The BLTS Archive- The Sting Of Betrayal by Joanne Collins ( --- Disclaimer: Everything Trek belongs to Paramount/Viacom. Please do not distribute, archive, etc, without my permission. May be archived on the ASC archive, and R'Rain's Slash Archive only. Others *must* ask. Please do not link to the story without my permission. This one's for Siubhan, Mona, and any other Seska fans out there. --- Life had the strangest way of changing on the turn of a moment, B'Elanna reflected. One day she had been attending Starfleet Academy, the next she left, not entirely voluntarily, but it had been for the best. She had managed to find an engineering job on a small trading vessel, not knowing that it was carrying weapons for the Maquis, and had almost been captured by Cardassians. The memory of her encounter with Gul Tancret still caused a shiver, all these months later. Luckily the Maquis who were supposed to get the weapons had rescued her. She had finally found a place where she fitted with the ragtag group of freedom fighters. She would be forever grateful to Chakotay for his rescue of her. She had thought briefly that it might have been more than gratitude, but a short time with the cell had brought her to the realisation that the gratitude had been uppermost in her mind, and she had realised that her feelings for the man were not as strong as she had thought. The rest of the Maquis cell were an odd assortment of people. B'Elanna liked Miguel Ayala, he reminded her a lot of her father. Jerron...Jerron was like the little brother she had never had. Richard Hogan was almost as obsessed by engines as she was, Kurt Bendara earned her respect when he saved Chakotay's life, and then there was Seska. B'Elanna wasn't sure how she felt about the Bajoran woman. She was beautiful, that was obvious just by looking at her, but there was something that B'Elanna just wasn't quite sure about, although she could never put her finger on it. They weren't close, and B'Elanna didn't think there was a reason for that to change, although Seska seemed to spend more time in her company lately. In fact, now that she thought about it, Seska seemed to seek her out a little more often, but it was always about a ship's problem, and B'Elanna *was* the engineer after all. The days passed quietly, the occasional raid or engagement stirring up emotions and bringing, as Miguel was fond of saying, a little excitement to the days. Excitement that B'Elanna and her engines, as she referred to them, could well do without. There was simply not enough time to effect the necessary repairs in between fights, and it was getting to a point where they would have to lay low for a while, or risk almost certain death from warp core breach. Chakotay understood the dilemma, and for the time being was willing to hold off on the raids, but a fight with another ship was something that simply *couldn't* be avoided, without great risk of capture. B'Elanna understood that, but she simply couldn't allow the warp core to be under too much stress. It was touch and go as it was. What she really needed was about a week to upgrade and fix what she could. Her impossible requirement was for that same week to be spent at a starbase, but the few that would not turn a Maquis ship in were worse than useless for parts and labour. Chakotay promised four days, the absolute *maximum* they could spare, at one of the starbases where they would at least be able to work in peace, but they had to get there first. B'Elanna was working on a conduit when, to her dismay, the ship shook. "Dammit!" she cursed, the ship was not battle-ready by any stretch of the imagination. "You know it must have been a case of having to. Chakotay wouldn't do this if he didn't have to," Richard said, as soothingly as possible under the circumstances. "That isn't a lot of help, Richard," B'Elanna replied, turning back to the electrical wires that refused to be bent any more. B'Elanna cursed again, this time a Klingon insult about the paternity of whoever it was firing on them, and plunged the tool she was holding into the depths of the conduit. Later, she would not recall how it played out. She must have pressed against the wrong wire, for a shower of sparks, followed by a small explosion, was all that she remembered. Hours later, she woke in her darkened cabin. She could feel a damp cloth on her forehead, and reached up to remove it. "You're awake?" a voice whispered, B'Elanna couldn't place it, except that it was female. "Yes," she whispered, unable to say more. She opened her eyes a little more, wincing at the dim light, and a face moved over her. "Seska?" she murmured, wondering what the Bajoran woman was doing taking care of her. "Try to sleep some more," Seska replied, her tone as unexpectedly gentle as the hand that brushed B'Elanna's hair back from her forehead, and the not-quite-felt brush of lips on her ridges. B'Elanna complied, simply because she didn't have the strength to get up yet, and she knew it. Although she couldn't see it, an expression of cunning calculation played across Seska's features at the lack of reaction to the tender caresses. "A lack of reaction in the state she's in is better than a negative reaction," Seska murmured to herself. Her plan was progressing more quickly than she had hoped. Phase two could be set in motion the next time B'Elanna woke. When B'Elanna next woke, after a healing sleep, she could hear the sound of crying. As she became fully aware, she realised that it was Seska. As she stirred, words became audible amidst the sobs. "When Chakotay and I weren't mean to be, I accepted that, Prophets. But you *can't* say that B'Elanna and I aren't meant to be too. That would be too cruel, and I know You are not cruel. That is how we are taught as children, that if there is one missed opportunity it is Your will, that we are to wait for the next chance. But to lose two, You just *can't* do that to me." "Seska?" B'Elanna's words were soft, but the other woman heard them. "B'Elanna, thank the Prophets! If you had slept much might have been a sign that you were hurt more badly than I had thought. And I couldn't bear that. I couldn't bear to lose you." "Lose me? Why would you care if I live or die? Well, beyond the fact that you know me, of course." "I spoke too soon, I'm sorry B'Elanna," Seska looked embarrassed. "You haven't spoken yet," B'Elanna didn't know what this was about, and maybe Seska would prefer to forget it. She would give her the chance. Seska made to sit beside B'Elanna on the bed, but hesitated and pulled a chair beside the bed instead. "I didn't intend for you to find out this way. I don't know if I intended for you to find out at all. I was considering going somewhere else, maybe Cardassia Prime, to help with the efforts there, or anywhere I wouldn't be in such close proximity to you all the time." "Seska, your efforts are so important to us. You can't leave." "It would be easier not seeing you every day. Prophets, B'Elanna, I thought it was just a crush at first. I...noticed you one day. You were coming out of a stream on that Class-M planet we spent a few weeks on, naked. Gods, you were so *beautiful*, all I wanted to do was touch you. I thought it was just lust, you know? A gorgeous naked woman, or man, isn't so unlikely to induce lust, after all," and this was not a lie, Seska had become extremely aroused on seeing B'Elanna's naked golden skin. It had been the chief reason for her choice of the engineer, she could not implement her plan with someone she could not bring herself to bed, and Chakotay had been singularly unreceptive to her suggestion that they rekindle their brief affair. She began her practiced speech. "I kept noticing you, thinking how beautiful you were, wanting to hold you, to find out how you kissed, how you felt in my arms. And then I started making excuses to see you. It was always over a minor ship's problem, a broken conduit or anything else I could think of. But it was always an excuse, I only wanted to see you. I realised, after that skirmish with the Cardassians, that it was more than lust, but I still hadn't realised. Then...this happened, and I finally admitted to myself that I am in love with you, B'Elanna." B'Elanna couldn't help a gasp of shock. Although she'd expected the other woman to say something, this was not it. Her mind whirled with confusion. "I shouldn't have said anything," Seska spoke after the silence had lengthened uncomfortably. "Yes, you should have. I'm not sure how I feel, this is so sudden for me, but I'm glad you told me." "I'm glad you don't hate me, anyway." "I never did." "Never?" "I didn't *like* you at first, but that's not the same thing. Seska...would you kiss me, please?" B'Elanna clasped the back of the other woman's neck, running her fingers through her chestnut-coloured hair, lips parting as Seska moved to cover them with her own. The kiss began gently, but Seska's tongue probed B'Elanna's mouth insistently, deepening the kiss. B'Elanna moved to the fastenings of Seska's clothes, but the other woman stopped her hands before she could start unbuttoning. "Not yet," Seska whispered, although the mere touch of the half- Klingon's lips had started her juices flowing, she could feel them soaking through her clothes, and she wanted nothing more than to devour the other woman's sex, it was too soon, both physically for B'Elanna, and, more importantly, for her plan. "Why not?" "Because you are still suffering from the aftereffects of the explosion. You can't even get out of bed for another twelve hours, medical orders before you argue, and trust me, you will need *all* your strength if and when we make love." "When," B'Elanna replied with a wanton smile. "Definitely when." "You do feel something, then?" "I want you, Seska. Whether it's any more, that I don't know yet." "May I ask, have you done this before?" "You mean with a woman?" "Yes." "There was someone, back at the Academy," and B'Elanna was lost for a moment in a memory of dark Betazoid eyes. "I'm glad. Although being the first would have been nice too." B'Elanna smiled, kissed Seska's enticing lips one last time, and drifted into sleep. "Proceeding according to schedule," Seska whispered to herself. B'Elanna was clearly not physically indifferent, and that was very important, she could not bring attention to herself by becoming involved in anything non-consensual. Seska had not lied about her physical attraction to B'Elanna, although she had almost gagged at the sickly sentiment she had had to add to her story. There was only one person she truly loved, and he was back on Cardassia Prime. But for the short term, B'Elanna would be an adequate replacement. From her memory of Klingon passion, not to mention Human, she should at least be physically satiated. And she liked the way the other woman's mind worked. If her heart had not already been taken, maybe...but it was better that she would not be distracted. Seska became distracted from her reflections by a throbbing between her legs. That kiss had been much more arousing than she had let on. B'Elanna was deeply asleep, so she slowly eased the trousers she was wearing down past her knees. She braced herself on the back of the chair, eased her panties below her hips, and sighed in relief as she touched her throbbing clit. The relief turned into more throbbing need as she stroked gently, and she moved two fingers from the other hand inside, stroking her clit, pulling hard. She exploded in orgasm, her cry stifled in her throat so as not to wake B'Elanna. Seska came back to herself slowly. That had been...acceptable, but she craved to feel another's touch on her most sensitive, secret places. B'Elanna followed the medical orders and rested for the next day. She was still not allowed back on duty for another two days, so she had time to think. She did want Seska. The one kiss they had shared had hardened her nipples and dampened her sex, setting all of her nerve endings to tingling. Was there more to it, though? She didn't know, and she didn't know if it was fair to the other woman to begin a relationship that might not go anywhere. "So I tell her that and leave it up to her," B'Elanna said to herself, showering before meeting Seska for dinner. She didn't have a lot of call for formal clothing, but the blouse was a pretty pattern, and it made the jeans seem more dressy than they were. A little makeup completed the picture, although B'Elanna didn't see herself as beautiful, she thought that she looked quite attractive. B'Elanna knocked on Seska's door, and was pleasantly surprised to find the other woman dressed similarly to her, although her blouse was black and she wore black cloth trousers. "Come in, B'Ela. I've prepared some traditional Bajoran dishes for us," Seska smiled, feeling her arousal grow at each step the other woman took, those beautifully narrow hips swaying enticingly in blue denim. "I will have her," Seska thought. B'Elanna sat down, the V-neck of the blouse showing her small but beautifully formed breasts to advantage. Seska had to restrain herself from leaping on the other woman, instead bringing out the first dish, a traditional appetiser. The entree was a vegetarian dish, one that Seska had developed a taste for when serving on Bajor. She loved seeing B'Elanna's tongue lick the sauce from the eating utensil. She wanted that tongue to lick her the same way. She was almost undone by the dessert, a positively sinful concoction of Thalian chocolate and Bajoran tenel-berries, which B'Elanna seemed to delight in licking as erotically as possible. "We need to talk," B'Elanna said as they relaxed on Seska's couch after the meal with glasses of Bajoran spring wine. "Do you want me?" "That's not the point, Seska. The answer, for what it's worth, is yes. But I have to tell you my feelings first." "Go ahead." "I'm not in love with you, Seska. It's too soon to know if I will fall in love with you, but I want to give it a chance. Can you accept that?" 'It's even better than I'd hoped, no messy emotions to deal with. Unless she's silly enough to fall for me, which I can't do anything about,' Seska thought. Aloud, she replied, "I couldn't possibly expect you to be in love with me yet, B'Elanna. And of course there's a chance that you won't fall in love with me, but there's just as good a chance that you will. And who knows what tomorrow's going to bring anyway? Life's a gamble. And if all we ever have is one night, that will be enough." B'Elanna put her wine glass down. "I think it will be more than one night," she whispered huskily. The trip to the bedroom was short, the women caressing and kissing each other as they removed their clothes. Seska latched onto B'Elanna's neck as the other woman pulled the covers down. "I want you inside me," Seska whispered. B'Elanna smiled, with an edge of arousal making the smile almost a leer. "When I'm ready." Seska shivered with desire and anticipation. This was what she wanted, an equal in bed, at least as close as she could find. She lay back, the first time would be to earn B'Elanna's trust, so she would let the other woman do whatever she wanted. There would be time to introduce other...pleasures later. B'Elanna kissed Seska, exploring the other woman's mouth with her tongue. When Seska tried to caress her tongue with her own, B'Elanna teasingly pulled hers out of her lover's mouth. Seska moaned in mock- protest, although she exulted inwardly at B'Elanna's lack of submission. She would teach the other woman of the joys of temporary submission later in the relationship. Then her thoughts short- circuited as B'Elanna kissed across the swell of one breast, finding the hardened nipple and biting down, with quite a bit of force. Seska arched her body toward the mouth that was driving her wild, loving B'Elanna's slight roughness. Just enough to make it..interesting. B'Elanna was stroking the other breast with her fingers, rolling the nipple between them, until both breasts were aching with need. B'Elanna stimulated the first nipple until it was almost too sensitive to be touched, then moved to the other. Seska delighted in this worship of her breasts, her lover on Cardassia Prime was a little too concerned with penetration to pay much attention to foreplay, and this was a new experience for her. She sighed with pleasure as B'Elanna teased her throbbing sex with a finger, her juices so copious that it slid in without the slightest resistance. B'Elanna's mouth wandered over Seska's stomach, the muscles clencing as that talented tongue played over them. B'Elanna paused a moment, looking at the damp patch of curls, then she plunged her tongue in, finding Seska's swollen clit immediately. Seska thrust her sex into B'Elanna's eager mouth, feeling the other woman's lips and tongue move over her. B'Elanna took the engorged clit into her mouth, feeling it swell more as she tongued it. B'Elanna flicked her tongue against the swollen organ, and Seska's climax hit, her juices spurting into B'Elanna's eager mouth. One long, loud cry of pleasure, and Seska lost consciousness. "Wow," B'Elanna thought, "That never happened before..." Seska woke in a moment, the pleasure had just been too intense. She smiled at her new lover, liking the contrast of her pale, surgically- altered skin against B'Elanna's golden-bronze flesh as they lay together. "You taste good," B'Elanna smiled. "You feel wonderful," Seska replied, kissing her, tasting herself on B'Elanna's lips. B'Elanna arched to meet those lips, and she started shaking as one of Seska's hands moved over her body. She cooed with pleasure as one of her breasts was lovingly fondled and squeezed, then the fingers danced down her stomach, finding the patch of matted curls that hid her sex. One finger lightly tapping on her clit, with three finding their way inside her slick tunnel, brought her orgasm out of her. Her juices covered Seska's hand, and she sighed with pleasure. "Thank you," she whispered as Seska cleaned them with a soft towel. "Want to sleep here?" Seska asked. "Yes, I'm not moving," B'Elanna replied, kissing her new lover. The relationship continued, but Seska 'realised' that her emotions had run away with her when B'Elanna had almost been killed, and her feelings, like B'Elanna's, weren't love. She liked B'Elanna, and the lovemaking was wonderful, but it wasn't forever, both of them knew it. They drifted apart after a few months, and the eventual break was only a formality. They remained friends, though, and came together again after Voyager was lost in the Delta Quadrant for a brief time, although they realised that it was not so much attraction as hanging onto something from back home. When Seska was revealed as a Cardassian spy, it completely shocked B'Elanna. She wished she could go to Chakotay and tell him that he had not been the only one so intimately tricked by Seska, but she could not bring herself to tell anyone. It took a long time for her to get over Seska's betrayal, and by the time she could look to anyone for a relationship, those that she found the best possibilities, Chakotay and Tom Paris, were involved with each other. Harry Kim, much as she loved him, was not right for her and she knew it. She of course never considered Kathryn Janeway... --- The End