The BLTS Archive - The Object of My Desire by Astarte --- Legal disclaimer: All things Trek belong to Paramount/Viacom. No copyright infringement is intended. I'm just playing & won't make any money from this. Story disclaimer: Please note that my view of Vulcans may differ from yours. The way I see it, Vulcans *do* have emotions, they just bury & control them. To me, Vulcans represent the ultimate repression of emotion, a commentary on the way men are supposed to be in our society. Underneath, however, I believe that their emotions are very intense. I understand if you do not agree with this picture, but that's how I see it and how I wrote it. You have been warned. Notation: I use [] to indicate passage of time, thoughts, silence, that sort of thing. {} is reserved for telepathic communication. Dedication: This one is for Amirin, one of my very favorite authors, who encouraged me to write it. Thanks go out to all of my beta readers and everyone who has encouraged my writing. --- "Commander Tuvok, I will see you in my ready room. Immediately." Tuvok fought the tiny jolt of fear that struggled to push through his controls and followed the Captain to her ready room. As the Captain sat, Tuvok took his place in front of her desk, awaiting the dressing down he knew he deserved. He was somewhat surprised at the gentle tone she used when next she spoke. "Tuvok, my friend, please sit." Tuvok sat. "You know why I called you here?" "Yes, Captain." "Please, Tuvok, tell me what is going on. I've noticed your inattentiveness as late, and as I'm sure you know, I cannot tolerate it." "Yes, Captain." "Tuvok, what is the matter?" Tuvok remained silent as he remembered what had taken place on the bridge. --- "Captain, long range scanners show we're approaching an M-class planet. "Life signs, Mr. Kim?" "So far I detect no animal life." "Tuvok, report." Janeway was surprised when Tuvok did not respond. "Commander Tuvok?" "Captain?" "Do you have any data to share on the planet Harry has detected?" "Planet?" Tuvok caught himself, "No, Captain. Confirm no signs of animal life, breathable atmosphere, all gasses within acceptable tolerance levels. No new data as of yet." As Voyager approached the planet they found it to be uninhabited, except for a few, harmless insects. Preliminary scans, however, showed promising food and mineral possibilities. Tuvok had been characteristically silent for the rest of the shift, but somehow seemed even more distant than usual. As soon as the shift had ended Janeway had ordered Tuvok to her ready room. --- "Tuvok, you're an officer under my command, you man a very important station on my bridge and when you cannot pay attention to your duty I have every right to demand an explanation. More importantly, you're my friend and I am worried. Tuvok, please tell me what has been distracting you." "Captain, it is... I..." "It is an emotional matter?" A look of intense shame made it's way across the Commander's face. "Tuvok, I know that it is difficult for you to discuss emotional matters, but I believe I must demand that you do so." The Captain's gentle tone contrasted greatly with the seriousness of her words. "Captain, I... There is someone..." Tuvok trailed off, unable to speak. "There is someone," Janeway repeated Oh! You mean that you have found someone, a mate! That's wonderful Tuvok. I'm very pleased. However, I fail to see how this is creating the distraction you suffer from." Tuvok gathered his strength before speaking again. "Captain, when I say there is someone, I mean that there is someone for whom I... There is someone I would like for my mate but he... he does not know and I do not believe he would be interested." "He?" Janeway was stunned. She'd known Tuvok for years and had not known he could find men attractive. "Have you spoken with him?" "No." "Tuvok, as I see it, you must resolve this one way or the other. You must speak to him. If he is not interested then you will be certain and you will move on. If, on the other hand, he is interested..." Tuvok understood what the Captain was telling him. He had been expecting such a conversation for some time now. "Captain, I understand. I know that you are right. It is difficult for me to discuss issues such as these, even with the object of my... desire. On Vulcan we have the help of our elders in making these decisions." "I know, Tuvok and I wish that I did not have to require this of you, but I must. Your performance on the bridge has been slipping and we must put a stop to it." "Understood, Captain." Janeway seemed to have more to say, but appeared hesitant. "Am I dismissed, Captain?" "Tuvok... before you go I... I must apologize." "Apologize?" Tuvok's eyebrows nearly popped off of his forehead. For what could his Captain possibly apologize? If anything he'd deserved a much harsher lecture. "For invading your privacy." "Captain? You were simply doing your duty. My performance..." "No, Tuvok, you don't understand. I invaded your privacy in a way that is unacceptable to Vulcans." Tuvok began to interrupt, but Janeway held out her hand to stop him. "I spoke with the doctor about you." "Doctor?" The light began to dawn and the shame became nearly unbearable. "Yes, Tuvok. When I noticed your performance slipping I was concerned that it might be your time. I knew that I would have to relieve you from duty, were that the case. I did not imagine that you would be able to explain it to me yourself, so I spoke with the doctor to find out if it were, in fact, the time of Pon Farr. When he assured me that it was not, and would not be in the near future, I had to confront you directly to find out what the problem was. I am very, very sorry, Tuvok. I believed that I was saving you the shame of having to tell me yourself. I was wrong to do what I did." "Captain... it is all right. You did what you felt was proper. No apology is required." "Please, Tuvok. I feel terrible." "I... Captain, may I go?" "Yes, Tuvok. You are dismissed." Janeway was certain that she had never seen a Vulcan flee before. Later that evening, Tuvok stood outside Commander Chakotay's door for several minutes, torn between ringing the chime and running away. Finally he rang the chime. "Come." "Commander." "Commander? May I help you?" "I have come to seek your services as ship's counselor." "Tuvok, I'm off duty. Wouldn't it be better to come to my office tomorrow?" Tuvok looked at Chakotay for the first time since entering. Chakotay saw something flash behind the eyes of the other Commander. It occurred to him just how difficult it must be for a Vulcan, Tuvok in particular, to seek counseling at any time. Chakotay was intrigued. "Oh, I see that it would not be better. Have a seat, please. May I offer you a cup of tea? I was just about to have one myself." "No, thank you." Chakotay got himself a cup of tea and sat down across from Tuvok. "Tuvok, I can only assume that you are here to discuss whatever it is that has been affecting your concentration on the bridge." "Yes." "All right. Please tell me what the problem is. I will try to help." Tuvok sighed inwardly. "Commander, there is someone in whom I am interested." "Romantically?" Tuvok raised his head, nearly glaring at Chakotay. "There is someone in whom I am interested... as a mate." "Oh, I see. And this person? Is there a problem with her rank and position in regards to yours? Is it someone on your security team?" "No, Commander. There is no conflict regarding rank or position. I... I simply do not think it possible that he could return my interest." Chakotay took a deep breath. [Spirits give me strength. Tuvok? Interested in men?] "What makes you say that? Do you have reason to believe that he has no interest in men? Do you know of any instances when he might have had opportunity to demonstrate such a thing?" "No, Commander. I only know of one person in whom he has shown interest." [One person? Couldn't be Paris then. Harry?] "A woman, then?" "Yes." "Tuvok, if you were a human I would tell you that you were suffering from acute fear of rejection," Chakotay continued quickly, knowing that what he had just said had not been well received. "However, for obvious reasons, I lack experience counseling Vulcans. All I can really tell you is that you should talk to him. The worst he can do is say that he's not interested. If that happens, you're no worse off than you are now, and you have certainty. You can move on. On the other hand, there is always a chance he will return your interest. It's a risk, Tuvok, but you have to take it. We both know that you cannot allow this to go on." "You are right, Commander." "Is there any way I can help? Perhaps if you tell me who this person is, I might be able to offer advice." "I... I..." Chakotay was somewhat taken aback at the thought of Tuvok, of all people, being at a loss for words. "Chakotay..." [Chakotay? Tuvok has never called me anything but Commander... What the...?] "Tuvok?" "Chakotay, it is..." Tuvok's voice dropped to a whisper. "It is you." Chakotay felt the blood drain from his face. He could not have been more stunned if Tuvok had suddenly revealed himself to be a Q. "Tuvok? I... I don't know what to say." "There is nothing you need to say. I know that your interest lies with the Captain. I simply knew that I could no longer contain myself. I had to tell you. I will go now." Tuvok stood up to leave. "Tuvok, wait." "Yes?" "I'm not interested in the Captain. I mean, I was, but she made it clear to me that there was no possibility there. I got over her." "Still, Commander, she is a woman and I am a man." Chakotay could hear the resignation in Tuvok's voice. "Tuvok, you have a wife back on Vulcan, do you not?" Chakotay couldn't believe where this was going but he could not stop. "Yes." "So you are interested in both men and women, are you not?" "Yes." "How can you know that I am not also, interested in both men and women." "I... I just assumed." Chakotay stood and walked over to Tuvok. "You should not assume such things." He gently touched the side of Tuvok's face. [Such warm skin. What am I doing? ] Tuvok lifted his head and looked Chakotay in the eye. The intensity of his gaze was overwhelming. "Tuvok..." "Yes?" "Let's not rush into anything." "No." "But..." "But?" Chakotay gathered his courage and gently touched his lips to Tuvok's. The heat was unbelievable. Before Chakotay could stop himself he'd wrapped his arms around Tuvok and begun kissing him fiercely. His brain took a moment to be surprised at the way Tuvok tasted, like pine trees with a touch of lemon, and the way he felt, skin so soft and warm with hard muscles underneath. Tuvok, for his part, was unable to think. He returned Chakotay's embrace and kissed him with equal ferocity. It was Chakotay who finally broke the kiss and stepped back. "Tuvok?" "Mmmm?" Tuvok looked at Chakotay with dark, glazed eyes. "Let's take some time to think about this, before it goes any further." "Yes, Chakotay. You are right. I must give you time to be certain." "Yes." "I will go." "Yes." Tuvok turned to go. Just before the doors opened in front of him he turned to look at Chakotay. The fire in his eyes nearly caused Chakotay to drag him back, but he really did need time to think. He was just as surprised by his reaction to Tuvok's declaration as he had been by the declaration itself. "Sleep well, Tuvok." "And you, Chakotay." After Tuvok left, Chakotay got ready for bed. He couldn't keep his mind off that kiss. [Who would have thought a Vulcan could kiss like that?] Amazingly enough, Chakotay was asleep within minutes of climbing into bed. All night long he dreamt of warmth and the taste of pine and lemon. --- The next morning Chakotay didn't see Tuvok at breakfast. It hadn't escaped the Captain's notice that he glanced up each time the door of the mess hall opened and that a brief look of disappointment always crossed his features. "Chakotay?" Chakotay did not respond. "Chakotay? Commander?" [Not him too!] "Uh... Yes Captain?" "I was just asking who you were looking for." "I'm sorry, I guess I was distracted. Who I was looking for?" "Yes, Chakotay. You keep looking at the door, but it would seem that whomever you're looking for has not yet arrived. I was wondering who it might be." "Oh, nobody. I'm just keeping an eye on the crew." "Uh-huh. Sure. Anyway, I would like you to come up with a timetable for all of the crew to go down to the planet. There appears to be plenty of fruit and vegetables for us, not to mention that we all need some planet time. You and I should go at different times, of course. However, as much as I hate to say it, I'd like you to send Tom and Harry down together. Lord knows that Tom always manages to get into trouble, and drags poor Harry along, but since Seven died... Well, I just think that some down time together might be good for them. Perhaps you could go on the same rotation, in case they get into trouble again." "Uh, sure, Captain. Tom and Harry together. Anything else?" "No." "I'll get right on it then. See you on the bridge." --- "I've assigned each group to two days leave time followed by a day of food gathering. As you can see, the groups overlap quite a bit, but the planet has a large temperate zone and the fruits and vegetables seem to be abundant throughout, so I see it as a good way to minimize time spent not traveling towards the Alpha Quadrant. The way I figure it, after two days of wandering free on the planet everybody should have a good idea of where to find the food, so one day should suffice. If not, we can always send down extra teams. The engineering and geology details will last a big longer, as mineral gathering will be somewhat more work intensive. Ordinarily, I would have put Tom and Harry on the mineral gathering detail as well, but as ships counselor I agree with your assessment that Harry needs some quality time with a friend without having to worry about any responsibilities." "Well, Chakotay. This looks good to me! I notice that I'm on the first rotation and you are on the last... with Tuvok." Chakotay looked up sharply at the mention of Tuvok's name. "His performance on the bridge has begun to improve again, wouldn't you say?" "Yes, Captain. I had noticed that." "I wonder if you might have any idea of how Tuvok resolved his problem..." Chakotay smiled. "Captain, I cannot discuss issues that the crew discuss with me as counselor except in those cases where there is a threat to ship or crew. Let's just say that Tuvok's performance should be back to normal in no time." [Tuvok saw Chakotay as counselor?!] Janeway covered her surprise and smiled back. After the day in the mess hall when Chakotay had been so distracted by the door, she'd begun to notice that he looked at Tuvok in a contemplative, affectionate way. She was beginning to have her suspicions as to who Tuvok's new mate might be. If she was right, she felt very pleased for both of them. --- "Commander." "Commander." Tuvok and Chakotay met in the transporter room. Chakotay was very unhappy about the fact that they had been too busy to talk during the past week. He assumed that Tuvok was, as well. Tuvok, on the other hand, assumed that Chakotay was avoiding him, and had no desire to speak to him about the declaration Tuvok had made. He could not have been more wrong. The other members of the final rotation arrived, including Tom Paris, Harry Kim, Miguel Ayala, Crewman Gerron, B'Elanna Torres and Wildman, along with many others. Upon arriving on the planet each group, carefully selected by Chakotay because they would most certainly spend time with each other, rather than hang out with either of the Commanders, took it's own direction, to avoid the others. Tuvok started out on his own, as Chakotay noted the direction Tom and Harry took. Chakotay turned to see Tuvok striding away. Not wanting to yell out and draw attention, he tapped his comm badge. "Commander Tuvok?" "Commander Chakotay?" "In looking at the scans of the planet I noticed a string of little valleys along the river towards the west. I thought they might offer a nice setting for a campsite. Would you accompany me?" Tuvok was startled by the request. "Are you certain that you want my company, Commander?" "Tuvok! After the talk we had in my quarters I have had difficulty thinking about anything *but* spending time with you. I've been so busy that I haven't had a chance to do more with my free time than sleep. Did you think I was avoiding you?" Tuvok, who had been slowly making his way back towards Chakotay, picked up his pace. "Chakotay, I see again that I should not make assumptions regarding you." Chakotay chuckled and cut off the comm link. Tuvok reached him and they strode off towards the area Chakotay had mentioned. It appeared that Tom or Harry had taken the time to look at the scans as well, which pleased Chakotay, since he had hoped to be nearby in case of catastrophe. Both Commanders were silent during the walk. Tuvok found it slightly more difficult than usual to control his emotions. He was surprised to find, upon honest examination, that he was feeling some trepidation concerning Chakotay's intentions. Chakotay selected a campsite along a slow moving side channel of the river, in a small valley. He wanted as much privacy as he could get, for the next two days. The two men quickly and efficiently set up their camp. When they were done, Chakotay felt hot and sweaty so he decided to take a dip in the stream. He invited Tuvok along, eager to catch a glimpse of what lay hidden beneath the Vulcan's uniform but Tuvok declined. He decided to do a little exploring. Chakotay bathed quickly and headed off in the direction he'd seen Tuvok take. He found Tuvok perched under a tree, on a hilltop not far from camp. Tuvok heard his approach and turned. "Commander." "Tuvok, I think we can drop ranks now, don't you?" Tuvok raised an eyebrow but did not respond. Chakotay sat down next to his soon to be lover and took his hand. "Tuvok, I know that we haven't had time to talk since the night in my quarters and I want you to know that I am very sorry. I have thought about us every day since then. I have to admit that before you came to speak to me, I had never considered you as a possible... mate. To begin with, I was all wrapped up in the Captain for a long time. Then, when she finally managed to get it through my thick skull that there was no possibility for a relationship between us, I needed some time to get over her. And, as I'm certain you understand, I was quite angry with you for quite some time, after finding out that you were a 'fleet spy'. After that, well, I guess I just never thought of you as a possibility. You had... have a wife back in the Alpha Quadrant and I know that Vulcan mating bonds are very strong. I assumed you would remain faithful to her." "Our bond has been stretched to the breaking point. I believe that she will have felt that and will seek a new mate. She would want me to move on as well." "How long have you been attracted to me, Tuvok?" "I felt the physical attraction upon our first meeting, on your ship. At that time, however, I was still bonded to my wife and felt no desire to act on that attraction. After being brought here by the Caretaker I felt our bond stretch and weaken. I remained faithful to her in the hope that we would find a way home. When I accepted that we might not return to the Alpha Quadrant for many years, I began to let go. Once I was able to consider a new mate, I found myself drawn to you as I have never been drawn to any person before. I was nearly compelled to ask for shift reassignment because serving on the bridge, with you seated in front of me, was terribly distracting. My performance suffered for a much longer time than any of you noticed, but it was slight at first. As my desire to mate with you grew, my inability to concentrate on my duties worsened. I knew that I would have to resolve the issue, by speaking with you about my desire, but I was certain that you would reject me. I... I felt great fear at this prospect." Chakotay appreciated the effort it took for Tuvok to admit an emotion, even fear, to him. "Tuvok, I am so glad that you finally did speak to me. I only wish you could have done it sooner. I feel like we have wasted precious time by not being together." "Then you will..." "Yes, Tuvok, I will be your mate." Chakotay stood and offered his hands to help Tuvok up. Tuvok looked curiously at Chakotay's hands, but accepted them. Chakotay drew Tuvok to him and kissed him deeply. {T'hy'la} Chakotay started and pulled back. "Did you just communicate with me, telepathically?" "Yes, T'hy'la, I did. The first stage of our bonding will include the ability for you to receive thoughts I direct at you." "Oh, yes." The two Commanders made their way back to camp. Chakotay cooked dinner, a simple vegetable stir-fry, and they ate in silence. "Tell me about your childhood," Chakotay asked, once the dinner dishes had been cleaned. "What would you like to know?" "Nothing... everything. I don't know much about you. I'd like to know you better. Tell me the story of some defining moment in your life." So Tuvok told Chakotay about the day he applied for Star Fleet Academy. His father had been displeased with his choice, but in the end, saw that it was the right path for his son. In return, Chakotay related his own tale of his father's displeasure with his choice to join Star Fleet. This led to a discussion of the similarities and differences between their upbringings. As Tuvok was about to launch into an involved story about his first meeting with his bride to be and the ritual involved, Chakotay held up a hand. "Tuvok." "Yes, T'hy'la?" "Too much talking. Not enough kissing." "Yes, T'hy'la." Chakotay claimed Tuvok's mouth with his own and was once again overwhelmed by the heat. Had Tuvok been a poet, he might have felt compelled to compare Chakotay's mouth with a cool stream containing the very essence of life. Fortunately, he was no poet. The kissing heated up quickly. Chakotay's hands roamed Tuvok's uniform clad body. Tuvok's hands were no less busy. Chakotay had just begun to unfasten Tuvok's uniform, which he suddenly found offensive, when he heard a boot crunch on the ground and sharp intake of breath. He looked up into the stunned face of Tom Paris. "Uh, oh. Tuvok, I think the cat's been let out of the bag," Chakotay said, without much annoyance. "An interesting expression, T'hy'la, are you troubled by this development?" "No, not at all. I had just wanted to get used to us for a little while before the rest of the crew found out." "Commanders," said Harry, "You can trust us to keep this private until you're ready for the rest of the crew to know. Really." "Thank you Ensign, that would be most accommodating of you," replied Tuvok. "No problem, Tuvok. Uh... Tom, we should head on back to camp now, don't you think?" "Sure Harry. Let's go. Oh, and Commanders... have an excellent time!" The two younger men walked quickly away, much to the relief of both Commanders. Chakotay chuckled. "Do you find something amusing?" "Not really. It's just that, for a second there, it was like being caught making out behind the school, by a friend who still thinks that girls have cooties." "Cooties?" "Some other time. Where were we?" Tuvok leaned in and reclaimed Chakotay's lips. "Mmm. Yes," he breathed. "I remember now." Chakotay resumed removing Tuvok's uniform, slowly kissing and nibbling each bit of skin as it was revealed. Tuvok's scent and the heat of his skin were intoxicating. Suddenly, Chakotay felt inexplicably nervous. He stopped to take a deep breath and realized that the nervousness was not his own. "Tuvok, T'hy'la, what is it?" "I feel some trepidation about what is to come. I have never... with a man." "Never?" "No. No one except my wife." Chakotay took a breath, found his center and calmed himself. He had to make this good for Tuvok, he could not get carried away in the moment. "It is all right, love. I won't hurt you. Just relax. We'll take it slow and if you aren't comfortable with something I do, please let me know." "Yes." "C'mon, let's get into the tent." Chakotay led Tuvok into the tent and finished undressing him. He soothed his lover with his hands before removing his own clothes. When they were both naked, he stretched out along side his lover and ran his hands over the dark, heated skin that had so recently teased him in his dreams. Chakotay took his time getting to know his lover's body and in introducing Tuvok to his own. Finally, he could resist no longer. Chakotay kissed his way down his lover's body and took the thick hardness into his mouth. Chakotay groaned in desire at the thought of having his lover inside him, but that would have to wait. This time he would introduce Tuvok to the pleasure of being taken. Carefully, Chakotay began to prepare his lover. He retrieved a tube of lubricant from his pack and began to tease the entrance to Tuvok's body. Chakotay had taken some time to look into Vulcan anatomy and knew that Tuvok had an organ, similar to his own prostate. From his readings it would seem that the Vulcan prostate might be even more sensitive than the human version. The thought excited him. Chakotay took Tuvok in his mouth once again and used his fingers to gently stretch him. When he had worked two fingers into Tuvok's tight opening he began to feel, through their new link, that Tuvok was very near the edge. He released Tuvok's cock and held his fingers in place. Once he felt his lover relax again, he continued with the stretching. Once he was certain that Tuvok was sufficiently open, he placed his lubricated cock at his lover's entrance and gently slid home. Tuvok bucked underneath him as Chakotay grazed his 'prostate' and Chakotay was nearly undone. The heat of Tuvok's body was incredible. Chakotay had never experienced anything like it. He held himself still and reached for his calm center again. He wanted this to last. When Chakotay again had himself under control he leaned down to kiss his lover. "So tight and hot, lover." "So full. So much pleasure." Chakotay began to move within his lover, slowly at first, pulling nearly all the way out before thrusting back in again. Gradually, he picked up the pace. The closer he came to his own orgasm, the more aware he became of his lover's pleasure. Suddenly the link opened wide and it washed over him with full force. The feeling of filling mingled with the feeling of being filled. He was completely lost. He was Tuvok and Chakotay. He could feel everything. With a horse cry he called out his lover's name and came. The orgasm seemed to go on for days. When he finally came down Chakotay realized that he could still feel Tuvok in his mind. "Tuvok?" {Yes, T'hy'la?} "I can still hear you in my mind. I can still feel you." {Yes. The link is forged. I will teach you to control it.} {Then I can communicate with you this way, as well?} {Yes.} Chakotay sent a wave of love and joy down the link and felt it returned. Chakotay and Tuvok spent the next day exploring their new link and learning to control it. Tuvok taught his lover how to close down the link so that only the barest sense of his lover remained. He suggested that this was the way to handle their link while on duty. The two men learned much about each other that day. Chakotay was surprised to discover that Tuvok, and all Vulcan's felt and experience deep emotions. They simply controlled them, ruled them with logic and shared them only with their mate. Tuvok also had a sense of humor. It was quite dry, yet it was there. One of the most intimate acts of sharing that they did that day was to open some of their memories to each other. For Chakotay to experience bits of Tuvok's childhood was astounding to him. Tuvok was fascinated to experience things through human emotion. Both men gained new insight into each other as well as their two species and cultures. The end of the second day found the new lovers sitting quietly by a campfire. Casual observers could not have known the depth of communication that flowed between them. Chakotay had never known another being so intimately before. He knew that he'd made a life long bond with this man. He felt that he could handle anything the universe threw his way, so long as he had Tuvok by his side. --- [Epilogue] --- Twelve months later, the crew gathered to witness what to most of them was a strange, but happy event. The ceremony had gone on for hours, with Vulcan and Native American rituals observed by just a few intimates before the larger crowd gathered for the final portion. Tom and Harry, who had been present throughout as witnesses, were happy to take their places up front, next to the Commanders. Tom and Harry were very pleased that Tuvok and Chakotay had asked them to share this day, as they credited the Commanders with inadvertently giving them the final push they needed to begin their own relationship. "Do you, Chakotay, take this man Tuvok to be your husband? To love, honor and cherish from this day forth?" "I do." "Do you, Tuvok, take this man Chakotay to be your husband? To love, honor and cherish from this day forth?" "I do." "Do you, Harry Kim, take this man Tom Paris to be your husband? To love, honor and cherish from this day forth?" "I do!" "Do you, Tom Paris, take this man Harry Kim to be your husband? To love, honor and obey from this day forth?" "Captain!" "Well, Mr. Paris?" "Yes, Captain. I'll do anything to get him to marry me. I do." "All right then. By the power vested in me, as Captain of this vessel, I now pronounce you married!" There were applause and cheers from those friends who had gathered to witness the event. Even those who were there remained somewhat shocked that these two couples had come together, each pair almost too unlikely to believe. --- The End