotay smiled. "If that was your first pain, how do you know that they're ten minutes apart?" "Are you still asleep, Big Man? That has got to be the goofiest question I've ever heard." To Kes, "My water broke several hours ago, and I've been timing the contractions ever since." She held up a hand to her lover. "I didn't wake you up because they were still too far apart and the labor seemed to be going just fine." Chakotay heard the disembodied voice of the Doctor. He sounded pleased. "You've paid more attention to your medic training than I thought. Kes, I need for you and the Commander to assist the Lieutenant down to sickbay. We've got a baby to deliver." --- "Oh, God, I should have let Sam carry the baby when she offered!" Tom panted and leaned her head against her lover's shoulder. "You never told me that she offered to do that, Tommy." Kes gently wiped the sweat and tears from Tom's flushed face. "I had already pretty much decided to carry him by that time. Gods, I'm a fool! I have no business trying this! I'm a guy!" Tom curled inward and began to moan as another pain hit. "Breathe, Tommy. Remember what you're supposed to do. C'mon, baby, do your breathing." "Don't talk down to me! Oh, shiiiiiitttt!" The sentence ended on a shriek. "Well, maybe we should come back later." Chakotay looked up to see Kathryn, Harry and B'Elanna hovering at the edge of the privacy screen. "Tom is fully dilated and the baby should crown shortly. I would say approximately fifteen minutes before we have a new member of the crew." "Fifteen *more* fucking minutes of this!?!" Kes looked up and grinned. Chakotay looked frustrated. "Tommy, you're the one who refused the hypospray that would have reduced the pain." Kathryn smirked. *Oh, my friend, you'll pay for that one.* "You know I'm allergic to most analgesics! The only thing that they could give me would affect the baby too!" "Tom, my hand!" Harry almost fell over B'Elanna trying to exit the birthing cubicle. Kathryn followed at a more sedate pace, smiling as she thought of what her stoic first officer had probably witnessed in the last few hours. --- "I don't want to do this any more, Cha." Chakotay visibly melted at the sight of the exhausted blue eyes. He almost wished for a return of her somewhat homicidal alter ego. "I know, love, it's almost over." Tom groaned and moved to sit up. Chakotay wrapped his arm around her shoulders and held her as she strained. "That's it, Ms. Paris. Once more should do it." "I can't...ohhhh, please God, I'll be gooooood!" "And that's it!" Everyone in sickbay smiled at the Doctor's words and then again as a strong cry filled the room. --- "I'm so proud of you, love. You did it." Chakotay tenderly kissed Tom and carefully wiped her face. "I believe that you wanted to meet this little one." Kes smiled and placed a blanket topped with a mop of black hair on Tom's breast. Chakotay crouched down and looked into a little red face. "He's beautiful." Tom giggled wearily. "He is not. He's red and wrinkled and.....the most wonderful thing I've ever seen." She kissed the tiny forehead. "Here, Cha. Introduce your son to all of his godparents." Chakotay carefully took the tiny package and walked around the partition. There was silence as everyone looked at what could only be called a miracle. After a bout of congratulations, the doctor announced that they could see Tom briefly. "Well done, Lieutenant." "I certainly am, Captain." --- Chakotay had been given a week off to help with the little one while Tom recovered. He quickly found that babies were a lot of work. Tom just smiled beatifically and reminded her lover that after all, he had made himself a baby and now he could certainly help take care of him. --- Chakotay Paris was a well-loved baby and there was no lack of willing volunteers when it came to baby-sitting. So Tom found herself sitting in the resort at a quiet side table, enjoying the company of the ship's second-in-command. "This is wonderful, Cha. I was beginning to get cabin fever." Tom sipped her non-alcoholic margarita and watched Harry attempt to teach B'Elanna the limbo. "What do think, Cha? Think they'll ever get married?" Chakotay smiled. "I'm more worried about whether we'll ever get married." Tom turned around in surprise. "You've never asked!" The Commander smiled again. "Well, I'm asking now." Taking her hand, he spoke. "Thomas Eugene Paris, will you marry me?" Tom feigned a swoon. "I don't know. This is awfully sudden. We've only been seeing each other for about a year and a half." Chakotay laughed. "What about it?" Tom leaned forward and planted a kiss on the beautiful mouth before her. "I'd love to." --- The wedding was small and rather quiet. The pair had been through so much and the crew had given them months worth of rations as baby gifts, so they kept it low-key. The honeymoon was on Kasmir VI, or at least the holographic representation of it. Tom, Chakotay and 'Little Man', as Tom liked to call her son, spent a week in blissful seclusion. It was over all too soon. --- When Chakotay Jr. was five months old, Tom talked to the doctor about the procedure. He explained everything thoroughly to Tom, Chakotay and Kathryn. It would be a variation of the transporter technology and would necessitate several days stay in sickbay while Tom's system stabilized. The change was scheduled in two days time. --- Tom lay in Chakotay's arms. Kathryn had taken the baby for the night so that they could have some time to themselves. "I can't believe how much I want to go get the baby and bring him home." Chakotay laughed. "I'm *so* glad to hear that I'm not the only one feeling that way. However--" Chakotay kissed his wife, "Kathryn is probably already asleep and that is one woman I don't want mad at me." Tom sighed. "Do you think he'll notice?" At Chakotay's look of puzzlement, she elaborated. "Little Man's mommy is going to come home a daddy. Do you think it'll bother him?" "I think he'll probably get a mouthful of chest hair the first time he tries to nurse." Chakotay got a mouthful of pillow for his remark. "Not funny, Big Man. That's another thing. Switching him to a bottle. Maybe I should wait until he's weaned." Tom frowned off into the distance as she worried her lower lip. "Sounds like you're having some doubts." Tom rolled and buried her face against her love's strong shoulder. "I've been this way so long, that it's natural now. There's so much that I'm going to be giving up." Tom let out a soft sob. "We've never made love any other way. What if you don't like being with a man? The Doc said it will be rough enough on my body changing me this time; it would be too dangerous to change me back if we're not happy." She began to cry in earnest. "Baby, if you're this unsure about it all, then it's crazy to have the procedure. The Doc has your male DNA patterns stored in the computer. He says that you can change back at any time." He kissed her gently. "As you say, we're pretty happy this way. It can wait." --- Tom contacted the doctor first thing that morning and postponed the procedure indefinitely. Then she went to the Captain's quarters. "Tom! I thought your surgery was scheduled to start thirty minutes ago!" Tom watched in amusement as the Captain distractedly bounced the baby on one hip. "I've postponed it." "I think I need a cup of coffee." --- "All right, now explain what's going on." Kathryn had commed Chakotay and asked him to join them. She watched with a mild case of envy as Tom nursed the baby with one very proud papa looking on. "I just got to weighing the pros and cons last night and realized that I am way too happy with my life as it is to change things." She sighed and carefully maneuvered the baby to the other breast. Kathryn looked up to find Tom smiling at her. "The last year and a half has been the best time of my life. I've done much better as a woman than I ever did as a man. And as Chakotay reminded me last night, the Doc can change me back any time if I change my mind." --- Chakotay sat smiling at his wife and child playing on the floor. It had been six months since Tom had postponed the surgery. Six very good months. And yet, if anything had been going to destroy their happiness, it would have been the last Vidiian attack. Voyager had almost been destroyed during the attack, and the holoDoctor had been damaged. The computers had been heavily damaged and as luck would have it, the files containing Tom's DNA patterns had been destroyed. Chakotay and Kathryn had taken Tom into the conference room to break it to her gently. They were not prepared for her laughter. "Well, there you go. The decision has been made for me. Chakotay, it looks like you're stuck with a wife." And that was it. No sadness, no remorse. Just another example of Tom's resilience. Their life was good and getting better. Tom had entered the bridge this morning looking like the canary had just become extinct. Finally, when threatened with brig time, she turned and grinned. "Start thinkin' of names, daddy." Yes, life was good. --- The End