The BLTS Archive- The Vigil #1: McCoy by Istannor ( --- These are the characters of paramount and viacom, they own them I only check 'em out from the library. I promise to bring 'em back. Feedback is welcome. --- One day I won't be able to take this anymore. One day it will break me. Why does he do this to me? Damn, and double damn. I detest this. I sit here and I watch the monitor for changes in his vital signs. I sit here and I watch to make sure that this time I didn't fuck up. What if I did? What if he dies? What will I do? How will I face myself... and worst of all, how will I face Spock? I know I'm a Doctor, but that doesn't mean that I am so frigging unfeeling that it doesn't matter who I doctor on. Next time for sure, I'll let M'Benga work on him. Not me, somebody else... Yeah, right. I don't think I can take much more of this. His chest moves up and down, up and down. I have him on total life support. He can't even pee without my go ahead. But he can die without my permission. He can die and destroy me, forever. 'I'll be careful. I promise, Bones.' What a bunch of crock. He has no more concept of self preservation than a rock. What is it that makes him think he is worth so much less than anybody else? What makes him think it always has to be him, only him in danger? Again and again, he uses his life, his body to throw at danger. Let somebody else risk it all sometimes, dammit. I don't know what in his life made him this way. I've studied his psych profile, all his records, nothing gives me a clue. Who made him the savior of humanity? Who made him the last man out? What kind of demon is he fighting? I wonder if I'll ever know? Personally, I think he falsified his psych profile, just like he rigged the computer for the Kobayashi Maru. I think he has never told anyone the truth about his past, or about Tarsus. Sometimes, I wonder if he and Kahn hated each other so much, because Jim was genetically engineered, too. If so, someone did a more subtle job with Jim. I think he is an iceberg ; all the jagged edges that drive him, are hidden under deep, cold water. Doesn't matter, he keeps doing it; Spock keeps bringing him home for me to heal. Tag team Kirk care, Spock tags off and I put Jim back together. Then, I stay up all night and day until I know, for sure, that this time we'll live. Damn, why did I say 'we'll live?' Be honest, Leonard. Its because ever since I came on this ship I have been more alive than ever before. I am more alive than I ever will be if I lose him. Damn. The blood pressure is dropping out a little, don't like that, maybe I missed a bleeder. No, it's okay. Blood count is stable, rhythm is regular. His heart is perfect, it can take the stress, but can mine? I'm getting too old for this. Do you know what it feels like to have your hands in the warm guts of your best friend, the person you love more than any other? No one has ever been as close to me as Jim. I saw his blood welling up from the ragged edges of the center of his gut today. His blood, pulsing, rich, and warm like him. Bursting to be free, like him. My stomach gripped me so hard I thought I'd pass out. It hurt to breathe. I can't lose him, if I do I'll have nothing. Even my daughter Joanna, who I love dearly, has never made me feel as alive as this man. Before I put him under, he was still awake enough to talk to me. Spock was holding Jim so tightly, I had to push him back to see the wound. Spock had his hand over it, trying to slow down the bleeding, holding Jim's guts in his hands. Jim turned and somehow he could still focus. Every time he moved, you could see he was in agony. I could tell that Spock was messing with his mind to cut the pain, which meant Spock was feeling his pain, too. I am so afraid, sometimes, that I'll lose them both, together, like they live. In the middle of it all, Jim smiled at me, for Crissakes. There was blood welling up from his gut. I was trying to stabilize him before he bled out on the floor. He looked up at me and told me not to worry. His smile was one of his real smiles, the ones that makes a person want to do anything for him. Anything. No member of the crew will ever let him down after one of 'those smiles'. He had two holes in his gut from some angry idiot and his cronies, on the wart of a planet we're orbiting. They tried to kill the Ambassador, because the damn fool insulted them. Jim tried to warn the idiot, but he wouldn't move, probably too busy crapping in his pants. So, Jim jumped in front of the man, pushed him out of the way and killed the first guy. Spock told me it was the second guy that got Jim. Chekov said Spock moved so fast he blurred around the edges, but he was too late to stop the knife from plunging into Jim. Spock killed the second guy, in a most definitive fashion. Spock performed Tal'shaya; he broke the man's neck in one move. Mess with Jim and you get to see a real pissed Vulcan. Don't ever piss off a Vulcan. Even I ain't gonna kid him about that. That idiot of an Ambassador is fine. I should give him a case of Argellian jock itch. Jim told him those folks were dangerous and he wouldn't listen. Just an asshole and a glory hound. Yeah, I could give him a mild rash, short lived, but real itchy. He deserves it. Nah, Jim will figure out I did it; I'd never hear the end of it. That is one tempting idea. Oxygen saturation is fine. Temperature normal. White count climbing, though. Don't like the levels of endorphins. Shit! Look at the leuketrione level. I think I'll add a little immunostimulant. Probably a dirty knife. Intestinal bacteria I can handle, it's these goddamn alien bacteria you always have to really chase. I know I'm a damn good doctor, probably a brilliant surgeon. That don't mean I always want this boy pushing me to my limits. I still call him a boy. Gotta stop that. He's more than full grown. He carries this ship and most of Starfleet's dreams on his back. But, when I get him in here, and watch him sleep after patching him up one more time, he looks like a boy. A sweet innocent beautiful boy, like the son I would've had, if I had been given a choice, instead of an unfaithful wife. Shoot, be real Leonard, this man could have never come from my little swimmers. This is my body as much as it is his, probably more. He only uses it, I have cellular knowledge of it. I love it more than he does. I have held his heart in my hands and felt it beating. I have pulled knives and spears out of it. I mend it and he just runs out there and throws it in front of something else. Then, he wakes up and smiles, and says, thanks Bones. That's all, thanks Bones. It's as if he didn't almost die, again. I've tried. Spock's tried. It's no use. He acts like he's invincible. Dammit if I don't half believe it now. It's like the Enterprise has two power sources: the matter-antimatter drive in engineering, and the super nova that sits the center seat on the bridge. He burns and radiates energy and we all suck it up like leeches. Sometimes, I've seen his fires get low, like coals, just glowing not flaring any more. That's when I used to get scared for us all. Then he would get this strange smile and close his eyes and go somewhere deep. You could see him do it, gather himself like a force of nature. Ever been to a southern barbecue? When the coals get too low, and more company just arrived, you have to flame the coals. We were real old fashioned in Georgia. We still used an accelerant, called lighter fluid, kinder to the ozone than the original, though. You throw some of that stuff on the coals and whoosh, conflagration. Jim can do that, to himself. Whoosh, there's our own personal supernova, flaming again. None of us have any will anymore. He has us all snookered and following him around like seven day pound puppies, knowing that if it weren't for him freeing us, we'd still be at the pound on that eighth day. The eighth day is when they put the strays down, kill them, dead. Damn, I'm getting slap happy. Spock. Poor, stupid, Vulcan. He has been bitten the worst, I think. Jim owns that man's very essence and doesn't know what to do with it now. I saw it coming. When I joined the ship after Gary died, I could tell that the Vulcan watched him like a man starving for a meal. Jim was so kind to him. I have never seen anyone be as patient and kind to a person in my life. Turns out Jim used to train Appaloosas with his grandfather on the farm in Iowa. Appaloosas nowadays are so smart that they almost are capable of speech. Who would've thought training wild horses would get you ready for skittish Vulcans? It's gotten so Spock purposefully does things just to get Jim to smile at him. I can understand that, Jim's smiles are wondrous. They warm you to your core and make you feel special like you just got laid and it lasted all night long. Jim smiles at you with his soul, not his face. The poor Vulcan bastard never had a friend in his life before, and here the most desirable, brightest, star in Starfleet is offering him unconditional friendship. I watch them now. Spock tries to act like he hasn't fallen in love with his Captain, and Jim allows him the room to do so. Spock hovers and Jim smiles, and every once in a while, he'll just touch the Vulcan, lightly, or hold his wrist while he's talking to him. Then, he'll go on with what he's doing. Spock gets so green and Jim acts like he doesn't see it. I wonder if Spock knows you can see him almost get a hard-on every time Jim touches him? Vulcan tamer. I really can't tell what Jim wants. I don't think he knows yet. Once he decides, that will be it. It will go the way that he decides, it always does. The universe seems to mold itself to his need. It is probably hard for him, to decide to fall in love with a man. I know he thinks of himself as totally heterosexual. He loves women, and, god, they love him. You can smell them get hot when he walks into the room. His eyes get this strange dark green, with golden streaks of lightening. He smiles and his body shifts, relaxes. Then, you can smell his passion and hear whispers. Lemmings, he stands in a room and calls them to the precipice, and they come. I've seen men chase after him before, lots of times. He is always very polite and appreciative, and sends them away feeling charmed by the refusal. Sometimes, I think he's practicing with them, getting used to the idea. He always is very thorough. But, those men he didn't love, and he loves Spock. He's too honest to deny that. Even if he's not in love with him, yet. When it finally happens, and my money is on it happening, the whole universe is gonna hear this sound like two continental plates finally coming together, and fitting, seamlessly. Where will I be then? Probably crushed between them, too frigging stupid, and slow, to move out of the way. Look at him sleeping. Can hardly tell that I spent three hours in surgery sealing him back up. I keep trying to put him back like god made him. I sometimes can't help sitting here looking at him, staring at him, wondering what it would feel like to hear his breath in my ear. Damn...if it's gonna be, it'll be Spock. He's the only one with the strength to survive the flames. Jim would destroy me. But sometimes I dream. I sealed all the wounds, even the smallest punctures. I am always so careful. I don't think I'm intentionally more careful on Jim, but with him it is like being able to work on David, by Michelangelo. He is so perfect in my mind. I can't be the one that finally ruins his perfection. I can't be the one that mars his beauty. Beauty... if he heard me say that, he'd probably knock me square up side my head. He hates being called beautiful. He hates being called handsome. He's both. I sent Spock back to his cabin to rest. He won't be gone for more than two hours at the most. That damn Vulcan won't admit it to me, but he's smitten. I know it. Damn the whole crew knows it. All they see is a reflection of their thoughts. Jim's the reality and everyone else is the reflection. The few who are real honest admit to being envious. Spock is gonna have what all of us want. Yeah, all of us. He'll have Jim; Jim's time; Jim's friendship; Jim's trust; Jim's passion. What will I have? Damn. Stop that, Leonard McCoy. Jim is my best friend. I know that. But, Jim and Spock are each other's violins. You can hear them drawing together. It's different. They live in each other's minds. I spend terrified nights watching over Spock's heart and my soul. Scratch that. I must be getting tired. I meant to say, my patient. I'm his doctor and his friend. It has to be enough. It's all I'll ever get. At least I get to touch him here. Shh, Jim, don't move. You just need a little extra sedation... yep that's enough. The pain's waking him up. I'll give him a little more nuomorph. Look how he moves, even in his sleep. Jim, you're gonna be fine. Just fine, I can't allow you to be anything less. You are never gonna die while I'm here. Never. I will not allow it. If me and that damn Vulcan have to blast away the gates of hell to drag you back, we will. I suspect you know that. --- Hey, Spock, you're back early. I saved you a seat. --- The End