The BLTS Archive- Love Hurts Part Two by Karen ( ---- Disclaimer: Paramount owns them. I imply no copyright infringement. c1998 Karen --- Kathryn sighed as she looked at her second-in-command. He really did look quite sweet, knitting yet another small pair of blue booties. If only he were pregnant.... She dreaded the coming conversation, but it was necessary. Dammit, she needed her X/O back. Ever since they had gone through that spatial anomaly, no, it was when the aliens had attacked, fuck, what was she saying, he'd been crazy ever since she first met him! Steeling herself, she leaned forward. "Chakotay?" The man smiled innocently. "Yes, Kathryn? Oh!" He placed a large hand on his very flat abdomen. "The baby kicked!" "Uhhh, yeah. Well, as I was going to say, Chakotay, we need to talk about, baby." His rocking was beginning to make her dizzy. If he were only in a rocking chair. Kathryn shook her head. She needed caffeine and lots of it. Tuvok had gotten her out of bed at 0200, sobbing that Neelix had left him for Tom Paris. She prayed that weren't true; they made such a lovely couple and their wedding reception alone had set her back two months worth of credits. "Kathryn, you were going to say something?" Janeway looked at the tattooed lunatic before her. She should have known from the way he was always humming show tunes back on New Earth that he would never be hers. Might as well get it over. "Chakotay, I hate to tell you this but you are not pregnant with Tom Paris' child." "No, you're lying! Tommy and I have planned this for months! I am pregnant! I am!" Kathryn quietly called for a medical beam out. Absently rerolling the ball of neo-nylon-leola-acrylic yarn, Kathryn pondered her situation. //Tuvok would make an okay first officer if he would just lighten up....// --- TBC Will Chakotay snap out of it? Are Tuvie and Neelie headed for divorce court? Will Tom get the white stain out of the front of his jump suit? Stay tuned for Part Three of "LOVE HURTS"