The BLTS Archive - Jumpy Third in the Cherry Blossom Suite by Artemis ( --- Jim Kirk leaned back in his command chair and tried not to laugh. Sulu had been nervous before lunch, after he came back he jumped every time his console beeped. And every time Sulu jumped Chekov would look at him quizzically. Sulu would shake his head and go back to pretending to study his readouts. Finally about forty-five minutes later, the comm light lit on Hikaru's panel. He stared at it. Now that the moment had come, he was paralyzed. Pavel reached over and tapped the button. "Yes?" Sulu whispered. "Yes!" Riley shouted, Sulu (and Kirk) could hear cheering in the background. "Yes, are you sure?" Poor Hik was not prepared for good news. "Yeah, I'm sure. I could read you her reply. Everybody in the chow hall would sure like to hear it," Kevin teased. "No, that's alright. I believe you." He looked over at Chekov who was grinning from ear to ear. "Say, Kev, could you guard the table until I can get there?" he asked. "Mr. Sulu, are you asking me to let you loiter around the chow hall in dereliction of my duties to guard your little love note? "I, uh, oh, damn Riley" Sulu felt a hand on his shoulder. He jumped. It was the Captain. Kirk leaned down and addressed Riley; "Lt. Riley, report back to auxiliary control. Mr. Sulu will be there presently." "Aye, aye, sir!" Riley cut the line. Kirk straightened up and addressed Sulu. "Well, what are you waiting for? Go." He stepped back as the bride-groom-elect leapt from his seat. Jim laughed as Sulu actually vaulted the rail separating the pit from the turbo-lift. The bridge crew cheered. Sulu called his thanks as the doors closed. "Alright people, this ship doesn't fly herself, back to work." Captain Kirk gently remonstrated his crew, but he was smiling just as broadly as the rest. --- The End