The BLTS Archive- The Way It Should Have Been by Karen Foy ( --- Author's Note: The character Vic Fontaine comes from the DS9 episode "His Way". He was played there by actor James Darren. Timeline - This takes place after Insurrection, but before the season finale of DS9. Disclaimer: Paramount, the great and powerful, owns all of Star Trek. I merely claim this story. --- "Computer begin program," Deanna Troi said as she entered the room. The scene was a dinner club, complete with numerous human patrons enjoying their dinners and the soft music that flowed from the stage. The band on the stage was playing what Deanna recognized only as an old Earth ballad and a handsome gray-haired singer held the attention of the audience. "Amazing," Deanna said slowly as she was guided to her table by one of the servers. Will would love this, she thought to herself. The singer was quite mesmerizing as he sang the old love song, but what really amazed Deanna was the way he related to the audience. At one point he looked directly at her and his kind eyes had a way of grabbing at her heart, as if he could see right through her. At the end of the set, the singer talked informally with the audience for a moment and then excused himself and his band from the stage for a few minutes. But instead of making his way backstage, he headed into the audience, smiling and shaking hands as he talked briefly with various diners until he made his way deliberately to Deanna's table. "Hi, how ya doin'? I hope you're enjoying the show," the man stated gently as he offered Deanna his hand. "You haven't been here before, have you?" he continued, looking directly into her dark eyes. Deanna was stunned and intrigued. If she hadn't known better, she would have sworn that this was a real person, not a holographically-generated image. His manner was so casual and "knowing" in some way, as if he could really read the feelings of the person he was talking with. "No, I haven't, and yes, I am enjoying the show. I can see why this place was recommended so highly. It just seems so "relaxed" in here," Deanna answered. "We aim to please. The name's Vic Fontaine, head crooner for this joint, and you are .... ?" "Deanna, Deanna Troi. It's nice to meet you Mr. Fontaine," "Please, call me Vic. So what brings a lovely lady like yourself to my humble abode, especially without your beau on your arm?" Vic asked. "Now, what makes you think I have a "beau", as you put it?" Deanna inquired. "Well, let's just say that I have a pretty good feel for people," Vic answered. "So, why are you alone tonight. Is he on duty or something?" "On duty, what do you mean?" Deanna was not in uniform, so why would Vic think Will would be "on duty"? "Well, aren't most of you guys on this ship in Starfleet?" "On this ship!" Now Deanna was really confused. "How do you know we're on a ship?" "Well, this is the Enterprise, isn't it? At least that's what my program tells me?" Deanna just stared at him in surprise. She was not used to a hologram responding in such a manner. Her face showed her concern. "Don't worry, Deanna?" Vic smiled. "I'm harmless. This is just the way Felix programmed me. I'll have to admit, it was a surprise to me at first to find that I wasn't in 1962 Vegas anymore, or for that matter Deep Space 9. But it's still a good gig and you Federation people seem like a pretty good crowd." "Worf told me to expect the unexpected, but I must say, I didn't expect this," Deanna said with a smile. "Worf!," Vic's eyebrows shot up. "How is the big guy." Vic paused for a moment and then added softly. "I was really sorry to hear about what happened to Jadzia. They were such a great couple. So, how's he getting along?" "As well as can be expected, I guess," Deanna said. "I saw him a couple of weeks ago on the station. As a matter of fact, that's who sent me your program." "Well, I hope you enjoy it." Vic smiled and looked back to the stage. "Look, it's been nice talking with you Deanna, but it looks like the crowd's getting restless, so I better get back to work. Stop in again sometime, and bring your friends. It's always great performing in front of new faces." As Vic made his way back to the stage, Deanna got up to leave the holodeck. "Wait until Will hears about this," she said to herself as she saved the program. --- "Troi to Riker," Deanna called on her combadge as she headed down the corridor toward her quarters. "Go ahead." "Will, do you have a minute? I have something I'd like to talk to you about." Deanna said. "Sure Deanna, I'm just working on some stuff in my quarters. Come on over," Will replied. Riker smiled at the chance to spend some time with Deanna. Their relationship had grown since their return from the Ba'ku homeworld a few months before. Deanna strode into Riker's quarters a few minutes later, the door sensing her approach as it had been programmed to do, and gave the Commander a sweet kiss and embrace. "So, to what do I owe this welcomed respite from my reports?" Will said with a smile after the kiss ended. "I've just seen something truly amazing, Will," she said. "Worf sent me this hologram program that they used on DS9 and I'll have to admit, I expected something, you know, "Klingon", but this really threw me for a loop." Now Riker was intrigued. Worf's holodeck programs were something of a legend aboard the Enterprise and they weren't usually Deanna's choice for recreation. What could have her so excited. "Okay, I'll bite," he said with a smile as he sat down on the sofa. "What's got you so amazed?" Deanna sat down next to him and continued. "Well, it's sort of hard to explain. It's a nightclub from mid 20th century Earth. I think he said something about Vegas. What's amazing is the main character. He's just so ... so real. I mean, you wouldn't know he was a hologram if no one told you. But, it's more than that, Will. He knows he's a hologram and on he knows he's board this ship." "Wait a minute, Deanna. What do you mean he knows he's a hologram?" This conversation was getting serious. Their last encounter with a self-aware hologram was with Professor Moriarty in Data's Sherlock Holmes mystery and that adventure nearly destroyed the ship. "I mean, he knows where he is, what year it is, everything." Deanna didn't miss the concern in Riker's voice. "I know what you're thinking, Will. I was concerned too at first, but I don't think he's a threat. He said his programmer made him self-aware, and you know as well as I do that Worf wouldn't have recommended him if he were a risk to security." Riker's concern eased. He realized that Deanna was right. Worf would never recommend a program that could be a threat, especially to Deanna. "And there was something else. It's hard for me to put my finger on it, but it's like he's empathic or something, like he's got some special insight into people. I know, this sounds crazy, but with what Worf told me about what happened on DS9, I'm beginning to understand what he meant." "What do you mean, 'what happened on DS9'? Did Worf go to see him after what happened to Jadzia?" "No, it was before that, right after they were married. Dr. Bashir convinced Worf and some of the others stationed there to visit the program. Do you remember Odo, the security chief?" Riker nodded and Deanna continued. "Well, it seems that Odo had been secretly in love for years with the Bajorian liaison, Kira, and that Vic helped the two of them finally get together." "Wait a minute, Deanna. How can a hologram help get two people together? I mean, he can't actually plan things. That would take independent thought." "I know. It sounds crazy, but this guy actually did it. He manipulated the two of them into a situation where they couldn't ignore their feelings for each other any longer." Deanna paused for a moment and then smiled at Riker. "Remind you of anyone we know?" "Okay, I see where you're going with this," Riker said with a smile. "You just can't resist can you? But you know this whole thing could blow up in your face." "I know, but it's worth a try. You know they love each other Will. They just need a little push in the right direction." "Okay," Riker sighed. "What do you have in mind"? Deanna cried out a triumphant yelp and kissed Riker fully on the lips. She loved a little conspiracy. --- After a couple of hours of "planning" with Riker, Deanna entered the holodeck doors again to find Vic at his usual spot in front of the crowd. He acknowledged her entrance with a nod and walked over to speak with her after completing his song. "Well, hello again, Deanna. I didn't expect to see you again so soon." "Hello, Vic. Actually, I'd like to speak with you for a moment if you don't mind." "I never turn down a chance to speak with a lovely lady," he said, indicating a table where they could talk. "What's on your mind? That fella of yours giving you trouble?" "Actually," Deanna said with a smile, "I just came from talking with Will and we thought you might be able to help us with another situation. Worf told me about what you did for Odo and Kira." "Well, I just helped them follow their own hearts. They did the rest. So what can I help you with?" "There is a couple on this ship that have known each other for almost 30 years, but just can't seem to get it together, if you know what I mean. We know they love each other, but each is afraid of losing their friendship if they take their relationship further. So they keep hiding their true feelings for each other." Vic shook his head. "For crying out loud, don't any of you people in the 24th century know how to show someone you love them?" Deanna laughed. After all, it had taken Will and her almost 15 years to rekindle their romance. "I know it seems that way, but we aren't usually this hopeless. Things aboard a starship just seem to get in the way sometimes." "Okay, fine. So who is this hopeless couple?" Deanna paused a moment and took a deep breath. She knew there was no turning back now. "The Captain and Chief Medical Officer, Jean-Luc Picard and Beverly Crusher." "Wow, you are at the top of the heap now. So, what's their history? If they love each other, what's keeping them apart?" Deanna took the next few minutes to fill Vic in on what she knew of the Captain and Beverly's relationship, beginning with a brief history of their youth. She told him about how they first met 30 years ago, the Captain's friendship with Beverly's husband, Jack, how Jack had died under Picard's command, and Beverly's assignment aboard the Enterprise years later. She explained her empathic perceptions of them when they were together, how each of them had had other relationships along the way and how those relationships had hurt the other party, though neither one of them would admit it. Deanna concluded with a explanation of their relationship as it stood now, a few months after Picard had met Anij on Ba'ku. "Now, wait a minute, Deanna. Maybe your Captain has moved on with his life and wants to pursue his relationship with this Ba'ku woman." "I thought about that Vic, but I don't think that's the real situation. I still feel the Captain's deep emotions when he's around Beverly. He's afraid of another rejection and I think he feels that Anij is just safer. And I know that Beverly's feelings haven't changed, although, I'll have to admit, she was hurt by his relationship with Anij." "So you think they just need a little encouragement to get on the right track?" "Exactly. So what do you think?" Deanna queried, still a little amazed she was sharing all this with a hologram, let alone asking for his advice. "Let me roll it over for a little while. In the meantime, why don't you see if you can get Beverly to pay me a visit? You said she was a dancer in med school, right?" Deanna nodded. "Well, come up with something that will intrigue the dancer in her or something." Vic paused for a moment. "And, don't tell her I'm a hologram, okay. Tell her I'm a visiting singer and just use this program in my act." A small smile crept across Deanna's face. This guy is good, she thought. "Okay, but may I ask what do you have in mind?" she asked. "You just leave the details to 'Uncle' Vic and get your doctor to pay me a visit around seven o'clock tonight." Deanna's mind was already racing when she exited the program. Now all she had to do was come up with a way to get Beverly to the holodeck. --- "Deanna, I really don't have time for this," Beverly pleaded from behind her desk. Deanna had been trying for the past 15 minutes to convince Beverly that she needed a break and a visit to the holodeck would do wonders for her. "Beverly, I think you would really like this program. It's a dance club and I know how much you like to dance. Besides, we all need a little relaxation every once and a while." "So what's so great about this group anyway." "To begin with, it's not a group. He's a singer who uses the holodeck as a re-creation of a 1960's Las Vegas show. And second, it's a lot of fun. Besides, he's a great singer and not at all bad to look at. I really think you should meet him." "Deanna, I don't ..." Beverly started, but was cut off. "Listen, Beverly. Just give it a try. What harm could it do? You might even enjoy it." Beverly sighed. She knew Deanna would not let up until she agreed. "Okay, fine. I'll come by for a little while. What did you say this guy's name was again?" "Vic Fontaine. The show starts at 19:00 hours in Holodeck 3. Don't be late and wear something other than your uniform. This is a classy place and it's supposed to be fun." "Right," Beverly sighed. "Fun. Okay, I'll be there." --- Beverly strode into the holodeck at 19:10 expecting to see some of the other Enterprise crew since the program was already playing. She was a little surprised that she didn't recognize anyone in the crowd and there were no uniforms to be seen. A hostess approached her as the doors closed and she was seated at a table near the bar. Deanna was right about one thing, she thought. The atmosphere was relaxing. A man on the stage, whom she figured with Vic Fontaine, was singing an old Earth tune. As he neared the end of the song, he looked directly at Beverly and smiled sweetly. Beverly was taken aback a little. There were plenty of other people in the crowd, but he had, quite noticeably, singled her out with his gaze. She also had to admit that Deanna had been right about another thing. He was quite handsome. When the song ended, Vic excused himself from the stage as the band behind him continued to play low. He made his way through the crowd, stopping occasionally to chat with members of the audience, until he was standing right in front of her table. "Good evening. I'm Vic Fontaine. You must be Beverly," he said softly as he extended his hand towards her. "Hello," she said, accepting his hand in hers. Vic could see the confusion in her eyes as he continued to hold her hand. "Deanna told me to look for a beautiful redhead, but I must say she didn't do you justice," he said before raising her hand to his lips and kissing it gently. Beverly just smiled. She had to admit, this guy was smooth. "Thank you," she replied. "Mind if I join you? I've been on that stage for a while and would enjoy the company for a moment." "Of course, sit down Mr. Fontaine," she said, indicating the chair across from her. Beverly was usually shy around people that she didn't know, but somehow she felt completely comfortable around this man. "Everyone calls me Vic. So, Deanna says you're a doctor aboard the ship. How long have you been traveling among the stars?" She laughed gently. "Most of my life really, one way or another. How about you? Does your tour take you from ship to ship most of the time?" "No, not really," he said with a smile. "This is my first starship, though I did do a gig on Deep Space 9 not too long ago." "Really? I know a few people on the station. Did you stay long?" "Not too long, but enough about me. I'd like to find out more about the real Beverly Crusher. Tell me, how is it a beautiful lady like yourself comes to my joint without some handsome guy on your arm?" Beverly surprised herself as a smile crept across her lips. His line of questioning would have seemed offensive if asked by someone else, but she instinctively felt she could trust this man, as if she had known him for years. "What makes you think he's not going to join me later?" Beverly was beginning to enjoy their flirtatious game. "I think he must be a fool not to. But then again, maybe he's just not sure he'd be welcomed?" Beverly was taken aback again. "You seem to have me at a disadvantage, Mr. Fontaine," she smiled sadly, a little uncomfortable for the first time that evening. "It seems Deanna has told you all about me, but I know very little about you." "Deanna didn't have to tell me anything, Beverly. That look in your eyes just now told me everything I need to know." There was a gentleness in Vic's eyes and voice that calmed Beverly's uneasiness. She smiled weakly and took a drink of wine that a waiter had placed there a few moments before. "Am I that transparent?" she said slowly. "No, let's just say that I've seen the look before." He paused for a moment. "So, why haven't you told him how you feel?" Beverly laughed nervously. "I'm not sure it would make a difference anymore." "Don't be so sure of that. It's hard for a man to resist a woman who's in love with him, that is, if he knows she's in love with him." Beverly laughed nervously. "He's done a pretty good job of it lately," she said, taking a long drink from her glass. "Well, you know what they say, 'a bird in the hand'." He didn't finish the old saying as he caught her gaze and held it for a few moments. He could see that Beverly understood his meaning. "So what you're saying is I should just waltz in there and tell him how I feel?" Beverly said shakily and paused for a few moments. "It's just not that easy between us." "You told me, didn't you?" When she didn't respond, Vic continued. "Look, Beverly, it's never going to get any easier, but maybe I can help a little. Have dinner with me later this evening, after my show is over. Maybe together we can come up with something." Vic could see the hesitation in her eyes. This was going to take a little more work than he had first imagined. "What was it with these people?" he said to himself. He leaned in a little closer to her and took one of her hands in his own. "You Starfleet types do eat don't you," he teased. "Come on, it could be fun. We don't have to talk about anything you don't want to. We could just have a nice dinner, a bottle of the house's best champagne, maybe even dance the night away. I've been told you're a pretty good dancer and I'll make it a point not to step on your toes." Beverly looked into his eyes. Vic was quite charming and, at another time, she could have been swept away by this man. He still sensed her apprehension and didn't want to mislead her. "Beverly, look at me," he paused until she looked into his eyes and smiled sadly. "I'm not a fool, Beverly. I know where I stand, but I would enjoy the company and I have a feeling you could use it too. I'll even invite Will and Deanna. Just say you'll come." She smiled at him. He truly did understand her and wanted nothing more from her than to enjoy her company. "I'd love to," she said softly. "Great," he said, standing. "Listen, I have some work to do backstage. Running a show is more than just song and dance, you know," he said, grinning. "I'll be done about nine o'clock and I'll reserve us the best seat in the house. Okay?" "Okay. And Vic," she paused a moment. "Thanks for understanding." He grinned widely. "That's what I specialize in." --- After Beverly left the holodeck. Vic asked the computer for Troi's location. "Deanna?" he called over a communications channel after patching it through to her quarters. Deanna sat up stiffly from her position on the sofa. "Vic, is that you? How are you contacting me?" "Just a little trick I learned on Deep Space Nine," he replied. "Listen, Deanna, I'm meeting Beverly for dinner tonight at nine o'clock and I ..." "Dinner tonight?" she cut him off. "I thought you were meeting her at 19:00." "I did. She just left, but I need a little more time with her if we're going to pull this off. And I need you there too, and Will." "Okay Vic, but I'm confused, what do you need from us." "I think it will make Beverly more comfortable. Besides, it'll be fun. A little dinner, a little dancing, maybe even a little romancing, ya know what I mean." "Wait a minute Vic. Don't carry this thing too far. Remember, Beverly doesn't know you're a hologram. I don't want her to get hurt." "I know Deanna. Trust me. Beverly and I talked all about it. You were right, she's really hooked on the guy. I wouldn't stand a chance if I tried." "Okay, but what's the plan. What are Will and I supposed to do?" "You just follow my lead. Oh, and one more thing." "I'm almost afraid to ask," she answered. Deanna wondered what his next request would be. "Make sure the Captain drops in around nine-fifteen. And remember, dresses for the gals and tuxes for the guys. This is a classy joint. Okay, Deanna?" Deanna agreed reluctantly. She wasn't sure how she was going to get the Captain there. Perhaps, Will could help, she thought. A few minutes later, she and Will were discussing the plan in his quarters. "I don't know, Deanna. Maybe we should back off from this for now. It's really none of our business." "Will Riker, I'm surprised at you," she scolded him. "Beverly and the Captain are both our friends and this is for their own good. You know they belong together, they've just gotten "sidetracked" for a little while, that's all. And don't tell me not to get involved. They're our friends, so we're already involved." Riker sat silently on the sofa for a few moments, contemplating what the Captain, or Beverly for that matter, would do to them if they ever found out about their little scheme. He had to admit, the thought of his Captain and CMO finally getting together did have its appeal. They were his friends and he wanted them to be happy. He didn't have to be an empath to know that they loved each other deeply, or at least, they could if they were given the right opportunity. Right, he said to himself, we're not manipulating them; we're just giving them an opportunity. A small smile on his face grew into a wide grin with this realization. "Okay, but if this backfires, it was all your idea," he said, taking Deanna in his arms. "I take full responsibility," she answered, kissing him fully on the lips. "So, can you take care of getting the Captain there?" "I think I can come up with something," he grinned. --- Picard sat in his ready room without a clue as to the conspiracy that was forming on his ship. It had been a fairly routine day and he was just finishing some reports when the chime on the door sounded. "Come," he answered as the door opened and Riker entered the room. "What can I do for you Number One?" he said, laying a pad on the desk wearily. "I can come back if you're busy, Sir." "No, not at all, Number One. I was just about finished for the day. What's on your mind." "Well, Sir, I was wondering if you would join Deanna and I for a late dinner tonight with some friends on the holodeck." Picard thought for a moment. Riker almost never asked him to dine with him, especially if he were having dinner with the Counselor. He must have something important on his mind. The thought roused Picard's curiosity. "A special occasion, Will?" he asked, raising an eyebrow slightly. "No, no," Riker stammered, trying not to make Picard suspicious of the invitation, but yet keep him interested. "We'd just like your opinion about something." Picard eyed his first officer. Riker appeared uneasy about something, but he decided not to push the issue. After all, what harm could there be in dinner? "I'd be delighted, Will. What time?" Riker smiled. It had worked. "I think Deanna said everything would be ready by 21:00 hours." He paused for just a second for effect. "On second thought, better make that about 21:15, you know how women are. We'll be in Holodeck 3, and Captain, we've been asked to wear a tux. Deanna said it's a 20th Century dinner club. Sort of like the club in your Dixon Hill program," he added. "Very well then," Picard said. "I'll see you there at 21:15." With a nod, Riker left the ready room. He just hoped that this wasn't going to blow up in their faces. --- When Beverly entered the holodeck, Will and Deanna were already seated, talking quietly with Vic. A band was playing softly on the stage. As she approached the table, Will and Vic stood, the latter taking her hand and kissing it gently. "Beverly, you look lovely," he stately softly. "Please," he continued, pulling out a chair next to him, "have a seat." Will tilted his head and grinned at Deanna. He had to admit, Vic was smooth, especially for a hologram, a fact that he had to remind himself was a secret. "Thank you," Beverly said with a smile. "And I must say that the two of you are looking very handsome this evening yourselves," nodding to Vic and then to Riker before taking the seat she was offered. The four of them talked casually for a few minutes, Vic telling them the latest news from DS9 and the people he had met there. Riker was amazed at the complexity of this character. He was telling stories about the adventures on the station as if he were a real person and had really developed a relationship with the crew there. When the band started a new song, Vic looked over to Beverly. "Would you care to dance," he stated softly. "I'd love to," she said smiling, amazed a little at how comfortable she still felt with someone she hardly knew. After the couple walked to the dance floor. Riker leaned over to Deanna. "Are you sure this is a good idea, Deanna?" he said, concern evident in his voice. "I mean, Beverly doesn't know he is a hologram. I don't want her to get hurt. What if she starts getting a little "too attached" to Vic? They're dancing awfully close." Deanna smiled to herself. She had to admit. They did look quite comfortable together. "I don't think we have to worry about that Will. Vic told me that Beverly had made it quite clear to him that she didn't want a relationship with him, other than friendship." Will sighed in relief. "Well, you wouldn't know it to look at them." "I know. Isn't it wonderful? If only the Captain could see them together like this. Maybe it would shake some sense into him." "Well, don't look now," Will added. "But I think the "shaking" is about to begin." Deanna looked casually toward the holodeck entrance. Picard was standing at the door and his eyes were clearly on the dancing couple. After a moment, he shook himself and searched the room, looking for the familiar faces of Riker and Troi. "Captain," Will said after standing to gain Picard's attention. Picard saw his first officer and counselor at a table across the room and went to join them. "Glad you could join us, Sir," Deanna said as he approached the table. "Please, have a seat." "Thank you Counselor," he said as he sat down next to Riker. Picard looked back to the dance floor. When he realized he had been staring for several moments, he turned back toward the seated couple and cleared his throat. "So what's the occasion, Number One?" "Oh, nothing special Captain." Riker's mind was racing to come up with an acceptable lie. "Just friends getting together." "I see," Picard said, careful to hide his surprise from Deanna. Perhaps, he thought, Riker wasn't ready to speak in front of her. "Well," he said, taking a glass of wine that a waiter had placed in front of him. "Then here's to friendship." Will looked quickly at Deanna and then to Picard. "Right, to friendship," he said as they all raised their glasses. "Speaking of friends, Captain, I don't think you've met our host, Vic Fontaine. He's over there with Beverly," she said casually point over to the dancing couple, as though she thought Picard had not noticed them. "He uses the holodeck program to recreate 1960's Las Vegas. He also sings in the band. He's really quite talented." "So I can see," Picard said grimly as he looked directly at the couple. The tone of his voice was not lost on Deanna and she bit her lip to fight back a smile. "I wasn't aware that any new entertainers had boarded the ship." "Oh, he just showed up earlier today," Deanna said, trying not to smile. "I'm sure he's all right Captain. I know he performed for quite a while on Deep Space Nine. Worf even recommended him." "Indeed," he said, not taking his eyes off the dancing couple. "Well, my former security officer's tastes have certainly changed since he left the Enterprise. I didn't realize he enjoyed this type of music. It seems a little 'tame' for a Klingon." "Oh, I don't really think it was the music that attracted him, Captain. I think it was the atmosphere Vic creates here. Now, how did Worf put it?" Deanna paused a moment, choosing her words carefully to add the desired effect. "Oh, yes, I remember, he said it was almost as romantic as seeing Klingon opera for the first time." Picard raised his eyebrows and stared at the Counselor for a moment. He couldn't remember when he had ever heard the words "romantic" and "Klingon" in the same sentence. "Really, Counselor? I don't think I've ever thought of Worf as being a romantic," he said with a smile. "Don't let that cool, Klingon facade fool you, Captain," Will chimed in. "When I served on that Klingon warbird a few years ago, I heard tales from some of the women that would make your hair curl." He paused a moment as he saw the Captain's gaze turn sharply towards him. He cleared his throat and added uneasily, "Uh, no offense, Sir.". Picard smiled slightly despite himself at his First Officer's slight discomfort. "None taken, Number One." Deanna chose this opportunity to add more fuel to the Captain's fire. "Well, there is more to Worf than meets the eye, but I'll have to admit I was a little surprised myself when Worf suggested that I introduce Vic to Beverly." She took a drink of her wine before continuing. The comment had it's desired effect. The wave of emotions that she felt from the Captain were unmistakable. "I guess he is more of a romantic than even I gave him credit for." "They do seem to be hitting it off pretty well, don't they?" Riker added innocently to Deanna. Picard's eyes were no longer on his companions at the table. They were again glued to the dance floor. After a moment, he turned back to Troi and Riker, his captain's mask firmly in place. "Well, I for one, am looking forward to meeting our host. He sounds like a ascinating fellow. Tell me Deanna, how long is scheduled to stay aboard the Enterprise?" Picard asked. "I'm not really sure, Captain. I think he was at Deep Space Nine for several months. I guess, he'll stay as long as he crew continues to enjoy his show. From what I understand, he's alone and just goes wherever people ask for him." "So, he didn't bring his family aboard the ship?" Picard asked. "No, I don't think he has a family, Captain. At least, Worf didn't mention one." Deanna paused for a moment and then grinned, raising her eyebrows a little as she looked at the dancing couple. "He's certainly not acting like he has a wife and kids stowed away somewhere." Picard's eyes turned back to the dance floor. He understood Deanna's meaning. Over the last few minutes, he could have sworn that the temperature aboard the ship had risen ten degrees. --- Vic held Beverly close in his arms as the two floated with the music. They occasionally smiled at each other, but rarely talked except to compliment each other on their dancing. "You really are very good," Vic stated softly. Beverly blushed at the comment and smiled sweetly at him. "Thank you," she said. "You're not so bad yourself." "Ahhh, but I do this for a living. I mean, I'm an entertainer. I'm supposed to be suave and debonair," he smiled at his own joke. "Well, Mr. Fontaine," she laughed lightly. "You're very good at your job." "Thank you, my lady," he said, overacting a little and bowing his head slightly. Again she chuckled lightly. "You really know how to sweep a girl off her feet, don't you?" "Of course," he smiled. "What can I say? It's a gift." He paused for a moment and looked deeply in her eyes. "Too bad all of this charm is wasted on someone whose heart is already taken." Beverly smiled sweetly back at him and kissed him lightly on the cheek. "Thank you." "For what, being a good loser," he laughed lightly. "No," she said, "for being a good friend." "My pleasure. You're a fascinating woman, Beverly Crusher. I think that Captain of yours must be a fool." He paused for a moment, looked over toward their table and smiled. "Speak of the devil. Don't look now, but I think we're being watched." Beverly's heart nearly stopped when she glanced over at the table and saw three sets of eyes looking their way when she only expected two. She quickly faced Vic again and tried to continue smiling. Vic noticed her stiffening in his arms and held her tighter to support her as they continued to dance. "Maybe you'd like to sit down," he said gently. "No," she countered quickly, looking over to a set of glass doors nearby. "Uh... where do those go?" "To a balcony and a small bar," he answered. "Good. I think I could use a drink right now." "Your wish is my command," he said gallantly and glided her through the doorway and out of the Captain's sight. Back at the table, Picard's stomach was doing flip-flops. He was doing his best not to react to what he had just witnessed on the dance floor. He couldn't believe what was happening. Good God, he thought, Beverly had only known this man for a matter of minutes. He noticed her blush in his arms as they spoke softly, dancing so close to the music. And then she had actually kissed him before she allowed him to whisk her away to what he guessed must be a more private location. From his seat, Picard strained his neck to see what lie past the doorway. He could see a little corner of what seemed to be a bar. He turned back toward Riker and Troi and forced a smile. "You know, Number One, this was a wonderful idea, having dinner together. We should do it more often. Too bad some of the other crew couldn't have joined us." "Oh, we invited some of the other senior staff, Captain. Data and Geordie may be joining us later and we asked Beverly, but, well, you see, I think she had other plans," Deanna said, acting a little uncomfortable for his benefit. "Yes, I see. Well, I think I'll get another drink while we wait for Mr. Data and LaForge," he said, smiling and trying to act as casual as possible. "Could I get you two anything," he added as he rose from his chair. "No, Sir. We're fine," Riker replied quickly, holding his breath to keep from laughing. "You go ahead." After Picard was out of site, the two officers looked at each other and nearly fell out of their chairs. --- When Picard made his way past the doorway, he could see the two of them leaning against the far side of the balcony. Beverly had her back to him, her head resting on Vic's shoulder as he spoke to her softly. Vic saw the Captain enter the room out of the corner of his eye and slowly placed his right hand on Beverly's back, caressing it gently. Beverly had been completely taken off guard by seeing Picard at the table, so soon after discussing her feelings with Vic. The drink Vic had given her helped, but she was still a little shaky and appreciated Vic's support and understanding. She looked up at him and smiled sadly. "I seem to keep thanking you," she said as she placed her right hand gently on Vic's cheek. Knowing that Picard was watching them intently, Vic looked directly into Beverly's eyes. "Do you trust me?" She nodded. With that, he enveloped her in his arms and kissed her passionately. When the kiss ended, Beverly was too dumbfounded to say anything. She just stared at him blankly. Vic smiled warmly back at her for a moment and then motioned with his eyes for her to look toward the doorway. The sight of the quickly approaching Captain made her breath catch in her throat. "Jean-Luc," she gasped. "I didn't know you were standing there." "Obviously," Picard spoke between his clinched teeth. Then with a forced smile he continued. "I just came in to get a drink. You must be Mr. Fontaine. I've heard so much about you." "Yes," Beverly was stammering, "Vic, this is Jean-Luc ... Captain ... Captain Picard." "Well, Beverly's told me so much about you Captain," Vic replied, extending his hand. "It's very nice to meet you finally." "Likewise, I'm sure, Vic," Picard answered, making sure to use the man's first name as Beverly had before. Stiffly, Picard took the man's extended hand. "So, Vic, when did you come on board?" "Oh, just earlier today, Captain. I just popped in from Deep Space Nine. I think you know some people over there, don't you? I must say, you have a fine ship." Vic looked directly at Beverly and smiled. "And an even a finer crew. Everyone has made me feel very welcomed." She returned the smile. "Yes," Picard stated calmly and looked at Beverly. "We have a very friendly crew." Beverly recognized a tenge of jealousy in Picard's manor. The thought amused her. It serves him right, she thought. Back at the table, Troi and Riker were becoming concerned that neither of their friends had returned from the balcony. "What do you think is going on out there?" Riker asked. "I don't know, Will. They've been out there for a long time. Maybe you should go check on them. I felt the Captain was pretty upset when he left." "I think you're right. Don't give away my seat, okay?" Will grinned and kissed Deanna lightly on the cheek before rising from the table and heading for the balcony doors. As he entered the bar area, Will could see the three of them standing near the balcony. As he walked up to them, Beverly snaked her arm around Vic's waist. "Well, Captain," Beverly said with a smile. "You do expect us to be courteous to our guests, don't you?" "I'd expect nothing less, Doctor," he replied with an equally challenging smile. Vic could see trouble was brewing between the two and was happy to see Riker approach the group. Riker didn't miss the tension between the Captain and Beverly. Perhaps, he thought, he should get Beverly out of there before one of them said something they shouldn't. "Captain, I see you've met our host," Riker stated when he joined them. "Yes, indeed, Number One. Mr. Fontaine and I were just getting to know one another." "Well, don't let me interrupt. I was just wondering if Beverly would like to dance," Will stated as he bowed slightly in her direction. Beverly smiled mischievously at the suggestion. "As long as you don't mind, Vic?" she asked innocently. "No, go ahead. Just save me a dance for later," Vic replied. With that, Beverly leaned toward Vic and kissed him on the cheek before taking Will's offered arm and being led toward the dance floor. The two men watched as Beverly and Will left the balcony. Vic turned back toward Picard and motioned toward the bar. "So, would you like a drink, Captain?" Picard smiled slightly at Vic for a moment. This could be an interesting conversation, he thought. "Of course," he answered. "What's your poison?" "Scotch, neat," the Captain replied, smiling slightly at Vic's choice of words. Vic leaned over to the bartender. "Make that two." After receiving their drinks, he handed one to Picard. The two men leaned slightly against the bar and studied each other for a moment, each waiting for the other to make their next move. Vic decided to take the chance. "Your doctor is a lovely woman," he stated. "Indeed she is. We've been friends for a long time." "Friends? Really? I thought perhaps there was more to it than that," Vic stated flatly. Picard was amazed at the man's directness. He couldn't quite understand it, but despite the previous tension of the situation, Picard no longer felt as threatened by him. "And what would make you think that?" he asked. "Oh, I don't know. I guess I'm just a little surprised that someone else hasn't snatched her up by now." Picard studied him for a moment. If Fontaine wasn't pulling any punches, neither would he, he thought. "Is that what you intend to do, 'snatch her up'?" he asked. Vic smiled. "When a fruit is ripe for the picking, it's a shame to let it stay on the vine." "So, you plan to try your hand at a little gardening?" Picard couldn't help but smile a little at his own choice of words, despite the implications. Vic chuckled at the question. "It's a tempting idea, Captain, but if there's one thing you learn in show business, it's you never go where you're not welcomed." Picard raised an eyebrow. "You looked pretty welcomed a few minutes ago," he replied. Vic smiled and looked down at his drink. "Beverly is a nice lady, but I knew from the start that I didn't stand a ghost of a chance with her." Vic paused and looked directly at Picard. "Or haven't you figured that out yet, Captain?" Picard stared back at him. "I don't know if I understand your full meaning." Vic shook his head. These people are really dense, he thought. "Why am I not surprised?" he said aloud. "You people don't get out much, do you?" Picard gazed at him with a confused look on his face. "Never mind. Look, Captain. How can I put this so you will understand?" He paused for a moment. "Beverly's off the market." The look he received from Picard was more confused than before. "You still don't get it, do you? Let me spell it out for you. It's kinda hard to woo a lady whose already in love with someone else," he said impatiently. Picard still didn't say anything. He just stared a Vic for a moment. Vic decided there was no longer any use beating around the bush. "Oh, come on, Captain, wake up! The lady's nuts about you. And don't tell me you don't feel the same way." Picard looked down at his near empty glass. "I'm sure you're mistaken, Mr. Fontaine." "Mistaken? You gotta be kidding me. A blind man could see it with a cane!" Picard didn't respond, so Vic continued. "Look, Captain. She's out there on the dance floor with Will. Why don't you just go out there and tell her how you feel?" Picard sighed. "I've done that before," he said quietly. "And what happened?" "She walked out on me," he replied. "And?" Vic inquired. "And .... nothing. We remained friends, nothing more. That was four years ago." "Four years! Well, maybe you should have gone after her. Maybe, you should go after her now. A lot of things can happen in four years, ya know. A lot of things can change. What have you got to loose, that is, if you're still interested?" Vic paused for a moment to study the Captain. He had done all he could, he decided. It was now up to them. He stood up from the barstool. "Life's too short, Captain. Don't waste any more of it." Vic looked over toward the balcony door just as Riker and Beverly were returning from the dance floor. He motioned with his eyes to the returning couple. "Well, Captain?" Vic continued, not sure if he had gotten through to him or not. "I think we have business to take care of, don't you?" Beverly and Riker joined them at the bar. "It's time for my next set. Beverly, I'll see you later." Vic quickly kissed Beverly on the check and gave Picard a challenging look as he passed him and made his way out the door. Will quickly made an excuse about leaving Deanna alone for so long and was gone before anyone could say a word. Beverly was a little uneasy by their sudden departures and looked at Picard shyly. "Well, it looks like we've been deserted." "It would seem so," he said. "Would you like to go back and join the others?" "No, this is fine. It was getting a little crowded on the dance floor anyway." He motioned her over to a barstool and she sat down as he took up a place standing next to her, leaning slightly against the bar. Beverly was beginning to get nervous at her closeness to Jean-Luc. She wondered what he and Vic had been discussing in her absence. Jean -Luc seemed much more comfortable with the situation than when she had left with Will for the dance. "Would you like something to drink?" he asked. "Sure. A white wine would be nice," she answered. Picard got the attention of the bartender and ordered her drink, placing his own on the bar next to them. "Your new friend is an interesting fellow." "Yes, he is," she said, smiling mischievously. "Very interesting, and very charming." "Hmm. A little forward thought, don't you think? I mean, you hardly know him Beverly." Beverly flashed him a brilliant smile. "Why, Jean-Luc, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you were jealous." "I am NOT jealous. I'm just saying that you really don't know anything about him. I can't put my finger on it, but there's something "unnatural" about him." "Well, I think he's very natural," Beverly countered. "And a VERY good dancer." Picard knitted his brow and stared at her. "Hmm. You can't be serious?" "You ARE jealous!" "I am not! I just don't want you to get hurt." Beverly was beginning to get angry. What did he have to be jealous about, she thought to herself. He was the one gallivanting around on Ba'ku a few months before. She turned away from him and started to get up from her seat. "Well don't worry, Captain. Vic would never hurt me. We know just where we stand with each other, unlike some people I know." "And what the hell is that supposed to mean?" Picard spat out. She gazed at him angrily, got up from the barstool and tried to walk away. He grabbed her arm. "Let me go, Jean-Luc," she said firmly, trying to break his grasp. He held her firm and set his jaw. "No. I won't let you go, not this time. Not until you hear what I have to say." She gazed at him defiantly for a moment, but sat back down on the stool. "Beverly, please." He took a deep breath and let it out. After a second, he lessened his hold on her, his hand now laying gently on her forearm. "I'm sorry. Forgive me." He took another deep breath and continued. "I AM your friend, Beverly. Don't go. Please." For a moment, the two were silent. Jean-Luc tried to catch her gaze, but she refused to look at him. Tears were forming in her eyes. "Beverly, please," he pleaded again softly. "Look at me." Slowly, he traced his hand up her arm and placed it under her chin, gently raising her face to look in her eyes. When she didn't resist him, the look in her eyes nearly shattered his heart. A single tear had escaped from her eyes and traced down her cheek. The anger in her eyes was gone. In its place, Jean-Luc saw uncertainty and pain. He took his thumb and gently wiped the tear from her cheek. "What do you want from me, Jean-Luc?" she pleaded. The question momentarily stunned him. What did he want? Seeing Beverly in the arms of another man had brought back emotions that he thought were long since buried. He had loved her from the first moment he laid eyes on her. He still loved her, he realized, more than life itself. The realization turned his mind to clay and he couldn't form the words to tell her. His silence and stunned look brought her anger back to the surface. "That's what I thought," she said, turning away from him to walk away again. But he couldn't let her leave. Not again. "Beverly, wait, please." He had taken her arm again in his hand to hold her steady. His emotions were too close to the surface for him to speak the words in his heart. "Jean-Luc, I'm getting tired of this game of yours. So let's just call it a night, all right, before one of us says something that we'll regret." "Wait! Please," he pleaded as he searched her eyes for a moment. "Dance with me?" he asked gently. "What?" she answered shakily. "Jean-Luc, I don't think . . ." He cut her off. "Please. I don't want you to leave. Just one dance?" She stopped for a moment and looked slowly into his eyes. What she saw there made her heart nearly stop. Slowly, she raised her right arm and placed it over his shoulder, her fingers resting on the back of his neck. He released her other arm and took her left hand in his. She rested her head on his shoulder, just under his chin. Through the open balcony doors, they could hear the gentle music playing as a man's voice began to caress the song. It was Vic. As they began to sway to the music, Beverly's body relaxed for the first time since she had spotted him on the balcony and she leaned in slowly against him. Picard smiled at the gesture and closed his eyes for a moment. How he had longed to have this woman in his arms again, holding her close. Neither spoke for several minutes as they danced to the old melody. Picard broke the silence as he pulled back to look in her eyes, still moist from the earlier tears. "Beverly, I'm sorry. I ...", he spoke, but was silenced by Beverly gently placing her fingers on his lips. "Jean-Luc, don't." She smiled softly at him. "No more apologies tonight. Just hold me." He kissed the fingers that still lingered on his lips and took her hand gently back in his own. He could see the love in her eyes and, for the first time in his life, knew that it was only there for him. Slowly, he leaned in to brush his lips gently with hers. The kiss grew in its intensity with each beat of the soft music that flowed around them. Pulling back slowly, he looked again in her still moist eyes and spoke hoarsely. "I love you, Beverly. I always have." Tears anew began to form in her eyes as she began to comprehend the words that she had so longed to hear. "I love you, too, Jean-Luc." She smiled gently as she spoke. "I think it's time for us to go home." He pulled her in again for another kiss, this one filled with the promise of wonderful things to come. --- The End