The BLTS Archive - Reflections of The Stars in A Cold Lake by Christina ( --- April 1999 Warning: It's curious. Or maybe it isn't. I've written a number of stories this season in pairs. Two points of view--or alternate endings. This is in the same vein--an alternate ending for an older story. This is, more or less, the story that "Even the Eagle" was supposed to have been. A year ago I couldn't write it as such. TPTB claim to own the characters--but their souls belong to us...the fans. --- I can't believe it's been ten years. So much has happened in those ten years: so much happiness and so much pain. B'Elanna and I were married about a month after we'd built our house. She was expecting our first child, Owen at the time. He'll be ten in about 5 months. To tell you the truth, I don't know why I'm sitting here watching the stars in the lake--unless it is because I've been remembering again. Voyager's last weeks in space were tense and awful. After seven years of constant travel, and what felt like constant battles, she was literally falling apart. Everybody could see that... Well almost everybody. The Captain could not or would not, I don't know which, and I guess it really doesn't matter now. I don't know what happened to her or when it happened exactly. The Captain withdrew from everyone, even Chakotay. She became an iceberg. It's still not easy to remember...I think we all wonder what if... What if I had done something...But what? I was her first pet project, salvage effort--she seemed to like those. She made me a lieutenant and pilot. Rank isn't important on Terra Nueva, our little colony. Which is good, because she busted me down to ensign our fifth year in this Quadrant. I knew I deserved it--but I always expected her to restore my rank...She never did. Maybe that was just another slip in her stoic self-control. I don't know how she maintained the facade of sanity for so long before we really began to understand she was losing it. B'Elanna announcing that we were expecting was the first crack that I remember. Janeway was furious. She never spoke to either of us again, except to give an order. But what truly sent her over the edge was here...Terra Nueva. Her original plan was to land Voyager and conduct repairs. Except three days into our stay we all knew Voyager wasn't going to leave. Chakotay brought our request to remain to the Captain. I was on the bridge and heard every bitter word that passed between the two of them. Even Tuvok agreed with us. When she ordered him to confine everybody to the Brig and prepare the ship for departure, he resigned. It was one of the few times I ever saw real emotion on his face. Pain, sorrow, disappointment. The last time I saw emotion from Tuvok, was when she took a shuttle to continue the trip to the Alpha Quadrant alone. It was the last time he ever mentioned her too. But I know better--I've seen him look up toward the stars. I know what he is thinking...Because I'm thinking it too. Is she still alive? We'll never know. Reality stinks, but I don't think any of us believe she is. Wish is a different matter. Chakotay became our leader-in-fact after her departure. He for several years had quietly, been in charge, as the Captain didn't want to deal with us. He doesn't speak of her either. B'Elanna is convinced that he once did love the Captain. I believe that once he did too. Once she was a figure to admire and respect. And love...I admit, I had a crush on her too. We watched him carefully after her departure. He became cold and distant; and we worried that he was following a parallel path to the Captain's. But the birth of Owen changed that. He's become a doting *grandparent.* It's really too bad he never had children...But our children--all our children--have benefited from his many stories. I really should return home. B'Elanna is due soon (our third child) and gets grumpy fairly easily. Though I know she would understand why I'm melancholy tonight. Everybody is. We've all looked up and wondered. Tonight, I'd rather watch the reflections of the stars in a cold lake... --- The End