The BLTS Archive- Absolute Decadence by Cavalaxis ( --- Disclaimer: courtesy Taylor Dancinghands "Our Paramount/Viacom, who art in Hollywood, Copywrited be thy name. Thy profits come, Thy royalties be honored, In Asia as they are in the "Free World". Give us this week our piece of canon, And forgive us our fanfics, As we forgive the real clunkers you occasionally produce. And lead us not into litigation, But deliver us from cancellations. For thine is the franchise, and the trademarks, and the merchandising, For ever and ever, Amen." Credits: Thank you Telynor for being the brave beta reader. You have no idea how much it means. Oh and Queco Jones for letting me cast Isabella Rossellini for Anassi. Hadn't even considered casting it! PS THIS HAS NAUGHTY BITS. IF YOU'RE OFFENDED BY NAUGHTY BITS, DON'T READ THIS STORY. My conscience is clear if you keep reading. Archive: Please ask. BLTS Yes. June 1999 --- Another social gathering to attend. Another diplomatic nightmare to wind one's way through. He had no idea why the attache' to the Benari had suggested that, in order to ease the tensions of negotiations, perhaps the members of both Benari and Mictau would like to congregate in the masterpiece of technology known as the holodeck, just recently demonstrated to them on their tour of the Enterprise. ::Note to Counselor Troi, evaluate the necessity of including the holodeck on the tour in the first place, and perhaps this situation could be avoided in the future...:: Picard had a suspicion that the Benari Senator merely sought a reason to further emotionalize the talks, which had been tenuous at best, but seemed to be progressing according to plans. The Federation had a vested interest that both parties emerge from the negotiations satisfied. He had been instructed to stay within the bounds of protocol. . .unless absolutely necessary. The Federation needed every ally it could find. And the Benari had been pushing for technological advances, especially in the area ofweaponry. Picard was loath to back down on thatissue, but he had his orders and the bitter tasteleft in his mouth could not be washed away, no matter how many cups of Earl Grey he drank. And so he would go...and chit chat...and smile...and smooth ruffled feathers and master the art of small talk all over again. A security detail stood at attention in full mess dress outside of Holodeck 7. ::Impressive,:: he thought. ::Have to commend Worf for that.:: The doors slid open to reveal a warm summer's eve in the Terran Florentine countryside. A Roman villa bedecked with paper lanterns and filled with the soft sounds of fountains and early 21st century jazz music. The terrace overlooked a beautiful vineyard in the valley below, and a wise moon sailed broad over head, adding to the soft illumination of candlelight. Riker greeted him with a bountiful smile. "Whaddya think?" he beamed. "It's perfect, Number One. A calming environment, soft lighting ... beautiful." "Good. I'm glad you like it. Everyone else seems to be thoroughly enjoying..." His sentence was abruptly cut short by an explosion of wings and laughter. They both turned to see a flock of white doves above the crowd's heads and a cheerful round of applause as the stage magician took a bow. "...themselves." He grinned again. Across the small plaza, a fire breather entertained an enchanted group, mixed with crew members, Benari and Mictau. And a glance to the balcony of the villa above showed a juggler in full harlequin costume, balancing on the rail, more than a few golden spheres dancing in the lamplight at the tips of his fingers. Picard reflected Riker's smile with one of his own. "Whose idea was it to have the entertainers?" "Actually, the Senator of Benari made the suggestion, and so Data obliged her. Have you seen the entire Benari party yet? They look like something straight out of a painting." His boyish face shown with wonder and not a little rakishness. "The Senator" Picard shot him a puzzled look. "Well, you'll just have to see for yourself, sir." His favorite part of the evening. Introductions. Even though they had all met across the bargaining table, this was a social occasion. All he could hope for was no silly hats this time. He could feel his senior officers drawing about him, as both Benari and Mictau Senators turned to greet him, their own entourages in tow. Picard gave the standard introductions of his senior staff. Concise, brief, the entire introduction took less than a minute. The two delegations did not differ much in appearance, as their cultures had diverged only a century before. Stylistic differences were apparent but decadence seemed to be the theme of the hour, opposed to the almost spartan attire of the Starfleet officer's whites. The Mictau Senator strolled in true peacock form, preening his doublet, and adjusting the train of his cloak behind him. Rich red and amber hues dominated his garb and jewelry. He bowed formally and introduced his second, a young peacock in training, only in soft greys with crimson accents. Ten minutes later, the entire Mictau delegation had been formally introduced, by household affiliation, trade affiliation, and family name. When they had finished, they very formally deferred to the Benari delegation, which Picard had only glimpsed over perfunctorily. When he turned to greet them, his composure picked up all its documents, straightened its uniform, and fled the room completely. He'd been aware that the Benari Senator he'd been sitting across the table from all week was a definitive representation of the female of any species. And she was a very powerful female at that. He had not been looking forward to facing her in this social setting, being almost assured that she would continue to discuss with fervor the technologies she felt the delegation had been promised by the Federation. But he had been entirely unprepared for the vision before him. Her tightly corseted gown and skirts were of a deep sapphire and silver persuasion, crafted from a fabric that gathered the soft light and reflected it back, as from within. A high Elizabethan collar rose around her neck, framing her face in a filigree of metallic lacework, perfectly matching the finely crafted crown of curving light that dipped to hold a tear drop shaped blue pearl between her eyes...the mate to the pendant that held a similar but larger pearl between her beautifully framed and completely bare breasts. She was exquisite in every touch from her dark auburn hair to the curve of her lips to the rosy shade of her delicate nipples. She extended her hand in the formal manner of the Federation, but the gentleman in him responded instinctively, turning her wrist slightly and bowing to place a kiss upon her extended hand, his eyes never leaving hers. A hint of a smile played about the corner of her mouth as she answered the archaic gesture with a deep curtsey, and then began speaking with the voice of authority he recognized from the negotiations. "Captain Jean-Luc Picard, I am Lucretia Anassi di Benari, Senator for the High Council of Benari IV, V, and IX." She began, and in turn introduced every member of her delegation in kind, from the High Governors of the respected system down to her assistants, all the while never breaking eye contact with him. Commander Riker seemed to be watching his own personal tennis game, and enjoying it immensely, judging from the broad grin on his face, as his eyes bounced from his CO to the Senator and back again. Deanna nudged him in the ribs, hard. He turned to face her and got a stern look that said, "Enough," as loudly as if she had spoken it. Will did his best to wipe the smile from his face and look official, but one didn't need to be Betazoid to be caught in this crossfire. Senator Benari's outfit alone was giving him reason to smile, but he wished that he had a visual log of the captain's face in that first moment. When the introductions were complete and the Captain had made the observation that upper torso body modesty was apparently a personal preference among both cultures, although not both genders, he managed to coax -- no, coerce would be the correct term -- his composure back to a state of minimum propriety. Apparently this evening would prove to be more interesting than he had originally anticipated. Data was savoring the role of Master of Ceremonies. Immediately after the introductions were completed, he made the announcement that refreshments were being served in the inner and outer atriums. Perpetual twilight hung in the air like a veil of finest silk. Senator Mictau seemed intent on enjoying himself, presenting his arm to Dr. Crusher with a flourish. She smiled and accepted, whereupon he escorted her towards the wondrous aromas coming from the inner atrium. Members of both delegations seemed fascinated with the Starfleet uniforms, wondering to each other and to the crew at their minimalist fashions. Someone from the Benari delegation produced a case of traditional Eleenyi, a champagnelike drink from Benari V. Senator Benari beckoned to one of her assistants and he immediately brought her two tall flutes of the lightly carbonated amber liquid. "No, Senator, I'm afraid I mustn't." Captain Picard held up his hand and was surprised when the gesture was met with the Senator's palm placed against his own. Like a school boy, all he felt was the warmth of her touch. ::Nonsense. I will not be beguiled by this woman.:: Yet he did not withdraw his hand, to avoid insulting the Senator, he rationalized. "Jean-Luc," she began. Her voice touched his name with a certain reverence and her eyes met his with the intensity of a sun. "Please call me Anassi. We are not on duty here." She withdrew her hand and passed the glass to his now waiting hand. "Or does a Starship Captain never allow himself the luxury of drink, for he never allows himself to be off duty?" "No, Senat.." He paused, correcting himself, "Anassi." His mouth savored the soft feel of her personal name in contrast to the austere quality of her title. "I am not...used to allowing myself luxuries of any type. This is, to be honest..." he turned to glance at each performer in turn and his eyes returning to her feet, his gaze moving slowly, almost a caress, to her meet her eyes, "...absolute decadence." He sipped once, held the glass to the light, sipped again, and let his eyes wander over the crowd. "What a wondrous drink. Thank you." He released his apprehension to the warmth of the wine. Turning to face her, he returned the smile that had blossomed in her eyes. "It seems you have out done our hospitality right under our noses. Had I known that this was your preference, I would have made better arrangements." "Nonsense, Jean-Luc. The best kinds of luxuries are those that one does not expect." She stepped beside and slipped her arm through his. Lwaxana had performed that move a dozen times and that he'd managed to avoid it graciously before, but he proffered his arm most willingly to this exquisite creature beside him. 'How could I have sat across the table from this woman and not been totally enraptured before this moment?' he wondered. He could feel the press of her breast against his sleeve as she drew near to him. "And for these luxurious moments...these decadent moments as you call them, we must be eternally grateful." Her feline smile made him nervous in a way he hadn't felt since his first days at the Academy. ::This would be the perfect way,:: he thought, ::for her to get exactly what she wants in the way of Federation technology. She isn't here to negotiate, she's here to seduce me.:: A sly grin came and went like the breeze across his lips. He'd faced more terrible fates. "Unexpected luxuries should be savored, I agree. Perhaps it is that Star Fleet Captains aren't used to the unexpected being pleasant." She dipped her chin in agreement as they strolled across the plaza towards the balcony overlooking the vineyards. --- Data stood with Riker and Troi, watching the Captain and the Senator proceed away from them. He was puzzled by the exchange the First Officer and Ship's Counselor were engaging in. "Commander," Data asked, "if I may ask, why do you find this situation so amusing?" Deanna stood, arms crossed, eyebrows raised, her eyes laughing and her lips bearing only a hint of the mirth behind them. "Data, Cmdr. Riker finds Captain Picard's reaction to the Senator's attire amusing." "Well, it is comical, you have to admit." Will responded. "I apologize, but could you please explain further?" The android was truly puzzled. Will covered his smile with a hand, started to speak, then shook his head, smiling in futility. "Listen...Data." Deanna tried not to sound agitated. "Access your records on adolescent sexual interactions in humans. Compare that to the age of our captain and the Benari senator. The humor lies in the contrast between the age-appropriate responses." "Accessing... Yes, I see. Captain Picard's responses were more in line with that of an adolescent male rather than one of his present sexual maturity." "And I think that was exactly the response she was going for, wouldn't you say, Counsellor?" Will goaded Deanna. She rolled her eyes, refusing to comment. "Looks like she got what she wanted." Geordi chimed in, joining them with a handful of champagne flutes. "I mean, who could resist that?" He handed a glass to each of them. "Geordi, I do believe that I..." Data was waved off with a flurry of guffaws and neverminds, a quizzical look parked firmly on his face. This always seemed to happen when humanoid interaction came up in conversation. And the more research he did, the less he understood it. --- As they strolled, and talked of small things...Paris in winter, Benar - the capital city of Benari IV - in the rainy season, music and art, to which Picard was not surprised at the sophisticated tastes of the woman beside him. The topic of the negotiations was carefully avoided. They made the circuit of the villa twice, stopping to sample a tray of chocolates here, to watch the harlequin clown tightrope walk across the rooftops, for the Senator to pluck a pearl from her sleeve to throw into the top of the largest fountain. The consummate gentleman, Picard did his best to avoid an appearance of impropriety. Nonetheless, he found himself thoroughly enjoying the presence of this lovely, intelligent, witty and sensuous woman. They did briefly touch on the subject of politics, but she quickly snuffed the line of conversation, stating that its nature ran contrary to the theme of "Absolute Decadence". An hour passed. And another. The gathering seemed to have grown in numbers as word spread throughout the ship that this was not your standard diplomatic gathering. The Mictau were experimenting with the holodeck, with Data's help. Dancers were conjured up. Night birds' song slowly began to enhance the music. Contortionists amazed the crowd with feats of the ancient art. Seemingly ferocious cats of immense size placidly strolled through the plaza, the women tentatively touching their soft fur and eventually scratching beneath their large chins, to be pleased with grumbling purrs of satisfaction. As the evening drew longer, even in perpetual twilight, pillows and rugs appeared in the open plaza for people to lounge upon. It occurred to Picard that she had managed to monopolize his company for the entire evening. The Mictau Senator had waved briefly, smiling a knowing smile in their direction. His senior staff had once or twice considered rescuing him, but had themselves been distracted by members of the Benari delegation. The conversation had been delightful and the proximity of...well, it can be said that he was more intoxicated on her presence than any contraband liqueur. Upon standing to refresh their drinks, he returned to see her walking towards a tiny courtyard entrance to the villa, looking back over her shoulder at him. A rare smile graced him and he followed, lengthening his stride to catch up with her. She entered the courtyard and disappeared from his sight. "Oh, a chase it is then, you vixen. Alright. Tally ho!." He set the glasses on the tray of a passing server and followed her. --- "Commander?" "Yes, Data?" "Is not a 'vixen' a female fox?" "...Well, yes...and no. Why do you ask?" Riker dodged a playful blow from Troi. "Ah. A colloquialism." "You're not eavesdropping are you?" Riker followed Data's gaze across the plaza to the where Picard was striding purposefully towards the villa. The Benari Senator was nowhere to be seen, but her location could be deduced without much effort at all. "Why, no sir. My hearing is just exceptional, that is all." "Data!" Deanna sounded mock scandalized. "Uh-huh." Riker voice was rich with skepticism. "Truly." Data could not fake such an innocent look. --- "Jean-Luc, you must see the view from up here," she called from the top of the stairs. Starlight flooded the stairwell. "You can see the ocean." Her voice drifted down in a dreamlike fashion. Momentarily, he hesitated. 'Absolute decadence,' he thought. 'Absolute...' "Anassi..." As he mounted the stairs, he heard her gowns rustling as she moved down the corridor away from him. He took the stairs two at a time, and crested them only to see her skirts disappear around a corner which seemed to lead to a balcony. The few yards seemed an eternity. He paused in the door, gazing out at the view of the valley below, the silver disc of the moon, and the rapturous figure of an empress facing away from him, surveying all she owned. "This is decadence," she whispered. The few strands of her auburn hair that had escaped her hairpiece now billowed in the warm breeze. He took the last few steps to stand behind her. Hesitating. Wondering. Succumbing. "Absolute," he answered. Two ribbons held the filigree collar in place and he boldly, deftly, daring his hands not to tremble, undid them. He set the piece to one side and surveyed the empire of divinity between the back of her delicate ear and the alabaster plains of her shoulder. She had frozen in place from his first touch, daring her own hands not to tremble, and waited...listening to his breath near her cheek. He grasped her corseted waist in his hands and whispered, "Decadence," into her ear. She melted back against him, as he began to kiss her neck, tenderly, tasting her as if she were a sugared confection to be savored. Her hands covered his and their fingers interlaced, as she arched her neck, a shuddering breath escaping her lips. He lingered, nibbling gently at the base of her neck, feeling her body tense. Slowly, he nuzzled his way to the soft line of her hair, drinking her scent in and becoming more and more aroused with each breath. He raised her hands over her head and wrapped them about his neck. She acquiesced to his motions, as his hands tentatively slipped into the dangerous waters beyond the edge of her corset. The inviting silkiness he met, as his fingers brushed the flesh of her bare breasts, radiated the heat that both felt. He dared even further, acting on the positive reaction his kisses had elicited, letting his fingers caress her now stiff nipples. A gasp of pleasure, ::Ah yes...there it is:: as he rolled the sensitive buds firmly between his thumbs and forefingers and grazed his teeth along her neck. Suddenly, she was turning in his grasp, her arms around his neck. They stood face to face, the moment tremulous between them. He took her face in his hands and kissed her. Tenderly at first, tiny mouthfuls, tasting her, being tasted by her. Soon the kisses became passionate as she reciprocated his affections, delving her tongue into his mouth, running her hands down his neck to grasp his collar and cling to him, drawing him near. A long moment slipped passed completely unnoticed, as they drank deeply of each other. A voice far away shattered their reverie. "Captain Picard?" It was Data. He withdrew from her grasp, reluctantly. "Damn it, his timing is indisputably wretched." Her hands lay on his chest, his own covering them. "Your collar, dear. Quickly." She recovered the delicate framework and in moments it was returned to its original condition. "Captain Picard?" The voice rose as he climbed the stairs. "Up here, Mr. Data. What do you need?" He struggled and failed to keep the annoyance from his voice. Anassi preened her hair in a feline manner, catching the loose wisps. They stood side by side yet not touching, looking out over the scene. "Sir, the majority of the participants have retired for the evening. Do you wish to stay longer or shall I power down the holodeck now?" Picard adjusted his uniform. "No need, Mr. Data. We were just discussing retiring ourselves, weren't we, Senator?" Anassi di Benari, cold and regal, answered him in an icy voice. "Why, yes, I believe we were." She looked truly incensed. "As you wish, Captain. I hope I did not..." "No, Mr. Data. You did not." Picard's response was unequivocal. "Dismissed." With a smart nod of his head, the android turned and left the same way he came. Picard turned to face the now-flushed Senator, his hands moving to grasp her waist again. Her eyes held the heart of wrath within. He found himself succumbing to a wicked grin in the wake of her scorn. When the footsteps had faded to a suitable distance, he spoke: "Computer, site-to-site transport. Destination: Captain's Quarters. Authorization Picard Alpha One. Initiate transport." Before she could begin to protest, he drew her close and covered her mouth with his own. They materialized in the common area of his quarters, where she promptly pulled away from him. Her gaze was afire, whether with passion or anger, he could not tell. She paced a few steps in front of him, seeking the words to express the outrage at such an abduction, but she could not find them in the face of this...this...Man. Who had dared take her to his private quarters without her permission. And truthfully, she was elated. She stopped directly in front of him, staring into his now-whimsical, now-sultry face. "Does this setting preclude decadence . . . m'lady?" A long-suffering sigh and then a smile curled about her lips. "It certainly avoids the questions we would have been asked, had we decided to walk here." She stepped closer to him. He stood as a statue, not reaching for her this time, forcing her to express her own desires. Again, she placed her hands on his chest. "Jean-Luc." Her whisper was conspiratorial. "Yes, Anassi." He leaned his head forward and tilted his ear towards her. "Please." The word coursed into his veins like ketracel-white. Her eyes were not so authoritative now. This was a request and not a command. This seemed genuine. And yet. "Ah, so tomorrow, across the negotiating table, you can make. . .demands of me?" He made this accusation playful in nature, although the strands of truth held it aloft. Again, fire in her eyes. She did not withdraw. Instead, she did something that amazed him. She touched her own communicator and spoke: "Liyonne, attend please." Her assistant responded. "I am hereby formally withdrawing from my position as Negotiator. Please forward my notes to High Governor di'Attalli. Tell him he knows what is necessary. Tell him we will speak before the negotiations resume tomorrow. That is all." The confused voice on the other end agreed. "Senator, as you wish. Liyonne out." Picard listened to this exchange dumbfounded. He had been absolutely certain that this whole seduction had been for a very specific purpose. "Do you expect me to be sympathetic in my dealings with the Benari?" "No, I expect you to fulfill certain . . . other demands." She leaned in and kissed him, and he returned the kiss. It lasted a very long moment and finally, his hands moved from her waist to caress her bare breasts again. He slipped his fingers beneath the lining of the corset and tugged free the lacings. Small moans graced his ears as his kisses moved down her jaw to the hollow of her throat. Her fingers sought the closure at the neck of his uniform, adeptly making quick work of the hook and eye closure. He hesitated a moment at the junction of her neck and shoulder, as she tensed and trembled beneath his tongue. His ingers continued to unlace her corset, slowly. He pulled back to look into her face, and saw that the hardness had disappeared entirely. Her hands returned to her own garment, and he captured them, kissed them, placed one on each of his shoulders. She started to speak and he placed a finger over her lips, shaking his head slightly. "I want to undress you." Her eyes grew wide and she smiled. "Computer, lights 30%. Music..hmmmm." His finger traced down to lift her chin. "Classical guitar, flamenco." He kissed her again, savoring the exotic flavor of her. His hands returned to the task of unlacing the gown. Under the sensuous strains of the music, he soon pulled the lace free and the gown began to slip from her shoulders. He lowered it to the ground, leaving her dressed only in a simple saffron colored chemise. She stepped over the gown and he laid it gingerly on the couch. He turned back around to find her hands in her hair. "Ah.. no," he admonished. She looked for all the world a petulant child for a moment. He held out his hands, palms upward towards her, and she placed her own within their strong grasp. He kissed her fingers again, and then lifted her hands to shoulder height and opened her arms wide. He gazed upon her, from head to foot, as if trying to memorize every detail. The demanding diplomat, this glorious diva, was suddenly shy under such scrutiny, and a blush of color spread over her cheeks and down her throat. "Hold your hands out." She did so, leaning her weight to one foot, drawing the other up slightly, as if to try and cover herself. He withdrew, his own hands undoing the clasps of his jacket. He stripped off the dress whites coat, and then the grey undershirt. She watched, drinking in the sight of his lean, muscular form. Slipping out of his shoes, he unclasped the top button of his slacks, and stepped out of them. She could she his erection captured within the soft cotton undergarments, straining against the fabric. Her eyes closed briefly, and she struggled to regain her composure. He was magnificent in uniform and even more so without it. She longed to run her hands over that back, to touch him, to drown in the scent of him. She opened her eyes and he stood in front of her, the heat between them almost visible. He looked so serious now, as his hands moved to the pins in her hair. His cheek next to hers, she leaned against him and wrapped her now weary arms around his waist. He dropped the pins on the floor, one by one, and then, slipped his fingers into her hair, pulling her tresses free, teasing her again with an electric touch. With his hands buried in her hair, he pulled her face close for another long, deep kiss. She ran her hands up and down his back, pulling him even closer, drinking deeply, as if she had been dying of thirst for him before this very moment. He grew harder still with the press of her flesh against him. He broke free of her grasp again, this time to more protest, and kissed his way down between her breasts, his hands trailing down her sides to her hips, down her legs, to her still shod feet. Gently, he slipped each foot from its shoe and bent to kiss her ankles. A shiver of pleasure coursed through her. Then, he was standing again, drawing her close, lifting her off the ground, moving towards what she assumed was the bedchamber. If she had not been lost in his gaze, she would have noticed the spartan surroundings. But all she could see was his face, his eyes, all she could hear was the desire in his ragged breath. He laid her upon the bed and gently lay down beside her, kissing her again, running his fingers down her sides, over her back, down to her ass and thighs, carefully avoiding any of the spots that desperately ached for his touch. Then he was untying the laces of her chemise. One hand smoothed the ever-so-sensitive hollow of her hip. She sighed and one hand slipped under the band of his briefs to lightly caress his aching cock. The velvety skin over the marble hardness combined with the soft moan of pleasure that finally escaped his lips was more reward than she could have ever hoped for. "Mon dieu, veuillez etre merciful." :: Has it been so long:: he thought. Her hands were struggling to remove the last shred of clothing from him, and as she turned to kneel beside him, slipping his briefs down over his thighs, the image of her, her hair tumbling around her face, her olive skin, the saffron chemise framing her perfect breasts, her smooth belly, the cleft of her thighs, the scent of her that washed over him, through him. The scent, that most primeval of senses, the rich musk of her, the humid taste of desire filled his awareness. He started to sit up, but she gently forced him back upon the pillows. Her eyes burned with the light of a thousand fires. She whispered to him, "Absolute decadence," and he smiled, nodded and leaned back. He felt her hands start at his feet. Her caress crossed the soles of his feet, traveled up his ankles and calves, lingered to savor the taut muscles of his thighs. Suppressing a shudder, he raised up on his elbows to watch, as the warmth of her breath burned against the valley of his hip. Her hair fell forward, draping across his aching cock and again he trembled ever so slightly. She caught his gaze, so serious, so tense, and bent to nuzzle the base. A rapturous look filled her face as she enjoyed the silky feel of his skin against her cheek and then her lips, the warmth, the musk that matched and mingled with her own. She gazed upon it, and the pearl of moisture at the tip presented too tempting a morsel. Her tongue captured it, and then the crown of his cock. Wordlessly, his hands gripped the sheets, as she began to suck gently at first, and then more firmly, taking more and more of his length into her mouth. Her tongue flickered across the pinnacle, and his hips rose ever so slightly, matching her own adagio strokes. Her hands soon came to rest, one firmly holding the base of his cock, the other alternately lightly and then firmly caressing his balls. Soon, his breath came in shallow gasps, and his hips strove towards the ecstasy of her mouth, his pace quickening a bit. She continued to stroke him with her tongue, leaving him balanced on the razor's edge of pleasure. Every time his balls tightened, she'd refrain from touching him for a moment. His hands now clenched and unclenched at the sheets, until finally he sat up and pulled her face away from his lap. His kiss met her mouth savagely, and with it, he swept her backwards onto the sheets, shoving the coverlet out of the way with a quick swipe. His growl of frustration made her laugh throatily as he finally ripped the chemise from her body. "Mon dieu, you are beautiful," he sighed. ::It has been that long:: he thought as she pulled him down on top of her, their legs intertwining. He poised himself above her, so tempted just to surrender to his desire. But his desire was not just to please himself, but to please this exquisite creature before him as well... "But now it is my turn," his words spoken in a low growl as his lips trailed down between her breasts, momentarily capturing each nipple in turn, nipping and suckling. Her back arched in response as he continued down, now kneeling between her thighs, his lips breathing their own fire into the hollow of her thigh, nuzzling the soft fur at the cleft of her thighs. Her hands caressed his head, trying not to be demanding, failing to keep her hips from rising towards his now hungry mouth. Her body shook with pleasure as he tasted her for the first time. His tongue deftly darted into the honey sweetness of her cunt, as his finger slowly spread her lips. "Pleasepleasepleaseplease." Her whisper became a continuous mantra of need. He tortured with a delicate tongue and a smooth stroke of his finger, just around the rim of her well, making her reach for him and then sucking her swollen bud into between his lips. He feel the ache she had wrought upon him echoed in her soft cries and feel it in the grinding of her hips. He could taste it in the nectar that flowed freely down his chin now. He could hear it in her gasps as he eased his tongue into her, curling the tip to find the center of that need. And then, again he felt it in her touch as he stopped his caresses and rose, wiping his chin, and felt her hands pulling him to her. A low moan of appreciation came from deep within him, as he captured her mouth with a tender ferocity, pressing her back into the pillows. The devourer became the devoured. He had succumbed to decadence and could ponder no regrets as she kissed his neck and throat, wandering back to his mouth. His arms wrapped about her. A lull fell over their lust, and he found himself looking down at this beautiful woman, a fine sheen of sweat covering both their bodies. Gently, their gaze locked, they found themselves merging, his hard cock slowly slipping into the inferno of her. Her eyes fluttered shut and her head fell back. He could not control his voice and gentle sighs began ebbing from him as they rocked together. He gripped her tightly, keeping his stroke even as she pulled him deeper and deeper into herself. He buried his face in her neck, and she held onto him, lest she drown in this pleasure as well. And then the fire returned, not quelled, merely postponed, and he began the long, sharp thrusts that sent waves of ecstasy over both of them. She did not even attempt to be quiet, and a sweet chorus of glorious moans left her lips, filled his ears, and inspired him to greater heights. He pulled back to watch her face, her eyes as he slowed his strokes again...long, extravagant strokes, relishing every inch of her sweet cunt. Her back arched again and again as he filled her. She felt the crescendo begin, the roar of the ocean a thousand miles away, and he felt it too. Slowly, fully, penetrating her with thrust after magnificent thrust, she fell before the onslaught and he fell with her, unable to withstand the blissful shuddering from deep within her. They soared and then plummeted from a great height, their voice one as release overcame them. His hips met hers and they strained as one single fiber of creation, and then the tension left them...collapsed in heap, entangled, exhausted. --- As the sounds issued from within the Captain's quarters, Data looked at Worf. Worf looked at Data...crossed his arms in front of his broad chest...and glared. "Mr. Data, I highly suggest that you withdraw your report of a 'security violation'. In fact, I suggest that you convince the computer that it *never existed*." Commander Riker rounded the corner in a hurry, and then almost tripped on his feet as he heard Worf's words. He then almost tripped again, as the sounds of passion whispered through the wall. A great smile spread across his face and he winked to himself, in silent appreciation. ::Way-ta-go Johnny-Be-Good:: Data continued his challenge of the security officer's decision. "But Worf, are you not going to inquire as to whether the captain is aware of the transport that terminated in his quarters?" His reply was measured in even tones. "No. I am not." Worf turned to leave, and Data started to speak again, only to have the Klingon continue. "Commander." The Klingon's exasperation flowed freely, knowing that he could not insult this particular superior officer with his tone, and knowing that Cmdr. Riker would not contradict him in this matter. "This course of action may lead you into a battle that," he struggled to find a comparative analogy, "will make you regret the day your circuits were initialized. It is *wise* to forget this ever happened." He looked to Will to back him up. Riker smirked at Worf, appreciating the nature of this quandary. "Yes, Mr. Data. I, as First Officer, concur that Mr. Worf's decision *not* to investigate this matter further is in the best interest of us all. Now, shall we leave, before they finish and..." "Commander Riker, do you mean to imply that..." Data froze momentarily, his finger raised, his mouth open. He gestured towards the door, where the sounds of passion had grown noticeably louder. "That they..." Worf and Riker glanced sideways at each other and then at him. "That this is..." Worf sighed. Riker's face went through a variety of expressions while he debated actually explaining to Mr. Data precisely what had occurred. He finally gave up and just nodded. "Yes, Data. Now I suggest we forget this ever happened, shall we? Ten Forward, anyone?" He smiled and directed the way. Worf preceded them down the corridor. Data let himself be guided down the hall by Riker, his finger still raised in expository confusion. --- ~File Terminate~