The BLTS Archive - Trust by Elizabeth Helena ( --- Rating: NC-17 for describing things that happen in showers other than getting clean, and for implying that things happen in beds other than sleeping. Warning: Cardie slash writers should never watch documentaries on the mating habits of reptiles. The opinions expressed here are those of the characters, and do not necessarily reflect those of the author, Paramount Pictures, or any of there subsidiaries ;-) . Spoilers: Up to and including season five's "In the Cards," but most particularly for the consequences of Dr. Zimmerman's visit in "Dr. Bashir, I Presume" and Garak's fun and games on "Empok Nor." Disclaimer: These characters are still not my bitches. This observation might encourage some people to make the libellous assertion that Paramount is their pimp. But not me. Summary: Response to Mark's salacious challenge to "write something in which Garak's physiology is different enough to cause sexual challenges." Around the time of "In the Cards," in other words after "Empok Nor" but before "Call to Arms," Garak and Bashir confront some serious and not so serious problems in their ongoing relationship. Beta: Adrienne whose hot G/E* put me in the mood to write about two men talking incessantly under the sheets. *Giles/Ethan from the Buffyverse, not Garak/Ezri - for Keelywolfe excepted, yikes! Dedication: To Mark Russel Stanley who believes: "There can never be too many Alien Sex stories!" Ah, the innocence of youth. But seriously, to Mark in gratitude for his encouragement, his conscientious caretaking of the G/B Fuh-Q-Fest, and his many inspirational G/B stories. Further Thanks to: First, Olivia Montieth who suggested to me that Garak might be hung like an iguana. True, in the final draft he more closely resembles a Canadian garter snake, but that's because I've never actually seen an iguana's -- okay there's no way that sentence will end well. Second, Allison Kulp for reminding me that the episode "The Search, Part II" contained vital clues regarding how Julian perceived Garak. Third, Kathryn Ramage for providing the Cardassian perception of human sexuality used in this story. Fourth, Ainzfern for the notion that Lurian physiology provides unique challenges for enterprising tailors. Finally, I'm indebted to the Vogon poet at my workplace who created a simile that seared my frontal lobe, but at least answered the question of what colour to make Cardassian semen. Lexicon Alert: The Cardassian Intelligence Bureau is the organization that replaced the Obsidian Order during Cardassia's membership in the Dominion. Hemipenes literally means half a penis, but before you cross your legs in sympathy, gentlemen, it's also the designation for the two penises that snakes have. Now, who has penis envy? I was too traumatized at the time to record the name of the documentary I saw, however further snakey information was gained from "Sexy Origins and Intimate Things" by Charles Panati. No snakes were sexually harassed during the creation of this story. Archiving: ASCEML, GB/FF, and BTLS can do what they will with the sated, naked bodies in this story. As for the rest of you, I'm sure I wouldn't want to stop you, but please let me know that you still respected me in the morning. Feedback: Yes please, other than to inform me that you also saw the documentary featuring Canadian garter snake orgies, because I'm still hoping it was a hallucination. I can be reached avoiding watching any more television at elizabeth loves her thesaurus at hotmail .com (without the spaces) or on the list. Quote that actually has a lot to do with this story, far more than will be initially apparent: Garak: "I'm glad to see everything's going according to plan." Jem'Hadar Soldier: "What plan is that?" Garak: "Didn't anyone tell you? You see, I pretend to be their friend ... and then I shoot you." Sisko: "Well done Garak." Garak: "Just something I read once in a book." Bashir: "I'm sure." "The Search, Part II," Star Trek: Deep Space Nine --- Julian woke up, and immediately realized that something was wrong. "What the–," he muttered, shifting under the sheets. Moving proved a mistake, although the resulting spasm of pain did pinpoint the exact location of his discomfort. Turning his head, Julian glared at his lover. "What the hell did you put inside me?" Garak opened his eyes, clearly he'd been awake for a while. "Nothing you didn't ask for, my dear. As I recall, you were quite enthusiastic while making the request." "That's not," he paused to check, but none of Elim's appendages were so much as touching him. "That's definitely not what's inside me now!" All Julian received in response was a patently false look of innocence. Grumbling about smart-ass reptiles first thing in the morning, he gingerly climbed out of his bed, and staggered towards the refresher. The moment the door slid aside for him, Julian grabbed the medical scanner from the top drawer of the cabinet and pointed the device at his throbbing behind. "Elim Garak!" He shouted through the closed door of the refresher. "Yes, Julian Subatoi Bashir?" The Cardassian replied, still curled up in bed. "Your semen has plugged up my arse!" "Rather crudely stated, my dear. I would expect a Doctor to provide a far more clinical diagnosis." Julian stared at the scanner's results, at a loss. He could fix this in a couple of seconds in the Infirmary, but it took even less time to reject that option. They'd never let him live it down, the Doctor thought in horror, and once his staff knew, everyone on the station would know. His skin flushing with embarrassment, Julian shouted, "This is all your fault!" To his chagrin, the accusation sounded more petulant than furious. The door slid open to reveal Garak wearing nothing but an expression of amusement. "You were the one who insisted that we leave the wash-up until morning. In fact, you accused me of having a `cleanliness fetish,'and suggested that I should consult a Counsellor regarding my aberrant attitude towards bodily fluids." Feeling his skin grow even hotter, Julian protested, "You could have warned me that this would happen!" "Oh, I was going to, but then I thought how inappropriate it would be for me, a mere tailor, to question the judgement of the foremost interspecies specialist in the quadrant." Grinding his teeth, Julian forced himself to put away the scanner instead of throwing it at Garak's smug face. Shutting himself in the shower cubicle with a bang, he growled, "You know damn well it's easier to find out who's in charge of the Cardassian Intelligence Bureau this week than to dig up a single accurate fact about Cardassian sexuality." Julian changed the shower's settings from sonics to water, and adjusted the temperature to as hot as he could stand it. Activating the hand-held shower head, he bent over and directed the spray to the afflicted area, grimacing in pain. Although the mass of sperm wasn't particularly large, when the ejaculate had dried overnight it had adhered to the tender skin of his anal passage. "But Doctor," came the cheerful rejoinder, "it was my understanding that many reptiles from your home planet shared similar properties. In evolutionary terms, it's an effective but subtle means to ensure that one's genetic material is given priority by preventing females from mating with another male immediately afterwards." "It doesn't feel bloody subtle at the moment," Julian hissed. "No, I imagine not, but I meant in comparison to mammalian territorial practices. Don't think I'm not grateful that you haven't urinated all over my quarters." "Elim, you are a dead man." Julian groaned in frustration, for the hot water was taking much too long. "My dear, that's hardly news to me." Garak joined his lover in the shower stall, holding a plastic bottle Julian didn't recognize. Before he could ask, the Cardassian poured a richly scented oil over his grey fingers, and sought out the source of Julian's distress. "Here," Garak purred, "let me help you with that." Julian moaned, but this time not wholly from discomfort. After discarding the container, the Cardassian's other hand began to stroke an area less in need of soothing, but very appreciative of the attention. When Julian shuddered in response, Garak murmured, "It's the least I can do, under the circumstances." Julian tried to think of an appropriate riposte, but his blood supply was rapidly abandoning his brain. Surrendering, he deactivated the shower head, and let it drop to the floor. "Now, count to three," Garak instructed. "I will not fall for – ah!" Stars flashed in front of Julian's eyes. "Damn you, Elim, I knew you were going to do that!" "Were you also expecting this?" Garak murmured, his lubricated fingers now applying pressure to Julian's prostate. "No," Julian swallowed, "but I -- oh -- I was hoping." He reached past his lover and opened the shower door, to make the space less enclosed. Taking advantage of the increased room to manoeuver, the Cardassian lowered himself to his knees. "And were you also hoping for this?" "I will get you back." Julian mumbled. "I look forward to the attempt." Elim whispered, before taking his lover into his mouth. --- Garak, ever punctual, had already set out lunch by the time Julian arrived. After Dax had found out about them and shared the gossip with her usual verve, they'd given up trying to hide the intimacy of their relationship from DS9's population. So, instead of the Replimat, they now regularly shared meals in the Doctor's quarters. The increased privacy allowed for far more interesting conversations with the secretive Cardassian, and occasionally, even more pleasurable activities. Although, Julian grimaced, the latter would definitely not be on the menu today. "How are you feeling, Doctor?" Garak smiled at him, taking a seat at the small dining table. Julian lowered himself gently onto his chair. "A little itchy," he confessed, "and feeling more than a little sympathetic towards Cardassian women." "I recall you expressing a very different sentiment not so long ago." "That was different." Julian started in on his lunch, and noticed that while he had been provided with both soup and a pasta dish, Garak had only served himself a salad. He debated commenting on the Cardassian's lack of appetite again, before concluding that Elim would only claim to have eaten earlier. "But I still don't think it's fair that only the female of your species has orgasms." "Fair has very little to do with biological evolution," Garak observed. "I realize you're a hopeless idealist, my dear, but surely as a Doctor you're aware of that fact." "Of course I am, but I was speaking as," Julian hesitated, before finishing lamely, "not as a Doctor." "Ah, I was mislead by the uniform you're wearing into thinking otherwise." "Are you saying that our evenings together are no more enjoyable than an annual physical?" Julian teased. Garak smiled. "Lack of orgasms notwithstanding, I do hope I've never given you cause to believe that." "Of course not." Although he had hoped, Julian reflected as he chewed his Rigellian pasta, that he'd actually see Elim lose control for once. After swallowing, he muttered, "But I still think you're missing out." As Julian watched his lover consider this statement, he noted that the Cardassian was moving his food around to create the impression that he was eating more than he was. "It's been my observation," Garak mused aloud, "that human men are far too preoccupied about orgasms to their detriment. It's no wonder that the male of your species has earned a reputation as sexual philanders and libertines." "Mine! May I remind you that Dukat is the renowned libertine in this system, and the last time I checked, he was thoroughly Cardassian." "Should I be jealous?" Garak raised his eye ridges. "Don't be disgusting. I administered a blood test when the Captain rescued the Detepa Council. Fortunately, Dukat was far too outraged at the accusation of being a Founder to proposition me." "Bajoran tendencies for exaggeration notwithstanding, it is Dukat's ego that is insatiable not his erotic appetite. Sexual conquests are merely one of several means by which he feeds his narcissism, as his recent coup on Cardassia amply demonstrates." "Maybe," Julian conceded, when another itch from his backside reminded him of his original point. "At any rate, I'm not sure that even orgasms can make up for what I endured this morning." "Using a barrier device or washing immediately afterwards usually prevents such difficulties." Ignoring Julian's glare, Garak took a sip of his tea before he continued. "Certainly, more traditional women eschew such methods, but then, their bodies will naturally discharge the sperm plug within a few hours, with nowhere near the same discomfort you experienced." The medical practitioner within Julian was fascinated, but the rest of him was feeling far more apprehensive than intrigued. "And is there anything else I should be warned about before our next hop in the sack?" Garak puzzled out the idiom for a few moments before commenting, "I would prefer to forgo the sack, if you don't mind. But rest assured, my dear, I doubt that this poor, old body of mine holds any more secrets from an enterprising, young Doctor such as yourself. Now Lurians, on the other hand, their physiology is a never ending challenge, especially for a tailor." Julian released a long-suffering sigh, for Elim's denial guaranteed that the Cardassian's far from poor or old body still harboured further surprises. Although, Julian reflected, even this morning's adventure did not measure up to the first time he saw his lover completely naked. Half-listening to Garak's chatter about his latest fitting session with Morn, Julian's enhanced memory returned him to the moment when only his profound shock had prevented him from blurting out, "Where is it?!" Frozen, Julian stared at the Cardassian's pubic area, for there was no penis in sight, only two parallel, vertical slits. Smiling enigmatically at the astonished human, Elim sat back on the bed and began to caress the ridged lips of the openings until they spread apart, revealing what looked like two dark grey pockets. Now convinced that "Mr." was just one more of Garak's elaborate lies, Julian could only gape when these pockets turned inside out and expanded, forming adjacent penises. As they grew, their colour deepened to a dark purple, and Julian realized that what he had initially thought were ridges were in fact multiple grooves that ran the length of each penis, all the way to their tapered, headless tips. Curious, Julian joined Garak on the bed and ran a fingertip along one of the channels. Elim shivered, and the purpose of these strange decorations revealed themselves as a light purple liquid began to trickle along the grooves. Later, he would discover that this was the Cardassian's semen, and that instead of being ejaculated all at once, it would flow continuously as long as the erection was stimulated. At the time, he simply enjoyed experimenting with them, making each penis produce more of this fluid by stroking both of the solid yet pliable erections until they were slick to the touch. Still, as much as the novelty of the hemipenes appealed to him, Julian felt a bit disappointed. For here were not one but two naturally lubricated penises, yet their proximity to each other meant that neither would be able to enter him. Not one to be easily discouraged, however, he pushed these regrets aside, and licked each of the hemipenes in turn. Startled but pleased by the sweet taste of the semen flowing down the grooves, he took one of the penises into his mouth, trying not to bump his nose against its companion. Suppressing a giggle along with his gag reflex, he was grateful that there were no exterior testicles for him to navigate around. After experimenting from a variety of angles, he finally settled on his elbows alongside the prone Cardassian, and began to fellate in earnest. Interpreting Garak's groans as encouragement to continue, Julian sucked as hard as he could when the penis suddenly deflated and slipped out of his mouth. Terrified that he had just broken it, Julian began to stammer, but Elim drew him upward and silenced him with enthusiasm. Before the human could catch his breath from the kiss, Garak flipped him onto his belly, and the Cardassian's remaining erection slid easily inside. Instead of thrusting, Elim undulated against him, reminding Julian of vids he'd seen of sidewinders rippling across the desert, when he could think at all. The sensation of the Cardassian's lubricated penis gently brushing against his prostate was maddening, and Julian was sobbing by the time the second penis finally deflated. Immediately afterwards, Garak dragged him into the shower, cleaned him inside and out, and then sucked him off until he screamed. A stab of severe itchiness brought Julian fully back to the present, reminding him of the morning's lesson on the necessity of that shower. Squirming against his seat, Julian could only hope that whatever surprises his sexy sidewinder was still concealing, they would be as pleasant as those he'd uncovered their first night together. Noticing his discomfort, Garak broke off from his complaints regarding the tailoring challenges posed by Morn's ample buttocks. "You can request more of the oil I used this morning from your replicator. I'll give you the requisition code, if you're not too embarrassed to use a Cardassian feminine hygiene product." "You bastard, you're enjoying this." Julian grumbled, then winced when he realized what he'd just inadvertently called Garak. "I'm sorry, Elim, that's not what I meant to say." The Cardassian ignored him, toying with his salad. "It's just that -- it's a very common insult for humans, it doesn't mean anything." "So you've explained before," Garak replied, his manner deceptively mild. "I suppose it's a good thing that `genetic freak' is not a common insult in *kardasi.*" "I said I was sorry." Julian hissed, stung by the comment. "I heard you the first time, but I've often wondered why your culture places so much emphasis on such expressions of regret. It's not as if they can undo any of the harm done." "And I've often wondered why your culture places so much emphasis on not forgiving people who make mistakes." Garak ignored Julian's retort. "Apologies and forgiveness, they're really two sides of the same Federation coin, aren't they? Consider this scenario, Doctor, what if Dukat apologized to Major Kira for the Occupation of Bajor?" He leaned forward, his eyes glittering with an unidentifiable emotion. "I don't mean his usual posturing, but what if he sincerely expressed regret for all of the acts he carried out against her people during his tenure as Prefect. Do you really think that would make a difference to her?" "It might,"Julian ground out. "Oh Doctor, you really are much better at lies of omission than commission." Provoked more by the patronizing tone of voice than the observation itself, Julian snarled, "And you're really much better at attacking than listening, aren't you?" With a suddenness that left Bashir dizzy, the Cardassian backed down. "You're quite right, the unpleasant turn of this conversation is completely my fault." Garak stood, removing his napkin. "I think it would be best if I went back to my shop now." "That's not what I meant!" Julian protested. "Perhaps not, but as I've already demonstrated, I'm not in a fit state for company today." Watching him leave, Julian resisted the temptation to pound his forehead against the table. Garak's evasiveness had always been frustrating, but now that they had no secrets left from each other, his continued prevarications were infuriating. After Elim revealed his past with Tain, and his own genetic enhancements became open knowledge, Julian had really believed that the walls between them had come down at last. He certainly would never have risked becoming Garak's lover if he'd thought otherwise. Julian undulated in his seat, trying to make himself more comfortable, before giving up in disgust. Abandoning his own unfinished lunch along with Garak's, he headed back to the Infirmary. He was going to help himself to a hypo, and he no longer cared who saw him or what conclusions they drew. --- For two hours, Julian tried to focus on his long neglected prion research, but his attention kept drifting back to Garak. Just as he started to make some progress dissecting protein particles instead of temperamental Cardassians, he was interrupted by Jake and Nog trying to wheedle him out of supplies for some absurd project of theirs. After they left, Julian surrendered to the inevitable, and instructed Nurse Jabara to comm him if there was an emergency before marching over to the tailor's shop. As the door slid shut behind him, a quick survey of the interior assured him that the only other occupant was the Cardassian seated behind the counter. "So, do you want to talk about it?" Garak did not glance up from the padd he was reading. "I've already indicated that I was in the wrong, so there's nothing more to say." "I'm not talking about lunch today," Julian persisted. "I'm talking about your moodiness lately. Something's eating at you and I want to know what it is." "I'm sure I don't know --." "Don't give me that line!" Julian interrupted him sharply. "You know exactly what I'm talking about. One moment you're fine and the next you're either snapping my head off or shutting me out. You hardly sleep, you're barely eating, and you expect me not to notice? Evade all you want with Ziyal, but not with me." Finally, the Cardassian raised his eyes, but they revealed nothing. "Why should you be any different?" "Well, for one thing, Elim, we're lovers." Julian countered, his tone acidic. "So, unless you've suddenly changed sexual orientations on me, you're not that close to Ziyal." "My dear Doctor, Obsidian Order agents can hardly afford the luxury of a sexual orientation." Julian was momentarily stunned by this outrageous assertion, until he recognized that Garak had returned to playing the same mind games he had used when they first met. All they had been through together, he suddenly realized, their years of friendship, the Dominion Internment Camp, their sexual involvement, none of it meant a thing to the Cardassian. Furious, Julian struck back. "You're not Obsidian Order anymore, Garak! There is no Obsidian Order anymore in case you haven't noticed!" Garak's eyes narrowed, no longer unreadable. "But of course, I've been much too busy hemming pants and answering the beck and call of the Federation to notice what's become of my home." Even though the Cardassian had barely raised his voice, his scorn reverberated like a shout in Julian's ears. Everything was spiralling out of control so quickly that he had no idea what to do. Garak returned his attention to the padd before him, but not before making the biting observation. "If your intelligence was truly genetically enhanced, Doctor, you would realize that now is the appropriate time for you to leave." "And maybe if you weren't so emotionally stunted, you would know that it's not!" Garak's grip on the padd tightened, his knuckles turning white. "I suggest that you change your mind about leaving, before I do something we'll both regret." Trembling with anger, Julian retreated, but not before getting in the last word. "I already have plenty of regrets when it comes to you!" As the door shut behind him, his enhanced hearing picked up the sound of the padd breaking against a hard surface. Storming back into the Infirmary, he locked himself into his office, and only just barely resisted the temptation to smash a few things himself. Fortunately, no one dared disturbed him, and by the time he returned to his quarters late that night, an old friend was waiting for him. "Old chum," Julian murmured as he hugged him, "I can't tell you how much I've missed you." There was no reply, but he was willing to forgive Kukalaka for being the strong but silent type. --- The following day at lunchtime, Miles O'Brien entered the Infirmary, and spotted the Doctor hunched over a data screen. "Hey, Julian." "Dislocate your shoulder again?" He responded, without looking up. "No," Miles bristled. "I don't do that every time I go kayaking, you know." "No need to get defensive." Julian sat up and turned his full attention to his friend. "How can I help you, Miles?" "Just thought I'd pick up some more of that prescription for Keiko." "Sure, it'll just take a minute." Stepping into the dispensary, he asked, "So, it's helping then?" "Loads." A minute later, Julian returned, and handed a small bottle to Miles. "Here you go. But tell her I want to see her before I'll dispense anymore. It's important to keep monitoring for side effects." "I'll tell her." However, he made no move to leave. "Something's on your mind," Julian prompted. "Yeah," but instead of volunteering what it was, Miles stared at the floor as if it was a temporal physics paradox. Julian frowned. "If it's about my genetic enhancements --." "No, no," the Engineer hastened to assure him. "Although, we still need to come up with a better handicap for darts." "I could wear a blindfold." "Smart ass." "A burden I have to bear," Julian conceded with a smirk. "So, are you going to tell me what's on your mind, or would you prefer to come up with excuses to come by the Infirmary all afternoon?" "All right, all right, no need to get pushy." He glanced around, before asking in a low voice, "Is Garak okay?" Julian burst out with a laugh. "What?" Miles demanded. "You, all hush-hush lest anyone overhear you actually caring --." "Enough, Julian, I get plenty of that from Keiko." Miles took a deep breath. "I just asked 'cause he didn't open his shop again today, and I thought what with the hearing coming up there might--." "The hearing," Julian interrupted. "About Empok Nor." "Yeah, God, I hate those things. Bad enough you've got to go through it in the first place, then you have relive the whole sorry mess for the brass. Nog's completely cracked under the pressure. First, he's coming by every second hour to check his testimony with me, and then yesterday he's going on about what I'd rather be doing and volunteering to re-calibrate EPS regulators for me." Miles shook his head. "You sure you don't have a prescription that could help Nog?" "I'm afraid there is no cure but time for enthusiastic cadet syndrome." Julian feigned a smile. "You're probably right. Anyway, I just wanted to make sure Garak's doin'-- I mean, I told him there wouldn't be anything to worry about, that it wasn't his fault, but he seemed . . . ." Miles' voice trailed off, and he shrugged helplessly. "Yes, I know exactly what you mean." "Well, that's it, then," Miles turned to go. The Engineer was so clearly relieved that his self-appointed mission was over, that Julian couldn't resist baiting him. "I'll let Garak know you care." "Julian Bashir, you'll do no such thing!" "I'm kidding, Miles." This time his smile was genuine. "Well, you better be, or by God I'll set the sonics in your shower to stun." Julian placed a hand over his heart. "I promise not to invoke the wrath of the almighty Engineer." "See that you don't." Miles left, and the Doctor's hand fell to his side. Despite his genetically enhanced intelligence, Julian reproached himself, he could be so obtuse sometimes. His perfect recall had never forgotten the date of the hearing, but he'd never made the connection between its advent and Elim's degenerating mood. Then again, Julian mused, maybe it wasn't so surprising considering the fallout from Dr. Zimmerman's visit and the impending war between the Federation and the Dominion. Sinking into his chair, Julian consoled himself with the knowledge that now that he understood what was bothering Elim, he had a much better chance of helping the Cardassian. Nevertheless, a far easier course of action beckoned to him: doing nothing at all. Considering all of the obstacles between them as lovers, it was tempting to just let his relationship with Garak end. Furthermore, Julian mused darkly, it was what he'd always done before. With Palis, Leeta, and countless others, he'd always cut and run at the first sign of trouble. Why solve a problem, when it was so much simpler to abandon the relationship. Despite all his vows to the contrary, Julian thought bitterly, he'd become his father. While Richard Bashir was not the serial monogamist his son had become, everything else in his father's life followed the same pattern. Problem with a job, get a new one; problem on a planet, move to another one; problem with a son, buy an improved one. Shoulders slumped, Julian acknowledged that if he didn't want to be his father, then the easy way out was no longer an option. --- After his shift was over, Julian forced himself to take the time to eat dinner and change out of his uniform before confronting Garak. He walked at a sedate pace to Habitat Level H-3, and pressed the chime for Chamber 901 instead of using his override code. Julian then made himself wait, counting to thirty in *kardasi* before pushing the summons again. After the third time, he gave up the pretence of being patient and pounded on the door. "Come on, Elim, I know you're in there!" The door slid open, but Garak was blocking the entrance, his expression closed off. "When a Cardassian doesn't respond to a door chime, it means he doesn't want any visitors." "Then why'd you answer the door?" Julian challenged. "Because I knew a locked door wouldn't be sufficient to deter you." Julian couldn't let the irony of that statement pass. "Has it ever stopped you?" With a ghost of a smile, Garak stepped aside and allowed him to enter. "I shouldn't let you in," the Cardassian murmured. "I'm really not in the mood tonight." "I know," Julian acknowledged. "That's why I'm here." Garak resumed his defensive posture by the door, his tone biting. "I'm not in the mood for discussing my emotional well-being either." "I'm afraid you no longer have a choice." Julian planted himself on Garak's couch. "This is tearing you to pieces, and you need to talk about it." "This?" "Empok Nor." Garak sighed, and abandoned the doorway. Nonetheless, he remained standing instead of joining Julian on the couch. "I've changed my mind, let's have sex." Julian smiled. "Despite the temptation of not having any more of my sheets stained with purple ejaculate, I'm going to decline." Garak looked momentarily perplexed, before chiding, "Mauve, my dear Doctor, not purple. You really are hopeless when it comes to aesthetics." "Be that as it may, I do know something about what you're going through now." "Do you." The Cardassian's eyes were like ice. "Then there's no need to discuss it, is there?" "I'm not here to interrogate you, Garak!" Julian leaned forward, his hands becoming fists. "I'm here because you need someone to open up to." "And what makes you think you're that person?" Elim was no longer bantering, but Julian refused to be cowed by the Cardassian's hostility. "Because you trust me." "No, I don't." Garak turned his head away before adding, "Don't take it personally, Doctor. The fact is I don't trust anyone. " "Bullshit!" Julian shouted, his ferocity taking them both by surprise. "Bull--?" "Bull shit! As in shit, as in crap, as in whatever fancy *kardasi* term you have for a big, steaming pile of bull shit!" The force of Julian's anger propelled him off the couch, forcing Garak to retreat. "You expect me to believe that you didn't trust me when you lay dying on that bio-bed and asked me to forgive you? That you didn't trust me when you allowed me to witness your father's death? Or when you fell asleep beside me on our first night together, and every night we've shared a bed since?" He stabbed an index finger towards the Cardassian's chest. "You trust me, Elim Garak, so start acting like it, and tell me what's wrong!" Only as Julian paused for breath, did he notice Garak's rigid stance. With his head tucked down and his shoulders hunched, Elim looked like a child bracing himself for punishment. Stricken, Julian sank down onto the couch. Pushing back memories of too many shouting matches with his father, he took several deep, cleansing breaths before extending his left hand. "Elim, come here." With obvious reluctance Garak closed the distance between them, his gaze still averted. Julian took his hand. "Please, sit beside me." When the Cardassian didn't move, he very gently pulled him onto the couch. "Elim, please look at me." He waited a minute, and then, not letting go of his lover's hand, Julian reached over with his right one and began stroking his lover's facial ridges. He traced around the Cardassian's eyes, along his ears and finally slipped his fingers under the ridged chin. "It's important that you look at me," he encouraged, as he lifted Garak's chin until their eyes met. Julian kept his expression devoid of compassion, knowing that it would only be mistaken for pity. Silently, he railed against whoever had decided to raise all Cardassians to believe that vulnerability was a fatal weakness, and then cursed each person in Garak's life that had driven that lesson home. Aloud, he reassured, "It's alright to let yourself trust me, Elim. You need to, I need you to, because if you don't, we're not going to last." "Because you'll leave me if I refuse to talk to you." The cold control of Garak's statement twisted Julian's insides. "No, we won't last because you'll drive me away, and anyone else who cares about you. And I don't want that to happen." He took a deep breath. "I love you, Elim." For several minutes they simply held hands in silence, then Garak surrendered. "Ask and I will answer as best I can." Julian was about to protest again, when it occurred to him that he was the one who was uncomfortable with the interrogation framework, not Elim. Steading himself, Julian accepted the role he was offered. "Is Amaro's death still bothering you?" Garak made a strangled noise that almost resembled a laugh. "No." There was a slight hesitation before he added, "I do regret what I did, but it's hardly the first time I've committed murder." "It wasn't you," Julian objected. "Sophistry, Doctor. No one else plunged that flux coupler into his body." "It was the psychotropic drug that --." Garak cut him off sharply. "For once, I am taking responsibility for my actions as you Federation types always harp on about. So, I would appreciate it if you allowed me to do so." "Alright." Julian admonished himself that it was important to keep Garak talking, later they could deal with his misconceptions. "I understand your point of view, and am still astonished that Chief O'Brien shares it." Garak stared at their clasped hands for a couple of moments before speaking again. "However, the fact that I was under the influence as you would say, in no way mitigates the loss to Amaro's family." Remembering their recent lunch-time conversation, Julian ventured, "And you don't believe that apologies can undo any of the harm done." "Cardassians do not believe in apologies without recompense." His grip on Julian's hand tightened. When Garak didn't volunteer anymore, Julian risked asking, "Are you concerned about the outcome of the hearing?" Again, that terrible sound that was not quite a laugh. "The irony is that this time I've done something I should be punished for, but I won't be. No, I'm much too valuable to the Federation now for them to lock me into another box for six months. What's the life of a lone security officer compared to having their very own domesticated Cardassian?" The bitterness in Garak's voice was not shocking, but his revelation was. "You're working for the Federation now?" "Please Doctor, could you imagine me in one of those unflattering uniforms?" "I certainly can't imagine you taking the oath to uphold and defend the constitution of the United Federation of Planets." "Nothing so dramatic as that, certainly." The grip on Julian's hand was now painful, but he didn't flinch. "It was simply pointed out to me during the debriefing regarding our time in the Dominion Internment Camp that the Federation and I now had a common foe." "Starfleet Security's not like the Obsidian Order, Elim. I'm sure that if you refused--." "I wouldn't suddenly find myself unwelcome on DS9? I wouldn't be handed over to Dukat and the Dominion's gentle care?" Garak smirked. "Please spare me the speech on how a Starfleet Admiral would never suggest such misfortunes might befall me should I prove less than cooperative." "I had no idea." Julian felt sickened that a high-ranking Starfleet officer would stoop to such tactics. "Don't look so stricken, my dear." Garak released Julian's hand, and gave it a gentle pat. "I found your Admiral Ross refreshingly pragmatic, and I'm quite certain he feels more secure thinking that my cooperation was gained through intimidation." "You expect me to believe that you want to help the Federation?" Garak smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes. "I admit that the thought of detailing the internal workings of Central Command and decoding Cardassian transmissions for Starfleet Security is not entirely appealing." He leaned back on the couch, and sighed. "But your Admiral was right, we do share a common foe: the Founders." Garak's tone became contemptuous. "Dukat thinks he's using the Dominion as his own personal riding hound to glory, but he's a fool. The moment the Founders' no longer need my home as their foothold in the Alpha Quadrant, all of Cardassia will be condemned for Tain's attack against them." Julian shifted so that he was facing Garak. "Thank you, Elim." The Cardassian appeared mystified, so he explained, "For telling me what was troubling you." Garak met his eyes, and Julian was pleased to see some of the old sparkle had returned to them. "Don't take this the wrong way, Doctor, but you'd make a decent interrogator." "Is there a right way to take that?" He retorted in mock offense. "Perhaps not." Garak conceded. Julian began to caress his lover's neck ridges. "I know you're not entirely happy with the situation, but I'm glad we are on the same side for once." "Well, it could be much worse," Garak observed, pulling Julian in closer. "I could be helping the Klingons." Julian straddled the Cardassian's lap. "I better not catch you helping Worf. I am the jealous type, you know." Garak grimaced. "I am going to make you pay for creating that disgusting image." "I look forward to the attempt." Julian murmured, before silencing Elim with a kiss. --- Propped up beside the prone Cardassian, Julian watched while Garak's left hemipenes was slowly drawn back into his body. The process still fascinated him, and every so often he'd reach over to touch the ridged slit or the deflated penis only to have his hand lazily slapped away by Elim. In the back of his mind, though, Julian was troubled by what Garak had told him, and wished he could offer more than emotional support to his stressed lover. As he began to trace the less sensitive ridges on Garak's belly, he was struck by an idea, and smiled enigmatically at Elim. "You did help the Federation destroy the Dominion threat once before, you know." Instead of being intrigued, Garak became concerned. "My dear, you haven't been sampling Quark's half-priced menu again?" "I'm not hallucinating," Julian grumbled, before reconsidering. "Although I suppose I am referring to a hallucination." Garak placed a palm against the Doctor's cheek, but this time his hand was smacked aside. "I don't have a fever, Elim, just listen to me. Remember when the Defiant first made contact with the Founders, when we first discovered who they were?" "I remember you eventually telling me that you were all subjected to some sort of virtual reality to test the Federation's willingness to go to war. As I recall, you refused to provide any details, but fortunately I had already read Starfleet's confidential report on the incident." "I can never tell when you're being serious," Julian complained. "It's part of my charm, but please do continue." Julian rolled his eyes and sat up. Turning his attention inward, he accessed the false memories implanted by the Vortas, and described the unexpected role the Cardassian had played in the Dominion's experiment. It was only after he'd finished, that he noticed Garak was frowning at him. "I never thought you had such a morbid imagination, my dear." "I wasn't the one who thought it up," Julian protested. "It was the Founders, or maybe the Vorta who created the scenario." "But they used your thoughts to construct my rather melodramatic death scene." "You did die, Garak, but only after you had rescued all of us from the Jem'Hadar. Doesn't that count for something?" "Perhaps, but it seems like small compensation for me." Frustrated that Elim was deliberately missing the point of his narrative, Julian glared at him. "Alright, I was probably responsible for your claim that you were only using a tactic you'd read in a book, but you have to admit that sounds like something you'd say. However, I was very upset when they killed you, so maybe it was Sisko who wanted you dead." "What an inappropriate thing to say about your commanding officer, my dear. Starfleet really doesn't instill their officers with the proper respect for the chain of command." Julian tweaked one of the ridges on the Cardassian's chest. "Coming from someone who has tried to kill Dukat on more than one occasion, I find that observation rather hypocritical." "His recent pretensions to the contrary, Dukat has never been my superior officer." Garak drew Julian down beside him, and began to stroke his naked flank. "Moreover, if something is worth doing, it is worth doing well. Certainly, I have threatened him from time to time, but given the opportunity and means, I would not attempt to kill Dukat, I would accomplish the task." "And you accuse me of having a morbid imagination." "For a Federation Doctor, my dear, I wasn't comparing you to Cardassians." "That's a relief." Julian leaned over and gently nipped Elim's neck ridge. However, instead of responding as expected, Garak sat up, dislodging his lover. "Still, to have me make such a novice's error, leaving myself open to being shot like that, really demonstrates how little you or Sisko respects my professionalism." Before Julian could respond to this accusation, Garak added in a remote voice, "Although I can hardly blame either of you, considering my recent performance on Empok Nor. It would appear that living on this station has dulled my wits." "Don't." The firmness of the command startled Garak. "What?" "Don't attack yourself like that. I was in that Dominion prison with *him* long enough to recognize his voice." Julian pulled his lover back down onto the bed and wrapped his arms around him. "You weren't like that at all in the scenario they created. Oh, you were as cynical as always, but you were also vibrant, brilliant, and ultimately you saved the day." Julian kissed the ridge on his jaw. "Come to think of it, you were a hero, actually." "Julian," Garak chided, "you more than most know what I've been. How can you possibly believe such a fantasy?" "There's more to you than what you once were, Elim." He smiled, and predicted with absolute confidence, "I think you're going to surprise yourself some day." For a long time Garak was silent, before he sighed. "My dear, just because I trust you, doesn't mean you should trust me." "Humans have this peculiar belief that you cannot have love without trust." "Why am I not surprised?" He pulled Julian into a fierce hug, and whispered in his ear, "But you may have a point." Julian chuckled, pulling out of the embrace. "I love you too, Elim. Purple -- sorry *mauve* -- ejaculate, sperm plugs and all." An evil smile formed on his lover's face. "Yes, I had noticed you'd decided to forgo the shower again." "Bloody hell!" Julian leapt out of the bed and was halfway to the refresher before he reconsidered and returned to the bedside. After bestowing an intense kiss, he asked, "Care to join me, my sexy sidewinder?" "I believe I could be persuaded." Then he added with a wicked glint in his eyes, "But only if you guarantee my personal safety first. I'd hate to find myself caught up in some kind of heroic yet fatal situation." Julian grinned. "Trust me." --- The End