The BLTS Archive - A Cry in the Night by Christina ( --- July 1998 Disclaimer: Paramount owns all-- Warning: This is a dark story, especially for me. It does deal with violence, rape, and there is some language...But I don't get's there though. I prefer it when characters survive...And I prefer to know it before I actually begin reading. So this story jumps--Starting after the rescue. It's told from the perspective of Chakotay and Janeway, as we learn what happened. Writing this seemed to take forever--I finally checked Stravinsky's Rite of Spring out of the library to help me finish it. And thanks to my ever-patient editor, Jackee. She helped me figure out how to end this. It may not be perfect, but it beats the fact that how-to-end this was my biggest problem--and where it sat for weeks as I tried different ideas. Codes: *** shift in time (present to past or past back to present) @@@ Change in p.o.v. ~~~ passage of time --- Chakotay watched her carefully as she paced her living room like a caged cat--looking every inch the Captain they'd thought they'd lost. Maybe to the others, but he could tell she wasn't back. The captain's facade was even more of a mask than normal: the slight slump of her shoulders; her fingers clasped tightly in a fist; the lack of eye contact. The first week after her rescue, she'd been in a coma. When she had finally come to, she had been silent and withdrawn. Two days passed before she would see anyone. Then she had been mute--patient even--when the Doctor explained that he would not be okaying her immediate return to command. This had been another sign that all was not right in the world of Kathryn Janeway. In the past two days she had become less patient at the delay. The Doctor had agreed to consider limited duty, but until he, Chakotay, and Tuvok were convinced she was mentally ready, she would not be in command of Voyager. All she had done was grouch slightly--otherwise accepting the decision easily. They knew, of course, what had happened to her. The doctor's examination had been thorough, even if she had not talked about it. And he and Tuvok had attended the trial. Finally, he could stand it no more. "Captain?" She turned, looked at him then started pacing again. "Go away." "No. Kathryn, you need to talk about what happened." She stopped and stared out the window. "Wasn't the Doctor's report graphic enough?" She didn't sound angry, just tired. The Doctor's most recent report said she was suffering from insomnia. "Until you do, the Doctor will not okay your return to command." She knew this, but he hoped that if he repeated the threat enough times, it would eventually work. She shrugged. "So. Maybe its better this way." "You don't believe that." "I don't? How can you possibly know what I believe. You weren't there..." A hint of anger. Good, finally some emotion seeping through that impervious mask. "No I don't. But I know Kathryn Janeway. She wouldn't give up so easily." "Then maybe you don't know her so well." Her voice was soft and resigned. "I know I don't anymore." "Kathryn...please..." He couldn't control the bitter sound in his voice. He wasn't willing to let her give up so easily. It had been the hardest thing he'd ever done to not blast the governor's ship out of existence when they'd finally found her. The sight of her battered body had angered him to an extreme that he hadn't known since the death of his father. Not one member of the crew would have been disappointed with him if he had just shot the arrogant bastard who had done this to her. That knowledge had made it even more difficult to allow the Talpa authorities to arrest Governor Rowz. His trial had been swift and quiet. The Rowz family was extremely powerful and very embarrassed at the behavior of their favorite son. Chakotay and Tuvok had attended the trial and execution, then Voyager had left. All that was left was to find their Captain in the woman that had been brutalized and terrorized... --- Four weeks ago --- Chakotay was asleep. Or trying to pretend he was asleep. It had been a long day, but a successful one. They had been able to resupply the ship and enjoy some much needed shoreleave. He hated shift-changes, but had agreed to this one so the Captain could spend some time on the planet. No, the different sleeping time was not the problem. It was going too well. Delta Quadrant Paranoia perhaps. He didn't know what it was, but he fully expected something to go wrong. It wasn't that the local inhabitants had been anything but friendly and helpful. It was such a contrast to their encounter with the Talpa and Governor Rowz three weeks earlier. He'd been glad when they'd left that region of space. The governor had been a very unpleasant and demanding host. After only a day, Voyager had left without any of the supplies they needed. He sighed. Something was always going wrong. It was almost part of the daily routine. He decided to give up on sleep and get out of bed. There were always reports to read and write. "Commander Chakotay to the bridge." "On my way." He dressed quickly, and practically ran to the bridge. "Report," he called out as he entered. Tuvok was standing at his station. There were faint traces of concern on the Vulcan's face. Chakotay stopped; his heart started beating faster. "The Captain?" "She did not check in." Tuvok glanced at Chakotay. "We are unable to locate her." Damn, he thought as gripped the back of his chair. "When was the last time we heard from her?" "Two hours ago. She was in the Ora market. She was to have been at the beam-out site five minutes ago." "No sign?" "None sir." "Recall all personnel. Mr. Tuvok take three security teams to the surface and see if you can find her." He turned and looked at the woman at the ops console. "Contact President Tw." ~~~ The day passed. The Ora government had been very helpful and over a hundred local security personnel were assisting in the search. Yet Chakotay was becoming less and less optimistic. The Ora system was a very busy trade center. Over fifty ships had left the planet after the Ora Port Authority had scanned each of those ships--slowing down the departures and arrivals and irritating everybody in the process--but, there had been no sign of Janeway. He was convinced she wasn't on the planet anymore. Harry and Seven were working with an Ora security officer; pouring over the records of the ships that had left during the two hours after Janeway had last checked in and before she was reported missing. There were one hundred and fifty-two ships. Tuvok and his security teams were still on the surface. Questioning vendors, people she had talked to. Looking for anything suspicious. --- The present... --- Janeway ran her hand slowly down the window then turned to face Chakotay. Her eyes teared up at the look of concern in his eyes. His eyes--they'd haunted her since she'd come out of the coma. She just couldn't bring herself to talk to anyone about what happened. She wanted so much to forget it. Put it behind her... But it wasn't happening. "It's difficult," she said, her eyes focused on her feet. She couldn't look at him. "Kathryn." He advanced toward her, but stopped when she stepped back. He moved away. "Would you rather talk to someone else?" She shook her head. "No. Its just difficult to talk about...The feeling of helplessness..." She rubbed her wrists. "B'Elanna has offered." She tried to smile but couldn't. Instead she turned and again watched the stars streak by. "Kathryn, we're worried about you...Captain?" She didn't turn, her thoughts wandering. "Rowz?" "Dead." It was the first time she'd asked about her captor. "How?" "His government ordered him beheaded..." "Too fast." She turned. "I would dream of watching him die in agony...Now...Now, it just doesn't seem important." She looked up at his face. "Do you know what happened to Mibar?" "Mibar?" "Rowz hired him to capture me..." Chakotay nodded. "His ship blew up. We didn't know who it was for sure." "I'm not surprised. Rowz wasn't happy with him. I don't even know how long I was gone." She hadn't been interested in knowing--now it seemed important. "Two weeks." "Is that all. It seemed longer." --- Four weeks ago --- Kathryn fingered the delicate blue material; it was a rare treat to handle something so lovely and unnecessary. She was tempted to buy it for that reason. But decided not to. She was here to look for supplies, not waste time. She glanced around the market, and felt a wave a nausea pass over. The Talpa vendor rushed out. "Come sit down. It is the air. It can affect visitors in strange ways." He motioned for her to sit on a chair behind his stand. She started to shake him off, but a second wave of nausea convinced her otherwise. She sat down, and sputtered her thanks. And that was all she remembered until she had woken up in the dark hours, days--she didn't know--later. She was sitting; her hands manacled above her head. She fidgeted slightly and realized she was blindfolded. Footsteps and someone leaned over her. "You've decided to wake up. Good." She felt something by her mouth. "Open, it's just water. It'll help you feel better." "Where am I?" She took several sips between the words. Her captor laughed. "I'm Mibar." He ran his hand along her face. "You've interested a very important person." The hand continued down her neck and bare shoulder. "He's paying good money for you." He slapped her right arm. "Too bad for you, but good for me." She spat at him, but he grabbed her by the neck, then quickly let go. "Fiery. But I can't leave any marks on you. You're worth more unblemished." "Who?" She said with a hoarse voice. Mibar only laughed. She listened to him walk away. When the silence returned, she took inventory of her situation. It wasn't good. And from the slight vibrations she could feel through the wall and floor, her prison was a small spacecraft. Which meant they were probably some distance from Voyager. She bit her lip. If Voyager could find the right ship, they could track her...If... She flung her arms as much as they would move, in anger and fear. Her bonds were strong. She would have to find another way of escape. This became the routine. Every so often Mibar would bring food and water. Eventually he removed the blindfold--but all she could see was the darkness of her confines. Sometimes he hosed out her prison cell to keep the smell down. Sometimes he let her stand. But he wouldn't release her. She had no way of knowing how much time had passed. She could only guess. No one else visited her. She could hear no other voices beyond her cell. She stopped counting her meals--having decided Mibar was varying the times to confuse her. So, when he brought company to her cell, unchained her hands and yanked her to her feet, she had no idea how long she'd been on his little ship.// --- The present... --- Chakotay listened quietly, giving her a chance to tell a part of her story. He knew that she had been on Mibar's ship a week. He watched her lean against the window and rub her wrists. He wanted to take her in his arms and hold her...She looked up at him and smiled. The first real smile he'd seen from her since they had found her. He smiled back. "It's good to see you smile," he said. She frowned and looked out the window. "I have never hated anyone like I did Mibar until I learned who had bought me. Hate kept me going, when Rowz let his hands insinuate what I had been *purchased* for." She shivered. "Kathryn..." "We've had many reasons to hate. Too many. I have hated before. But I never want to feel the consuming hatred I felt at that moment...I still feel. It's so easy to start hating." "It's not easy to stop...I know. But first you start by not hating yourself. You weren't responsible." "There were so many things I should have done..." Chakotay couldn't respond. He didn't want to add to her burden by describing the guilt he felt about her ordeal. There were so many things they could have done. Should have done. He should have insisted on going with her that day...Insisted that Tuvok or somebody accompany her on the planet. Instead he stared at her, remembering. She glanced at him, her face full of sadness, anger, and other emotions. The most emotions he'd seen in her since her rescue. "You shouldn't have come after me," she said after an excruciating silence. "This trip cost you four weeks." "You would have died." "That is not important." Her voice was becoming monotonic, emotionless. "That's not important?" He stepped toward her; this time she did not flinch at his approach. "Are you telling me, you aren't important?" She looked away from him. "Yes. The crew is what's important. Getting them home..." "Tell me, Kathryn. Have you ever served on a ship where the Captain was killed?" She shook her head. "I have. It's not pleasant. It affects everybody. There is a reason Star Fleet reassigns the crew and gives them leave--when possible." He reached out and placed his hands on her shoulders, surprised that she didn't back away. "I may have ulterior motives in keeping Voyager's captain alive, but the ship is definitely better off with her, than without. --- Three weeks ago... --- Chakotay nearly leapt out of his seat when Tuvok's voice announced they had found a witness. All semblance of calm was thrown out the airlock as he turned command over to Tom and ran to the transporter room. It had only taken twenty-eight hours. He beamed directly into the room where Tuvok and an older Ora male were waiting. He ignored the surprised looks of the stranger and focused his attention on Tuvok. "Commander Chakotay, this is Ugita. He sells cloth..." "The finest materials..." Ugita closed his mouth and backed away from Chakotay when the Commander glared at him. Chakotay turned his attention back to Tuvok. "He remembers seeing the Captain yesterday afternoon. She was at a rival's booth, when she apparently became ill. He does not know where she went afterwards. He also says this same merchant closed shop very soon afterward." An Ora official entered the room and dumped a pile of folders on the long table. "We have found the information on the vendor. He represented the Talpa Weavers Guild." The woman opened a folder. "He did not pay his sales fees..." She continued reading silently. "Most interesting, he left in a hurry." Chakotay controlled the urge to grab the file from her hand. "What can you tell us about the ship?" He was working hard to keep his emotions under control. "I have a copy of the information. All ships are required to have design specifications on file." She handed him another file. "You will pursue this ship?" Chakotay nodded as he passed the file to Tuvok. "I have arranged with the council for three Ora battle cruisers to accompany you." She looked at both men. "We suspect this is not the first time such an incident has occurred, but we have never had proof. You have met the Talpas." "Arrogant bastards...Their governor in particular." The Ora Security officer snorted in agreement. "We have not granted them full admittance to the trade guilds. But I digress. We are willing to offer all assistance in the rescue of your Captain. The three battle cruisers will be ready within the hour to accompany you." --- The present... --- Kathryn let him hold her; for the first time in weeks she felt safe. Neither moved for a long while. She shuddered slightly as the memories came back. "I hate him." Bland monotone. She felt her heart rate increase as she stepped away from Chakotay, a brief wave of nausea and loathing that passed quickly when she saw his concerned look. She looked out the window again, feeling unclean at the memory. "Kathryn?" His voice was soft and gentle such a contrast to her mind and feelings. "I hate him," she repeated. --- Four weeks ago... --- Kathryn cringed slightly as Rowz ran his hands down her nude body, then bit her lip and tried to look impassive. She wasn't going to let the bastard get the better of her. He smirked at her as he stroked her breasts. Without a word he handed her chain to a guard who was watching with an equally evil expression. Mibar smiled as he said something. She couldn't understand what they were saying, but it didn't take long to realize that it was an argument. Mibar pointed toward her several times. Rowz kept his fat face focused on the increasingly distraught Mibar. Finally Rowz raised an arm from his thick green robes and grabbed Mibar's neck. She tried not to look interested, but secretly she hoped Mibar would take her back. She would fare better with him than with the Talpa Governor. Rowz had been a bastard when they'd negotiated with the Talpa authorities...She didn't know how long ago now. She knew her mind was wandering, trying to keep from panicking at what she knew would be happening. She tried not to react, when Mibar bowed and backed away from Rowz. They'd agreed on the price. She would be staying. She glanced quickly around the ship. Small, ostentatious...She wondered if Rowz had done this before. She watched as Mibar practically ran down the hall, flanked by a guard. She needed to know how many were on this ship, but was given no time to further her studies. Rowz strode over to her and leered. He nodded to the guard, whose own smile grew bigger. Kathryn felt paralyzed when the guard pulled her chain. She was nearly dragged down the hall to the governor's quarters. They were taking no chances of her escaping. She was carefully chained spread eagle on the bed before the guard left. She tried to relax. To remember all her training, but her heart rate accelerated and she started to sweat. She closed her eyes and focused on her breathing. Minutes passed. It was agonizing...She would have her fear under control, then a sound outside would cause her to nearly panic again. She knew he was tormenting her. She stared at the ceiling. "Voyager where are you?" She didn't look toward the sound of the door opening. She took a deep breath and found she could concentrate. She ignored him as he undressed and knelt between her legs... --- The present... --- Chakotay watched her as she trembled with fear, anger, shame...he didn't know what emotion -- probably all of them. He silently thanked his spirit guide that the Talpa government had executed the S.O.B. He could have done it for them so easily. He was shocked when she turned to face him. Her face was wet with tears. "He didn't like that I was passive. Afterwards the guards came and dragged me to another room, where they beat me...Not to kill me." She again let him wrap his arms around her. "I passed out...I remember waking in a medical facility. Everything hurt...I couldn't move, the only time I wasn't restrained and I couldn't move." Chakotay tightened his hold. The doctor's report had been very detailed. He knew she'd been beaten several times then placed in a regenerative chamber. "It'll be fine. He's dead." "And the guards?" Chakotay had wondered about the Governor's elite honor guard. Ten Talpas whose duties had included being body guards and beating the governor's (apparently) many women. He was still astounded that the government had let it go on so long. He suspected that the Ora involvement had been the deciding factor in Rowz's execution. As for the guards. "I don't know. We suspect that they will quietly disappear. They were very concerned about scandal..." "Scandal?" There was a hint of the Captain in that remark--a bit of flippancy. Chakotay almost smiled. --- Four weeks ago... With the Ora information, picking out which trail belonged to the unknown trader's ship was easy. Following it was another story. Twice the trader had changed course suddenly or doubled back, slowing down the hunt. Chakotay stared at the astrometrics-screen. The reports said the trader had registered as Mibar--but considering his real trade--the Commander figured it was probably an alias. And Mibar had almost a 30 hour headstart. The design specs were not promising. Mibar had a good ship. Small, fast, and maneuverable. Chakotay had found it hard not to give the order to increase speed--but he'd been trained well as a tracker. Patience was too important. At higher speeds they would have missed the changes in their prey's direction. This went on for almost five days. The pressure and worry were extreme. The Doctor had ordered the entire senior staff to start taking care of themselves, or he would be forced to relieve them of duty. Chakotay wasn't fooled--the Doctor's bluff exterior hid his real concern about the Captain's safety. He had instead given everyone vitamin injections. Seven and the astrometric lab had been a godsend as they neared the Talpa borders. They had been able to pick out Mibar's ship from the hundreds that were in the area. Their biggest concern now was the Talpa military. "Commander," Harry said. "We're showing Mibar's ship has made contact with another ship." The ensign glanced at Seven, who pointed toward the screen. "We are exactly ten point six hours from their rendezvous spot," Seven flicked a switch, increasing the magnification. "We have not yet identified the larger ship, but it does match the specifications of a Talpa cruiser." Chakotay studied the data, then turned to the Ora Admiral who had silently been watching. "Liw?" "It is more likely a ship belonging to palace security." Chakotay glanced at the screen and nodded. Part of the original Ora security report had not been made general knowledge. Tuvok, the Doctor and he were the only ones who had read of the Ora suspicions concerning the Talpa Governor. He wished he didn't know--it made the waiting impossible. "Commander." All eyes focused on the screen as the little ship flew away from the Talpa ship, then thirty seconds later exploded." "Admiral, can you send one ship to investigate?" The Ora nodded. Chakotay tapped his comm-badge. "Chakotay to bridge. Yellow alert, set a heading of two-three four, warp-9. Seven will continue to monitor the ship." She nodded. Chakotay realized that for the past week she had behaved herself. Maybe Kathryn was right--she was reachable. That thought passed quickly as he turned to Admiral Liw. "I'll return to my ship and we'll follow you in. If he reaches the planet..." Admiral Liw left the sentence unfinished. Chakotay nodded grimly. The Talpa military was arrogant, disorganized--but large. Even an uncoordinated attack would be dangerous. --- The present... --- Kathryn stepped away from him. "I should be dead...When he came to me the third time, I knew how a trapped animal felt." She had struggling so hard against her shackles she'd broken her left wrist. It hadn't stopped him. Suddenly she collapsed to the floor, her head in hands and she was sobbing. "I struggled...I screamed...It didn't stop him..." Chakotay knelt down beside her and comforted her as the tears subsided. "It was all you could do." She closed her eyes. "He was angry when I bit his nose afterwards. I think...The guards enjoyed their work. Laughing and singing...I passed out and found myself on Voyager..." She looked up at him. "I...I'm sorry." He frowned. "For what?" "Everything. I don't know." She stared at her hands. "I want to forget...So much to forget." His response was to take her hands. "I wish I could make the memories go away..." "I know." She tried to smile. "And thank-you...I mean this...Talking..." He didn't say anything just stared at her hands. She, for the first time that evening--rather since her ordeal began--realized just how much he had been affected...and probably everybody else. "How are you doing?" she asked gently. She didn't push when he didn't respond. --- Four weeks ago... The Talpa ship had jumped to warp speed immediately after the explosion. And to add to Chakotay's concern, it looked like three Talpa cruisers were on an intercept course with the mysterious ship. They had passed the Talpa border two days earlier, and to Chakotay's relief, the Ora ships had not abandoned the chase. He wondered at that--and just how long the Talpas had been doing this. Admiral Liw had been very insistent that he be included in all their plans. Chakotay appreciated the Ora involvement, but wondered at the Admiral's motives. The Talpa ship was now just days from their homeworld. And according to intercepted messages, knew it was being pursued. He looked away from the astrometric screen. "Commander?" B'Elanna asked. When he didn't respond, she put her hand on his shoulder. "You need to get some rest. We won't be in range for five hours..." He growled. "By then the cruisers will be there." "And worrying about it, will not help her. You need sleep..." She held up a hypo-spray. "I have specific instructions from the doctor. You are to have at least 3 hours uninterrupted sleep. So, it's your choice--here or in your quarters." He nodded in resignation. He couldn't remember the last time he'd really slept...He had slept, but it had been a nightmare plagued universe...He trudged after her, while contacting Tuvok. He wanted to meet with Liw in three hours. The alarm went off three hours later, bringing him out of a restless, but dream-free sleep. He blindly reached for the alarm and shut the noise off as he opened his eyes. The dread and exhaustion were starting to take their toll, he acknowledged as he made his way to the bathroom. The cold water he splashed on his face felt good. He would have liked a cold shower and a day of dream-free sleep...But there were priorities. He tapped his comm-badge. "Chakotay to Bridge." "Commander," Tuvok's voice said. "Admiral Liw is standing by." "I'll meet him in Transporter room two. And the ship?" "Course and speed unchanged. The cruisers are escorting it. Time to intercept two hours." "Very good. Chakotay out." Admiral Liw nodded as he completed transport. "Commander Chakotay." "Admiral." "The Ora government has agreed to my request to assist you in the upcoming battle if necessary. They would prefer that the matter be handled peacefully...If possible." They exited the transporter room and walked to the lift--the swift trip to the bridge gave Liw enough time to tell what he had learned. Chakotay strode to his chair. Liw took position by Tuvok, a hard, determined look on his face. Chakotay again wondered about the Admiral's interest. -- The present... --- Kathryn stood slowly. "I never knew. I didn't know you had found me." She was rubbing her wrists, Chakotay noticed. "When I came to and found myself on Voyager...A week later." She shook her head. "I thought I was dreaming...or..." She looked out the viewport. "I missed watching the stars streaking by...Coffee..." She smiled. "Leola root. I didn't think anything tasted worse than Leola root." He took her hand. "Well, I can offer you the finest in replicated foods." "I'm not hungry..." She leaned against the viewport. "I haven't even had a cup of coffee." Her voice trailed off. "You need to eat, Kathryn." He marched over to the replicator. "One bowl of coffee ice cream, Chakotay program forty-five alpha." It wasn't nutritious--the Doctor would have a fit--but Chakotay knew she enjoyed it. She looked at him curiously. "Coffee ice cream?" "You have to eat more, or the Doctor will be upset. Consider this survival food. Mine." The Doctor was taking his frustration with the Captain's lack of progress out on Chakotay. "Please, Kathryn." He let his face plead with her. He was rewarded with the biggest smile of the evening when he held out the bowl as an offering. "Very well. I want it noted, that I am eating this to protect you from the doctor." "Duly noted." He handed her the bowl. "Eat up." He watched as she sat down on the sofa. --- Four weeks ago... --- "Ensign. I want a secure channel to the larger Talpa ship." Chakotay announced as he sat down. He hoped that the larger ship was in command of the escort. Admiral Liw stood by him, with his arms clasped behind his back, his brow furrowed in concentration. "Commander," Harry said a few seconds later. "They are responding." "On screen." He didn't stand. "This is Commander Chakotay of the U.S.S. Voyager. We have evidence that our Captain is a captive on the ship you are escorting. We want her returned." A Talpa military official appeared on the screen. "I am Sub-Major Dero. What you are suggesting is impossible. We are escorting Governor Rowz's ship." Chakotay glared at the screen, their suspicions had been correct. "I am accusing Governor Rowz of abduction and possibly a dozen more crimes." He grasped his chair to keep the tension out of his voice. He continued coldly. "Are you in charge?" The sub-major stammered something. Chakotay ignored him. "I want to speak to whomever is charge of the escort fleet. I do not want the Governor's ship informed of our inquiry. You have five minutes." Admiral Liw shifted his weight. "The Ora government is aware of our charges and has helped in tracking our Captain to *your* governor's ship. You'd better hurry." He motioned for the connection to be cut. It was hard to not start pacing. It didn't take five minutes. An elder Talpa general appeared within three minutes. "I'm General Poraz. You are making some very serious charges." "We have tracked our Captain to Governor Rowz's ship, and we know she did not go willingly." The general nodded. "I have contacted the planetary council." Chakotay was sure the general knew more than he was telling. "As soon as we have our instructions..." "And while we wait, they may kill her..." Poraz shook his head. "I have sent a security force to his ship. You may send five of your own people." Chakotay barely waited for the signal to be cut. "Chakotay to the Doctor, meet me in transporter room one. Lieutenant Torres," he glanced at the half-Klingon engineer, "You're with me. Mr. Tuvok you are in command. If this is a trap, blow them out of the galaxy." "I shall come too, as a representative of the Ora people." Liw pulled a jagged-knife from his belt, a grim look on his face. "Very well." There was a heavily armed security officer waiting in transporter room one, when they arrived. The Doctor managed to look impatient as Chakotay made a final inquiry with the Talpa general. They moved to the transporter pads and vanished in the lights. Chakotay pointed his phaser at the Talpa officer who was waiting for them, then nodded in acknowledgment. "If you would come with me," the Talpa said. "We have apprehended most of the crew." "Where is she?" Chakotay asked. He gripped his phaser tighter. "We haven't located her yet, sir, but suspect she is in the medical bay--there is some resistance...Sir..." The Talpa took off running after Chakotay. The away-team followed. Finding the medical bay was easy--all he had to do was follow the sound of weapons' fire. Chakotay stopped at a corner and studied his tricorder. "Here..." He pointed to a hatch. "This conduit leads to the medical-bay. Kathryn's there, as are four Talpas." B'Elanna nodded as she opened the hatch-door. "It's not too bad," she said as she looked down the narrow tube. "A bit cramped--but a fairly short trip." Chakotay pushed her aside and crawled in. B'Elanna followed. He squeezed his way the few meters to his destination. Through the grating he could make out where the four Talpas stood. He quickly set his phaser on stun and waited for them to start firing out the door. Arrogant bastards seemed to feel secure...they weren't paying any attention to what was happening behind them. He couldn't see Kathryn, but the last tricorder reading had said she was alive. He pushed against the grate--hoping the noise of the battle would cover any sound he made until it was too late. The grate clanged to the floor--one Talpa turned. Chakotay fired quickly--sending the guard reeling backward. He fired twice more before the last one fired his direction. It was over quickly. He fell, rather than climbed out the tube. B'Elanna was right behind him. She slipped out of the narrow confines more gracefully and ran over to check the unconscious Talpas. Chakotay helped the Doctor out of the tube who pulled out his med-kit and went to examine the comatose Captain. "Commander," B'Elanna called out. "They are unconscious." She looked up at him. "You'd better tell the others." "Commander Chakotay to Admiral Liw," he said into his combadge. "We have secured..." The doors swung open and Liw entered with his knife drawn. He pushed B'Elanna out of the way and kneeled by the now groaning Governor Rowz. "Bastard, where is she?" He ran the flat side of his blade along the governor's neck. B'Elanna leaned over. "Admiral?" He didn't respond when she reached for the knife. A wicked smile played across her face. "There are many ways to use this knife. And I know exactly where I would like to use it..." Several Talpa soldiers stood in the doorway, looking confused at the scene before them. Fortunately, General Poraz shoved his way into the med-bay. Admiral Liw reluctantly backed away from the governor, but Chakotay recognized the look of pain and horror on the Ora's face as matching his own. B'Elanna remained at the governor's side, holding the knife against his cheek until the Talpa forces had handcuffed him. "Commander Chakotay, Admiral Liw..." Poraz glanced at the prone figure of Janeway then at the Governor. "Rowz, you are charged with one count abduction, rape, torture. There will be more charges. The Talpa planetary council has ordered a search of all your properties." Rowz didn't respond with anything more than a feral grin. Poraz's answering look was of wicked delight. "Your father signed the order personally." Poraz leaned over, his voice thick with triumph. "You are ruined--and your family will not allow you to bring them down. I shall enjoy this." He motioned for two of his soldiers to take the governor away. Chakotay looked up from Kathryn's body to the Doctor, his eyes asking how she was. The Doctor shook his head. "She'll survive...The wounds, broken bones are treatable...I..." He glanced around the room. "I shall have a complete report for you back on the ship." --- The present... --- Kathryn put down the empty bowl and clasped her hands in her lap. "I wasn't the only one?" Chakotay sat down on the table. "No. There had been many others. Abducted from around the sector. Admiral Liw's niece was apparently one of his victims. They hadn't found her when we'd left." He fingered the bowl, then returned his attention to her. "The trial was quick. Rowz wasn't given a chance to speak, and no information was given." "They are going to hide it away." "Probably." Rowz was dead--that was all that mattered at this moment. "He was sentenced to death--and executed three hours later. Tuvok, Liw, and I attended..." She stared at her hands for a long moment before she looked up at him. Chakotay smiled and was delighted when she smiled in return. Then she yawned. "I should let you get some sleep--we can talk more later." "I'd like that..." Her voice was soft, but firm. He returned to his own quarters, his mind on the few things he hadn't--and probably would never tell her. Rowz's lewd comments to him as he'd left the trial...and the state of the few surviving victims. He did smile at the memory of the piece of tape on Rowz's nose. --- Two weeks later... --- "I don't want anybody's sympathy." Kathryn glared at the Doctor then Chakotay. "I want to go back to my job." She sat up and dangled her feet over the biobed. The Doctor smiled slightly. "She has made a lot of progress," he said to Chakotay. "And I am in this room. Tell me I've made progress." She bit her lip to control the urge to scream or cry. "I'm sorry. It's just difficult for me to do nothing." "That is good. All your injuries have healed. And mentally--" He shrugged. Janeway slipped off the biobed and pulled her jacket on. "Mentally I am fine too." She glanced down at her feet with a slight frown. "Or as well as can be expected." "I think we should consider letting her return to the bridge," Chakotay said. She smiled at him. "Under certain restrictions." Her smile turned to a scowl. "It's been two weeks..." She wasn't about to plead, not for something that was rightfully hers. She placed her hands on her hips and stared at the Doctor. She turned her icy stare on Chakotay when he chuckled. Her anger dissipated at the sight of his smile and she returned it. "On the other hand I haven't had any leave for several years. I could try my hand at post-cubist paintings." Chakotay rolled his eyes. "We'll be better off if she returns to duty." She smiled, she disliked that period of art--even if it was one of her sister's favorite styles. "I'm glad you see things reasonably..." "Your way," the Doctor added. "Of course. I am the captain." She waited expectantly. "I will take Commander Chakotay's and your advisement under consideration." She hadn't expected him to take her off medical leave...Post cubist paintings held more appeal than spending another day in her quarters though. "When did you become interested in post cubist paintings?" Chakotay asked as he escorted her to the turbo lift a few seconds later. --- She'd spent the night tossing, knowing if she went to sleep the nightmares would return again. They no longer plagued her nights like they had. But still, too frequently, they would haunt her dreams. The complete loss of control and self. She threw her pillow against the wall and gave up trying to sleep. The Doctor would probably be contacting her in minutes...He always did on her bad nights. Kathryn smiled slightly. His concern was comforting. There was something oddly reassuring about it. She sat up. A cup of hot chocolate might help. Or better, something totally unhealthy. "Sick-bay to Captain Janeway." "Hello Doctor. I was wondering when you would contact me." There was a slight pause, then the Doctor's voice continued. "I have prepared a sedative, I can transport it to your quarters." "Go ahead." She wasn't sure about using a sedative. It was too easy to rely on them alone. "Please use it, Captain. You need the sleep." "I know that full well..." She bit her lip. It wasn't his fault. If she didn't sleep she would be cranky in the morning. She sighed. "Thank-you Doctor." She waited for the item to shimmer into existence on her nightstand. Chirrip. She took a deep breath. "Come in." She knew who it was before she heard his voice. "Did the Doctor call you?" She heard Chakotay laugh from the other room. "No, I heard you throw something against the wall." She stood and wrapped her robe about herself, then entered her living room. "You must have extra good hearing. I only threw a pillow." He just smiled. She sat down on her couch. "I was thinking of something decadent, but the Doctor thought a sedative was better." "He would." He paused a second, then his smile grew. "I know just the thing." He went to the replicator and ordered something. He kept it hidden as he walked over to the couch. "Just the thing when decadent is the solution to all the galaxy's woes." He handed her a plate with a small slice of a dark chocolate cake covered with whipping cream and raspberries. She licked her lips as she took the plate. "It looks absolutely unhealthy." "Trust me, it is." He watched her as she took a bite. She closed her eyes as the intense chocolate flavor hit her. "Incredible." Was her only response a few minutes later. He took the empty plate. "Do you want to talk? Was it the same dream?" She nodded. It had been the same dream that haunted her for the past few weeks. She shivered slightly. "It isn't as bad as it was." He sat down beside her. "I've noticed you've been sleeping better." "You notice too much." She stared at the wall for several seconds before looking at him. "I spent the afternoon on the holodeck. I just couldn't bring myself to look at post cubist paintings...Too fractured...too real. So instead I spent my time at the beach. It was lovely and cold." He looked at her curiously and she laughed. "Only I would prefer the Northern California shoreline. The fog fit my mood perfectly."" She took his hand. "You need to sleep. Tomorrow being your first day back on the bridge and all that." He stood and pulled her up after him. "Where's the hypospray?" "No...I'd rather not use it." "Kathryn..." He smiled at her, his eyes full of understanding. "I could try something my mom found very effective." She opened her eyes wide in puzzlement. "A lullaby. She had a lovely alto voice." "Sing me to sleep?" He nodded. "I think I can remember a couple of her songs." He started to hum. --- She opened her eyes suddenly and took a deep breath. This time a feeling of despair didn't engulf her, only a comfortable sense of safety. She'd fallen asleep in his arms, lulled by his lovely baritone voice. Her last thought as his arms tightened about her, was that it beat the Doctor's sedative's any day. --- Chakotay looked around the dingy bar with a frown. He didn't see her, but that wasn't surprising, considering the number of visitors at Sandrine's this evening. He noticed Tom and B'Elanna quietly debating something over by the far pool table. "Ha!" He heard B'Elanna say as she waved her pool stick. "It was just luck. Bet you can't do it again." "It was skill..." Tom grinned. "All right and a lot of luck." He stopped speaking when Chakotay stepped up to the table. "You want to try your luck?" Chakotay shook his head. "Not tonight, Lieutenant. Have you seen the Captain?" B'Elanna smiled and whispered something to Tom, then nodded toward the far corner. "She played one game and settled over there." "Thanks." Kathryn was sitting staring over the top of her drink, seemingly oblivious to her surroundings. He briefly wondered if perhaps it was too much for her. Then she smiled at him and with her eyes invited him to join her. "Captain," he said as he sat down across from her. "We're off duty, Chakotay." She glanced around the room before focusing on her drink. "How you doing?" "Tired. I finished reading the reports for the past three weeks." "And the doctor wasn't happy...He contacted me." She grinned slightly. "He fusses too much. It's been too long. I need more work...I need having something else to think about." He nodded. "He wants you to take it easy...Take time for yourself. Don't overdo it. Or he'll require that the monitoring and restrictions remain in effect." She grunted in disgust then grinned. "Thank-you." She looked up at him. "He's given you a clean bill of health. Effective tomorrow he'll allow you to return to full duty." "About time. I...I want..." It had been over a month since...She looked down at her drink again. Chakotay quietly watched her as she stirred her drink with her finger, calmly waiting for her to continue. She looked up at him and smiled, then stared at her drink. "I want to thank you...And everybody..." She shuddered slightly. "I wish I could forget...make the memories go away..." "Kathryn?" He reached out for her hand. She let him hold it a second or two before pulling back. "Do you want to talk?" He asked. Since that conversation almost a month ago, they'd talked every night. About her ordeal, the ship...sometimes about nothing in particular. Sometimes she would fall asleep in his arms. He recognized her need for safety and for comfort. It still surprised him that she hadn't cited protocol... She shook her head as she stood. "I feel like celebrating." She held out her hand. "Dance with me?" --- The End