The BLTS Archive - Taken for Granted by jm ( --- Disclaimer: Paramount abuses them for profit. I do it for free. Notes: Written for the VOY series challenge, alien on alien loving. Feedback: itsjustjm at yahoo dot com (any comments welcome) --- "She said I don't know if I've ever been good enough. I'm a little bit rusty, and I think my head is caving in. And I don't know if I've ever been really loved, by a hand that's touched me, and I feel like something's gonna give. And I'm a little bit angry, well--" --Matchbox 20, "Push" --- "What are you doing here?" The Q looked up from its contemplation of the chaos reigning in the city square below, annoyed. "Well, that's a fine way to greet your partner," Q replied. Its essence cycled through various hues. It appeared...anxious, anticipatory. This suited the first Q just fine. "Excuse me? You're not going to try to invoke that old line, are you? Besides, we haven't seen each other for five thousand years, at least." The Q reluctantly decided to focus its thoughts on the interloper. "Oh, I see. The little warring mortals are beginning to rub off on you, my dear? You are starting to think linearly," Q mocked. "I think you've got me beat there, Q. Not only do you play around with mortals too, I think you're actually starting to become fond of some of them, as well," the other Q sneered. "Not at all. They are merely temporary diversions. You are the one constant in my life," Q said. "Except that I'm not." "Well, we could change that," Q said. "Really? And what is bringing around this sudden change of heart? Fidelity is not our way, you know," the other Q said. "No, but I'm tired of roaming around the universe, restless, without purpose, and lonely," Q said. "And whose fault is that? I can't find meaning for you, Q." "I'm not asking you to. I just need...something. I thought I could find it here." "Somehow, I seriously doubt that. I have nothing to give you. And I *know* you have nothing to give me. You keep it all for yourself. I don't need that. Certainly not now." "You sound so sure of everything." "I am." "Well, maybe you're wrong. Maybe I did come here to give you something." "And what could that possibly be?" the first Q said, disbelievingly. "Companionship. Affection." "Ha! Those concepts are completely alien to you." "I could show you that I'm sincere." "How? You mean the joining? Q, you haven't joined with anyone in millennia." "Well, that's not the only way. But, why not?" "Because you're too guarded. You won't open up for anyone." "Speak for yourself!" "What you see is what you get, Q." "And sadly, that is true." "What? I'm not what you want, Q? Then why are you here? Habit? You know, you happen to have several rather unappealing qualities yourself. Also, in case you haven't noticed, I'm rather busy here." The Q displayed its mounting irritation. "Busy? Stirring up the little anthill? Causing war and confusion?" Q taunted. "Confusion is nothing new to you. You bring disorder wherever you go." "I choose to think of it as a chance for growth and change. For those advanced enough to handle it. I don't shroud things in endless conflict." "All right. I suppose this is going to be another session of 'let's compare our different styles of testing species.' I am so not in the mood for this." "Well, but Klingons? I don't even know why you'd bother." Q's mental voice was laced with disgust. "Apparently we're just very different beings." "Or simply not different enough." "I don't know why, but I'm going to ask. Isn't it our differences that are keeping us apart? Well, that, and the fact that we're Q." "Haven't you ever heard of 'opposites attract?'" "You really have been spending way too much time with them. That's an idea only they could have come up with." "It has some truth to it, at least in certain instances. Perhaps my chaos just needs a little order." "Hm. You are not going to get that here." "But you seem so stable. For a Q." "You want stable? Try standing in a cornfield. I hear it's something to do, anyway." "Oh, how very amusing, Q." "I've been taking lessons from an expert." "Look, let's put all this animosity aside and come to a mutual agreement. All I want is a little understanding and a little fun. Is that too much to ask?" "I'm not your personal source for entertainment. There's a whole multi-verse out there. Go bother somebody else." "But right now, I've chosen you." "I'm flattered," the first Q said sarcastically. "You should be." "Right here, right now, I'm not interested in baring my innermost thoughts to another being." "Who said it had to go that deep?" "So what do you want?" "From you? How about something for the sheer hedonism of it?" "You mean what the little mortals call sex. Somehow, I think this all boils down to boredom. That is the reason why we always get together in the first place, actually. And the reason why we leave. Decided you weren't tired of me anymore, dearest?" "I wouldn't be here if I weren't interested. And yes, sex. Why not? It would be different, anyway." "Have you ever had corporeal intimacy, Q?" "Gee, you make it sound so romantic. Actually, no. It always appeared to be somewhat disgusting, and drearily physical. But I'm willing to try now, with you." "Neither have I. But since you are the one doing the asking, I get to pick the form." "Not Klingons. I can't think of anything more repulsive." "Well, I'm not letting you pick human, either." "It doesn't have to be human. There are plenty of corporeal species to choose from." "Ah, yes. This could be interesting. What do you think of this?" The Q transformed itself into an extremely large winged reptile. It was female, as the female of the species was the larger and stronger one. Shining scales covered her body. Serpentine, even down to the forked tongue, she also possessed clawed arms and legs. Multi- faceted eyes zeroed in on the city center beneath her. In a matter of seconds, her wings took her there. Much to the alarm and general panic of the people who were in the square at the time. "Feel like putting on a show for the general populace?" "Sure, why not. Shake them up a bit. It's good for them. It draws on their primitive little myths. Puts the fear of God into them. And I *am* in charge of that around here." "It's kinky. I like it." Q transformed itself into a similar male creature. He was rather annoyed that he wouldn't have the size advantage. But, it might be prudent to make this one concession, considering his partner's mood. "Still, it is a bit fanciful. I didn't think that was your style." "You have no idea. I have more than one trick up my metaphorical sleeve, you know," she replied. "Well, I'm always willing to try something new, I suppose," he said. "That's the spirit, my little deity of discord," she said. It could have been taken for an odd endearment, except for the edge behind the words. "And to think, just a moment ago, you weren't interested." "I've always wanted to do it...angry." She released a huge fire blast from her throat. The building across the way started to blaze merrily. Her head swiveled in his direction. They were speaking aloud; it just wasn't possible for anyone else to follow the conversation. Unimpressed, he launched himself into the sky. The sun reflected off his sleek, sinuous body. He darted low over the buildings, enjoying the fearful activity of the scattered people below. The warmth in the air, the feel of powerful muscles working to sustain his flight, the wind brushing his skin...there was such sensuality to be had in being corporeal. As long as one had complete control of the body, of course. She joined him, as delighted as he was with the body's mechanics. Recalling why they were actually doing this in the first place, she turned towards him and lunged at his neck. A sharp, piercing pain struck him, causing him to cry out, until he turned off the body's receptors for it. He dove at her, but she flew up out of his reach. This resulted in an aerial battle for who was going to get to dominate the other. He was quicker, but she anticipated some of his actions and was able to twine about his body in the end. Twisting about for the correct position, she angled herself up against his erect sexual organs. Rubbing herself along them, hard, satisfied her immensely and merely frustrated him intensely. "Damn vexing creature," he growled. "This is intolerable. Enjoying yourself, are you?" he asked, annoyed. "Oh yes!" she cried out. That was very good, but it would be even better to see how long she could do this before he tried to get the upper hand. In terms of power, they were pretty much equal, but that didn't stop them from their little battle of wills. Realizing that in this form he wasn't going to get anywhere for some time, he cheated a bit. Making the body stronger, he maneuvered out of her grasp and pinned her beneath him in the sky. He then thrust *both* sexual organs into her opening. It was her turn to yell in pain. She took care of that quickly, and started loving it as much as he was. The fast driving rhythm went on and on. Time meant nothing to either of them, and they were both delighting in the fleshy indulgence. But the universe does not, in fact, revolve around sex. They both had other plans to consider, and so he let his body succumb to an explosive orgasm. And she felt rather smug about her own current form's lack of restriction in that matter. "That was--good. Very good. Sex really isn't half bad, if a trifle athletic," he said. "Humph. Depends on the form you choose, I suppose. This one requires quite a bit of exertion, but just think of sea anemones," she said. "True. Now, how's about you giving me a century or two? Just for old times sake," he said. "If I remember correctly, and a Q's memory is very long, those 'old times' weren't so great," she responded. "We'll make new memories, then," he said. "Fine. But just for a century or two," she conceded. "I hear Milliways is good for a laugh," he said. "Been there, done that, bought the tee-shirt," she said. "This is going to be harder than I thought," he said. "It always is." And with that, they merged into the ether. --- The End