The BLTS Archive - Parallel Sections and Implied Barriers by Allison Kulp ( --- Disclaimer: They're not mine, though it's nice to play with them. I always tidy them up before I give them back to Paramount. Also, my first sex scene, and being of the XX persuasion, I definitely don't know how it feels, I'm just relying on other's observations :). Feedback's cool, but if you must throw something, please use soft things, like words and not marbles. oops - forgot, anyone can archive, just ask - dang second fic, knew I'd forget something...... --- Julian stood in the middle of his quarters, his head in his hands. He had no idea how much time had passed or even if he was still in the grips of Section 31, trapped in another of their sick mindgames. Sloan's program had seemed so real, more so than any holodeck fantasy he'd ever had. His mind swam. Too many times had his identity been raped. Hell, Sloan had been no kinder than the Lethean that assaulted him, or for that matter that bloody Vantika. Not even a year into his mission, having his body hijacked by some damn dead criminal, what a great way to start off his career. He felt like sinking into the floor and curling into a ball. But then, he thought, they'd win. They'd want him to feel helpless, to give into those feelings of terror and hopelessness. He had to get some where safe, where no one could get at him. He opened the door and staggered into the hallway. His quarters, his home on the station. It didn't feel safe anymore. He couldn't sleep there tonight - it felt like someone could jump out of the closet and drag him back into the interrogation chamber. He steadied himself and strode into the hallway. Should he wake up Sisko and the senior staff and tell them...what? That some boogeyman had stolen him away in the dead of night? His pace quickened. There's only one person here who'd believe him, who might know what to do. --- "Garak! Open up! Garak!", Julian cried as he banged on the doorbell. "Garak, I need to talk. Now!". The doctor heard some stirring in the Cardassian's quarter. Finally, the door opened and revealed a disheveled Garak, wearing a dark robe and pajamas. "Doctor? It's 0200 hours. May I ask what brings you to my door at such an...early hour?", said the bleary eyed Garak. "They kidnapped me! They took me to....I don't know where!", stammered out a trembling Julian. Garak crushed him against his shoulder . "Who?", said Garak, somewhat more alert, pulling a phaser out of his pocket and scanning the hallways. Julian sniffed, "Umm, I don't think they're out there now. At least I hope they're not. Maybe we should get inside." He snuggled deeper into Garak's collar. "By all means." He backed into his quarters, still holding a quivering Julian. With one hand, he locked the door and slid open another panel. He entered several codes into a panel, then the interface blended back into the wall. "Just some extra precautions, my dear doctor, for your safety. So, can you describe these kidnappers to me?". Garak smoothed back his friend's dark brown hair and lead Julian to the couch. Julian started to regain some of his composure. "I don't know. They said they were part of the Federation, but they weren't like any officers I've ever seen. In fact, they said they answered to no one. They put themselves above Starfleet. They wore all black uniforms and called themselves Section 31." "Ahh, I see. Yes, I'm quite familiar with them." Garak got out two glasses and poured for both of them some bright blue kanar. Julian gratefully accepted it and sank a bit deeper into the sofa. "Really, with your love of espionage I'm surprised that you haven't learned of them before this." Garak took a seat next to him. "I am sorry you had to hear of them this way. But, every successful governing body does have someone to handle the dirty work that can't be handled by official channels." "Garak, you don't know what they did to me!", yelped Julian. "Their leader, Sloan, he got inside my mind, I mean really got inside my mind. It was all so damn real. He played out this scenario to make me seem as if I was a traitor. As if the time I spent in that Dominion hellhole would turn me into a sympathizer, a double agent!" He gulped down some of the kanar and pressed deeper into the couch. Garak sighed. "It does make sense. I believe your people call it the Stockholm syndrome? I've seen it unfortunately too many times to mention. Captives think that if they work with their captors, even going so far as to work with their torturers against their own moral judgment, their pain will lessen. A survival tactic, nothing more". He took a sip and set down the glass. "Well, I didn't think that." Julian snuffled again, his voice getting scratchier and his eyes starting to tear. He finished his drink and set his glass down next to Garak's. He trembled and crossed his arms, clasping himself tight. "Solitary confinement, random beatings, constant fear. That's not a basis for friendship." Garak reached over and put a hand on Julian's knee. He gave it a small squeeze and gradually the shaking stopped. Julian took a deep breath. "They kept bringing up my genetic enhancements, as if that somehow changed something. That because I had to lie just to get into the academy that that made me capable of betraying the only damn home I've ever really known. Sloan didn't understand - having those enhancements always made me want to prove that I could be a better person. Oh, not faster or more skilled or smarter, but kinder, more giving, more forgiving." Garak moved his hand up closer, around Julian's shoulder and pulled him up against him. Julian kicked off his boots and drew his legs up under him. He leaned into the embrace and put his hand on Garak's other shoulder. "I think the worst part was that Sloan made it seem as if everyone was against me. No one trusted me. Even Miles doubted me in that twisted fantasy. I'm sorry, I should be stronger than this. I'm so tired of having my mind fucked over by more powerful people." He sighed and moved over onto Garak's lap, resting his head on the Cardassian's broad shoulders. "Doctor. Julian. You're not a traitor. I should know." Garak held him closer, nestling him in his arms. "You're one of the strongest men I've known. You've suffered, and you've risen above every trial life has thrown at you." He stroked Julian's head and neck. "However, you're not a Klingon warrior. You can put down your guard and show all your true feelings to someone. Especially those feelings of pain and fear, all those inadequacies you think you have. You have no idea how happy I am that you chose me to be that person with whom you can be yourself." Garak rocked him slowly on his lap. "But isn't that what interrogators want? To break down a person? To have him become a sobbing mess?", Julian said with a shuddering breath. He drew himself back slightly to look at Garak's eyes. "Not always. The best ones get their subjects to agree with them, to work to the same goal. Even if that goal leads to the captive's death, they would understand that their death is for the greater good of the society, or is even essential for it." "He wanted me to work with them, to be a Section 31 agent." "And I am guessing you said no?", said Garak. Julian responded with a snort, "Damn right I said no." "Good, I don't think Sloan would be pleased that a newly minted agent of Section 31 was being comforted by an ex-Obsidian interrogator." Julian gave a chuckle that turned into a throaty sob. Garak continued to hold and rock him until Julian's weeping subsided and the doctor fell asleep. --- Some time later, Garak was sitting next to a half-awake Bashir. He stroked a few loose hairs from Julian's forehead. "Dear?" "Mmph?", said Julian, somewhat muffled. "I was wondering, you said that in Sloan's program, everyone turned against you. Was I one of your accusers?", asked Garak. Julian sat up. "No, actually you weren't even there. Just all the bridge crew and some of Sloan's thugs. As a matter of fact I've only seen you twice when someone's broken into my mind." "Hmm. I remember that I played the villain with that unfortunate Lethean incident. When else did I play the villain?" Garak perched on the edge of the couch. "You don't always play the villain. Do you remember that time I told you about when I and the rest of the bridge crew were captured by the Founders? It was the first time that Odo dragged us to their homeworld." "You never told me that you were also subjected to any mind experiments by the Dominion." "It's somewhat classified, but I can tell you some of it. We were put into some sort of gestalt program, where we all interacted with each other. All of us were subjected to different stresses to see how we would react . They were personalized scenarios, like war or being forcibly reassigned." Julian reached out and took Garak's hand, stroking it slowly. "Mine was seeing you, shot down in a firefight. I was helpless to do anything. God, I still remember how sick I felt, seeing the light go out of your eyes. I never want to be separated again from you." Garak, squeezed Julian's hand and moved closer. He started to lightly stroke the doctor's shoulders and chest. "So, Julian, is that a declaration of more than friendly affection for me? If yes, then I can show you some of hidden talents. If not, well...", Garak looked up at Julian hopefully. Julian released Garak's hand, and the Cardassian looked disappointed. However, it was just to remove his shirt. Garak immediately brightened up and helped his out of the garment. He placed his hands on the doctor's knees and brought his head to groin level. "Most definitely, Elim. I've just never been that great at telling anyone I care about how I feel about them. And when I do, it always comes out wrong. Or they turn around and throw it back in my face." "Hmmph", said Garak, removing Julian's pants and socks in quick order. "Well, I've loved you from the moment I saw you. I'm only skilled at Cardassian courtship, and was never certain if I was sending the right signals", he said, removing Julian's briefs. Julian gave a slight moan as his erection was freed. "Oh, um, definitely the right signals, Elim", said Julian breathlessly. Garak began to push apart his thighs, gently nudging Julian's erection completely out from between his legs. "I'm assuming you're not too familiar with Cardassian sexuality?", purred Garak. "Not as well as I'd like to be right now." "Well then, I do hope that you'll be a willing student", he said with a pleasant rumble. "Here's a nice position to start with, now just follow along. It won't be that difficult for someone familiar with yoga." He lifted Julian's thighs onto his shoulder ridges, which were starting to blush a darker shade of gray and started to stroke Julian's cock while cupping his balls. "Now", gulped Garak, "if you please, rub my ridges with your thighs." "Umm...they're for youuu...Elim?" "Mmhmm". Garak then took Julian completely into his mouth and unfurled his tongue. He lifted Julian completely onto his shoulders and grabbed onto the doctor's buttocks. Julian's shaft was encircled completely with his mouth as his tongue started to work on his balls. Garak's neck ridges darkened and thickened the more that Julian rubbed against him. Julian leaned forward and pulled him as close as he could, moaning and urging him on. When Julian climaxed, all of Garak's ridges were flushed dark black. Garak gave him a final lick, cleaning off his now flaccid member. Garak then stood up and repositioned Julian slightly. Julian looked mildly alarmed and excited, as he had a feeling about what was to happen next. He slipped off his pajama bottoms to reveal a fully engorged cock, with more ridges than any Risan pleasure toy, extremely slick and shiny with natural lubrication. In one quick move, he took Julian, pinning him against the couch. Julian's legs fell to the side, and as he felt the rhythmic pounding inside of him, he felt a second erection coming on. Garak pushed his body in a bit to catch Julian's cock between them, and heightened the pace of his thrusting. Julian threw his head back as he neared completion, and Garak took advantage of this to lick and nip on the nape of his neck. He timed his climax to time with Julian's, contracting and releasing his penile ridges at the right second. Garak limply collapsed next to the table, pulling a panting Julian onto the floor with him. --- "Elim..." "Mmm.." " I didn't know that Cardassian tongues were quite that long..." "Mmph.." "Or that your cock was quite so....flexible" "Mmmph." "Or adorned so nicely, or about the lubrication..." "Julian..?" "Yes, Elim?" "I too have an observation to make.." "Yes?' "The bed's a lot softer than the floor." "Oh, erm, yes." Julian lifted himself off of his lover and stumbled onto the bed, with the Cardassian following after him. Garak cleaned both of them off a bit, turned off the lights, and snuggled into next to Julian. "Elim?" "Yes, dear?" "What should we do in the morning? About Section 31 and all?" Julian propped himself up on one elbow to look into his face. "Well according to the clock, it's 0425, which should qualify as morning," said Garak sleepily. "And you're supposedly off at a medical conference on Casperia Prime. So, when you're ready you can tell the senior staff what actually happened. And, I need to see what Obsidian control techniques you can use so that this never happens again. I feel like a fool not teaching you after the first time you were attacked. I do know some things that might strengthen more of your mental defenses. But for now, both of us need rest." He stretched out and pulled Julian into his arms. Julian curled up on his chest ridges, listening to the slower steady heartbeat of his lover, glad he finally found a place where he was safe. --- The End