The BLTS Archive - Green Grow the Rushes by Charlene ( --- Stephen's Color Challenges: It's Green, Blue Christmas, You look good in Red, and The Golden Rule Disclaimer: Paramount owns Star Trek. --- "I hate vegetation. It's green." "That's the daftest thing I've ever heard you say," Bashir said, looking back at him. "Are you dehydrated?" "Green can be pleasant on a fabric," Garak continued. "Fabrics don't smell, they don't carry diseases..." He held up a hand. "They don't give you rashes." Julian stopped to pull out his medkit. "You are the biggest baby I've ever known. How you survived the-" "The Cardassian Gardeners' Union?" Julian gave him a small smile. "Ah, yes. The 'Gardeners' Union'. I was wondering that." "One must do what one can to earn a living," he replied with an exaggerated sigh. "And I was on Romulus at the time; most Romulan vegetation is red. I look good in red. Also, it doesn't cause contact dermatitis." "Not in Cardassians," Julian muttered as he healed the mass of hives on Garak's hands and wrists. "Humans, on the other hand...most Romulan plants contain urushiol oil. It causes an immediate allergic reaction." He clicked off the dermal regenerator. "How's that?" He flexed his fingers. "Better, thank you. Had I known that Xmirsan vegetation was so corrosive, I would have been more careful. And I would have suggested Chief O'Brien for the mission." Julian looked up, then rummaged around in his medkit. "Here," he said, handing Garak a pair of fluorescent chartreuse gloves. "They don't make much of a fashion statement, but they'll protect your skin." Garak looked at them doubtfully. "They're green," he said. "Surgical items usually are." "Hm." Garak gave them another look, then slipped the gloves on. "I still think the Chief would have been a better choice. I may have had horticultural experience, but O'Brien's wife is a botanist. He's bound to have picked something up from her." Julian picked up his scythe again. "Are you wishing a skin disease on Miles?" he asked. "Elim, you have heard of the Golden Rule, haven't you? Do unto others..." "Altruism is hardly a Cardassian trait, Julian," he pointed out. "That may be so, but Miles is off on that religious pilgrimage so I doubt you could get him to replace you even if you wanted." Garak frowned at him. "Religious pilgrimage?" Julian nodded. "To Graceland. The real Graceland. It'll be the second time he's been there." "But I thought Mrs. O'Brien..." He shook his head. "What is this 'Graceland' anyway?" "It's the home of *the* Elvis," he said, turning back to the trail and beginning to sing, waving his arms around. "You know: 'Treat me like a fooool', 'Are you looonesome, toniiight', 'I'll have a bluuuue Christmassss, without-'" "Julian, perhaps we could dispense with the Vic Fontaine hour?" Garak said, his eyes on the scythe. "It's not like we're deprived of ancient musical displays on the station." The doctor turned back to him. "You're just jealous." Garak huffed. --- The End