The BLTS Archive - Authority by ILuvKate --- "I really wish you wouldn't go, Kathryn," B'Elanna paused in pulling on her boots to look up at her spouse who was pinning her pips to the collar of her gray turtleneck. Kathryn put the last gold pip in place and gave an irritated grimace. "What is it with everybody about this mission, anyway?" she grumbled. "You'd think I was some green ensign barely out of the Aca--" B'Elanna stood up, interrupting her. "For one thing," she said with acerbity, "neither Tuvok nor I liked the look and sound of that--what'd he call himself?--Grandiose Supreme Lord Minister. That in itself should tell you something, Kathryn." Kathryn looked mulish. "Tuvok, Kathryn, and *me* having the same intuition? Hello?" "That's just how the Universal Translator translated it," Kathryn said stubbornly. "Just because he has a pretentious title doesn't mean--" "I don't like his looks," B'Elanna growled, interrupting Kathryn for the second time and bringing a glint to the captain's eye, "and I don't like his voice. And I don't like *him.*" Kathryn shook her head and turned toward the door. "I'm due on the Bridge," she said dismissively. "The matter is closed. I'm going to the surface to conduct these negotiations because I'm the only one this person will talk to. And we need those supplies and foodstuffs." Without further ado, she exited the quarters, the doors hissing closed with a soft sound of finality. B'Elanna swore and seizing a coffee cup from the table hurled it with all her might against the far wall. The sturdy alloy bounced harmlessly off the wall and rolled away under a table. B'Elanna swore again. "Why don't you just leave without a 'goodbye' or a kiss or anything?" she growled, glaring at the doors that had just closed on Kathryn's slim figure. Muttering under her breath, she, too, left the quarters heading for Engineering. --- "Tuvok," Kathryn said warningly as she headed for the transporter pad, "Don't start. I've already heard it from B'Elanna and I don't need to hear it again from you." She positioned herself on the pad and glanced at the transporter tech standing behind the control console. "If Lt. Torres was unable to convince you, Captain, then I am certain I would be unsuccessful in dissuading you from this mission," the Security chief said imperturbably. Kathryn shot him a sour look. "You and B'Elanna," she groused. "You'd think I was a babe in the woods. Energize," she said shortly to the transporter tech. The whine of the transporter, accompanied by the tingling blue shimmer filled the room and the captain vanished in a sparkle of light. --- B'Elanna made her way to the Bridge as soon as she was able to leave Engineering in Susan Nicoletti's charge. She'd been barely able to concentrate on her duties, so worried was she about Kathryn. Another flash of anger rippled through her. Sometimes the woman made her mad enough to literally chew nails, but she was helplessly, hopelessly in love with her and she would have put up with anything from her to just be with her. That's why she was so worried about her safety down on the surface. Her very hackles had risen when the visage of Tark Roh, the Grandiose Supreme Lord Minister of the Diburians, had appeared on the viewscreen. Oddly enough, she had glanced at Tuvok and felt waves of unease fairly flowing from the Vulcan's usually stoic features. His eyes were even glittering. Tuvok had felt her gaze and glanced at her wordlessly before turning his eyes back to the Diburian who was talking to the captain. Kathryn had seemed particularly unaffected by the alien as had every other member of the Bridge crew. Apparently, B'Elanna realized, it was just she and Tuvok who were experiencing this intense dislike of a being on whom they had never laid eyes before. As soon as the alien had signed off after Kathryn agreed to meet him on the surface to negotiate a price for the supplies, B'Elanna had pounced, followed by Tuvok, who of course would never have dreamed of pouncing, but looked as distressed as anyone would ever hope to see him. Kathryn had listened in astonishment as B'Elanna and Tuvok told her about their antipathy toward Roh. "I think the two of you need to take some time off," she said with asperity when they'd finished. "I am going to the surface to negotiate. Period." She hadn't said "Dismissed," but it was implicit in her tone and B'Elanna and Tuvok withdrew. "Has she always been this pig-headed?" B'Elanna ground out between clenched teeth as she and Tuvok stepped onto the bridge from the ready room. Tuvok didn't answer right away, but he finally said, "The captain has always been somewhat intractable when she has made a decision." "Like I said," B'Elanna grumbled. "Pig-headed." She blew out her breath in an exasperated sigh and headed for the turbolift. Tuvok, looking thoughtful, turned toward the Security console. --- B'Elanna fidgeted restlessly at the Engineering station on the Bridge. She had run and rerun every diagnostic she could think of on every system within her reach. She had recalibrated every sensor array and scanning equipment she could think of. Anything to keep her mind off the fact that Kathryn was down on the surface--alone--with that Diburian, Roh. She shuddered inwardly at the mental image conjured up by the thought of the Diburian minister. The depth of loathing that she felt for the being surprised her, for while she was not the most friendly and affectionate person in the world, she rarely detested people on sight, but Roh was a notable exception. It was also eerie that Tuvok had felt the same way. She and Tuvok were emotional opposites, which made this hostility they felt toward Roh all the more significant. And all the more reason Kathryn should've listened to us," she thought wrathfully, shifting for about the two hundredth time in her seat. Damn her stubbornness, anyway, she thought. She thinks she's invincible. If anything happened to her.... A wave of nausea rolled through her at the thought and her loathing for Roh increased. She glanced over at Chakotay, who sat in the command chair, seemingly unperturbed, reading a PADD. B'Elanna wondered if Kathryn had told him about the intuition she and Tuvok had expressed to her, and if she had, had he agreed or dismissed it just as she had. She studied the First Officer broodingly. Chakotay was as intuitive as anyone she knew and apparently Roh had disturbed him not at all, or if he had, he'd kept his feelings to himself. He knows as well as anybody, B'Elanna reflected, how stubborn Kathryn could be when she had her mind made up. Impulsively, she got up and walked over to stand beside Chakotay's chair, drawing a disapproving look from Tuvok, which she ignored. Chakotay glanced up from his PADD and looked at her questioningly, a faint look of disapproval, mirroring Tuvok's in his dark eyes. "Yes, Lieutenant?" he said quietly, emphasizing her title slightly. "Commander," she began, "did the Captain tell you about the feelings Tuvok and I had about--that--alien... Roh?" Even the sound of his name on her tongue sent a ripple of distaste through her. Chakotay nodded. "Yes," he said briefly. "Do you--how do you feel... about him?" she asked. Chakotay glanced down at the PADD and then out at the viewscreen as though pondering his response. "I think it's significant that you *and* Tuvok both feel the same antipathy toward him," he said finally. "And?" B'Elanna said impatiently. He shifted in his seat, again delaying his answer. "He didn't inspire any feelings, good or bad, in me," he said after a pause. B'Elanna's face fell. She'd been hoping he'd felt an instant dislike to the creepy Roh, but apparently it was not to be. "I see," she said sullenly. "Sorry to have bothered you," she muttered and trudged back over to her station, feeling worse than ever. She felt an irrational desire to punch her fist through something, but restrained herself, running yet another recalibration of the sensor arrays. --- The realization burst upon her like a blow to her head and she actually reeled, nearly falling from her chair at the Engineering console. She grabbed the edge of the console to keep her seat, feeling sweat trickle over her brow ridges. I've got to get her out of there! she thought wildly, fighting down a wave of nausea that surged upward from her belly, almost choking her. Her hand moved of its own accord to transporter control and she stopped herself at the last second to initiate transport. Breathing hard, she stared at the sensor readings before her, willing them to reveal what she so strongly felt, but they remained stubbornly normal and serene, showing nothing at all that should've prompted such an intense premonition that Kathryn was in grave danger. She swiveled her head to look at Tuvok, but the Vulcan's dark face was calm, his eyes intent on his own console. Tuvok! Dammit! she thought at him desperately. Don't you feel it, too? Tuvok did not even glance up and, frustrated, B'Elanna turned back to her display, her fingers flying over the touchpads, but the sensors still revealed nothing out of the ordinary. Torn in an agony of indecision, her fingers hovered over the transporter controls. She will tear me limb from limb, she thought. In no way will she understand..... Without further conscious thought, she keyed in the command sequence and initiated the transport of Kathryn from the surface to the Bridge. "B'Elanna! What the hell are you doing?" Harry Kim demanded from Operations. "Commander, she's just beamed the Ca--" The tingling whine of the transporter sang through the suddenly silent bridge as the astonished form of Kathryn Janeway shimmered into view. She glanced around her questioningly and looked at the startled Chakotay. Seeing his puzzlement, she nodded once briefly and turned a steely gaze on her Chief Engineer, who had risen silently to her feet and stood waiting. Kathryn's face was a mask of barely controlled rage as she took two measured steps toward B'Elanna. "All right, Lieutenant," she snapped. "Explain." Tuvok had stepped out from behind his console and stood watching the tableau. Chakotay, still mystified, stood behind the captain. The silence lengthened and congealed. "I--" B'Elanna's voice came out a hoarse croak, and she cleared her throat. "I cannot, Captain." She sighed wearily. "I got this intense feeling all of a sudden that you were in danger. I'm sorry." "Captain, she's just disabled transport," Kim announced from Operations. "And I can't override." Janeway snapped a command at the computer. "Unable to comply," the computer responded serenely. "Engineering override Alpha Omega in place." A muscle leaped in Kathryn's clenched jaw, and she turned toward B'Elanna. "You're relieved of duty, Lieutenant," Kathryn said coldly. "And you're confined to quarters. Leave the bridge." B'Elanna turned silently and headed toward the turbolift doors, feeling the dagger of Kathryn's gaze drilling into her back, and the arrows of everyone else's questions. In their quarters, she slumped down on the couch, burying her face in her hands. Her heart was still pounding with the temerity of her actions, but she wasn't sorry she'd done it. The feeling that Kathryn was in danger had subsided upon the captain's arrival on the bridge, but she didn't feel much better. There was no way Kathryn was going to forgive this breach of protocol. If anything, Kathryn would punish her more harshly so that no one could say she was sparing her spouse punishment. The doorchime intruded into her misery, and she looked up listlessly. "Come in," she said. The doors hissed open and revealed two Security officers. B'Elanna caught her breath. The brig? Kathryn was going to throw her in the brig? "Yes?" she said, managing to keep her voice level. "The Captain wants to see you, Lieutenant," one of the women said. B'Elanna rose, smoothing her uniform. She nodded once and left with them. The walk to the Ready Room was tense and awkward. B'Elanna could feel the sympathy of the two women accompanying her. They were Maquis, former comrades, and she felt their silent understanding of her actions. They delivered her to the Ready Room, and withdrew, leaving her standing before the stonily silent Kathryn. Tuvok stood to Kathryn's left, Chakotay was seated at her right. The atmosphere crackled with tension and anger. As the doors slid closed on the two Security officers, Kathryn raised an icy blue gaze to B'Elanna's face. "What you did," she said crisply, "was mutiny, Lieutenant. You are aware of that?" B'Elanna swallowed. "It was not my intention to mutiny, Captain," she said levelly. "There is a reason we have a command structure," Kathryn snapped. B'Elanna had searched her spouse's icy mask for just a glimmer of understanding, love, and warmth and had found none, a fact that chilled her soul. "I am aware of that, Captain," she responded. "And I apologize to Commander Chakotay for acting impulsively." She glanced at Chakotay who looked back at her expressionlessly, and she felt even worse. "But the feeling that you were in danger was so strong I could not ignore it." "We do not operate on feelings, Lieutenant," Kathryn snapped rudely. "We operate on facts and statistics. None of which you had to back up your assumptions or your actions." "Yes, Captain," B'Elanna returned despondently. "But I stand by my actions. You were in danger." Kathryn gave a short, sharp shake of her head in frustration, reining in her temper with a visible effort. "Do you realize," she ground out, "that you disrupted sensitive negotiations for supplies that we were desperately in need of?" "I'm sorry, Captain," was all the resolute B'Elanna would say. Kathryn's nostrils flared as she drew in a deep breath. "I am having a great deal of difficulty in persuading Minister Roh to allow me to return to the surface to continue negotiations," she said. "Thanks to you. The Diburians were greatly insulted." B'Elanna stared fixedly at the toe of her boot, jaw clenched, and said nothing. The silence grew. The sound of Chakotay shifting in his chair was unnaturally loud in the quiet. "We finally managed to override your block," Kathryn added. B'Elanna made no response. She'd known they'd be able to override. A minute passed and B'Elanna raised her gaze to Kathryn's. "Please don't go back down there," she said in a choked voice. Tears spilled over and rolled down her cheeks but Kathryn seemed singularly unmoved, staring back at her with studied disinterest. "Please, Kathryn." Kathryn scowled at this further breach of decorum and reached up to tap her commbadge. "Security, report back to the Ready Room," she said tersely. The two officers re-entered the room and stood waiting. "Escort Lt. Torres to the brig and confine her there," she ordered. B'Elanna felt the breath leave her body, and Chakotay rose to his feet. "Captain," he said uncertainly, and Kathryn shot him a look that cut off whatever he might have wanted to say further. Tuvok made a small, almost abortive movement, but said nothing. B'Elanna stared numbly at the woman she loved, wondering if she'd been wrong all these months. Maybe Kathryn didn't love her at all.... maybe all she'd wanted was physical gratification. On the heels of this thought came a swift denial. No, she was as sure of Kathryn's love as she was of her Klingon blood. She'd overstepped the line and Kathryn was going to make her pay. She was shaking inside. Execution for crimes may have been outlawed in the 24th century, but mutiny was a lone exception to that principle. Mutineers could be and were executed--often swiftly. Surely Kathryn--would not--B'Elanna could not finish the thought, so terrifying were the implications. She felt hands grip her arms on either side and she turned woodenly with the two security officers and left the Ready Room. She could feel Kathryn's gaze on her as she left and she twisted her head around for one final glance at her before the doors slid closed, cutting off her view. She felt tears well up in her eyes. Kathryn, she cried silently, all I wanted to do was keep you safe. --- Kathryn Janeway dropped back into her chair as the doors closed on B'Elanna, stubbornly refusing to acknowledge the lump of ice in her stomach. She drummed her fingers on the desktop and glanced from Chakotay to Tuvok. "Did either of you have any reason to believe I was in any danger at all while I was talking to Roh?" she asked. "All readings were normal, Captain," Tuvok replied. "There was no evidence of any weapon being powered, nor did sensors indicate the approach of any persons that could be construed as presenting a danger to your safety." Kathryn rubbed tired fingers across her brow, closing her eyes briefly. "And of course you have confirmed and reconfirmed that data," she said, making it a statement, not a question. "Of course, Captain," Tuvok said with faint rebuke. She glanced at Chakotay. "How about you, Commander?" she asked. "Did you have any reason for concern?" "None, Captain," her First Officer responded. "I had just checked my own console a few minutes before B'Elanna... acted..." His voice trailed off. He was visibly distressed. Kathryn sighed. "That's what I was afraid of, gentlemen," she said, leaning forward, her forehead resting on the heels of her hands. "Now what the hell do I do?" Neither man envied her her dilemma. They all three knew that the command structure must be preserved, and discipline maintained. Voyager could not survive if that were not so. Dammit, B'Elanna! she burst out silently at her absent mate. Why do you go off half-cocked *all* the time? You have put me in an absolutely untenable position! She sighed again. "Captain," Tuvok spoke first. "It is quite clear that Lt. Torres acted solely out of concern for your safety. There was no intent on her part to overthrow the ship's command authority." "I know that, Tuvok," Kathryn said wearily. "But the fact remains that she acted without authority. We can't have that. Anarchy and chaos would be the order of the day." "Captain," Chakotay interjected, "I hardly think the crew is going to begin a wholesale flaunting of your authority. Or mine, or Tuvok's." "No," Kathryn answered briskly, "they will not, because they are going to see that any such action is going to be severely and swiftly punished." "What do you propose, Captain?" Tuvok queried. "Your options, as I perceive them, are to either execute Lt. Torres for mutiny, confine her to the brig for life, or relieve her of duty permanently." The ugly word "execute" hung malignantly in the air, and Kathryn winced. The silence in the room was electric. "Kathryn," Chakotay said in a hollow voice, "you wouldn't... execute... B'Elanna....would you?" Kathryn didn't answer immediately and Chakotay felt a chill. "Kathryn," he said, agitated, "you wouldn't even consider executing Lon Suder for *murder*; y--" "Chakotay." The single tired utterance of his name made him fall silent. "I'm not going to have B'Elanna executed," Kathryn continued after a protracted pause. "Hell," she added irritably, "I don't know how I can even keep her in the brig. We can't do without her in Engineering." Chakotay was unaware that his breath rushed out in a relieved whoosh. He could've sworn he saw Tuvok relax. "What *do* you intend to do, Captain?" her Chief of Security inquired. Kathryn steepled her fingers and tapped them absently against her lips. "What would you do, Tuvok, were you in my place?" she countered swiftly. "Confine her to quarters during all off-duty hours for eighteen months," Tuvok responded instantly. "Issue a severe reprimand to be placed in her permanent record, and deny her shore leave privileges for the next eighteen months." Chakotay stifled a grin as Kathryn slowly turned her head to give her old friend a withering look. Then she turned to glance up at Chakotay. "Well?" she asked. "Do you concur?" "Sounds pretty punitive to me," he said. She leaned back in her chair and drummed her fingers again, staring into middle distance consideringly. That punishes me as much as it does her, she grumbled to herself, at the off-duty confinement and shore leave denial. They had been directed to a well-known pleasure planet in this sector by a friendly race they'd met a few weeks ago, and the crew was looking forward to a lengthy stay and weeks of fun. She sighed. "Captain," Tuvok said, "she is being more severely punished by your anger and displeasure than by anything else." Kathryn glanced up at him quickly and his dark gaze met hers tranquilly. "I agree," Chakotay said quickly. "That is the hardest thing she's having to deal with." "Oh," Kathryn twitched out of her chair and stalked over to the viewport to stare out it. "Will you two just go away and leave me alone?" The two men glanced at each other knowingly and Chakotay winked at Tuvok, who arched an eyebrow in return. They exited the Ready Room, leaving their annoyed captain standing at the viewport. As the doors closed behind her officers, Kathryn blew out her breath in an explosive sigh. She didn't need them to tell her that B'Elanna was more punished by her anger than any prospect of punishment. She'd seen the puzzled hurt in her mate's eyes, and the tears that had rolled down her cheeks had nearly torn her heart in two. She knew what B'Elanna's motivation had been. Now that she was over her first wave of anger, she could understand it clearly. You are not going to lose her over some breach of protocol, Kathryn, she told herself, and you know it. The thing was, she had to step back and view the long-term effects of the young woman's actions. Objectively, she knew that discipline had to be maintained. Even B'Elanna would agree that this was true. Kathryn sighed again and rubbed her hands over her face. Her mind went to B'Elanna, sitting down in the brig and she winced. That had been temper on her part, pure and simple. Impulsively she left the Ready Room by her private entrance and headed for the brig. Her heart twisted with regret as she stepped into the brig and saw the forlorn and dejected figure huddled on the bunk behind the buzzing forcefield. B'Elanna sat in the corner of the bunk, knees drawn up to her chest, arms hugging them to her body. Her face was pale and streaked with tears, her eyes puffy and red. As Kathryn watched, she put her head down on her knees and her shoulders shook with silent sobs. Horrified, Kathryn felt hot tears well up in her own eyes in response, and her chest felt squeezed by an iron hand. She turned blindly to the security officer standing quietly behind his console, staring at the displays. "Dismissed," she said quietly. The man left with alacrity. Kathryn stepped behind the console and instituted a privacy lock and disabled the forcefield. As she walked toward B'Elanna's cell, B'Elanna, hearing the forcefield fall silent, glanced up. Color left her already colorless face and her eyes widened as she saw Kathryn. Kathryn crossed to her swiftly and pulled her off the bunk and upright. "Oh, my God, darling, I'm so sorry!" she said in a choked voice. "Can you ever forgive me?" She enveloped her lover in a giant hug. Stunned B'Elanna, felt herself crushed in Kathryn's arms, and her own arms automatically circled Kathryn. Kathryn drew back slightly and searched B'Elanna's face intently. B'Elanna, still bewildered, returned her gaze uncertainly. "Say you forgive me, darling, please," Kathryn said. "Although I would certainly understand if you didn't." "I--Kathryn--there-there's nothing to forgive," B'Elanna croaked. "You--" "Acted like some kind of tin-god martinet," Kathryn said, disgusted. "If you never spoke to me again, I couldn't blame you." B'Elanna suddenly burst into tears. "Oh, Kathryn," she sobbed. "*I'm* the one who's sorry, not you! I just don't want you to hate me. I can't stand th--" "Darling," Kathryn put in, "there's no way I could ever hate you. I *love* you. I love you more than anything or anyone in the universe. Always know that." She sighed. "I lost my temper, and I'm sorry." She found B'Elanna's mouth and kissed her. B'Elanna melted into her embrace, returning the kiss with fervor. Kathryn's hands stroked her back in long, soothing strokes, easing the tension from her body. Their passion ignited as they kissed and hands sought breasts and bottoms. Kathryn made a noise in her throat as B'Elanna's hands found her breasts and kneaded them through the crisp fabric of her uniform. Her hands fumbled with the zipper of B'Elanna's jacket and undid it. She pushed it off B'Elanna's shoulders and tossed it aside, and then she found the opening of B'Elanna's uniform trousers and undid them, pushing them down over B'Elanna's trembling thighs. B'Elanna kicked free of them and Kathryn knelt in front of her, pressing her lips to the damp front of B'Elanna's panties, feeling the heat there. B'Elanna growled softly deep in her throat and pushed herself against Kathryn's mouth. Kathryn's hands slid up to cup B'Elanna's firm round bottom, eliciting a gasp from her lover at her touch. "Kathryn....," B'Elanna whispered on a sigh as Kathryn's tongue teased her through the fabric of her panties. "God, baby, you're making me crazy...." Kathryn had managed to capture her swollen clit in her mouth through the panties and was sucking on it hard. B'Elanna writhed. "God! Kathryn!" Kathryn sucked some more and then reached up and drew the panties down with maddening slowness. B'Elanna was trembling all over now with desire and her building climax and she cried out now as Kathryn began to lick, with long, slow, hard strokes of her tongue, the length of B'Elanna's sex. Then she replaced her tongue with vigorous strokes of her fingers, punishing the sensitive spot and catapulting B'Elanna to the apex of pleasure. B'Elanna came with groans and cries of ecstasy, her body spasming and bucking under Kathryn's assault. As the climax ebbed away, she sank bonelessly to her knees to sag limply into Kathryn's arms as Kathryn murmured endearments into her ear. When she could move again, she pushed Kathryn back to lie on the deck and she undressed her, covering each exposed part of her body with kisses as Kathryn moaned under her ministrations. When Kathryn lay naked, B'Elanna began at her mouth and kissed her way down and across her body. "Oh, baby, oh, baby," Kathryn moaned over and over as B'Elanna's mouth made its torturous way over her body, leaving heat in its wake. She was panting as B'Elanna, deliberately skirting her throbbing sex, kissed the insides of her thighs and nipped at them gently."B'Elanna....please, baby," she begged, aching for release. "C'mon, lover." B'Elanna laughed softly and licked tantalizing circles down one thigh and up the other and then poised herself over Kathryn's sex, feeling the heat there. Her tongue flicked lightly and Kathryn twitched in response, groaning aloud. Then, taking pity on her, B'Elanna plunged her tongue deeply into Kathryn's hot, wet sweetness and attacked her clit voraciously. Kathryn came explosively, her body heaving and bucking. They lay in each other's damp embrace, sweaty skin sliding slickly against sweaty skin as they shifted into a comfortable position. B'Elanna lay, in deep contentment, her head pillowed on Kathryn's shoulder, one arm across Kathryn's belly. "Darling," Kathryn said a short while later, "It's going to be the hardest thing I've ever done, but I am going to have to discipline you for--" "I know, Kathryn," B'Elanna interjected. "I'm prepared for it. I can face anything as long as you still love me." "That's a given," Kathryn said. "That will never change." She kissed B'Elanna tenderly. "I'm just sorry to have to do it." --- The hearing was held in the conference room with all senior officers present, plus two representatives from the crew. Chakotay related the charges against B'Elanna and polled each member of the tribunal. The consensus was that B'Elanna had breached protocol and acted without authority. Chakotay then relayed Tuvok's suggestion for punishment and again polled the tribunal, receiving a second consensus that the punishment was appropriate. Kathryn sat silently apart from the proceedings, having excused herself from presiding. B'Elanna stood silently before the tribunal, hands clasped behind her back, her face sober. Her shoulders sagged slightly at the pronouncement of her sentence and there was answering sympathy on the faces of the younger crew. But it was better than the alternative; everyone agreed on that point. The Diburians had been persuaded to resume negotiations, but Chakotay and Tuvok took Kathryn's place. Nothing definitive was ever discovered to support B'Elanna's intuition that Kathryn had been in danger, but Tuvok did report that he was uneasy in the extreme as he and Chakotay negotiated with the aliens for supplies and food. "I suppose," Chakotay remarked to Kathryn as Voyager resumed her journey, "that we'll never really know for sure." Neelix reported to Kathryn that there had been quite a bit of comment among the crew in the mess hall as they ate meals, about Kathryn's punishment of B'Elanna, her own spouse. He chuckled as he relayed one crewman's remark: "If she'd do that to B'Elanna, boy, what would she do to *me.*?" Kathryn had grinned broadly at hearing this, and Chakotay had asked her teasingly if she thought her command might now be safe. --- Copyright 1998 ILuvKate -- The End