The BLTS Archive - Coffee by DocBevCulver ( --- Disclaimer: "Star Trek Voyager" is copyrighted to Paramount. I retain rights to the plot, but not the characters. This story is meant for enjoyment purposes only. No infringement is intended. Author's Notes: First drabble for this couple. Hope you enjoy! Archive: Please ask first! Feedback is welcomed. --- Kathryn Janeway sat down in her chair, carefully, so as not to spill her cup of coffee. She looked over to her compainion. "So, do you and Seven have any plans this evening?" Chakotay looked down at the cup in his hands and sighed. "No. Her Aunt wanted to see her." "Why didn't you go with her?" Chakotay hung his head. "I don't think what Seven and I have is going to last." Janeway smiled, then quickly changed when Chakotay began to lift his head. "Really, why do you say that?" He looked deep into her eyes. "I love you." ---- The End