The BLTS Archive - Season V: No Signposts in the Sky by Bridget Cochran ( --- © 1999 Number 8 in the Season V Series which includes The Way of All Flesh, A Friend in Need, A Friend in Deed, Pride's Cloak, The Moon is Nothing, Molded Out of Faults, Conscious Betrayal. Spoilers for Gravity. Warning: This story involves a relationship between two men that now involves consensual sex. If that sort of thing offends you, move along home. Disclaimer: I own the ideas, Paramount owns the rest. Archive at will, including ASC/EML, BLTs, R'Rain's, and AllSlash. Thanks to my beta buddies: Karen, Mike and Monica. They keep me from making egregious errors in spelling, grammar and usage. And try to keep me focused on the angst--like I need focused on the angst. Also thanks to Anita and envoy. --- Tom leaned against the bulkhead outside Transporter Room One waiting for Tuvok to say a private good-bye to Noss. Although he managed to swallow his tears, he hadn't been unaffected when he said good-bye to the alien that had made their survival in gravity well hell possible. She was wonderful--so strong and resilient--that she reminded him of Kes. He could have fallen for her himself, but there were too many things in the way. One was Tuvok. Tom had no doubt the Vulcan had strong feelings for the woman who helped them make that miserable desert their home for two long months. Tuvok had reacted to her the only way a Vulcan, a very married Vulcan, could--with the shield of suppressed emotions. Tom had liked Tuvok since he had championed him in that Baenaen murder case. A man with that much self control had to be admired. Tom didn't envy Tuvok the turmoil that must be roiling in his Vulcan soul. He leaned against the wall, arms folded, waiting for his friend when Chakotay came around the corner. Tom couldn't help it. His face lit up with planet melting radiance. The smile stopped Chakotay dead. "Holding that wall up, Ensign?" A smile slipped onto Chakotay's lips. Tom straightened. "You bet. It's what we ensigns do best, sir." Chakotay clapped Tom on the back, resisting the effort to pull the pilot into an embrace. "Glad to have you back, Tom. Bet you have more stories to tell than your de-briefing." "Lots of stories." "How about a cup of coffee in the Mess Hall?" Tom shook his head. "Can't. I'm waiting for Tuvok." Tom's face became very serious. "He might need somebody to talk to. I want to be here for him." Chakotay was silent. He observed Tom, feeling jealousy uncurl within his stomach, his smile dimming somewhat. Tom was nothing if not perceptive. "How about supper at my place tonight?" Tom asked. "I'll buy the pizza, you buy dessert." It worked. Chakotay's smile brightened and he nodded. "Your place at, what, 1730 hours?" "Perfect," Tom said, his head turned as the Transporter Room slid open. "Commander," was Tuvok's passive greeting. Chakotay nodded. "Commander." He turned to Tom. "See you at dinner." Tom and Tuvok watched Chakotay move down the hall. A dark brow rose when the human sighed. "I think tonight's the night, Tuvok," Tom said. "Indeed." --- Tom had taken a bath, taken a nap, taken a shower, then laid down again. He was pinky clean for the first time since the shuttle smacked into Planet Dust. No more grit in his hair or his ears or the crack in his backside. His head rested on his hands as he lay on his bed and stared at the ceiling. Brahms played on the music system. It was usually a sonic sleeping pill, but soon Chakotay would be here and Tom was as keyed up as he could ever remember. He wouldn't be sleeping any time soon. In the last two months, Tom had missed everyone. Two months that turned out to be two days on this side of the temporal distortion. He had honestly thought he'd seen the end of Voyager. Christ, the whole idea sent him reeling. Never see Voyager, his crew mates. B'Elanna. The Captain. Neelix. Everybody. Tom sighed. Yeah. He loved B'Elanna. Cared for her more than she cared for him. Missed her feistiness. Missed her ability to make a warp drive out of patchwork. Missed her. Period. But Chakotay. There wasn't a word for what he felt for Chakotay. The emotion was way too complicated to put a word to it. It was a living and breathing thing that encompassed life itself. Christ, what a crock. Tom got up from the bed and went to brush his teeth again. He stood in front of the mirror applying toothpaste to his newly replicated toothbrush. His face was still cracked and dry. The harsh air and sunlight had not been good for his fair skin. Squinting into sunlight for hours on end had given him headaches, and forged creases around his eyes. They were probably permanent, another souvenir of the Delta Quadrant. He examined his face without reservation as he recleaned his already clean teeth. It wasn't the same face he had brought with him from Auckland. That face had been prettier, if somewhat more cynical. He always felt as if he carried the chip on his face instead of his shoulder in those days. His mouth was so tight then, like an adder ready to spring. Always ready with a flip or nasty comment to anyone in the line of fire. Probably why Harry was the perfect best friend. He knew that Tom was just scared and stupid and protecting himself. He had missed Harry like hell. When he saw his fellow ensign at the transporter controls, he nearly started to bawl. Tom rinsed his toothbrush and tossed it on the shelf above the sink. Now it was time to lay on the couch. It was too short to be comfortable, but Tom curled into a fetal position hugging a pillow. His toes curled up in his fresh clean socks, and he sighed. How many times had he listed to Tuvok all the things he missed? The food--not leola root and, definitely not spiders--he missed. The creature comforts--water showers, clean underwear, pillows, soap, music--every thing that was not on that shit hole they were stuck on. Tom was glad Tuvok was a Vulcan. Any other species would have killed him and eaten him, just to shut him up. And, cripes, he had told Tuvok to give up hope on Voyager ever finding them, of ever getting back to the Alpha Quadrant, and go ahead and cheat on his wife. Tom cringed even now at the memory. Just when he thought he was getting older and wiser, he got stupider. Such an adult, cosmopolitan view of the world he had: love the one you're with. What an asshole he could be at times. He always thought of himself as a pragmatist. Must be a synonym for asshole in some language. No, egotist was the synonym of asshole. Tom closed his eyes. But Tuvok had changed in the last two months and he had helped Tom stay rational. There was something to Vulcan-ness. Something that Tom was just beginning to understand. To restrain your impulses. To wait until you had all the facts. He wondered if he would ever be able to operate that way. Probably not. He was stuck being human. --- Chakotay sat on the very edge of the small couch watching Tom sleep. When Tom hadn't answered the door, the older man checked for his location. The computer assured him that Tom was indeed within. Using his override he entered the cabin to find the pilot asleep curled on the sofa. Gingerly, he sat and studied the pilot to his heart's content. Although sleep smoothed his face, the time spent on the hard planet had marked his fair skin. Chakotay resisted touching the flaky surface, and settled for rubbing his hands on his own knees as he watched Tom sleep. For all that his fair hair was close cropped, it was obvious that he had gone to sleep with it wet. It stood up spiky and a mess the whole way around. That Chakotay couldn't resist. The blunt tips of his fingers slipped through the soft spikes and watched them spring back into place. It was so soft and he moved closer to the scalp and sifted the strands through his fingers. Definitely different from his own hair. Chakotay would die with as much hair as he had today; Tom wasn't gonna have the hair he was born with. Still, balding well was the best revenge. He flicked his eyes from the hair between his fingers to the sleeping face. And the wide open blue eye of Tom Paris. His hand jerked back, but Tom caught it. "I'll give you an hour to quit it," Tom said through a smile and Chakotay relaxed letting his hand move again into Tom's hair. "Been awake long?" Chakotay felt the color move up his neck. "Since you got here." Chakotay gave the strands between his fingers a sharp tug, eliciting a yelp. "Hey, watch it. I cherish what's left up there." The tugging fingers relaxed, smoothing the tuft he'd just abused. "You want to turn in early? We can schedule dinner for tomorrow night." Tom frowned up into the dark eyes. His eyes crossed as he watched Chakotay's fingers work to smooth the crease between his eyes. "Are you asking me if I want you to go?" Chakotay frowned himself and it was a long time before he looked down at Tom. "Yes." Tom moved behind Chakotay to sit up on the other side of him grasping his shoulders as he went. "It's good to be back. Ready for pizza?" he asked, already on his way to the replicator. His actions were his answer. Tom handed the tableware to the commander and the table was set when Tom set the pie onto the table. "Can I get you a beer?" Chakotay shook his head as he sat. "Just water." Tom smiled, "You sure are a cheap date." "That a compliment?" Chakotay said as he cut their supper right down the middle and into more manageable pieces. "Nah. Just an observation," Tom said as he placed the water in front of the older man. He placed a frothy beer in front of his place after he sucked some foam off the top. "Synthbeer tastes like piss," he sighed. "God, I missed it, too." Chakotay served and Tom was eating before he set his plate down. "Did you miss me?" he asked with a mouth full. "Uh-huh," Chakotay said through his own full mouth. "B'Elanna didn't miss me," he stated after a swig of beer. "Oh," Chakotay brought his droopy slice back up to his mouth. "Yeah, you know I really missed her when I was gone. Realized a few things about whatever that was we called a relationship." He chewed and swallowed. "I love her, Chakotay. But it's different from what I thought it was. I thought that if she was in love with me, that was all I needed to have a life together. But what I felt for her was the love of companionship. It was nice to have someone to hang out with--romantically. But I guess she wanted more than what she got. "Anyhow," Tom shook himself out of his musings and looked at Chakotay. "So, I went right to engineering as soon as I was presentable, and she kind of blew me off. Said what was the big deal? I was only gone two days." He picked up his beer and looked into it. "That's when I realized that we were never really together. We always wanted different things with our off time together, could never agree on which meal we would eat together, who would be on top." He shrugged and looked at Chakotay. "It was always just a little bit too hard." Chakotay set the crust of his pizza on his plate, no longer hungry. He sipped his water as he looked at the table top. "What?" Chakotay set the water glass down, and stared at it. "OurÖfriendship hasn't been easy." Getting to the point where they could sit and eat dinner as more than friends was not by any means smooth. Tom was quiet, too. "No," he admitted. "I did a lot of thinking about us--you and me--for the last two months." The older man looked at the bowed head. "The last two days seemed like two months to me." The head rose slowly like a sun, the smile spread gently like the light of dawn. "I was hoping **someone** would think so." Chakotay relaxed, and picked up his second piece of pizza, not really wanting it, but not wanting to give Tom any more reason to examine his soul. The younger man was turning out to be more perceptive than was sometimes comfortable. Right now, he just wanted to enjoy Tom's company. "Is Tuvok going to be alright?" Tom smiled. "Nothing a few years of meditation won't cure." Tom sobered. "Tuvok and I went through some personal things down there. He's complex, you know. Well, hell, yeah--he's a Vulcan." Tom twisted his mouth at the stupid statement. "But there's a lot more there than meets the eye. He's absolutely committed to his wife. Whether he sees her again or not, she's the one in his life forever. It was kind of humbling. There I was waffling between what I didn't have with B'Elanna and what I was moving toward with you. I honestly believed we were there forever. For-fucking-ever. Not that damn Tuvok. He was certain that you'd work on our rescue forever. I hate Vulcans the most when they're right." Throwing the crust on the plate, Chakotay sat back and watched Tom devour the remainder of his pizza, trying to figure out what the pilot had just said. Much like the younger man's trip through life, Tom did not think in a straight line. He just told him that Tuvok gave him a lesson in fidelity to his chosen mate. Okay. He said that much time was spent deciding with whom to throw in his lot--B'Elanna or Chakotay himself. Tom vaguely admitted it was Chakotay he wanted. And Tom had given up hope of being rescued. "You really didn't think we would try to rescue you?" "That's not it." Tom reached across to scarf Chakotay's crusts. "I knew you'd try, I just didn't know how you were going to get through the gravity flux, still can't figure out how the transporter could work through the temporal distortion." Chakotay's smile twisted. "Don't ask me. I'm not the engineer." Tom shrugged, but kept chomping on his crust. He washed it down with the last of the beer. "So, you missed me?" The question was asked in the mildest of manners, Chakotay relaxed. "I did." "You want to wait for dessert until later?" "What do you have in mind?" Tom laughed. "Jet skiing." The smile disappeared. "Chakotay, you are a goof," Tom headed to the replicator with supper remnants. He turned back. "Race you to the bedroom." Chakotay didn't race. He strolled. There was Tom standing beside the bed trying to take off all of his clothes at once. His shoes were slipping off even as his pants were using the gravity provided by the ship to head toward the floor. But he was caught up in, and under, his shirt. The older man shook his head as he sat on the bed to remove his shoes and socks. He watched Tom's struggle while he unfastened his shirt, unable to help the smile on his face. Far be it from him to slow Tom down. It was always fun to watch the man plunge ahead into the great unknown. That was a sobering thought. He was plunging into the great unknown with Tom this time. He pulled the shirt from his shoulders just as Tom ripped his tee off and flung it across the room. Chakotay smiled up into the irritated, flushed face. Tom wasn't smiling as he kicked his pants in the general direction of the 'fresher. The whole effort of Tom's irritation amused Chakotay as the older man slid his pants over his own butt. "You think it's funny?" Tom snapped, obviously embarrassed at his inability to get undressed like an adult. "Uh-huh," Chakotay said as he admired the naked body of the man in front of him. It was bright with color and soft with a light coating of hair, so very nearly perfect. "Well, I don't think it's very funny," Tom said as he took Chakotay to the mattress with a full body slam. The wind went out of the commander with a huff as Tom covered his body easily, both sets of feet still touching the ground. "Too bad," Chakotay managed to say. Tom's face was nanometers from Chakotay's. The look of irritation turned serious as Tom lowered his mouth to kiss the lips so close to his own. The kiss started gently, but the gentleness could not last. Not after all this time. He had been waiting six months to get here. Well, four to six months, depending on which time frame you operated. Tom had never been good at waiting for anything, especially sex. He wasn't surprised that Chakotay's mouth opened under his insistence. He wasn't surprised that Chakotay tasted as good as he did. He wasn't surprised that Chakotay was letting him set the pace. He was surprised that he hadn't prematurely ejaculated. He dueled with the other tongue, lapping at the piece of skin that held the organ to the floor of his mouth, darting around it, tasting everything. Chakotay did not lay immobile. His hands gripped Tom's shoulder blades for an instant before he ran his fingered over the curve of Tom's back to rest easily on the rounded buttocks. The surface was furred too and fit perfectly into his hands as he pulled Tom firmly into his groin. Grinding his groin into Tom's, he felt the younger man's groan, the sound muffled and captured within his mouth. Tom made finger prints on Chakotay's shoulders as Chakotay printed Tom's butt. Tom moved his mouth along the solid jaw to behind his ear, his tongue flat as he traced the stubble. "I don't think I'm gonna last long," he groaned into the occipital bone. "You're not the only one," Chakotay chuckled, nearly out of breath. His fingers dipped between the crevice that separated the handfuls of backside to brush the sensitive bud, made more sensitive by Tom's arousal. The younger man bucked into Chakotay, making the most delicious sounds while rubbing his erection against Chakotay's. Chakotay was making his own delicious sounds, losing any coherence he may have had earlier. It was just too much: the feel, the sound, the smell. But it had been the waiting. The waiting that had gone on for months. Longer than even Tom knew. Longer than Chakotay admitted to himself. Now the hot body on top of him wanted what he wanted, evidence of that desire rested against his own desire. Rested was not the right word. The two erections were hot and twitched against each other with a heat Chakotay hadn't felt in years. Chakotay had felt the heat of two penises touching before, but the sensation had never been accompanied with the emotion he was feeling now. It added to the tension and hit him deep in his soul. Tom was moving now in rhythm to his heart beat, moving the taut, hot flesh against the dark wiry hair of his groin and belly. Chakotay matched Tom rhythm for rhythm, stroke for stroke with the added advantage of stroking fingers applying subtle, arousing pressure to the convulsing ring of muscle hidden inside the cleft. "You are-not-fair," Tom hissed as he arched away from the questing fingers and into the groin that was as aroused as he was. "Uh. Ah." Tom stopped making verbal sense as Chakotay began to gently twist his index finger within the relaxing membrane. Chakotay felt Tom stiffen under the pressure as he hunched into Chakotay, hot moisture smearing between them as Tom kept moving. Chakotay nearly shouted when a semen covered hand engulfed his hardness, pulling with firm pressure made slick from the liquid heat. Another hand gently fondled his balls, moving from one to the other in a beat matching the pumping hand. The older man stiffened, stiffened again, rearing into Tom's ministration, calling his name as he came. It was hard to breathe with the dead weight on top of him, but Chakotay wasn't caring much. Every breath he took in was tinged with the scent of Tom and their lovemaking. Like a whisper, he let his hands glide over Tom's back savoring the twitch the gentle touch elicited. This is what he had waited for, wanted for so long. Now Tom rested on him, recovering his breath, just like Chakotay was himself. "Thank you," Chakotay sighed as his hand moved to rub the still flushed neck, rubbing it with the pads of his fingers. "You're welcome," came a mumble from his shoulder. Tom rolled from Chakotay then, an arm flung over his eyes. "That was pretty fast." Chakotay turned to Tom resting an arm on his belly. "Too fast," he admitted. "It was bound to be." Tom lowered his arm to smile at Chakotay. "It was pretty hot, though." Chakotay moved toward the smile like it was a magnet, easing himself into Tom's embrace. "It was very hot." "Worth waiting for?" Tom teased, but looked deeply into the brown eyes. He was extremely serious. Chakotay swallowed. How could he answer without blubbering and sounding like a sap? He couldn't. He burrowed deeply into Tom's chest, wiping his face into the damp curls he found there. "Yah," he said, finally. His voice didn't even sound like his own. "It was worth waiting for." Tom hugged him back. "Good. Because I haven't even got started yet." He pushed Chakotay away and bounded off the bed. "Time for dessert. How do you feel about fudge ripple pudding?" he asked as he moved through the door to the bathroom. The older man cringed. "I don't care much for pudding," he said as he headed toward the bathroom to clean up, too. "Okay," Tom answered, "How about apple pie?" Chakotay looked at the silly grin reflected in the bathroom mirror. "I'd like that just fine," he said. Just fine. --- The End