The BLTS Archive - A Letter: from Deanna by DocBevCulver ( --- Author's Notes: Thanks go to Sandi for 'suggesting' the series and beta reading for me. As before, this is part of a series that has grown from a short story I wrote called, "A Letter". I hope you enjoy! Disclaimer: "Star Trek the Next Generation" is copyrighted to Paramount. I retain rights to the plot, but not the characters. This story is meant for enjoyment purposes only. No infringement is intended. Archive: ASC and BLTS, all others ask first, please! Feedback of all kinds is welcomed, but flames will be used to light my cigarette. --- Dear Beverly, Are you crazy?? Do you really have to *think* about what to say? I think I will have to 'diagnose' this as *nuts*. I hope you were only joking in your letter, because if not, Will & I are going to hunt you down and strangle you. In case you need more clarification, Will and I agree that you better tell Jean Luc "Yes" and it better be soon! Real soon! I am truly elated that you finally decided to *listen * to me and told that man how you really feel about him! It's about time you both did something about your mutual feelings. You have waited so long to find the happiness you both deserve and I am delighted that you two have finally done something about it! You took the first step Beverly, and for that alone, I am very proud of you! I'm glad I could help *push* you in the right direction. If it wasn't for your constant 'pushing', Will and I wouldn't be getting married in two weeks. You never let me forget that Will & I belong together and for that, I am grateful. I *told* you that you needed to listen to your own advice and follow your heart. Did I not? Oh, and I *will*expect all the details when I see you at the wedding. And I mean *all* the *details*! I have to go now, Will is waiting for me in the hot tub. Now, you two enjoy yourself! I mean it! I'll see you in two weeks! Love, Deanna --- The End