The BLTS Archive - Cat's Eye Cocktail by Allison Kulp ( --- Spoiler: very slight for the TAS episode Mudd's Passion Disclaimer: Star Trek was not my idea in the first place, as I wasn't even born then. Paramount gets to sell the official toilet paper of Starfleet Academy, not me. Archive: ASC, anyone else ask - I just like to track my scribbles --- M'Ress dipped her long, red tongue again into her drink. In one swallow, she drank half of the blue liquid. She set the glass down on the bar and gazed somewhat unsteadily at Uhura. "I still don't see what you get out of it. Your romantic life just seems so...dull." "Dull? I beg your pardon, but humans are not dull." Uhura struggled to sound a bit more sober than her companion. She also made a mental note never to have Romulan fishbowl margaritas again. "We have many kinds of pairings, heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual..." M'Ress waived her golden paw to get her attention. Her tail was slowly flickering back and forth. "Not humans. You, Nyota. Just thinking of you and that...boy, Chekov. Dull. On my world, he definitely wouldn't be selected as a breeding male. He's a fine officer, but if I have to hear one more time about how Russia invented everything first, I'm unsheathing my claws." Uhura giggled at the image of the graceful Caitian leaping over the bridge at Chekov's mention of viewscreens being a Russian invention. M'Ress also stifled a laugh, though it sounded like a drunken purr. "Nyota, you are too good to waste on a male like that. On my world, men are for necessity, but women are for everything else." Her amber eyes twinkled and she stroked the rim of her glass slowly. "Everything else?" "It's easier that way. We artificially keep the male population low; otherwise they tend to get out of hand. They're great with children and protecting the family, but really they can seem so primitive at times. The baser instincts and all," she rumbled. "Now, M'Ress, those baser instincts can be lots of fun." "Hmmph. You've never seen our males during mating season. Sweaty furry men, struggling with each other in the hot sun for the honor of mating with one of our best poets." Somehow, that didn`t sound too bad to Uhura. She thought for a few seconds before responding. "I seem to remember when you were interested in a rather furry human. Or are you forgetting you and Scotty?" She snorted. "That damn aphrodisiac of Mudd's! Well...he was the furriest around and very good with... engineering. Chekov, he's got no man fur that I can see. Now, a woman's smooth skin can feel very nice." She reached out and petted Uhura's wrist. "It feels pleasantly cool against fur, and the musky scent can be intoxicating. Have you ever tried a Caitian partner?" "Mmmm. Not yet, that is until tonight. I do enjoy new experiences, and I do like sweet, purring, furry things. Somehow, I think you'd be a better partner than a tribble." M'Ress laughed and took her hand. She led her out of the bar. "Oh, I'm better than that. As long as you don't say the Russians invented lesbianism, we'll have a grand time tonight." --- The End