The BLTS Archive - Manly Obsession by Dale ( --- Disclaimer. I don't own them. I just give the characters some fun. Beta: Charlene, a last minute wonder. --- Lieutenant Julian Subatoi Bashir, MD, chastised himself for his lack of self-control. There was a problem with his breathing which he recognized as anxiety. Then a rapid heart beat that went erratic whenever HE was around. The worst symptom was an embarrassing blush that heated his face like a youngster having a first crush. Well, in a way, it was. He'd occasionally found men attractive, but what he was dealing with now was...lust. Julian tried convincing himself he wasn't interested in that strong persona, but it didn't work. Just hearing that cavernous voice that reverberated off the chambers of his heart caused his cock to leak. He told himself it was only a silly fantasy and that in time it would vanish –but denial has a way of catching up on a young doctor in lust. His body quietly quaked when the cause of his dilemma was scheduled for his annual physical. Holding his comslate that belied his schedule, Julian paced his office. He contemplated letting one of his assistants do it but –well –doing IT was too prevalent on his mind. No one else would touch that body in his sickbay. It was a vow to himself. A promise. With a deep resolve he went to greet his patient. Afterwards, the doctor was proud that his hands hadn't trembled when he touched that tantalizing skin. He had concentrated on keeping focused on the examination. It had been efficient, thorough, and silent. Julian's only comments were instructions to the patient, as needed. His only hesitations were when the deep rumbling voice responded in turn. He tried to hide his goose bump riddled arms, but wasn't sure he was successful. With the physical at an end, Julian didn't know if he should be relieved or disheartened. His concentration was waning and Captain Benjamin Sisko was preparing to leave. A sigh escaped from his lips as Sisko pulled his shirt down, covering that strong incredible chest. Julian licked his lips self consciously while saying a private goodbye to those dark chocolate nubs. "Did you say something, Doctor?" "Hmmm...?" Still distracted, Julian barely noticed the time that went by while he was staring. Sisko's booming laugh alerted him to his blunder. "...ahhh...sorry Captain. I have a lot on my mind." He blinked and looked down at his comslate instead of meeting those eyes that he knew he would never watch in an erotic haze. "You must be very busy, Doctor." Sisko replied sarcastically. "Hardly any action going on around here, and the station is so empty that Quark is holding a poker tournament for bored crew members." Julian looked at the full lips and melted at the smiling tease. "Well. yes. It's know... past reports to catch up on." Sisko nodded, mumbled a thank you, and started to leave. Julian hated the instant loneliness he felt over seeing that strong back turning to walk away. He closed his eyes tightly and privately cursed his body's yearnings. The doctor startled when the gravely voice suddenly whispered in his ear, "For an intelligent doctor you must not keep current on your patient's history." Julian's eyes flew open and locked into the dark chestnut ones devouring his. His captain continued, "My physical wasn't due for another two months." The only intelligent response Julian thought of was, "Oh?" Sisko's smile was one showing he had a secret of his own, "Meet me in my quarters whenever you're free, Doctor." With his throat full of sand, Julian was grateful his Captain didn't stick around for a response. --- Twenty five minutes later, Julian stood outside the Captain's quarters. Three times he had started to signal, but was unable to proceed. "What the hell's the matter with me?" he muttered to the empty corridor. A moment later the door opened and he heard Sisko's voice beckon him in. Standing nervously just inside the door, Julian was determined to not continue his childish behavior. He opened his mouth to speak, but soon flushed at the high pitched tone that erupted with the simple word, "Captain..." He quickly cleared his throat and tried again, "You ...wanted to see me?" The sound was clearer, even firmer, but his body still quivered inside. Sisko sat comfortably on his couch, watching his visitor with amusement. "Relax Doctor, I won't bite...yet." Julian wanted to run. Instead, he surprised himself. "Captain, I....don't understand what you want." "In here, my name is Ben to you, Julian." He stood and walked to the doctor, stopping short of bumping into him. "I've suspected for sometime that you are interested in sharing personal time with me. I went to sickbay today to verify those suspicions." A finger rose and rubbed the younger man's bottom lip. It trembled. Julian knew it was pointless to deny the obvious. With an audible swallow, he asked again, "What do you want from me?" "Good question." Sisko walked to his bedroom, saying casually, "Follow me." He did. To Julian's horror and delight, the man of his obsession stripped with the exception of his briefs. The Captain...Ben, didn't seem surprised that Julian was frozen only a few feet into the doorway. Riveted was probably a better word. The younger man openly stared and watched every movement that was being presented to him. Ben Sisko walked to him and clinched his chin firmly. "It's truth time, Julian Bashir. Is this a new experience for you?" With another dry swallow, Julian nodded. His mind raced with fury at himself for behaving so ridiculous, but he couldn't seem to make his body function. "All I demand is your full co-operation." Demand? Ghod, yes... Julian pondered where that reaction had came from. "Strip." It had been a simple word. A simple command. Julian fumbled with his clothing but managed to finally stand naked in front of his commander. He felt raw, like being exposed on an iceberg. Darkening eyes, whose pupils devoured every inch of him, didn't help his nervousness as Ben slowly circled him. Suddenly, strong hands grabbed his sides from behind and pushed him roughly to the nearest wall. "What...?" "You may not speak during your first lesson, my Jul." Julian's mind swirled in confusion. Was this what his obsession was about? Or was it just where it lead him? He started to push away, but was held firmly in place by Ben's body pressing at his back and large hands pinning his wrists against the cold bulkhead. Material covering Ben's cock rubbed roughly against his cheeks –it was damp. Hot breath pierced his ear. "I will be brief today, so you can have time to reflect on your wants. My instructions will be short, clear and never argued with. Do you understand, Jul?" Julian nodded vaguely, comprehending the orders, but not understanding why he stayed. This wasn't what he wanted, was it? And that rich voice was sending pleasant shivers up his spine with the use of the nick name, Jul. It had rolled possessively off Ben's tongue, sounding like jewel. The doctor's self analyses was cut short by the sound of material ripping. "I won't need these." A large, damp penis pressed against him, and the heavier man's body pushed his tighter against the wall. With a groan, Julian was forced to turn his head sideways to breathe. "Yes, Jul. Let me hear your grunts..." teeth nibbled at the soft skin of Julian's neck. "...moans," a warm tongue licked the marks. ...cries." Hard teeth bit down savagely on the back of the exposed neck. Julian flinched and fought to control the cry that lodged in his throat. In a moment's panic he rebelled over giving his commander the pleasure of hearing his reaction to that sudden attack. His hips tried again to push the pressure of Ben's body away, but firm fingers dug harshly into his sides and held him tight. A thickening hardness started to rub along his crevasse. He knew that large cock was seeking an entrance and he wanted to beg the commander to prepare him first. He bit his lip to remain silent. "Spread your thighs." A brief shake of his head was Julian's only protest, then he allowed his upper legs to slide wider apart. With the tips of his toes no longer touching the floor he felt helpless in not knowing if his commander would keep him from sliding. He moved his hands down to press against the wall for support. "No, raise your hand up, palms against the wall above you." He did. The hands still held him firm, but the pressure of Ben's body eased with a slight movement. Julian felt something slide between his legs, rubbing against his scrotum. As he realized it was that huge shaft it moved quickly, sliding back and forth, shoved up tight against his anus. As it rubbed his scrotum repeatedly, he felt his balls tighten and his now hard cock swell against the wall. He fought the urge to fuck the wall. "Thrust, my Jul." With the panting breaths tickling his ear, Julian did as ordered. It wasn't like he had much choice with the heaving body behind him sliding him mercilessly against the structure. Waves of discomfort and pleasure fought for his attention. He groaned uncontrollably. The rapid strokes against Julian's scrotum, perineum, and anus were inflaming his heated need, while his cock rubbed harshly against the bulkhead. He shuddered with the ecstasy. Sounds were being unleashed from him that he didn't recognize. With a sudden shove and vibration, Ben's body leaked its first flash of semen. "Tighten," he demanded with a gravelly moan. He did. Julian's thighs snuggled tighter around the bludgeoning cock, squeezing it zealously. Lightening flared through his balls and shot up his shaft, smearing creamy warmth onto the wall. Momentarily, he insanely wondered if the semen had room to fit. Ben groaned deeply as he continued his own release and Julian floated in the haze of gratification. It was bliss. --- Epilog --- Ben Sisko looked around his quarters satisfied that it was clean and tidy. He sat back and reflected on his new Jul. It was how he thought of him, a new Jul. He knew the doctor didn't understand his need to be commanded. Jul had struggled valiantly to not desire Sisko's actions. Taking a swig on his hot coffee, Ben whispered, "Give it time, my Jul. Give it time." --- The End