The BLTS Archive - Infinity #2: Heaven in a Wild Flower by Jesse ( --- Archive: Ask me, please Disclaimer: I'm gonna bag me a Braga! *ahem* I mean, uh, not mine. Comments: Please, please, puh-leeeeze mail me to tell me what you think! --- Everyone was quite uncomfortable. The room was hot and very dark. Tom Paris knelt behind the Mess Hall counter, trying to squeeze in between a couple of people who he couldn't even recognize. He thought one of them was Neelix, but it was too dark to tell. Chakotay was too old for this. He was bent in a very awkward position behind some chairs. He could feel the muscles in his back begin to strain. B'Elanna Torres let out an annoyed sigh. Someone near to her shushed her. She gave a darting look in the general direction of her new enemy, and rolled her weary eyes. Harry waited in anticipation. He was excited. He looked around, peering into the blackness. The stars through the windows cast a faint light on the floor, but not enough to highlight any individuals. Kathryn Janeway stood in the back of the kitchen. She was careful not to drop what she was holding. Allowing a smile to come over her face, she listened to the grunts, groans, and whispers throughout the room. She casually wondered how Tuvok was doing on the bridge. Startling her, a voice rang out in a hushed yell. "Someone's coming!" Everyone got real quiet. Somebody started giggling, but was quickly silenced by a neighbour. Hearing footsteps, the room fell silent. The Mess Hall doors opened... ".......and that's how I mended Ensign Keller's ear," exclaimed the Doctor. The EMH and Seven of Nine walked through the doors. They stopped, and glanced around. "The lights are off," said the Doctor. "Computer," ordered Seven, "Lights." Just as the room became illuminated, dozens of crewmembers jumped up from behind tables and chairs and counters. "SURPRISE!" The Doctor beamed. Seven of Nine stiffened and grabbed onto the Doctor's arm with one hand. After a second, she quickly let go of the Doctor, and proceeded to give him a dirty look. The Doctor just grinned. "Happy Birthday, Seven!" he said, just before giving her a peck on the cheek. From amongst the well-wishings of the crew came the Captain. She was holding a large white cake with 4 candles burning brightly. The room began to fill with uneven singing... "....Happy Birthday to You...." The Doctor stood right beside Seven, singing along with the crowd. She would've been very annoyed at that specific time if it had not been for the pleasing smile on her escort's face. The melody quickly finished and Seven, jaw squared and clenched, bowed to public pressure and blew out her glowing candles. The clapping echoed in her ears. Captain Janeway took Seven by the elbow and herded her over to a large table in the corner of the room. Upon it were several large and small packages, each wrapped in a delicate paper. Seven's stomach tightened at the thought of opening them. Prefering to stand, the ex-Borg accepted each gift as it was given to her by Naomi. With hundreds of eyes upon her, she nervously opened the first box. Inside was a small white statue, carved in an unblemished stone. Seven held it in sweat-covered palm, unsure of what to do next. Chakotay broke the silence. "It's an Inca artifact, Seven. From Earth's history. I took it from my own collection. I hope you like it." She looked up at him. "I do like it. Thank you Commander." Chakotay smiled. Seven set the figure down, and accepted another present from the young girl. Carefully undoing the wrapping, she opened the gift to find a small glass container filled with dried leaves and flowers. An unusual aroma lifted from the box. "It's potpourri!" said Tom. "I thought your Cargo Bay could use a little more good smelling stuff!" Several faces turned to regard the excitable ensign. The Doctor gave his medical assistant a look of distasteful amusement. Seven arched an eyebrow. "Thank you, Ensign. I appreciate it." Tom widened his smile. Naomi picked up a shiny bag and handed it to the ex-Drone. She pulled out the tissue paper and removed the object. She looked at it in admiration. "They're windchimes," said the Captain. With a smile, she added, "I know they may not be of much use on a starship, but I thought you'd like them." Seven regarded the remarkable object. Several long, narrow pieces of a unique steel hung from slices of string. The music it made was elating. "Thank you, Captain," said Seven. She carefully put the chimes back into the bag, and set it on the table. She then accepted a new box from her young friend. By this time, Seven had become less nervous. She didn't want to admit it, but she was actually enjoying this event. She opened the little yellow box to find a tiny, gold medallion. It had several images engraved into it, and it hung from a light chain. "It's Talaxian," said Neelix. "It belonged to one of my nieces. The letters on it symbolize strength and honor. I thought it suited you." The little Leprechaun smiled with joy. "It is beautiful," said Seven. "Thank you." Neelix became even happier. Naomi took the charm and the box and set it away. Seven picked up a large object she knew was a picture of some sort. She did not make her knowledge known, though. Ripping the paper, she looked at the painting and gave a soft smile. Across the room, Harry blushed. "I hope you like it, Seven," he said. "Yeah!" Tom interrupted, loudly "Harry painted it himself!" Ensign Kim turned an even deeper shade of red, and lowered his face. Sensing Harry's embarrassment, Seven voiced her opinion. "The colors are vibrant, and the subject shows ingenuity." She strained. "It will make a desirable addition to the Cargo Bay. Thank you, Ensign." Seven handed the heavy painting to the Doctor instead of Naomi. He took a peek at it, and raised an eyebrow. He set it down carefully. "This is from Tuvok," said the Captain. "He had to take the shift on the bridge." The Captain handed Seven a folded cloth. She opened it to find a Vulcan meditation candle. Tom snorted. "Boy, that looks like a lot of fun!" Some of the crowd giggled, but most of the room gave Ensign Paris a dirty glare. The Doctor chuckled. Seven folded up the cloth. "This was very generous of the Commander. I will thank him later," she said to no one in particular, but just loud enough for Tom Paris to hear. He smiled. Naomi offered Seven another package. She took it, and opened the box. Inside lay three small stones, one clear, one dirty pink, and another a soft black. "They're good luck stones," said B'Elanna. She paused, then continued, "I know you probably don't believe in luck, but I....I wasn't sure what else you could use." Seven was nearly speechless. "Thank you, Lieutenant," she said. B'Elanna gave a stiff smile and nodded. The evening went on, and Seven received many more gifts. She expressed her thanks evenly and openly, making sure to say the right things to the right people. She was new at this. She couldn't remember the last time so many people had done something like this for her. She supposed she hadn't ever experienced such a thing before. After all the presents had been upwrapped, attention slowly drifted away from her. The crowd ate cake and drank champagne. Seven took a small piece of the food, but didn't go near the drink. She had developed a slight aversion towards the bubbly liquid. She wasn't quite sure why. People came and went, beginning a short conversation with her, and then moving on to another group. She had always felt uncomfortable in these "party" situations, but not for this one. The Doctor was never more than an arm's reach away from her, and she took comfort in the fact that there was one person there who she could go to when alone, and wouldn't be pushed away. One question lingered on her mind for the evening. It was distracting, but she tried not to concentrate on it. It bothered her, though. The Doctor hadn't given her a gift. She fully realized that the Doctor would not miss giving her something. He had been one of the crew who planned the event - surely he had something to give her. She furrowed her brow. Not that she wanted a material possession from him. It's just that she felt like she was missing something. She wanted to ask him about it, but she couldn't gather up the nerve. Hours passed, and the Mess Hall was left....well, a mess. Neelix resolved to clean it up tomorrow, and stumbled out of the room. A few security guards had removed all of Seven's new belongings and taken them to the Cargo Bay. Various crew members remained, whether it be by choice or simply because they had passed out. The Doctor stepped up to Seven of Nine. "Could I escort you back to your alcove?" he asked in a syrupy tone. Seven set down her glass of water on a messy table. "Thank you, Doctor," she said in what seemed to be the millionth thankyou of the day. Walking down the corridors, side by side, they remained quiet. Not a word was spoken as they waited for the turbolift. When it arrived, the Doctor motioned for Seven to go first. He followed her in, and the turbolift began moving. "Computer, Halt," ordered the Doctor. The turbolift stopped. Seven regarded the Doctor curiously. "I don't know if you noticed, Seven, but I haven't given you a gift, yet." Seven's eyes brightened. "I hadn't noticed," she said as calmly as she could. The Doctor gave her an accusatory glare. "You noticed," he said, with a smile plastered on his face. Seven simply raised an eyebrow. The Doctor gave her a knowing glance, and then tapped his combadge. "Transporter room three, energize." Onto the floor below them beamed a single red rose and a small camera. The Doctor scooped them up, and handed them to Seven. She looked at the red rose, and a wave of happiness washed over her face. She accepted it, and took in the aroma. "I know it's not very personal, Seven," explained the Doctor, "but you showed an interest in learning photography, so I thought I'd get you a camera. Like mine." Seven smiled. She thought back to the questions she asked the Doctor about photography some time ago. Truth be told, she wasn't all that interested in the medium, but she was interested in how it affected the Doctor to such an extent. She held the camera in her hands, feeling the contours and smudging fingerprints on the glass. "I...I don't know what to say, Doctor," she said. The Doctor's holographic heart stopped in his chest. Her voice was so soft and innocent. He moved in towards her. "Happy Birthday, Seven," he whispered, as he leaned in to give her a light kiss near her ear. Seven closed her eyes as the Doctor's lips touched her skin. She inhaled deeply, smelling his hair and wanting so desperately to touch him. She was frozen, though, unable to move any part of her body. The Doctor lingered a few seconds longer than *friends* would, and then slowly moved back, brushing his cheek against hers. Seven inhaled sharply. Standing still very close to each other, they wandered into each other's eyes, searching for something. Seven wasn't sure what she was looking for, what she was feeling. She clutched onto the rose and camera with anxious hands. The Doctor found warmth and confusion lying in Seven's eyes. He had touched her a little too long, and he was worried that perhaps what he had done threatened their existing relationship. Seven saw the worry in the Doctor's brown-eyed stare. Perhaps she had misjudged his intentions. He looked more scared than happy about what he had done. Maybe he didn't mean it the way it seemed to come out. The Doctor's gaze softened. He noticed the light in Seven's blue eyes began to dim. Sullenly, he conceded defeat, and turned to face the door of the turbolift. Seven's eyes wandered to the floor. The Doctor spoke then, but it was not to his companion. "Computer, resume." --- The End