The BLTS Archive- The Vigil #6: End by Istannor ( --- These are the characters of paramount and viacom, they own them I only check 'em out from the library. I promise to bring 'em back. Feedback is welcome. copyright 1998 Stardust Memories --- "Stand up, Jimboy, slowly. Okay. Here, lean up against me for a minute to get your bearings. God, you look pale, and too sweaty." "Leonard, here," Chapel handed him a hypo, with a mild stimulant, to counteract his hypotension and boost his immune response. McCoy injected it quickly, but Kirk's vitals only showed a mild response. That was not a good sign. McCoy took some blood and tissue samples to send to the lab. "Jim, we're going to let you sit up, for a while. You can use the computer, read, or play chess. That's all, not one damn thing more. You got me?" Kirk nodded once, quietly. Kirk looked like hell, far worse than he should've at this point of his recovery: stress, pure, damn stress. He and that damn Vulcan were as tense as two great cats fighting over the territory. Unfortunately, the territory they were fighting over was the future direction of their lives. Kirk was unnaturally quiet. He sat back limply, not even bothering to wipe at the fine sheen of sweat that dusted his skin. Kirk's eyes were distant and dull. He didn't ask where Spock was anymore. The Vulcan had come back to the sickbay once, the day after his confrontation with Kirk. He had not been back since. McCoy had watched, with a feeling of despair, as Kirk had sunk deeper and deeper into an eerie silence. Now, he went hours with saying nothing at all. His weight continued to drop and McCoy was using increasing levels of growth stimulators and immune boosters to keep pace. In short, McCoy was losing ground, not gaining, in his fight to bring Kirk back to health. McCoy left him sitting up in the chair, and went to look for the Vulcan. If Spock was going to kill his Captain, he might as well do it intentionally, rather than by accident. The result would be same; Jim was failing and Spock was failing Jim. McCoy found Spock on the bridge and went to stand beside him at the science station. "I need to talk to you, Spock, now." "Doctor, I am engaged in..." "Now, Spock, I don't give a shit what you're doing. I want you to come talk with me, now." McCoy's glare left no doubt about his sincerity. Spock knew without asking what he wished to speak about. Spock sighed audibly, an admitted lapse, but understandable in view of the current situation. "Very well, Doctor." He turned to Lt. Commander Uhura and gave command to her, before he trailed behind the angrily rigid figure of Leonard McCoy. Uhura watched them leave with an ache of understanding. McCoy led him to a small conference room and stalked in. Spock followed. McCoy turned and punched the button, to key the privacy lock.. McCoy erupted. "What the hell are you up to, Spock? Are you trying to kill him? I can not believe that you are going to sit by and let him die because he told you, no." Spock became instantly rigid. He wanted nothing more than to throttle the irritating human. Then, the content of McCoy's statement seeped in: "Kill him," he had said. "What do you mean, kill him?" "He's dying, slowly, and just as surely. He is viremic, his wounds refuse to heal, he's dropping weight, and his immune system is failing. We call that dying Spock, and he's doesn't care. He doesn't give a hot damn that he's dying, because he feels like he's finally blown the big one, you. This is worst than you taking your stupid ass to Gol. This is murder and I won't stand for it." Spock sat heavily in the chair behind him. "I had no understanding. I was shielding myself completely from him. I did not know." His voice was just above a whisper. He looked up at McCoy and the obvious pain in his face immediately convinced the Doctor of the Vulcan's truthfulness. " I did not know." Spock repeated uncharacteristically. "Spock, he needs you, badly. You have become the single most important person in his world and you have left him alone in physical and emotional pain. In his mind, you have decided to leave, and he believes he deserves pain, so he accepts it all. He won't even ask for medicine. I have to watch the dolorimeter to know, because he won't say a thing. Is that what you wanted?" The Vulcan shook his head in negation. "I know you asked him to Bond with you and he refused. I know you asked him again in the sickbay, and he refused again. "McCoy answered the question he saw in Spock's eyes. "I was there, in sickbay, when you had your little talk. Maybe I should've left, but I didn't. So, I know. I talked to Jim, at least as much as he allowed. He feels he's fighting for your life. Somewhere, in that convoluted, complicated, brilliant mind of his, he has convinced himself that loving him is a death sentence. I just really figured this out myself, Spock. He gives, and gives, and gives, to show his love, to fulfill his need to connect. He doesn't have the foggiest notion how to receive, because no one has ever stayed around long enough to teach him. " "My knowledge base is inadequate. I do not know what to do. My logic does not work for this. Dr. McCoy, I require an explanation." "Look, Spock, his father was never there, his mother was there, but was pulled too many ways. His grandfather died in his arms. It goes on. Tarsus and his entire family there being slaughtered: Sam, Captain Garrovick, Gary Mitchell, Kelso, Edith, Miramanee, and Rayna. Lori left him out of fear for him and then even she got killed, after she had already left him. It's like a horrible tri-vid tragedy. Who in the hell can he feel safe to love? Me? Let's face it, I am an irritable, argumentative, coot who drinks too much, and I am too full of phobias. He loves me as a friend. He's the best friend I could ever want, but that's not enough, Spock, not for a man who feels as deeply as he does. He wants more out of life; he has found it. He loves you." "Everybody else in his life, he keeps two body lengths away. Even the other women he gets involved with recently, are always picked with the knowledge that either he will leave or they will leave. Uhura even dumped him." Spock jerked his head up in surprise. "Yeah, Uhura. I don't think either one of them realize I know about that one, but Piper told me before he left. He wanted me to keep an eye on them. No need, they've been saints. Jim knows how to live with someone he loves, or has loved, and never touch them again. He's as good as a Vulcan at controlling himself in that regard. That, he understands. " "He's using the last bit of energy he has right now, to hold on to his decision to spare you. Dog gone if I know what he finds attractive in your narrow, pointy-eared, ass. I am not sure he is attracted to you in that way. Regardless, he loves you enough to die for you. He's about to prove it to you with his last breath." Spock leaned forward and found his hands had covered his face. He never could recall doing that before, but he needed distance. Emotions were overwhelming him, battering at him. There was never anything in his life that he wanted, needed, ached for as much as his desire to bond with Kirk. He realized that it had become a terrible beast that threatened to rend and tear indiscriminately. This was the truth of Vulcan that few ever saw. This was the essence of Vulcan that had threatened its very survival, before Surak, and could still be touched by the lucky, or unlucky few. He had no skills in this arena. He had no idea what to do. He was lost, utterly and completely. He could no more deny his need than he could stop breathing. Kirk's very soul had become intertwined with his. It appeared that the situation was without hope, without possibility of resolution. "My desire shames me." "Bullshit, Spock, " McCoy barked. "There is not a damn thing wrong with loving someone. It's not your fault his life has been one major personal trauma after another. Personally, I don't know why he isn't stark raving crazy. Who knows, he may be and he's just fooling us all. Whatever keeps him from being a basket case, one aspect of it is pure stubbornness. He won't give in or give up. So you can forget making him bond with you. He'll die first. Give him time, Spock. Now that he knows what you want and he's admitted to you, and himself, that he loves you; he'll come around." "I don't believe you. He has said no, not maybe, not someday, only no. What will waiting do to change, no?" Spock's voice was hoarse with the effort to control. "I don't know, Spock. However, if you stay away for much longer, the issue will be dead and so will Jim. Is that what you want?" "Never, I never meant to harm him. I sought to honor him by offering him all that I am, or will be. To a Vulcan, a voluntary bonding is the purest gift. He rejected that offer. He rejected me because I am unworthy." "Dammit, Spock, stop it. The cracks in your armor are showing. He is not, I repeat, not rejecting you. He is trying to protect you, because he values you more than he has ever valued anything in his life. Look at his history. You've seen what he's done for this ship, this crew, for complete strangers to save them and spare them. Do you honestly believe he would do less for you? You saw in his head. You didn't doubt his love in the sickbay, so don't start now." "What should I do, Leonard? I have no skills for this." Spock bowed his head in surrender. "I require your assistance." McCoy knew the effort it took the Vulcan to admit that. This particular admission would never be mentioned again, at least not by McCoy. McCoy sat down, scooted the chair next to Spock, and spoke to the top of the Vulcan's head. "Go to him, just be there. Drop the issue of the bond for now. Just be his friend. Stop cutting him off. You've got to understand that you are his one point of ultimate vulnerability. All of his adult life, Starfleet drummed into him, keep it professional, and keep your distance. They told him to never let anyone hold his heart hostage, no one. He bought the company line , because he had to be the best. Fact, he is the best, Spock, that ever was. Fact, you hold his heart hostage. Give him time. Life will play out as it will. You don't want to help cause your own destruction. Don't stop loving him. Don't stop showing him you do. The rest will work out." "Do you really think so, Doctor?" "There is no science to relationships, so, no, I can't guarantee a damn thing. It's well worth a try, isn't it?" The head slowly looked up at McCoy. The face revealed a cold desert night of pain and loneliness. McCoy could read the war waging behind it. "He is worth it. I will do what I must, whatever I must do, to insure his survival. Failure is not an acceptable outcome." "Okay, good. Get going, then. I'll make sure you have some privacy. Just remember Spock, in this one area, single-mindedness is not the solution. Don't mention the bond." "I understand, Doctor. If you will excuse me . I must get prepared. I will be in the sickbay at 1700 hours. If you could ensure our privacy at that time, that would be helpful." "Done." McCoy slapped his thighs and stood up to go. "Spock, I know this is difficult for you. Thank-you for trying." "Doctor, there is no reason to thank me. It is a purely selfish action on my part. I do not wish to lose Jim. I do not wish to see him hurt or die. Therefore, I will do what I must, to prevent any, and al,l of these outcomes." "If you say so, but personally I like to think you do it out of love." McCoy patted the Vulcan lightly on the shoulder, and left to go back to check on his patient. Spock sat quietly in thought for a long while before he also got up and exited. At 1700 hours, Kirk had been fed. At least, the nurse and McCoy had tried. Two bites did not constitute a meal. His dressings had been changed. A worrisome serosanguinous fluid continued to seep slowly from the wound. Kirk did not move as McCoy probed his wounds and changed the dressings. The silence was deep enough to swim in. McCoy grabbed Kirk's shoulder and was rewarded with a wan smile that rippled slowly across Kirk's face. "I'm going now, Jim. Give a yell if you need me. You know where the COM is." Kirk nodded, laid his head back, and closed his eyes . McCoy walked out into the office where Spock was quietly standing. The Vulcan's eyes were targeted on the figure seated in the treatment room. McCoy nodded once, as he noted the case in Spock's hands that held the 3D chess set. The Doctor took a deep breath, walked into his personal office to keep his word, and gave them space. Spock walked in slowly and looked at his Captain, his T'hy'la, where he lay back against the chair. The human looked small and fragile. His aura was vulnerable, dull, blurred to Spock's mind's eye. Spock could smell Kirk's despair. He could taste Kirk's sense of abandonment. He went and grabbed a chair and silently sat it in front of the human. Jim sensing his nearness, cracked his eyes slightly and looked at him intently. "I brought the chess set. I thought you might enjoy a game. We can play kamikaze chess to keep from taxing you." Kamikaze chess involved using half of the pieces. He and Jim had invented the game for themselves, for a change of pace. It had spread throughout Starfleet over the years, from the crew watching them play. Kirk nodded once; that seemed to tax him. Spock carefully sat up the board and began to play. He palmed the white and black knights under the table and held his hands out for Jim's choice. Kirk nodded towards his right hand, the black knight. Spock had first move. They began the match. It was certainly one of their less skillful games. Both of them made glaring mistakes, sacrificed pieces unnecessarily, unwisely. Spock won to the sound of Kirk's painful coughing. Spock waited worriedly for the spasm to stop. When it finally did, Kirk fell back exhausted against the chair. "Jim, should I get Dr. McCoy?" "No, I'm fine. It's okay." Spock heard the lie and suddenly fear gripped his belly. Kirk could die, not with a fight, in a mighty battle, but after the surrender. These could be their final days, their final minutes together, sharing what had once been glorious and was now painfully tarnished. "Jim." Spock knelt in front of him and took his hand in his. "You must get well. I can not accept anything less. It is not like you to stop fighting, to surrender to anything, even me. Forgive me for pushing you, for asking of you what you would not give. I will accept your decision. I will honor your choice. I have no wish to leave or terminate our friendship. You may strike me if you wish, scream at me, be angry with me, but please do not fade away." Kirk opened his mouth to answer. He needed several tries before sound came out. "Spock, I'm drowning. I've been pulling you under with me. I'm so sorry, T'hy'la. I never meant to hurt you." "I know, Jim." He reached up to wipe the beaded moisture from Kirk's forehead. "I don't have anything left to give, Spock. I don't have any energy left to fight. I'm tired of fighting. I keep battling up for breath; something grabs me and pulls me under again. I've been using you for years to keep me afloat. It hasn't been fair to you. I'm tired of the wars. I want to go home." "Your home is here." "Not anymore," he coughed again. His face grimaced in pain. " Not anymore." Spock plummeted into a maelstrom of rage and frustration. No Vulcan disciplines served him. They were left behind; skin shed by a reptile; the previous home of a hermit crab. "I'm not leaving, Jim," he hissed. " If you desire death so intensely, we might as well get comfortable and wait together. Here, let me pull this chair up, so at least the good Doctor will not have to find either one of us on the floor." "Spock, stop." Kirk pleaded between harsh breaths. "No, I shall not cease." Spock was angry and his anger freed his voice. "I do not know you. I see a stranger, a coward, and a person who is afraid of living. All the years you befriended me , taught me, stood beside me, were the basest of lies. You solely wanted control. It is acceptable for you to give, to be in control of the relationship, but when my growth empowered me, gave me the ability to give, you desire death. Then die, James Kirk, and take us both with you. I am not leaving you." "Spock, I don't want you to die." "That is no longer your decision." "Spock," Kirk leaned forward. The effort made his breathing harsher and louder. "Please, I don't want you to die." He grabbed Spock's arm and rested on it. "Please, Spock, I want you to live." "James Kirk, we are T'hy'la. Where you go, I go. We will leave this plane of existence together. The choice is mine to make." "No." Kirk began to tremble slightly. Suddenly, his eyes rolled upward to show the pale sclera. The tremors became convulsion, painful contractions as his body sent him plummeting towards the floor. He was caught by non-human arms that picked him up and raced to lay him on the Biobed. Spock yelled for McCoy. He reinforced the shout with a jab of the medical alert button. McCoy, Chapel, and two nurses, were through the door in seconds. "Oh, shit," McCoy shouted. "Chris, bring the crash cart over here. His wounds dehisced, he's hemorrhaging again. Spock, move back." Spock rushed to comply. What the hell happened?" McCoy's eyes never wavered from Kirk as they all began to work rapidly over him. "We were talking. He leaned forward and then he began to seize." "What type of seizures?" Chapel asked harshly. "Grand Mal, his whole body was convulsing." "Damn, its probably infectious. Looks like we didn't beat all those little, nasty, alien microbes, yet. Nurse, get a wound and blood sample and take them to the biolab, stat. Chapel, we need to stabilize him before we lose him. Let's open him back up and get the bleeders." McCoy was on automatic. "Spock, you can go sit in the anteroom." He barked out, expecting to be obeyed. "We'll call you as soon as we can." Spock backed out, unwilling to leave Kirk's side. He left, because he knew that he must. McCoy and Chapel waged their battle silently. They had become a highly skilled and formidable medical team. They used every last iota of that skill to beat back the beast that came knocking that night. When they finally came out, the Vulcan had not moved . He waited as they fell down into chairs, and tried to pull and mold their muscles back into a semblance of normalcy. Spock sat silently and watched them. McCoy finally turned to him. He looked like a small pox victim, pocked and streaked with scars. His face cleared slightly, as he focused. McCoy fought fatigue and tears. "Spock, I don't know if he's going to make it or not. Bullets, knives, even phasers are weak enemies compared to nature's warriors. The wound is infected with a virulent virus. Now it's everywhere. That's why he seized. We've isolated the agent and loaded him with a newly synthesized drug. We wait." "Perhaps, if I used the Vulcan healing trance on him.." McCoy interrupted him before he could get started "You'd both die. Vulcans do no better with overwhelming viremia than humans. The healing trance would not work, so don't even think about it." McCoy warned with a look that told him not to try. "Why not put him in cryo-suspension, until we get back. That would increase your opportunity to search for weaknesses in the virus." Spock continued to grasp at ideas, hopes. Chapel answered him. " We thought of that too, but this little bugger likes cold, a lot. It won't suspend function at temperatures humans can tolerate in cryo. It's now or nothing, Spock, no choices left." Chapel sat quietly for a while . Then she got up abruptly." I need some sleep. Call me if anything changes, Leonard." "Okay , Chris." McCoy yawned, leaned over the table to rest his head wearily on his hands, for a moment. Then he sat back up and turned to glance sideways at Spock. "What happened in there?" The Vulcan turned away to look in the distance before he was able to answer. Control, I must have control. "He said he was too tired to fight anymore. He wanted to go home." McCoy grunted, not really surprised. "And what did you say?" Spock turned his gaze on McCoy. for just a second McCoy could see the Vulcan's love for Kirk as a living creature sitting between them. Then, it was mist again. "I told him I would pull a chair up next to him so we could both die and you would not have to find either one of us on the floor." The Vulcan paused, " I called him a coward." McCoy jumped forward in his seat. "Damn, you said that, a coward , huh?" McCoy pursed his lips and whistled. His lips were so dry that it sounded more like a distant wind than a musical note. "You called James Tiberius Kirk, God-slayer, Admiral at 36, and Captain of the Enterprise, a coward?" The Vulcan nodded. McCoy leaned his head back and roared with laughter, that eventually petered out into an audible wheeze. Spock looked totally lost in the maze of confusing human emotions. "A coward. Oh, my goodness." "Doctor McCoy, I fail to see what is causing you so much amusement. Considering our current..." "Oh, shut up, Spock. Don't you see? You almost single-handedly assured Jim's coming out of this alive. You could've talked about his mother, his height, anything else, but you called him a coward. You told him you would die, because he's a coward. Oh shit, Spock, this is rich. Who would have thought, that by pure Vulcan cussedness, you'd hit on a perfect strategy." "I take it you think my lapse will benefit us, somehow?" "Spocko, if Jim has to kick the grim reaper's ass single-handedly, with one eye blind and a limp, he'll do it to keep you alive, and to not be "chicken." Oh, sweet lord, this is too deep." McCoy chuckled. "Knowing him, when he wakes up, you're going to be in deep shit. He won't forget, you know. "A coward," oh my. I gotta go rest, the nurses will keep a close eye on him. Stay if you want, as if you needed my suggestion." McCoy stood up and looked at the Vulcan in open sympathy, "Spock, I am really serious when I tell you that what you did will make him fight for life. You did good. He truly doesn't want you to die. If he has to save himself to save you, well, then the battle is on. Go ahead. They put a chair close, like you like it. I took you off duty, for medical reasons. Ain't shit to do orbiting a planet, and the Ambassador won't be finished for a few more days, yet. Go ahead; get comfortable; it's going to be a long night." The Doctor was correct. It was a very long night for the Vulcan. He experienced each nanosecond as a minute, each minute as an hour, each hour as a solar week. Ten years later, Spock came out of his meditative state, his place of retreat, to the sensation of a hand softly resting on his head. He looked up to see Jim watching him, with a small smile on his face. Kirk croaked out, across desert dry lips, "I want you to live, Spock. " Then, Kirk closed his eyes and slept. The Vulcan's eyes began to glow softly in triumph. Two days later, Spock came to McCoy with an unusual request, which McCoy granted. The Vulcan bundled his Captain into a blanket and had the corridors cleared. Kirk was still too weak to stand, but he was recovering. Spock lifted his Captain, and began to walk, with his much too light, package. The three of them went through the empty corridors to engineering. The Vulcan refused to tell his captain where they were going. Unable to do anything else, Kirk relaxed and waited. Spock took him to the nearest pressure lock on the outer hull of the ship. They dressed him in an EVA suit and Spock got dressed in his. Spock carried Kirk to the lock and entered with his suited burden. He pounded the sequence to cycle the opening code. The door to the ship closed on a smiling and silent McCoy. After the cycle finished, the outside door opened on space. Spock pulled a now weightless Kirk out onto the ship's outer skin and carried him across it to his goal. He sat him down on the skin and magnetically locked him to the surface. Then he sat down beside Kirk. They were no longer circling McCoy's "wart of a planet." Spock had ordered the ship to the nearest celestial light show. It was an aurora of cascading lights and whirling matter, that sparkled its brilliance and sung its song across the void. The ship was still. Its hum was on low ebb, to allow its Captain to sit upon it and draw into himself the stuff of Space. His ship had stopped to feed him diamond stars, and crystal lights. On the bridge, Scotty, Uhura, Sulu, and Chekov all watched the viewscreen. It showed their Captain and their First Officer watching the stars. A lone tear ran down Nyota's cheek. She let it trail its way down, without shame or regret. Jim's suit shook a little, as it's recyclers kicked in, to evaporate the extra moisture he added to the ecosystem of his suit. The suit could use even those moisture laden tears to sustain life. "Thank you, Spock." He whispered for Vulcan ears. "Thank-you's are illogical, T'hy'la. Welcome home." Kirk fell asleep in his suit, as he rode the back of his ship, next to his T'hy'la, and listened to the song of the stars. He was home. --- The End