The BLTS Archive- Bridges by Katherine Jennings --- Archive: E-mail me first unless you're the ASC* archive. Note: I wasn't quite sure how to define this short piece. It's definitely not a Worf/Ezri romance, and it can't really be called a Bashir/Ezri romance although that relationship is a focus. Bashir does not actually appear in the story. Disclaimer: No, I don't own them. I have nothing to give Paramount if they decided to sue me. They wouldn't even recoup their legal fees. --- They spent most of the trip home in silence. It wasn't an angry silence, not anymore, but it was uncomfortable. More past lay between them than a few words of understanding could erase. "Almost home," Ezri commented. Worf nodded, but said nothing. Ezri held back a flash of annoyance; the last thing she wanted was to start fighting again. She shifted in her seat, trying to find a position that would take the strain off of the protesting muscles in her back. Her movement only caused a sharper twinge, and she gave up with a grimace, looking forward to a long, hot shower and about twenty- four hours in her own bed. At least she wasn't getting spacesick. Worf's voice cut through the silence unexpectedly. "Will you speak to Dr. Bashir?" Startled, she looked up and forced a smile. "Well, one of the first things I'm going to do when we get back to the station is have him see if he can do something about my back." An unreadable expression crossed his face. "That is not what I meant." She knew what he meant. "I don't know," she said honestly. "I didn't realize I had any kind of feelings for Julian until now. I haven't even started to figure out what they mean. And I don't have the slightest clue whether he...feels however I do!" she finished, frustrated. She thought she caught a glimmer of reluctant amusement from Worf. "Jadzia also spent much time sorting out her feelings for him, I believe," he said. Ezri nodded. "He was so annoying at first, but he could be sweet, too. And once he stopped trying to flirt with Jadzia at every opportunity, he turned into a really good friend. But there were moments when I thought he still felt strongly about me...Jadzia." She shook her head quickly. Worf was silent; the smile she offered him was somewhat sad. "And then you came along, and she didn't have to think at all. She didn't have to question her feelings for you--she knew she loved you." Worf's emotions were as carefully masked as Dax had ever seen them. "But for you, now, things are different." "I think we've adequately proved that you and I aren't destined to fall in love again," Ezri pointed out. "That much is certain," Worf agreed quickly. Ezri gave a short, rueful laugh. "But with Julian, I don't know what's going to happen. Or exactly what I want to happen," she continued. "You care for him," Worf said, a note of challenge in his voice. Ezri smiled slightly as she correctly interpreted it. "Yes. And it wouldn't be honorable to hide my feelings because I'm afraid of what his reaction might be." "Nor would it be an action worthy of either of the Daxes I have known." Ezri gazed at him for a minute. "Thank you," she said softly. The silence began to build again, and Ezri looked away. "We should be within communications range of DS9 in fifteen minutes." She couldn't see if Worf nodded again, but he grunted acknowledgement. Neither of them spoke for several minutes, until Worf broke the silence once more. "Whether he returns your feelings or not, Dr. Bashir will treat you honorably," he said resolutely. Ezri glanced over at him with a small, uncertain laugh. "Because you say so?" "Because he is an honorable man," he corrected her. "And because if he does not...I will kill him." His face was as expressionless as ever--she couldn't tell if he was serious or not. "Thank you, I think," she said, deciding it was best not to press the issue. "There is one more thing," Worf said abruptly a moment later. "You were...correct. I did not thank you for saving my life." "Only because being together had suddenly turned into a fate worse than death," Ezri said with a smile that eased any rancor from her words. "Besides, it's kind of hard to be grateful that your life's been extended just long enough so that you can be executed by Cardassians." Worf nearly smiled. "Of course," Ezri continued, "now that we're not fighting anymore and we're not going to be killed..." "Thank you." "You're welcome." She couldn't resist adding, "Now that wasn't so hard, was it?" The look he gave her warned her not to push him, but she could tell he didn't entirely mean it. Her eye caught the readouts he had missed because his head was turned toward her. "Worf," she said softly, "open a channel. We're in range of home." --- The End