The BLTS Archive - Ziyal by Entipy of Nothing ( --- Ziyal. Somehow I took her for granted. She was always so fragile, so vulnerable, and yet it was as if I could protect her somehow, even from halfway across the quadrant. I am not a man who takes things for granted, who believes everything will turn out for the best. Experience has taught me to expect the worst. But Ziyal. . . she always believed in me. I always promised her I would return, but she never promised me anything. I never understood why she loved me, or why I loved her, the daughter of my enemy, the ally of the man who doomed me to exile from my home. She was a free spirit, Ziyal. She had the soul of an artist, and she knew how to bring people together, even enemies. She established a kind of bond between myself and Dukat, though far from friendship. She was the knot that held us together, and the sword that kept us apart. And we both loved her very much. And now she is gone. Now I am truly alone. --- The End