The BLTS Archive - Well and Truly Doomed Second in the Real Affection series by DianeB -- DISCLAIMER: Paramount owns it all. Always has, always will. I accept this. SUMMARY/NOTES: April, 2001. So sue me. My story "Real Affection" just begged for a PWP sequel, so declareth Mighty Editor Goddess. What else could I do but write it? Okay, so it took me till page seven to get to the real Treksmut, but if you read it all, I think you'll find the ride to be just as much fun as the destination. Rated NC-17 (all the naughty bits in this). Gosh, don't ya just love fanfic? Thanks, Brenda! Thanks, also, to DangerMom, the lady with the razor-sharp eyes. --- Chakotay knew he would never be able to describe the first kiss he was given by Seven-of-Nine. Clearly, her "experimentation" on the holodeck had proven quite beneficial. She was purely tactile. She molded herself to him, and wrapped her arms around his neck. Her lips softened against his, her jaw relaxed, and her tongue sought deeper regions as if she intended to eat him live. Which, perhaps, she did. But he was no slouch in the kissing department, though he liked to think he did not abandon himself to his feelings quite as much as she did. He brought his arms around her, realizing at once how different from Kathryn she felt, insinuated one thigh between both of hers, and moaned down her throat, his tongue finding and tasting hers. It did not take more than this for a certain portion of his anatomy to respond with great enthusiasm; he could feel it grow hard against her. My God, he hadn't had an erection this fast since he was sixteen! At that second he remembered where they were, and he suddenly couldn't breathe. He yanked his lips from hers and sucked in a mighty breath. "Sky Spirits and Gods Above, Seven," he exclaimed, as he held her out at arms' length. She was thoroughly flushed now, from the roots of her fair hair down her neck and no doubt further on down. Her eyes were closed and she swayed against his arms, her full lips glistening and still pursed in the kiss he had abandoned. "Seven!" He shook her. Had she been wrong about the amount of time she had before she shut down? How could he ever explain this On second thought, who was he kidding? He wouldn't have to explain it to anyone! They were in the damned airponics bay! The rumor mill probably had all the details already! He struggled to take a proper breath. Jesus Christ, old boy, calm the hell down before you have a good old-fashioned heart attack. Seven opened her blue eyes and, thankfully, focused directly on him. She straightened up and stood on her own, and he released the breath he had not realized he was holding. He must have looked a fright, because she was suddenly all business, so much so, he nearly choked on the incongruity. "Commander, what is wrong? Are you damaged?" "No! No, Seven, I'm not damaged." Now his twisted sense of humor kicked in, giving him some much-needed mental space. "Heh, I thought maybe you were. I thought the fail-safe device got the jump on you." Her brows furrowed. "The jump...?" "Means, caught you by surprise, unprepared. Thought maybe, uh..." he faltered, "maybe you didn't have the two hours you said you did." He was starting to get that Icheb-like feeling again and noticed with some dismay that his anatomy was striking up the band once more. Seven noticed, too, and to his complete shock actually smirked. She must have had quite the time on the holodeck, and this thought did not necessarily disturb him. "No, Commander. I have two hours." She paused and shifted her stance, leaning towards him. "If you find it acceptable, I would like to suggest we go someplace more private." 'Experimentation,' indeed, Seven. Whose scripts have you been studying? Paris'? Ye gods, I hope you weren't using his lines on my holoimage, but if you were, I hope I wasn't falling for them. Like I'm not falling for you now... He ran his tongue over his dry lips, tasting an unfamiliar sweetness that caught him completely off guard. He was aroused now to the point of painful, and the uniform did nothing to hide that fact. Oh, man, I am well and truly doomed. His next thought, thankfully, reminded him his sense of humor was still intact, always on the lookout for his best interests. "Only if you tell me the real thing's better than the holoversion." Unfortunately for his ego, she appeared to have to actually think about that one. To his relief, and possibly to something more, she nodded. "It is much better...Commander." How on earth did she make his rank sound like a come-on? He wanted to throw himself at her, and it was all he could do just to rasp out a couple of words. "Let's go to my quarters." --- They did not make it unseen to his quarters, though it would have surprised him if they had. Unfortunately, not only were they seen, but they were seen by the biggest gossip on the ship. The saving grace was that she was only five and didn't have the savvy of some the older gossips, such as Meg Delaney or Chell, though that had never stopped her from piping right up. A result, he guessed, of being raised by a bunch of adults, on a ship that didn't hit dirt very often. He stood discreetly behind Seven, not wanting to explain anything more than he'd absolutely have to. Could the situation become any more absurd? Well, yes, possibly it could if he weren't very, very careful. His erection, he noticed, was calming down some. The heat had definitely gone out of the moment, but he wasn't sure he was happy about it, and he had no idea how Seven might be feeling. Oh well. First things first. "Hi Seven! Hi Chakotay!" Naomi Wildman was in an unusually chipper mood, even for her. He spoke over Seven's shoulder. "Hi, Naomi. I thought you were playing kadis-kot with Icheb." "I was, but we're done and guess what?" She was bouncing on her heels, and he had an idea what "what" was. "Um, what?" "I beat him!" He arranged his features to reflect a smile. "Well, congratulations! I knew you could do it." "Thanks!" In typical child-like fashion, Naomi switched the subject back to the two of them, turning her attention to Seven, who had done nothing so far except tilt her head at the child. "Where ya going?" This time Seven spoke, in very strict Borg fashion. "To Astrometrics. We to do." Okay, he thought, impressed. I don't think I'd've believed it if I hadn't heard it with my own two ears. I was mistaken earlier, wasn't I? She's a damn good liar when she wants to be. Once more, no surprise. He was starting to feel as though nothing would surprise him again. Naomi made a moue of disgust. "Eww. I'm going to Holodeck Two to play with Flotter. See ya." She proceeded around them to skip down the corridor. Saved by a big blue hologram. He shifted to keep himself out of her line of vision. "Bye. Have fun." He turned his head and met Seven's eyes. They were darker blue than usual-smoldering was the only word, and he sighed inwardly, feeling a stirring in his groin. He could no more deny his feelings than breathe in space and wondered if they had any of Seven's two hours before the whole ship knew. Not bloody likely. --- Seven figured she saw Naomi at about the same time as Chakotay did, but when she heard him clear his throat softly behind her, and touch her waist lightly, she immediately stopped, noticing he was keeping himself just out of sight of the child. The exchange was brief, but came too close to Naomi inviting herself along with them. Under other circumstances, that would have been perfectly acceptable, as Naomi often spontaneously joined crewmembers during their off-duty time. But this was not a circumstance for Naomi Wildman, nor was it one she should have to explain to her. So she did the only thing she could. When Naomi asked where they were going, Seven lied. She glared at Naomi, a tactic that usually worked, though Naomi was getting to be just as hard to stay ahead of as Icheb. "To Astrometrics. We to do." Her glare had the desired effect this time. Naomi made a face and announced she was off to the holodeck to play with Flotter. Seven watched Chakotay as he watched after the child and kept her eyes on him as he turned his head back to her. He twitched awkwardly and then placed his hand at her lower back, encouraging her to begin walking again. --- The instant the doors to his quarters closed, Seven turned to him, putting her implant-hand on his chest. "Commander, I do not..." He cut her off with a bruising kiss, crushing her hand to him, but she wasted no time in responding. After a minute or two, physical limitations forced them apart for breath. "You were saying?" He ground his thigh between her legs. She leaned heavily into his leg. "Muh...much better than my holodeck program." Her humor was improving by the second, perhaps to cover for the erotic absurdity of the state they were presently in. He knew she wasn't a stupid woman, just naïve about some things-a thought that brought him up short again. He eased the pressure between her legs. "Seven, is this your first...will I be the first..." Well, hell, how does one phrase this when one is aroused to the nth degree and, he looked down and saw a damp spot on her catsuit, so is one's partner? But she let him off the hook by taking his hand and placing it between her legs, answering succinctly and not just a little huskily, "Yes. Please proceed." He groaned, a truer sound never uttered by all of mankind, and bent his head to hers, keeping his hand in place and beginning to knead ever-so-gently. She responded instantly to his caress, pulling her lips from his and letting her head drop back. She made a noise, but he couldn't identify what it sounded like. A mix of a sigh, a moan, and a growl. Then she raised one leg and arched further away from him. Unprepared, he almost let her fall. "Whoa!" He threw his arms around her waist, only to have her arch nearly in half over them. "Seven? Seven!" Again, he was worried that she was shutting down, and wondered if he would just continue to worry about that for the next two hours, no matter what she said. It could put quite the damper on this little party. But, no, once more she recovered, righting herself in one fluid motion he didn't think any other person could accomplish without severely spraining something. "I am not shutting down, Commander. I am merely responding to your touch. Do you find my actions...unappealing? Will you be questioning my responses for the next two hours?" Sweat had broken out along his hairline. He was too old for this, but he was not about to admit it or to stop. "No, no, not at all, Seven, your responses are very...appealing. They're just a little...unexpected, I guess. I'm sorry, I promise I won't worry about your shutting down until you tell me to." He placed his hand on her cheek, brushing the starburst implant, and heard her gasp. "How about if we go into the bedroom and lie down? You might find it more comfortable than hanging backwards over my arms, and I might find it less alarming." He was more than relieved when she nodded. --- Once inside Chakotay's quarters, Seven was unsure if they should proceed. She recognized that she was no longer as aroused as she had been in the airponics bay, and knew the passing of time could do that to a person. Perhaps the Commander felt the same way. She turned to him to express this, placing her hand on his uniformed chest. She was quite unready for the crushing kiss, but wasted no time becoming ready, using techniques she had practiced on her holoversion of Chakotay. However, her holoversion's hands did not move on her the way Chakotay's were now, nor did he press his thigh into her the way Chakotay was now. It was all far more stimulating than the holodeck and she thought she told him so, but she couldn't quite be sure, because her head was spinning. Not buzzing-not yet, anyway-but spinning, as though she had been turning in circles for too long. She felt an unaccustomed ache between her legs. Then suddenly Chakotay stopped applying pressure and was questioning her. Was he the first? First what? Her spinning head finally put it together. She wanted that pressure again, so she took his hand and placed it between her legs. "Yes. Please proceed." When he began to rub her, the backs of her thighs started tingling, and she nearly lost what little control she had left. She could not remember exactly what she did, she only remembered thinking she had to get his hand somehow closer. She bent her head back and arched slightly, but it wasn't enough. Not thinking about practical things like gravity, she raised one leg and arched her back fully. For one second, she felt herself falling, and then his arms were tightly around her waist. Unfortunately, in order to catch her, he had to remove his hand. He was calling her name, so she straightened up to reassure him one more time. "I am not shutting down, Commander. I am merely responding to your touch." Had she done something wrong? Was he going to question her responses the entire two hours? She could not pause the program to check the database for the appropriate information. She had to ask him outright. "Do you find my actions...unappealing? Will you be questioning them for the next two hours?" She was relieved to see his expression turn from alarm to amusement. "No, no, not at all, Seven, your responses are very...appealing. They're just a little...unexpected, I guess. I'm sorry, I promise I won't worry about your shutting down until you tell me to." He reached his hand to her face and she gasped when he stroked the starburst implant. "How about if we go into the bedroom and lie down? You might find it more comfortable than hanging backwards over my arms, and I might find it less alarming." She nodded into his hand. --- As they sat together on the bed, Chakotay spoke. "Seven, I've got to be honest with you. This isn't exactly the direction I thought our friendship would go." "Yes, Commander," she stated flatly. "It is 'going this way' because I used your image for my program." He grinned and placed his hand on top of hers. No sense denying the obvious. "Well, yes, maybe just a little, and that's okay." A question came to him, one he'd been wanting to ask for a while. "May I ask why you used me and not, say, Harry Kim?" She frowned. "Harry Kim is still pining for Ensign Ballard, and now that Voyager is in regular contact with Starfleet, I...heard he has been asking about...Libby?" He nodded. "Yes, Libby. Libby was his girlfriend at the time Voyager was tossed into this quadrant. Didn't he ever tell you about Libby?" "No." Chakotay recalled how Harry felt about Seven when she first started walking around the ship in her "transformed" shape, and figured, no, Harry probably would not have told Seven about Libby. Then he realized she hadn't really answered his question. It wasn't that he was fishing for compliments, or trying to force an admission out of her, he just wanted to know if she was honestly attracted to him or simply studying human mating behavior again, with him as the lucky guy. "Why'd you use me, Seven?" She looked away for a moment and then looked back, a fierce brightness in her eyes. "You seemed an appropriate choice. You have many...admirable...qualities." Whether or not he had been seeking it, her stark admission floored him. For a woman raised by the Borg, she managed to squeeze about two paragraphs of longing into those statements, and he was mulling that over when she spoke again. "Would you please kiss me, Commander?" His grin revealed dimples this time. "Only if you promise never to call me Commander again." She leaned towards him, a knowing smile on her face. "I promise...Commander." This time there was nothing in the way of their coupling. When her lips met his, they exploded with moist heat, her tongue meeting his with passionate abandon. He eased her gently down onto the bed, broke the kiss, and sat up to strip out of his uniform shirts. She wasn't watching him; she kept her eyes closed and snaked her human hand down between her legs, seemingly gone from the room. He took the opportunity to stand and remove the balance of his clothing. Crawling back up onto the bed, he reached out and took her hand away, bringing her attention back to him. "Here, Seven, allow me." He began to rub gently again, using his palm in a circular motion, and she responded instantly once more, arching her hips into his hand. His body responded with equal fervor. He wanted to touch her, skin to skin, very badly. He stretched up and began to tug at the collar of her catsuit, intent on getting it off her, but it wouldn't come easily. He was going to have to use both hands, which he didn't want to do, but she saved him again by sitting up, jostling his hand from between her legs. "I must assist you, Comm...Chakotay. There is a specific process." She reached up to her collar with the implant hand and he heard several faint clicks. The suit loosened immediately and fell off her shoulders. How very interesting and confining, he thought. She slid to the edge of the bed and stood, and he helped her to shrug completely out of the suit and her footwear. Though he had known the extent of the implants remaining on Seven, he was still unprepared for the look of her. How unbelievably unfair for such a perfect body to be violated in such a horrible way, he thought. My God, if this is what she looks like now, what must the Doctor have seen when we first severed her from the Collective? He was careful not to let any sound escape him as he looked at her. Her back was cris-crossed with subcutaneous wires, and there was a bluish implant at the base of her spine and one on the back of her left thigh. Her upper right arm, too, bore a spidery gray implant, and there was a small starburst at her left ankle. He slowly turned her to face him. The wires continued around her ribcage and another implant covered the top of her right foot, similar to the way her hand was covered. Her breasts seemed to be free of exterior implants, but he did not know about what remained within her. He was very careful to keep his features neutral. She did not need his pity, though he would have to admit if she asked that on some level, he did feel it. But this was Seven, and if he was having trouble with the way she looked, then he should not be looking, much less doing anything more. She raised her implant-brow, showing no sign that she was embarrassed about standing naked before him. She curled her fingers into the hair on his chest and stated candidly, as if she could read his mind, "Commander, on the holodeck, I had my implants erased from view, and your holoimage was under the impression that the Doctor had been able to remove all of them. As you know, that is not possible. I am sorry if my appearance upsets you, but this... is the way I am." His pity evaporated, gone with the feel of her fingers on his chest. "Nothing to be sorry about, Seven. You're right, it is the way you are." He tilted his head in preparation to kiss her. "Your implants are part of you. It would not be you without them. You look beautiful to me." As his lips touched hers, he brushed his thumb over her breast and she stiffened. He continued to move his thumb, and she again molded herself to him. They swayed together until it came to Chakotay that they were standing again. A light went on, and he couldn't believe he missed it until now. It made perfect sense. "Seven, would you prefer to stand?" She furrowed her brows, as if that had never occurred to her and she couldn't be sure why it hadn't. "Yes, I would prefer to stand." He had one more question. "Would you allow me to lead?" She smiled at that, and he was glad her sense of humor remained as intact as his. He returned the smile. "Let's go then, shall we?" He settled her against the wall, put his hand to her cheek and kissed her, brushing his thumb across the starburst implant, feeling her lean into the caress like a cat. Moving his mouth to her neck, he continued to brush the implant and felt rather than heard her gasp softly when he scraped his teeth against her jutting collarbone. He moved his mouth further down, until it was in the hollow between her breasts. There he licked lightly, pleased when the gasp turned into a moan. He worked his way to his right, bringing his hand up under her full breast and closing his lips tenderly over the tight nipple, flicking his tongue against it. She continued to vocalize, but it had become that sigh/moan/growl sound she had been making earlier. His focus spiraled down to what he was doing, and he kept at it for some minutes. His concentration was such that it startled him completely when he felt her hands around his penis, but her hands was warm and she did not squeeze. He straightened and thrust himself through her hands, copying a more intimate act. She leaned forward and rested her head on his chest. He continued thrusting through her hands, too near release, but too far gone to stop. He could smell her and it was driving him crazy. He touched the inside of her thigh and found it damp and hot, then slid his fingers further up into the slick folds of her labia. She groaned and he felt the wetness increase. Her humanity was right on the mark. Very, very gently, he insinuated one finger up into her and stirred, applying light pressure with his thumb to the bundle of nerves above his finger. She shifted her pelvis, clearly consumed by what he was doing, but she never once altered her loose-fingered hold on him. He wasn't sure any other woman would have such ability. "Comm...Chak...Commander...please." She spoke with quiet desperation. She may not have had any personal experience, but she knew what was supposed to come next. "Yes, Seven, yes, I know." He wanted to bring her to orgasm this way, possibly bring himself off, too, but thought better of it at the last second. First off, he'd feel compelled to explain what he was doing, and he wasn't sure he could find the words, and second, well, he figured he might as well give her the real thing. They had come this far, after all. He could save other things for later. With supreme effort, he removed his finger and backed out of her hands, readjusting them both so they would fit together better. They were nearly the same height, (though she was shorter without the shoes) so he had only to bend slightly at the knees. He took hold of himself and guided his penis to her. She was so wet he had no trouble entering her, encountering no resistance at all. No resistance. At all. He did not allow further thought about what sort of Borg violation might have been responsible for that, but instead concentrated on the sensations coursing through him. He sank to the hilt inside her. " god, Seven, you feel like silk." He covered her lips with his and wrapped his arms completely around her, trying to hold back an instinctive desire to thrust against her. He wanted to take it slow, but she was so warm and wet that he was not sure how long he could hold out. He released her lips to take a breath. "Sweet Jesus, Seven," he managed to ground out before covering her mouth again. He worked one of his hands down between them, finding her clitoris on the first try. Rubbing the slick nub in a circular motion with his middle finger, he began a slow, rhythmic thrust. She broke the kiss with profound exhale, resting her head against the wall and closing her eyes. It was clear she was not with him, but focused inward, perhaps trying to match Borg knowledge with empirical. He wondered if she was having any success. He decided to add more verbal encouragement to the empirical side of things. He leaned in and hissed into her ear. "That's good, Seven, that's very good. You're wet, did you know that, very wet, and you smell delicious. Very wet means very aroused, very ready to reach orgasm." That sounded absurdly clinical, but it seemed to be doing the trick. Certainly it was doing the trick for him. He felt inner muscles grip him firmly as his balls tightened for release. He flicked his tongue into her ear, and she contracted even more. "Ah! Good! Good girl!" Making love standing up was not one of his better skills. It was awkward, and too much technique had to be sacrificed to balance. But he gave it his all. He increased the pressure and speed of his fingers, adjusting his stance so he could gain a deeper thrust, kissing a line around her jaw, whispering as he went. "C'mon, Seven, uhh..c'mon." She gasped, tried to say his name. One more thrust and he felt himself coming, pulsing into her. The moment was not earth-shattering the way these moments were sometimes described in fiction, nor did it last very long, but it was a release of the finest kind. She choked and he grunted, both their bodies shaking with the effort of climax and staying upright. Then Seven took a deep shuddering breath and began to lose the battle with upright, collapsing by degrees into him. He held her up long enough to slip from her, then eased her to the floor, forcing himself not to think the worst had happened before she was able to give him the high sign. He stretched out on his side next to her, waiting and watching. Her breathing was even. He touched her neck. Pulse strong and steady. Her eyes fluttered open and once more he released a breath he had not known he was holding. "Gave me another scare there, Seven, but I still have to ask. Are you all right?" She smiled. "Yes, Commander, I am...fine. I 'achieved orgasm,' did I not?" He chuckled, even though this time he knew she was not trying to be funny. "Yes, you certainly did. What'd you think?" She scrunched up her forehead and he would have laughed outright if it weren't for the fact he knew she was taking his question very seriously. "I am afraid I cannot describe it, Commander." She looked at him, clearly puzzled by her own admission. "Why am I unable to describe it? I have read countless books, listened to hours of lectures by the Doctor, conducted my own studies of mating behaviors, participated in..." He cut her off by the simple act of putting his hand over her mouth. "Some things just do not do well with too much over-thinking. Best you not worry about describing it and just worry about experiencing it, okay?" She nodded in agreement. "I would like to experience it again...Commander." Before he replaced his hand with his mouth, he checked the time. They had forty-five minutes. --- The End