The BLTS Archive - The Apprenticeship series The Obligatory Challenge Story: You Bet Your Life by Bridget Cochran ( --- The Apprentice takes on The Challenge. What if Tom beat the Captain at pool, and she couldn't pay her debt in replicator rations? 1998 Disclaimer: I own the ideas, Paramount owns the rest. Archive at will. --- Tom Paris had always had a deep abiding faith in a higher power, fates, karma, kismet, cosmic coincidence--something, someone had always guided him through the ups and downs of his journey through life. Even though the downs had been real low--real low--he knew, somehow, he could fight to make it right. The guiding force within him had always pushed him toward the right path. Eventually. Well, sometimes he was the stubborn burro, legs locked, having to be pulled to the top of the mountain by a hard bit lodged between his teeth. Shut up, Tom, he told himself. It was just a game of pool. Yah, it was just a game of pool. But he had won. Against Captain Janeway. He'd beat her--a fluke in one of the immutable laws of the universe. There she stood, pool cue in hand, as incredulous as he was. She looked back at the table--no stripes, only solids left on the green felt surface. Back stiff--she marched to the rack and deposited the stick briskly. Hands on hips, she turned back to Tom. "I don't have enough rations in my account to pay you off." That admission turned a few heads. Silence began to fall like dominoes through the holodeck, everyone wondering what was wrong between the Captain and Tom. Instinctively, Tuvok and Chakotay moved forward, question in their eyes, wondering what the trouble was. Tom crossed his arms, a smirk turning up his lips. "You're not welching, are you, Captain?" He heard someone gasp. "Not at all," she said, tossing her head in challenge. "You won, I lost. Name your forfeit." Her look was cheeky as hell, daring him to embarrass her in front of he crew. Some days were diamonds, Tom thought as he watched the woman he loved squirm. Yet, all in all, there was just one thing she could give him, one thing he wanted: everything. "Marry me." Immediately, he lost the ability to breathe. He was certain that the ability to breathe again was in direct correlation to the answer he was about to receive. He'd dreamed of this moment--not this **exact** moment--for months. He'd dreamed of candle light, soft music, holding her in his arms, murmuring the question into the pulse of her throat. But sometimes opportunity thrust itself upon you and you just couldn't push it away. The moment was golden. She'd told him to name his price. It was wild--outrageous, and so scary. But, there he was, in front of God and everybody, heart on his sleeve, knowing he'd backed her into an untenable corner. Why can't I ever do anything the easy way? he thought as he watched Kathryn, unable to get clue one from her face. Until she said, "Name the date." and that twisty little smile crossed her features. She stepped forward, right up to Tom, her eyes shining up into his like he was some bright and shining star. How stupid did he look, standing there? Mouth open, jaw slack, wondering if his universal translator had failed. "Name the date?" "The Captain has accepted your price, Mr. Paris." Tuvok's dry tone brought reality back to the scene. Tom blinked and looked around, remembering the time, the place **and** the crowd avidly watching all that transpired. "About time," Harry said, smiling hugely. It was a great relief to Harry that this secret was now totally out. A natural gossip, he had kept this choice piece of news to himself in deference to the Captain. He'd sat through mess hall speculation, lips sealed, dying to tell someone. When Tuvok called him aside one day to quiz him on the subject, he had declined to disclose anything as respectfully as possible, suggesting the Lt. Commander ask the two individuals involved. He now tossed a knowing smile over his shoulder at Tuvok. The older man blinked in silent acknowledgement. Harry's smile widened as he turned happy eyes to his best friend and his new fianc?e. Chakotay stepped forward, offering his hand in congratulations. "This calls for a round of drinks." He turned to the gathered crowd. "Tom's buying." That brought a cheer, and an end to the tableau-like stillness that had surrounded Tom and Kathryn in this dream. The Commander shrugged, his mouth dimpling, as he bussed Kathryn's cheek. The dream quality diminished when Kathryn circled her arm around his waist. They accepted the hugs, pats on the back and well wishes of everyone who passed them on the way to the bar. Tom rubbed his cheek thoughtfully on Kathryn's head as he watched his crewmates clamor for drinks. "This is going to cost me a fortune." "Well, don't expect me to contribute," Kathryn chuckled. "I'm tapped out." --- The End