The BLTS Archive- One Little Word by DocBevCulver ( --- Archive: ASC yes and blts, everyone else, please ask! Author's Notes: Well, since my muse thinks it's funny to make me suffer with unfinished FULL length stories and is only giving me drabbles or short stories. I figured I would send this out. Just to get something out here in cyber land. :D Feedback: Yes, I like to know if you like it or if I should can the whole thing in file13. Let me know! --- One word, that's all it took. To bring them to this point in time. Her, wrapped in his arms, in HIS bed. One little word. One little word that brought them both to the edge of madness and back to a peaceful bliss and contentment. The one thing they both needed to hear and the one thing that they were both afraid to say aloud to the other. It took the power of Q to do this, but they both were the happier for it and, for once, Jean-Luc Picard didn't curse the being known as Q. In fact, both he and Beverly Crusher were quite grateful to Q. He had shown them what they needed to see in each other. To make them go beyond their mere friendship and to the place they both needed. Here, in Jean-Luc's room, tangled in the sheets, drenched with sweat, and a smile that couldn't be removed with a scapel. One little word did all of this. Stated in the heat of the moment by both. LOVE! Not I love you, but simply, love! That was all they needed to be happy in their life, to spend the rest of their days together. In true bliss, and as they laid holding tightly to each other, they both spoke out in unison, "Thank you Q." --- On the outside of the Enterprise, Q winced at the spoken words coming from the two lovers. "Why did I do that? Now they will never look at me the same. I'll have to be NICE to them now." He raised his hand and snapped his fingers, stating, "I'll never, never do this again!" With that, he was gone. --- The End