The BLTS Archive - Once She Had Noticed: Janice by Fishey Me ( --- Third in a series of three slightly longer-than-drabbles. *Disclaimer:* I don't own them. I make no money off them, or at all really. *Archiving Information:* Please, no archiving without my permission. Overarching permission goes to the Spock/McCoy Haven and BLTS. All others must ask. *Author's Note: *This is written by FisheyMe only... For once. ---- Once she had noticed that McCoy was waiting outside Spock's quarters. At first she didn't think it mattered, but then she got curious. The two of them hadn't ever seemed that close to her, but what did she know? McCoy seemed to hesitate before ringing the bell and after he did he looked ready to bolt. But he stayed, and after a moment, she could hear Spock's acknowledgement and the door slid open. McCoy licked his lips and sighed. He started to say something, but was silenced by a hand gesture. Spock walked over to McCoy and invited him in, equally silently. The door didn't shut immediately. Then she noticed that Spock was leaning in to kiss McCoy, and it was all Janice could do not to run over and hold the door open to watch. --- The End