The BLTS Archive - The Measure of A Man: #5: Hand to Hand by Isla ( --- Disclaimer: Star Trek and its characters all belong to Paramount. This is fan fiction, and I won't make any money from it. Thanks to Animasola, Jat Sapphire, and T'Aaneli for betaing. And thanks to Francesca for inspiring me to continue the series by writing "Measure of a Man." Both positive and negative feedback are welcome. --- The first officer of the Enterprise strode purposefully into sickbay. His captain had been beamed aboard a short time ago, and when Dr. McCoy had reported that Captain Kirk required medical attention, the information had been unexpected. The captain had stated that the negotiations with the Trions had been concluded successfully. How had the captain been wounded? Spock schooled his features to show none of his concern as entered the treatment area. James T. Kirk was seated on a biobed, fully clothed except for the fact that the left sleeve of her gold tunic was shredded, leaving her left arm mostly bare. Her reddish-gold hair, which had been cut recently to softly frame her face, was somewhat disordered, and she was putting up her right hand to smooth it as Spock walked into the room. Dr. McCoy stood beside the bed, examining a series of bruises on her arm. Lieutenant David Garrovick was sitting on the next biobed and Nurse Chapel was examining him for what appeared to be similar injuries. Neither the captain nor the lieutenant appeared to notice their wounds. Rather, they were both nearly convulsed by laughter as Garrovick described the altercation that had occurred on the planet. "Well, you should have seen the guy's face when the captain took him down with a combination of a karate chop and a judo throw. Captain, I've seen you show some pretty fancy footwork, but I've never seen you throw someone twice your size like that." Jim laughed, and as she turned to smile at Garrovick, she pulled her arm out of McCoy's hands. McCoy swore softly and recaptured it. Jim gave no sign that she remembered that the doctor was treating her. "Mr. Garrovick, in this body, it seems like everyone is twice my size. I have to give Lieutenant Uhura most of the credit for that move. I'd seen her do it before when a landing party turned ugly, so it was one of the first things I asked her to show me. Of course, I had to build up Dr. Lester's muscles somewhat, but it's more about catching someone off balance than it is about strength." Spock gripped his hands behind his back and stood at the foot of the biobed. "Captain, it was my understanding that the negotiations proceeded without incident." A grin lit Jim's face as she swung her eyes around. "Hello, Spock. Yes, everything worked out OK. Just a little excitement on the way in." "I do not believe that Ambassador Sarek ever began his negotiations by 'throwing around' the other participants." Spock looked questioningly at McCoy. "What is the captain's condition?" "Nothing broken, Spock. A slight sprain to the captain's wrist. Some nasty bruises. The bump on the head isn't too serious either." McCoy dropped Jim's arm. "I'm going to release you, Jim, but I'd like you to take the afternoon off." Jim rubbed her arm and looked from McCoy to Spock. "You don't need me on the bridge, do you, Mr. Spock? I will take off the rest of the afternoon and file my report." McCoy rolled his eyes. "Jim, working at your computer in your quarters is NOT taking the afternoon off. You could use some rest. This body is not as tough as the one that you were originally issued." Jim hopped off the biobed. Formerly, Jim would have had to do little more than stand to climb off the bed, but Janice Lester's legs were shorter, so her feet contacted the floor with a soft thump. "Concern noted, Bones." She turned to look at Garrovick. "How about you, Mr. Garrovick? How are you doing?" Garrovick's eyes glowed as he looked at his captain. "I'm fine, sir." "Thanks for stepping in and saving my ass," Jim said with another grin. "It was my pleasure, but, if you don't mind my saying so, sir, you had it pretty much under control without my help." Garrovick winced slightly as Nurse Chapel twisted his arm to a new angle to test his injury. "You take the rest of the afternoon off, too, Lieutenant." Jim turned back to her first officer. "Mr. Spock?" Jim gestured toward the door. Spock nodded and followed her. She turned at the door. "Thanks, Bones. I really will try to take it easy this afternoon." "You do that, " McCoy grumbled as he smoothed the cover on the biobed, keeping his back to his captain. Jim led Spock into McCoy's office and leaned on the edge of the desk, her arms crossed on her chest. A slight frown dimmed her blue eyes and turned down her mouth. "OK, Spock, let's have it." Spock swallowed once before he said, "I believe that you know the source of my discomfort, Captain. As I said, engaging in fisticuffs with the Trions was hardly the negotiating technique that we had discussed before you beamed down." "You can't be so protective, Spock. You make me feel smothered." Jim touched Spock's arm lightly with cool fingers, which, nonetheless, inspired heat to jolt through Spock's body. Her frown had faded into an expression more akin to gentle entreaty. "If I'm going to function as captain - " "You mistake me." Spock gripped his hands behind his back, silently astonished with himself that his fingers itched to smooth back a lock of hair that was out of place, hair that would feel silky under his fingertips. "I did not say that I was concerned about protecting you. I am concerned how your actions could adversely affect relations between the Trions and the Federation." "Liar. When you swallow like that..." Jim flashed a grin that faded to a more solemn expression before she said, "Anyway, you read the xenopsychology report on the Trions. They were looking for weaknesses. I'm not saying that the guy was a plant, but it definitely raised their estimate of the Federation and Starfleet when the Enterprise's delicate captain took on the disgruntled citizen." "You are not delicate." Spock stopped himself in mid-swallow. "Nonetheless, you cannot deny that this was not wise going into negotiations. As captain of the Enterprise, you represent the Federation and ..." Jim held up her hand to stop her first officer's lecture. "I don't *feel* delicate, but my current appearance ... well, your father, the Vulcan ambassador, sends a very different message with his appearance than I do, so I have to use a different approach." Jim sighed as she crossed her arms on her chest again. "Spock, I do try to use my brain instead of my body. But sometimes..." She shrugged. "Listen, don't you dare tell McCoy this, but I am tired. I'm going to my quarters to rest. I'll start the report later." She lowered her eyes, but then looked up through her lashes with a faint smile "Will you come by later? We can have dinner. Maybe play a game of chess." "Dinner and a game of chess would be welcome. I will also be interested to hear more about your negotiations." Spock held her eyes for a moment before he looked away. "And I am pleased to hear that you will listen to reason and spend the afternoon resting. I will bring dinner to your quarters at 1900 hours." "See you then, First Officer." Jim gripped Spock's arm briefly before she walked out of sickbay. "Until then, Captain." Spock watched her go before he returned to the treatment room. Both the doctor and the nurse had departed and Garrovick sat on the bed, gingerly pulling his shirt over his head. "Mr. Garrovick, has the doctor released you from sickbay?" Garrovick stood up. "Yes, sir. I'm relieved the rest of the day by captain's orders, but the doctor has cleared me for duty tomorrow." He favored his left arm slightly, but he appeared fit. "I have not reviewed your report or the captain's report, but I will reiterate her gratitude for whatever actions you took to save her life." Garrovick smiled widely before he opened his mouth to respond, but Spock held up a hand to forestall the response. "Why was the security team not positioned properly? The captain's life should never have been in danger." Garrovick stood a little straighter, his hands at his side. "Mr. Spock, I understand how you feel, but you know that the captain doesn't make it easy to protect her. Never has." Spock considered rebuking the lieutenant for accusing him -- a Vulcan -- of having feelings about the matter, but decided that now was not the time for a lecture regarding Vulcan culture. "I am not interested in excuses, Lieutenant. I ask only that you do your job." Spock turned to go. "Sir." Garrovick's tone of voice was coolly respectful. "Is this a reprimand?" Spock did not turn. "My comments were not an official reprimand. Rather an unofficial expression of dissatisfaction with your performance today." "If I may, Mr. Spock, I would like to make an unofficial response." His eyebrow jumped. "I would be interested to hear that response." "I don't think you ever underestimated Captain Kirk before, sir. And I don't think you should now. I guess for me it's not a big deal to watch a woman in hand-to-hand combat. I don't even get upset when I come across one that can beat the hell out of me. Women have different strengths and weaknesses than men, but -- " "Thank you, Mr. Garrovick." Spock turned to study the young man. "Captain Kirk appreciates your loyalty. As do I." He was silent a moment. "I am sure that you did not intend to insult me by accusing me of prejudice against a woman's ability to defend herself. My intention was to remind you that a starship captain's life is far too valuable to risk. Whether that captain's body is male or female." "Yes, sir. If you'll excuse me, sir..." The lieutenant's expression was frank and untroubled. "Dismissed, Lieutenant." Garrovick, with Spock close on his heels, nearly ran into McCoy as they headed out the door of the treatment room. McCoy nodded at Garrovick, but he stopped the first officer. "Spock, can you spare a minute." "Of course, Doctor." Spock followed McCoy into his office. McCoy sank into his chair, rubbing his hands across his eyes. "I was eavesdropping, and I don't blame you for being annoyed, but you know damn well that Garrovick isn't the problem. It's Jim's damnable blind faith in his ability to handle any situation." Spock lifted an eyebrow. "Yes, it is a character flaw with which not all Terrans are afflicted." "How can you joke about this, Spock? And don't tell me that Vulcans don't joke." McCoy was talking too quickly and vehemently for Spock to respond. "When that guy jumped Jim, it scared the hell out of me. He seems to think that he can just - " "Perhaps it would be more appropriate to refer to the captain as she." Jumping to his feet, McCoy leaned forward to glare at Spock. "How can you accept what has happened to him so calmly? No, I don't think it's more appropriate to call Jim a she. Do you have any idea how disorienting this has to be for him? Do you have any idea how important gender identity is to a man like Jim?" "Calm yourself, Doctor." Spock met McCoy's eyes coolly. "Your emotional outbursts solve nothing." He crossed his arms on his chest. "I do understand that a change in gender identity is disorienting." He waited a moment for an additional outburst from McCoy but when none came, he continued softly, "Has Jim spoken to you about this?" "No, he hasn't." McCoy dropped back into his chair, picked up a stylus off his desk, and drummed it absentmindedly. "I was hoping that he'd spoken to you." "And it was your hope that I would 'pass on' the details of those private conversations. If that is your only purpose, this discussion is at an end." Spock turned and walked toward the door. He did not look back at McCoy when he said, "I understand that you are concerned. If I believe that you can be of assistance, I will recommend that Jim speak with you." "You cold-blooded, pointy-eared..." The remainder of McCoy's diatribe was cut off when the door closed behind Spock. --- When the door to his quarters closed behind him, Jim leaned back against it with his eyes closed. He'd had a dizzy spell in the turbolift and had been damn glad that he'd been alone. He wiped a shaking hand across his forehead and then glared at his throbbing wrist. When he realized what he was doing, he laughed and headed into the bathroom. He purposely avoided glancing in the mirror and had to think twice about the correct technique for emptying his bladder. He looked down at the red stain on his underwear. Damn. Intellectually, he knew what it was, but it was still disconcerting to see it. Damn. Every woman on this ship had an extractor in her bathroom cupboard. Well, he didn't. And there was no sense sitting here on the toilet wishing for one. He pulled off a wad of paper and doubled and tripled it to stuff in his underwear to temporarily absorb the mess. He pulled up his trousers and headed back into his sleeping area. He paused. Sickbay? Yeah, they would have extras, wouldn't they? His door buzzed. He knew that it was too early to be Spock. God, he hoped it wasn't Spock. As much as he loved Spock, he wasn't prepared to share this with him. Not right now. It was still too new and unsettling. "Yes?" "Lieutenant Uhura, sir." "Come." He grabbed onto the screen divider for support when he felt dizzy again, but he managed to display a smile when she walked in. "What can I do for you, Nyota?" She grinned. "I just saw Garrovick and he said that..." She stepped forward and grasped his arm. "Are you OK, Captain? You look - " "Like I've lost some blood." He looked down when his smile faltered. "I don't really know how to - " She ushered him over to his bed and practically pushed him down. "You just started your period, didn't you?" "Yeah." His voice was practically a whisper. "It's nothing to be ashamed of." He studied the too-small hands in his lap and attempted a grin. "Maybe not if you're talking to your mother about it for the first time, but if you're talking to your communications officer..." Somehow he knew that she wanted to put her arms around him. And he knew that he wouldn't be able to stand it. Not that hugging her would be such a terrible thing. He just didn't trust himself not to...oh, hell, he wasn't going to cry or anything, but... "Wait here, Jim. I'll be back." He sat very still staring at the door as it closed behind her, but then he sighed and bent over carefully to pull off his boots. --- He woke to the smell of food and the slight pressure of a warmer-than-human hand resting on his forehead. He didn't open his eyes immediately. Playing possum, his mother would call it. The bed shifted slightly when Spock sat down, and Jim was drawn like a magnet. He slid over to rest his belly against Spock's thigh. The warmth was more soothing than the heated pillow that Nyota had lent to him, which he'd dropped on the floor while he slept. "Ah, you are awake." Spock's fingers slid down to caress Jim's cheek. "Your temperature is somewhat elevated. Have you informed the doctor?" His eyes still closed, Jim captured Spock's hand and kissed the fingertips. "My temperature always rises when you're around, Spock." "You must eat dinner before you seduce me with your sweet words, my Lasha." Spock's hand closed around Jim's smaller one. Janice's breasts ached, Jim was sore "down there," and his stomach twisted with a dull ache that wasn't quite nausea. "I'm not hungry." But when Jim opened his eyes, an involuntary smile spread over his face. Spock had showered, shaved, and replaced his uniform with a black tunic and matching pants. The scent of cardamom and cinnamon tickled at Jim's nostrils, and Jim put his hand out to stroke the heated velvet that covered Spock's hard quadriceps. His fingers strayed over to trace the outline of Spock's half-erect cock. Well, it wasn't Spock's fault that Mother Nature was playing dirty tricks on Jim. And it was amazing how sexual arousal took his mind off his troubles. Was it the extra hormones associated with the menstrual cycle or the fact that Spock looked so damn tempting? "You must eat, Jim." Spock's tone had been firm, but the effect was spoiled by his soft gasp at Jim's increasingly bold caresses. "Then it's a good thing you brought me something to whet my flagging appetite." Tugging at the opening to Spock's pants, Jim slid over on the bed. "Come up here where I can reach you." Spock's desultory protest turned into a harsh groan as Jim expertly extracted Spock's erection and fondled the head. Fortunately, Spock wasn't illogical enough to wear underwear when he came to call on his lover. Once reclined on his back, Spock lifted slightly so Jim could strip his pants down over his ankles, and they joined Spock's boots and socks in a pile on the floor. Wrapping one hand around the base of the rapidly hardening shaft and tonguing the sensitive spot between the two ridges, Jim caressed silk over steel and tasted the sweet, alien spice of his lover's precum. "Oh, Jim." Spock's hands slid into Jim's hair. He didn't precisely pull Jim's head down to his groin, but it was pretty clear that Spock had forgotten about dinner. Accommodating Spock's generous cock in Janice's smaller mouth was not easy, but Jim had retained enough breath control to deep-throat the hot, hard shaft. For this variety of fucking, a smaller throat was an advantage, although lungs with a greater capacity would be welcome. With one hand splayed at the base of Spock's cock, Jim slid the other one down to manhandle Spock's balls. His eyes closed, Jim started out slowly, occasionally pulling the shaft completely out of his mouth to take a deep breath, lick along the vein and tongue the leaking hole at the head before he took the shaft all the way back in. He gradually increased his tempo. Spock wasn't thrusting, probably because he was afraid of hurting Jim, but he was writhing and he groaned Jim's name occasionally. Jim paused in his labors to kiss the head of Spock's cock and open his eyes to look up into Spock's flushed, beautiful face. Spock's eyes were closed and his lips were slightly parted, the breath coming in harsh exhalations, but he opened them when it registered that Jim had paused. His pupils had widened, so that his eyes were nearly black instead of dark brown, and he licked his lips before he said in a hoarse whisper, "Do you wish me to fuck you now, Jim? If so, you must cease stimulating me." Jim grinned and lifted Spock's shaft so he could gently nibble one ball and then the other. Jim's nose pressed into the dent between the balls, inhaling their musky odor, and his tongue gently teased at Spock's perineum. "Mmm, I'm going to finish you like this. Any objections..?" "I wished to..." a low groan as Jim moistened a finger and slid it up inside of Spock's rectum..."share pleasure with you, Jim." Jim laughed softly, a puff of air against Spock's balls. "Believe me, I'm getting pleasure from this." He tongued the Spock's balls again and then ran his tongue along the underside of the shaft, following that motion by wrapping his hand around it. "I love your cock, Commander. You taste good, and you feel good in my hand. And in my mouth." He proved the last statement by engulfing the head once more, letting it nudge against the roof of his mouth. He tongued the head once more, slurping at the thick precum that trickled out the slit. Withdrawing his finger from Spock's rectum and gently rolling Spock's balls under his fingertips, Jim looked up into the dark eyes again. "I want you to fuck my mouth." Spock's breathing was audible in the quiet room, and he nearly moaned when he said, "I do not wish to hurt you," but Jim's hands urged him into position. Spock's knees rested against Jim's armpits, and his hands were on either side and slightly above Jim's head. Initially, mindful of the fragility of the mouth that suckled at his cock, Spock's thrusts were slow and controlled, his depth of penetration shallow. Impulsively, Jim reached out with his mind. //Spock. Let me feel what you feel.// Spock flinched slightly and stopped moving for a moment. //T'hy'la. Yes, share my pleasure.// Then it was Jim whose cock was thrusting against the tightly gripping hand and into the eager mouth. His cock was on fire, but the mouth was cool and moist. He screwed his eyes shut, breathed in the scent of Spock's arousal, and gripped the cool sheets in his fists. Blindly, he thrust into the welcoming cavity, moaning his pleasure loudly. A cool hand squeezed his balls, then released to tease along the crevice of his ass. Two fingers thrust up his ass, his balls tightened, and he spurted his seed into his lover's throat. He lost all feeling in his legs and fell in a boneless heap --- When he opened his eyes, Jim was flat on his back, and the fur of Spock's chest tickled his bare forearm. Hot lips slid from Jim's throat to his lips, his forehead, his eyebrows, and his eyelids. "Spock." His voice was scratchy and his throat ached. He swallowed experimentally before he reached for Spock's hand. "That was...amazing. It was almost as if..." Spock went very still. "You had your own body back. Oh, Jim." Spock buried his face in Jim's shoulder, rubbing his face against the soft t-shirt that Jim had paired with boxers as his sleeping attire for his afternoon nap. Both garments had belonged to Jim since he was at the Academy and, although they were slightly too large for his present form, their familiarity was like a security blanket. Jim stroked both hands through Spock's hair, further mussing the dark silk. "Thank you, Spock. For letting me... experience ... that." He laughed shakily. "It was one of the best orgasms I've had since..." "Jim." Spock's voice was almost a whisper. "I regret... I have been...insensitive." "Insensitive?" Jim sat up suddenly, dumping Spock off his shoulder. "What are you talking about?" He looked down at his lover, who now lay on his side facing the wall. Jim rubbed his hand over Spock's trembling shoulder. Spock rolled over and gracefully sat up to face Jim. His eyes were very bright. Spock cleared his throat. "Dr. McCoy spoke to me of the difficulty you must be suffering. I have been guilty of...believing you...when you appeared to accept the situation." "Accept?" Jim grinned crookedly before he shook his head. "We don't either of us accept the situation, Spock." He reached for Spock's hand, and his grin faded. "We still have to get up every day to be the captain and first officer. Nothing will ever get in the way of doing my duty to this ship and for this crew. But you know damn well that my first waking thought in the morning and my last thought before I go to sleep is about what we're going to do about this damn situation." He closed his eyes for a moment; a tremor of dizziness rolled through his body. "Jim? You are not well. Let me call the doctor." Jim opened his eyes, and he smiled reassuringly. "I'm OK. Besides, you don't want McCoy to have a look at you like that, do you?" Spock's eyes dropped down to his naked torso. "I will dress, of course." Shaking his head, Jim said, "We need to talk, Spock. Then I promise if I'm still feeling bad, you can call Bones." "Agreed." Spock leaned against a pillow propped at the head of the bed and settled Jim's head onto his thigh. He stroked a hand through Jim's hair. "T'hy'la, we will talk about whatever you wish." Jim closed his eyes and rubbed his cheek against his hairy pillow. "I love you. And I loved sucking your cock just now." Spock's hand stilled. "I also enjoyed our sexual encounter." He paused and sighed an unVulcan sigh. "Perhaps it is that of which we should speak initially." Jim opened his eyes, ran his hand up Spock's thigh, and kissed the tip of Spock's partially erect cock. Not necessarily a sexual gesture. More the security of touching his love's flesh. "Why, Spock? Do you regret that I seduced you that first night in Janice's body? I know that it was only a couple of hours after you told me that you were confident that we would restore me to my own body. And that's why we should wait. You said that it was wrong for you to touch her body. It was like nonconsensual sex, you said." He frowned and fixed his eyes on the ceiling. "I recall that discussion." Spock licked his lip. "At the time, it seemed... inadvisable. Later, I was gratified that I could give you comfort and pleasure." He shook his head. "When we could not find an expeditious solution to our dilemma, it appeared logical that we should continue our physical relationship using the body that you had no choice but to occupy. There are many psychological benefits to sharing ourselves in this way. On reflection, however, I wonder whether it was the best choice for you." "It was my choice. Don't you think that I can figure out what's best for me?" Jim's voice was calm as he studied Spock's face. Spock swallowed and was silent a moment before he said, "I believed that your motivation was initially a need for comfort and reassurance. Later, I wondered at your ability to... improvise... as we explored your new sexual sensations in the body of a woman." He reached for Jim's hand again. "We have never spoken about what you gave up...sexually. I did not realize until this evening how... I was foolish...perhaps even selfish...not to have offered you before what you asked for tonight. It is possible to experience..." Jim clutched at Spock's hand. "No, Spock. Don't you see? I can't rely on you to give me that experience. It's so damn tempting. What if I wanted to make love like that every time? I need to accept what..." "You said yourself that you did not accept that you will be 'trapped' in this body the rest of your life. What harm is there in using our minds to allow you to experience the act of lovemaking as the man you once were?" Spock put his other hand out to cover Jim's hand. "I don't know." He reached up to brush a finger against Spock's lower lip. "Maybe it's part of my fear of losing myself in your mind. It's such a beautiful place, but I can't live there." Spock frowned. "You do 'live' in a part of my mind. Our bond makes it so. But you would never use it to escape from your responsibilities in the physical world." "No, T'hy'la, I wouldn't. But I won't deny that it's tempting." Jim closed his eyes. "When you touch me, you make me whole again. When you're holding my hand, I forget that it's the wrong hand." "The wrong hand?" Spock revealed that he'd read some of the same research that Jim had when he said, "You are referring to your struggle with your gender identity. Are you ready to speak of that?" Jim sighed and rolled onto his back. He placed Spock's hand on his lower belly and covered it with his own. The heat felt good. "It's not about just my gender identity. Not that I'm totally thrilled with being a woman -- well, not today anyway." Spock drew soothing circles with his palm on Jim's belly. "Why today? What is different about today?" "Promise you won't laugh?" Spock's eyebrow jumped. And Jim was the one who laughed. "I know. That was a stupid question." He frowned and covered Spock's hand with his own. "I started my menstrual cycle, and I'm suffering from cramps. They're better now, but the dizziness and the slight fever...well, Nyota says all that stuff is normal for some women." "Shall I call the doctor?" "God, no. I don't want McCoy near me. Can you imagine how he'd tease me?" Jim sat up quickly. "He is very concerned about you. He would not 'tease' you." Settling Spock's arm around his waist, Jim leaned against Spock's side. "No, of course not." He fell silent and ran his fingers along Spock's hairy outer thigh. "Jim, how can I help? I do not wish for you to suffer." He stroked his fingers along Spock's groin, feeling the warmth and the slight throb of Spock's pulse. "I read some about gender identity, Spock, but it seems to be about people who are born in a body they feel is the wrong gender. And what they're willing to do to bring their body into congruence with who they are. It doesn't really capture how I feel. About this." "Tell me what you feel, Jim." Jim smiled a soft smile. "When I woke up in Janice's body, I groaned to myself and said, 'not again.' I guess the average guy would have a pretty strong reaction to suddenly being in someone else's body. But, for me, somehow it seemed like all in a day's work." "Explain." "Remember Sargon? When he took over my body, I was in that energy sphere. Yeah, that was worse than this, believe it. I couldn't touch you. I sensed you, but it's not the same." Jim intertwined his fingers in Spock's and held on tight. "But it was for a worthwhile goal. Part of the mission." Studying their joined hands, Jim said, "And I remember when Garth duplicated my body. It was disconcerting to see someone else walking around in my body and intending to use it to do evil. And you didn't recognize which one was *me.* Not right away." Jim took a deep breath and then expelled it almost as a moan. "And the transporter accident. Two of me again. I retained the memories from both of me, of course. I hated the 'wolf' side, but I also... Isn't it strange that you told me that the wolf was just as much a part of me, too, but you never spoke to him?" Spock turned pale, remembering. "Jim, I..." "It's OK." Jim squeezed Spock's fingers. "I hated what my wolf tried to do to Rand, but I'm glad he didn't go to you." "Why?" Spock stopped breathing for a moment. "I wanted you even back then, but my wolf was afraid. But he wasn't afraid of Rand. We talked about it later. She's a remarkable person, Spock." Jim rubbed his jaw, remembering the right cross that Rand had given him, which had made them both feel a helluva lot better. "I did wish that your 'wolf' had come to me instead of to Miss Rand," Spock whispered. "No, Spock. It might have ruined things between us." Jim shuddered at the thought. Rand had fought the wolf when he'd tried to assault her, but how would Spock have reacted? Of course, Spock had five times Rand's physical strength, but... Jim opened his eyes, so that he was looking at Spock instead of the picture inside his mind. "Like I said, you didn't see him as your friend. In spite of what you said about him being part of me, you didn't see *me* in him." Jim took another shuddering breath. "And I'm wondering, what if you hadn't been able to see me this time either? I wouldn't have either you or my ship. Just like the wolf. What would have happened to me?" He shook his head. "No, I've been through worse experiences than waking up in Janice Lester's body. Hasn't made me insane yet." Jim slid his free hand along Spock's thigh again. "But it is awful being inside of a body that isn't mine." Spock burrowed against Jim's t-shirt clad shoulder and inhaled deeply. "That is what you felt when you first woke up. Is it different now?" "Yes. Now that I've been here a while, it's not another one of my crazy 'going boldly where no man has gone before' experiences." Jim extricated himself from Spock's arms and stretched out on the bed, resting his cheek on Spock's thigh but facing away this time. "Now, it's more like Chris Pike." "I do not understand." Spock reached out to rub the back of Jim's neck soothingly. Then he caught his breath. "I believe I see." Jim nodded rubbing his cheek against Spock's thigh. "A terrible accident has trapped me in my partially functioning body, and I'm hoping the my brilliant science officer can come up with something to get me out of this." "Jim," Spock whispered. "I am attempting..." Jim's hand came up to curl around the warm hand against the back of his neck. "I know, Spock. You're doing what you can. I didn't mean it that way. And how can I complain? What happened to Chris is far worse! At least I can live a fairly normal life. God, I feel guilty for comparing myself to a handicapped person because of this. It sounds so awful. Handicapped by being a woman. It's just...that's how this feels." "I can take you to Talos. If the other possibilities do not work and that is what you want, perhaps..." Spock's other hand covered Jim's. "I would do anything..." Jim turned to stare at him, wide-eyed. "Talos? No, of course that's not what I want." Then he smiled. "Oh, I see what you mean." He shook his head. "No, the answer to our problem isn't the same as the answer for Chris Pike. I just meant it's a similar situation. Like you said, you'd do anything. Steal a starship if that's what it takes. I'm speaking metaphorically, of course, Spock. Don't do anything against regulations without checking with me first, OK?" Spock took a deep breath. "Affirmative." Jim's smile widened. "I *know* we can beat this. We'll find a solution. You and me together." Jim kissed the tip of Spock's cock again, and gently ran a finger along the underside, watching it spring to life again. "I do not think that additional sexual stimulation..." Spock's words trailed off, and he moaned softly as Jim continued to fondle his cock. "Jim?' His voice sounded harsh. "I miss..." He cleared his throat, but then turned his head away. "My cock? You miss sucking it? You miss getting fucked with it?" "I do." Spock's voice was barely a whisper, and his head hung down. "I know, Spock. I know how tough this is for you." Jim shook his head. "I thought about having surgery. So at least you would have a male lover again. For me, too, of course." Spock rolled himself flat on the bed and pulled Jim into his arms. "It would not be - " "The same. I know." Jim reached behind to stroke his hand over the side of Spock's face. "I'm not crazy about the idea. There's also the fact that this body is still Janice's. I can't help thinking of it that way. That I'm just occupying it temporarily. And it seems wrong to do that to a body that doesn't really belong to me. I even felt guilty about cutting her hair until Nyota convinced me. Am I wrong to be concerned about mutilating Janice's body? When she had no compunction about doing what she did to me." "No," Spock said into Jim's neck. "You are a highly principled person." He was silent for a moment. "In addition, the surgery is rather complex and..." "Mmm, you read about it, too, Spock?" "We agreed to explore all possibilities." "We just haven't talked about that particular possibility." "Our goal is to restore you to your own body. We are not yet ready to talk about less desirable alternatives." "I know. Chopping off Janice's breasts and attaching a new cock on this body...well, it may solve some of my troubles, but it's not my preferred solution." Jim lifted Spock's hand from his belly and kissed it before he sat up. "I'm feeling better now. How about dinner?" Spock sat up, too. "It will be cold." Jim smiled. "We can either eat it cold or go down to the mess. Your choice, First Officer." "I would prefer to remain here." "Good choice." Jim leaned over to kiss Spock's mouth swiftly before he stood up. --- "I'm pleased with how the negotiations turned out, of course. The Trions are a valuable addition to the Federation. But I'm not looking forward to the reception tomorrow night. I don't know what I'm going to wear." He laughed. "I never imagined myself saying that!" Jim put down his fork and looked across to where Spock was pushing the food around on his plate. "Spock? You're not even listening to me, are you?" Spock's head came up. "I am listening. As you know, I am able to process multiple concepts simultaneously." His own fork dropped onto the plate with an uncharacteristic clatter, and he gripped his hands together in his lap. "I presently have no leads in my search for a similar mechanism to the one that Dr. Lester used to steal your body." He paused for a long time before he expelled his breath. Jim stood up and came around the desk to stand behind Spock's chair. Peeling the robe down from Spock's shoulders, he began to knead the tensed muscles. "I'm sorry. About what I said before. About counting on my brilliant science officer. I didn't intend to make you feel guilty about not being able to find a quick solution." "No apology is necessary." Spock said before he closed his eyes and leaned back into Jim's touch. "You are generally successful when you use such methods -- building self-confidence frequently inspires improved performance in your subordinates." Jim smiled faintly and dug into the muscles a little harder. "Remember when you offered to take leave? To work on this thing full-time? Well, I'm selfish enough that I would have taken you up on it if they hadn't let me keep the Enterprise. I'm equally selfish when I insisted that you stay in your present position. I need you as my first officer." He leaned over to kiss the tip of Spock's ear and murmured, "And I need you at night to hold me while I sleep." Spock reached up to clasp one of Jim's hands. "That will be sufficient for now." After a moment, Jim realized that Spock was talking about the massage. He rearranged the robe around Spock's neck before he came around to sit on the edge of his desk. "Command has kept us busy, so you haven't had a lot of time. I guess I was hoping that if we both worked on it..." He shook his head. "I know I haven't been a lot of help - " "I have always found your review of my work to be valuable. You frequently identify random elements that would otherwise have been missed." Spock pushed their dinner plates out of the way and turned Jim's computer to face his side of the desk. Jim scooted over to give Spock more room. Spock's shoulders straightened, his fingers flew over the keyboard, and his eyes narrowed in concentration. After a minute, he leaned back in his chair and pointed a long, slender finger at the display. "You have reviewed my latest report?" Rubbing his hand on his jaw, Jim said, "I did." Leaning forward slightly, he read through it again, silently. Wished for a leap of inspiration. Wished that the hormones that surged through his body would give him some additional edge. Some of that female intuition that he'd always heard about. Finally, he straightened with a sigh and stumbled over to plop down into the chair behind his desk. "You were damn thorough. And I don't see any other leads either." Spock steepled his fingers on the desk and studied the display. "Perhaps because there are none." "We've chased everything down, Spock, and the trail's cold." Jim said, almost angrily, fingering the frayed hem of his too-large T-shirt. He stared down at the unraveling fabric until it became blurry. "Jim?" Spock voice was very quiet. Seating himself on the edge of the desk closest to Jim's chair, he gently loosened Jim's grip on his T-shirt hem and clasped that hand between both of his own. Lifting his chin, Jim met Spock's eyes. "I'm OK." "Pursuant to our agreement that both of us will not be discouraged at the same time?" Spock's expression was so bleak that it took Jim a moment to realize that the Vulcan was teasing him. The edges of his mouth turned up in a grin. "I don't remember signing any such agreement, Mr. Spock." He stood up, disengaging his hand from Spock's. He walked into his sleeping area, turned, and walked back into his work area. When he reached the bulkhead, he turned again. Striking his palm with his other fist, he snapped, "We have to find another way. First, we tried to use the device that she originally used, but that was ineffective. We couldn't figure out how it worked, so we didn't have a clue as to how she broke it or how to fix it." Crossing his arms on his chest, Spock said, "No, that was not our first step." Jim turned to gaze at Spock. "Tell me." "You recall the mind touch that I performed when we were in the brig?" "Yes." Jim's eyes lit up. "I was temporarily back in my own body." He frowned. "Spock, you tried doing it again later. You tried until it made you sick. You scared the hell out of me, and I won't risk you hurting yourself. Not even for this." He started to pace again, his voice gradually rising. "For the last two weeks, starting with what was left of Janice's research files, you've been searching anything that even remotely related to the phenomenon of personality transference, hoping to turn up some thread. But we've gotten nowhere." Jim rubbed his temples with both hands. "Every wild rumor, every crazy speculation..." He paused, leaning against the screen divider, and squared his shoulders. "We have to concede that she's beaten us. She destroyed all the clues before she attacked me. I'm not good at admitting defeat, but... I'll do more research about the transgender surgery, Spock. I have to decide whether it's worth it to go through all that. It still won't be my body. It will be a male version of Janice's body." His voice was harsh with anger. "Jim, no." Spock crossed the room to stand beside Jim. "I did not intend to discuss this with you until I had more information. I have located a Vulcan healer who may be willing to assist us. She is stronger mentally than I. It is possible that she could succeed where I have failed." He didn't turn to look at Spock immediately. "What do we have to do?" He flattened his hands on the divider and stared at them. They were so small. Not really his hands at all. He swallowed and said softly, "We'll need to talk to Janice. I don't know what the rules are about seeing her while she's in rehabilitation. Maybe she'll have a change of heart and be willing to cooperate." He stood still, placing those hands over his eyes for a minute. When he dropped his hands from his eyes, Jim stood up a little straighter and turned to smile at Spock. "OK, Spock, let's do it. Do we need to take the healer there? How soon will she do it? How long will it take?" Spock let out his breath in a soft sigh, and a faint smile appeared in his eyes. "I do not have all of the answers yet, but I believe that we should bring Dr. Lester to Vulcan. As soon as T'Elian receives approval to do this, we can make the arrangements." With a soft chuckle, Jim placed one arm around Spock's waist and used his other hand to pull Spock's head down to kiss his mouth. "I don't know how to thank you." He kissed him again. "You are amazing. I love you." Spock made a soft sound against Jim's hair that could have been a laugh. If Vulcans were given to laughing. "Do not thank me yet. There are still many unknowns." "I should be mad at you for not telling me sooner." But Jim was grinning. "In truth, I intended to wait until the arrangements were farther along." He tightened his arms around Jim. "But I could not wait. I could see that you needed to know." "My brilliant science officer," Jim said against Spock's shoulder. "As I said, there are many unknowns..." His voice trailed off, and he held Jim silently. The silence was interrupted by a whistle from the comm unit. Jim brushed a quick kiss against Spock's collarbone before he stepped to the desk. "Kirk here." "Communications officer, sir. I have a message for you. From Ambassador Sarek." Jim gave Spock a 'what the hell' glance before he said, "Very good, Lieutenant. Pipe it down here." "Yes, sir." Sarek's face replaced the lieutenant's on Jim's viewscreen. Despite the fact that he knew it was a taped message and, therefore, Sarek couldn't see him, Jim smoothed back his hair and stood a little straighter. "Captain Kirk, I have been able to arrange transport and will be arriving tomorrow. My aide will send full information in a separate message. Captain, your performance in this matter has been satisfactory. Welcoming the Trions into the Federation merits the attendance of a full ambassador." Sarek paused. "Inform your first officer that his mother is in good health. Ambassador Sarek out." Jim sank down into his chair and let out a low whistle. "Indeed," Spock said, crossing his arms on his chest. Leaning back in his chair, Jim studied Spock. "I don't mind telling you that I'm terrified about seeing him. Why do you think he's coming?" "To welcome the Trions into the Federation," Spock said with a straight face. "Very funny." Jim drummed his fingers on his desk. "Well, now I really have to worry about that thing we were talking about earlier." Spock lifted an eyebrow. "Jim, there is zero possibility that you will regain your own body before Sarek arrives tomorrow." "That's not what I meant." Jim leaned forward to touch the comm unit. "Captain Kirk to Lieutenant Uhura." Spock's eyebrow climbed higher. When Uhura's face appeared, Jim said, "Nyota, I need your help. I don't have a clue what to wear to this reception tomorrow. I don't think my dress uniform resized to fit Janice's body will do the trick. I want to look..." He hesitated and threw a glance over his shoulder at Spock. "Absolutely stunning, Jim?" Uhura laughed. "I can arrange that." --- The End