The BLTS Archive- Prax's Tale by Tricia Donovan ( --- This story is a fanfic based on Counterpoint, the Season V episode of STAR TREK:VOYAGER. Trek and everything in it is ©Paramount. This story is mine and is not to be posted elsewhere without my permission. NB: You must be over eighteen to read this story. If you are not, or if the idea of (implied) non-consensual sex, or sex between men offends you, please turn back now. --- We came from the same province, from neighbouring villages, but I was some years older. To all intents and purposes, we met for the first time at the training camp. I had been promoted a few weeks earlier. It was my job to lick the new recruits into shape. And some of them needed it. Not him though. From that first day, when he strolled into my office as though he owned it, all expensive cologne and la-di-da, I could tell it wouldn't take him long to get on. "Prax, my dear chap. What a delightful surprise. Such a pleasure to see a fellow-countryman." I shouldn't have let him get away with talking to a superior like that. But I did. Despite the words I could tell that he wasn't at all happy about finding me there. Didn't like to be reminded of his origins. His grandfather may have been Lord Muck, (see note) but his grandmother was the village trull, and his father raked muck and harvested corn with the rest of us. As I said, he was on the way up. He had entered the service on the accelerated promotion scheme, and when he left, some weeks later, I thought that was the last I'd see of him. It was a relief in more ways than one. It had got so that seeing him every day was becoming more than I could stand. So it was a shock when, a couple of years later, I was transferred to the Inspectorate as his Second-in-Command. "I wanted someone reliable, Prax. Someone I could trust," he said, as I reported for duty. He was half sitting on the edge of his desk, one leg braced against the floor. He held a leather glove in his hand which he slapped idly against his thigh. I could see the play of muscles under the black material of his uniform. I was to become familiar with that stance in the years that followed. "You wanted someone you could lord it over, you mean," I said to myself. Out loud I said "Thank you, Sir." Seeing him again, it was as if everything I had felt before had just been holding its breath all this time. I didn't know if I could bear this, but if I could, it might be a bit of luck for me. In the time since I had seen him, he had matured into a striking-looking man: lean, hawklike features and a finely-muscled body. He moved with the power and grace of a wild animal. If one thing made him less attractive, it was that he knew how attractive he was. He got into the habit of sending for me at odd hours of the day to 'talk things over'.What he meant was that he talked, I listened, and nodded approvingly. Sometimes he would be naked on the bed, fresh from his bath, one hand under his head, the other resting casually on his thigh. He would smile slightly as I eased the pressure on thecollar of my uniform, and moved uncomfortably in my chair. "You look rather hot, Prax. Shall I adjust the environmental controls? You really should relax more. Look at me." But look at him was what I couldn't do. Invariably the conversation would turn to my love life. "Who is she, Prax? Or are you playing the field like me? A fine strong lad like you must have women fighting over him. Well, I won't press you further. I prefer to be a little discreet in these matters myself." Oh, he was discreet all right. No public carousing with his ladies for him. Women were brought to his quarters after dark and left before daybreak. Tavern wenches, shopkeepers wives, rosy-cheeked lasses fresh from the country. I know because it was my job, one of my 'special duties', to find them for him, and pay them off afterwards, or sort out any unpleasant consequences. He liked the country girls especially. He liked them for the same reason he liked ordering me around: it made him feel important. And the nobs would have seen through him in a minute. That's what I thought, anyway, so it was a shock when he announced his engagement to the daughter of a provincial governor. She had a pedigree longer than her hair ... and that fell almost to her ankles when it was loose. Not that I saw it, but he told me. "You would hardly know she was naked, Prax." It wasn't all it seemed, though. The family had fallen on hard times, which in their circles meant selling the ancestral home, and pigging it in their mansion in the city. Or the hunting lodge in the mountains. Or the summer place by the lake. He had money, lots of it. I never knew where it came from, and he wasn't telling -- it would spoil the image. But, if it wasn't for that, he wouldn't have stood a chance with a girl like her. He called all the senior officers together to tell them his news, but he was watching me as he spoke. I'd got into the way of hiding my true feelings, so I don't think my face gave anything away. I went about my duties in the usual way, but that night I got smashed out of my mind on new ale. It was summer, a hot scented night that was made for love. My windows were open and so were his. I could hear him singing, a folk song from home called the Milkmaid's Lament. When he got to the line, O, cruel is my lover, my lover to me, I knew I couldn't keep quiet any longer. Put it down to the drink. I had never been so drunk, but in a funny sort of way, I was quite clearheaded. And to this day I remember everything that happened. I walked very deliberately out of my room and the few steps down the corridor to his quarters. I punched in the entry code to his door and strode in. Then I stopped. He was standing before the mirror in full dress uniform. "Prax?" There was a slight lift of the right eyebrow. "I did not send for you." "No, Sir," I said, hardly able to get the words out. My heart was pounding painfully, and I could feel the muscles of my face working. He must surely have seen, but he made no comment. "No matter. I would value your opinion. I've been trying on my dress uniform. For the wedding. It seems a little tight. What do you think?" "What do I think, Sir? What do I think?" He was about to make some cleverclogs reply, but I went on. "What I think, Sir, is that I can't go on like this anymore." He said nothing, but watched me intently. If he had spoken, I believe I might have made an excuse and left, but his silence urged me on. "You see, Sir, it's been hard for me, seeing you like this, day after day. And now with you getting married ..." The room went very far away and then zoomed in close again. Still he said nothing. I thought of the times I had seen him on the bed, so comfortable with his nakedness, and with me. I must have been very drunk to think it meant anything. "I love you." I could have borne shock, anger, outrage, anything. But he threw back his head and laughed. "Oh, my dear Prax. Of course you do. I've known for ages. But you really should have more self-control. It would hardly do, would it? I don't know what my bride would say." I didn't know what she would say to the nightly procession of trollops either. He hadn't denied himself at all as the wedding day drew closer. As if he knew what I was thinking, he asked how I could possibly have imagined that a man who enjoyed women so much could entertain the idea of taking another man as a lover. I had known men who liked both, but I wasn't about to say that to him now. For now, all I wanted was to get away from that mocking laughter, and the arrogant sneer. "You bastard," I said, and turned on my heel. "Prax!" I thought it was all up with me then. He would be calling the guards next. "My father was the bastard. My parents were married." The mildness of his voice was a worse insult than his laughter." Dismissed." Back in my quarters, it began to hit me. I know he thinks me stupid. Well, I'm not, but I don't always work things out as quickly the next man. It was only when I calmed down a bit that I realized something he'd said. Or not what he'd said, but what it meant. "I've known for ages." So he had known when he paraded his nakedness in front of me. He had known when he questioned me about the women in my life. He had known when he asked me to find women and bring them to his quarters. He had known when he had gone over every detail of the sex they'd had in our 'man to man' chats. He had known when he summoned me early in the morning, while he was still in bed with the doxy of the moment. "Bastard! Bastard! Bastard!" I saw my face in the mirror -- my stupid, fat, ugly, peasant face. I smashed my hand against the glass and it cracked but the pieces did not fall. Blood from my hand smeared the glass and its surround. I saw my crazed reflection staring back at me: mocking me. I didn't know how I would sleep that night, how I could remain still long enough to fall asleep, but I must have passed out, because the next thing I knew it was morning. I was lying on my side, freezing cold and cramped, with a little trickle of vomit leaking from the side of my mouth. My head was pounding and my injured hand was stiff and sore. I remembered immediately. And was ashamed. Not shame for loving. No, never that. Nor shame for telling of my love. But shame that I should have loved such a worthless piece of shit. Well, I was on duty in half an hour, so I had to see about tidying myself up. I didn't intend to be late, even if my only duty today was to march to the guardhouse. I'd go to the infirmary first, though. I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of seeing what I'd done to myself. "I'd hate to see the other man," the doctor said as he placed my hand in the regeneration chamber. "Other man?" "A joke, Sub-Inspector, a joke." Ten minutes later I was standing at attention before his desk. He was going through some reports and did not look up for a few minutes. "Well, Prax?" I hated him and wanted him at the same time. "Sir, about last night ..." "You had had a good deal to drink, Prax had you not?" "Yes, Sir." "Understand that I cannot condone drunkenness, or insubordination in my men, but in view of your exemplary record, and the ... ah, extenuating circumstances, I shall take this no further. I need hardly point out, however, that should there be any repetition of last night's conduct, you will find yourself in front of a court martial. Do I make myself clear?" At these words his eyes became cold. I had not thought brown eyes could be cold, but his were like a bottomless lake. "Yes, Sir." "Well? Do you not have duties to attend to? I take it you do wish to remain in my service." "Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir." There wasn't anything else I could say. After that I wasn't asked to procure his women, and he was fully-dressed whenever I was summoned to his quarters. There were a few pointed remarks, but I learned to ignore them. I wasn't invited to the wedding. Well, practically the only person there who didn't have a title was the groom. There was a dinner a week beforehand at the barracks to which all us 'lower orders' were invited. This was the first time I had seen the bride close to. She was a pale, thin girl with red hair. I wondered how she felt about all this,and whether she loved him. In the manner of upper-class girls she didn't show her feelings, but nodded and smiled politely, and dabbed at her lips a good deal while picking at her food. I felt sorry for her anyway. I got married myself a few weeks later. A girl from my village had got herself into trouble. Her father and mine were old friends and he asked me, well, told me really, that I'd have to do this. I had a talk with the girl,and told her what marriage to me would mean. It wouldn't have been fair otherwise. She was sensible about it, and glad that she would be 'respectable'. Four months after the wedding I was a father. Sixteen months later I was a father again, so she was getting her pleasure elsewhere after all. I told her that if she couldn't be careful, she should at least pick someone who looked a bit like me. She took me at my word. My brother's wife threw him out, and he came to stay with us for a week or so until she cooled off. That summer my wife presented me with a child who looked exactly like me. A girl, poor little mite. My changed state amused his lordship hugely. "We old married men" was how he referred to us. We were away on missions quite a bit by then, and he was making sure I knew "how to conduct myself". "Not anyone from the ship's complement, Prax. Do I make myself clear? What you get up to in port is your own affair, but I will not allow anything to jeopardize the success of these missions. Lovers' tiffs are not good for discipline. I'm not asking you to do anything I would not do myself. We old married men have to forego such pleasures." Then, as I was leaving, he added, "Take what you want from among the prisoners, of course. Telepaths make such ... intriguing partners." He liked it from them because they knew what he wanted (he'd let them read his mind to that extent) and were only too anxious to please, if it meant a reprieve." We settled down into something of a routine: three months in space, three months' shore leave. There was nothing to it really. Sometimes one of the ships would put up a fight, but we always outgunned and outnumbered them. It all got a bit monotonous. To relieve the boredom, some inspection teams played little games, pretending they hadn't found any tels, and leaving, then transporting back again minutes later to put the lot of them under arrest. Not when I was in charge, though. I don't like timewasting. We'd had about three years of this. I'd got a bit of leave saved up, so I'd gone back home to see my family. I'd only been there a couple of days when I was recalled. "New orders, Prax. We're leaving on a mission." I wondered what was so different about that, and why I'd had to cut my leave short. "It's an open-ended mission. We will not return until we have found what we're looking for. So say farewell to your 'wife'." He always said 'wife' in that way. I ignored the insult. "What is it we're looking for, Sir?" "A wormhole, Prax. A wormhole by means of which our prey is escaping." I'd heard talk about this mysterious wormhole, but had put it down to traveller's tales. "Sir, I understood there was nothing to that rumour. Can I ask where the information came from?" "An impeccable source, Prax." He smiled. It was not a pleasant smile. "Sir, might I remind you that the anomaly we chased up last year turned out to be a hoax." "Prax, Prax, my dear sceptical Prax. What would I do without you to keep my feet on the ground?" His tone was light, but I could see he didn't like being reminded of that little fiasco. He'd been summoned to Headquarters over it, and from the way he'd treated me for the next few days, I could tell he'd got a rollocking.There was no further discussion, and one week later we left for deep space. It was much like any other mission to begin with. We caught a number of ships smuggling tels; as usual the vessels were impounded. But this time the prisoners were closely interrogated. And he was present at every interrogation. Sooner or later they all admitted to knowing about the wormhole, but not its location. But there was something else that began to crop up under questioning, a name that we heard over and over. Voyager. I couldn't see what all the fuss was about. It was one more alien ship with tels on board. But he was more excited than I had ever seen him. I was called to his office before we left on our first inspection of the vessel. "Go easy on this one, Prax." "Sir?" "If there are telepaths to find, you are not to find them. Do I make myself clear?" "Sir, no, Sir." He sighed. "No matter, Prax. It will all become clear in time. Even to you. Just ensure that the telepaths' hiding place is not uncovered, however obvious it is. Make sure the teams understand that. And make sure they understand that if anyone fouls up, he will be out. And so will his immediate superior." I got the message all right. It was my head for the chopping block if anything went wrong. Well, I hailed the alien vessel and went through the usual spiel. There was a big, dark man on the bridge that I took for the captain at first, but it turned out he was only the first officer. They sent for the captain, and this woman appeared: pale, with reddish hair. She didn't like it, not one little bit. I'd thought his lordship was imperious, but she could give him a run for his money any time. I wondered how her second liked being bossed about by a woman. We transported over, and he sat himself down in her Ready Room as if he owned the place. Which, in a way, I suppose he did. "Well, Prax, a woman in charge. What do you make of that? How would you like to be under a woman? Ah, but I forgot, she's not really your type is she? Now, what about that blond stallion at the helm? Delicious, isn't he? Or maybe her first officer. He's more your ... size." I was used to his insults by now. I could bide my time. And he had it wrong. The thing is, I wasn't tempted. Not one little bit. They were aliens, you see, and I've always preferred my own kind. If everyone kept to their own kind there wouldn't be half the trouble. There's a lot of it in space. Inter-species fraternization they call it, and it's strictly forbidden. But they all do it. I've never really liked space, and maybe it's because of that... the aliens I mean. You might ask how I came to join the service in that case. It was simple really. There was a recruiting drive in our province, and they came to our village looking for likely lads to join up. I thought it was a way of getting out of that place and away from all the gossip. But it wasn't any different. I took the village with me. That's when I found out that no matter where you go, your own little world goes with you. "Captain Janeway. Report to your Ready Room." His voice was all smarm, but she wasn't having any of it. Not yet anyway. Sooner or later they all open their legs for him, willingly or unwillingly. It was a funny sort of inspection. There were the tels, large as life in transporter suspension, and we had to pretend we didn't know they were there. One of my men queried it, and I told him it wasn't his business to question orders. There was a bit of whispering among the others, and I knew I'd have to say something when we were back on our ship. Of course he wasn't happy, but I wasn't going to let him fob me off. "Sir, paragraph 351, subsection ..." "Prax! Do you know why I am sitting in this chair, and not you?" I could have said that it was because he had money and good looks and fancy in-laws, but he didn't really want an answer, so I kept quiet. "It is because I have vision, and imagination, and flair. Stay with me, Prax, and there are no heights to which we will not aspire." And no depths to which we would not fall if it all went wrong. "But you know, Prax, that gives me an idea. I want you to pull me up in front of her if I become too ... unorthodox. Quote the code at me all you like. That should create exactly the right impression." A week later we were on Voyager again. Same instructions. He'd drenched himself in some expensive scent and her Ready Room reeked of it. "Computer," he said. He'd got all their access codes, you see. He could do what he liked. "Access musical database. Mahler, Symphony Number One, Second Movement." The music was strange, but I quite liked it. "One of her favourite pieces, according to the database, Prax." She was always 'she' or 'her' to him. I don't think he really liked the idea of a woman in charge. He told her he'd played the music to help her crew relax. That was a laugh. Then he had me serving this coffee stuff that they drank. She looked at me as I handed her a cup, and I could see she thought I was muck. It amused him, though: I was 'my cupbearer' for the next few days, until he grew tired of the joke. I did my bit, and quoted the regulations at him when he gave me the signal. I wasn't making it up either. I knew the code by heart. He put me down in front of her. All part of the plan, but I could tell he was enjoying it. That was that, and we returned to the ship. "Prax, I want you to send an encoded message to Voyager. It must look as if it comes from the transport. Instruct them that the rendezvous has been changed. Send these coordinates." "And then we pick up Voyager, Sir?" "No, Prax. For Voyager will not be there. I, myself, shall warn them of the trap." He paused to see the effect he was having. I wouldn't give him the satisfaction. I just stood at attention and waited. "I am going a-wooing, Prax. What do you think? Do I look sufficiently 'humble'?" Humble. I could have laughed as he stood there, hand on hip. Still, the clothes weren't his usual style -- a bit on the plain side. And he wasn't wearing any cologne either. "Now, Prax, these are your orders. You are not, under any circumstances, to interfere with Voyager's movements. You are not to contact Voyager, and you are to advise all other ships in the area to stay clear. I shall contact you as soon as I am able, if I am able. If you do not hear from me within one week, then, and only then, are you to board her. Do you understand?" Well I did and I didn't. The orders were clear enough, but I couldn't get at the thinking behind them. Perhaps I should have tried to stop him, but there wasn't much point. He wouldn't have listened. I worried about this for the rest of the day. True, I now had a ship to run, but with everyone knowing their duties, and our only orders to cruise at a speed that would keep us ten light years behind Voyager, there wasn't really anything to do. The way I saw it, if anything went wrong, I was as much for it as he was. I could let them know back home what he was up to (although I didn't really know myself). That would save my skin if he failed. If he pulled it off though, and I'd sent in a damaging report, I was finished. If I waited until afterwards to report him, it would look as if I'd been waiting to see which way the wind was blowing. Then I had a brainwave. There was a man I'd known. He'd been one of Smarmy's 'brother officers', seconded to our unit for a month. He'd been posh too; the only difference was, he wasn't putting it on. And he didn't think much of his lordship. To cut a long story short, we'd become lovers. Of course it couldn't last, with him being an officer and a nob, but we parted on good terms. He'd told me if ever I needed a friend, to look him up. I drafted two reports. One was just the bare facts, but they were damning enough. That was public reading if it came to it. The other was for my friend's eyes alone, unless he chose to share it. It gave him all the background, and my feelings and conjectures -- the sort of stuff that doesn't end up in official memos. I encrypted both reports and bypassed the security codes to send them. Now I was in the clear. If things went wrong, the record would show I had contacted a senior officer as soon as I became aware of irregularities. If it turned out all right, the report would be deleted without anyone being the wiser. It didn't matter if my friend sat on this for a bit, as it would have done if it had been me holding it back, because there was one other thing I haven't mentioned. He was the nephew of the Supreme Commander. A short while later I received an acknowledgement. My friend had both reports and would wait to hear from me before taking any further action. I could enjoy being in command now. I sat in his chair and savoured the luxury of triumph. "Up yours, Mr La-di-da Kash-sick," I said out loud. "I've got one over on you this time." I had been right in thinking that throwing in my lot with him could mean a bit of luck for me. All things being equal, I was in for a promotion, whichever way it went. The next few days dragged a bit. I found myself thinking of him all the time. Wondering how he was getting on with the Ice Maiden. He'd probably had her twenty times over by now. Or maybe not. There was something different about this one. She'd got under his skin as it were. He wasn't used to women giving as good as they got. I half wondered if we'd ever see him again. Anyway, on the fifth day things started to happen. First of all the array at Tehara started transmitting an alert. Once I'd established it was Voyager that had tripped it, I was busy making sure that all the other ships in the area stayed clear. Then, late that afternoon, he turned up. "I've found it, Prax. The wormhole." "Congratulations, Sir. So now we go in and take Voyager?" "It's not that simple, Prax." No, it never was with him. It turned out that he hadn't exactly found the wormhole, only the means of locating it. It was due to open in a few hours, but they were still working on where, back on Voyager. We were to wait until the last moment before going in. She'd tell him where the wormhole was, he'd destroy it, and arrest them all, her included. Then it was home to fame and glory. For him, anyway, but it wouldn't do me any harm to have it on my record. I had to admit, it sounded all right. He instructed the helm to lay in a new course and we headed off at maximum warp towards Voyager, "towards my destiny", as he put it. He explained to me what was to happen. It was straightforward enough: once she had been summoned to her Ready Room, the men were to arrest Voyager's crew and confine them to Cargo Bay Two. A detachment was to take over the bridge stations and Engineering. As for me, when he told me to check on our teams, I was to leave the room with the guards, and wait outside the door until he called me in again. I hailed the alien vessel. "We have submitted to three inspections. Please explain why another is necessary." I was used to being interrupted by him, but I wasn't taking it from her. I went on as if she hadn't spoken. Minutes later we were in her Ready Room. He ordered music played again, but it was different this time: sadder and at the same time more exciting. He had a stupid, mawkish look on his face that would have been laughable if it hadn't been pathetic in an odd sort of way. She came into the room at his summons, and I could see at once that there was something between them. So, the Ice Maiden had melted. He was a smooth operator, I had to give him that. I thought he might have got on with it straight away, but no, there was a lot of arty-farty messing about that, as usual, included a dig at me. Then he told me to go and check on our teams. I waited outside the door for what seemed a long time, but was only a couple of minutes. He called me in and told me that I would find the telepaths in transporter suspension in Cargo Bay One. I looked at her. Ice wasn't in it. She was colder and paler and harder than any block of ice could ever be, and there would be no melting her again. If he still wanted her, he would have to take her by force. I went off to the cargo bay, and he went to do his stuff on the bridge. What happened next is all in the report. At the end when I tried to salvage something (why, I don't know; force of habit I suppose) by arresting her and impounding her ship, he wouldn't let me. "This never occurred," he said, with her looking at him all big-eyed. "Make sure your teams share that understanding." We transported back ahead of him, but he was only a few minutes after us, so nothing much can have happened between them. I was in my quarters by then, drafting my final report. I sent it to my friend, and said that I would contact him within one hour to tell him what I wanted done. If I didn't get in touch, he was to go ahead and forward the report to the appropriate person. Then I went to his lordship's office. It was so dark that I could barely make him out, sitting at the desk with his head on his hand. "Not now, Prax," he said, in a tired voice I had never heard from him before. "Computer, full illumination." "Are you mad?" he said, springing to his feet. "Computer ..." "If you're wise, you'll listen to what I have to say." I told him everything I had done. "What is to stop me killing you here and now, and saying you attacked me? That it was a ... a mutiny?" "Nothing, Sir, but it's not a good idea ... Sir." I explained that if my friend didn't hear from me within the hour, he would pass the report to Headquarters. "Hah! And who would believe you? It would be your word against mine. The word of a mutineer." "Not exactly, Sir. My friend will vouch for my honesty. He is 'an impeccable source'. Very close to HQ, you might say." He went pale as he realized who my friend must be. For the first time I saw respect in his eyes. Or maybe it was fear. In my experience, they're often the same thing. "It would seem you have me at a disadvantage, Prax, my dear chap." I said nothing. "Perhaps we could come to some ... arrangement. An agreement between friends. You have a growing family ... your wife ..." It's the little things you notice. Like the way he said 'wife' without turning it into his usual sneer. I just kept looking at him, without saying a word. "To hell with it, Prax! Name your price!" "I'm just a soldier doing my job. Maybe I don't have a price." He waited to see what was coming next. "But as it happens ... I do. I don't know if you can afford it though." "Name it. The funds will be transferred to you within minutes." "Not money." "What then? I'm afraid a promotion is not really in my gift, although naturally I'll have a word in the ..." "You." "What?" "You. My price is you ... Kashyk." The wanting had never gone away you see. Not even when he treated me like dirt. He looked hard at me for a few seconds, and gave a short bark of a laugh. "No." "I'll contact my friend, then," I said casually, and turned to leave. "No ... wait." I turned back very slowly. He did not move. "You were not always so shy about taking off your clothes in front of me." He began to undress then, unhurriedly and with a lazy half smile on his face. He didn't take his eyes off me. I couldn't help but admire the bastard. I could feel my erection growing, and this time I didn't have to hide it from him. I sprawled in the easy chair so that he could see. In a minute I would have him kneel down before me and unbutton me. I would have him all the ways there were. And then he was naked, and as arrogant as ever, and I saw that he was erect. So this was my triumph. My revenge. I was supposed to make him feel like dirt, and here he was enjoying himself. In that instant, all desire fled. "You're dismissed," I said. I heard a rustling noise, and then the hiss of the door. That was the last of him. Shortly after, Security called to say there had been an unauthorized shuttle launch. I still had a little while to go before I contacted my friend. I didn't know what to do. They'd have him for desertion now, so his goose was cooked anyway. There wasn't any future in going ahead with my report, as far as I could see. It doesn't do to mess too much with the high-ups. I just wanted to go home. I'd put in for my discharge papers when we got there. I didn't have any reason to stay in the service now. No reason at all. --- The End