The BLTS Archive - Party Favors by jm ( --- Disclaimer: The entire Trek universe belongs to Paramount. Darn it all. Notes: A sequel to my K/S story, "Holiday Traditions" This was written for Farfalla, who has come through for me twice now, even though K/S is her main diet. Thanks, Farfalla! :-) Beta: Farfalla. Thank you muchly! Feedback: itsjustjm at yahoo dot com (any comments welcome) --- Kirk handed her back the sprig of mistletoe. She numbly took it almost without realizing what she was doing. The Captain got to kiss Spock, and she did not. Well, didn't the gossip mill say that Kirk could get whomever he wanted, whenever he wanted? She wasn't so lucky. Thankfully, some of the hard punch helped dull the blow to her ego. Come on, girl, a little voice said inside her head. How much of your life were you going to waste mooning over someone who obviously was never interested in the first place? Grow up! A new year's coming up. Time to move on. "Exactly," Chapel said out loud. "Is something wrong, hon? You don't really look like the life of the party right now. Can I help? Get you something to drink, perhaps?" Uhura looked concerned. And lovely. She had on something short and skintight. And oh why hadn't Christine noticed what great legs Uhura had before? Christine decided to be bold. After all, it worked for Jim Kirk, didn't it? "Thanks. I'll just share yours." Chapel took Uhura's glass from her hand, and made sure to drink from the same spot that the impression on the glass indicated Uhura had used earlier. Then Chapel tried to give Nyota the most suggestive look she could manage in her tipsy condition, and winked. It was all Uhura could do not to giggle. She spied the forgotten mistletoe in Chapel's hand and clucked at her. "Oh, Darlin', you didn't need to bring your own! I put up plenty in the doorway. Besides, seems a shame a pretty girl like you has to carry around a wilted plant to get a kiss." Uhura smiled warmly at Christine. Through the foggy haze that was Christine's mind, a spark of hope formed and her heart sped up a notch. "Let's just go dispose of this little thing at the wall unit, shall we?" Uhura suggested. She gently took a hold of Chapel's unresisting arm and steered her over to the refreshments table. Holding hands, Uhura guided Chapel's fingers to the slot in the wall, slowly caressing them all the while. As the tips of Christine's fingers disappeared inside, Uhura's other hand was busy too. Sliding up the seam of Chapel's dress, that is. The garment clung to every curve of the nurse, and Uhura took full advantage of the situation. Nyota found Christine's nipple through the fabric, and traced it with her nails lightly. When Christine opened her mouth to express her pleasure at this development, Uhura dipped in and kissed her slowly and sensually. Christine wrapped her arms around Uhura and couldn't believe how much better the party had just become. Who needed mistletoe? Standing at the punch bowl, Chekov idly looked up from his glass. "Vhat is dis? I dought dat Uhura came vid me?" He took a long drink. "Oh vell. De more de merrier. Share and share alike, da?" --- The End