The BLTS Archive- Somewhat Familiar #1: With The Procedure by Karen ( ---- Disclaimer: Paramount owns them. I imply no copyright infringement. c1999 Karen --- "I saw Chell at dinner. He says that he thought he was going to die before we got the lavatories back on line. I have got to ask the Doc why that was such a big thing for all the Bolians." "Such 'scent'illating conversation, T'Hy'la." Tom looked up from the nipple he was teasing. "Good gods, I have corrupted you! A pun?" He moved over to lie against his lover's side. "Puns as you call them, have always been a source of intellectual stimulation on Vulcan. There just seems to be more subtlety among my people." Tom ran his hand down Tuvok's stomach to rest lightly on his erection. "I can do subtle." "Subtlety, thy name is *not* Thomas Paris." Tom smiled and kissed his lover. "Sure it is. My whole seduction of you was subtle. You didn't even know it was happening until tonight when I asked you to my quarters to finish our report." A sudden twist of the body below him and their positions were reversed. "For your information, T'Hy'la, I was the one that was seducing you. I merely allowed the activities to proceed at a pace that you found comfortable." Tuvok lowered his body until his weight rested on the younger man, and then kissed him slowly and thoroughly. Tom licked and nibbled his way out of the kiss, but held Tuvok's face close to his own. "Then why the hell were you so surprised when I kissed you?" The Vulcan rolled onto his side but kept his hold on the other man. "I must admit that your sudden initiation of foreplay was somewhat unexpected. There were to be other opportunities for interaction culminating in a second invitation to dinner in approximately a week to discuss the possibility of a collaboration on a new crew training holoprogram." Tom grinned. "And then you were gonna jump my bones?" An agile eyebrow rose. "If you seemed amenable to the idea." Tom laughed. "How were you going to suggest it?" He kissed the lush lips. "Were you going to suggest that we might be more comfortable lying down while we wrote the program?" "That scenario would be more suited to your type of seduction." "I think I've been insulted." "Then I must apologize profusely." "Hmmmm, I think I like your type of apologies, Lt. Commander Tuvok. Do you think we could get the Captain to implement them as normal procedure?" Tom looked down at the cessation of activities. "Why'd you stop?" Tuvok set aside the jar of lubricant. "I have a matter that I wish to discuss." "I do too. I'm going to explode if you don't hurry up and finish what you were doing!" "I am serious, Tom. I was not going to question the occurrences of this morning, but your previous comment somewhat forces the issue." Tom looked concerned but forbore to comment. At his look of inquiry, his lover continued. "This morning when we first encountered the subspace entities, you introduced yourself as Ensign Paris and then referred to me as Lieutenant Tuvok." Tom's eyes widened. "Do you have issues with the fact that I have received a promotion while you have been demoted?" At the word demoted, Tom blushed. Tuvok carefully moved up to his previous position of cradling the younger man's head in his hands, forcing their eyes to meet. "Thomas?" Tuvok felt the movement of a large, silent sigh in the other man's torso. "No, I deserved to lose my rank for my offense deserved the promotion you received. I have rarely used your title if you think about it, but lieutenant commander gets used a hell of a lot less. Even the Captain rarely calls you by rank." "You are correct. The years have caused an eroding of certain rules and procedures." Tom's eyes sparkled. "Like fraternization between ranks?" The lips just above his twitched, which for the Vulcan was tantamount to hysteria. Tom took it as a minor victory. With a brief nod, activities resumed. Sliding back down the firm body below him, Tuvok pressed his lips to the warm skin just below the indentation of the navel. A small wriggle and a slight purring noise in his lover's throat moved him to continue his exploring and preparations. He poured the oil into his palm to warm and moved to rest his head on a lightly furred thigh. Nuzzling his human's groin, he was intrigued by the difference in their scent. The warm masculine musk of the red curls and the redder skin of the erect cock was heady, and he found himself fully erect within moments. Pressing his lips to the glans, Tuvok found the slick moisture salty and a fascinating combination of sweet and bitter. Memories of the herb tincture used to alleviate pain that his grandmother had prescribed came to mind. Yes, that was appropriate. Tom had proven a most acceptable remedy for the pain of his loneliness. "You miss her a lot, don't you?" Tuvok looked up into the deep blue eyes filled with concern. "I-- love her. Even now that our bond has been broken, there will always be a place in my mind that holds the memories of my first mate. I cannot change that, Tom." The blue eyes grew tender. "I don't want you to. You would somehow be a little less in my mind if you could just set aside someone you loved that much." Tuvok felt a cool foot slide up the back of his leg to massage the back of his knee. "Vulcans are not ticklish." "I suppose that wiggle was just brought on by our shift from impulse to warp." The foot continued its travels. It did feel...pleasant. "I was unaware that Voyager had dropped to impulse." "I wasn't talking about the ship..." "Gods, Tuvok, you feel wonderful. I had forgotten how good this could be." The older man continued his slow, rhythmic pumping and silently filed away his lover's comments for future conversation. He was well aware that Tom had been with other men, but the thought that not all of it had been pleasant was a concern. Turning his head slightly, he pressed a kiss to the inside of one of the long thighs lying against his chest. "Ohhhh..." The small sound drew his attention. A part of his mind cataloged the changes caused by his human's arousal. He had studied human anatomy and sexuality to prepare for this liaison, but was still unprepared for the...yes, the sense of satisfaction, an almost-but-not-quite pride in knowing that he was responsible for the flushing of the creamy skin...the darkening of the bright eyes to navy... the small panting cries of pleasure... Shivering fingers reached for temples to complete the act. "T'Hy'la..." Two voices whispered as one... "Are you sure that was your first time with a man?" Black eyes opened and fixed upon his own. "The procedure was not altogether unfamiliar." Tom felt a ripple of dry amusement dance through what was left of their link. "That's good to hear. We'll have to see what other 'procedures' you're familiar with." Tuvok shifted slightly to pull the other man more tightly against his chest. "You wish to continue then." Tom snorted. "Try not to get too excited about it, but yes, I would like to continue. In fact, I think we could become very close indeed." An almost visible wave of pleasure ran through them, and the younger man relaxed....too soon. "Thomas, one more question in regards to our activities of this morning." "Ye-es?" "Just how close were you to this Constance Goodheart?" --- The End