The BLTS Archive- The Answer by Captain Kate ( --- DISCLAIMER: Yeah yeah, we all know they're not mine and that I'm not reaping any sort of material reward for these endeavours. WARNING: Definitely NC17, so off you go, all you who are under 18. This was my first ever J/C fanfic attempt, so be nice. Looking at it now, it now reads like the beginner's guide to J/C, unfortunately. --- "Status." Janeway's deep command voice cut through the serene atmosphere of Voyager's Bridge as she swept out of the turbolift and took her seat next to Chakotay. A sudden bustle of activity suggested slacking, and caused her features to darken further. "Uh, this area of space has been unremarkable for some time now Captain." Harry Kim spoke up from his post at Ops. "The nearest star system is 7.5 light years away, there are three M-class planets in an system of seven, none supporting advanced humanoid civilisation as far as we can tell right now. We're not detecting any evidence of ships having passed here recently, so I'd guess that..." "Thank you Mr Kim." The Captain cut him off abruptly. She inclined her head towards Torres at the Engineering console. "And how are the engines lieutenant?" "Fine Captain, currently running at 86% efficiency." B'Elanna tried not to sound too proud - an impressive statistic even in the Alpha Quadrant, where regular repairs and maintenance were far more comprehensive. Her pride was short-lived however, as Janeway spoke petulantly: "Well perhaps you'd be better off down in Engineering seeing about that remaining 14%." Silence. Janeway turned straight faced to B'Elanna who was staring. She started, then complied, bewildered, "Yes Captain." A sharp exhalation came from the helm. "Is there a problem Mr Paris? Perhaps you'd like to help Ms Torres by cleaning the warp plasma manifolds?" Paris' shoulders stiffened, "No Ma'am." "Good. Mr Tuvok, you have the Bridge until the Commander has finished his reports. I'll be in my Ready Room if I'm needed." She spoke almost in a monotone. "Aye Captain." The Vulcan's voice was uncharacteristically quiet. Janeway glared at him as she passed, the implicit criticism not lost on her. Harry and Tom looked at one another and pulled faces, before Chakotay hastened them back to work. --- Janeway sat primly behind the desk in her Ready Room and, having replicated herself some coffee, picked up the first of the data padds which contained the previous shift's general reports. She spoke aloud to herself as she perused the first. "Thirty particles of space-dust per cubic metre, one class two comet, yada yada yada......." The padd was dropped unceremoniously to the table, her head flopped back against her chair; she rolled her eyes. She was not tired, and she was not physically weary - it was not even 0900 hours yet, yet she felt a distracting impatience for the day to be over so she could brood unbothered. Her mind was brimming with facts and information, with details and items that she wanted to put aside but could not. It was becoming a deafening clamour, and she felt, today more than usual, the huge responsibility to hold everything together. The Captain in her accepted the headaches and the insomnia, so long as her crew were getting along, but she vainly wished sometimes that she could just leave them to get on with it. And then there was Chakotay. He didn't seem at all happy of late, but she hadn't pressed him. She had learned on new Earth to keep a distance when he was brooding. He'd shut himself off from her many times during their time there, and pandering to him just made him withdraw further, as if his sadness was some burden that he couldn't share with anybody, an intensely personal thing. This time, however, she wanted to reach out to him. She imagined him passive in her arms, she cradling him to her, his head in her bosom, holding her tight. Janeway forced herself to banish such imaginings. The decision had been made, and she could not go back on that now. It was `for the best'. So why didn't she feel at her best? Turning her attention back to the day's business she winced as she recalled B'Elanna's child-like, innocence seeking for approval earlier that morning. She had deserved praise, not remonstration, but there were just too many things rushing around her head.......was that an excuse she was attempting. She caught herself by surprise and pulled up short. With elbows on the table and her face in her hands she fought down a lump in her throat. This was ridiculous. There was nothing in particular wrong, she just felt tired and taut, stretched, and unable, or unwilling, to cope with the everyday things. They made her impatient, snappish, as if they were below her consideration, and she knew she was wallowing. She had begun to understand the part that her long-subdued feelings for Chakotay played in her melancholy state, worried herself with the temptation to give in and shirk her responsibilities for once. This was an unsettling recognition in herself, and she felt her sense of duty failing as her mood spiralled. A chime from the door forced her back into the best Captain-like state she could summon at that time, and she called for the visitor to enter; "Come in. Ah Commander, good news I hope?" Her First Officer smiled warmly as he approached her desk. "I hope so." Janeway made a face, did not return his smile. "No, no, everything's fine," Chakotay quickly added, "Everything, for want of a better word, is running about average. Within acceptable parameters," he added tritely. He noted the slump of his Captain's shoulders, the lines of fatigue on her face. "Everything except you, it would seem." "Me?" Janeway seemed to remember where she was, sat up straight. "I'm fine Commander, now if there wasn't anything else....?" She knew that he saw she was not at her best, and she looked back down at the padd hoping he'd leave so she wouldn't have to level with him. "Captain?" Nothing. "Kathryn!" he intoned, and she looked up sharply. "I needn't remind you that an unhealthy Captain is no good to her crew." "Well thank you for your concern Commander, but I'm just a little tired." She had her `I'm humouring you' face on, "Now I'm sure you--" "Stop dismissing me!" He cut her words short. "As your First Officer - and as somebody who cares about you - it's my duty to look out for you when you're too busy to do it yourself." Janeway sighed deeply and forcefully, obviously irritated. She felt as if Chakotay's concerned attention was just another `thing' for her to contend with, to juggle along with everything else. The last thing she felt she needed now was to take up this 'obligation'. "Noted Commander. Dismissed." "Kathryn?!" Chakotay almost spluttered, incredulous. "You - are - dismissed." She glared at Chakotay over the padd. He spoke quickly. "You can dismiss your First Officer, but you can't dismiss your friends." He knew he was playing with fire, she was giving him the death-glare. "I'm concerned for you Kathryn." He softened his tone, hoping that he could soften her mood, but to no avail. She threw the padd down. "What do you want from me Commander?" She stood sharply, her arms wide as if hoping to embrace the answer which escaped her. "Because I don't know why you're here." She felt wound tight, that her temper might break free any minute. She could feel the blood rising in her face. "Don't be difficult Kathryn - you know -" "Difficult?" She spat the word out. She was angry now, and confused, not a good combination for her, she knew. Somewhere inside she knew he was right, she knew this side of her. The attitude would rear up, protective, distancing. The fact that she was behaving like this towards everyone, even those who came to her with concern for her, made her wonder just how in control she was of this reflex. She felt she was losing her grip, a vicious circle. "You know what I mean. You've been grouchy and snappy for days now." Chakotay rarely raised his voice, but he was growing louder by the minute. "I mean - what was all that about on the Bridge just now?" "Grumpy......snappish...." She was muttering under her breath, pacing back and forth behind the desk, and her eyes were wild. Chakotay suddenly found himself in unfamiliar territory. Oh he'd seen her angry before, but somehow this didn't quite fit this picture. He'd seen her upset, melancholy even, but he got the feeling that wasn't it either. She seemed desperate in some way, and he hesitated, uncertain as to what to say next. Watching her, looking at her properly now, she seemed ruffled somehow. Her skin was blotchy, pallid, and she was twitchy, not her usual, meticulously controlled self. He could see the pulse throbbing in her throat as she continued to pace, apparently unaware of him. Chakotay felt an overwhelming rush of protectiveness to this suddenly small woman before him. She stood still now, hands on hips, lips pursed, staring not at the floor but somewhere beyond it. He approached her, placed a hand on one elbow. She jumped as if a shock had passed through her. "Oh for goodness sake, not now Chakotay." she said tiredly. As soon as the words were out of her mouth she wished them unsaid, but it was too late. His expression shuttered, his eyes suddenly far away, and she knew she'd hurt his feelings. She felt wretched, the nervous energy that had been keeping her animated rapidly dissipating. Chakotay had been her tower of strength over the past difficult months, and she'd unashamedly leaned on him. But after New Earth, she'd felt too self-conscious to let him in to her life any further. But she couldn't reach out to him now. She was angry and bothered and generally prickly. She hesitated too long, and Chakotay made his excuses and left the Ready Room. At the sight of his rapidly retreating back she lost patience again, peevishly rolled her eyes to the heavens, hands on hips. She crossed the room to the couch, pulled up jerkily as if uncertain what to do with herself, and sat abruptly down. With the release of the tense energy that had governed her over-controlled movements during Chakotay's visit, she suddenly felt weak. Her body began to relax into the seat, her shoulders slumped, her hands fell flat beside her legs. A wave of mental fatigue accompanied the physical, hot tears sprang to her eyes and her lips fell into a sullen pout as she began to wallow in her misery. She felt immensely confused. With the ship running perfectly efficiently, and the crew managing to get along just fine - hell most of them were probably in Sandrine's together this very minute - why did she feel so wretched? The thought of her crew laughing and socialising together on the holodeck caused an odd tightening in her gut, that revealed more of truth to her than she cared to admit, and she dismissed the cosy French Bistro from her mind. Taking a deep breath she closed her eyes and recited a short litany to herself. Be fair but be firm, do your job - but play nice. Smiling sadly to herself and trying to assert some semblance of calm within her overwrought frame she returned to the Bridge for the remainder of the shift, knowing that wallowing in her Ready Room all by herself could only darken her mood, and aggravate her irritability further. --- Chakotay was in his seat tapping away at a padd. He had called up the week's duty rosters, but was flipping absently through them and not really looking. She felt the pangs of guilt; decided to try to make up. "Something on your mind Commander?" she asked softly as she took her seat beside him. "No Ma'am, just checking the rosters." He said nothing, didn't even make eye contact. Ok, she thought, I deserved that much. But it was so important to her that they be on speaking terms. He was her rock, she just hoped she had something to offer in return. "Any problems?" "No Ma'am." Chakotay's attention remained on the information before him. Didn't she realise he was tired too? That he was starting to tire of having her lean on him when she needed the command support, of using him as her emotional punch-bag, yet never receiving the gratitude he felt he deserved? This was the trouble with quiet times on deep space missions, he knew. With no work as such to focus on, crews often had far too much time dwell on other things, and out in space away from anything familiar, dwell they did. He understood that as First Officer he was there to support the Captain, to act as her second, her foundation - that was `the Starfleet way' - but he felt himself ever returning to the now cliche fact - that they were a long way from Starfleet. He was also mindful of the fact that this mission was more `deep space' than most, and that he should try to adjust to the situation, but he felt himself falling prey to the introspective dwelling that such quiet isolation was wont to engender. His feelings for his Captain would never change so long as this odd situation ensued, he knew that much. But for as long as this odd situation ensued he knew equally that it was unlikely she would relent. He thought about New Earth and how close they had been, and wondered what had happened to make them both so boorish of late. Thinking of their time together caused a dull ache of sorrow to begin in the pit of his stomach. Beginning to regret his earlier irritation, he now glanced sideways at her. She had one arm resting on her thighs, and the other supported her lowered head. She pinched the bridge of her nose as if in pain and he felt a pang of concern, yet tempered still with a slight grudge. When she looked up however her mouth was stern-set and controlled, and moisture glistened in her eyes. She stood up and passed quickly to her Ready Room. Chakotay,surprised, toyed with the idea of trying to talk to her once more, but he couldn't shake his downtrodden feeling, and was not in the mood to be rejected again. The strength of his feelings, he thought ironically, only meant that she could hurt him more. Before he could decide she returned to the Bridge, sweeping past him to the turbolift. "I'm going off duty. Commander you have the Bridge." --- Two short hours later Captain Janeway was dropping her bathrobe and slipping slowly into a hot, foaming bubble-bath. Ah now, this was the life! This was what it felt to be human again! She laughed softly to herself, feeling the muscles in her shoulders relaxing and her moodiness washing away. Her thoughts turned to her crew and to the ship, but after a few hours on the holodeck running her Da Vinci program, and now a luxurious bubble-bath, her thoughts were somewhat calmer than earlier. Her thoughts about her Number One, however, were less than calm. As she felt herself getting agitated again, she forced the feeling down and attempted to analyse it. Chakotay meant well, he always did, and she doubted that - at least as far as she was concerned - he could ever truly `mean' anything else. Yet he must understand - no matter what happened on New Earth life on Voyager must be very different. She knew this as a fact, but in the peace and calm of her bathtub it was a truth that resounded only hollowly inside her, not quite affirmed. Something got a grip on her and she felt a familiar despair come over her. She knew the feeling well but did not fully understand it. She had tried to pass it off as many things, but today she fixed upon loneliness. Was she lonely? There was always company to be had, but was she lonely? Her doorchimes startled her from her thoughts, and she silently cursed for not having silenced them. She ignored their summons. They sounded once more, and again insistently. She heard a voice outside. It was Chakotay. "Computer, what is the current location of Captain Janeway?" He was using his command tones and it made Janeway smile wanly. Her big stern First Officer, whom she knew as such a gentle man underneath. She felt a twinge of sadness and shivered as images of his face close to hers, and the feel of his breath on her forced their way into her mind. She rose from the bath and stepped out, dripping onto the floor of the bathroom, intending to answer the door now Chakotay knew she was here, but as she bent to pick up her robe from where she had discarded it, a movement in her quarters caught her eye and she looked up to see that Chakotay had let himself in and was now carefully averting his gaze. Hastily covering herself up she exited the bathroom. "Chakotay?" He looked very sheepish. "It's ok, I'm decent. Now!" He looked up, pleasantly surprised at the obvious improvement in her mood. "I'm sorry for barging in, but I thought......the computer.....but..." he smiled a lopsided smile and shrugged, but he was shaken by the sight of his naked Captain. Everything he'd imagined. "I can't say I condone your actions, but I certainly appreciate the sentiment. Now, can I get you anything? Or is this not a social call?" "Yes. I mean, no. Er - yes, this is a social call, and thank you, nothing for me." As she busied herself at the replicator, he wondered whether he should come clean. He had barged into her quarters, but not for the reasons she was imagining. She assumed that he had been concerned for her safety. The fact was that he'd known she was ignoring him, and he'd used his security clearance to let himself in to have his say, whether she liked it or not. He wondered that she was not more annoyed at the intrusion but her mood, being very much unfitted to the fight he had been expecting, was rapidly leaving him feeling deflated and rather foolish, a feeling he did not relish. His anger was also coloured by a kindling desire, as her robe began to cling damply to her. "You seem to have cheered up?" he said lamely as they sat down together. "I'm a little more relaxed, yes," her eyes had a far-away look to them, "but not much happier." If only that which would make me happier was easier to reach out and take, she thought. Chakotay did not follow her train of thought. So, he thought, it's going to be like this again. Since their `conference' that morning he had been growing more and more bitter, and was feeling less than charitable now. His feelings were once again bubbling up towards anger. He decided to bite the bullet. "Kathryn, I feel-" he stopped, unable to go on. He couldn't find the words. Being mean was not in his nature but he felt so used. "Yes?" Chakotay sat silent for long, drawn-out moments. "What is it Chakotay?" She laid a hand on his arm but he shook his head and shrugged her off. Eventually Kathryn shook her head. "Chakotay, I'm very tired -" He interrupted her abruptly by standing up; he took a few paces then turned back to face her, the scowl on his face having deepened. "It's about you again!" "What?" Kathryn shook her head, frowning slightly. "It's about you again. Your bad day, your rotten mood, your stress. Well what about everyone else Kathryn?" Taken aback by his attack, she was silent for a moment. Chakotay continued. "You pace around the Bridge, barking at people who are having just as hard a time as you, if not worse; you hole yourself up in your Ready Room, and only come out to check up on us or to criticise." He glared angrily at her from his standing position a few feet away. Kathryn's eyes had started to shine over, and the set of her jaw was stern, indicating that she was desperately trying to control her expression. "No!" he almost shouted - "Don't you cry! This is not about you! This is about you taking your attention away from your own sorry hide long enough to notice that other people are having a hard time too, without you making it harder." Janeway had risen to standing now, and she answered him back calmly. "You know that I put this crew first Chakotay -" "No!" he interrupted, "Don't do your calm Captain routine on me. It's not going to work! You're acting like a cold, self-centred woman who thinks of no-one but herself." "I've had just about enough of this." Her voice was shaky but she walked to the middle of the room, forcing Chakotay to turn to face her. Hands on hips she addressed him in a quiet voice. "I don't know what's gotten into you lately but I sure as hell don't like it. What do you mean, coming in here questioning my Captaincy? I should have you thrown in the brig for speaking to me like this." This was not an idle threat, but Chakotay was transfixed by the outline of her curves beneath the thin robe now that she had stood. Her aggressive posture had forced her chest outwards, and he found it difficult to remain focused on her face and her words. "I'm waiting for an answer Chakotay." Much quieter, his anger diffused, Chakotay answered absently, sadly; "I just feel like you don't take enough notice days." He stopped. He had been about to say `enough notice of me', and then in a horrible moment he realised she had seen this. They stood in the centre of the room, she still posturing aggressively, he now looking decidedly submissive. Janeway was horrified. So this was what it was all about! "Chakotay, she began quietly, not looking him in the face. She didn't know what to say now. It had all been said - on Voyager they could be no more than Captain and Commander. She raised her face to look into his eyes and was startled to catch him raking his eyes over her thinly clad frame. A thrill of excitement shot through her and she felt her body respond. It had been some time since anybody had looked at her that way, and she found it very appealing now. As she looked at Chakotay looking at her, she felt like a voyeur. She continued to look on in this way, trying to see through the anger that had brought him here. She saw a small boy, bewildered and uncertain. Chakotay looked up and found her watching him, a sensuous pleasure evident on her fine features, mouth slightly open, and the boy vanished. He had a haunted, hungry look in his eyes, and she could only stare back. The thrills that had begun with his looking now shot through her body, from her toes to her fingertips, and she felt the material of the robe chafe tightly across her breasts as they grew sensitive. It was as if she was waking up from a deep sleep to find the answer that had been eluding her. "Captain?" His voice was hoarse, he looked down. "Yes?" she breathed. "I' sorry. I shouldn't bring my you - I -" A pause, he looked up, new decision on his face, but weary. "I have to be as honest with you as I know how, if this is going to work at all. But I don't want you to judge me. Just try to understand." Janeway was silent. He continued: "Ever since New Earth, all that time ago, I've been unable to go back to thinking of you as just my Captain. I've grown demanding of your attention in the smallest of ways, but in so many. I wanted you, I needed much. I thought I'd be OK, but the strength of this's beyond me. But no matter what my feelings are for you, a - bitterness - " he spat the word out, a lump in his throat and tears in his eyes "is growing within me. And it brought me here tonight determined to hurt you. But it's hurt me more. And I'm ashamed." He hung his head and waited. After what seemed an eternity Kathryn moved to the couch and sat. "Come. Sit." she commanded. Chakotay did as he was bidden. He felt as though he were torturing himself. He knew what she would say. He waited in defeated silence for `the talk'. But she did not speak. She was partially turned towards him on the couch, and they just sat. Kathryn reached out for Chakotay's hands, clasped in his lap. She took them between her own, and he watched her study them. She felt again the thrill of his watching her. Was she making a mistake? No, it was not possible. The terrible sensations she had felt when she thought he had begun to hate her, when he had started saying all those things, had almost choked her. And shortly after, the `answer', such as it was, to all her misery, her unhappiness, her depression, was that without Chakotay she was so much diminished. She couldn't do this without him. For those few moments when she thought he might withdraw she had been truly afraid. She had leaned selfishly upon his good humour and his giving nature when she needed him, but she had shied away from the natural progression of such a partnership, and had given him nothing. Chakotay had recognised this partnership, but would never force the issue. And so he had locked it all away inside, confused at her mixed signals. It would seem that she had been selfish and introverted, at least to an extent. A pained look flitted across her face as she understood Chakotay's position. She looked up into her First Officer's face and saw a recognition there, as if he had been able to follow her every thought. Closing her eyes she raised Chakotay's hands to her mouth and kissed each of his fingertips in turn. She half-laughed, suddenly unsure of herself, and dropped their hands to her lap. She looked up questioningly. Would he be mad at her? Meeting his eyes she almost wilted, as yet another electric thrill passed through her. Chakotay's eyes were dark, his pupils dilated and his sensuous lips slightly apart. He leaned forward tentatively, brushing his lips against hers, a whisper of a kiss, then moving back to see her reaction. He hardly dared that she would allow him to continue. Her eyes were closed and her face upturned, expectant. She did not expect the sudden, urgent pressure of Chakotay's mouth down on hers, the hands locked into her hair, or the thrust backwards onto the couch with Chakotay over her. She felt as if she could not kiss him hard enough. Relishing the feel of his heavy body pressing down on hers, their lips and tongues clashing, making her breathless and causing her entire being to tingle wildly. She could feel his whole body along the length of her own through the flimsy robe, as he leant over her on his elbows, holding her face in his hands. They broke the kiss, gasping through the sheer power of feeling and emotion. "Kathryn," he whispered, "I've wanted this so much, please don't-" "Hush Chakotay," she answered hoarsely, "I'm here." She brought a knee up between his, forcing their heated bodies into closer contact. She drew in a sharp breath as she felt his hard length press into her groin, an intense heat spreading through her abdomen and between her legs. Chakotay was touching her face, running his fingers over her nose, her cheekbones, her lips. "You're so beautiful." He shook his head gently, no more words would come. Their mouths met again, tasting, exploring. Chakotay kissed her hard and long, began to lay a trail of kisses and bites down her neck to her shoulder. She could only lie still, almost not breathing as he softly brushed the satin robe from her shoulders, and began dropping kisses on her breasts, circling his tongue around one sensitive nipple, then the other. She reached for his head, locking her fingers into his hair. "Oh Chakotay!" "Do you want me?" his voice was barely audible. "God yes! I need you!" She felt a tug at her waist as the belt of the robe was discarded and the garment fell completely away. Feeling suddenly exposed she sat up abruptly. Chakotay was kneeling in front of her, his face only inches from her own, as she had imagined so many times. She shivered at the thought of the fulfilment of all of her daydreams and dark fantasies. "What is it?" his eyes dark with desire. She leaned forward to taste his lips once again. "Take me to bed Chakotay." she asked, her voice low. Slowly he stood and she helped him undress, coy in her nakedness, but shivering with desire. Her skin was alive with sensations, she wanted to feel him all over her, all at once. His clothes discarded he pulled her to him, and she felt light-headed at the sensation of skin on hot skin. Her breasts were pressed flat against his broad chest, his arousal firm at her belly as he enveloped her with his arms and kissed her deeply, as if he would draw her into himself. Not wanting to move away from him, to break this long-awaited union, she turned in his arms, fitting their curves together, then took his hand before beginning to lead him to the bedroom. They reached the bed but before she could turn, Chakotay forced her forwards onto the bed until she was lying full length on her front. He loomed over her, and she shivered at his closeness, and spasmed with pleasure as she felt his hard length bumping her buttocks. He leaned down to her ear, whispering, "I wanted this for so long. Now I'm going to drive you wild, just like you do to me." He kissed the shell of her ear, sucked on the lobe, he kissed her neck slowly downwards, dropping bites on he shoulders. Small noises were escaping her now, as he kissed and nuzzled every part of her he could reach, so gently, but she could feel her arousal building uncontrollably. Everywhere he touched her, she felt herself awakening. He ran his hands down her back, and over her behind, kissed the backs of her thighs, running his fingers tantalisingly close to her hottest part. "I want you Chakotay," she whispered, turning over, "I want you so much!" "Do you know how many times I've thought about making love to you?" he growled, as he moved over her, "So many. Do you know what you do to me?" "Please Chakotay!" Her eyes were closed, and she bit down on her bottom lip. She felt his erection against her, reached a hand down between their bodies to touch him; "Oh Kathryn," He squeezed his eyes tight shut and took a deep breath, concentrating with the effort of not ending it all right there. He could almost not believe that he was here, and that she was here, willing under his hands, wanting him in the very way he had prayed that someday she would. The physical arousal he felt was but a part of the sensation being with Kathryn gave him. Slowly he moved over her, placing his hot length at the moistness between her legs. As he entered her, her eyes opened to look straight into his, her mouth forming a silent O of pleasure, and her hips bucked under him, pulling him deep inside her. Kathryn wrapped her legs around him, pulling his whole body to her, and bit down on his shoulder as a low, animal moan came from her lips. Gone was the slow tenderness that had begun the lovemaking. Driven wild by her arms and legs, silken bonds, wrapped around him and pulling him to her, Chakotay thrust hard into her, withdrew almost completely, then drove in harder again, and again. She was barely aware that the sounds she heard were her own carnal cries of lust mingled with his deeper tones. The fire in her belly had grown to dynamic proportions and was sending wave after wave of uninhibited pleasure throughout her body. She tried to hold Chakotay tighter, but their bodies were slippery with sweat. Desperately she thrust upwards to meet her lover. She heard him draw a ragged, noisy breath, and felt him pulse inside her. The waves of pleasure converged and filled her, and face to face they stared open-mouthed, panting, until the moment had passed. "Oh gods Kathryn." Chakotay relaxed against her, and they both lay quiet for a while, breathing deeply, savouring the aftershocks of their lovemaking. Still slightly out of breath Chakotay raised himself to look into her eyes. "Hey you," he said softly, smiling. "I had planned for something a little more leisurely...." Kathryn smiled, and looked at him through half-closed eyes- "Plenty of time now." and she held him to her. They lay dozing for some time until Kathryn shifted slightly underneath him. "I'm so tired, Chakotay. You tired me out." He could hear the smile in her voice, and grinned into the pillow under his head. Falling into a companionable, dreamy rest, the last thing Chakotay heard was his Captain's soft tones, "I love you too, Chakotay." --- The End